What To Do About Mobile Phone Towers

Here is an interesting link.... (White noise and jammer)

This is the original manufacturer's site:


Interesting site. Probably more expensive solutions, but at least
it is chockful of information in regards to EM energy products
dant said:
Here is an interesting link.... (White noise and jammer)
Hi Dant,

I don't understand what could be so interesting about buying or having a jammer. Do you know how it works ? You do realize that it would add a serious chunk to the already existing EM pollution?

I am not looking for it to be increased, I am searching for affordable means to decrease it, without having the resort to solutions such as bringing those towers DOWN.

dant said:
This is the original manufacturer's site:


Interesting site. Probably more expensive solutions, but at least
it is chockful of information in regards to EM energy products
Espionage! It's about spying on other people using spy-techniques and/or finding out and jamming their spy-techniques. I know the world is full of them.

But I don't have anything to hide ...
I know what a 'white noise' generator is, which is why I posted it. It
is an alternative perhaps, that can aid in scrambling ELF and uWave EM
signals because that is what it does, it randomly generates EM signals
from 0 to X Hz. X is anywhere from 0hz to Ghz. The key idea here is
to neutralize standing waves of ELF and uWave(GHz) ranges and
unfortunately these signals can be shifted, so that is why a 'white noise'
generator might work at scrambling these signals. Refect from what Ark
asked the C's when he proposed introducing OZONE in the air and then use
a ceiling fan to 'mix' the OZONE - so that IONS are scattered around.
The idea here is to cause random EM mixing to effectively neutralize
EM standing waves of ELF/uWave signals. Problem is, OZONE is not
good for the human lungs, so I would not advise this suggestion.

What a jammer does is to randomly generate a narrower EM band at a
specific EM targets to scramble, such as radar which police and military
enforcers use against their targets. These devices are usually illegal
to 'civilians'. A jammer is a narrower version of a wide-band white-noise

It was interesting to me, simply because I was kinda surprised that such
devices are available, which simply goes to show just 'what is out there',
for purchase, for a price. But as always, caveat emptor. I am not advocating
these devices, and if you look closer to this site, it seems like a bogus company
because their products are not clearly shown, with prices, and this only goes
to show you that it is *possible* this company might try to capitalize on the
customer's fears or otherwise. I'd say, steer clear of these sites, personally.

I still like the idea of a EM absorber/translator material such as aquamarine
crystals and other materials that has the ability to absorb/translate EM so
as to neutralize them, but then again, this will require some research to
ensure that all EM energies are absorbed and NEUTRALIZED, otherwise
there is a possibilty for EM signals to be translated into harmful
signals and uWave and cook everything inside the "box" previously
mentioned by a poster.

Finally, I think the BEST way to get around all of this EM business is a
combination of a faraday shield, with a very fine mesh (not chicken wire)
and absorbers in the inside. Have you ever seen the inside of a EM test
room? They have exactly that of which I just quoted and the aborbers
are pyramidal shaped all over the walls including the floor but the 'walking
floor' is suspended above so that you can walk around in the room. The
purpose of this room by careful design, is to cause maximum EM reflections
so they "bounce in between" the pyramidal cones/walls and from all
directions, which effectively neutralizes EM signals. This is not a cheap
solution but it works. You can get a company to install this for you, if
they are still around, but again, it is not cheap.
Thank you Dant, and yeah, lets skip the espionage gadget shop ;)

dant said:
It is an alternative perhaps, that can aid in scrambling ELF and uWave EM
signals because that is what it does, it randomly generates EM signals
from 0 to X Hz. X is anywhere from 0hz to Ghz. The key idea here is
to neutralize standing waves of ELF and uWave(GHz) ranges and
unfortunately these signals can be shifted, so that is why a 'white noise'
generator might work at scrambling these signals.
As I understood it, a jammer can add so much noise to encoded signals, that the recipient of such message is no longer able to decode the message. The intended communication system is jammed. And for a mobile phone user for instance it will appear as if his mobile phone will no longer work. Such jammer simply adds a lot to already existing EM contamination.

I can understand how it could be possible for already existing "standing waves" of say ELF, which are of a highly regular and predictable nature, to neutralize them by sending frequencies in counter-phase. But I doubt that such is encountered in a real life situation and I also believe that such will turn out to be very complicated.

I still don't see however how randomly generated EM waves with frequencies ranging from zero to giga Hertz could possibly neutralize already existing "standing" waves, also if white noise is used. How could they possibly do such thing? Could you fill the hole in case I am missing something?

dant said:
Refect from what Ark
asked the C's when he proposed introducing OZONE in the air and then use
a ceiling fan to 'mix' the OZONE - so that IONS are scattered around.
The idea here is to cause random EM mixing to effectively neutralize
EM standing waves of ELF/uWave signals. Problem is, OZONE is not
good for the human lungs, so I would not advise this suggestion.
Ozone is a neutral molecule, and is not an ion. It is highly oxidizing (too much so for our lungs, and about any other material actually), and I don't think that it generate ions into the air after oxidation. See for instance:

dant said:
Finally, I think the BEST way to get around all of this EM business is a
combination of a faraday shield, with a very fine mesh (not chicken wire)
and absorbers in the inside. Have you ever seen the inside of a EM test
room? They have exactly that of which I just quoted and the aborbers
are pyramidal shaped all over the walls including the floor but the 'walking
floor' is suspended above so that you can walk around in the room. The
purpose of this room by careful design, is to cause maximum EM reflections
so they "bounce in between" the pyramidal cones/walls and from all
directions, which effectively neutralizes EM signals. This is not a cheap
solution but it works. You can get a company to install this for you, if
they are still around, but again, it is not cheap.
I think that the magnetic wooden planks that I suggested are a good, and affordable way to protect oneself from an ever growing built up within ones living space of standing micro waves ranging from 500 MHz to 10 GHz, and thus also from ELF standing waves that could be derived from them. But once they are there it won't help much to tackle the ELF radiation as such. One could only hope that they would dissipate more than that they are formed. (A 4 mm thick wooden plank was shown to absorb 98 % of EM radiation (0.5 - 2 GHz). The wooden planks are impregnated with crystals of ferrites such as lodestone (magnetite). I have written a little bit about it in a sidetrack: http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=3509

On the other hand, one never knows. Maybe an arrangement of magnetite crystals into long filaments as occurs in biological systems could translate ELF:
Just for your interest as it is still highly speculative:
The presence of ferromagnetic materials in biological
systems could provide physical transduction mechanisms for ELF
magnetic fields, as well for microwave radiation in the .5 to 10 GHz
band where magnetite has its peak ferromagnetic resonance. Elucidation
of the cellular ultrastructure and biological function(s) of magnetite
might help resolve the question of whether anthropogenic EMFs can
cause deleterious biological effects.
Charles said:
I still don't see however how randomly generated EM waves with frequencies ranging from zero to giga Hertz could possibly neutralize already existing "standing" waves, also if white noise is used. How could they possibly do such thing? Could you fill the hole in case I am missing something?
The simplest way to demonstrate "white noise" is to compare waves generated by a single stone thrown to a pond, from which waves are generated. Some time after impact, the wave reflections returning from the pond's boundaries returns, intersects with oncoming and reflecting waves, some waves are canceled, some have wave properties both enhanced and reduced, but in the end, entropy proceeds and equilibrium ensues. All of this wave actions are done in a "random" (chaos theory) way. This is the simplest explaination I can make, otherwise I could point to you many theories currently available and maybe Ark could explain better than I by way of a simplier analogy.

Please note that the act of the rock impacting the water medium, does not itself generate a single frequency, but multiple frequencies initially of of varing amplitudes and phase-shifts resembling a bessel function at first, but degenerating from entropy and reflections.

So, a white-noise generator is something that generates "noise" in a range of that includes all possible frequencies and "mixes" externally generated EM energy and enventually degenerates the EM source into equilibrium.

I hope I gave a good analogy and explaination....
I still don't see how random white noise could possibly neutralize the already existing microwaves.

Using your analogy, and keeping it simple, like in: "there are several waves generated by a single stone that was thrown into the pond". How could it be possible to throw a single second stone to cancel all of them? To neutralize the existing waves?

Okay, I understand that we are not talking about a single stone. We are talking about white noise. So lets throw lots and lots of stones into the pond, big ones and small ones, at random. I don't see how such an action could possibly cancel out all activity in such a pond. Nothing at all I think. Except for one little thing.

The metaphore with a pond doesn't hold very well when one starts to contemplate extremely high densities of "waves". In the pond metaphor you use, there is a medium into (or unto) which the waves "move" (a "mass" that vibrates along). Quite the same with sound and so many more worldly things. And such medium has inertia, and plasticity, and so many more ... but with one final outcome, and that is that it has a finite capacity to transfer information. Not so with microwaves.

The medium of microwaves, or light, EM is very different OSIT.
Speaking of all this shielding talk, if 4D STS are implementing this technology on such a broad scale, how are the "elite" protected? Do they have some sort of superior shielding technology so they aren't shooting themselves in the foot? OK, ultimately 4D STS are managing this and don't care who is shielded and who isn't, but if the "elite" are the ones using this technology, surely they would have protection for themselves, right?

On another note, I'm under the impression that after the wave, HAARP and related technologies will play a major part in control over the survivors. But how can it do so if the HAARP array, other arrays and mobile/cell phone towers are wiped out by cometary bombardment? Since the "elite" are aware of the approaching cometary bodies, what have they done to protect this technology from being destroyed? Are there HAARP-like arrays hidden underground that we aren't aware of? Can they even function from underground?

Egh. Sometimes I wish this was just fiction. At least then, we'd just be discussing plot holes. :|
Well, to answer one of my own questions: since ELF signals can penetrate deep into the earth, it is feasible for there to be ELF antenna arrays underground. So that is a possible explanation.
Most governmental buildings are protected by means of "cage of Faraday" principle AND placement of microwave absorbing panels. The reason given is protection against espionage.

ELF however, “will go through
Some forum members have been discussing possible ways to defend against various types of radio waves (in this very topic), but I get the impression ELF would be extremely difficult to defend against -- if not downright impossible with what is available to us.

Regarding the (human) secret government protecting themselves, several possibilities come to mind:

1. Regardless of whether the arrays are located above or below ground, the ELF radio waves could be transmitted up into the ionosphere. From there, the process could be specifically configured so that when the ELF radio waves cover a particular region, they would be strong enough to affect those on the surface, but not strong enough to permeate back through the earth to those residing in deep underground bases (1km and beyond, for example).

2. The secret government have technology that is allegedly thousands of years ahead of the rest of the human race, so with that in mind it is feasible that they may have adequate protection after all.

3. The secret government could have easily been conned into thinking they are protected by 4D STS, when in fact 4D STS couldn't care less. The ELF radio waves affecting the general population would, in turn, affect the secret government. This would work in favour of 4D STS; not only would the general population be at the mercy of brain wave entrainment, but so would the secret government; ensuring their loyalty to 4D STS.

4. The secret government might collect in one area and designate that area as a no-ELF zone. This would be the easiest solution to avoid being affected, but also not a very smart one. It would only take one direct hit from a large meteor to destroy them and ... bam! It would be in their best interests to spread out and increase their chances of survival (and continued rule over humanity).

Charles said:
... HAARP radiates high frequency (ELF is only secondary). Thus, if an identical system would be placed underground the radiation would be absorbed. Direct production of ELF from underground would still be feasible I think.
Hmm ... well, could it be that there are ELF transmitters underground, and that HAARP and similar arrays above ground are mostly for testing purposes? Another thought, high frequency capabilities could just be a distraction.

Charles said:
All three arrays, placed in Alaska, Greenland, and Norway have a high degree of latitude, and are close to the North Pole. Maybe they are counting on a southern attack of a possible swarm so that they will remain in the shadow.
Interesting observations there. This never occured to me, but this is presuming there are not arrays in the southern hemisphere we don't know about. Or, more likely, having them in the northern hemisphere could simply be for practical purposes (easier to research, test; or perhaps global coverage is better achieved from the northern hemisphere due to higher ionisation levels).

I say this because counting on a southern attack would suggest they have been forewarned by 4D STS. However, the future is fluid and trying to predict where and when the meteors would strike would be an exercise in futility. Especially if the comets are meant to be coming from all directions, as the C's suggested below:

Cometary Showers: Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?

Q: (A) Now, spirograph suggests that these comets will not come from one direction, but from many directions at once. Is this correct?
A: Very good!!!
Q: (A) Okay, they will come from many directions...
A: But, initial visibility presents as single, solid body.
Then again, 4D STS could have simply given a phony or unreliable forewarning to fool the secret government into thinking they are really being taken care of and that they really have been assured a place in the chain of command (post-cataclysm). When in reality, they will only be assured a place for as long as 4D STS still have a use for them.

A further thought on arrays surviving comet clusters:
a) there are identical arrays already built in 4D
b) the arrays will be "shifted" by 4D STS into 4D when necessary
c) the arrays will not be used in 4D at all, so it does not matter whether they survive or not.

The c) option does not seem likely. I recall the C's mentioning that HAARP (and/or other arrays) was intended for use in 4D also. Apologies though, I could not find the exact reference.
It seems to me that after a major catastrophic comet bombardment that the PTB, secret or otherwise, wouldn't really need Haarp or related technologies to control humanity. All that would be necessary is locating the pockets that survived and 'bringing them in' with the hoarded resources - assuming there are small pockets that survive. Most of the necessary 'mind programming' or ponerization has already been internalized, so survival after a catastrophe will probably be top of mind for the survivors - with no time or energy to consider what form that survival takes. Of course, this doesn't really consider the underground populace, if it exists, but since they are supposedly all mind controlled anyway, that might not be a factor either - again - if they exist at all. I could be way off, of course - with an open future, who knows?
Nathan said:
I say this because counting on a southern attack would suggest they have been forewarned by 4D STS. However, the future is fluid and trying to predict where and when the meteors would strike would be an exercise in futility. Especially if the comets are meant to be coming from all directions, as the C's suggested below:

Cometary Showers: Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?

Q: (A) Now, spirograph suggests that these comets will not come from one direction, but from many directions at once. Is this correct?
A: Very good!!!
Q: (A) Okay, they will come from many directions...
A: But, initial visibility presents as single, solid body.
Then again, 4D STS could have simply given a phony or unreliable forewarning to fool the secret government into thinking they are really being taken care of and that they really have been assured a place in the chain of command (post-cataclysm). When in reality, they will only be assured a place for as long as 4D STS still have a use for them.
Yes, I remember reading about the spirograph trajectory. I guess that my statement was tainted by wishful thinking, while at the same time forgetting about all those people on the Southern hemisphere as in down under. I live in the Northern hemisphere you see. :P

On the other hand, it could also be possible that initial visibility has been established already, and that it IS coming from the South.

I also would like to know how a swarm that initially presents as a single solid body will become scattered in its separate constituents to adopt (many?) different spirograph trajectories. Is it due to a "falling" within our inner solar system wherein one chunk is bend this way and the other chunk is bend the other way?
Charles said:
I also would like to know how a swarm that initially presents as a single solid body will become scattered in its separate constituents to adopt (many?) different spirograph trajectories.
Charles, you're not alone there! I would like to know too. :P

Rather than a single solid body that breaks down into smaller parts and approaches the planet from every possible angle -- like a giant game of space pinball, perhaps it presents as a single solid body simply because the "single solid body" is all that will be visible at the time. There might be many other bodies approaching from multiple directions that have yet to reveal themselves. So we could simply be talking about perception here. Well, anyway, just an idea!

Also, I found the bit from the C's sessions I was talking about:

Session 980711
A: HAARP is for mind control. It is hoped it can be successful in 4th density too!
This is where my speculation of HAARP being used in 4th density came from.

anart said:
It seems to me that after a major catastrophic comet bombardment that the PTB, secret or otherwise, wouldn't really need Haarp or related technologies to control humanity.
Despite the C's quote above, this is a good point, and it makes a lot of sense. And it made me think, well, they may not need HAARP or related technologies to control humanity, but there are certainly other uses.

Session 960609
Q: (L) Do they plan to use this for mind control?
A: And other uses.
Q: (L) Can you give us a few of these uses?
A: Technical.
So although HAARP's purpose is to "establish a system of complete order on the surface of the planet in either 3rd or 4th density", there are other purposes, such as utilising Atlantean crystals and space/time/density travel. As for whether HAARP is necessary (or at least useful) for a post-cataclysm environment, it might come in handy to the PTB for uses other than mind control. But whether it will be used (or even can be used) post-cataclysm is hard to determine. I guess we won't know until that time comes.
Charles said:
I also would like to know how a swarm that initially presents as a single solid body will become scattered in its separate constituents to adopt (many?) different spirograph trajectories.
I am assuming that this is because of tidal forces. When a large comet/meteor approaches an even bigger body with a large gravitational pull (such as the Sun or a big planet like Jupiter), different parts of that meteor experience different gravitational forces, because they are at different distances from the Sun or planet. This is what tidal forces are, and explains why there are two high and low tides per day in most parts of the world -- the ocean closest to the moon is pulled more than the earth itself, and in turn the earth itself is pulled more than the ocean on the other side of the earth. Hence you get two oceanic bulges causing two separate high tides. A classic example of the way in which tidal forces break up comets is the way in which Comet Shoemaker-Levy broke up as it was pulled towards Jupiter. Many different fragments hit Jupiter instead of just one. The video depicting this is awe-inspiring, and at the same time terrifying, knowing that this will one day happen to Earth.
Charles said:
Further EDIT: an interesting patent I found:

From: http://www.freepatentsonline.com/4003840.html

It is generally known to those skilled in the art that ferrites absorb microwave such as those of 500 MHz to 12 GHz to change the microwave energy to a thermal energy. The ferrite is a sintered body having the spinel structure and it is a compound having the following general formula:

MFe.sub.2 O.sub.4

(wherein M is a divalent metal such as Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mg, Co, etc.).

We claim:

1. A microwave absorber consisting essentially of a mixture of from 0.2 to 0.9 part by volume of a ferrite powder and from 0.8 to 0.1 part by volume of an organic high molecular compound, said ferrite powder being a powder having a particle size of less than 1.65 mm of a ferrite having the general formula MFe.sub.2 O.sub.4 in which M is selected from the group consisting of manganese, nickel, copper, zinc, magnesium and cobalt and having an initial permeability of more than 300 at 10 kHz, said organic high molecular compound being a thermosetting resin selected from the group consisting of phenol resin, polyester resin, epoxy resin and silicone resin; or a thermoplastic resin selected from the group consisting of polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene and polypropylene; or a natural and synthetic rubber selected from the group consisting of polychloroprene, acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene and fluorine-contained rubber, said ferrite powder in a certain particle size range being used for absorbing the microwave in a certain frequency range as shown below:
Particle size of ferrite

Frequency of
powder microwave

1.65 mm - 701 .mu. 500 MHz - 1.5 GHz
701 .mu. - 351 .mu. 1.0 GHz - 2.0 GHz
351 .mu. - 104 .mu. 1.8 GHz - 3.0 GHz
104 .mu. - 43 .mu. 2.5 GHz - 7.5 GHz
<43 .mu. - 6.0 GHz - 12.0 GHz.
The patent must be expired by now.
Publication date was 1977-01-18.

We were always free to use it for non-commercial purposes. Now we are even free to sell ! :cool:

Isn't that roughly how the so-called "orgonites" are made ?... With a cristal (quartz, or others) added in the final structure of the "orgonites". Seems to me this has to be checked...

The influence of these "orgonites" on the vegetables seems to be a fact, at least some told so. The only way I have to check this assumption is to try by myself, which is not really done yet. Some feel the influence of these "orgonites" in their bodies, they told so. But each one of us have particular capacities, so I would not dismiss what they tell without serious reasons, even if I would not be able to feel the same things. Some people are "electrosensitive", and some are not... I'm not. And we change, too, we evolve...

A topic to deepen, maybe ?...
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