What To Do About Mobile Phone Towers

jake tassell

The Force is Strong With This One
6 August 2005
Q: (H) What percentage of the US population actually supports Bush?
A: 36%
Q: (H) What percentage of the US population thinks there was complicity on the part of the US government in 9/11?
A: 47%
Q: (H) What percentage of the US population actually thinks at all?
A: 12% if you define it rigidly. (group amazement at this figure)
A: What do you expect with HAARP turning brains to tapioca
(J) So it's a Zombie nation then?
A: You took the words right out of 6th density.

I'm presuming here that HAARP is acting through mobile-phone towers?

After having moved away twice from places adjacent to these malign towers, a council block opposite where I am now has recently undergone renovation, when the scaffolding came down it revealed - a new mobile phone tower on top of it!

Consequently I'm being bombarded/burnt every night (again).

Just wondered - what's the current QFS thinking on 'Don Croft' towerbusting/cloudbusting?

Or any other thoughts/possible solutions?

I remember discussing this question about cloudbusters a long time ago on casschat, and the general concensus seemed to be, that if I was going to get into 'direct conflict' with the PTB then I should expect a bloody nose!

Its impossible to escape the EM towers in the UK, because as well as the hugely extensive cellphone network, with aerials everywhere, there is also the TETRA network which is a parallel and independent system, for exclusive use by the police, and which is designed to have FULL coverage of the entire UK, including every little bit of 'the middle of nowhere'. The justification being that the police 'obviously' need coverage for any location even if it isn't populated. I expect the US situation is probably even worse ;-)

I'm not sure if there is anywhere anyone could possibly move to escape. Tibet? Antarctica? Mars?
I also would be interested in opinions, thoughts, knowledge on this. The idea is that "orgonite"--simple orgone generating devices with a crystal core--react to and counteract the effects of negative emf signals.

I have orgonite and have a purely subjective belief that it has reduced the negative effects of emf signals. At times I think I can "feel" orgone and there are those that are "energy sensitive" and others that are "psychic" that verify the efficacy of orgonite. I also am aware that it is very easy to decieve oneself and "wishful thinking" can be a powerful factor. Anecdotal evidence is pretty convincing that plants grow better with orgonite, (I'm conducting some informal experiments there myself,) and that strongly negative individuals are repelled by it.

At the core of "orgonite" is a quartz or other crystal which provides a level of "intelligence" to the device. I believe that the C's have confirmed the validity of Wilhelm Reich's "orgone energy" and once in a question about defense, the C's mentioned, I think, that one could use (loose paraphrase) some type of energized crystal (though this wasn't their recommendation, they recommended "knowledge protects"). Nevertheless, the idea that one can somehow find some type of relief/protection (and even share it by gifting) from the HAARP frequency fence that we are being subjected to in the US is very appealing.

Here, for example, is a link to one of Laura's articles on HAARP: http://signs-of-the-times.org/signs/signs_of_the_times_laura_knight_jadczyk_haarp.htm

Another link where orgonite and gifting are discussed is www.warriormatrix.com
Yossarian said:
I also would be interested in opinions, thoughts, knowledge on this. The idea is that "orgonite"--simple orgone generating devices with a crystal core--react to and counteract the effects of negative emf signals.

I have orgonite and have a purely subjective belief that it has reduced the negative effects of emf signals. At times I think I can "feel" orgone and there are those that are "energy sensitive" and others that are "psychic" that verify the efficacy of orgonite. I also am aware that it is very easy to decieve oneself and "wishful thinking" can be a powerful factor. Anecdotal evidence is pretty convincing that plants grow better with orgonite, (I'm conducting some informal experiments there myself,) and that strongly negative individuals are repelled by it.
According to me:

'Orgonite' does help to break up EMF fields. I have no doubts about that.

Is it orgone though?

In the early nineties I obtained a copy of Willhelm Reich's (very pre-mobile phone) 'The Orgone Accumulator Handbook,' and conducted some experiments, and to me: 'Reich orgone' - if I may call it that, doesn't quite feel like the same kind of energy as 'Don Croft orgone' (Doesn't mean it's NOT the same - it's just that I have a degree of uncertainty about it.)

In my experience:

Dropping a few jam-jar towerbusters in a local canal or whatever instantly starts a process of weather transformation. Within five minutes it's possible to perceive a tangible pulse coming from the TB that interacts with the water, and then in turn the atmosphere, a rippling breeze starts, then a hue change in the air. Sometimes a downpour will follow, sometimes not - but there's usually a dazzling sky by the next day (followed by a mass panic of spew-planes).

Any misgivings I have about gifting are not to do with it not working, or bloody noses, as suggested by Vinny, (even making a contribution to Casschat is an invitation to a bloody nose). It's more that it has such a radical action on the sky, and a probably large hyperdimensional component that I end up thinking: "Wow, what else is it doing?"

I also found that once I'd started gifting it quickly became compulsive - which I found a bit scary.

I think the stuff about orgonite repelling negative people is probably rubbish, but that's just according to what I've noticed.

Yossarian said:
At the core of "orgonite" is a quartz or other crystal which provides a level of "intelligence" to the device. I believe that the C's have confirmed the validity of Wilhelm Reich's "orgone energy" and once in a question about defense, the C's mentioned, I think, that one could use (loose paraphrase) some type of energized crystal (though this wasn't their recommendation, they recommended "knowledge protects"). Nevertheless, the idea that one can somehow find some type of relief/protection (and even share it by gifting) from the HAARP frequency fence that we are being subjected to in the US is very appealing.
Yes it is, but I'd need better information before I got into gifting again, I think.
This is new information for me that I am just beginning to explore. The towerbusters sound too good to be true...I´ve been suffering from smog, pesticides, and cell towers etc. for months now! However, the idea of gifting seems to bring up issues of violating free will. Where to draw the line?

Also, the C´s say that knowlege protects...but also I think it has to do with ACTION based in knowledge...or could it be that awareness/ knowledge creates protection by altering our frequency resonance vibration?

Well, there is one fairly certain way to avoid all EM waves across the board, although the application of the principle is rather problematic. A Faraday cage will block all but the very lowest frequencies I believe. It would be rather difficult to engineer something like this, and of course you would only be protected while in that room. Many government buildings are built with this technology on the premise that they don't want radio signals traveling from the inside to the outside randomly.
I used to read Don Croft's stories every so often, and it strikes me as an ongoing mythic serial that people can read and say, "Well, at least someone's out there doing something!" and then go right back to sleep.

Don Croft and his cloudbuster gang have been at it for years. If "cloudbusting"/"towerbusting" makes such a difference, why is the USA now firmly in the grip of fascism?

Plus, his stories tend to try and jam in every possible flavour of extraterrestrial imaginable. If you've ever seen one remote reference to "Dracons", "Arcturans", "Sirians", Bugblatter beasts of Traal etc out there on the web, it's probably shown up in the Don Croft missives at least once. And most of them seem to be "space brothers", all keen to lend a hand and make friends.

I don't really have the time to indulge in this kind of stuff anymore. I just can't see it as accomplishing anything objective.
Ryan said:
Don Croft and his cloudbuster gang have been at it for years. If "cloudbusting"/"towerbusting" makes such a difference, why is the USA now firmly in the grip of fascism?
Well if this cloudbusting/towerbusting technology is having an effect it seems to be a rather mild one. That is assuming that there are EM energies being used to alter brainwaves and produce sheep-like behavior in humans. I would think that if this cloudbusting/towerbusting were working terrifically, the PTB would be busy hunting down those individuals creating such devices, labeling them as "enemy combatants" and shipping them off to be tortured somewhere.
Maybe it's not that easy when everybody was able to access schematics, lots of people built that, lots of websites showed up very quickly...
There is a point where it gets out of control and is unstoppable. That's the advantage internet gives.
Orgonite, Gifting and the Warrior Matrix forum

I recently joined the warrior matrix forum so that i could gain more insight into the gifting movement, and specifically, Orgonite. It was after 5 hours of online websearches and research proved futile. One of the things i noticed when i typed in a search for "orgonite" i discovered the website of an individual named Karl Hans Welz, who claims to be the inventor of orgonite, back in 1993. See his story here:

But what i find confusing is that Don Croft and his wife Carol Croft seem to be the ones taking all the credit. On most of the websites i've been on, I get the general impression that it was Don and Carol Croft who invented orgonite. Here's an example of what i mean:

"In 2000, a couple named Don and Carol Croft discovered through some Internet research and empirical observation that mixing catalyzed organic fiberglass resin with inorganic metal shavings, poured into small molds such as paper cups and muffin pans, would produce a substance which would attract etheric energy similarly to Reich's accumulators"

from the website: http:(2slash)www(d0t)orgonite(d0t)info/what-is-orgonite(d0t)html

So, I joined the warriormatrix forum (www(d0t)warriormatrix(d0t)com) just to clarify some basic facts, since i was a newbie.
I started a forum topic entitled " Who invented orgonite?" and i placed a link to Karl Welz's page. I thought i would get a positive response on the lines of "Don and Karl are brothers with intellectual property and invention patent disputes", but i got none of that.
The two replies to my simple query were deleted from the forum, along with the topic. It was just a simple question.
Apparently, i did not have enough 'faith'.

So, again, i posted on the forum inquiring as to a detailed scientific background on the origins of orgonite, because i was not satisfied with the cloudy associations to Reich and his 'cloudbuster' work.

My reward: I was banned from the forum. End of question.

Is it me, or is there no scientific evidence as to the mechanics and workings of orgonite? Are there no objective analytical individuals involved in the orgonite 'gifting' movement, and their forums?

Am i wrong to raise such questions? (I kinda felt bad for asking such questions, but all my websearches were fruitless. No objective, sound scientific information was found on orgonite and the feasibility of 'gifting'.

I only found some scientific information on Torsion Fields (http://www(d0t)amasci(d0t)com/freenrg/tors/tors3.html). The link was on an orgonite information page (www(d0t)orgoniteinfo(d0t)com)

Anyone who has done objective reasearch on orgonite, orgone energy and the related fields, please feel free to comment, educate and enlighten. There is too much subjectivity and feeling associated with this field, whether it be fraud or fact.
Orgonite, Gifting and the Warrior Matrix forum

You can find the search function at this web address:
Type "Orgonite" on the Keyword Search field.
You will see some results. Perhaps one is useful to you.
Good luck!
The thing about orgonite and the cloudbusters is that there is no scientific explanation. With so many people 'gifting' i find it strange that there are no actual 'lab' tests done to prove its feasibility. I've scoured the internet searching for video recordings of the actual transformation process which occurs in a pond, stream pool or lake after dropping 'tower busters' into them. I have found nothing. All i find is testimonies of 'warm fuzzy emotional' individuals who testify as to the benifits of orgonite, cloudbusters and chembusters. 99% of the information on orgonite out there is purely subjective. You read it, have great expectations of orgonite and when one receives it, he/she never questions or investigates further. They just buy into the gifting hype.

The workings of a battery can be explained objectively, with proof and evidence; also fire can be explained objectively.
But orgonite, no siree. All subjectivity.

There must be something bigger, or more calculated at work here. I even dare say sinister. What are the orgonite users and gifters not being told, in their eagerness to 'gift'?

Another thing i read on Don and Carol Croft's websites is that they have successfully cured some african countries of drought. Such a heavy claim. But the funny thing is that many of the 'gifters' believe these stories. I mean, if that were true, then that would be some sort of news story, alternative even.

I think the Crofts use their alleged persecution (being chased and hunted) by the PTB as an excuse to not having scientific and objective data about their 'invention' of orgonite. They could also use the excuse that the news agencies are run by the PTB, therefore, the 'positive, environment-changing' effects of their 'gifting' is not mentioned or given 'air time' by any news agency,main stream or alternative.....

I find it funny that they're still able to travel around the world using their already popular names. If they were being hunted or chased by the PTB, how the heck do they travel about freely to Africa and other continents, from the USA? They claimed to be threatened, but how threatened are they to remain in the USA? (someone, please correct me, as i am under the assumption that they are US residents).

What i'm getting @ is that Laura was threatened by the PTB to stop her work, and when she sought protection from a higher level of law enforcement, she was asked to stop what she was doing to incite the threats and attacks. Which means she was pushing some buttons, and revealing some pressure points. Lisa Guliani is being defamed and her name dragged through gutters just for questioning the official 911 story on a public forum? Yet still Don and Carol Croft garner more supporters. No one critically analyzes their claims, nor have they been defamed by any of the Alternative News portals, like Laura and Lisa are.

Hence my suspicion of the Crofts being used as concious or unconscious COINTELPRO agents. They are leading a whole bunch of new agers who want to 'do something' to fight 'big brother'. It's just so unfortunate that the majority of them being 'converted' to the 'orgonite gifting' religion don't think straight or ask meaningful questions. I did, and was kicked out of their forum.

If the Towerbusters and Cloudbusters were really effective in stopping the 'deadly orgone' from cell phone towers etc, then the Crofts would be a number 1 threat to the PTB's quest to make the US a prison state (with their use of microwaves and ELF and EM frequencies). There would be a smear campaign against them, OSIT. And it's the lack of a smear campaign which leads many of the 'gifters' to believe in the 'power' of their so called gifting.

As i quote Jedi Master Yoda, "Very strange indeed, this situation is. Done, must be further investigation...hmm"
One possibility, maybe there IS something to this orgonite lark, but it is not the all-singing all-dancing solution to all our problems that it is sometimes presented as? - so, this far, it has caused no or negligible damage to the PTB, and so there has been no 'damage limitation' countermeasures. (or perhaps there has?)

The reason I say this, is that there are other things that have also failed to be proven by 'lab test', such as homeopathy, but in this case, i think it is the 'lab test' environment that doesn't stand up to scrutiny, because homeopathy works.

So, what I'm saying is: just because so called 'scientific' tests have so far been non-existent or non-coclusive, doesn't necessarily mean its all hogwash. Or maybe orgonite it is yet another trap - another wishful thinking 'getting something for nothing'?

To be honest, I'm completely confused on the whole subject ;)

edit: aha! maybe that's the point! it's designed to confuse!?
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