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It is possible, of course, but then it is a three browser issue. I had the same loss of function everywhere.

Or OS-related? I've tested in 4 browsers on Win 11, and they all work as expected (Chrome, Firefox, Brave, Edge, all latest versions).

Personally, my middle (wheel) click is set to Open new tab. Always works, all the time. Can't quite remember how I did that, but it's great!
Or OS-related? I've tested in 4 browsers on Win 11, and they all work as expected (Chrome, Firefox, Brave, Edge, all latest versions).
Could you or someone else please try on Vivaldi? With left click.

If Vivaldi should open links with left click in a new tab, then the problem is more os related.
Could you or someone else please try on Vivaldi? With left click.

If Vivaldi should open links with left click in a new tab, then the problem is more os related.

Left-click on SOTT will open in the same tab - that's normal for all browsers AFAIK.
Ctrl + Left click = open new tab.
Middle-click opens in a new tab (if your mouse driver/software is configured properly).
Could you or someone else please try on Vivaldi? With left click.
I believe left click always opens a link in the same tab. Settings allow you to choose between opening a link/new tab (always right click) in a background or active tab. But you can set a mouse gesture that would open a link in a new tab when hovering over it, with or without Alt key.
not much difference to the old site except has the page container been removed? Seems very wide on my 24" screen now.

not much difference to the old site except has the page container been removed? Seems very wide on my 24" screen now.

Yes, @fabric asked about that somewhere. I had to remove the container max-width and instead just leave 'width: 100%'.

If a max-width is defined in CSS (even if it's overwritten by another rule in a @media query!), then every time any page is loaded on smartphones, the page is zoomed in about 20%, and you have to pinch-zoom out. 60% of our readers are on mobile (54% on phones), so that's a big problem.

It's a known rendering bug/quirk according to The Google, but the only solution I've been able to find is to remove max-width.

That's one of those problems that I intend to get back to once all the big bugs are fixed.
not much difference to the old site except has the page container been removed? Seems very wide on my 24" screen now.

As temporary workaround, you can zoom the page out about 80% or so and it resizes the text and margins so they are a more similar to the previous version.
I tweaked the mobile CSS a bit. Based on the vast majority of feedback, most people are happy with it - so I shrank some ginormous fonts a bit, but not too much.

Also, max-width of page is now 1536px (there are now white left/right margins on uber-large screens).

I realized that I can just set a media query for 8K res screens that adds a max-width. Since it's not defined for any screen sizes below 1140px, it never loads on mobile devices and therefore doesn't cause the zoom-out problem! Simple solution in the end.

Haven't figure out the video box on the homepage yet on mobile... It really, really wants to display like it is - unless I switch to CSS grid, which I don't want to do for various reasons. Still sleeping on that one.
Rumble videos are not properly displayed in SOTT HR Video section:

YT and Odysee work just fine, as you can see, but for Rumble we see only a logo. When you do click on the video it does runs fine.
I tried the "old" trick to simply open the playlist and just save it again - didn´t work.
I tried with different URL styles - no luck....
Rumble is a bit tricky... it may not work at all.

When you post the vid, if you have full access to Rumble (i.e. it's not blocked where you live) then it'll work - sometimes.

Because Rumble is blocking vids in entire countries, I wouldn't rely on it as a source for video. I post my own vids to Rumble, but I can ONLY see the upload page, and that's it. I can't respond to comments or even see my own vids! Sure, "just use a VPN", but that's not a solution that most people will use.

I added Rumble to the SOTT Video box before they blocked it in France. If it had been the other way around, I wouldn't have added Rumble at all.
Well, Rumble is not blocked in Germany, so it probably means that this won´t work at all in this context; or at least, won´t work how we want it to work in the Video section, with the display of the video etc....
I keep SOTT open in its tab (using Firefox) from start to finish of every session and I noticed that SOTT now auto-updates its front page, which older versions never did. I waited a few days to make sure that my eyes weren't deceiving me but now I'm sure of it and would like to give praise and thanks for this 'upgrade' since I don't have to do that manually anymore.

It saves me some time as I am accustomed to take a peek for updates several times an evening and I can do that now without delay. :thup:
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