question about AIDS, cancer .


"Perhaps you should assess why you have decided to only be interested in specific, limited aspects of a disease that is known to be complex and multi-faceted."

This is exactly what I am on about ...sheeesh...


In this particular thread, I am asking other questions - like about psycho/spiritual stuff. Under the "questions about AIDS, cancer" for the Cs section of the forum.

I appreciate what you are saying but, your work and efforts are based on assumptions, the main one being that that I am avoiding advice on my diet. It's been amazing watching this. Just utterly amazing to watch those who you say "love me so much" (very sweet by the way), who have let their own child/ego - whatever, run away with their own agendas and assumptions without any relevance to what I was making effort to discuss in the first place.


All I can say is, lucky I wasn't so on edge that I was going to loose it big time, and perhaps do something silly (like actually turn the oven on). I mean, I would hate to have seen what would've happened to someone who was really in a state of harrowing despair ask the same line of question. If one empathised, one might get an idea of how it is for some people who are ongoingly ill and who are pushed from pillar to post by the medical system, are barely able to walk, hold food down at all, or even think. These people are in no state to consider a rethink on their diet, but are stuck in their minds and bodies playing with some big and scary questions. They are looking for answers that the medical industry cannot give them.

It is for these groups that I am asking, and myself, as I have been there.

hahaha... hilarious :rotfl:

If I didn't laugh, I'd just cry.
Dear iloveyohurt,

You are getting lots of comments on the esoteric side of life's struggles from our view of what the esoteric journey entails. We here embark on detoxifying 3 areas of our lives: the emotional, the intellectual, and the physical. In brief,

emotional detox- EE breathing and meditation

physical detox- dietary changes

intellectual detox- reading good books

This is esotericism for us, and essentially, all of your feedback is about these things. Most of us find, that without some kind of solid program in these areas, talking about psychology, emotions, and esotericism basically amounts to trying to think about the problems in our lives with the same kind of thinking we have had our whole lives. Do you see why this might not reveal anything new?

It can be, in my experience, overwhelming to see this vast array of material all at once, but we all experiment as best we can, and if we keep trying, then many of us find the combination of the tools from these 3 areas that helps us see our lives and live them a little differently. These tools have been used by members here for coping with various chronic health conditions and various seemingly unbreakable emotional cycles. You wrote you were crying out for help. These are the things that helped us. Best wishes.
Thanks Patience,

Despite assumptions to the contrary, I consider myself to be an avid fan and part-taker of the 3 pronged approach.

I am however, behind many others in this area, as much as I am "ahead" of many others. We are where we are.

Many thanks :flowers:
28 Oct 1994

Q: (V) I listened to a woman named J___ D___ who says that
women who have abortions have a higher incidence of breast
cancer but that spontaneous abortion or miscarriage do not
cause the same reaction, is this true?
A: Yes. But women who have their first pregnancy later in
life also have higher instances of breast cancer and same
for those who never get pregnant.
Q: (V) Does abortion create karma resulting in breast cancer?
A: Hormonal anomalies cause breast cancer. Karma is
interconnected with physical experiences.
Q: (L) Are you saying that having an abortion can create
A: Of course.
Q: (V) Is this research funded by pro-life activists?
A: Some.
Q: (L) I think that V__ wants to ask if she has Karma in this
A: Yes.
Q: (L) She has not worked it out?
A: No.
Q: (L) Bill Baldwin says abortions lead to serious spiritual
attachment situations. Is this true?
A: Semi-accurate.
Q: (L) Is there some way to release this kind of karma for
V__ or others who have it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Could you tell us?
A: If we tell you, you won't learn.

10 Dec 1994

Q: (L) I would like to know if there is anything T
G could do to enhance his recovery from cancer?
A: PMA. Positive Mental Attitude.

24 August 1996

Q:... (V) I have been helping a
woman who has cancer. I see her cancer as a sideline even
though it is in the lymph system. Is this correct?
A: Cancer is always a "sideline."
Q: (V) When I was working with her, I felt a lot of energy
flow coming up from her solar plexus. Was this the
disease energy leaving?
A: Constriction easing. If she wants to remain on third
density, she must change a 28 year long outlook, and purge
feelings, rather than collecting them as a "sponge." Also,
dietary changes are needed. We suggest sauerkraut extract
and fruit juices and broccoli. She needs colonic therapy,
and if diagnosis is "terminal," why are poisonous
treatments a consideration? We strongly recommend that
you suggest a change in the 28 year long outlook. She
must purge and cleanse her mind, body, and soul, as with
ALL cancer patients.

13 Sept 1997

Q: Let me ask quickly, does giving Reiki to a person who has
a bacterial or viral infection increase the potential of
the infection? What is the effect?
A: Broad inquiry, but Reiki is best suited to conditions not
microbially induced.
Q: Is it the case that you are actually feeding the microbes
with energy?
A: Can, or effects can cancel each other out.
Q: What about when you are dealing with cancer... not,
cancers are not microbial necessarily... but some have
been shown to be microbial...
A: Microbially triggered.
Q: So cancers are microbially triggered?
A: Some.
Q: (V) As we practice Reiki, how do we know if we are doing
the person more harm than good? How do we decide if we
are going to make them sicker or better?
A: Ask if they are suffering from infection.
Q: What if they don't know? There are a lot of times that a
person doesn't know.
A: True, but odds are in your favor.
Q: (V) So the viruses cannot be treated by etherical healing?
Is there any method that will work other than Reiki?
A: Prayer.

27 June 1998

Q: ... Speaking of North Carolina, I want to ask,
regarding TG's passing, if there was any relationship
between their moving there and his subsequent demise? I
mean, no sooner had they gotten everything set up and
organized, the house built and so forth, he passed. What
was the relationship, since you mentioned once that there
was an indirect relationship between the move there and
his passing?
A: Once he had fulfilled his wish, it was the end of the
Q: Is there any other connection, other than the fulfillment
of his wishes?
A: No.
Q: Okay. So, once he had what he wanted, that was it. ...
Q: If CG had been more in the direct seeking mode while
she was married to TG - is it possible that he would
not have died so soon? I mean, was she supposed to be
moving in a different direction and all these things
happened to stop her, turn her around, make her think and
so forth?
A: Marriage was not right to begin with.
Q: Well, TG was the love of her life.
A: Cancer is evidence of this. How many instances can you
think of where husband and wife, relatively young, are
each subsequently stricken with such potentially deadly
Q: In that sense, I would say that the bodies are definitely
speaking loudly and clearly about something that the
conscious minds are not even admitting. But, that is her
issue. She would have to dig pretty deep for that. Why
is she so stubborn about not looking at her own issues?
Why does she prefer the 'personal myth,' as she calls it?
A: Some souls persistently chase ideals, even when totally
detrimental to their chosen path.

18 Jan 2003

Q: We have learned that a former group member has cancer and is likely to die soon if something drastic isn't done. Is there any hope for this situation?
A: Not without her letting go of the bitterness inside.
Hi, Iloveyoghurt,

I am sorry that my comments have further frustrated you. If I had felt you were clear about recognizing the physical/dietary connection to disease, I would not have chosen to invest my time and energy writing my response to you. It just wasn't clear to me through your words.

However, a couple of weeks ago I made a post that seemed to merely repeat a previous post from someone else that I somehow missed, so I am always willing to consider I might have missed something and if I did in this case, I am deeply sorry for adding to your strife. Please know my efforts are out of genuine concern for you

Aside from dietary aspects, it seems you have deep emotional issues, apparent by your emotional responses. This is not a judgment but an observation and perhaps should be an area if intense focus for you.

Unexpressed anger becomes anxiety and depression and can eventually manifest as disease. If your mind can't get your attention, your body will try.

Perhaps, when reading posts that cause such intense feelings to arise, you could chose to not respond or merely thank the authors as I mentioned earlier. This will save you from feeling you have to respond to each and every post that your perceive as negative and obstructing you, which seems to get you more upset.

Your frustration is understandable from the perspective of not having your expectations met but the extreme reaction is reminiscent of a child having a tantrum when not getting its way.

This could demonstrate a life-long patter of behaviour in response to frustration and indicate a childhood source of pain.

Tracing back to the initial childhood incident is difficult, but is a powerful way to neutralize its effect.

Sometimes merely recalling the memory is sufficient, sometimes repeated efforts are required, especially if the child experienced a continuous pattern of neglect or other manifestations of narcissistic parental behaviour.

We all have degrees of narcissism so it is rare that a child doesn't experience degrees of narcissistic wounding from their parents regardless of how "well adjusted" they might have been.

There are several other approaches that can help heal a person from early experiences and traumas. Many are outlined in the big 5 psychology books in the recommended reading list (I believe it is at and are discussed throughout the forum.

As mentioned before, the EE program is an excellent way to help release wounds and negative energy and, when combined with knowledge becomes a mighty sword and shield to help you in your battle.

No matter what you may think about yourself, your outlook, your diet, etc., things are rarely as we perceive them. In truth, we generally have a poor idea of how others perceive us and our own self image is guaranteed to be skewed by all sorts of filters, programs and usually viewed through the eyes of the false self.

This is why it is imperative to participate in a network where the feedback of many can be taken in to provide both a broader perspective and a mirror that points out the programs and false personalities.

Now, regarding you last post (If I am way off base here, I trust a moderator or more senior member will correct me):

iloveyogurt said:
I appreciate what you are saying but, your work and efforts are based on assumptions, the main one being that that I am avoiding advice on my diet. It's been amazing watching this. Just utterly amazing to watch those who you say "love me so much" (very sweet by the way), who have let their own child/ego - whatever, run away with their own agendas and assumptions without any relevance to what I was making effort to discuss in the first place.


All I can say is, lucky I wasn't so on edge that I was going to loose it big time, and perhaps do something silly (like actually turn the oven on). I mean, I would hate to have seen what would've happened to someone who was really in a state of harrowing despair ask the same line of question. If one empathised, one might get an idea of how it is for some people who are ongoingly ill and who are pushed from pillar to post by the medical system, are barely able to walk, hold food down at all, or even think. These people are in no state to consider a rethink on their diet, but are stuck in their minds and bodies playing with some big and scary questions. They are looking for answers that the medical industry cannot give them.

Your assumption that people are letting "their own child/ego - whatever, run away with their own agendas and assumptions" is ignorant at best and quite insulting.

You have continually turned everything around as if people aren't being genuine and are somehow projecting themselves and their perceptions into your thread. You are unable to step into other people's shoes here, and that speaks volumes about the obstacles you are facing - you just can't seem to get yourself out of the way of yourself.

If anything, it is your self-importance that is the issue here.

Never second guess people's intentions or doubt their love here. A great deal of energy is invested by all members to work on themselves to remove influences of their egos and false selves and, although everyone is at different levels of progress, by and large it is rare that people's emotions and ego get involved.

It is understandable that you are unfamiliar with such an environment, as this forum is unique in this regard (and several others as well). You have been programmed by the world around you to expect emotional and egoistic agendas because that is the was things work out there. But not here. Remember where you are.

Nobody here would invest their energy into providing you responses if they were not motivated out of love, be it for you, other readers or love for objective truth.

When it comes to people "on the edge", I am extremely concerned about pushing people too far. Not being a psychologist I can only rely on the visible signs and my knowledge and experience. The visible signs that come from you are mixed. At one point you seem desperate for help but then in another moment you come across as an impetuous child. You are unpredictable and possibly volatile and difficult t assess in terms of how close to the edge you might actually be.

But considering how much you have survived through, I can only assume you have developed a thickness that protects you and keeps you going. On top of that, you have a defense mechanism of using extreme emotionality that will lash out at other when you don't get your way.

But that very shell that has protected you for so long might also be what prevents you from objectively assessing inputs and fully experiencing life.

Since textual communication is a poor form of communication in that it lacks the other inputs like tone and body language, it is easy to both misinterpret and to miscommunicate, leaving all sorts of room for the reader to alter the author's meaning by imagining their tone. If you re-read my earlier post and imagine I wrote it as a worried mother, then read it imaging it came from an angry father, I guarantee the same words will take on different meanings.

I have a lot of empathy for you but I don't think you have a clue how you come across and therefore, the effect your behaviour has on others who are genuinely trying to help you, especially now that you have shown your assumption about those who let "their own child/ego - whatever, run away with their own agendas and assumptions" and your lack of respect for them.

Why should anyone bother to communicate with you?

Even though you have started a thread on this forum, you don't own it. It goes where it goes. Often a thread that is started for one reason becomes a painful assessment of the person posting it, as they have shown programs running that responsible members feel need to be pointed out.

This is usually done in diplomatic and understanding ways, but certainly not in ways that further support false personalities or the ego needs of the poster. Your ego and assumptions are more likely the reason you are frustrated, not the responses you have received.

You wanted one thing and instead you got something else. And, instead of respecting what you had received, you threw tantrums which drew further attention to the areas you would rather not discuss and therefore became a vicious cycle, furthering the drama. This makes you appear ungrateful and disrespectful.

I suggest you try to own your part of it and see where it goes from there.

Gonzo said:
It is understandable that you are unfamiliar with such an environment, as this forum is unique in this regard (and several others as well). You have been programmed by the world around you to expect emotional and egoistic agendas because that is the was things work out there. But not here. Remember where you are.
This is what i am struggling with. I need to learn a lot more than i know about letting go of the ego. It is verry hard,(i'm sure for some more than others) due to their upbringing.
I know for myself that my ego is the only survival tequnique that i knew of. Until recently, that is.

Thank you all.
Iloveyoghurt-- i see where u are coming from, as everyone i have trusted , my whole life, has always let me down.

In this regard, it is very hard to trust anyone-- even coming from here.

edit:mod fixed quotes
Part of what I see is that iloveyoghurt is in a situation that is, apparently, of some concern. And yet, iloveyoghurt clings to the idea that the thinking processes that got him/her into this situation are perfectly adequate for identifying what is or is not the problem and what may or may not be the solution. I asked my question about diet for the simple reason that I see that iloveyoghurt cannot think with the way s/he thinks and this is the first barrier that must be broken down in order to get to the solution. If iloveyoghurt is already "addressing the diet issue" in the CORRECT way, which will necessarily be specific to him/her, then progress should already be noted. That this approach is not bringing any results leads to the conclusion that there are still problems with the diet and again, iloveyoghurt cannot think with the way s/he thinks which is, as I mentioned, what got him/her into this situation to begin with.

Let me share a little exchange with the Cs about a dear friend of mine who died about a year and a half after this session:

27 Dec 1994

Q: (L) ... The first thing is: Could we have a little
reading for our friend Sandra D. who has been in the
hospital. What is the root of the problem and how can we
help her or how can she help herself to get better?

A: Sandra has chosen her karmic path. Her problem is
manifesting in several locations: heart, weight affects
all other organs in the body.

Q: (L) Does Sandra have attachments causing physical

A: Not the issue. Physical reflection.

Q: (L) If she changes her diet will her health improve?

A: She will improve only if she chooses to. We cannot
interfere, but she could always choose to explore her
subconscious, but we must warn this will be a "tall

Now, the Cs have said that "cancer is a sideline" and that the body reflects what is in the mind/subconscious or karma. They said something similar to what was said about Sandra above, about another cancer stricken individual:

24 Aug 1996
Cs: If she wants to remain on third
density, she must change a 28 year long outlook, and purge
feelings, rather than collecting them as a "sponge." Also,
dietary changes are needed. We suggest sauerkraut extract
and fruit juices and broccoli. She needs colonic therapy,
and if diagnosis is "terminal," why are poisonous
treatments a consideration? We strongly recommend that
you suggest a change in the 28 year long outlook. She
must purge and cleanse her mind, body, and soul, as with
ALL cancer patients.

Now, those dietary suggestions were for a specific individual, so don't take off on that. Each individual is different.

Anyway, the point is, in both cases (and both individuals died as a result of their conditions), the Cs pointed to it being a "tall order" for them to do what was necessary to heal the soul.

I would suggest that part of what is wrong with iloveyoghurt that is at the root of the cancer is the very thing that has manifested on this forum: s/he still persists in thinking that s/he can think with the way s/he thinks and is NOT open to trying a different approach which all of us have tried to open the door to.

I asked a very simple question and all that was necessary was to actually give the plainest answer possible. That is: giving what is asked for. iloveyoghurt is not able to give what is asked for even in the simplest context and that, I believe, is a big part of the problem. Louise Hay writes that cancer is "deep hurt. Longstanding resentment. Deep secret or grief eating away at the salf. Carrying hatreds. "What's the use?" " All of that is evident in iloveyoghurt's approach, attitude, responses.

iloveyoghurt: the way you think, consciously and subconsciously, is at the root of your cancer. On top of that, you cannot get to the root of it with the way you think. The way you think is what drives what you write and how you respond. So it's kind of a catch 22. Without a super effort to trust the process here, we can't help you.
davey72 said:
This is what i am struggling with. I need to learn a lot more than i know about letting go of the ego. It is verry hard,(i'm sure for some more than others) due to their upbringing.
I know for myself that my ego is the only survival tequnique that i knew of. Until recently, that is.

You don't have to worry about "letting go of the ego" in terms of: OK, here's step one of "letting go of the ego...".

What you CAN do is recognize that the false ego is a gestalt - a certain collection of patterns of behaviors, thought loops, and expressions and other baggage and such. Each of which, has as its justification for existing, a certain 'purpose' starting with behaving a certain way --> which gets a certain result ---> which pumps energy into a certain 'feeling of being a certain self' --> which, in order to continue existing, must repeat the pattern - a complete cycle of 'doing something', 'having a result' and 'being something'.

One can Work with one thing at a time, if one does nothing else, OSIT.

This cycle is clearly demonstrated, by the method of juxtaposition, in the basic psychology books that serve as our recommended reading.

Laura said:
Without a super effort to trust the process here, we can't help you.

I agree. People who live mainly in their own minds, often don't realize that, below the level of consciousness, hides a belief that their knowledge of reality is complete. That, if there was anything they didn't know, it's not worth knowing. That, if they were to admit their knowledge wasn't complete, they would rebound to childhood - and that would somehow be a bad thing. I realize it sounds silly written out like this, but self-honesty will allow one to test this for him/her self - really. :)

Edit: spelling and redundant words
As I look at my postings, I see that I was reaching for the impossible. When I was writing about my situation, and "crying for help", it was from a holistic point of view. Something that obviously did not come across clearly. That is, I often look at my life as a whole, and the extreme circumstances of it (NOT JUST THE CANCER), and simply wonder why, why was it so extreme? The questioning is philosophical, and we all do it I understand on some level, but I don't know any others that have had such extreme circumstances in their life as I, as well as ask about life with deep questioning (see below). It is why I enjoyed the Cass stuff..

I understand the points being made about diet - I summarise that, overall, no matter what emotional/psychic stress one is under, the first symptoms will show in the body. And as such, in this day and age particularly, it may be wise to protect your body, if you wish to stay in 3D.

I would like to say two things:
1. For me, in my circumstances, all I ever hear about is diet - no matter where I go. As I have said in my other postings - I have observed it enough over the last 20 years that it actually raised suspicion in me, and I can articulate why here, now: Has it ever occurred to anyone that focus on living is just another "program" (as you would call it)? For that is what I have found myself asking. This question I found a real tricky one when I came across it, counter to all that this 3D life is about. It is not intended to be suggestive, but is a genuine question that I am exploring.

2. I have made it as clear as I can with my limited skill in writing that my focus is not about diet, diagnosing, healing or necessarily even about living. Listen and try to understand this: Everywhere a person with cancer goes, every man, woman, and their dog assumes that this person wants to get well, immediately jumping to diagnose and prescribing of their own remedies for healing the person who is ill. Sometimes, we with illness just want to be seen as humans with a range of thoughts, feeling and things going on in our lives, other than just the illness symptomised in the body. Further to this, please understand that, some of us are not looking to be healed - we have come to terms with the inevitability of death, and know clearly, and even arguably closer than the "well" folks that loosing the body is no big deal. We watch with curiosity and respectful humour, others that are "well", that seem to possibly be projecting their own fears of death onto us, by insisting that we ought to heal the body(!).

Nearly every person has ignored my point that my focus is away from body diagnosis and quite forcefully thrust their personal agenda onto me. This has been very confusing. Thank you Leo40 for getting my understanding however, and a few others who equally acknowledged my wishes, and gave as I asked.

Question - has anyone actually thought about the stuff they recommend anyway? For example, who is Louse Hays - why do people think she has the answers? Really, there are so very many trees to bark up when it comes to illness.

Health update: My original cancer has gone. The tumor found (non cancer) will be removed.
iloveyoghurt, I think, for the most part, we are entitled to assume that by having read and agreed to the forum guidelines (as evidenced by your continued participation) that you are interested in gaining objectivity and help with whatever is bugging you, or otherwise making you physically ill.

Because there are other forums where one can simply chat and engage in reciprocal, sympathy-only feeding dynamics.

It's rather disconcerting to be addressed in such a manner, knowing that compassion is a kind of sympathy with the addition of investing energy and resources as a genuine effort to help, yet it is the last thing you are looking for.

It just seems kinda backward to me in this particular context, that's all.

iloveyoghurt said:
Has it ever occurred to anyone that focus on living is just another "program" (as you would call it)?

You mean like how apathy toward living can be a "program"?

iloveyoghurt said:
Health update: My original cancer has gone. The tumor found (non cancer) will be removed.

iloveyoghurt said:
As I look at my postings, I see that I was reaching for the impossible. When I was writing about my situation, and "crying for help", it was from a holistic point of view. Something that obviously did not come across clearly.

It seems you are unaware that the emotional tone of your posts, your "cry for help," and your questions, "What is happening to me?" "What is my story?" "What can I do?" and "Am I 'supposed' to die?" was understandably read by many of us as a desperate cry for help. Instead, you say you were really just looking for a conversation on the psycho/spiritual aspects of disease. If this is indeed what you are looking for, I would suggest the next time, you leave yourself and your cancer history out of the discussion altogether. Perhaps that will give you some added objectivity and a new perspective on the experience and others won't feel as if you are asking for anything specific.

I am looking to engage in discussion in areas that exclude dietary and health, but that are esoteric. Things that others in similar condition, have also found themselves pondering on, along such an extraordinary journey.

Maybe it would be helpful for you and for others in similar condition if you were to start your own blog? You may get more discussions along the lines you are seeking.

Further to this, please understand that, some of us are not looking to be healed - we have come to terms with the inevitability of death, and know clearly, and even arguably closer than the "well" folks that loosing the body is no big deal.We watch with curiosity and respectful humour, others that are "well", that seem to possibly be projecting their own fears of death onto us, by insisting that we ought to heal the body(!).

But that's not how you came across. I hope you can see that you're doing a fair amount of projecting here yourself, iloveyoghurt. You asked for help and as others have pointed out, then became insulted when it was given. Everyone has their lessons to learn in this lifetime, and yes, there are many people who are not looking to be healed. There are also many people who love their misery so much they wouldn't give it up for anything. It is pretty much up to us to decide.

Question - has anyone actually thought about the stuff they recommend anyway? For example, who is Louse Hays - why do people think she has the answers? Really, there are so very many trees to bark up when it comes to illness

Louise Hay claims to have cured herself of cancer by studying the ancient vedic healing arts with a yogi master. She then combined that with further knowledge found in the traditional schools of spirituality and healing, i.e. Chinese, Egyptian, and Essene to formulate her ideas of the mind/body/emotion connection to health.

Health update: My original cancer has gone. The tumor found (non cancer) will be removed.

Excellent news. I'm sure that is a huge relief.

Around here we like to say the information the C's give is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration, meaning that we must do the majority of the work. I'd say that's pretty fair, wouldn't you? Otherwise, how else will we learn?

Best wishes on your journey.
Hiya Bud,

Because there are other forums where one can simply chat and engage in reciprocal, sympathy-only feeding dynamics

Bud, I wasn't looking at all for sympathy (and I have specified this so as not to get that confused). I don't want or need sympathy. My desire was to explore complex thoughts and ideas with others that have a broad tolerance for topical concepts, and to gain objectivity about thoughts, ideas, and concepts that have come up on my journey.

I have had thoughts and ideas that have arisen in contemplation along my (extraordinary) journey - one of them for example was: maaan, there is such a focus on staying in 3D, that it seems almost suspicious. Acknowledging that this thought was a weird and unusual one, I wanted to put it "out there" for exploration and objective challenge, as well as others too. When I did this, I received instead, a forum of folks that insisted that I needed healing, and went about telling me how I should go about it. Rather taking the whole thing off topic.

"You mean like how apathy toward living can be a "program"?
If you take a look, in other posts I have also offered thoughts about illness being a trap, a manipulation perhaps to "make" a person think that they are not supposed to be here; these are after all the kinds of questionings and thoughts that I regularly contemplate.

I am making an attempt to share ideas, and a very personal journey with others here. I am curious at this stage to see whether one day, a person with similar illness will get on this site and search for AIDS or cancer looking for wacky ideas that perhaps they have encountered also on their journey, and wish to have them explored and challenged. Like I've also said in other posts, I can easily go to other sites - sites with others that have illness, and they are great because people listen without prescribing remedies, instead there is a relating, and empathy, and sharing that goes on. But, it is not necessarily a forum that holds a group awareness of the possibility that we exist within a multi-density universe. And that is why I am here.

Having said that, I am presently rethinking my avenue of exploration, and coming to terms with my limited ability to communicate. I don't think I'm a natural at forum communication. I am considering other avenues for exploration of my ideas, and have them exposed to objective review. I don't seem to fit here, and may be here under incompatible agendas after all. I wonder if this topic might be best explored as a blog...

Anyhow, thanks for the :thup:, I get your meaning ;)
Thanks Blackswan,

thanks a lot. Yes, I see how I come across to others after I read it all. This is the first forum I've engaged in, and I seem to just not be able to get my meaning across clearly. I do find it really new and quite challenging to get my thoughts together and express them, and my attempts at using humour as a buffer, and emotional expression for affect, become interpreted as something other..

I ran out of ideas some pages ago now as to how I could say I am not necessarily looking to discuss diet and health in any more of a clear way. It is understood that my ability to communicate is limited. However, communication is a two way process ;)

Anyway, yes, a blog might be the go. Thanks a lot for your generous efforts!
Hi ily,

I am very happy for you to hear your cancer is gone. I hope the removal of the tumor proceeds safely and wish you a speedy recovery.

I also hope that you realize how you were demanding of others on this forum to provide you with answers in a specific way and could not see how your own wording was behind much of the frustration you experienced.

As well, I still don't think you realize how this forum operates. As living, thinking and caring beings, gathered on this forum specifically to find objective truths and help each other to see beyond their subjective limitations, it would have been a violation of the forum's principles to merely provide narrowly focused answers when bigger issues might be involved.

In fact, one could even go to say that by allowing someone on the forum to continue with a distorted understanding would be a violation of greater universal laws.

If a drug addict came to the forum in distress, at the end of their rope, begging to be relieved of their addiction but only wanted to discuss mineral supplements, what higher good would be served to accommodate them when their spiritual and psychological well being, not to mention the makeup of their diet are possibly more important?

You may not be aware of it, but you have come across as demanding, self righteous, arrogant and childish and yet energy is still being afforded you.
Please try to recognize that answers don't always come in the form you anticipate and if you let go of your anticipation you might be surprised at what you learn.

Obviously you are cared about here or you would have been brushed off at the first sign of disrespect you issued.

I wish you well in your healing and hope you can come to realize the value of the gifts you appear to have rejected.

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