Egely Wheel - measure and increase your own vitality level

Healer, my curiosity has mostly to do with the way you communicate. Quotes like "I am probably nowhere near as strong as I will eventually get" and "I am also achieving higher and higher meditative states" indicate you might be caught up in self importance. Personally, I am far more interested in how this wheel helps you to heal people, than in stories about 'the wheel spinning even faster'.
Hello all,

This is an interesting topic, indeed. I am wondering, it possible that the whole concept of the psi wheels and the ability to "guage" and "build up" and "excercise" could be another tool within this construct designed to further solidify the illusion of all not being one? Distance and time not being an illusion?

A man is in a cell, beating away at the stone wall with a sledgehammer, trying to get out. He's making a little progress, chips and chunks of stone are beginning to pile at his feet. A voice over a speaker says "You know, that wall is not real, it's an illusion." The man says "Well if it's an illusion then I shouldn't have any problem getting through it with this sledge" and swings twice as fast and hard.

Could it be that to feel the need to spin it faster for confirmation of gained "power" actually is a manifestation of
the mind setting limits for itself, using methods of the very construct it is trying to prove to be an illusion? Would then beliefs and assumptions and feelings such as "I am empty of energy......I need to recharge........I will have more strength when I build it up..........." possibly be more illusions?

Yet results do manifest apparently.......then again the best lies are built on truths........

A couple of Lego Men are talking in a Lego Town. There's Lego Trees and there's Lego Cars and Buildings. A nice Lego Car goes by. One Lego Man says to the other One, "All is One, One is All." The other replies "Are you crazy? That is a car, I am a man".

Tempus Fugit said:
Hello all,

This is an interesting topic, indeed. I am wondering, it possible that the whole concept of the psi wheels and the ability to "gauge" and "build up" and "excercise" could be another tool within this construct designed to further solidify the illusion of all not being one? Distance and time not being an illusion?
You see, we can discuss ad infinitum whether all is one or not. There are arguments for one point ov view and there are arguments for another point view. There are times and places when it is good to have in mind that, perhaps, all is one, and there are other times and other circumstance when concentration on 'all is one" idea would be simply silly. The devil is always in the details.

But most people do not want to think of the details. What they want are propaganda slogans that replace their thinking.

In our reality and for our purposes it is, I think, better to keep in mind that the whole of creation has a double existence: there is a material world, accessible to our normal senses, and there is a world of thoughts and ideas that we can live in to great extent independently of the material world.
These two worlds somehow interact and each one needs the other one to make a whole.

How exactly it is all being done is still a puzzle. Perhaps we have a possibility of becoming a solution to this puzzle?
"You see, we can discuss ad infinitum whether all is one or not. There are arguments for one point ov view and there are arguments for another point view."

Yes, we seem to be surrounded with a myriad of points of view.

"There are times and places when it is good to have in mind that, PERHAPS, all is one,"

A mind open to possibilities, is a mind that is open to concepts other than what it may or may not want to accept based upon the individual's beliefs and standards, to remember that it's point of view is just that....a point of view?

From Marriam-Webster:
1 : the condition or fact of being possible
2 archaic : one's utmost power, capacity, or ability
3 : something that is possible

1 : something conceived in the mind : THOUGHT, NOTION
2 : an abstract or generic idea generalized from particular instances
synonym see IDEA

Point of View:
: a position or perspective from which something is considered or evaluated

"and there are other times and other circumstance when CONCENTRATION on 'all is one" idea would be simply silly. The devil is always in the details."

Yes, it sure seems to depend on the time and circumstance, doesn't it?

"But most people do not WANT to think of the details. What they WANT are propaganda slogans that REPLACE their THINKING."

1 : to be needy or destitute
2 : to have or feel need <never wants for friends>
3 : to be necessary or needed
4 : to desire to come, go, or be <the cat wants in> <wants out of the deal>
transitive verb
1 : to fail to possess especially in customary or required amount :
2 a : to have a strong desire for <wanted a chance to rest> b : to have an inclination to
3 a : to have need of : REQUIRE b : to suffer from the lack of
4 : OUGHT -- used with the infinitive <YOU WANT TO BE VERY CAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY>
5 : to wish or demand the presence of
6 : to hunt or seek in order to apprehend <wanted for murder>

My friend, you sure got that right.

"How exactly it is all being done is still a puzzle. Perhaps we have a possibility of becoming a solution to this puzzle?"

Perhaps we can, or rather, I am open to that possibility.

1 : to appear to the observation or understanding
2 : to give the impression of being

Interesting.... clues.... they are everywhere. The ones (text/life) in bold print are/were necessary and the italicized as well. However, within the body of text and/or "life" one/we can find more subtle lessons not necessary to highlight nor can be as knowledge grows so to in unison ones/our awareness instantaneously elevated.

"Want" is indeed an interesting choice of words (concept) and one that is ("seems") necessary to review - for all the right reasons.

Arks question is fascinating:

"How exactly it is all being done is still a puzzle. Perhaps we have a possibility of becoming a SOLUTION to this puzzle?"

In keeping with definitions the above question requires some internal mining. Some drilling, bracing, blasting and all this before one can extract the essential raw materials. So now punching in for work and sharing the following from - some of what has been unearthed on my shift: ON "solution"

Main Entry: so·lu·tion
Pronunciation: s&-'lü-sh&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English solucion explanation, dispersal of bodily humors, from Anglo-French, from Latin solution-, solutio, from solvere to loosen, solve
1 a : an action or process of solving a problem b : an answer to a problem : EXPLANATION; specifically : a set of values of the variables that satisfies an equation
2 a : an act or the process by which a solid, liquid, or gaseous substance is homogeneously mixed with a liquid or sometimes a gas or solid b : a homogeneous mixture formed by this process; especially : a single-phase liquid system c : the condition of being dissolved

3 : a bringing or coming to an end or into a state of discontinuity

Three (3) is what caught my attention. For practical purposes (a visual if you will) within the construct of the "Matrix Control system" (fill in the blank______________ program) continuity is desirable.

Again using On "Continuity"

Main Entry: con·ti·nu·i·ty
Pronunciation: "kän-t&-'nü-&-tE, -'nyü-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ties
1 a : [uninterrupted connection], succession, or union b : uninterrupted duration or continuation [especially without essential change]
2 : something that has, exhibits, or provides continuity: as a : [a script] or scenario in the performing arts b : transitional spoken or musical matter especially for a radio or television program c : the story and dialogue of a comic strip
3 : the property of being mathematically [minded] continuous [within the construct/program] (bracketed by bloobeem)

Possitive and Negative Feedback Loops now come to mind.


Years ago I met a traveler who always had a saying about this or that common saying. One of which was the term "maybe" - which the "I" (in the day) parroted without a "clue" frequently. When used in a sentence he would politely respond: "maybe" tends to go negative. Hmmm... I would think knowing nothing at the time about dynamics electricity. Years later working with a double E (rewiring houses - knowing just a bit more than nothing) he (the boss) informed me that theoretically this is true. "Maybe" is like neutral... which tends to go negative.

"How exactly it is all being done is still a puzzle. PERHAPS we have a possibility of becoming a solution to this puzzle?" On "Perhaps"

Main Entry: 1per·haps
Pronunciation: p&r-'haps, 'praps
Function: adverb
Etymology: per + hap
: possibly but not certainly : MAYBE

So, what is obvious now, was not obvious then, and that is... that "Perhaps" is "Maybe" in disguise (all dressed up and no where to go). A kinder gentler "Maybe" if you will. However still a "maybe" anyway you choose to slice it or dice it.


Ark says:
"How exactly it is all being done is still a puzzle. Perhaps we have a POSSIBILITY of becoming a solution to this puzzle?"

Again, a fascinating question which purposefully written - stimulates awareness.

Main Entry: pos·si·ble
Pronunciation: 'pä-s&-b&l
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin possibilis, from posse to be able, from potis, pote able + esse to be -- more at POTENT, IS
1 a : being within the limits of ability, capacity, or realization <a possible but difficult task> b : being what may be conceived, be done, or occur according to nature, custom, or manners <the best possible care> <the worst possible circumstance>
2 a : being something that may or may not occur <a possible surprise visit> b : being something that may or may not be true or actual <possible explanation>
3 : having an indicated potential <a possible housing site>
synonyms POSSIBLE, PRACTICABLE, FEASIBLE mean capable of being realized. POSSIBLE implies that a thing may certainly exist or occur given the proper conditions <a possible route up the west face of the mountain>.

Being reminded of P.D.'s "The Evolution of Mans Possible Psychology" - additionally what can be noticed in Arks response are the clues he has placed. One clue being defined in's 1a. (in the above)..... by considering the limits of ability, capacity, or realization <a possible but difficult task> the pendulum swings toward "probability". Consideration becomes awareness/action/AIM.


Without Ark, Laura - the gang - i.e. Us in the Future, it would remain just that... "Maybe a possibility".

Bonus thought:
Initially upon reading Arks response to Tempus and beyond, I saw "us-in-the-now" (the possibilities/probabilities) as a clear glass of "solution" - all in the "solution" as the solution. Picking this clue out from Ark saying "we". One of which "clues" will be kept in my shoe for consideration.

To thank you all is to cheapen the gift,
Egely Wheel

Dear all!

If you like to meditate, you can try Egely Wheel. This is the best way to develop your abilities!
Hi Mephisto,

Welcome to the forum. :) We recommend all new members to post an introduction in the Newbies section telling us a bit about themselves, and how they found their way here. Have a read through that section to get an idea of how others have done it. Thanks.
Very interesting thread and i would love to do some experiments with this contraption using methods i have learnt over the years. There are some very interesting methods that claim to increase the energy output that i have learnt during reiki and other energy based circles i have travelled in. My hands are buzzing just reading this thread and although it may seem like wasted energy that could be used more wisely it is actually helping me to heal and is not so selfish i suppose. I can see a few areas where this wheel could possibly be used to assist in healing practices if it does as it claims.

If you are still around healer id really like to pick your brain and suggest some of these methods for you to try if you are interested? Your theory of moving air around is interesting as most of the techniques i have learnt are based on increasing intent using the breath.

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