Very interesting video... I didn't watch it before as thought it was in German with no English subtitles.

By any chance, have you found any other videos or material that support the science of what he says about the corona virus? It'll be interesting to see collaborative material as it'll convince more strongly the part of the mind that always chooses to be critical and to be convinced by data that makes something appear even more self evident.

I'm asking as I haven't come across the info he mentions from other places apart from that video. I'm thinking there must be more material out there to collaborate what he's saying.
On the forum we ask questions, sometimes someone who already did much searching and studying has the answer, sees the question and responds, sometimes if not often it may be necessary to join the search in a more active way, also and very often to even understand the answers others are giving. Below are some ideas, many of which I have used. I could have used them to look for an answer to your questions, but I do not have the time at the moment, so I'll just share ideas in case someone is interested, but has little experience looking for answers to questions.

To find answers to questions in my experience takes time, but one can also learn something in the process, maybe something not originally expected. Maybe one needs a spread sheet to make a list of potentially interesting articles, maybe one needs to keep 50+ windows open at the same time, maybe one needs a note book, maybe one needs to search for an item in another language than English and translate it back into a language one can understand, sometimes one needs to change strategy or modify the question while searching including changing search strings or using other search engines than Google, or using the scholar function and not only in Google. And when one has a list of hits one often needs to try and look deeper than on page one, maybe there is something on page 12 or 29 or 371? Maybe Youtube or a similar service has hints one can work on, or perhaps a Twitter or FB hashtag search. Sometimes one can find clues in a book sitting at the shelf or in one left behind at a recycling shop. Or maybe one has to buy a book, or more than one. Maybe on has to go to the library, maybe one needs to call up or write an email to a friend. Sometimes one can put things together from information already available, or by searching on SOTT or the forum. Sometimes a search takes one minute, sometimes it takes years, or may not even be completed by one person in one lifetime. Maybe someone has not the whole answer, but shares a piece of what was found which inspires someone else to continue, and the problem is solved or progresses towards a solution as a result of networking between many people. The history of science has many examples.
RT's Editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan comments on the situation as follows (I summarized the key points):

- the MSM love sensations, that's how they attract money and attention; they fight for sensations among each other, and then it all starts snowballing;
- the society bombarded by the media starts forming a particular attitude to the problem;
- the politicians start reacting to the society's attitude and make decisions based on the expectations of their electorate rather than the real necessity;
- there is one scary and uncurable disease - rabies; once a person starts exhibiting any symptoms, the mortality rate is 100% without any exception and the death is extremely painful; yet nobody is freaking out; once a child touched a hedgehog, nobody is running to make medical tests;
- the excessive panic over coronavirus will surely make more damage than the virus itself;
- the reports about overcrowded hospitals are fake, this would be impossible to hide if it were true;
- when it's all over, it will be very difficult to count how many people died of coronavirus, and how many because of the panic;
- in Italy for example the numbers of deaths from other diseases has increased now, because everyone is focused on coronavirus and other patients are neglected;
- only 2.5% of people die of coronavirus.

Spot-on. I think more often than not it's a mistake to ascribe nefarious conspiracy-intentions to politicians (most are just spineless and selfish and dumb and after money and fame). The more important power center lies with the media and those who control it. The politicians, and even the CEOs to some extent, mostly react. That's not the whole story of course, but much of it IMO.
Our leaders see us like kids and put us on punition for something that we did not do at all. You will stay in your room till I decided when you can go out of it. We are mean kids because we love air and Sun. There is not enough punition for us, more punitions will come. They put videos on the medias of people who just walk on the street taking air and the police stop them because they are bad kids. Some go to the commissariat. It is our fault if this coronavirus is expanding, they say. If people died of it, it is also our fault and we will pay for it, be sure mean and bad kids.

But they will never put in prison our spirit, that's for sure. Nor our love of the Sun, nor our laughs, our love of books and knowledge. Never ever.
Yes. Here also. And I ask myself, why? Maybe Gaby can tell us something about it. Do patients of coronavirus need blood?

As you probably figured out by now, it's an inventory of human resources at all levels, after all, it's a "national emergency".

Colleagues who own a private medical practice are being asked about their private stock and if they could give it away in case of need. Medical colleges are sending invitations to retired doctors and to those who just finished medical school to step up. By law, health staff is now property of the government, and they can be mobilized wherever and whenever. Our shift duties are being shuffled around so there can always be two teams, one works one week and the other the next week and so forth. That way losses are minimized if the first team gets a hit. The second team has to remain on standby duty, of course. Our holidays, personal commitments, etc. are cancelled until further notice.

I heard the first case of coronavirus has been confirmed in my region. I was starting to think that this coronavirus is the one thing missing in action in this whole affair. Patient is stable, like they say, recovering from a normal flu.

Looking forward for the Taurids later this year! I'll enjoy the show for sure.
The retirement village operators have jumped on the bandwagon and in many villages they have security guards on the gates, no outside visitors are allowed (many families sent home when come to visit their parents or grandparents)
They can do whatever they want with these elders; abuse, vaccination, even killing them and saying "it's the virus". Virus is a good scapegoat. They no more need to say "it's Putin"
Late to chime in on this thread, and I have just been quietly observing from the sidelines.

First of all - In want to scream from the rooftops: WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON!?!? THIS IS CRAZY

Witnessing all of the madness unfolding is extremely disturbing. The worst part is that it seemingly came out of nowhere. Who would have anticipated this? This virus is clearly a nothing-burger, and yet the response of nations all over the globe is so absolutely overblown that it boggles the mind and has me wondering... what is really going on behind the scenes?

Laura posted a while back on the thread about a joke made by Ark, and I have been thinking deeply about this the past couple of days. Is it a front for masking the already inevitable economic collapse and "reset"?

Or, do some factions of the PTB know something that the rest of us don't regarding an incoming cometary bombardment or something else of that sort?

Could be normalcy bias, but I find it VERY hard to believe that they can maintain this level of panic and the stringent control measures for this stupid virus, especially when people wake up to the fact that it is basically a boring old flu. In the UK, they are talking about home quarantining the elderly for 3 months 😳 and it will potentially be a home-curfew for many others in the weeks to come, much like in Italy.

This make me wonder - is this just a trial run? Is there something wicked on its way, and the PTB are simply getting the infrastructure in place, "testing the waters", and prepping people psychologically to accept whatever stricter measures will be in place in the near future?

As it stands, I can't see this comedy show lasting much longer. However, I am starting mentally prepare a bit more for the "big one" - whatever that may be and whenever that may come.
This is what I find most tragic above all. Jordan Peterson's words about eveybody's susceptibility of becoming a nazi camp's guard jumps to mind. You don't need occupation armies to install a fascist state, all you need is to activate people. Maybe that technocratic meta-fascist-state is what we're witnessing being implemented in not-so-slow motion.
I think I now understand the Cs words that programming is complete. The programming of the people in this reality is finished. And then this Coronavirus was just activating the program through the media. Programing kicked in so quickly.
And as I can see people became nazi camp's guards. People that I know and that are decent people.
I think I now understand the Cs words that programming is complete. The programming of the people in this reality is finished. And then this Coronavirus was just activating the program through the media. Programing kicked in so quickly.
And as I can see people became nazi camp's guards. People that I know and that are decent people.
Maybe now it is time to read "Eichmann in Jerusalem: : A Report on the Banality of Evil " by Hannah Arendt ?

The banality of evil
Arendt's book introduced the expression and concept of the banality of evil.[6] Her thesis is that Eichmann was actually not a fanatic or a sociopath, but instead an extremely average and mundane person who relied on cliché defenses rather than thinking for himself, and was motivated by professional promotion rather than ideology. Banality, in this sense, does not mean that Eichmann's actions were in any way ordinary, or even that there is a potential Eichmann in all of us, but that his actions were motivated by a sort of stupidity which was wholly unexceptional.[7] In his 2010 history of the Second World War, Moral Combat, British historian Michael Burleigh calls the expression a "cliché" and gives many documented examples of gratuitous acts of cruelty by those involved in the Holocaust, including Eichmann.[8] Arendt certainly did not disagree about the fact of gratuitous cruelty, but, she claims, "banality of evil" is unrelated to this question. Similarly, the first attempted rebuttal of Arendt's thesis relied on a misreading of this phrase, claiming Arendt meant that there was nothing exceptional about the Holocaust.[9][10]
So many things to learn even in quarantaine!
Should (as a qualifier) this be ever coupled with internet/phone service interruptions, what will many do?
That conjures up images of the mole people emerging into the sunlight for the first time. While that may sound like a joke, I’m not entirely kidding. Maybe some would wake out of the dream, others remain helpless children, and still others found where they sat and turned to stone. But lots of fear food to be had in the process.:-(
I think I now understand the Cs words that programming is complete. The programming of the people in this reality is finished. And then this Coronavirus was just activating the program through the media. Programing kicked in so quickly.
And as I can see people became nazi camp's guards. People that I know and that are decent people.

It somehow recall the Milgram experiment

Here in Bonn situation is pretty much the same as in many parts of Germany/Europe: restaurants open from 6:00-18:00, schools and kindergartens are closed, no church, museums, big people gathering, even playgrounds are closed.....

I´m observing my neighborhood and I see people working in gardens, kids playing outside, people grilling - to me it looks like prolongatied family time :-)

Playgrounds closed "directive" is now two days old, but my kid is regularly meeting other kids from school; they meet and play in the sun on the meadow. I´m glad to see that some parents don´t fall for the hysteria. Outside is spring time and very warm. Kids are studying at home in the morning and then spend afternoons outside.

I saw today on local portal that many people organize support for those who do not want to or cannot leave the house.
“We agree to do shopping, to get groceries, books or medicines from the pharmacy. For people who need help, we can go to the post office or take the dog for a walk, ”says Otto. "Some of us who study have time during the day, the others are ready for work after work."
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