A 18m clip which compiles all the major demonstrations around the world during this w-e (of 20 & 21 November)

About the musik, well, it's ... sometimes harshy, rude ... but finally, it well reflect the increasing "ambiance"
It's a nice summary. That really touched me.Thanks for that. And the music is still appropriate and I think it underlines what is presented.
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A thought occurred to me earlier today...

At some point, starting from zero and getting enough vaccines into your body in order to comply with passport requirements is going to be so difficult and lengthy a process that it will create its own significant barrier to entry.

If you weren't on board in the beginning, then every month which passes, every new jab requirement added to the list, makes it all the more unlikely that a person might willingly decide to change tracks. -Meanwhile the sick and knee-bended get sicker and less able to grip the reality rails, whereas those who have resolved to stay focused are making choices and building systems and networks which will allow them to grow even more resolved and focused.

You can really see the diverging reality streams at work in an increasingly visceral way. It's no longer some ephemeral matter of instinct and deliberate attention on Reality Left and Right. Now there's an actual paper trail with QR codes to tell you which reality you're bending towards.

Passports, indeed!

(How do you get past the screening door? Show it the No Tea.)
~Ultra Obscure Douglas Adams Reference.
Speechless... I almost laughed....

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Video Link

I've noticed that my deep body responses (the ones connected to adrenal glands and the pit of my stomach and such) are not triggered by the the same things they used to be.

20+ years ago, when first reading about lizards and vats and airports, it created cold balls of dread in me.

That stuff doesn't affect me anymore. I've digested it and metabolize it, and it's now just part of my knowledge structure. Today apparently, the thing which causes that cold gut response, is cute little jingles.

Which is probably an indication of a healthy nervous system and reality perception engine.

Side story...

I was asking a psychic, many, many years ago now, about dead soldiers captured in past wars and stored in cryo pods for later activation... You know, to create an army of New World Order types to emerge from the depths, etc.. The lady frowned and put her foot down and tried to steer things back to typical mundane psychic reading fluffery. I persisted, believing it to be important and wanting to know if there was any truth to it.

The answer I got was a grudging admission that there was some truth to it, but that there would be a sort of repellent alignment charge, like magnets turned the wrong way, which would make it unlikely for the two sides to be able to even interact with each other, and that I shouldn't worry about it so much. -Along with another stern look which I interpreted as, "The hell is wrong with you? Keep it down, you damned idiot. You want Mordor's eye circling around this way? Jesus!"

Obviously this whole exchange was layered with hopelessly interpretive bugaboo, but...

I did take it to imply that there was an active force in effect. -I could feel it and see it active in everyday life but had never thought before to attempt to properly acknowledge or label it. It is the same phenomenon which makes me cringe and feel physically repulsed when trying to watch woke-infused media. -Which another person might have zero problem with depending on their knowledge structure and spiritual alignment. -Or to tighten my belly in revulsion when I witness straight-up propaganda like that retarded Tweet video. Nor can I associate with many of the people in my old circles for similar reasons. They just resonate with that vibe, driving me out the door with their miasma of deliberate ignorance and cult-thinking.

It really is like the spiritual equivalent of a magnetic field going the wrong way. It's encouraging to think that it probably has the same effect on them! -That maybe the Dread Soldiers of the NWO will be like, "Ugh. Just look the other way and keep walking. I can't stand those guys." (Har har! Not likely, but it's a funny thought.)
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What really is required now - is Courage, Courage… and a Big Heart ! he said.
What he actually said was "....Courage, Anger... and a big heart!" ("...Mut, Wut...und ein großes Herz!"

I did take it to imply that there was an active force in effect. -I could feel it and see it active in everyday life but had never thought before to attempt to properly acknowledge or label it. It is the same phenomenon which makes me cringe and feel physically repulsed when trying to watch woke-infused media. -Which another person might have zero problem with depending on their knowledge structure and spiritual alignment. -Or to tighten my belly in revulsion when I witness straight-up propaganda like that retarded Tweet video. Nor can I associate with many of the people in my old circles for similar reasons. They just resonate with that vibe, driving me out the door with their miasma of deliberate ignorance and cult-thinking.
I feel the just same. Having never been overly social these time make me withdraw even more.
What you describe as a visceral feeling is a constant companion of mine whenever I'm out there.

But today the universe provided a little story of light. It warmed my heart, so I share for wamth:

A few months ago an old man was administered to the psychward. He had dementia and had fled the care home where he was brought to live shortly before numerous times.
His wife had died and he couldn't remember this fact.
I spent some time with him and looked at the photos he'd with him- 3 times on 2 evenings. He could never remember that he'd shown them to me before. Then the day of his wife's funeral came and he wasn't allowed to go there. I cried.
Fast forward a few months:
I bought something on ebay. The seller behaved like a petty tyrant par excellence. In the end the parcel was not delivered to my adress but to a little gift shop in the village close by.
I spoke to the shop owner on the phone. I realized she was the man's daughter. I told her that I met her father recently. She started crying and said, "He died a week ago....after the booster."
Today I went to pick up the parcel and we talked. She looked at me closely, wanted to hear what I could tell her about her father.
We had a long talk while I was petting her dog.
She asked, "What shall we do with this mess?"
In this moment another woman entered the shop.
I know her, talked to her once or twice, but she didn't remember me. She's something like the wild, weird village artist of said village and also a friend of a friend.
What she didn't know though is that about 20 years ago one especially nasty 'I' of mine nearly died of jealously because the man I believed to love back then loved her.

There we were, 3 middle-aged women in a gift shop; strangely connected in a frequency band of death, love and friendship.
The artist-lady asked, "What do you do?" "Still working the psychward", I replied.
"Aaah, the whole world out there became a psychward and we're the outcasts now!", she said and took my hand to hold it.
The other picked up a necklace, a heart shaped wire with little translucent plastic pearls on a leather string, and put it around my neck....
...and now I cry as I type...
Dunno, I think this must have been the most beautiful moment in a long time for me.
Three middle-aged women, basically strangers, in a gift shop holding hands with tears in their eyes.
"What can we do but stay in love?", said the artist.
One of my contacts is a healthcare store owner, she is a somewhat friend/acquaintance. A customer, who was, and repeat was, employed as a care aid, came into the store. This is the story conveyed by the customer. A story so disturbing to me, she was in tears, she loves her job. She worked at one of the many care facilities in the area, there is only one government facility operated in the area, all others are under what is called the Public Private Partnership commonly know as PP3.

As widely broadcast throughout the 5 eye countries, it is mandatory for healthcare workers to receive the jab, x2, and possibly the third. She had missed the deadlines given to receive the jabs. So she was placed on unpaid leave of absence, she is unable to claim any vacation or sick benefit, which she has accrued, or claim Employment Insurance, a government scheme, which is deducted from her paycheck.

She attempted to seek alternative employment, which was not successful. She discovered, she had been blacklisted

So, it seems to me that unless, she agrees to get the jab, and go back to work as a healthcare employee, any other employment is not possible. This is so devious and nefarious, and reminds me of the telling phrase told to healthcare workers by Bonnie Henry, that refused to get the jab.

There will be consequences

Seems this was no idle threat. This is nothing more than blatant totalitarianism (if true, and I have no reason to disbelieve this, given the staffing shortages in Healthcare at this time).

If anyone in BC, has any doubts, where this government is headed, this should give a wake up call. But alas, this will never be disclosed, all broadcast agencies in the MSM are on board with the narrative.

Those, that refuse the jab, are the cause of the healthcare crisis we are facing at this time, talk about blaming and shaming, this brings it to another level. Words fail me.

If a computer program can "optimize" moves in a game of Chess and Go to beat world masters, I think it would be possible to develop a program which distributes various formulations to different locations so as to optimize "their desired effect" and minimize social awareness. Such a system would need to be synchronized with the PR machine (radio. tv, press, movies ...) so as to keep the populaces as tranquilized as possible, so the game is not exposed. Best way to do this "Is to Lie", which is what they are doing right now. I am guessing that 10-20 yrs in the future they will say the Plan-demic was so deadly that nearly all deaths we from the Wuhan Bug.

Obviously I am just speculating, but every person who appear in a hospital will have a record of having been clot-shot or not. Along with this data will be all their demographic information as well as past and current illnesses. This data will be accessible to those running this show. Data privacy, I don't believe it exists to them. With such data I'm sure the Devils will be able to guage how the different "formulations" are effecting different categories of people. Such analysis tools would have been developed decades earlier in the expectation to use them in such a huge operation. If they can bring down 2 huge skyscrapers down like pancakes along with WT-7 like a deck of cards, then analytical tools to run Con-19 would not be beyond their capabilities.

The Truth will be erased as much as possible so that a sanitized history can be written of how the Great Reset happened. Many web pages and blogs have disappeared over the last 10-15 years for less dramatic reason. In the New Normal only truth filled sites will remain for everyone's benefit and safety. If the FDA is asking to hide Pfizer data till 2076, then they are giving us a huge hint of how they want to play this game. The same way as they played in the Past, rewrite history based on as many lies as possible.

Let's play a thought game - so why would this version of a computer program deployed to manage the cleanse of the population not be true? Immediately I can think of 2 reasons
  1. The technology isn't there
  2. You don't need an AI, you just need to buy enough corrupted people in key institutions.
Can you think of more reasons?

My refutation to the above 2 reasons


How much are military black budgets? I think enough money would have been spent over decades to get something that would have impressive processing power. However, I don't think people are that clever but I do think if you factor in 4D help or influence then indeed they could come up with a piece of technology that is scary and can undertake these computations.

Also we know these people love to leverage technology. It's a religion.

On just using corrupted individuals or blackmail

I think this can't be the primary strategy as it's impossible to run it across the globe. There are too many people and institutions. Even if you mould the culture within institutions so that people turn a blind eye or keep quiet I still think you run into the problem of something big breaking away that you can't control or react fast enough to counteract. It's just too risky!

I'd imagine the best way to do things is to actually have those running the lie believe the lie. But how? I think it's about understanding people. I think you will need to have started this game a couple of years ago, maybe more. You need to map out people and position them without them knowing they are being positioned into situations where their behaviour becomes predictable under certain conditions. Once you have the critical mass of people positioned then you create or trigger the conditions and they act as you predicted and in doing so hold up the worldview that you want held up. The apparatus then functions by itself, organically.

Imagine if huge %s of the ruling class ACTUALLY believe this thing. If they actually believe vaccines are saviours. Then I don't think you actually need to blackmail or corrupt that many individuals in like the classical sense.

Actually thinking about it, this is above the heads of people. This must be a game played from 4D but using human pawns to move things at the ground level. The pawns don't actually know they are being moved as part of a scheme of a wider game. How can you move the pawns you ask? Again, I think it's about knowing how people will react to certain situations. It's about putting the right people in the right places so that they act as you predicted when the situation presents itself in those places you put them. Think of it as a domino effect, you set the dominoes and then when you are happy, you knock the first one over and you know how the whole thing will play out. The dominoes in this case are people and them falling over is the chain of events that are triggered once you start the first action or event.

Is it too far fetched? Definitely yes if I think in strictly 3D terms. Hell no if I think in 4D terms i.e. think without limitations. I mean, just imagine this as a video game where you can run infinite instances of the game and can see "time" from a birdseye view where you can do something say in 1950 and see the effect of that action in 2020 and all other intervening years instantaneously. As time doesn't exist per se, imagine you can run the game infinite number of times with the aim of getting a desired effect at a targeted end point, say the realm border crossing.

Anyways, what's the end game, what's the desired outcome at the targeted end point? 🤷How close are we to that outcome? How many times have they run this "game"? How many more times will they run it? Are "we" experiencing this reality the final time they'll run it? How would we know? Are all my actions predicted for already? What does it matter if I choose to do something completely unpredictable if they can just run the game again until my actions become predictable? Won't my unpredictable action just be one of the instances of an unsuccessful run of the game which would have been reset many times over? The universe and 3D existence surely can't be this bleak that we're so powerless... We all believe we will be free and win this game, others will fail but not you, you i.e. the person reading this - you don't know how but deep down you believe you will succeed in this game, especially having reached this level, you believe this with every fibre in your body, it's like you're the one playing the game on humanity and running through the iterations that result in you achieving your desired end point, success and progress to the "next level". You believe this to be true but you don't know how it'll be true but you know it will be. My question to you dear reader is how can it be true if you're in someone else's game? This is breaking my mind, going back to thinking in 3D terms. 🤪
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The Australian military is being used to transfer people to quarantine camps.

But wait I thought that was a paranoid right wing conspiracy theory? 🙄

Just for some context, the two communities mentioned are small, fairly remote places and probably few, if any, of the people being transported owns a vehicle, and the place they're being taken is about a 3 hour drive away (300km of highway through the bush).. I am just guessing, could be wrong - god i hope not - but it's an educated guess.. (a member of my family actually got caught in this area as she was driving through the other day when this lockdown started, she's still stuck there! oof. ).. It's still very bad and horrible. But I don't think it's the kind of situation we'd visualise when we hear "army transporting people to quarantine camp".. ie it wouldn't be armed soldiers rounding everyone up at gunpoint. More likely it's a few drivers and public relations type officers going and liaising with local nurses, and really just providing transport to the people identified as being close contacts. Fairly normal to use the army for stuff like this, if the covid narrative was actually true. I thought the telling people they can't even leave their houses at all was the worst part. And then nurses/army/etc come in all covered in protective gear like there's some deadly plague, treat people like they're diseased and make everyone scared, make everyone think those people *should* be taken away to quarantine..

So yeah it's bad. But I just wanted to note that this is a very different place, culture and situation than it would be if the story was that the military was taking people away, in a small town in the US or somewhere else. (my post a few posts earlier than yours was about the same thing)

Though, to slightly argue against my own argument: I bet They would love to do this everywhere but they're doing it in places like this because they're so isolated and the people there aren't gonna be filming what's happening on phones and uploading it to the internet, so the world won't get to see what actually goes on like it would if this happened in a city..
Just for some context, the two communities mentioned are small, fairly remote places and probably few, if any, of the people being transported owns a vehicle, and the place they're being taken is about a 3 hour drive away (300km of highway through the bush).. I am just guessing, could be wrong - god i hope not - but it's an educated guess.. (a member of my family actually got caught in this area as she was driving through the other day when this lockdown started, she's still stuck there! oof. ).. It's still very bad and horrible. But I don't think it's the kind of situation we'd visualise when we hear "army transporting people to quarantine camp".. ie it wouldn't be armed soldiers rounding everyone up at gunpoint. More likely it's a few drivers and public relations type officers going and liaising with local nurses, and really just providing transport to the people identified as being close contacts. Fairly normal to use the army for stuff like this, if the covid narrative was actually true. I thought the telling people they can't even leave their houses at all was the worst part. And then nurses/army/etc come in all covered in protective gear like there's some deadly plague, treat people like they're diseased and make everyone scared, make everyone think those people *should* be taken away to quarantine..

So yeah it's bad. But I just wanted to note that this is a very different place, culture and situation than it would be if the story was that the military was taking people away, in a small town in the US or somewhere else. (my post a few posts earlier than yours was about the same thing)

Though, to slightly argue against my own argument: I bet They would love to do this everywhere but they're doing it in places like this because they're so isolated and the people there aren't gonna be filming what's happening on phones and uploading it to the internet, so the world won't get to see what actually goes on like it would if this happened in a city..

The Daily Telegraph - On Victoria’s quarantine camps. “It will be used for a new class of lepers - the unvaccinated” Yes, they actually wrote that. At this point your Government funded media are excusing human rights atrocities.

They will never be forgiven


Job Opportunity with Alex Berenson formerly of the NYT now has seen sense. Writes for Substack. I don't think you'll have to be vaccinated to apply :lol:

A quick update on the archive

I have not forgotten about it​

Alex Berenson
Nov 22CommentShare
I need to hire someone to run it. It is definitively a full-time job.
I think the top job has to be on the journalism/information/curation side, not the tech side. But that will likely be a full-time job too (overseeing and hiring teams for the design/interface and back-end).
I will be raising money and setting direction, at least at first, but I want it to become independent very quickly. And it has to be apolitical - the information has to be available whether it supports or opposes lockdowns, mandates, and everything else.
I tried today to hire someone as the archivist, but I think it’s a long shot.
But this needs to happen.​
Just for some context, the two communities mentioned are small, fairly remote places and probably few, if any, of the people being transported owns a vehicle, and the place they're being taken is about a 3 hour drive away (300km of highway through the bush).. I am just guessing, could be wrong - god i hope not - but it's an educated guess.. (a member of my family actually got caught in this area as she was driving through the other day when this lockdown started, she's still stuck there! oof. ).. It's still very bad and horrible. But I don't think it's the kind of situation we'd visualise when we hear "army transporting people to quarantine camp".. ie it wouldn't be armed soldiers rounding everyone up at gunpoint. More likely it's a few drivers and public relations type officers going and liaising with local nurses, and really just providing transport to the people identified as being close contacts. Fairly normal to use the army for stuff like this, if the covid narrative was actually true. I thought the telling people they can't even leave their houses at all was the worst part. And then nurses/army/etc come in all covered in protective gear like there's some deadly plague, treat people like they're diseased and make everyone scared, make everyone think those people *should* be taken away to quarantine..

So yeah it's bad. But I just wanted to note that this is a very different place, culture and situation than it would be if the story was that the military was taking people away, in a small town in the US or somewhere else. (my post a few posts earlier than yours was about the same thing)

Though, to slightly argue against my own argument: I bet They would love to do this everywhere but they're doing it in places like this because they're so isolated and the people there aren't gonna be filming what's happening on phones and uploading it to the internet, so the world won't get to see what actually goes on like it would if this happened in a city..

Yeah, that was my take on it too, based on previous similar incidents. As you say though, that doesn't mean it's going in the direction, but for now, there's no evidence of anyone being forcibly detained and/or vaccinated.
November 10, 2021ANR News

Wadeye Community Members in NT Forced Onto Bus Under Threat of Police Action, Taken to Health Centre and Inoculated Like Cattle

Janice flynn, CFO of the H E Butt foundation posted this:


Foundation Announces Janice Flynn as CFO. We are delighted to introduce Janice Flynn as Chief Financial Officer of the H. E. Butt Foundation. Janice joins us from San Antonio-based Rackspace, the leading managed cloud provider, where she oversaw global accounting functions. Born in Munich, Germany, Janice grew up in the United States—New York ...
34:57 vid dated Nov. 17 on beforeitsnews but not at SteelTruth.com:

Exclusive: Dr. Judy Mikovits: Antidote for Vaccine Toxin and Warns Against Dangerous Fake One (Video)

In this stunning interview, Dr Judy Mikovits joins Ann Vandersteel, who asks her whether COVID-19 is a real virus.

Dr Judy, who worked at Fort Detrick and who worked for years with Anthony Fauci at NIH replies, “No, COVID-19, the disease is not caused by SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus.

“SARS-CoV-2 is not a real human virus, it’s a monkey virus grown in the vero monkey cell line, always has been, just as SARS was created in that cell line and the variants are in that cell line.

“So the disease, COVID never satisfied any of Koch’s Postulates or the Hill’s Criteria for a causative agent of a disease, because in order for the virus, SARS-CoV-2 to have caused COVID, everybody with evidence of infection has to have disease.

“And what we know is, essentially, nobody with evidence of infection by that fraudulent PCR test – that is not testing for SARS-C0V-2 – and PCR does not test for an infectious virus.

“Nobody’s sick. This has a 99.7% survival rate, so there’s no such thing as an ‘asymptomatic carrier’ of a disease-causing virus. A virus either makes you sick or it doesn’t.

“And what we know is this disease called COVID was caused by contaminated flu shots – which are all contaminated with coronaviruses – and they are, every year and that those viruses recombine – the test was testing for the influenza, so this, at 4,000 people a day, in January of 2021 were dying of influenza and the CDC was labeling it, calling it “COVID”.

“We know that 5G and the measures; the remdesevir, so that which is killing people by shutting down their kidneys. Everything that’s been done: the masks, the shots, the isolation have caused the death and the destruction worldwide, not SARS-CoV-2.”

Ann says, “So, essentially, COVID-19 is a marketing hype name to promote fear and get people running to the doctors to get these PCR tests, which are, of course, completely falsely-calibrated and they’re not measuring COVID-19. So, has COVID-19 ever been isolated in a lab, then?”

Dr Judy replies, “SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated from vero monkey kidney cells – in a lab, grown in –”

Ann interrupts, “But not in people.”

“Not from people-to-people,” Dr Judy says, “Not from a person with disease and sending it to another…It’s a lab virus. All the variants are, they’re sequences in a database and they always have been, since 2003 and SARS.”

Ann asks, “OK, so these COVID vaccines – or what they’re touting to be vaccines, these shots. I call them Clot Shots, Kill Shots. What are they, if they’re not supposedly treating or preventing coronavirus?”

“Well, they’re synthetic, they’re gene therapy, number one. They’re not vaccines, they don’t meet the legal or scientific definition of a vaccine, which is usually a piece of a virus or a bacteria or an ‘attenuated virus’, means weakened, you took out the part that usually kills you and then you use that in a vaccine…

“The simple answer is they are injecting in you a deadly synthetic virus. Synthetic virus. You are expressing the deadliest – the spike protein from HIV, the XMRV and SARS, so the three deadliest plandemics of our time. You’re injecting the disease and you are shedding and spreading it, if your immune system cannot break down that synthetic lipid nanoparticle.

“It’s a synthetic virus. It’s not a vaccine, never was, never was intended – and it’s why we’ve been spreading the news.”

Dr Judy says that the spike proteins in the flu and COVID vaccines are shed and spread and have been for years but the good news, she says is that whether you get a real virus or a synthetic virus, the treatment is the same: ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and ozonated creams on your skin.

“Keep your immune system healthy, don’t ever wear a mask, because that cripples your own immune system, as you know from our book, ‘The Truth About Masks’…

“The good news is, as long as people stop, right now getting any other shot, we can heal this world. Because any other shot is going to kill you and I mean a flu shot, because they have coronaviruses…

“This is how they’ve driven this agenda for the past 30 years. They’ve weaponized SARS, they’ve weaponized Ebola – and that was 2014, when Tony Fauci released that virus on the Sierra Leone, on the Liberians, you know by way of a vaccine program.

“You know, ‘We’re gonna go over there and help you!’ with Christian missionaries, and that’s all described in our New York Times Bestseller, ‘Plague of Corruption’, which came out April 14th, 2020.

“I was first on the Epoch Times, April 8th, 2020, telling them all of this, showing them the Journal of Virology paper that showed hydroxychloroquine is a prophylactic treatment strategy for HIV, for SARS. And that means it’s a vaccine!

“Every 21 days, you got a booster shot, so the entire world could have been saved by hydroxychloroquine, just as in this book, ‘Called for Life’, by Kent and Amber Brantly. He’s the doctor that got infected with Ebola when Ebola was aerosolized.

“And this was in the summer of 2014 and this was the cover-up by Tony Fauci of the William Thompson confession, after 15 years that MMR, giving Blacks and people of color, Hispanics, before the age of 3 had a 2-to-4 times greater risk of getting autism or severe neuro-developmental disease from that shot.

“So yes, MMR in susceptible populations, three RNA viruses that’ll cause autism. So what does Tony Fauci do? Oh, he released contagious Ebola on Black people, to take everybody’s attention away, just like the game they played in COVID, to take everybody’s attention away from the corruption…

“We caught them. Not ‘we’, Judy Mikovits, the Royal We: Children’s Health Defense, The Highwire, the Informed Consent Action Network. Lawsuit, lawsuit, lawsuit. Proved that vaccines are not safe, have never been tested since 1989, not a single double-blind placebo controlled study, safe study has been done, as required by Federal Law, by the HHS.

“That was the proof in the Fall of 2019…Was COVID started because they cloned the deadly H1N1 in 2005 – cloned – from people who died of the Spanish Flu?

“It’s all in here. And in our latest book, ‘Ending Plague’, because we tell you the solutions are there. We tell you ozone therapy, we tell you Type 1 Interferon, we tell you Peptide T and immune modulation peptides could have stopped AIDS, could have stopped all of these diseases.

“And the biggest thing our books tell you is that, ‘Never again get another injection’ and you will live and we as a world will experience health.”

MANY, MANY vital details in this talk, check it out.

This 24:33 vid on rumble.com/c/SteelTruth:

NOVEMBER 13, 2021 EXCLUSIVE! 3 BOMBS DROPPED at Health and Freedom Dr. Judy Mikovits Mikki Willis

Rumble — In a rare dual interview, Dr. Judy Mikovits and Mikki Willis, producer of the Plandemic Series and Author of Plandemic Series Home - Plandemic at the Health and Freedom Conference.

We discuss who's responsible, who's caught and why the data will take them all down.
Great info right from the start!
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