Some of this is not new information, but seems to be expanded on a paper that was published and presented several years ago, in the early 2000's by my recollection by a group of researchers, I think from one of the Scandinavian countries, from my recollection referred to as the Sheffield study (it has struck in my mind because of an area in the UK).

At the time, it was discussing the dangers of cell phone use, from recollection it alerted dangers of calcium disruption and infiltration into the blood brain barrier, causing neurological damage and was thought to be a mechanism for causing brain tumors. I remember Teddy Kennedy died from a brain tumor, I cam across a Salesman he reported he was an avid cell phone user, and used a cell phone extensively for job related purposes, he was being treated with chemo for a brain tumor

This was when widespread cell phone use was in it's so called infancy. Now it has become much more sophisticated. BTW the paper is no longer available. My limited search capacity, could not retrieve the article. I did have it bookmarked on an old computer, but the hard was fried, so had to buy a new computer.

This is purely anecdotal, just wanted to add my thoughts.
Here is a site that has an extensive list of studies that were done addressing the issue of microwaves and health.

link to list

Just one of the papers and its conclusion,

Mobile phone radiation causes brain tumors and should be classifed as a probable human carcinogen (2A) (Review)
The Cerenat study corroborates the significant risks of glioma associated with exposure to radiofrequency felds reported by the Swedish team and by the 13-country interPHone study, and adds weight to the epidemiological evidence that radio frequency felds, classifed by the international agency for research on cancer as a group 2B (possible) carcinogen in 2011 should be reclassified as a Group 2A (probable) carcinogen.
In the CERENAT study, a signifcant increased risk of brain cancer was found from mobile phone use overall with an 8-fold increased risk for higher urban exposures. Three out of every four persons today live in mega-cities with populations of >10 million, many in the rapidly developing world where exposures to RF-EMF may be poorly controlled and access to medical treatment problematic. cerenat also corroborates those few studies that have shown a risk of meningioma from mobile phone use. The growth of mobile phone use worldwide has reached the level that in many nations there are more phones than adults. Exposures today can occur simultaneously from a number of WTDs such as mobile phones, mobile phone base stations (as known as masts or cell towers), and tablets, with the latter often being held quite close to the bodies of users (ignoring that the exposure limit is measured at 20 cm distance from tablets, laptop computer, and similar WTDs).
Until further evidence is available, it is prudent for policies about the use and development of WTDs rely on reducing exposures to the alara standard used in pediatric radiology. The alara approach would require hardware and software designers to create proximity sensors and embed flash notices regarding simple advisories about safer use within devices. In the meantime, we urge that serious national programs of training and research be established to train experts in evaluating this technology and establish appropriate monitoring and surveillance systems such as those in place for pharmaceuticals and other agents. this program could be funded by a fee of 2 cents/month to be paid equally from consumers, manufacturers, and providers into an independently operated research and training program.
Thanks for your link @ Hi_Henry, what I found astonishing from the information you provided is this almost hidden nugget

In the meantime, we urge that serious national programs of training and research be established to train experts in evaluating this technology and establish appropriate monitoring and surveillance systems such as those in place for pharmaceuticals and other agents. this program could be funded by a fee of 2 cents/month to be paid equally from consumers, manufacturers, and providers into an independently operated research and training program.

So in other words, not a benefit, for those that want to make a profit from human suffering.
There's a new tendancy in Germany, some people are canceling their vaccination
The traduction of the title of the article is :Every day, tens of thousands forgo their vaccination - what's behind it?

In some areas it goes up to 40%, but country wide it's (still) limited.
This remains a good news! :-D
Ha ha! They're blaming this on people being on holiday, other doctor appointments, or double vaccine appointments - both at the doctor's and at a vaccine centre, falling numbers of case incidents and the subsequent reopening of society, as well as the recent heatwave. They write that some, who had already received the first shot, failed to show up for the second. This is apparently a really bad idea, since one shot will increase the likelihood of an infection. They needn't think they can just simply show up to get further shot in the autumn either, when they will need it most as protection against the delta variant. (Promises, promises.)

They go on to mention that Saxony is the state where this trend is the most prevalent. The highest amount of Covid deniers, vaccine sceptics, conspiracy theorists and critics of the governments come from Saxony, and represent 21% of the people there - the highest in all Germany.
Maybe the Spartans who were swapping wives with other men who could 'sire high quality offspring' were in the business of producing meatier cattle. And from all we have come to suspect about actual 4D STS interference in human affairs, especially sexual relationships, there's reason to doubt that the Greeks were engaged in some form of love that was free from influence.

I very much doubt that the Spartans - or Greeks in general - were cattle, except in the narrow sense that we're all fed on by 4D ... but even then, I doubt they were as tasty as the modern bugman.

4D STS has worked assiduously to poison, degrade, dumb down, sicken, stunt, and just generally break humanity. That suggests this is how they prefer their cattle - as is not surprising, considering how we breed our own domestic animals to be nice, fat, placid creatures that provide abundant food with minimum fuss.

The Greeks were none of those things. They were in fact their polar opposite. If anything, it rather looks like their civilization was an attempt at jailbreaking humanity. It's not accidental that it was a great flowering of human potential.

I think your reaction to the eugenics issue is influenced by 20th century prejudices that conceive of it purely in terms of a top-down control structure, meant to breed nice, biddable humans. Again, that wasn't the Greek idea at all. It was much more about pushing raw human potential as far as it could go. Indeed their entire society was organized around the goal of producing the highest human type - physically, intellectually, and spiritually. Greek eugenics was aimed at this, and seems to have been more a cultural norm encouraging people to choose their mates wisely, with an eye towards the quality of offspring ... rather than economic convenience, political advantage, or blind, momentary passion. There was certainly no such thing as a eugenics board, and they would have been horrified at the thought.
🇩🇪 German Alternative Channel (No 133 “Home Office”)

had very interesting discussions this time - but what really made my jaw drop, where two things

One: they referred to a corona news ticker about France, where supposedly within governmental circles been discussed the possibility that if a person is (PCR) tested turns out positive - everybody in the person’s surrounding network would have to be Covid-19 vaccinated. :scared: Nuoviso did not provide any link to the source to that claim. But the thought of such a suggestion or even “proposing” such a “law” is … sinister… to put it mildly.

Two: According to an article in the Faz newspaper/magazine, who referred to an english study of 117 people who had died of/from the Delta Variant: 50 of them were double vaccinated, and another 20 had the first jab. Then, super crazy Mr Lauterbach fetched it - and took the opportunity to fire up one of his fear mongering speeches to the German public - with the twist - of having to vaccinate at least 5 times, in order to cover the variants - because the earlier vaccines are not sufficient enough. He is a very sick, insane man - who get’s incredible space in the German media.

Yet Prof. Dr. Lothar H. Wieler, head of the governmental German RKI, said a half year earlier, that the vaccines force many more variants to appear as a consequence (same Dr Wieler just happens to part of the inner Circle of the private WHO) 🤔

Nuoviso however discussed the issue, that when you vaccinate like wild, you are in essence forcing the virus evolution towards possibly more aggressive variants, which may end up with a killer virus (the C’s hinted at such scenario being possible - something similar to a Black Death disease)

My own thought went towards another possibility; that even small changes of virus variants are maybe enough in already vaccinated people - for them to react with Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) due to their compromised and weakened immune system, going berserk. If their immune system sees a variant as something new or as a re-emerging virus being confronted with… I mean the possibility that we may already see first cases of people “re-encountering” a corona virus version - triggering the infamous ADE already ?

This was what Prof Dr Dolores Cahill has been pointing at since may 2020 - being a major risk with any corona vaccine - based on earlier studies from 2012/13 in which most of the injected animals died when re-encountering any corona virus.

And then there is the study that was done in Germany in 2020 with the mRNA Pfizer vaccine, but its results stubbornly withheld for a long time - until Prof Dr Hockertz finally got his hands on it - showing that all of the vaccinated animals died when encountering corona virus
Mystery surrounding death Jürgen Conings: 'There are many anomalies in the narrative'

Last week, the body of fugitive Jürgen Conings was found in the Dilserbos, just across the border near Geleen. Police and army had been looking for Conings for weeks because of threats to the address of 'corona experts', including virologist Marc Van Ranst, who then went into hiding.

Conings disappeared on May 17. According to the Belgian prosecutor, he killed himself an estimated one to four weeks later. A strange thing happened next: relatives were not allowed to identify Conings' body and were systematically obstructed by the police and the judiciary.

In addition, the family's lawyer, Carine Knapen, is dismissed as a conspiracy theorist in an HLN article. "The framing splashes off. The article is full of untruths and inaccuracies, things I haven't said at all and which are completely taken out of context," she writes in a press release.

The journalist is clearly out to commit a character assassination of my person and to damage my good name and reputation, Knapen emphasizes. "This is the most odious form of sewer journalism." She let it be known that she is going to file a lawsuit against HLN and the journalist.

The lawyer was consulted last week by six relatives of Conings because the mortician refused access to the remains. Knapen points out that the identification of a corpse is the right of the next of kin, even after a forensic autopsy.
Anomalies in the narrative

Furthermore, there are many anomalies in the narrative: according to the official version he shot himself in the head, while the original footage shows that he has no injuries to the head, in the bottom of his berth there is no corpse odor to be detected, the position of the body betrays that he was dragged, the weapons he was carrying still looked brand new and the shotgun was on his left while he is right-handed.

Moreover, on May 19, six shots were heard in the Park Hoge Venen where the military manhunt was underway and an ambulance then entered the forest.

Conings was cremated Saturday at 3 p.m. The relatives, who had asked a judge to postpone the cremation for the purpose of identification and a second independent autopsy, were not allowed to attend the funeral home's cremation.

Jürgen's family will forever be left with the question of who or what was in the coffin. "The rights of Jürgen's blood relatives have been seriously violated. Justice has been grossly negligent. The moral suffering of the family is immense and irreparable," Knapen concluded.
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I just listened to a program on Wreal24 web TV called Media Review.

One piece of information struck me.
It was talking about the fact that in Poland and several other countries, there will be research in the creation of a vaccine for the beta variant of Sars Cov 2.
I guess that means they will be testing it on "volunteers".
There was a tragic death at the company I work for last July. A young (about 30 years old) sales department director who, according to what her husband said, "never even had a runny nose" suddenly became ill and after three or four days in a coma died.
My memory of that day is that she came out of the bathroom and had a nosebleed. She asked if there was anyone here to give her first aid.
After the bleeding stopped, she recounted that while driving to work, she noticed that her hands that she was holding on the steering wheel noticed the formation of bruises at that point.
She then drove to some more meetings and later that day she had strokes all over her body.
I know this is just speculation, but they were doing tests on "volunteers" at the time and this beautiful young woman could have fallen victim to them.
I don't think I can bring myself to talk to her husband about it.
I cried at her funeral and I rarely do.

Now I want to write about a case in my work colleague's family.
Rest assured, it is not that tragic.
His wife went to the doctor with their daughter (7 years old).
She had a runny nose and a cough. After examining her, the doctor suggested a test for Covid 1984 and she was positive. Now the whole family is in quarantine even though both parents are healthy. [...] [...]

Translated with (free version)
Publikuje jeszcze po polsku bo nie podoba mi się tłumaczenie:

[Mod Edit] I'm posting it also in Polish as I'm not quite happy with the translation above.

Właśnie wysłuchałem programu w telewizji internetowej Wrealu24 pt. Przegląd Mediów.

Uderzyła mnie jedna z informacji.
Mowa była o tym, że w Polsce i kilku innych krajach, będą prowadzone badania w ramach tworzenia szczepionki na wariant beta Sars Cov 2.
To chyba znaczy, że będą testować to na "ochotnikach".
W firmie w której pracuję w lipcu zeszłego roku miała miejsce tragiczna śmierć. Młoda (ok 30 lat) dyrektor działu handlowego, która według tego co powiedział jej mąż, "nigdy nie miała nawet kataru" nagle zachorowała i po trzech czy czterech dniach śpiączki zmarła.
Pamiętam z tego dnia, że wyszła z łazienki i miała krwawienie z nosa. Zapytała czy jest tu ktoś, kto udzieli jej pierwszej pomocy.
Po ustaniu krwawienia opowiadała, że jadąc do pracy zauważyła, że na rękach które trzymała na kierownicy zauważyła powstawanie sińców w tym momencie.
Następnie pojechała jeszcze na jakieś spotkanie i w tym samym dniu miała wylewy w całym organiźmie.
Wiem, że to tylko spekulacje, ale przecież wtedy też robili badania na "ochotnikach" i ta piękna młoda kobieta mogła paść ich ofiarą.
Nie zdobędę się chyba na to żeby porozmawiać o tym z jej mężem.
Płakałem na jej pogrzebie a rzadko mi się to zdarza.

Teraz chcę napisać o przypadku w rodzinie mojego kolegi z pracy.
Spokojnie, nie jest taki tragiczny.
Jego żona poszła do lekarza z córką (7 lat).
Miała katar i kaszel. Po zbadaniu lekarz zaproponował test na obecność Covida 1984. Miała pozytywny. Teraz cała rodzina jest na kwarantannie mimo, że oboje rodzice są zdrowi. Zobaczcie jak podstępnie to robią. Proponują test wystraszonej matce.
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I very much doubt that the Spartans - or Greeks in general - were cattle, except in the narrow sense that we're all fed on by 4D ... but even then, I doubt they were as tasty as the modern bugman.

4D STS has worked assiduously to poison, degrade, dumb down, sicken, stunt, and just generally break humanity. That suggests this is how they prefer their cattle - as is not surprising, considering how we breed our own domestic animals to be nice, fat, placid creatures that provide abundant food with minimum fuss.

The Greeks were none of those things. They were in fact their polar opposite. If anything, it rather looks like their civilization was an attempt at jailbreaking humanity. It's not accidental that it was a great flowering of human potential.

I think your reaction to the eugenics issue is influenced by 20th century prejudices that conceive of it purely in terms of a top-down control structure, meant to breed nice, biddable humans. Again, that wasn't the Greek idea at all. It was much more about pushing raw human potential as far as it could go. Indeed their entire society was organized around the goal of producing the highest human type - physically, intellectually, and spiritually. Greek eugenics was aimed at this, and seems to have been more a cultural norm encouraging people to choose their mates wisely, with an eye towards the quality of offspring ... rather than economic convenience, political advantage, or blind, momentary passion. There was certainly no such thing as a eugenics board, and they would have been horrified at the thought.

Thanks for the reply!

I am no historian, that's for sure. But I am cautious when people make abstract generalizations like, "The Greeks were thus and so," or "Women all do this and that," or "The Jews are x,y,z". Abstract generalizations do have their place, for sure, for identifying a general trend. But there's a point where they aren't useful. That's why I asked how you know. Any book in particular on the topic, or a specific author, a quote, a forum thread, or is this the formation of the idea over a long period of research perhaps? Was it a long-standing cultural zeitgeist? A specific philosophical subset in a specific era? Or eras?

I ask because I'm interested, but also because this is a research forum... trading hunches and opinions can be useful, so long as they're informed. I could be wrong, but sounds like you're projecting Stoicism, for instance, onto an atemporal and non-spatial population called 'the Greeks', without any nuance. So this is why I'm asking - for clarification. Any further info you can provide would be muy beuno!

About my bias, I do think there are top-down efforts at population control, culling the herd of the weak and undesired, in attempt to improve the human race. So that would be STS eugenics. But I do take your point that there is another form of population control, one that is consciously chosen. For instance practiced by the Cathars, and others, mentioned in The Wave chapter above. There are other peoples in other times cited in SHOTW 1, too. Might the Essenes apply here as well? There's also the old practice of not 'polluting the bloodline', which the C's hinted was based on an understanding of not allowing psychopathic genes into the village. So this other form is grounded in not playing into the 4D STS human-breeding dynamic, including (or perhaps based on) the spiritual perfection of the human being, which is the missing element in STS eugenics. So that would be an STO form.

I hesitate to call this latter by the term eugenics. Do you know if that term was coined by Galton, or did it stretch back into antiquity?
That's why I asked how you know. Any book in particular on the topic, or a specific author, a quote, a forum thread, or is this the formation of the idea over a long period of research perhaps? Was it a long-standing cultural zeitgeist? A specific philos

I read Plutarch, Herodotus, and Thucydides cover to cover, and have also spent a fair bit of time listening to various podcasts, reading web pages, and so on.

The eugenic practices of the Spartans are quite explicitly described by Plutarch, and indeed were part of the founding laws of the city. It's more implicit in the rest of Hellenic culture.
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