About David Icke & James Redfield

Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

Foolish indeed, unless it is the objective to promote the use of drugs actively. IMHO from the presentation of AI in this thread I think the book is written for people that do want to go deeper and Icke is luring them into the trap of: you wanna know the truth, take some drugs, you won't believe what you are gonna experience.

I was more referring when writing deeper that it isn't for people who are more critical and don't concentrate only on one source for information (and there are few of people like that) because everyone who does that would reject him as credible because of that what he said about drugs, but I was more referring that he did it in cunning way so it can't be used against him, he didn't say directly drugs are great. Devil is really in the details, while saying lot of truth people close their eyes to some important things like this. I find it funny when he talks that all that is needed to stop control system is to spread the "truth"(that is his truth) and love and that collective vibration will change our perception and that illusion will cease to exist and we will be on 4D in the state of bliss like on drugs, nothing about work on self and group work which is essential to rise your frequency, and that it is a bit harder than that but people in the end don't want to hear that word. Like a New Age and conventional religion waiting not working.
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield


he did it in cunning way so it can't be used against him, he didn't say directly drugs are great.

You are right. The cunning is the tactic. And it shows a lot about Icke.
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

Jeremy F Kreuz said:

he did it in cunning way so it can't be used against him, he didn't say directly drugs are great.

You are right. The cunning is the tactic. And it shows a lot about Icke.

I kinda feel the same way about Rich Dolan lately, considering who he is hanging out with and what they are doing. You just can't lay down with dogs and not get up with fleas unless you shower yourself with repellant!
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

dannybananny said:
He is indirectly advertising use of drugs, this way people could get their brains fried faster. Everyone knows that drugs aren't good and this is plane foolish thing to write, but knowing people naivety and wishes and that it isn't written for people who go deeper....... This is damaging Laura's work, when people see similarity and if he does something radical people would generalize, and this is truly fascinating how this damage control and damage infliction works.

The last couple of times that friends have forwarded me Icke's subscription newsletter, prominently displayed on the page has been an ad for monoatomic gold. Enough said?
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

Rabelais said:
dannybananny said:
He is indirectly advertising use of drugs, this way people could get their brains fried faster. Everyone knows that drugs aren't good and this is plane foolish thing to write, but knowing people naivety and wishes and that it isn't written for people who go deeper....... This is damaging Laura's work, when people see similarity and if he does something radical people would generalize, and this is truly fascinating how this damage control and damage infliction works.

The last couple of times that friends have forwarded me Icke's subscription newsletter, prominently displayed on the page has been an ad for monoatomic gold. Enough said?

Mike Adams of Naturalnews is pushing that stuff AND MMS! Again and again we see that the best disinfo is 90 to 95% truth.
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

Laura said:
Rabelais said:
The last couple of times that friends have forwarded me Icke's subscription newsletter, prominently displayed on the page has been an ad for monoatomic gold. Enough said?

Mike Adams of Naturalnews is pushing that stuff AND MMS! Again and again we see that the best disinfo is 90 to 95% truth.

Yeah, Mike Adams often writes very good articles about health and he is widely read - perfect conditions for that all important 5-10% disinfo to sneak in. :(
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

manitoban said:
Laura said:
Rabelais said:
The last couple of times that friends have forwarded me Icke's subscription newsletter, prominently displayed on the page has been an ad for monoatomic gold. Enough said?

Mike Adams of Naturalnews is pushing that stuff AND MMS! Again and again we see that the best disinfo is 90 to 95% truth.

Yeah, Mike Adams often writes very good articles about health and he is widely read - perfect conditions for that all important 5-10% disinfo to sneak in. :(

Indeed, and as always, bearing this in mind while reading anything is a great way to practice discernment. :)
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

Now there's this: _http://www.davidicke.com/headlines/38565-trash-david-icke-on-amazon-says-laura

Hi David,

Just a heads up. Laura Knight Jadczyk is seriously attacking you and asking her followers to post bad reviews of your book on Amazon.

One of them posted yesterday.


Followed by a link to Colleen Johnson's hit piece. Might that be Jay Weidner?
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

Approaching Infinity said:
Followed by a link to Colleen Johnson's hit piece. Might that be Jay Weidner?

Looks like it as he spent so much time on Amazon.
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

Funny considering that we are talking about Icke maybe not giving credit where credit is due and twisting the info in the process? Also, since I've published the exchange with Vincent Bridges on the net which proves that he was reading the Cs material before and during the writing of his and Weidner's book, which then appeared with a whole bunch of our stuff in twisted form, Weidner's got a lot of nerve! I've got the evidence, all he's got is the hot air. Don't worry, Jay, our attorneys are working on some hot coals that will roast your buns!
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

I always find it funny how dudes like Weidner will attack Laura vociferously about "channeling aliens" and believing kooky things, when they endorse and hang out with people who are not only delusional, but have downright kooky beliefs!
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

Approaching Infinity said:
Now there's this: _http://www.davidicke.com/headlines/38565-trash-david-icke-on-amazon-says-laura

Hi David,

Just a heads up. Laura Knight Jadczyk is seriously attacking you and asking her followers to post bad reviews of your book on Amazon.

One of them posted yesterday.


Followed by a link to Colleen Johnson's hit piece. Might that be Jay Weidner?

Just the fact that this Disinformation link is on Icke's web site WITHOUT linking to http://www.cassiopaea.org, so the readers can make up their own mind, shows that Icke is not only a sloppy researcher, but is poof that he's NOT sincerely interested in truth, in case it wasn't obvious for anyone before.
On top of that Jay (Weidner) didn't link to this thread, so people could see that Laura is not asking "her followers" to post "bad reviews" or talk "trash", but was simply pointing out that certain material in his new book is not as it seems to be nor is it reverenced correctly and it may be appropriate to point that out on a amazon review. It's what reviews are there for.
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

Here's the latest from Icke, fwiw:


David Icke said:
It's Destroy David Icke Time (But They Won't)

I have been saying in articles and newsletters since last year that during 2010 there would be a long-planned campaign to discredit me with the aim of destroying my work in the wake of the publication of my new book.

I knew it was coming and I knew who the source was planned to be because I was warned well in advance and I said that people would be surprised by who it was (though certainly not those who have had experience of this glove-puppet for the forces I have spent two decades exposing).

That campaign has started behind the scenes and no doubt will 'go public' eventually.

Don't be shocked by anything that is said about me - the people behind it are vicious, cold, callous, thoroughly vindictive, deeply devious and totally self-obsessed who hide behind a fake persona of 'love and light and kindness' while wishing only to do as much damage as possible to me, my work, and my wider family whom they hate with a vengeance.

They couldn't give a damn about how many people worldwide my work is helping, nor how many billions are suffering because of the way the world is controlled and manipulated by the few. All that matters is them. The only focus is what is in it for me, me, me? There is no-one else in their Universe.

And they certainly couldn't give a damn about how many people they hurt. To them, hurting people is just 'collateral damage' in pursuit of what is in it for me, me, me. Hurting people is the idea, anyway.

It is going to be bumpy for a while (when hasn't it been?), but me, my work and my family will not be destroyed, only those wishing to do it because they are in the process of self-destruction while thinking the opposite (it is a playing out of the collective energetic transformation now unfolding all around us as the energy of a dying and malevolent epoch desperately seeks to retain its position of control, deceit, parasitical exploitation and pre-eminence).

It has got no chance and I'm not going anywhere - no matter what.

For 20 years I have taken untold ridicule and abuse - and there is much more to come - and yet I'm still standing, still doing what I know to be right.

So many people have tried to destroy my work over the years and some came close, but none succeeded.

Where are they now?

The same place these people will be before long.

The Zulu shaman, Credo Mutwa, 'threw the bones' for me in August (the same principle as the tarot cards or rune stones) and said that I was going to face a 'big battle' to stop an attempt to bring me down by someone who had 'the ability to make people feel pity for them', aided and abetted by others, but that this major (and desperate) attempt to discredit me and, by association, end my work, would not succeed.

Too right, Credo. Too right, mate.

"I knew who the source was planned to be because I was warned well in advance..." I wonder if this source of attack is supposed to be Laura, with Jay being the one who warned him?
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

Argonaut said:
"I knew who the source was planned to be because I was warned well in advance..." I wonder if this source of attack is supposed to be Laura, with Jay being the one who warned him?

It'll be interesting to see, but right now I doubt Icke would give Laura (and by extension, her work) that kind of attention.
Re: About David Icke & James Redfield

Argonaut said:
"I knew who the source was planned to be because I was warned well in advance..." I wonder if this source of attack is supposed to be Laura, with Jay being the one who warned him?

I don't see how it could be since she's not done or said anything to warrant such a conclusion. It sounds like David is in major melodrama mode.
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