An article in our local paper today reports that the virus was already in France in December (in Paris). Well, WE knew that already! And even earlier than the Paris patient.

Oops! I see Mariowil was posting at the same time about the same thing but with more details.
I love this American style rants! He is so much correct with it.
This is so good! The guy is absolutely awesome. Just pure common sense and facts. Spelling out what most people have apparently missed, even though it's been right in front of their eyes the whole time.

I've seen 4 videos with Mikovits now, and while they're excellent and very informative, they might be too much for ordinary people, as they might have trouble believing some of that stuff (definitely highly recommended for everyone here, though). But this guy really makes it easy to understand for the average person, without anything controversial. It's really impressive. Perfect for sharing widely.
Here is another important point for those who love numbers. I found it through the comments section of the website that somebody mentioned in this topic:

Is counting deaths really the best metric?

We know most death is among the old and sick, so a great many of these would have occurred soon in any case. It may seem harch, but it is one thing to be 89 and bed ridden and catch COVID in the nursing home; it is another thing entirely to be 15 bright and talented and have your life cut short.

Shouldn’t we be measuring something like “lost quality life years” – surely there is ‘expected remaining years” metrics available by age, sex, and maybe even health. e.g. an 89 year old healthy woman can expect to live X many more years, so if she dies of CV we count only X, presumably a much smaller then the expectation for a healthy 15 year old.

If we follow all cause deaths for some months after COVID has passed (I assume it will pass) then I suspect we will observe a rate less than normal because many will have been “harvested” by the COVID reaper (yes, I think harvesting is an actual epidemiological term)


You ask: “Shouldn’t we be measuring something like “lost quality life years” – surely there is ‘expected remaining years” metrics available by age, sex, and maybe even health.”

“We” should, and we are! Of course that analysis is not fright-inducing, so the PC-Prog media and politicians don’t report on it. “One life saved” is worth destroying our economy, remember?

There’s an excellent website (for many subjects), Just the Facts, that is chronicling many issues related to the scare-mongering on this virus.

See below for the analysis you requested. See the website for even more analysis:

Crucial Facts About Covid-19 – Just Facts

“Years of Lost Life

“Beyond raw numbers of deaths, another crucial factor in measuring the deadliness of a public health threat is the ages of its victims. In the words of the CDC, “the allocation of health resources must consider not only the number of deaths by cause but also by age.” Hence, the “years of potential life lost” has “become a mainstay in the evaluation of the impact of injuries on public health.”

“In this respect, Covid-19 is much less lethal than common causes of untimely death, such as accidents. The precise average age of death for Covid-19 fatalities is still unknown, but the vast majority of victims are elderly or have one or more chronic illnesses, as is the case with deaths from the flu and pneumonia.

“Based on the CDC’s latest data for the age distribution of deaths, the average age of death for accidents is about 53.3 years, while for the flu and pneumonia, it is about 77.4 years. Using flu and pneumonia as a rough proxy for Covid-19, this disease robs an average of 12.0 years of life from each of its victims, as compared to 30.6 years of lost life for each accident. And again, accidents kill around 170,000 Americans per year, while Covid-19 is unlikely to have an ongoing high death toll because of its limited prospects for mutation.”

And the most important point from that article:

If the high-end of that range comes to pass, and 240,000 U.S. residents die from Covid-19, this disease will rob 2.9 million years of life from all Americans who were alive at the outset of 2020. In comparison, the flu will rob them of about 35 million years and accidents will rob them of 409 million years.

These figures reveal that accidents are about 140 times more lethal to Americans than this worst-case scenario for Covid-19 given mitigation. Likewise, the flu is 12 times as lethal. This is a substantially more comprehensive measure of deadliness than the tally of lives lost during a year—or any other random unit of time—because it accounts for the entirety of people’s lives and the total years of life that they lose.

While not diminishing the value of any life, these facts speak to the efforts that society takes to save some lives versus others.

And as I already noted in one of my previous posts, we can already see a rate less than normal for all cause deaths in Netherlands and France, which means that many of the people who died because of COVID would have died this year anyway.
An article in our local paper today reports that the virus was already in France in December (in Paris). Well, WE knew that already! And even earlier than the Paris patient.

Oops! I see Mariowil was posting at the same time about the same thing but with more details.

BBC was reporting this today

Not strictly on topic, but I found a little video from E Michael Jones about not giving in to despair, where he talked a woman off a bridge who was intending to kill herself. His resounding words were "God has a plan for your life, even if you don't know it". Now, I struggle with the concept of God. I'm familiar with the idea of the DCM, but still I feel alone in this world, so this scenario resonated with me, even though I value my life and don't feel suicidal. Anyway, the end result was positive, he saved her life, at least for another day. I just hope that people don't fall into despair and do something they'll subsequently regret.

I really feel for the people struggling nowadays, my prayers go to all of them who are suffering in this manufactured crisis. It makes me hate the PTB all the more.

Right, so anyone heard about the Corona virus patent that was applied in 2014 in the EU and granted in Nov 2019? Guess who owns it, Pirbright Institute... Guess who has a major hand in that? You guessed it, Mr Vaccine!!!

Patent ss

Pirbright major stakeholders

Here's another story that could make a good script for a horror movie or a good lawsuit for medical negligence and abuse of the most basic human rights. A woman was hospitalized in a comma, after being reanimated for 8 minutes following a massive stroke this last February. She was disconnected from life support and due to COVID-19 policies in March, her family didn't have a say on that decision. Her organs were even accounted for the transplantation lists. Technically speaking, it was not euthanasia. They thought she was brain dead. Although there were some serious rationalizations aided by the new policies to support their narratives as to why taking that decision without consulting the patient's will or the family was the right thing to do.

And she didn't die. She regained consciousness. Her family was not allowed near her even after that. And even though she was alive and kicking, so to speak, hospital convalescence was denied to her due to COVID-19 policies, again. So this partly answers my questions of where are all the stroke and heart attack patients gone.

Her brain suffered a lot from the lack of oxygen, but she's at home doing rehabilitation and speech therapy. I spoke with a family member today. Apparently, they've made their escape from this horrible experience in the capital city and arrived safely to their rural house in the mountains. BTW, the local hospital also denied her hospitalized convalesce. The family was looking forward to meeting their new family doctor (tomorrow) since it's being 1 month since they last saw any doctor.

I'm not surprised any more (famous last words?). These days, I'm feeling a new source of inner strength. Just in time for the next slide in this show!
True, knowledge is quite advance is some circles, but when I see videos such as the above, I can't help but ponder the extreme wishful thinking involved. The subject is much more complex to think that it's as easy as "copy and paste" and voilà.

Well, they themselves claim that the advantage of this technology is that it can be suited to each individual person. The classic medicine cannot, and that is a reason why it still cannot cure many diseases.

Now, that would also explain why the original virus had a different effect on different people, as the C's suggested. That would also suggest that even if we are all vaccinated with this new vaccine it will probably have a different effect on different people. Who knows, in some people it might even create the opposite effect of intended, just like with the original.

But my point was that they obviously know how to work with viruses and they know what they are. But many people are still spreading the bizarre theories about viruses. They remind me of Flat Earth people. Just like some people cannot understand how can the Earth be a giant sphere, so it seems that many people cannot understand how can in nature exist a thing like a virus. For them, something like that just doesn't make any sense. Or perhaps they are afraid to accept their existence. And they create all kind of weird theories. Like this one:

Yeah, they seem so desperate, that they might actually find potentially useful therapies that might be applicable for cancer, etc.

Yeah. They are basically introducing a whole new technology in medicine and some of it might even be beneficial.
Hopefully someone, with some clout, will take legal action and they will be held accountable for their despicable and illegal action. I am not holding my breath over it, though. :-(
Maybe if a group of people got together? I'm not sure how you would contact everyone, though. They sure do make it hard for people to come together in order to defy them. Perhaps a 'disgusted' letter to COTA? They really have taken things too far! Down with these Aged Care Nazis!

Power in numbers is also a good thing. It can function as emotional support too.

When I wrote a letter of complaint, I used direct links provided by RFK to journal articles. It's pretty handy to cite science.

Because he's a lawyer, he only makes claims that he can back up. People often dismiss individuals who speak out about vaccine risks, but they find it a lot harder to dismiss a scientific publication. :-) I think RFK's approach is very inspiring, science and the law, against marketing, corruption and big business....

I hope you get your other stuff sorted out easily. I think it's a whole new world now, when it comes to problem solving. We can't rely on governments, authority or the law to do the right thing anymore. It seems it's all up to individuals and groups, now.
52 Years Ago, a Pandemic Flu Killed 100,000 in the US and Nothing Shut Down—Not Even Woodstock

Matt Agorist May 4, 2020

Mainstream media across the planet continue to refer to the COVID-19 outbreak as the worst pandemic since the Spanish flu of 1918. We are told that the economy shut down during the Spanish flu and people were ordered into quarantine, but it couldn’t stop the death toll from reaching 650,000 Americans. Now, the government has made harsh and sweeping regulations, shut down entire sections of the US economy, largely based on a model from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), which says roughly 72,000 Americans will die from COVID-19.

No one here is claiming that this virus is not serious and should not be taken serious. However, it is our duty as a free people to question the nature of the government’s reaction, especially when the economic ramifications could be far deadlier than the virus itself — with experts predicting a famine of biblical proportion that could kill millions.

When the virus passes and the suffering continues to persist, a lot of people will be asking the question, “was all of this worth it?”

Rest assured that governments across the world will be patting themselves on the back for their draconian reactions, police state, and mass surveillance programs that nearly all of them rolled out during this pandemic. But we may really never know if the lockdown helped to stop the spread or merely suppressed it.

As mentioned above, the mainstream media has referred to COVID-19 repeatedly as the worst pandemic since the Spanish flu. However, if the models are correct and the death rate stays in decline, this will not be the case. As of Monday, there are 248,000 confirmed deaths world wide, with 67,710 of those deaths in the United States. According to the current rate of new cases and hospitalizations as documented by IHME, experts are predicting a death toll of 72,000.

“In 1968,” says Nathaniel L. Moir in National Interest, “the H3N2 pandemic killed more individuals in the U.S. than the combined total number of American fatalities during both the Vietnam and Korean Wars.”

Just 52, years, ago, however, another flu, (H3N2), known as the Hong Kong flu, killed roughly 100,000 Americans and over 1,000,000 people world wide. What makes this flu particularly notable is the fact that most media outlets are not reporting on it and the fact that absolutely nothing was shut down. In fact, Woodstock — that was attended by an estimated 500,000 people — took place smack dab in the middle of the H3N2 flu pandemic.

As the American Institute for Economic Research points out:

Imagine that.

This was not because the government was some bastion of liberty in the 60’s. These were the days of the draft, a senseless Vietnam war, rampant civil rights violations, and even college students were gunned down by National Guard troops for protesting the spread of war. The means to enforce such draconian measures were in place and ready to roll, yet nothing was implemented.

The only action taken by the government at the time was to collect data. The medical community, not the state, was credited with successfully mitigating the disease — as they were the ones qualified to do so — not blowhard politicians.

As AIER notes, this raises the question, why was this different? This is a question we will be trying to figure out for decades to come.

As more countries across the world continue to look to Sweden’s approach — not shutting down the economy — to quash the spread of the virus, some governments are beginning to follow their lead. In America, however, the 30 million unemployed citizens currently out of work due to the shutdown present a massive hurdle to regaining anything close to normal.

Matt Agorist is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world. Agorist is also the Editor at Large at the Free Thought Project. Follow @MattAgorist on Twitter, Steemit, and now on Minds.

I remember that stressful as if it were yesterday.

Beatles 1968 Hit Song:

Hey Flu

Hey Flu, don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let IT into your HEAD
Then you can start to make it better

The whole social distancing at Woodstock:

And that was the year I got the flu and was sick during the Christmas-2-week school break. Everyone was petrified that I would die!

I’m still having issues with PPSD! Post Pandemic Stress Disorder. :scared:
I have a good friend that works in a major local hospital supply warehouse. Friend came to visit 3 times in the last month and is looking very tired and stressed. Friend has been at this job for 20 years and said they have never seen, and never imagined they would see, anything like this. They are being very overworked as hospital is bringing in as many supplies as it can lay its hands on (ie; hoarding ppe stuff) as well as buying up AND manufacturing hand "sanitizer".
We also know several people that work in said hospital and they are being denied things like "proper" masks and other ppe equip, being told there is a shortage when Friend knows just the opposite is true, even as many hospital staff have been laid off.
This distresses Friend to no end, to be in the middle of other peoples lies and not feel safe to tell the truth. Friend is ready to quit this very well paying job and just move to the country, I cant blame friend. If this is happening in small city usa it is happening everywhere. I am being cryptic about Friends gender because I respect their anonymity and safety.
On a side note, I am experiencing a strange void within myself. Like I am marginally interested in things I used to feel passionate about and beginning to become more interested in things that seemed to be in my "periphery" of topics and skills I was interested in. It feels like my "peripheral" skills and interests want to step into the central light of my being. And it feels like "internal consideration" wants more of my attention. I am good with that. It is an odd feeling though.
The situation is pretty grim and desperate here. After seeing and understanding how the things are going here, my question will be, is the government so stupid and incompetent that it doesn't see how much the people are suffering or those in the government are so arrogant and pathological that they don't give a f**k about the people and are thinking that the italians are so stupid and obedient that they will be able to enslave them without even the carrot and stick trick, i mean without almost no assistance whatsoever from their part in order to help the people to survive until the end of the month? If i'm not mistaken in other western countries the governments did offered at least some kind of help during the lockdown (layoffs and so on), or i'm mistaken here? The fact is that, here everything is closed for 2 months now, the people aren't working, aren't receiving any support from the government and soon will begin to starve and lose their homes. Is this some kind of sick economic shock doctrine trial run in order to see if they will be able to subjugate the people while showing them the finger and expecting a blind and total obedience from them?

Well, one theory is that the PTB want to completely destroy the economy and reduce everyone not in the 1% to abject poverty, completely eliminating the middle class and leaving us all subservient to them. As part of all of this they will destroy the food supply and get people on the move, because herds of hungry immigrants are easy to control. This is where their weather manipulation and earthquake-causing technology will enter the scene, because they know a significant portion of the population has prepared for these times. They will try to get us *all* out of our homes and dependent on them, even the "preppers".

Living in California, I have already seen my best friend and his wife burned out of their home during the Sonoma County fires in 2017. Those fires were very suspicious. (Though it is possible they were started by a comet strike, the precision involved with them only hitting houses and not nearby shrubbery, as well as the melting of car engine blocks mere inches from trees that weren't even singed, indicates something more nefarious to me.)

Anyone remember the "Hunger Games" movies? There are a lot of parallels between what was shown there and what is happening now.

(They *always* tell you what they are going to do before they do it. Some day I may post pictures from a card set I own from 1995, "One With Everything/Illuminati New World Order" (Steve Jackson Games) and I can demonstrate how many of those cards tell the story of the last 25 years. It was so disturbing to the elite that it involved a raid by the Secret Service to seize them and Mr. Jackson had to sue to get his property back: Steve Jackson Games, Inc. v. United States Secret Service - Wikipedia .)

I think it may be possible that this virus hoax was their "easy play" option to gain total control without having to resort to overt violence or destroy infrastructure. If we were to have completely submitted to this hoax, then they would have had a compliant population with implied consent to do as they wished going forward with few repercussions. When this fails however, as it already is - along with the hinted-at impending further "waves" of this BS that they are saying will happen - then they may go to "option B": complete and total annihilation. They won't go down without a fight.

But of course once they try to use such evil means upon us, purposefully violating our basic rights to not only free will but also our simple existence in this world, the cosmos will respond accordingly. In the meantime, I am cooking a pork tenderloin with embedded garlic cloves and salt-and-peppered just so.
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