Hier ist ein zusätzliches Dokument aus Oliver Janichs Telegrammkonto. Leider ist das PDF nur in deutscher Sprache. Mein Englisch ist zu schlecht zum Übersetzen. Ich denke, es wäre wichtig, dieses Dokument auch auf Englisch zu lesen. Hier ein kurzer Überblick über das Inhaltsverzeichnis:

Corona Lüge und die biologische Waffe ............................................ ...........................

1. Impfgesetz ............................................. ................................
2. Es gibt kein krankheitsverursachendes Covid-19-Virus
2.1. Existiert das Corona-Virus? Von David Crowe
2.2. Exosomen (Mikrovesikel) anstelle von krankheitsverursachenden Viren
2.3. ViaVetoTV - Corona - Eine epidemische Massenhysterie
2.4. Fehlinterpretationsvirus - Dr. Stefan Lanka (Molekularbiologe und Virologe)
2.5. Spectrum-Magazin - verbreitet sich Covid-19 in der Luft? Es gibt keinerlei Beweis!
2.6. ZDF Markus Lanz (Virologe Streeck kritisiert Maßnahmen von Lanz Corona)
2.7. Die WHO bestätigt keine nachgewiesenen Hinweise auf eine Aerosolübertragung
2.8. Prof. Streeck und Teampilotstudie Heinsberg (keine Übertragung durch Aerosole)
2.9. Warum alles, was Sie über Viren gelernt haben, FALSCH ist
3. Der PCR-Test und seine Fehler
3.1. Der Fluch der PCR-Methode
3.2. Das Geschäft mit den Tests
3.3. Bis zu 80,33 Prozent falsch positive Ergebnisse (unter massivem Druck zurückgezogen)
3.4. PCR-Test (positiv, negativ, wieder positiv - Verwirrung)
3.5. SARS-CoV-2-Assay (Panther Fusion®-System)
3.6. Creative Diagnostics RT-qPCR-Kit
3.7. Corona: Durch diagnostische Tests die Illusion einer Pandemie erzeugen
3.8. International verwendete Corona-Virustests sind instabil
3.9. Covid-19 - Die Plage eines neuen Tests
3.10. Was misst der Test tatsächlich?
3.11. Einige Aussagen aus der Mainstream-Presse
3.12. Der Corona-Virus-Test - Ein pseudowissenschaftliches Roulette?
3.13. Christian Drosten legt seinen eigenen PCR-Test vor
3.14. NewsletterDr.StefanLanka
3.15. Bildbeispiel für PCR
4. Die obligatorische Impfung von Bill Gates
4.1. Bill Gates will Zwangsimpfungen und Biosensoren
4.2. Bill Gates - No longer normal without vaccinations
4.3. ID2020 Alliance: The path to full control
4.4. Bill Gates: we will vaccinate 7 billion people!
5. The new RNA vaccine and the nanoparticles (biological weapon)
5.1. Gene changes due to the new RNA vaccine
5.2. Dangers of the tool CHRISPR (gene changes)
5.3. The change in DNA with the new MRNA vaccine
5.4. The introduction of genetically modified THEN into the body (Dr. Stefan Lanka)
5.5. Another bioweapon would be anthrax
5.6. The dangers of nanoparticles
5.6.1. Nanoparticles: Cute little killers from Vlad Georgescu
5.6.2. Spiegel - Federal Environment Agency warns of nanotechnology
5.6.3. mdr - nanoparticles can cause cancer
5.6.4. Vaccines contaminated with nanoparticles
5.6.5. Gene Drive Files (Scandal)
5.6.6. HELMHOLTZ Center - Vaccination without syringe using nanoparticles 5.6.7. Strong destructive power of cells through nanoparticles
6. Antibody fraud
6.1. The antibody was cheating
6.2. Meaningfulness of a blood test for antibodies
6.3. Circulating antibodies offer no protection from
6.4. Poisoning Increases in Titer - Antibody Error
7. Antibody tests cannot give clear results
7.1. Do circulating antibodies really provide protection? NO!
7.2. Antibody rapid tests only show a sensitivity of 30%
7.3. Immunity questionable? - SARS-CoV-2 antibodies after COVID-19 not always detectable
7.4. Positive test (infected) or (immune) or none at all
7.5. WHO: no evidence that SARS-CoV-2 antibodies mean immunity to COVID-19
7.6. False positive results and other inconsistencies
7.7. 50-85 times more antibodies in humans than expected
7.8. WER: Gültiger positiver Test, obwohl die falsche Sequenz gefunden wurde!
7.9. Zehntausende fehlgeschlagene Tests: peinlicher Rückschlag für Spanien
7.10. Laborärzte warnen vor Schnelltests auf Coronavirus1
7.11. Antikörpertests sind vor Gebrauch kontaminiert

Ich denke, hier in diesem Forum wurde bereits viel aufgedeckt und diskutiert. Trotzdem finde ich dieses Dokument eine gute Zusammenfassung.

Deepl is always a great tool to help out with translations and it does it's job pretty well. Even for translating documents, though there are limited characters.

More information's are coming to the surface.
I was watching an online one interview of one Macedonian journalist Vasko Eftov.
Sometimes he has some information that no other journalists and mediums are publishing. His show during the last 10 and maybe more years was forbidden on many national TV stations so now from this year he is making his interviews online. I don't prefer him very much because he is always trying to prove that he is always right and because of the way he is hosting the whole interview, but as I sad, very often he has good information.

In his last interview he mentions that Alexandar Soros ( the son of George Soros) have a meeting las year in Ohrid, Macedonia with the Macedonian President and Prime Minister and also with Serbian President and Albanian Prime Minister where according to him they were informed about this crisis and received instructions how to go.

I tried to find something about this meeting and it is true. It happened in November last year.
You can read the full article on this link.

Macedonia’s lakeside city of Ohrid is blocked over the past few day, uniformed police and men with earpieces everywhere, helicopters swirling overhead and private jets seen on the airport. The reason is the summit of the so-called Mini Schengen initiative, a regional push by Macedonia, Albania and Serbia, launched in the aftermath of the failed European Council where the countries were informed they need to greatly lower their expectations of full EU membership.

In the entire commotion, a small group of visitors passed almost unobserved. The group was met with a security detail and took up residence in the Unique hotel and set off for unannounced meetings with top Macedonian Government officials.

Republika has learnt that the VIP treatment was meant for Alexander Soros, the son of leftist multibillionaire George Soros, who is meeting Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and President Stevo Pendarovski.

The press and the public were not informed about the arrival of the apparent heir of Soros’ fortune and political activism network. He arrived accompanied by four people, including the strategic communications director for the Soros Open Society foundations Laura Silber. It’s unclear why was a group of private individuals given such treatment, that included a security escort.

The Soros network was instrumental in the Colored Revolution that led to Zaev’s power-grab in 2017. Funding from the OSI groups flowed to left-wing organizations in Macedonia, who staged protests, used illegally recorded and edited wiretaps for political purposes, and funded media outlets to spread fake news. International experts funded by the Soros foundations came to support Zaev’s propaganda and the groups frequently worked hand in hand with the diplomatic services of a number of countries.

Our sources say that the latest arrival of Alexander Soros to Macedonia is linked with the coming April 2020 elections, where Zaev’s position is greatly shaken by a number of corruption scandals and the failure to receive approval for the opening of EU accession talks. It is widely expected that the Open Society foundations will again set aside funding for Zaev’s pre-election campaign, providing him with media backing and international support.

It is very likely that the visit to Ohrid will also be used for meetings with the Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, who is also close to the network, as his former wife Delina Fico has worked on high profile Soros funded projects. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is also attending the summit in Ohrid.

The visit comes at a time of significant involvement of the Open Society groups in other international developments, such as the attempts to impeach US President Donald Trump, where Soros has endorsed his opponent Elizabeth Warren, and to overturn the Brexit vote in the United Kingdom.

If you take into account the latest move of Trump against Soros and other critters from the swamp, this can be true. Since we know that this is a big hoax and it is a planned action, I believe that the Balkan leaders were informed and instructed what to do and how to behave.
In the last 2 months, all their fascistic measures were very coordinated.
[QUOTE = "AzarHyun, post: 862825, member: 12145"]
Mikovits and Mercola
[MEDIA = youtube] eSgN8ONNKVs [/ MEDIA]
Thanks for posting this interview, a must see. From 30:46 onwards they get into what exactly happens when one wears a face mask and why she thinks that this sars cov2 is an 'infection from within'. Here in Portugal they made it mandatory to wear a mask (you have to buy one at 0.86 euros !!) in any shop and public transport. I had to go to several shops yesterday and forgot my silk scarf and had to use the type of mask everyone wears. Knowing what i do about this made it way worse and in the end i just held it somewhat before my nose and mouth (and got away with it). However they introduced steep fines, Euro 350,-- for not complying, so ... i only go to a shop in case it is absolutely necessary.

So in this interview Dr Mirkovits really explains well what happens when you wear a mask and the link with having had a flu vaccination in 2017 or 2018 (luckily i never had one, but my mother and even some friends have had them every year).

For a better understanding i transcribed this bit, until 34:16. Perhaps also helpful for others, here goes:

"Dr Mirkovits: .... so wearing a mask causes more secretions and give more cells a home and amplify any viruses, it is immune-suppressive, it is going to take away my Type 1 interferon cells..

Mercola: This is what wearing a mask does?

Dr Mirkovits: you are driving the infection in yourself, you are amplifying not just that one but many others, including your XMRV's (infectious retrovirus) or your influenzas or other dormant EBV viruses (Epstein Barr). What keeps your natural viruses dormant? Your natural killer cells, your mast cells (note: also known as a mastocyte or a labrocyte, a mast cell is a migrant cell of connective tissue that contains many granules rich in histamine and heparin, specifically, it is a type of granulocyte derived from the myeloid stem cell that is a part of the immune and neuroimmune systems), macrophages (note: large white blood cells that are an integral part of the immune system), that is where you are getting your inflammatory signature, so every virus you amplify is driving the inflammatory signature and you are gonna get sick. So it does not have to be sars cov2 at all, you are making yourself sick and it is insanity and you are not preventing anybody else from getting infected unless you were, i won't say stupid, unless you were incited or made afraid to get an influenza vaccine. So you are giving yourself at least three attenuated influenza viruses, again, depleting your Type 1 interferon responses, you are shedding those viruses into a mask, so you are going to get sicker, if you are shedding into the air you are going to make somebody else get another upper respiratory infection that is going to allow another coronavirus that is gonna make you sicker and you will register as positive in any of these tests because the influenza vaccines were made, in the US in chicken cells, the one they used in Italy had four influenza viruses, including H1N1, highly pathogenic strains, so you are literally telling your immune system to turn away from everything else and go toward getting rid of those influenza viruses and they are grown in dog kidney cells, in the case of the Italian vaccine, so why are the Italians so sick? Oh, because they got the super duper flu vaccine and dog kidney cells have coronaviruses, so you are bringing in the same thing, so i don't believe it is an infection from without, i believe the spread across the 190 countries is from injection and there is enough evidence to support that, at least three papers.

Mercola: Injection from the flu vaccine?

Dr Mirkovits: Yeah, this paper ("Vaccine-Induced Anti-HA2 Antibodies Promote Virus Fusion and Enhance Influenza Virus Respiratory Disease, Science Traditional Medicin - 28 Aug 2013, Vol 5, Issue 200 pp200ra114, DOI: 10.1126 / scitranslmed 3006366) showed that there is 36% more likely to get coronavirus SARSCOV2 infection if you got the influenza vaccine in 2017 through and 2018."
FUNVAX!!! is the name of their proposal pitched to the DOD to "turn religious fundamentalists into normal people" Where is the MSM when we need it to tell people about this crap--it just keeps getting more unbelievable.
I sent this video to some chats who are busy with "projected vs reported" fear game. Response was blank. I tried to to put simple argument that monthly death rates vs covid19 death rates, they come up with some reason to defend. First, they will say you will die , if you go out. If you say, I already went nothing happened, they will say it is risky. If we say death rate comparison, they will say social distancing reduced it. If you say we all had coronavirus , they will say atleast they don’t want to kill others or elders. If you say coronavirus is not dangerous in isolation or in spreading( if that is the case most who contractracted should die), they say they are happy to break or don’t care ( obviously they don’t have issues with bread and circus ). It is like a 4 stage of denial steps before it is declared of ‘obviously true’.

What I find interesting in this video is, the confidence he shows in vaccine’s ability to change human belief. After making obscene money from the pirated software and monopolizing the market with squashing of any competition, he couldn’t prevent dreaded blue screen for 30 years. Most of this infamous blue crash screens are not even related to malicious intended software ( aka virus) and they are from the patchy software he built over cheaply bought and pirated from others to create a empire. And he wants to eradicate the virus in human body? Worst of all, people believed it as of now. PTB always wanted to reduce the population to 2 billion. Virus injection is one major step and it may not kill many immediately any body else few will take it. Introduce economic chaos and food shortages , more will die from malnutrition as in Olden days that will blamed on virus. At each stage, they want to make more money and power while enjoying pizza’s on Lolita express eternally while people are dying all over the planet? People are fickle and they were made fickle with distractions with fluctuating sports (dopamine), lotteries, sports and stocks. We know all this will not last long and one day people will have to wake up. When it happens, really a bad day for the psychopath's as C's put it.
The situation in France is pretty epic since the government has to face now to his scary tactic while he tries to explain the unlock down measures for the 11th of May.

In fact, the scary tactic worked so well that according to a recent poll, more than 60% of interrogated people think that it's too soon to unlock people... And most of the citizens think that it's too dangerous to send children to school at this date...
Moreover, many employees are afraid to come back to work and public transport companies in big cities as Paris, say that they will be able to offer 20% max of their capacity if they want to respect the imposed security measures. As many fear to be aimed by law pursuit, they threatened to close their activity...

Besides, they have shown a country map to the TV indicating the areas in France where the virus really spread the most and except Paris and its surrounding areas plus the North-East part of the country, the problem was not so huge. They have shown this map to introduce their unlock down plan area by area according to their level of danger with a color system from green to red trough orange.
It only shows that the lockdown measure wasn't needed for those who can see things for what they are, facts are facts...
I know you were trying talk down SOTTREADER who seems a bit panicked, but I think having undue bravado in the face of something dangerous isn't really going to help anyone. Knowledge protects, but utilizing knowledge means not downplaying possible dangers and maintaining awareness :-)

That's right. Just look at how a few ordinary dietary imbalances (magnesium, iodine, vit c, etc.) can affect the health of a human being, and thus indirectly affect his behaviour, mental and emotional health, to understand that thoughts, will, beliefs and ideas can easily break down. (And here we are not even talking about the known and little-known side effects of chemicals of all kinds to which we are all exposed all year round, and which also have devastating effects).

Therefore, to assume that the will is sufficient to annihilate the effect of a substance in the body remains very risky. Like assuming that we are healthy because we don't feel sick, we don't suffer or we think we eat well.

Who knows what kind of unpredictable effects a vaccine tinkered with by mentally ill people can have?

It is not a question of panicking, of course, with this hypothetical vaccine that is being prepared for us, especially when we know that the "consciousness" factor seems to be the determining factor in this corona story (is this our joker?) but I will be careful not to assume that I will succeed in transforming something harmful into something harmless because I will reject it with all my strength and all my will, and because I think I know the evil plans and intentions of those who created the problem.

Tout à fait. Qu'il suffise de constater comment quelques déséquilibres alimentaires (magnésium, iode, vit c, etc.) ordinaires peuvent affecter la santé d'un être humain, et donc indirectement son comportement, sa santé mentale et émotionnelle, pour comprendre que les pensées, la volonté, les croyances et les idées peuvent se briser facilement. (Et là, on ne parle pas même pas des effets secondaires connus et mal connus des produits chimiques de toutes sorte auxquels nous sommes tous exposés à longueur d'année., et qui ont eux-aussi des effets dévastateurs.)

Supposer donc que la volonté suffit pour annihiler l'effet d'une substances dans le corps reste très risqué. Comme de supposer que l'on est en bonne santé parce que l'on ne se sent pas malade, que l'on ne soufre pas ou que l'on pense bien se nourrir.

Qui sait quels types d'effets imprévisibles peuvent se révéler avec un vaccin bricolé par des malades mentaux ?

Il ne s'agit pas de paniquer, bien entendu, avec cet hypothétique vaccin qu'on nous prépare, surtout lorsque l'on sait que le facteur "conscience" semble être déterminant dans cette histoire de corona (est-là notre joker ?) mais je me garderai bien de supposer que je réussi à transformer quelque chose de nocif en quelque chose d' inoffensif parce que je vais le rejetter de toutes mes forces et de toute ma volonté, et parce que je pense connaitre les plans et les intentions maléfiques de ceux qui ont crée le problème.
On April 17, 2020, the online New England Journal of Medicine published the correspondence Guillain–Barré Syndrome Associated with SARS-CoV-2. The paper was authored by a team of Italian physicians and describes a previously unreported potential association between COVID-19 and Guillain–Barré Syndrome, an autoimmune disease associated with ascending paresthesia and paralysis of the lower extremities.

The team reported that, of an estimated 1000 to 1200 patients with COVID-19 admitted to three hospitals in Northern Italy from February 28 through March 21, 2020, five patients developed Guillain–Barré syndrome within 10 days of the onset of COVID-19 symptoms. In four of these patients, lower-limb weakness and paresthesia were among the first symptoms noted.

Although viral infections have long been considered a possible trigger for Guillain–Barré syndrome, this is believed to be the first report indicating a potential association between the SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes of COVID-19, and Guillain–Barré syndrome. Other viruses associated with Guillain–Barré Syndrome include the Zika virus, Epstein–Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), influenza virus, and the coronavirus responsible for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).
The situation in France is pretty epic since the government has to face now to his scary tactic while he tries to explain the unlock down measures for the 11th of May.

In fact, the scary tactic worked so well that according to a recent poll, more than 60% of interrogated people think that it's too soon to unlock people... And most of the citizens think that it's too dangerous to send children to school at this date...
Moreover, many employees are afraid to come back to work and public transport companies in big cities as Paris, say that they will be able to offer 20% max of their capacity if they want to respect the imposed security measures. As many fear to be aimed by law pursuit, they threatened to close their activity...

Besides, they have shown a country map to the TV indicating the areas in France where the virus really spread the most and except Paris and its surrounding areas plus the North-East part of the country, the problem was not so huge. They have shown this map to introduce their unlock down plan area by area according to their level of danger with a color system from green to red trough orange.
It only shows that the lockdown measure wasn't needed for those who can see things for what they are, facts are facts...

I took a peek at FB feed yesterday. There was a poll for opinion about opening up NC again for business, is it safe? 9/10 indicated a resounding HELL NO! One person posted good reasons, graphs, etc on why she felt ok about going out again. She was shot down mercilessly. Group was generally highly educated, prosperous women age 50-60, including a couple of physicians. I did not contribute. Left me feeling a bit hopeless for humanity.
I took a peek at FB feed yesterday. There was a poll for opinion about opening up NC again for business, is it safe? 9/10 indicated a resounding HELL NO! One person posted good reasons, graphs, etc on why she felt ok about going out again. She was shot down mercilessly. Group was generally highly educated, prosperous women age 50-60, including a couple of physicians. I did not contribute. Left me feeling a bit hopeless for humanity.

Karens gonna Karen 😏

More seriously though, the determining factor in rejecting the Covid narrative is not IQ or education, it is personality. If anything, the highly credentialed are more likely to go along with this, as I've observed amongst my own professional circle. Such people tend to take their cues from other "smart" people. This leaves them highly susceptible to manipulation: simply tell them "smart people believe this", and they'll go along with it, because they don't want to be thought stupid by their "smart" friends.

Worked with global warming; works with this.
More seriously though, the determining factor in rejecting the Covid narrative is not IQ or education, it is personality. If anything, the highly credentialed are more likely to go along with this, as I've observed amongst my own professional circle.

Having a nose for truth is connected with intelligence but not synonymous with it. That to me is definitely one of the mysteries of 3rd density existence; how some highly intelligent people can be so clueless.
How horrible! This poor woman, her poor family.

I used to feel very sorry for people who just go along with whatever propaganda is en vogue before covid came along. I felt sorry for them because I thought they are not "there" yet, they are being programmed by sinister powers, I would be like them too if I didn't have all of you, pathocrats are few and the majority of people are good at heart, and other such BS.

But what I realized recently is that these people are probably as dangerous for everybody's well being as the sinister powers in charge. Your experiences and everybody else's during this pseudo-pandemic leave me no option. They would turn into merciless killers in the blink of an eye, thinking that they are doing the proper thing. Planet Earth is full of these people.

Socio-geopolitically we live in the Hunger Games, but among the majority of our fellow humans, psychologically, we live in the Matrix and 1984. It took me way long, but now I see it.

Its a hard and crushing realization, for me at least. Every time I think I've finally and fully "grokked" the situation we live in I realize later that I was wrong when the next shock hits me. I think that its been hitting me in waves for years. Seeing these things in real time in the real world is not the same as reading about them in a book, that's for sure.
Having a nose for truth is connected with intelligence but not synonymous with it. That to me is definitely one of the mysteries of 3rd density existence; how some highly intelligent people can be so clueless.

All comes down to personality. Some people look to authority and social proof; these are selected for in the education system. Others instinctively think for themselves.

There's also, in this case, a sort of extremely risk-averse, "safety first" mindset that promotes health and safety above all other considerations (e.g. freedom or truth). This mindset has been extensively promoted for over a generation now. It's part of the programming.
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