Let's get some questions to ask the Cs together for a session soon. Really THINK about your question and can it be answered by research before posing it.

The only question I can come up with at the moment is: How likely is it that the USA will impose martial law over this virus issue. 50/50 or what? I could guess that it's likely. Not sure it's a reasonable question to ask though. The reason I thought of this is because a few nights back, after the first mention of "war" in Whitehouse talks on TV about this virus, that night I had something like a 1 second dream where Pence flash into view saying "war", which is what I saw him say on TV. That caused me to pause and think for a moment, maybe it was a conditioning statement for the public, and my other thought was that this situation we're all in could be a prelude to troops on the street sometime very soon (as in days, weeks or a few months), and this situation does seem like a semi-slow boiling of frogs overall, so far anyway.
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Here groceries and stores have begun to reduce their business hours due to COVID-19. The problem is peoples still have to eat so it result in increased concentration of peoples during this shortened time and WILL increase probability of transmission. Supid is as stupid does...
very disturbing news keeps coming out:
by: Los Angeles Times
Posted: Mar 20, 2020 / 02:18 PM PDT / Updated: Mar 20, 2020 / 02:24 PM PDT
The nation’s second-largest municipal health system has told its staff that it is essentially abandoning hope of containing the coronavirus outbreak and instructed doctors not to bother testing symptomatic patients if a positive result won’t change how they would be treated.
The guidance, sent by the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services to its doctors on Thursday, was prompted by a crush of patients and shortage of tests, and could make it difficult to ever know precisely how many people in L.A. County contracted the virus.
The department “is shifting from a strategy of case containment to slowing disease transmission and averting excess morbidity and mortality,” according to the letter. Doctors should test symptomatic patients only when “a diagnostic result will change clinical management or inform public health response.”
The guidance sets in writing what has been a reality all along. The shortage of tests nationwide has meant that many patients suspected of having COVID-19 have not had the diagnosis confirmed by a laboratory.
What is possessing western elites to nuke their own economies, and with it their only chance of out-competing China and getting off-planet
before the comets come, as seems to be their goal?

Is there an actual virus going round that makes people go crazy and think there is a respiratory virus?


Was some kind of ulta-new special beaming technology employed in the past 10 days (or something very shiny and special that they only bring out for 9/11 type events)?

Was this planned "in advance" or is it kind of like an emergency timeline edit?

Do they think they can print their way out of this mess and if so is this the point where they fail as warned about in a recent session?

Is there now a full coordinated attack being launched by China/Russia on the west and if so are we in the "endgame" of this conflict now? Is China gonna pull the trigger on the US bond market?

Is it likely that this is just a headfake before we go back into "good times" for a bit longer, or does this mark the beginning of the acceleration down, down, down into famine, war, real plague and eventually the ice age etc.?
I have experienced this madness for the first time today. A week ago I moved out of town to my parent's house anticipating that it would be a much better solution in the coming times. It turned out to be a great idea. Until now, there was not much panic felt here and life went on in quite a normal rhythm. However, today when I went shopping, I was surprised.

In the first store, the cashier yelled at me, noting that I didn't keep enough distance. It was unjustified because I stood about 2m from her, and the official recommendation was to keep a distance of 1m. I moved away more. At that time, the cashier, satisfied with my obedience, shouted at the woman standing in front of me for not packing her vegetables in a plastic bag and thus exposing her to infection. I have to admit that the whole situation caused negative emotions in me, and I even wanted to ostentatiously break some official recommendations at that moment.

Then I went to the butcher. I was surprised to see a container with gloves and a disinfectant next to the door for the first time here. A woman standing in a queue before me, joyfully used this equipment while staring at me with horror in her eyes because I used my phone without gloves! After a while, she took out the phone herself and for a moment it crossed my mind that she may be reporting on me to someone. I felt that she was of the kind that would gladly do it. And I began to wonder whether it is wise to be yourself to the fullest in this whole situation or maybe it's better to pretend a bit and not attract too much attention?

To sum up, for the first time I had the opportunity to feel by myself a bit of what many of you have already reported about. It was not pleasant and I was a bit surprised that in this situation I lost more peace of mind than I could have expected.
But there was also a positive thing about today's shopping. I managed to buy the best quality pork belly in years :bacon:
My biggest concern is the preservation of communication with the Forum. Internet is becoming more and more overloaded slowly.

From what we can get out of it, if the forum should ever come to a halt for any reason, our future selves will show us the way. We are never alone. Remember that the C's have always said that they will be there "after" and that all you have to do is ask for help. If the forum is no longer available perhaps it could be seen as an invitation to show more faith. Whatever happens in the end, everything will be all right.
Hello all, this past week I'm trying all along to catch up with the thread, only now I've made it. I'm feeling so grateful for what's happening here - despite all the madness around us, we members of this forum are managing to network so effectively, sharing the mosaic of a world gripped by all this confusion and ignorance.

This is truly a miracle, IMO, to have the chance to discuss the matter in this way. I believe this particular thread is helping all of us so much, I've tried to imagine myself without all this exchange and I couldn't. Thank you fellow readers, for your words, for your attitude, for all this resistance. You all save lives and souls, doing this.

I confess I'm getting tired and angry at some of my friends and colleagues who seemed so impervious to the MSM lies and now are falling, everyone in a way or other, for these lies. These are people who used to question the media and the government, who used to laugh at the "other" people who believe so readily in the official versions of the global events. They're short of telling me I'm so irresponsible of spreading videos and fake news related to the all serious Covid pandemia. Who am I, anyway? Am I a doctor? Don't I feel guilty wanting to get out and see people, to walk, to breathe?? Aren't you capable of a little self-sacrifice? Do you smoke yet? What about your daughter, your parents, your family? Are you telling me that all the media and the government is wrong about this and only you are right? It could go on, these are some of the things I've heard this past week.

Sorry for the drama and outburst, I'm sure many of you are facing these interactions on a daily basis. I want to say again how grateful I am for being able to interact in a healthy and objective way right here. I want to say to Laura that I've faith that no matter what transpires, I'm going to help with my little donation every month, to keep SOTT and this forum alive, together with the FOTCM, this community of truth driven hearts and souls. And let them come, we'll be ready. Together in love, knowledge and faith.
This "clapping at the window" thing happening each time at 8:00 pm here in France (and obviously others countries as well as Loreta mentioned it before) makes me wonder. If this Covid-19 Event is a hoax, and it appears it IS a large one, maybe the larger one ever experimented as it seems almost global, where all this energy given on false assumptions go? I mean, I saw it on TV these three last days, and it's like if it's a new cult with its own prayer, where everybody open the windows, clap their hands for three minutes and are happy to what? Feed the lie and then psychopathy that rules the world. :evil:

Belgium do it as well, same time every evening.

These people just follow an idea which is not their. It is so easier than thinking by themselves. I'm pretty sure this reinforce the people into buying any lie they are about to ear now. And I'm pretty sure this clapping thing is done on purpose, like it was done for "We are Charlie". Kind of "Join us in our so great group of authoritarians followers, embrace our strength, we will save you!" Group thought and its usual bias on how not be able to see the reality for what it is: please save us! :wow:

These people just follow an idea which is not their. They buy it, make it their own as for any what will come next. Very dangerous, if you want my opinion.
I confess I'm getting tired and angry at some of my friends and colleagues who seemed so impervious to the MSM lies and now are falling, everyone in a way or other, for these lies. These are people who used to question the media and the government, who used to laugh at the "other" people who believe so readily in the official versions of the global events. They're short of telling me I'm so irresponsible of spreading videos and fake news related to the all serious Covid pandemia. Who am I, anyway? Am I a doctor? Don't I feel guilty wanting to get out and see people, to walk, to breathe?? Aren't you capable of a little self-sacrifice? Do you smoke yet? What about your daughter, your parents, your family? Are you telling me that all the media and the government is wrong about this and only you are right? It could go on, these are some of the things I've heard this past week.

I sympathize with what you have just written and I can understand that you might be angry and tired. If we take a step up, this "pandemic" reveals the true nature of the people we deal with on a daily basis, our friends, our family, our colleagues and whom we thought we knew sincerely ! One could say that this is the negative part of awareness.

If we reverse the situation, on the contrary, it is a wonderful opportunity to be able to see the invisible, it will allow you to reshape your perceptions, to be more vigilant, to have more objectivity about people and to help you see more clearly within yourself. This is the positive part of awareness. Glass half empty or half full, I bet you'll do wonderfully well, at least that's my wish !
Donald Trump's 2016 speech. Funny thing is that in a way it has been set up so that the govt can appear to be controlled by the people because they are begging to have their rights taken away. In their hysteria they are asking, and the govt is delivering.

Watching the above again has helped me refine an earlier thought. There are two types of leaders in this situation - those that are stirring up the hysteria in order to gain control and those that don't believe all of the misinformation and hysteria, but are just complying to the will of the majority of the people as per their oaths - to uphold and defend the constitution or the will of the majority of the people in the majority of the states. If Trump doesn't follow the will of the majority of the people in the majority of the states, he loses votes.

In regards to what has already been mentioned in the thread about attestations there's this:

Article 38:
Private property, unless forfeited by crimes or by offenses of the owner, can be seized only by way of military necessity, for the support or other benefit of the army or of the United States.

If the owner has not fled, the commanding officer will cause receipts to be given, which may serve the spoliated owner to obtain indemnity.

Rights are considered a part of an individuals incorporeal property, so if you had a right to freely travel and that has been taken away by military necessity from their perspective, then a receipt is involved. The definition of spoliated is robbed or plundered - rights have been robbed or plundered. The legal definition of 'licence' is basically permission to do something that is illegal or unlawful, but in this instance they've asked for an attestation - which is provided by the witness under the order of the commanding officer.

With the above in mind I really feel that the Lieber Code will help prepare people for what to expect under an enforced lockdown.

So, that's a question that I'd put to the C's is: Is it helpful to read the Lieber Code?
A: Invasion happens when programming is complete...

(L) I would say that if there were crop failures, economic collapse, and so on, that those things would bring about a revolution and while you're in the middle of the revolution THEN everything goes kaflooey. That would be my guess.

A: Yes

we don't NEED an alien invasion with psychopaths ruling this world as their transdimensional agents. And it has occurred to me that when you said that way back when, that basically the invasion has already occurred! It's here, now. It's psychopaths in power!

They've always needed human-looking beings to control, to manipulate, or to even "download into" in a funny sort of way, like a possession or an activation. It's like they're sitting at some control console in some hyperdimensional place controlling their agents the way we control remote control toys.

You should be aware that there are swarms of missiles ready and waiting to be launched at the order of the military sky watchers so as to mask what is going on. In this case and even others there was both: A comet explosion followed by a missile launch to keep the masses calm.

(L) So in other words what you're suggesting is that there is a network of missiles around the planet belonging to various different countries. At any given time, somebody can give the order for somebody in the right place to launch a missile to cover up the fact that there are comets. Is that it?

A: Yes precisely. You need military activity to mask celestial events. And so it has always been.

I have the feeling that the so-called "alien invasion" is really comets.

A: Pretty much.

Q: (L) Well, it just seems like psychopaths have really screwed things up.

A: They will get all the blame!

Q: (Andromeda) That's an interesting... (L) Way to look at it. (Burma Jones) So then back to what Galaxia was wanting to know, is there going to be a revolution? Are people actually going to wake up and start... (Galaxia) And do something about it?

A: Oh indeed!

Q: (Galaxia) Now that's what I like to hear! (Andromeda) Is it going to be a very bloody revolution?

A: Yes.

Q: (Galaxia) On both sides?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) Is it gonna be more concentrated in one particular area of the globe, for example in the US, as opposed to world-wide?

A: Yes. We have mentioned a 5D city on a hill.

Q: (Perceval) Is this in reference to the ice age in terms of the blame that people give to the government and that causes the revolution?

A: There are a few more steps before an ice age. Some of them not very pleasant.

Q: (Perceval) Earthquakes, volcanoes, economic collapse...(Burma Jones) Mass starvation. (Perceval) Plague. (L) Crop failure.

A: All of those and more.

So basically, get the popcorn ready if you can and smoke 'em if you got 'em.
I was trying to find the session date for the quote above, (I did; Session 22 July 2010 ). I thought this additional quote from that was useful:

(L) I would say that if there were crop failures, economic collapse, and so on, that those things would bring about a revolution and while you're in the middle of the revolution THEN everything goes kaflooey. That would be my guess.

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) So they said "all of those and more". Could one of those "more" things be any revelations about 9/11?

A: That may come too, but don't hang your hopes on "revelations". Rather it will be a change in perception by the public.

Q: (L) Okay. Well, all of that is very, very cheerful. So what are we supposed to do?

A: Continue to spread the truth and program that will unite all people of good will.

Q: (L) So uniting people of good will...

A: Remember we once told you that people would unite against the "invasion" at the time just before the earth changes?


Anyway, while blundering through the forum's search function, (using the word, "kaflooey", thinking, "That's original"), I discovered it was used several times in similar spots. This one caught my attention:


A: Good time to ask about future.

Q: (L) Well, how do we want to ask about the future?

(Perceval) That's broad. The last thing they referred to in the last session was that 4 month thing... Dramatic changes within 4 months.

(Andromeda) Oh yeah...

(L) Dramatic changes are coming. Can you get us in the ballpark as to what kind of changes we're talking about here?

(Perceval) I was thinking it's the economy. The "ecomony, stupid!"

(L) Are these gonna be economic changes?

A: First, yes. But consider all that entails.

Q: (L) If the economy goes kaflooey, then there's starvation...

(Perceval) Mass migrations, mass movements, food fights, violence in the streets, crackdowns...

(L) Pestilence, plague...

(Perceval) Police state goes into overdrive.

(Andromeda) Confiscations.

(Perceval) People might go to war.

(Andromeda) Beheadings.

A: And in the present time, all those energies are amplified cosmically.

Q: (Galatea) So it'll be like that, but times ten.

(Perceval) Basically, the idea would be economic crash, then in a relatively short period of time, you'd have social chaos, suffering, police state goes after hungry mobs, people rioting, lots of people killed, etc. And that energy is magnified and maybe it attracts a big load of space rocks.

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) That was the scientific description.

(L) {To Galatea } Are you tired?

(Galatea) I'm okay.

(L) Anything further on that?

(Perceval) Do people in major urban centers - as in our FOTCM members - would it be advisable for them to at least be forewarned about this? Maybe they can move in advance?

A: Most cannot move. But there are those who can assemble at current community locations if needed.

Q: (Perceval) So, should we be preparing those community locations for possibly influxes of refugees?

(L) I suppose if there are different group members in different locations, people can assemble together somewhere.

(Perceval) And those people should be informed.

(L) I guess if they should just have a plan. If the poo hits the fan, they go to the designated person's place...

(Perceval) ...and that person is ready to receive them.

(L) Because there is a plan. Well, we can only do what we can do, and see how things pan out. People are aware.

(Perceval) Is it likely that this kind of social chaos as a result of the economic collapse or whatever would be predominantly in the USA?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) The US is a powder keg. It just needs the right spark.

(Perceval) It's got all the right ingredients right now. You've got so many people in big cities dependent on supermarkets and stuff. And then you have the police state well-trained to deal with uprisings. In other countries, they don't have quite so well-organized police state to put down social unrest.

(Andromeda) And the people aren't quite as helpless either, at least in areas like this one.

(Perceval) In urban centers in the US, there are a lot of people who are just completely dependent on supermarkets and the system in general from one day to the next.

A: Notice that the USA is exhibiting all the symptoms of a "Color Revolution".

Q: (Perceval) So, someone in a position of power somewhere in the US is planning to sort of stage-manage the social unrest or revolution after an economic collapse?

A: More or less. However all may not go as planned.

Q: (Perceval) Well, the whole Ferguson, Missouri shooting last year...

A: Outside influences may intervene.

Q: (L) What do you mean "outside"?

A: Cosmic.

Q: (L) And this is what you're talking about in the next few months?

A: Takes time.

Q: (L) So, basically it's something that takes time after economic collapse. It will take time to develop.

(Perceval) For the situation to become increasingly worse. Last year we had the Ferguson thing, and then all the police shootings since then... It's conditioning the population to accept police brutality.

(L) But the population's not going to accept it.

(Perceval) That's where it might go wrong.

(L) Either that, or they're trying to push them into a revolution. I don't know if psychopaths really understand that. I think maybe they try to condition the people, but then...

(Perceval) Or condition some of them.

(L) I don't know what the hell's gonna happen. It's all just really scary.

(Perceval) If you have social unrest and violence with the country going down the tubes, and like they said before about it being magnified by cosmic energies... I'm just having a vision of widespread upheavals, armed gangs going around and fighting with police, and so on. But at the same time, you might have tornadoes, earthquakes, cometary impacts, or flybys that set off volcanic eruptions... A perfect storm of craziness.

(Andromeda) And all starting within the next couple of months.

A: Close enough!


That was dark!

So before leaving off this post, I'd like to double-post these lines from the top:

Q: (L) Okay. Well, all of that is very, very cheerful. So what are we supposed to do?

A: Continue to spread the truth and program that will unite all people of good will.


In other words, keep your pants on! Think of your favorite teachers and try to embody some of their better elements. We're not teachers for the most part, it's hard, but it's also a job which can be learned. Basically, the people around you don't need to be so afraid and confused, and if you can couch truth in encouragement, and strengthen healthy connections, you're doing better than huddling in the corner, or worse, spreading FUD.
Let's get some questions to ask the Cs together for a session soon. Really THINK about your question and can it be answered by research before posing it.
My question would be is this a war against the unseen global elite psychopathic Deep State? President Trump say's, "The world is at war with a hidden enemy. WE WILL WIN!". I don't get the feeling he is speaking of just the virus.
(Perceval) Do people in major urban centers - as in our FOTCM members - would it be advisable for them to at least be forewarned about this? Maybe they can move in advance?

A: Most cannot move. But there are those who can assemble at current community locations if needed.

Q: (Perceval) So, should we be preparing those community locations for possibly influxes of refugees?

(L) I suppose if there are different group members in different locations, people can assemble together somewhere.

(Perceval) And those people should be informed.
Hence my concern for communication, not my personal physical safety.
This "clapping at the window" thing happening each time at 8:00 pm here in France (and obviously others countries as well as Loreta mentioned it before) makes me wonder. If this Covid-19 Event is a hoax, and it appears it IS a large one, maybe the larger one ever experimented as it seems almost global, where all this energy given on false assumptions go? I mean, I saw it on TV these three last days, and it's like if it's a new cult with its own prayer, where everybody open the windows, clap their hands for three minutes and are happy to what? Feed the lie and then psychopathy that rules the world. :evil:

Maybe we should all respond by leaning out of our windows at 8.05pm and counter with our own good bellow:

"I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take these Psychos anymore!"

Hopefully the universe will soon heed us! :wizard:
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