What globe? Flat Earth and Flat-Earthers

Re: Is the Earth an enclosed technologically created world, and NOT a globe?

Keyhole said:
Atreides said:
This flat earth crap is a just a distraction. Jesus effing Christ, you're running through the jungle from a Dire Wolf about to eat you alive and you wanna stop to muse about the shape of the earth. Run you fool.
Couldn't have said it better.

RedFox said:
I think education has a lot to do with it, but more so I think it's addictive. Kind of like a roller coaster, it's thrilling to not be grounded and even better that by not committing to anything you don't have to ever get close to life or take responsibility.
Both end up falling into wishful/magical thinking and story telling. Either because it's exciting and addictive or because it's rewarding to follow a particular authority.
I think this is really the crux of the matter. From what I have seen, most of the followers seem to have already become disillusioned with the false reality presented by the official authorities, and once they realise that we are lied to alot in this reality, suddenly ALL critical cognitive faculties switch off. Its like complete black and white thinking kicks in, and from that point onward EVERYTHING that is officially accepted among the masses MUST be a conspiracy. An example that comes to mind is that of a rebellious teenager who actively seeks to defy all forms of authority.

I never realized how poorly educated some of our forum members are. For example, asking why a plane doesn't fly off the earth? I can't believe that people don't know about and understand things about gravity, atmosphere, flight electronics, mechanics, geography, etc. I mean, so much of that sort of thing was taught to me in junior and senior high school physics, chemistry, geography classes that I'm just stunned at the ignorance.

Just astonished.

ADDED: I thought about this a bit more and I realize that the education system is designed to NOT educate people, but to make them drones. But I do think that if a person is reasonably aware of the world around them questions would NATURALLY come to their minds in all kinds of situations. In fact, I actually can remember asking some of these kinds of questions when I was just a kid. Things like "why don't people in Australia fall off the earth" and "why don't planes just fly away into space and never come back?" Fortunately, I was raised by an engineer and I was a great reader and was never shy about asking questions in school. Plus, the education system then still did a reasonable job.

I guess I'm just too accustomed to intelligence all around me and can't fathom a grown man asking "why don't planes just fly off into space" if that grown man is NOW a member of this forum and thereby signalling his interest in esoterica. Hell's bells! If you don't understand the real world around you in the most basic terms, what business have you in trying to explore deeper questions???

I just want to tell anybody who is taken in by this silliness to go away, go back to school, read some books, take some courses, and when you figure out the mechanical parts of reality, then you'll be in a position to ask questions about the underlying forces that make the mechanics go.
Re: Is the Earth an enclosed technologically created world, and NOT a globe?

Duke said:
Redfox you didn't call me a fool now did you??

Duke, do you see what you did there? That two-word phrase first sets focus on an action verb. Yet you select out the noun for questioning. On the whole, can you see selectivity and personal investment being any issue here?
Re: Is the Earth an enclosed technologically created world, and NOT a globe?

Laura said:
I never realized how poorly educated some of our forum members are. For example, asking why a plane doesn't fly off the earth? I can't believe that people don't know about and understand things about gravity, atmosphere, flight electronics, mechanics, geography, etc. I mean, so much of that sort of thing was taught to me in junior and senior high school physics, chemistry, geography classes that I'm just stunned at the ignorance.

Just astonished.
Laura, in that case I think you may have underestimated just how much the educational system's quality really has declined in recent years. When I compare my level of education with my fathers or my grandfathers, it really is astonishing to learn of how LITTLE my generation was actually taught.
Re: Is the Earth an enclosed technologically created world, and NOT a globe?

Atreides said:
Why would the world being flat really be such a problem? Why bother to maintain the lie? Exactly how would the people with guns and power lose their power based on the shape of the earth? The idea that this is some catastrophic piece of information that would change the world for the better or worse, or that people would rise up in revolution against the elite, for what? The earth was flat all along.

Pahlease. Only a lunatic could take this seriously. Only a lunatic could think it would even remotely matter, to anyone at all.

The problem I see with stating things like "the earth is flat" or "the moon landing never happened" is that it could take away inspiration and starting points for work on oneself. Sure, the majority of people don't want that and it's not necessary for them. But if we stay with Plato's Allegory of the Cave, some few will want to know the bigger picture and the exact mechanics of the cave in order to begin the difficult path of extricating themselves from it. Every bit of truth helps, every bit of falsehood hinders. And before one can even begin to do something, one has to wish to do something, and that wish can only be based on some inspiration that there exists more than meets the eye. And in this sense, taking away inspiration -- literally undoing the scientific insights we've had in the last centuries -- indeed plays into the hands of those who run the control system. As for myself, I was profoundly inspired by the vision of Star Trek, and sometimes, inspiration is one of the few things that give me the power to continue my efforts.
Re: Is the Earth an enclosed technologically created world, and NOT a globe?

Yes I have read the wave series, amazing grace, and nearly everything on the front page. I love book 3 and recommend it wherever I think it will help.
As for worrying about how things are at the moment, well worrying get you nowhere, being aware is all that matters
Re: Is the Earth an enclosed technologically created world, and NOT a globe?

Duke said:
If you told someone that the earth was flat and the whole place is a construction. Or you tell them there are beings that throw people into a blender and drink there juices though their skin. they are both bloody weird story's. NO???
At this point I'm not making sense to myself !!! lol hahahah I'm going out for a Smoke.

Yeah, they are both weird stories. The difference is that the idea that there are Crazy Other-Dimensional Lizard Beings who juice humans and absorb them through their skin has little bearing on the actual work we do here (there are Vegetarians, and then there are... Humanitarians?) :lol:

If it's true, we're still doing this forum, world news on SOTT, PC communities, trying to help each other and ourselves grow, etc.

If it's false, we're still doing this forum, world news on SOTT, PC communities, trying to help each other and ourselves grow, etc.

Information like that which arrives via the C's communications is sort of noted and then "filed away".

IOW, the more "woo-woo" info is a very small part of what we all do, practically, on a day to day basis. I don't think anyone would cry if we found out tomorrow that this info is in fact false. It simply wouldn't matter, practically speaking, because it isn't the focus.

This is exactly why some people are so turned off by SOTT.net: Because they read High Strangeness or the Wave series, and they don't really understand that it's not about the weird stuff. There are deeper underlying messages, practical considerations, and a process of growth that are all very "nuts and bolts".
Re: Is the Earth an enclosed technologically created world, and NOT a globe?

Hello All,

I want to say that the reason I placed the question in the "Ask the C'c" thread, was to avoid controversy and somehow 'cut through the chase' so to speak.

While I understand and accept the physics of our reality as real and logical as any other rational thinker, the idea that came to mind that I wanted to eliminate was the possibility (in an infinite universe), that an STS 4D intelligence effectively billions of years ahead of us, COULD create a technological experiment such as this. And if this was the case for us, then how could we truly detect it if they covered all the bases with their extensive knowledge of human beings, our potential, our psyche, etc, etc? It's a profound existential question that I thought, "if I can imagine it..", must exist somewhere in an Infinite Universe.

I remember a question asked of the C,s a few years ago that went (as best as I can remember it): What is the biggest secret on planet earth, to which the answer was: "You are an experiment".

In my mind I thought: 'As Above, So Below' - A petri dish experiment on a scale orders of magnitude beyond our ability to properly detect or understand; But a situation irrelevant to the Laws governing the progress of the Soul, OSIT.

I just hoped that the C'c would give a definite answer that would settle it in my mind, as NOT the situation WE are in, once and for all.

I didn't want to start any problems or distract from the good work being done here especially at this critical time, and I am sorry if it seem to be the case (intentionally, or vectored). Thank you all for a great learning opportunity.
Re: Is the Earth an enclosed technologically created world, and NOT a globe?

Keyhole said:
Laura said:
I never realized how poorly educated some of our forum members are. For example, asking why a plane doesn't fly off the earth? I can't believe that people don't know about and understand things about gravity, atmosphere, flight electronics, mechanics, geography, etc. I mean, so much of that sort of thing was taught to me in junior and senior high school physics, chemistry, geography classes that I'm just stunned at the ignorance.

Just astonished.
Laura, in that case I think you may have underestimated just how much the educational system's quality really has declined in recent years. When I compare my level of education with my fathers or my grandfathers, it really is astonishing to learn of how LITTLE my generation was actually taught.

Yeah. I added to my post because I actually got up from my desk and walked around with a sort of "oh my god!" feeling just trying to understand the level of ignorance. I did NOT know it was that bad.

Well, I did know it was that bad with the average, brainwashed Western consumer type... like those idiots that display themselves on youtube videos. But HERE???????

The feeling I have right now is the same feeling I got from watching this video:

Re: Is the Earth an enclosed technologically created world, and NOT a globe?

Laura said:
Fortunately, I was raised by an engineer...
I guess I'm just too accustomed to intelligence all around me...

Crikey, I just knew it had to be!!! I feel vindicated!
Re: Is the Earth an enclosed technologically created world, and NOT a globe?

Buddy said:
Sometimes I think sanity is to be found only in fields of engineering.

Well, sometimes... But there is also generally a severe lack of creativity in all the ways that actually matter, and a very large dose of the Authoritarian Follower mentality. Engineers love boxes, especially when it comes to locking themselves inside one.
Re: Is the Earth an enclosed technologically created world, and NOT a globe?

Laura said:
I never realized how poorly educated some of our forum members are. For example, asking why a plane doesn't fly off the earth? I can't believe that people don't know about and understand things about gravity, atmosphere, flight electronics, mechanics, geography, etc. I mean, so much of that sort of thing was taught to me in junior and senior high school physics, chemistry, geography classes that I'm just stunned at the ignorance.

Just astonished.

I never learned much of that stuff in school in the UK because it was never taught, and that would have been 20-30 years ago.
There wasn't much of anything related to real world practical things being taught - no connection to tangible things. Geography classes where the closest and I really enjoyed those. A few minor things on earth and the solar system (which my mum had taught me as a kid). One half hour lesson an aerodynamics which consisted of a drawing on the board, and making paper planes. A few lessons on gravity that involved weights, springs, strings and a little math. Lots of chemistry but mostly theoretical/math.

Heck, I'm pretty sure I learned most of the things I know from books and television outside of school.
I was always ahead of the class because I knew it all already. I never realized that until now.
Re: Is the Earth an enclosed technologically created world, and NOT a globe?

Scottie said:
Buddy said:
Sometimes I think sanity is to be found only in fields of engineering.

Well, sometimes... But there is also generally a severe lack of creativity in all the ways that actually matter, and a very large dose of the Authoritarian Follower mentality. Engineers love boxes, especially when it comes to locking themselves inside one.

Well, there does seem to be a bit of the autist in the many. Should have used the creative qualifier. Point well taken, though. :)
Re: Is the Earth an enclosed technologically created world, and NOT a globe?

I agree Scotty, I don't mind going down the rabbit hole. Frustrates my friends playing devils advocate. But this fun round the camp fire.
Re: Is the Earth an enclosed technologically created world, and NOT a globe?

Scottie said:
This is exactly why some people are so turned off by SOTT.net: Because they read High Strangeness or the Wave series, and they don't really understand that it's not about the weird stuff. There are deeper underlying messages, practical considerations, and a process of growth that are all very "nuts and bolts".

Well said. It also dovetails with another point. For people who are engineers, or science people, astronomers, physicists and so on, they have the educational foundation to actually understand these things. I for instance, do not. How or why the earth does anything that it does is not really understood by me. I can repeat explanations given by certain people who I consider knowledgeable, but do I really understand how a plane flies? Do I really understand how gravity works? Do I really know what the Sun is made of? What about fission, or fusion? Particles, and quantum wave collapses? I honest can say I don't know.

Having spent a lot of time on youtube watching videos from Atheists explaining how the world works, I am pretty sure they don't know either. They have an explanation, and they parrot it. If you really investigate how much you actually know about the world, it's pretty damn small.

This becomes a vector of attack, not when you realize how much you don't know, because you can't know everything, but when you delude yourself into thinking that you do know, or could know. What strikes me in this so called flat earther movement is that it is a collection of people wholly incapable of knowing and understanding anything they are talking about.

One thing I do know something about is human psychology. What they understand of human psychology is just bunk. Their incredible conspiratorial interpretation of politics is also just bunk. A world conspiracy to conceal a flat earth is incredible. As to whether or not the world is an experiment, or an ant-farm. That idea is already well represented in literature. It's nothing new. Proving the world flat does not prove the world constructed. Perhaps it is evidence for God, but anything can be evidence for God.

If these people truly think the world flat, go to the end of it and bring back evidence. I'll be waiting. Other than that it's just talk. Lots and lots of pointless talk.
Re: Is the Earth an enclosed technologically created world, and NOT a globe?

LMJ said:
Has anyone seen this site and the videos? _http://enclosedworld.com/

Now I have. So? Did you have a point to make? Lots of claims and no real data to back it up, if you ask me. More of the same nonsense.
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