Oh! I would like to read more about those tests. I just tried to search for that information, but so far not able to find it. Do you have a link, XPan? As it happens, I just purchased a used ebike (it’s over 1.5 years old) so now I am wondering if my battery brand is likely to fail soon!
Ah, I think I found it, published May 28, 2021. Alas, it is behind a paywall, but looks like it is a useful website. I am not sure they tested my battery brand, which is Samsung.
the guy who came to fix our (20 year old) gas heater told me similar.. showed me how to fix it myself too, pretty easy.
When your central air conditioner dies before it is at least 20 years old, it's usually the main capacitor, a $15 part that is very obvious inside the chassis and easy to replace (easy to find and order online, too). If you call a repair person, they'll change the $15 part in about five minutes and charge you $200.

Definitely, the electronic controls, on otherwise mechanical machines, are weak and short-lived. Replacement is not usually difficult and parts, new or used, can usually be found online. But, they look cool & modern and further the planned obsolescence agenda.
This documentary shows that planned obsolescence has been carefully engineered since the 1920s. If you will own nothing and be happy, it's like what Lenin said, "Communism may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolish private property."
youtube watch?v=V0Zk6XEAOGk
"The Waste Makers" is a book that addresses this artificially created problem. Doubly interesting is that this was noted in this book which was published in 1961.


State AGs Sound The Alarm About BlackRock, Vanguard Buying Large Stakes In Utilities​

'The acquisition by investment managers BlackRock and Vanguard of ever-increasing shares in America’s public utility companies is setting off alarm bells from conservatives and progressives alike.'


Exclusive: Davos 2023 will feature BlackRock & TikTok CEOs, with WEF demanding more censorship and tyranny​

The programme for Davos 2023 includes events such as:

“Why We Need Battery Passports”

“Leading The Charge Through Earth’s New Normal”
(Featuring Al Gore)

“A Living Wage For All”

“Enabling An Equitable Transition”

“Beyond The Rainbow: Advancing LGBTQ+ Rights”

“Advancing Racial and Ethnic Equity”
(Moderated by CNN)

“Decarbonizing Supply Chains” (Moderated by Chinese state television)

Finding The Right Balance For Crypto”

Tackling Harm In The Digital Era”
With apologies to Tennyson, but if Al Gore is leading the charge everybody's gonna need candles

Flashed all their sabres bare,
Flashed as they turned in air
Sabring the gunners there,
Charging an army, while
All the world wondered.
Plunged in the battery-smoke
Right through the line they broke;

“Forward, the Light Brigade!”
Was there a man dismayed?
Not though the soldier knew
Someone had blundered.
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die.
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
Oh! I would like to read more about those tests. I just tried to search for that information, but so far not able to find it. Do you have a link, XPan? As it happens, I just purchased a used ebike (it’s over 1.5 years old) so now I am wondering if my battery brand is likely to fail soon!
I mixed up the article. It wasn’t Swedish Råd & Rön but from Testfakta.se

The article (in Swedish) which highlights how one battery was set deliberately to stop functioning after two years, you find here:

They got a lot of articles regarding testing electric bikes.
I mixed up the article. It wasn’t Swedish Råd & Rön but from Testfakta.se

The article (in Swedish) which highlights how one battery was set deliberately to stop functioning after two years, you find here:

They got a lot of articles regarding testing electric bikes.
Brilliant! Thanks so much, I will take a look. All the best to you and yours!
C.A. Fitts most recent interview:

Some points of discussion:

Will there be a glut of “things” with so many people dying?

The interviewer Greg Hunter and Catherin disagree quit pointedly on Donald Trump. He is complicit with mass murder and high government corruption (statement 56). No, he was dupped. Ok if he was dupped, then he is incompetent to run the government, if he was “in on it” he is a mass murderer and helped hide the government books. Either way he should not be running the government.

The is no time left to play with the federal gov. It is completely taken over and is a criminal endeavored. Forget the Federal government. Trump vs Biden…you’re wasting your time. Move to a jurisdiction that is fighting for its people and get to know, the sheriff, local bank, local farmers, and neighbors.

Solari has free helps on how to find these places, and banks, credit unions, and how to begin the use of gold and silver again.

The use of cash and checks are skyrocketing!

CBDC is game over.

I’m posting this from the ZeroHedge site, as if you don’t have time to watch the (1 hour) video, the major statements are listed, and links so you can read the highlights. The video is imbedded near the bottom of the article.

The use of cash and checks are skyrocketing!

Having worked in the financial field I know that currency is removed from circulation through banks. Since a reasonable proportion of cash ends up in a bank as a necessity for trade or for security of storage, then it would be to easy for banks to reduce circulation and force the use of CBDC's over the course of time. Relying on cash in the short term will work, but shortages of cash will probably be on the horizon. I don't get why CAF doesn't see this.
Jones, thanks for your response. What you wrote sounds reasonable to me. My perspective on the skyrocketing of cash/checks, if it is indeed happening, is exposing a resistance to the digitalizing of currency and everything else for that matter. In short it is showing resistance. In general, I think Fitts is calling for: a retreat back to home/farm neighbors and local representatives to weather the storm.

Just in case it is a miss-understanding, (CBDC is game over) was meant by CAF as: if we end up as a society on the CBDC we will soon lose our freedoms and not have the ability to resist.
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