Session 31 December 2020

I look forward to your article!

A few years back, I did a deep dive into that creep, but it was a mishmash of sources and hard to link to and I never undertook to pull anything together for the purpose of helping clarify his role in the world to laymen.

For me, one of the things which stood out was that his first actual spike of fascination (and actual work) was when he did a host of groundbreaking research on the cuckoo bird and its horrifying parasitic relationship with the birds which are tricked into raising it, (and how it kills off the legitimate baby birds which are its competitors).

-A phenomenon which mirrored closely his relationship with the kindly fool of a professor who put up with his layabout drama queen suffering and promoted Jenner into the Royal Society by leveraging his own good name and connections. We might not have a vaccination program today if that hadn't happened. "Pity those who pity."

Jenner was a parasite of the 'Frank' variety.
Thanks Woodsman! In fact, it wasn't until I found your post after doing a search here for "Edward Jenner" that I realized I needed to undertake this project. I knew from Dr. Suzanne Humphries' book "Dissolving Illusions" about some of Jenner's "work", but when I tried to use internet search engines like DuckDuckGo to find information on "Edward Jenner Controversies" that book by Charles Creighton which exposed him for what and who he was way back in 1889 you linked to was not present, even after drilling down ten pages of results.

What came up was a lot of stuff about evil "anti-vaxxers" and at worst how what he did was probably not ethical today, but the "exigencies of the day" required out-of-the-box thinking to solve a "crisis" that he would make worse as his "methods" would eventually disable and kill millions, if not billions, as others "perfected" them over time. That man may in the end be directly responsible for causing more misery on this Earth than anyone else in history. I am writing about my search engine problems as part of the article, to illustrate how hard it is now to find information on the internet that goes against the prevailing dogma.

Thanks again for posting those links!
Well. I am not good at writing. Basically the session fascinating and grim. The most important/validation from the session it how people are willing to accept to lie in on the election count. I live in SE England and know UK people with green cards/citizenship in US. They are Trump supporters, yet they are willing to accept the ruling. Basic think seems to be "well he got out flanked, he can come back in 4 years". What people don't seen to get is that is that, if such a huge much fraud has been used to steel the election, that ilk never bring anything good, only misery.
The other interesting point, the "afraid of death" that ties into the above i.e. I can corelate it to the attitudes. I had a good example at work prior to Christmas on the Cov/Vax topic. The fear monger pushed the point well if you were dying from it you would..... I pointed out I have had twice a set-to with Grim. Oh well you just got lucky was the response. What I see it those who fit in well and know how to climb the rungs of the ladder virtually can't be reasoned with (well at least by me). I am not saying that I am a super brave, not afraid person. Just I see through the media B.S. etc.
I must say that when reading the Wave series in 2003 an "arrow bolt" as I describe it went through my head one evening. "If it's promoted as a common belief, it's wrong!" For 2 years I stretched that around like an unbreakable piece of rubber trying to accept/make it fit. Then I forgot about it. About five years later it resurfaced. Then the "arrow bolt" made perfect sense.
To Ark. I went through a variant of C. 10 years ago. Hodgkins Limphnoma. All I can say is for me it was not the worst year of my life. Life was not adversely ruined by it. It must have been somewhat galvanising in some way. I really did get into doing in Math afterwards. Came across many new wonderful insights that have been discovered over the past 15 years
I just set up a monthly donation.

Just a tip: make the DONATE button more prominent on the single pages on and in different places than it is now.
Right now, the donate option is nearly accidental.
The mobile view is a bit of a mess, too: the donate button appears after the comments and before "recent comments".

Another idea: do regular Youtube or Odysee/Bitchute news shows and mention the donate option during the shows. People value having information curated for them. Especially now!

I second this message! Just subscribed for a €100 monthly donation on Sott. Will add more when possible.

My sincere plea to Laura and the Chateau crew - you have changed so many lives through your research, but please make videos about it on platforms such as Youtube as well. I know you guys are overworked and the depth of information you have is better shared through books. But more people nowadays watch videos than read books. Video is a much more accessible, easy and engaging format for many who do not share the same love for reading. I really loved the Knowledge and Being video series that was posted many years ago. I really liked seeing the crew in the recent Interviews with Ark and the Mind Matters podcast.

But I would also like to see Laura, Pierre, Joe - all the core members who I have only heard names of discussing these topics through videos. I have been following your work for 9 years and have read the Wave series and the book on 911, UFOs and abduction process, SHOTW Vol 1-3, Political Ponerology etc and follow the forum mostly regularly. You have unearthed a wealth of information and I can't think of a better way of expanding the network and finding people who want to discuss the material presented here. You may find trolls (that's the nature of the internet) but you will also find a lot many people who are aligned to this line of research.

You don't need an expensive setup at all. Just share your ideas with people in the form of videos in a format that's more digestible and engaging. I am sure there are thousands of people who can benefit from getting access to your work through Youtube videos. For all its shortcomings, Youtube is the platform that has hoisted people like Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson into the spotlight and given them enormous popularity. Cross-collaborating with guests like Richard Dolan or Randall Carlson or Jeffrey Mishlove etc will help as well. Your insights are unique and channeling sessions are packed with information not found anywhere easily. Videos will help in spreading this information far and wide and grow and support the network.

I really appreciate all the hard work you have put in relentlessly over the years and I want this network to become stronger come what may. You are the light helping us wade through these dark times and I'm sure everyone associated with the forum will pitch in however they can, to keep the lights on and shining bright.

PS - Thank you again for sharing this session. I felt that the Cs were a lot more articulate and generous with their words in this session than in many others. Wish everyone a happy and safe new year!
There are a lot of lawyers who don't know what they are talking about. The fact is all California children are entitled to a free public education and can receive it as school district independent study without any vaccines or vaccine exemptions. The fact that you are a government employee gives you all sorts of rights that a private sector employee does not have. Fight back and fight as hard as you can.
My lawyer was pointing to this:

and this:

She did tell me that if my union would stand up for us we could have a potential legal means to avoid them; but I already tried that angle, and the union sides with management on the vaccination angle. My lawyer is conversant with employment law in this state, and commiserates with my position. I have yet to find anyone else in CA that would represent me, but I'm open to it if someone can be found. In any case, I am doing what I can to remove myself from this place anyway, as I don't think California is going to be hospitable to even alien life before too long.
This reminds me of that time I saw something move across the kitchen in the corner of my eye, and then we heard some strange noises coming form the outside. I salted my mom's and my grandparents' beds before I went to sleep. They called me a witch :lol: Mental note to self: when salting, make sure you explain what you're doing to others before you start the process :whistle:

That said, when I explained what the salt was supposed to do my mom was pretty open to the idea of adding it to the window cleaner later. And if it wasn't for the fact that the salt ended up clogging the spray tube she would have done that. A witch or not - clearly an influential one :halo:
What is salt supposed to do? Sounds like it is used for protection of place. That could be useful to know, how should one use it? Just throwing bits around walls or creating a continuous line as a barrier, saying something too?

Huge thank you for the session, to all, it is very sobering and I doubled my donations too.

I just ponder, what C's sometimes mentioned Help is on the way, seems it's about right time now.
Thank you so much for this session!!!

I'm sorry I can't make any donation. :-(I may be able to do this in the future when I get a job.

A: Hello children! Tironiaea of Cassiopaea here tonight.
I don't know if that means anything or not, but I noticed that this name in Russian is consonant with the word "tyranny".

...and.. I don't know much about medicine, but if I understand correctly, the Russian vaccine is not an mRNA vaccine. Does this mean that in Russia and where the Russian vaccine will be used, there will not be such a strong epidemic, similar to the black death, as in other countries?
A: Messing around with DNA is iffy at best. Because of genetic recombination, each individual is unique. The purveyors of vaccines such as this have not well considered that some individuals might be transformed into mutation and amplification and mass production factories of something way worse than Covid.
Yeah, that's because they are idiots. No big surprises here.
(L) In other words, sticking messenger RNA in a vaccine is a really, REALLY bad idea.

(Chu) And we wouldn't even need a cometary event to cause mass death on the planet?

A: Yes
Oh we'd be so lucky. Well OK we could be.
L) And that is basically the opposition between those who believe the truth and those who buy into the lies. So, is something like this scam pandemic - this scamdemic, this faux pandemic - where it is SO clear to such a large number of people that it IS a scam and a complete fraud, is this something like an act of mercy where people are actually being given one last chance to really make a choice between believing the lies or standing up for the truth? Is it something like that?

A: Very close. The same could be said about the USA elections vis-a-vis the outcome for the USA as a whole.
Yes, but what will they decide? Being idiots et al...
A: Humanity has one last chance. Will they take it?
No, because they are idiots (and they're really are good at it) But, we can try.... I think that is all anyone can do.

I love this really cool song.
My lawyer was pointing to this:

and this:

She did tell me that if my union would stand up for us we could have a potential legal means to avoid them; but I already tried that angle, and the union sides with management on the vaccination angle. My lawyer is conversant with employment law in this state, and commiserates with my position. I have yet to find anyone else in CA that would represent me, but I'm open to it if someone can be found. In any case, I am doing what I can to remove myself from this place anyway, as I don't think California is going to be hospitable to even alien life before too long.
You are quite right. Get out of there while you can... It's not worth losing your energy over these lost causes. You might not have a lot of time.
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