Session 30 August 2009

Thank you again, Laura and Team for sharing such important sessions!

With the thread, I think I need to read them again and again.

I need to admit how 'naive' I am about how STS forces and "rules to the game" work, how I possibly 'block' the 'Networking' by hiding something, how difficult to 'apply' the Knowledge that are given here and so on.

Another 'eye opening'! :shock:
First of all I'd like to thank you Laura and the Team once again! Anyway, I hope you bought yourself a new pan Laura, this time a titanium one! :)

Considering the latest sessions, I'm having a strong impression that the C's emphasise the importance of being extremely vigilant for a reason. It's getting nastier and we should not lower our guard but raise it even higher. Not an easy task though.
I need to admit that when I sometimes lose my reason and strength with the everyday struggle I'm glad you guys are here. I mean all of you. I'm still quite "a new shy one" here so I may sound strange and sooo emotional but we should really appreciate the fact that we are all in it together.

BTW, the I-Ching thing is quite spooky. I don't know if the site mentioned before (__ is a reliable one but It gave me some shocking answers! But I will just treat it ligthly. 4 AM zzz... :cool2:
Breton said:
I am again deeply humbled by just how little I know and comprehend about this universe.

Breton, that's how I feel: "...deeply humbled by how little I know and comprehend about this universe."

Breton said:
Today I find myself looking inward and trying to consider ways in which I can contribute to the workings of the network. For now, I will breathe, I will study, and I will donate as I can, and in my own life just be vigilant and aware of the times when I can offer the truth to counter the lies in our world in my own small circles of influence, all the while practising external consideration and strategic enclosure. Most of all, I will continue to work on myself to be a more useful tool on the side of Truth.

I think that that is all I can do as well - just try to strengthen myself by working on all the centers in the hope of increasing my understanding so that I can recognize and counter the lies, while being kind to others and protecting myself.
A couple of weeks ago, when the heat and humidity was particularly intense in New England, I remember a particular day (I don't remember the date) when I felt irritable, anxious, with periods of melancholy. I was at work looking out the window feeling these emotions when the weather broke with an immediate downpour of rain. In the same instant, my emotions released and I suddenly felt back to normal. I was so astonished I told my co-worker, who thought it interesting but not incredibly strange. I wondered if I might have been sensing something outside myself and a session came to mind where the C's mentioned that weather can be the result of 4D 'battles'. It felt like the sky was crying in a cleansing release of tears. So, this is interesting in light of what was said about the recent weather in this session (along with all the other fascinating things!).
I wish I could just have all of me, which connects the dots in my mind, flow from my mind to a pen, to the computer keyboard to be able to compose the posts to this forum, in the way that Pepperfritz did it, so naturally and lovingly. She was a remarkable treasure, which unfortunately needed to be sacrificed. However, in that act of plundering her wealth and position, I believe it backfired on the dark forces and increased the wealth of her light to tip the forces of light to be able to continue to illuminate the way for any “seeker”, with a soul, who wishes to see, feel, hear, smell and create, to do it as long as they can. I believe her soul; spirit and essence completed the mission. I am comforted by that thought and would like to thank her for her actions and effort for us on earth and on this forum.
She died on my birthday August 14th, as did my mother. There are too many synchronicities. My intention is to be able to express and share later but I am paralyzed for the moment.
T.C. said:
mkrnhr said:
So, if I understand this sentence, those who are "afflicted by a frequency fence" have to practice and network to rise above the frequency fence. Is that it? I can't help imagining it like a quantum tunneling through a potential wall, is this image plausible?
My other question is : is this "affliction" related to the different symptoms described by the members in the EE thread? Distractions, personal problems, tiredness, etc. ?

Remember Darkness Over Tibet? The mental state the main character experiences in the underground city is the kind of thing the C's are talking about... I think.

yeah, I think the underground city effect in Darkness Over Tibet is a good description of what a frequency fence might do. The whole book is well worth reading, actually, for those who haven't - it contains some very interesting lessons.

I think the symptoms described in the EE thread may be somewhat different - more to do with the fact that the program allows all sorts of buried emotions and programs to come to the surface to be 'processed'.
Thank you Laura and the team for sharing!!
And as well for the background information for clarification.

session said:

Q: (Joe) What measures were taken against her?

A: Did you not notice the strange turn in the weather in mid July?

Here are three quotes from Pepperfritz I remembered during that time:

Pepperfritz said:
PepperFritz said:
I live in Southwestern Ontario, Canada. Over the last 20 years or so our winters gradually became more and more mild and warm; and our summers became insanely hot and humid. However, over the last year that trend has suddenly turned around: last winter featured cold, snowfalls, and storms the like of which a lot of us hadn't seen since we were kids, and our current summer temperatures are very uncharacteristically cool.

I'm interested in knowing if the weather in other locations has been equally anomalous over the past 12 months....

PepperFritz said:
Thanks for all of your interesting replies.

Does anyone else think it might be a good idea to ask the C's a "weather" question?

What I'd specifically find useful to know is whether this year's weather is just part of a general pattern of weather "unpredictability" leading up to the Wave, or whether we are in fact entering to "cooling off" period, and maybe the beginning of a Glacial Rebound?


PepperFritz said:
I had never experienced fear from thunder and lightning until the last couple of years.

When I was younger, I was an avid outdoorswoman -- hiking, camping, sleeping out under the stars, long-distance cycling through all kinds of storms and inclement weather -- and never once felt even a little nervous about thunder and lightening and storms. I actually found them rather exhilarating. But the kind of storms we've been having over the last couple of summers -- there have been a few times when I got "caught" outside with the dogs, and literally feared for my life. I've never experienced thunder so LOUD, lightening so CLOSE. The dogs were frightened too.

We just had another thunderstorm here today. When I went out into the garden to cover up some things, there was a clap of thunder that felt so loud and close, that I screamed, dropped what I was doing, and ran into the house....


session said:
Q: (A***n) So can we say hi to Victoria?

A: She is laughing!

This stood really out for me.
Thank you very much for sharing another session! "What is of greatest importance right now?" A very interesting question to ponder ...

Edit: In the time period where all of this happened I dreamed about your geese, even heard them making their noises. Unfortunately I did not write the dream down, so I don't have the exact date. It is really a good idea to write a dream journal.
Things are getting really nasty now. I did wonder about the significance of Pepperfritz's death and thought it very suspicious. I intend to network more, but have to admit being intimidated by the obvious talented and knowledgeable members on this forum. I guess I've got too cosy and asleep, but this latest session certainly woke me up again..... just wanted to let everyone I'm here for support.

Take care Laura, Ark.

Excellent session, and one of the few that gives me the willies! I'm just glad you weren't hurt more than a bit of glass in your foot Laura. When you mentioned the pan cracking, my first thought was "Don't let it land on your toes!" Hubby and I both have had kitchen issues this week, and can relate to the weirdness.

The whole frequency fence thing makes what's been going on here at home make a lot of creepy sense, pets included. Anyone else a bit ticked about STS using our companions like that? It sure honked me off!

Thank you guys so much for this session, I've been feeling like I'm fading away ever since Victoria passed. Its encouraging knowing she's laughing in 5D. ;) As much as I want to help here its looking more and more like nothing is gonna be possible until the whole detox and breathing is further along. (Pfah! All this I/me/mine crap is a bit much, apologies for that.)

As Mad Eye Moody says: "Constant Vigilance!"

Be careful out there folks.
[quote author=Kel]
maybe I should just take a break from reading on the forum

I think this is normal, Kel. In the beginning I was also torn between keeping on reading or just walking away (although mine wasn't because I was fearing for my safety). I think there's something to the idea that once one starts to acquire knowledge of this nature, and come to certain realizations, there's a point where turning back isn't possible anymore. At least that was my experience.

Kel said:
Who's gonna put up the corn and beets if I'm not here!


The Wave:

A: To help you to learn, thus gain knowledge, thus gain protection, thus progress.
huh then We need to be carte full.
and have open eye to the "Death" scenario that may happened.
thanks for the session!

one thing that i plan to implement immediately is to pay more attention when i'm out in traffic, like crossing the street or even just standing at an intersection waiting for the light to change. seems to me that would be an easy way to inflict harm upon someone with the tools 'they' have at their disposal - just confound some driver so his car jumps the curb or something similar.

not trying to create panic or paranoia - just something to consider.
stay safe.
Thank you Laura and Team for another informative session (as usual). Much appreciated.

I have been slipping in my Work and reading lately. This session has been a good reminder. Only thing I have been doing reasonably well lately is breathing exercise and meditation.

Glad to hear PepperFritz is fine and "laughing". We all need to be more vigilent.

Thanks to other memeber for their imputs and comments.

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