Session 24 June 2023

I agree with you. It seems to me that the great plan you speak of is what we today call the 'New World Order', which is effectively a recreation of the Atlantean civilisation prior to the Deluge. The C's said we are experiencing a re-run of those events in what is a recurring time loop. How aware the human beings who have played the game and hunted for the treasure (i.e., knowledge and artefacts) that this Easter Egg hunt, as you call it, has been organised by hyperdimensional beings and advanced human subterranean dwellers who have been manipulating humanity and the timeline for their own selfish ends is a moot point. No doubt some are and in particular those who may have been connected to the mysterious enclave of alchemists in the Pyrenees.

At one level you could even accuse the C's of playing a similar game with us since they too have provided Laura and the Forum with a plenitude of clues to help solve some of the great mysteries of history and science. A good example of this can be found in the session dated 31 October 1998:
Q: Now, when you were saying that I needed to get a better 'handl' on it and I found...

A: Have you overlooked North America? Check Atlas indices for names to pique interest.

Q: What names?

A: Oh now, we cannot tell you that!

Q: The reason I have been focusing on Europe is because you said that this thing we were supposed to find was in the Rhineland...

A: But there are always connections, both hither and yon. Tricky those Rosicrucians, tricky. And what of Piri Reis?

Q: Well, I was already lost in a sea of puzzle pieces. Nothing like making it harder!

A: Or easier. Template... Templar... Temporary. Temperature... prime numbers, prime rib... Primary.

Q: Oh God! I thought it was bad before, now it is worse! We were talking about, at some point, going to France and checking some of these things, and even finding a place to live that belonged to these families...

A: Patience.

Q: Well, obviously, we would have to have a LOT of bucks to do any of this so it is out of the question at present. Now, Mike wanted me to ask about this time when remote viewing was effective. Is this in fact true, and if so, why?

A: Remote viewing requires the accessing of the imagination situation.
[MJF: which shows how important imagination is to this capability]

You will note that the C's refer above to the trickiness of the Rosicrucians, which links with an earlier quote they made about the Rosicrucians when they said "What a tangled web we spin, when we must not let you in", as referred to in your post.

As a visitor to the Alton Towers thread, you will know that I have been trying to shed light on what may have been going on with the Rosicrucians of the late 16th and early 17th Centuries and their modern day successors. It seems clear to me now that the two men who may have been key players in launching the Rosicrucian movement were Dr John Dee and Sir Francis Bacon. Indeed, both men have been mentioned in the transcripts on more than one occasion. I would argue that both these men had a far greater impact on history (once you get behind the lies that is) than most people, including historians, realise, and this is especially true of the establishment and apparent manifold destiny of the United States of America as events play out in our current age.

Whether we should we follow the clues the C's have given us to see where they lead or put them to one side will depend on one's personal perspective I guess. In researching into the C's clues as a student of history, I have certainly experienced a great leap in my own learning, which I have been happy to share with others as I go along. Is it a worthwhile exercise though? That must be for each of us to decide. I would, however, quote what the C's said to Laura in this particular regard:
A: Quest, my dear, quest! Clues, as you know by now, make learning an explosively significant experience!

From my own personal perspective, I would have to agree with that assessment.

It pays to go back to the earlier posts since there are always nuggets to be found. Following on from the theme of following clues and being on a knowledge quest, the following excerpt is, I think, quite illuminating:​

Session 4 May 1996:

Q: (L) Well, what I REALLY want to know is WHY have we had all of these CRAZY things happen in our lives, and all of these people ranged all around us seemingly placed there, or manipulated deliberately to affect us negatively. I mean, am I wrong, or is this not a VERY unusual and crazy situation?

A: Why do you think?

Q: (L) Well, I have no idea!

A: Because you are of the
extremely rare and few who have the abilities to put the puzzle together.

Here Laura is speaking of her difficult early life and that of her brother Tom. I wonder how many Forum members reading this may find similar such occurrences in their own lives. However, the fact that the C's mention that Laura is one of the rare few who has the ability to put the puzzle pieces together suggests that it is important to try and do so.
I am curious exactly what STO Nordic power center passed down naturally as FRV essence implies. Is that a kind of heightened awareness capacity or retained memory of the reality structure beyond 3rd density. Maybe someone else understands what this means and could enlighten me further on this subject.

Forgive me, if this is already been answered, but I’m pretty sure we’re talking about psychic powers here similar to what Gurjdieff had. The ability to read other’s minds and plant suggestions in their minds, for example. These abilities also make for effective “handlers and agent provocateur’s.” For sure this type of advantage in the hands of a negative being can provide much harmful power.
Yeah, I'm starting to think that maybe all of these ancient megaliths can be understood as glorified radios. You dial the right number and you can talk to your buddies on Mars or get some cosmic 'room service' delivered right to your door. There are more sinister options, like calling in a hyperdimensional hit man, or eavesdropping on your enemies. Maybe the structures were also chambers for inducing possession of participants in ritual, or enabling a sort of wire-transfer of negative emotions more directly to 4D STS bank account.
So the message below has me a little worried who or what might they be dialling up?
It was sent to me by someone, I know some new agey types that are from the all love and light crowd. Because I practice reiki and massage therapy people assume I’m one of them.
This is why we are very happy to invite you to our free event RETURN TO THE TEMPLE - Equinox Temple Planetary Grid Activationon Saturday 23rd September at 19.00 GTM +3. We will journey through important Equinox Temples around the world, and through a special meditationwe will activate a global Temple Grid to uplift the planet’s vibration as well as ours.Please confirm your attendance through link or the clicking the button below, there are limited spots available!​

So the message below has me a little worried who or what might they be dialling up?
It was sent to me by someone, I know some new agey types that are from the all love and light crowd. Because I practice reiki and massage therapy people assume I’m one of them.

Well if it was me I wouldn't go, seems sketchy enough. Chances are there's no need to worry, tho - if they are dialing up some bad dudes, that's sort of par for the course on this planet.
Well if it was me I wouldn't go, seems sketchy enough. Chances are there's no need to worry, tho - if they are dialing up some bad dudes, that's sort of par for the course on this planet.
Oh there’s no way I was ever going to attend, too busy for that anyway. I looked at it out of interest to see what they are up to. There’s a massive new age movement happening all around the world which seems to me like the latest version of the latest era of new age cultism.

This group hosts international meetings in person and over zoom recruiting people from all over the world to join these guided meditations and courses. It’s big business by the looks of it. It’s possible with this latest international temple meditation they are actually providing psychic doorways for 4d STS to download into this world/people via particular temple portals, maybe ?
It’s possible with this latest international temple meditation they are actually providing psychic doorways for 4d STS to download into this world/people via particular temple portals, maybe ?
Or maybe generating energy for The Next Big Thing that is being preparing for this planet, like something similar to Covid lockdowns.
While i'm sure there's plenty of energy to harvest already, i'd imagine such ritualized harvest might be more potent (because it's focused instead of chaotic, and thus would serve as a better "fuel" for whatever is being done).
Or maybe generating energy for The Next Big Thing that is being preparing for this planet, like something similar to Covid lockdowns.
While i'm sure there's plenty of energy to harvest already, i'd imagine such ritualized harvest might be more potent (because it's focused instead of chaotic, and thus would serve as a better "fuel" for whatever is being done).
Yes perhaps.

But the desperation is palpable.

Those lacking empathy tend (naturally) to underestimate and do not understand emotion.

They do what they do to project themselves having the upper hand, while they do not know how to use their own. I see it similar to an animal that was born blind but even more extreme.

And in this push to retain what little control they ACTUALLY have, the machinations are becoming crystal clear to more and more Beings

The pendulum can't swing only in one direction forever, so thank goodness for that !
True...but one's eyes also deceive and there is nothing more ancient than propaganda which neither you nor I can escape from. Try as we surely must. Life on earth is a game of illusions and for the purpose of our learning whoever is in charge insures results everywhere turning out not in our favor .
Yes perhaps.

But the desperation is palpable.

Those lacking empathy tend (naturally) to underestimate and do not understand emotion.

They do what they do to project themselves having the upper hand, while they do not know how to use their own. I see it similar to an animal that was born blind but even more extreme.

And in this push to retain what little control they ACTUALLY have, the machinations are becoming crystal clear to more and more Beings

The pendulum can't swing only in one direction forever, so thank goodness for that !

Why our times are also called the summing up.
True...but one's eyes also deceive and there is nothing more ancient than propaganda which neither you nor I can escape from. Try as we surely must. Life on earth is a game of illusions and for the purpose of our learning whoever is in charge insures results everywhere turning out not in our favor .
Good thing Nature and the DCM are what they are

Anyone can believe themselves to be in charge. At the end of the day, that's wishful thinking.

The "masters" prepare the cages (mostly made of ideas), yet the "animals" have been watching all the while

Animals are much smarter than they are often given credit for
So the message below has me a little worried who or what might they be dialling up?
It was sent to me by someone, I know some new agey types that are from the all love and light crowd. Because I practice reiki and massage therapy people assume I’m one of them.
The message made me think of the Fire the Grid meditations.

I tried to locate more info about the "Return to the Temple - Equinox Temple Planetary Grid Activation." I didn't find a website for the event but I did find the following site about 2023 Dragon Grid Activation events at the following site: 2023 Events Package. Creepy stuff. I don't know if the two are affiliated but some of the wording is similar.
Technically they started sharing back in the 60's. Maybe even earlier. Their prophecies included a prophecy on when to share the prophecy. So meta. Anyways, their info indicated that they were to wait for a certain type of white people to show up - ones with long hair like the Hopi, and ones who didn't know where they are, where they came from, or where they were going.

You can picture a 60's hippie kid on a sort of aimless pilgrimage wandering in the desert, and coming onto some Hopi elders, blasted by CIA-made LSD.

"Do you know were you are?" asks the elder.
"I dunno, man."
The elder asks, "Well, where are you from?"
"I dunno, man."
And finally, "Where are you going?"
"I dunno man."

I knew one of these 60's psychonauts for a number of years. He spent a good deal of time with the Hopi with John Kimmey (the guy in the video I linked above who is delivering the prophecy). The two of them spent some time in Canada, touring around, sharing the Hopi prophecy with interested audiences.

They learned the prophecy from a guy named Grandpa David Monogye, who was a kikmongwi or spiritual elder of the tribe. There was a very specific process for sharing the prophecy - only those authorized by the elders were allowed to share it publicly, lest the info be diluted or twisted. John Kimmey was the only white guy who was sanctioned to do so, IIRC.

In the Hopi prophetic tradition, they also had a method of curtailing any sort of information corruption, which inevitably happens across time as a story retold countless times shifts ever so slightly again and again.

When the prophesied 'gourd of ashes' fell from the sky (the nuclear testing that was visible from Hopi lands), it was indicated that the time for sharing their prophecies was near. All the clans were called together, and they cross-referenced all the prophecies. They selected only the elements common to all the clans, and left the rest. This way, they were able to pare it down to the basic pattern and avoid the embellishments of local variations.

Interestingly, this is the same method that Witzel used in Origins of the World's Mythologies in order to derive the basic structure of the Laurasian meta-myth.

Yeah, one way of looking at the current band council structure in North America is that it was designed to induce ponerogensis within Native tribes. Abduct kids from their homes, traumatize them in 'schools', entice them with greed, hypnotize them in whatever form and then put them in positions of decision-making power. That's not the whole story, as nowadays some of the traditionalists are linked up pretty firmly with Antifa/woke types. But I think the induced ponerogenesis thing may be an underlying effect of the divide and conquer tactics used by colonial governments.

There's also the Brian Hayden material in the SKY GOD thread. Many native communities weren't just innocently harmonizing with nature and living in peace with each other prior to contact. If they weren't dominated by other tribes adjacent to them, they often lived in fear of, or were ruled by, secret societies living within their midst:

Not sure if anyone really know what was - or is - really going on in those kivas.

Another small tidbit on the Hopi. I recently saw this Denver Airport mural in a session:


The figure is described by the C's on Nov 1, 1997:

A: It is a rectagon.
Q: What is a rectagon?
A: Picture uniting numerous rectangular principles of photo optic representation.
Q: What’s the point?
A: If one gazes at it long enough, they will involuntarily be placed into an alpha state.
Q: Okay. If they go into an alpha state, is there some other kind of message that the picture then conveys?A: That is not the point!
Q: What is the point?

A: They then are open to programming of a level one order!
Q: (Ark) Does the scale of the picture matter?

A: It works better when one gazes at the mural itself, rather than a photographic representation of same.There are magnetic factors at the Denver Airport which play into the situation.

Q: What kind of magnetic factors?
A: Artificially contoured wave-like beams.
Q: These beams have a magnetic effect?
A: Magnetism.
Q: (Ark) If gazing at this picture produces an alpha state, how long does it last?
A: Inde nite.
Q: (T) How long do you have to look at the picture?
A: Each individual responds differently.
Q: (T) Does repeated exposure ... is it cumulative?
A: No.
Q: When you say indefinite in terms of time, do you mean it can vary from individual to individual?
A: Indefinite because the subsequent program is the determining factor.

Q: How does the program get installed? Is there something there at the airport that installs the program?That works in conjunction with the murals? Is the programming in the pictures? Or is it in some carrier wave? Or is it in the individual themselves, and the murals simply activate it?

A: Originates from underneath the complex.
Q: And it has something to do with the beams?
A: Yes.
Q: So, in other words, Chloe may have been subjected to some of this programming by going there and spending so much time looking for the murals?
A: In her case, no, because you warned her, therefore her conscious state was in the “awareness mode.”Q: (Ark) Is any one of these photographs, or any one element, more significant than the others? Anything we ought to pay more attention?

A: All are equally important. But, pay attention to the tiny details. You will see that the discovery process is never ending.

The shape of the image is familiar - my parents have had a Hopi sand painting for decades in their house. The shape of the two figures in the piece belonging to my folks is the exact same shape as the rectagon in the airport mural! Apparently it's a repeating motif in many Native American sand paintings.

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