Pyramids in Bosnia?

MariZ said:
now I realized that it could be similar feeling like the one at the cave I once visited.
It's called "Strašna Peć" at Dugi Otok (Croatia) (, my experience was thrilling with some kind of "energetic boost" that I've felt afterwards(I do have some experiences with energetic work while doing reiki practise).
It was very refreshing feeling for the body with fresh air streaming from the tunnels of the cave and many cool stuff we heard from our tour guide.

Sounds and looks interesting. Like I said, the tunnels may not be necessarily connected to the pyramids. For example, I feel energetic boost in the summer before a strong storm. Maybe the tunnels/caves simulate the same phenomenon.

Here is another testimony:

Probably by visiting this tunnels at Visoko, the feeling is even more sensational so I'm gonna go for it,and will be posting a feedback here. :)

Please do, if you decide to go. ;)

Foundation’s field geologist Mejra Kozlo has done several negative ion measurements in December 2017 and January 2018. Values are higher (meaning healthier) than in 2015 and 2016.

For example, concentration of negative ions in December 2017 by the egg-shaped block near the entrance were at the level of 17.900 per cubic centimeter, near block K-2 at 24.000, in the Healing Chamber 45.000, by K-5 at 37.000 and in Orbs Chamber 36.000.

On January 8, 2018 another measurement was performed. Egg-shaped block had 25.000 negative ions per cc, K-2 around 31.000, Healing Chamber 75.000 and Orbs Chamber 87.000.

These values are ten times higher than in the forest on the Igman mountain which is considered the healthiest place in Bosnia.

Oxygen values are at the stable (and ideal level of) 21%. Temperature in the tunnels is 12-14 degrees Celsius, and humidity in the range 75-85%.

So as they continue to dig tunnels, the negative ion levels keep rising. That would perhaps explain why people report more health benefits now than in previous years when the tunnels were smaller.
Another measurement of negative ions in the Ravne tunnels:

The 'Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun' Foundation continuously follows the basic parameters in the prehistoric Underground Labyrinth of Ravne. It is very important that the temperature, humidity, pressure, air flow and concentration of oxygen and negative ions do not change substantially in comparison with the conditions in 2005/2006.

Measured values of oxygen and negative ions at the end of May 2018:

May 28, 2018
Oxygen: outside 20.7; Egg-shaped block 19.7; at K2 - 19.7
Negative ions: Outside: 10.000 (during thunderstorms), Egg-shaped block: 40,000, in the Healing chamber: 50,000, after meditation: 250,000

May 29, 2018:
Oxygen: outside 20.7; Egg-shaped block: 20.7; Healing chamber: 20.7
Negative ions: Outside 2,000, Egg-shaped block: 30,000, in the Healing chamber: 50,000, after meditation 175,000

Recommended O2 values are from 19.5 to 22.0. They should not fall below 19.5 and this never happens in tunnels.

It is interesting that as more tunnels are opened and cleared, the negative ion concentration values per cubic centimeter increase. When measuring in 2010, the highest values reached 18,500 per cubic centimeter. However, in 2017 and 2018, the values are several times higher, reaching several tens of thousands, and sometimes several hundred thousand ccm, which is more than Niagara Falls, where officially the highest concentration in the world has been measured.

Given the benefits that negative ions carry with them, it is a fact that is especially rejoicing.

THE VALUE OF NEGATIVE IONS AND OXYGEN IN THE UNDERGROUND TUNNEL RAVNE - Fondacija “Arheološki park: Bosanska piramida Sunca, Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation

I don't understand how can the negative ions be higher after meditation, and how are they measuring it. But it would certainly be interesting to try EE exercises in the tunnels.

I think it should be noted that both measurements were done during the rainy days, and I'm wondering if the numbers would be even higher during the sunny days.
The new numbers are crazy high:


Report from the Underground tunnel labyrinth Ravne:

Measuring time: 13.00
Outside 968 mBar / 39 % RH / Inside: 968 mBar / 88% RH
Outside in front of tunnel: O2 20,3 / N I: 1.500 both
Egg: O2 20,3 / NI: both 45.000
Healing: O2: 20,3 / NI both : 140.000
K2: O2 20,3 / NI both 125.000

Measuring time: 22:00
Outside: O2 20,7 / NI 5000 (Rain / Thunderstorm)
Egg: O2: 20.7 / NI 35.000
Healing O2 20,7 / Ni 50.000
K2 : O2 : 20,7 / NI 45.000

As you can see, the numbers are much higher during the day.
New discoveries (some of whom I didn't know before). One particularly interesting one is the discovery of a plate within the tunnels wich has symbols on it that are very similar to the runic writings. They located 7 symbols that are exactly the same as in the runic writing. So far they tried to decipher it one time with the help of "The Book of Runes" from Ralph H.Blum. The deciphering they came up with is the following:

"Gate is closed, we're on standstill. We will have to fight to defense and conquer, until we're able to go through the gate."
Osmanagich is stating in sense that this deciphering was only done ones and it needs to be done by others scientist independently before getting a scientific confirmation.
I recently watched a documentary by a dutch filmmaker in which this was mentioned. They also mentioned that carbo dating was performed on a leaf, which dated back to +/- 29.000 years back.

What immediately came to mind for me with the translated runes, are the words from the C's about the Kantekkians who were brought by 4D STS.
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