Pyramids in Bosnia?

Pashalis said:
Yozilla what you are describing about the "Pyramids" was mentioned earlier in this Thread, did you read the whole Thread ?
Yes Pashalis I red whole thread few months ago but I found this two episodes (for now- it will be continued...) about Bosnian pyramids the largest data jet presented in public media...

Pashalis said:
there is also a threat about Klaus Dona and his discoveries and what you are describing was also mentioned before:,19067.0.html

Of course I went all through this thread also, which is why I was so glad to see Mr Dona "live" on TV screen explaining his work together with pictorial of artifacts some of which I already sow on links in this forum's posts...

Pashalis said:
it would be nice if you would use the search engine on the top right before posting something that was already discussed ;)
to make long posts of yourself more readable fore others you could divide it in sections so that it is not one big blog of words

Well I guess that I was so very impressed with what I sow on one place (and all was confirming information from this forum) so I was reacting too emotionally :-[ - but I am wright now "all in" LWB thread and C's transcripts and I am a kind of all fired up with all this fantastic stuff presented here so I obviously find hard time in controlling my-self (my friends and acquaintances "suffer" the most :guru:)...

Anyway thx a lot for your pointers Pashalis :flowers:, I accept all remarks and will shorten my "preachment" in future.

P.S. Also want to thank Kaigen for posted photoz but the documentary (120 min for now) is so great that I would dare to recommend it for everyone interested to search if (already) available on internet...
I just finished the documentary of the december 2011 International scientific conference of the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids.
It is pretty long but worth the watch indeed !

the data presented in there is quite astonishing and interesting !
I learned quite a few new things about the discoveries there and it is simply fascinating.
If you just listen to the facts presented there it get's pretty hard to still demand that those are just natural hills and tunnels.

but questions come to my mind : "how can it be that such a research is allowed to be done there? What is the plan of the PTB ? why do they allow it ? is there infiltration ? maybe they allow it becouse they trust in their control system ... "

I'm still open to all possibilities but the needle goes strongly to ----> artificial structures to me.

the videos:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Part 8:

Part 9:

Part 10:

Part 11:

Part 12:
Thanks for the links Pashalis,

They were very interesting. Everything was fine and dandy till they said they used a georadar from an intelligence/ military group, then i was like hmmm. Nonetheless it was fascinating.
Here is a fairly new interesting Presentation from Dr Sam Osmanagich:

Some of the things he's presenting are:

- Other Pyramids around the world

- Backround Info on how the Bosnian Pyramid Project came into being.
Including the difficulties they have had to face such as; Goverment, Media and Mainstream "Scientific" ridicule and blockades

-New discoveries (some of whom I didn't know before). One particularly interesting one is the discovery of a plate within the tunnels wich has symbols on it that are very similar to the runic writings. They located 7 symbols that are exactly the same as in the runic writing. So far they tried to decipher it one time with the help of "The Book of Runes" from Ralph H.Blum. The deciphering they came up with is the following:

"Gate is closed, we're on standstill. We will have to fight to defense and conquer, until we're able to go through the gate."
Osmanagich is stating in sense that this deciphering was only done ones and it needs to be done by others scientist independently before getting a scientific confirmation.

Interesting Presentation although I don't agree on some of the conclusions Osmanagich is spinning together.
The facts alone are pretty interesting IMO.
Worth watching IMO for anyone interested in the Bosnian Pyramids.
Was watching it for 2 hours and 45 min but it was worth it. Very interesting not only for pyramid interested,
but also for those who want to see how corruption of since works.
Bosnian Pyramids were presented on History Channel:
I had chance to visit this place and I can say that all this looks like pyramids..if you have chance go and visit!

Thanks everyone for this post! I hadn't heard of the Bosnian Pyramids until today. Very interesting indeed!

After having read the thread, I'm basically convinced on there being actual, physical structures there. Seeing all the pictures and a few videos, it seems to me that there are obviously man-made structures present. Who built them, the exent and purpose of said structures I'm just kind of pondering whilst I sit back and see what turns up.

Persej said:
Bosnian Pyramids were presented on History Channel:

Thanks for this and the other video links!! I've always enjoyed the History Channel, including and especially the Ancient Aliens program. What I dislike about the program is how stuck they seem on their given 'Ancient Alien' hypothesis and sometimes end up "twisting facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts" and/or sometimes failing to include a relevant point for consideration on a given topic. All in all, though, it is an interesting program and provides me plenty enjoyment of watching episodes 2-5 minutes at a time, pausing and speculating to what extent I agree, form hypothesizing questions, etc. :)

As for Sam... I'm not entirely sure. I'm leaning towards him being overall honest with what he says and his intentions, while aknowledging his intentions may just be fame, but as someone who could be led astray (if it hasn't happened already) by PTB *should* they not want this discovered. I mean, the guy lived next to them for 25 years and never heard of them, then "randomly" visits home and BOOM, full-blown archaeological site! Seems a bit too easy. Then again, I miss obvious stuff every day, so who knows?! No concrete hypothesis for me right now.

"Gate is closed, we're on standstill. We will have to fight to defense and conquer, until we're able to go through the gate."

Okay, even though for all ostensible purposes this whole bit is just hullabaloo, I have to admit it is fun to think up different interpretations on words and meanings and so forth. I'm making sure to not spend much time on this (I stopped at about 3 'interpretations'), but entertainingly amusing, for me. :P

Gonzo said:
The fact there are pyramids there are indisputable. However, I think we would be naïve to assume that anything that would upset the apple cart, so to speak, would be whisked away quicker than you could say "is that an ancient time machine?".

I'm thinking whether he's been co-opted by nefarious nasties or he distorts his findings for fame and fortune, the end result for us will be the same: we will end up with a mix of facts and disinformation and more pieces to the puzzle.

I basically stand so far with what Gonzo said here. I try to think of the bright sides of it, such as getting maybe a couple more pieces to the puzzle, even if only in watching the many reactions to the pyramids by the PTB, Mainstream Media, general public, science community and so on. I mean, have you guys seen what Laura, SOTT, et al can do with just a few small puzzle pieces?!? And we can all dig in and learn ourselves, too! ;)

I was wondering, IF there are energy-utilizing capabilities in pyramids, what could be their purpose? Do I remember correctly that the circle-builders and pyramid-builders were opposed in some way? I believe Laura had mentioned in her works that Stonehenge was used by ancient peoples to provide for many needs. So are the 'opposite' structures, the pyramids, used for a somehow 'opposing' energetic use?
The whole Bosnian Pyramids topic got me interested in looking up more about the circle-building culture(s). Anyone care to help me expand here? Perhaps another time I could look up the above-mentioned references to Laura/Cs. I believe what I'm referencing is in Secret History, which I recently gave away my copy to my brother.

I don't believe anyone has posted this. It's a clip on YouTube of Sam talking to a fill-in host on Coast to Coast AM. Now please understand that I am not in any way advocating or making any association to Coast to Coast AM at all, I'm simply posting this for us to hear the words of Dr Osmanagich. I believe his commentary starts at about 7 minutes and continues through 40 minutes fully.

He mentions at 23 minutes how they measured and found the energy readings (I believe it involved Ultrasound and he says yes later when asked by the host about testing for gamma rays and other forms) got stronger as they moved higher above the pyramid. He speculates on an intelligent source above, where I didn't understand why he made reference to a possible 'intelligent source' (seems to me like some might hear that a bit wrong and start going alien crazy?). He also speculates on the possibility of the pyramids being used to generate an energy beam strong enough to carry information and even materials and beings. He seems to wander a bit into the Ancient Alien crowd here. Not that it's not a fun possiblity to entertain, as long as we have some kind of objective facts to speculate on.

The whole energies-and-the-pyramids deal made me think of something I had read about these things called 'X Points' or 'electron diffusion regions', referring to "places where the magnetic field of Earth connects to the magnetic field of the Sun, creating an uninterrupted path leading from our own planet to the Sun's atmosphere", quoting Jack Scudder at the University of Iowa, USA. A Nasa video link about the 'X-Points'

I wondered if the pyramids aren't positioned to make use of such a potential? Or being aligned to constellations could such an 'energetic wormhole' phenomenon exist between Earth and other Cosmic sources? I mean, the Cassiopaeans mentioned that a star in the constellation Leo was being used as a catalyst for their communication with Laura. Not correct concepts? Haha. Just thoughts.
OR, could it simply be that if the pyramids somehow collect, disperse or amplify Earth energies as opposed to cosmic, would then the signal going out from the Earth naturally get stronger just above the pyramid and perhaps even continuing higher? Why might we assume the actual physical top of the pyramid is the energetic focal point as well, either in collecting or dispersing energies?

Sorry for the length here. I'm trying to figure out how to work on my long-windedness :rolleyes:
I really enjoy pondering all the different possibilites of things and don't really have anyone to discuss intelligent, thought-needing topics with, so I can't seem to help (yet) a bit of the lacking chattiness manifest here. Thanks for understanding!
Nothing weird. I believe that pyramids who were built by the Atlanteans and their descendants are all over the world. Some disguised, some have vegetation over it, some sunk into ocean or soil...

But I do not know their purpose. In Transcripts there is a talk about types of pyramids with crystals used to channel and absorb energy.
I don' t know what are these stone types for?
Do I remember correctly that the circle-builders and pyramid-builders were opposed in some way?

Yes. Circle-builders were STO, and pyramid-builders were STS.

I believe Laura had mentioned in her works that Stonehenge was used by ancient peoples to provide for many needs. So are the 'opposite' structures, the pyramids, used for a somehow 'opposing' energetic use?

Well, STS beings certainly use the energy in the opposite way than the STO beings, but Laura said that the difference between those structures was also in the mode of collecting the energy. Circle structures functioned in harmony with the nature, and pyramids functioned on the principle of dominating the nature.
Well, STS beings certainly use the energy in the opposite way than the STO beings, but Laura said that the difference between those structures was also in the mode of collecting the energy. Circle structures functioned in harmony with the nature, and pyramids functioned on the principle of dominating the nature.

If we think about it, what is the most common symbol for hierarchy, and the most common symbol for anarchy (anarchy in the sense of collective decition making and caring)! The triangle and the circle. Symbology really reflects in real life?
I have received e-newsletter from Bosnian pyramids and firs text from there was about discovery from Mr. Goran Samoukovic, who find with his electronic equipment two frequency: First is 7,83 Hz what is Schuman resonance and second is mysterious 28,4 Hz.
Here you can hear Schumann frequency from Bosnian pyramids
Stewart and Janet Swerdlow are holding workshop in Visoko about "power of the pyramids". Now I am officially suspicious about Semir.

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