"Puzzling People" by Thomas Sheridan - a puzzling person

Links to our published articles and material on the topic from back in 2002 forward:














Guardian, that is so weird!! Thanks for the links & screenshots - apparently I still have a lot of my own research to do.

Laura, thank you so much for the list of resources! This looks like some really good reading - I already love the title "The Trick of the Psychopath's Trade: Make Us Believe that Evil Comes from Others"

I think I've also come across Fiona's 8-Ways article referenced on several other sites; it was a huge healing resource for me a year ago. Big thanks to all of the authors here.
Would you mind if we added those articles to our Suggested Reading list?

Laura said:
Have you watched the film "The Bad Seed" made back in the 40s or 50s or thereabouts, in reaction to Cleckley's book? Have you read "Mask of Sanity"? Essential reading for all people, IMO, and most especially for victims.

You can read 'Mask of Sanity' via PDF http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/sanity_1.PdF and it looks like it is offered as a reprint for a better price than over a $100 it had been going for.

This is her webpage dedicated to the Celtic Crosses she has made. This page is still up, but she has removed all the comments where she was rightfully proud of her work. Fortunately I made screen shots.

June Sheridan said:
"These are just a few of the Celtic crosses I've sold over the years, in all shapes, sizes and colours - some as stand-alones with bases on the bottom and some being very colourful wall hangings. If I had to guess, I'd say that I've made nearly a hundred or so of these crosses. Some of them were just painted with no additional embellishments, while on others, like many of the ones in the first photo, I added and glued some crushed, dried leaves and knobbly tree bark from the old trees in my back garden that I felt would give them a more ancient look and more tactile, too. I remember someone who bought one of the tree bark textured ones and said, with a smile, 'Very hobbit-y.' I remember smiling when she said that, too.

The only one I still have is that huge one in the center in the photo above which I've lately been considering giving to a local church.

As I've had a lot of requests recently from people who've previously bought these at crafts fairs from me over the years, I'm now thinking about doing more of them once again. They're a bit trickier than the plaques, though, as it means getting the jigsaw out and cutting them to the correct shape and proportions. Having said that, however, they're all a joy to create.

So...what do you think? Shall I make some more Celtic crosses?


Bear said:
You can read 'Mask of Sanity' via PDF http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/sanity_1.PdF and it looks like it is offered as a reprint for a better price than over a $100 it had been going for.


Thanks for this, Bear.

Hey everyone, just wanted to say I'm signing off for the evening to catch up with some of our members - wishing you all a good night !
Peace said:
Would you mind if we added those articles to our Suggested Reading list?


Feel free.
A member over at PF pointed out this:

Our God Who is Me.
Please Protect Me from Detection and Background Checks Today.
May my Rat-Like Smirk be Hidden and my Pupils Not Dilate
Please Continue to Allow Me to Woo Victims with Pity Plays,
Sob Stories about Cancer, Childhood Abuse and other "Poor Me" Fabrications.
Wild Mood Swings which Happen in an Instant.
Superficial Social Issues I Can Align Myself with.
Carry Around Unread Carl Sagan Books to Show what a Super Intellectual I be is.
May Google and Wikipedia be my Guide.
My Shifty Eyes, Parasitic Arrogance and Righteous Indignation Prove my Superiority over all.
Discard Enablers for New Ones in an Instant.
Let me Believe what I think Others would Like me to Believe in,
Until I no Longer Need to Fool them.
Get Married to Avoid Paying Rent.
Have Children Just to See What it is Like and then Lose Interest.
Have Sex with Something, Anything.
Invent Fake Beautiful Admirers on Facebook to Flirt with me,
To Compensate for the Mundane and Uninteresting Acquaintances I am Surrounded by.
As I Scream and Rage Internally as Successful and Happy Past Victims use NO CONTACT EVER AGAIN on me.
Because there is Nothing I can do about it.
As I Spiral into an Existence of Unfulfilled Fantasy and Schemes towards Banality and Resentment
And Deliver Us From Red Flags.

Richard Dawkins, ops I really mean Amen.

No, I never said anything other than "amen". I think you are mentally insane and need help. This relationship isn't working out and it is all your fault you dumb, unstable, ugly, bitch. I found a man, yes A MAN who understands me and has a speedboat and he is even more gullible than you are. I was Gay man living a lie of a straight life because you tricked me. You stabbed me in the back like everyone else. I am a hero now for coming out of the closet. What joint bank account? You need to take more medication. Now stop stalking me...

You are putting on weight and your wonky eye is getting worse BTW.

He titles this "The psychopath's prayer", but how many of the traits listed apply to Sheridan? The bolded ones for sure. The ending paragraph, how close is that to his google groups postings? VERY.

This is the kind of thing Sheridan gets a kick out of, revealing his true nature and thoughts and then turning around and convincing people that it was all just "satire" about something else. People like him just love to expose who they really are (because they NEED to every so often) and then get kicks out of convincing others to give them praise for it. Sicko.
Peace said:
Would you mind if we added those articles to our Suggested Reading list?


Hi Peace,
I took a look at the Suggested Reading List and you would be interested in reading about Sam Vaknin in the below thread since you list him and his website.

Here is a video of Thomas Sheridan claiming to have made the EXACT same Celtic Cross (check Junes images) using the EXACT same process June claims to have created.

Look quick before he takes it down. Shall we see how long it takes him to remove it? :lol:


Thomas Sheridan:

"Let me show you something interesting, different. This is a Celtic Cross I made years ago, I used to make these for a living. I've sold thousands of these probably, all over the world and eh I got tired of making them 'cause it was kinda...I didn't enjoy making them anymore to be honest with ya. I just think felt I was copying other people's designs even though I was like putting my own spin on them. I didn't really. I didn't really feel I was like pushing myself or exploring myself artistically, but this one is neat because I made this from the rafters of an old church nearby here that collapsed, and eh, you can actually see the old beams, god knows how old this wood is, but eh, I just cut it down into shape and I formed the cross, the very basic cross shape, and then I got old bog wood from the bogs around here, so that's probably ancient as well, and eh, I glued it onto the frame and then I painted all the Celtic designs all over it which was kind of neat, but eh, the prob..it needs a bit of a clean up this, but I just got to thinking how unchris, how unchristian the thing is, especially when you look at it from this side. So it's it's it's fairly, you know, ah, the Celtic Cross is kinda mysterious, the shape of it, ehhh some people say that this, these, represent the four cardinal points of north, south, east and west. Other people say it's a phallic thing. Other people say this is the sun, the central section is the sun, and hence you know, the whole idea of Jesus as being the son of god. So I just thought I'd like, I just dug that out today, I just thought you'd like to see it. This used to be my old job until about two or three years ago and, eh, this is the only one I have left. I used to make these in all different sizes and different shapes....ehh, and they were very popular and I did well at them, but then, ahh, you know, I don't really believe in like the whole Jesus thing anyway, so I kinda felt like a bit of a hypocrite selling this stuff to Christians and Catholics and stuff and... I was planning to give this one away to charity, and I contacted when they had the floods in New Orleans the Katrina Huricane, I contacted some churches down there, they said they were interested in it, but you know, I gonna give it to them, but then they never got ehh, they never got back to me for some reason. Maybe the churches were never built.

There you go, Celtic Cross, made from wood hundreds of years old, from an old church with bog ???? that could go back ten, you know, thousands of years, back to the time of the Celts, well, the Celts didn't really exist, but back to the ancient peoples, and so there you go, nice cross, I'll sign the bottom and everything for you ok, better get back to work.”

This Thomas/June relationship is very strange. In all honesty, I'm curious as to what exactly is happening there.

Edit: worded sentence differently
This is Thomas Sheridan claiming to make the same plaques his wife was talking about in the interview, using the same technique she claims to have developed. The original page has been deleted (who's surprised?) but it is still available in the wayback machine

Celtic Crafts
Thomas Sheridan - Woodcrafts

The following page provides Celtic Crafts, made by artisan Thomas Sheridan in Ireland. Each piece of work is unique and handcrafted / painted in his County Sligo Studio.

Please enlarge the thumbnail pictures, for they can't justice the original colours.

To order fill the form below by choosing the number of crafts you want and send it with clicking the send - button. Make sure you give me your email adress, that I can get back to you with details regarding your order.

Not Carving, but Wood Texturing

The image is hand painted onto the wood, then the texture / details are built-up with dried leaves gathered from the woods here in south Sligo, which have been crushed and dried. I developed a method of controlling wood dyes to bring out details. I also highlight the knots and grain in the wood for extra character. The whole piece is sealed with marine varnish so they can be displayed outdoors.

I developed the technique from watching wood carving one day and I thought to myself "there has to be another way of getting dimensionality and depth in wood without spending weeks carving and charging hundreds of Euro for it...". So I experimented and these are the results. I started making them for friends and family as gifts and then other people like them so much they wanted to buy them and it developed from there.

Gertrudes said:
This Thomas/June relationship is very strange. In all honesty, I'm curious as to what exactly is happening there.

You and me both! This is weird, even for the stuff I deal with....and I deal with some pretty weird stuff. I was almost sure Sheridan had made up the "June Sheridan" wife, websites, accounts, etc...until I found the video.

Since 2003 Thomas Sheridan has been claiming the exact same crafts (and to have created the technique) as his wife claims to make. Neither one of them mentioned the other on any of these pages?
They're are telling the same story, only each one claims to be the artist?

The entire one hour irish TV show is here...it's legit.

Ep.51 O'Carolan Harp Festival Keadue

June Sheridan's interview begins at 36:09 minutes

This is her domain registration, and the info all checks out too:


This is a jaw dropper for me too, so I understand how the folks on the PF forum feel.
what about emailing her and asking innocently if she actually makes the items because you saw a video of Thomas Sheridan claiming that he makes them?
Perceval said:
what about emailing her and asking innocently if she actually makes the items because you saw a video of Thomas Sheridan claiming that he makes them?

Because there's no way to tell if June actually got the email, or if Thomas got/intercepted the email and answered. Hopefully an old friend of mine (a female Elder) will get a chance to talk to her at an upcoming events where June is supposed to be selling.

At this point I really don't know if June is clueless, or has been colluding with him all along? Until I find out, I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt. She could be a victim? Maybe not? Dunno yet.
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