Jordan Peterson: Gender Pronouns and Free Speech War

JP does not look like he is in the right place in his Life.

He’s got all the tools to figure it out and you can’t say the “Universe” isn’t helping him because people have sent him books on subjects like Ponerology. As mentioned in the last session with the C’s, you really just need to get down to brass tacks about what psychopaths are responsible for and face that, perhaps that’s the journey through the valley of the shadow.

Jordan makes over 250,000 a month with his company. All that’s gone if he really faces things, however his spiritual rebirth on the other side would be worth it. Save your soul or disintegrate, that’s the choice he’s facing.
YT suggested this to me

Then I wondered who this Andrew Tate was. My God ....

There is a saying about company you keep bla bla bla , but I'll just skip with pontificating.
Still, what was she thinking ?????
It’s an interesting situation. Mikhaila just released her latest venture of nootropics that will cure your hangovers to her followers. Jordan essentially lets her run his social media companies, and the flavor of the posts on both of their accounts is the same….. His take is that she’s brave enough to ask stupid questions, which she then learns from and things get better.

There’s one thing that I can say, they’re heavily surrounded right now by people who either have monstrous personality disorders or are out and out psychopaths. There’s an opportunity for serious growth from that experience or tragedy and pretty much no middle ground.
JP does not look like he is in the right place in his Life.

This was part of an older (2019) interview with Rex Murphy, following his treatments in Russia. It has been reworked with scenes replacing the actual interview scenes. So keep that in context as he had just emerged from his own personal hell.

Then I wondered who this Andrew Tate was. My God ....

Lauren Southern discussed him and his ilk. I'm not sure when Mikhaila said she also had flown over to see Tate, yet it seems many got sucked into the orbits of some of these types. In Lauren's case, much to her own horror and lack of discernment.

Speaking of which, both Lauren and Mikhalia spoke together (looks like 6 months ago) in this podcast. Skipped through it, however Lauren brings up some of these types as she also brings up her new documentary 'American Mirage' (see trailer) that have only just now heard of. That said, both probably compared notes and Tate might have come up at some point.

Is any comment necessary?

Well, this 30-minute video is interesting. It is a channel dedicated to history and in this particular video, it tells us about and criticizes the French May 1968, the student revolution. Here he tells us how from that date begins the path of progressivism that we now know as woke. Activate the subtitles to translate it.

Activate the subtitles to translate it.
Yes, the French May 1968 review.

Right at the start (a side discussion he makes, albeit interrelated as background) he provides the scene of the woman from the UK standing on a public street curb praying (only in her head), for which she was arrested. This is insane, a true thought crime arrest - "the thoughts I've been thinking and where I was thinking them," she said.

Bizarro and dangerous times.

Is any comment necessary?
Yes, the French May 1968 review.

Right at the start (a side discussion he makes, albeit interrelated as background) he provides the scene of the woman from the UK standing on a public street curb praying (only in her head), for which she was arrested. This is insane, a true thought crime arrest - "the thoughts I've been thinking and where I was thinking them," she said.

Bizarro and dangerous times.


I'd love to know if it is legal for the UK police to question someone regarding what they are thinking ?

From "Are you praying?" they could go to "Were you praying?" to "Will you be praying?" to "Are you considering praying?" .....
What rights does she have in such a situation having done nothing other than stand on the sidewalk ?
This is a very very dangerous example of control even though in that moment there is no physical violence. I would qualify it as psychological violence on the part of the police as was done during the Plan-demia by the governments.

This boundary will be pushed forward to the point that if there is a smartphone size device to monitor thoughts it will be used.

Jordan Peterson just posted this on Twitter:

Here is an article on SOTT. As he says:

"Canada has been given over to the commissars"

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