False awakening, sleep paralysis, or stuck in dreamland

@iamthatis Would you know if who youre connected to is your ancestor, decesed relatives, other STO beings or your higher self?

That's a great question.

Personally speaking, I don't think I would know in my day-to-day if a benevolent influence was coming from a 4D STO being, one of my saintly ancestors in 5D, or if I was just plain ol' feeling good that day. On the other hand, when you read a C's session, that's one way of knowing that you're connected to STO beings!

I should also mention that being in a place of caution about spiritual influences is really important. I had a bad habit of talking to spirits in the past, hearing voices in my head and having conversations with them - and not questioning what I was doing. It was very dangerous and I should have known better. Only recently did I discover that they were not benevolent at all and probably contributed to a whole lot of physical, emotional, and mental problems that I'm only just now recovering from. So caution in connection to higher density beings is very important - after all, demons tempt us by masquerading as angels.

Back to your question, I think that in part it depends on what is meant by those terms. Ancestors can refer to our progenitors, or our genetic line, our grandmothers and grandfathers going all the way back. Then there are our dearly departed loved ones, including our chosen family or Soul family who reside in 5D. However, ancestors can also mean something else entirely:

(L) Well, on an adjacent topic to DNA, I would like to know why I feel... Um... compelled or obsessed by my genealogy database. [laughter] I'm embarrassed to talk about it because it's taken SO much time, and yet it's like I WANT TO KNOW!

A: Keep in mind that there is a certain power transmitted by awareness of ancestors.

Q: (L) How can there be power transmitted by awareness of ancestors? They're dead, first of all. Second of all, maybe those that had the potential have reincarnated and would be living other lives in other places. Or they'd be floating around in 5th density or whatever dead ancestors do...

(Artemis) Well, in a roundabout way, it's almost like knowing about your past lives.

(Andromeda) Yeah.

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, knowing past lives is helpful. Knowing ancestors is helpful. Well, the ancients believed that if you remembered your ancestors, they helped you. If you didn't take care of them or you forgot about them, they could bring bad luck on you. Can it? [laughter]

A: Something like that. You can help to heal some things and draw strength via your DNA antennae which, you must remember, is also their DNA antennae.

Q: (Andromeda) Makes sense.

(Chu) You inherited their receivers.

(Andromeda) And you can learn things from their experiences thereby.

(Pierre) You were wondering about how you relate to them. They're dead, they're far away. Sharing the same DNA antennae, if we are connected via DNA to an information field, and you have other people with similar DNA connected to a similar part of the field, and time really doesn’t exist on other planes, then you can access these kinds of memories or information shared by ancestors...?

A: Exactly.

Q: (Pierre) Wow.

(Joe) There's also epigenetics...

(L) I keep saying that reading all this early American history tells me why Americans are the way they are. They are completely messed up. But then, so is everybody else!! It's terrible.

(Chu) Epigenetics is only about this life, right?

(L) Oh no! Oh no! Your parents can have methylation that gets passed on to you. All kinds of weird stuff can happen. You just would not believe it. So in other words, we're back to ancestor worship! [laughter]

(Artemis) Get some incense and a shrine!

(Pierre) Is one of the reasons for the importance of the cult of ancestors this relation to the information field via DNA?

A: Yes. They went a bit far with it and forgot why it was important.

Q: (Andromeda) Like Halloween.

(L) Yeah. It just got distorted. But then...

A: We keep telling you that we are you in the future. You are them in the future.

Q: (L) So, my present is their future.

(Andromeda) We're the Cs ancestors! [laughter]

(Artemis) They're honoring us!

(Joe) So, maybe some of your ancestors are on a Ouija board trying to contact you. They're trying to get some information.

(L) This is getting too weird... [laughter] So, it would be useful for people to at least know as many of their ancestors as they can possibly know?

A: Yes and some ancestors are stronger than others.

Q: (L) So, if you have a strong recent ancestor, that's pretty good. So, in a certain sense, you could tune in to your ancestors and derive strength from them? Kind of like... a choir of angels sort of thing?

A: Close but don't go all woowoo on us now!

So from this we can guess that if the C's are us in the future... then we are actually their ancestors? So weird - and somewhat confusing. Especially if we add in the bits about Transient Passengers:

Q: (L) You said the other night that there was a planet between Mars and Jupiter that was destroyed and became the asteroid belt. Was this planet ever inhabited by sentient beings?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What caused this planet to be destroyed?

A: Psychic energy.

Q: (L) And where did the beings come from that lived on this planet? Did they evolve there?

A: No.

Q: (L) Were they also, like us, created beings?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Who created them?

A: Same.

Q: (L) The Cassiopaeans?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay, who created the Cassiopaeans?

A: Your super ancient spiritual ancestors.

Q: (L) Do these beings have a name?

A: No.

Q: (L) What are they called?

A: Transient Passengers.

Q: (L) Now you mentioned the creators of your group as the super ancient ancestors called the transient passengers, what is the meaning of this term and who are these beings?

A: Transient passengers are not beings. Transient Passengers are unified thought form.

Q: (L) Why are they called transient passengers?

A: Because they transit all forms of reality. And they spring forth from the Unified form of existence.

I'm not quite sure what to make of all of this. I have my guesses, but I don't know if what I have to say would be all that helpful. It has to do with flows of information and energy, time and consciousness and lessons, and Soul cycles that have no beginning OR end and yet somehow appear to be in motion! I'll just pop this bit in for now:

Q: (L) If the mother planet that the human race was seeded on originally, is burned up, or turned into a cinder, I would like to know how it burned up?

A: Star expanded.

Q: (L) Well, if the star expanded, it must have expanded recently, is that correct?

A: Time does not measure that way in that realm.

Q: (L) What realm is that?

A: Time/space warp.

Q: (L) What do you mean by a time/space warp?

A: Too complicated but you already have some understanding of concept.

Q: (L) So, the star expanded and the mother planet was turned into a cinder. If this was the case, it means that it must have turned into a cinder very close to the point, using time loosely, when human beings were created?

A: You can't even use it loosely.

Q: (L) Would you help me out here. I'm trying to figure out why, if that planet was turned into a cinder, why were human beings seeded there... what was the point in being brought into being on a planet that was very shortly to become a cinder... a crispy critter...

A: Okay. Now: "Shocker" For you. It hasn't become a cinder yet.

Q: (L) Okay. What is it. You told us it was a cinder... burned up... what is the real story here?

A: It will be at the same "time" that you go to 4th density. The human race is currently being formed on D'Ahnkiar.

Q: (L) What do you mean that the human race is currently being formed on that planet? Is that because that planet is this planet?

A: No. That closes realm grand cycle.

Q: (L) Are you saying that there are human beings being created on that planet at this current time...

A: Yes, you are. Your race is forming there.

Q: (L) How?

A: Realm crossing understand?

Q: (L) Are you saying that there are 4th density bodies being formed there...

A: No. 3rd.

Q: (L) There are 3rd density bodies... are we going to leave the bodies we are in and go into other bodies?

A: You are drifting... Think carefully. Realm is derivative of reality. Cycle.

Q: (L) So the human race is being formed on this other planet at the present time...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And at the time of the realm border crossing, this other planet will then become cindered... burned up...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Where will the human beings go that are being formed on that planet at the time of the realm border crossing?

A: Ancient earth.

Q: (L) They will go to ancient earth?

A: There is no time as you know it; its all just lessons for the collective consciousness.

Q: (L) So at the closing of this grand cycle everything will just start all over again?

A: Not exactly; you see, there is no start.

Q: (L) Are a lot of souls on the earth going to recycle into these new bodies coming onto the earth?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) As ancient mankind?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And do the whole thing all over again?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, in other words, a lot of people are going back to square one?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Is this punishment.

A: No. Nature.

Q: (L) Are some of the souls, at that point, going to move into a higher density level?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Could you give us a percentage on this?

A: No. Open at this point.

Q: (L) Now, getting back to the planet, if at some point in the cycle, bodies were generated on this planet and brought to earth, who brought them?

A: Realm crossing.

Q: (L) It was not a who, it was a what, is that correct?

A: All is who and what.

Q: (L) Well, the other night you mentioned something about the Transient Passengers hauling these bodies off that planet and bringing them to earth, is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, are these Transient Passengers Realms?

A: Yes. So are you.

Q: (L) Do you guys know what you are doing to the linear mind here?

A: Can of worms.

Maybe it makes sense to focus on our deceased relatives in 5D, keeping in mind that the larger picture is pretty complex.

Anyways, in the first session snippet, there's some good info about what it might mean to connect with your ancestors - luckily, in very practical and easy-to-understand terms! It means reading up on the history of your people, looking into your own family line, or even learning more about your grandparents or great-grandparents. This can be very interesting - for instance, I recently learned that my great grandpa lived in Crimea! I knew he lived in Siberia, but had no clue about Crimea. So research is one way of knowing that you are connected with your ancestors.

Then there is also the connection with one's ancestors in more energetic terms. I think that might be more what you're asking? For some people who are intuitive, it may be clear as day who they are connected to - such as feeling a grandmotherly energy watching over them, guiding them, or having a dream about being protected by their favourite Uncle, things like that. Luckily, doing the practical work of researching your family history can connect you with your ancestors on an energetic level. It's like building your antenna to pick up their good vibes. Prayer can also help with the energetic connection, too. Even if we don't know them by name, we can still ask the saintly ancestors in 5D for guidance and protection.

Apparently we are all connected to 5D at all times by a silver thread, according to this session below:

Q: (L) Now, the question has arisen that, since other dimensional beings have the ability to kidnap or abduct or forcibly extract souls, do they also have the capability of manipulating our soul essences after they have left our bodies during the transition to fifth density?

A: Not correct.

Q: (L) They do not?

A: No, you see when your physical body expires, and you enter fifth density, this is done one way and one way only: by passing through a conduit which opens specifically for the purpose of transference from third density to fifth density. Now, something often referred to in your terminology as a silver thread, is like a closed line which opens when this conduit is needed. That's rather awkward, but it's the only way to describe it.

So that when the physical body terminates, this line is opened forming a conduit through which the soul passes naturally. However, part of the existence of this conduit is that it is absolutely impenetrable by any force from any density level. Therefore, souls in the process of transferring from third density to fifth density are not in any way able to be molested or tampered with. And it should be mentioned here, also, that the soul imprint of the physical body always has a connection to fifth density and that is through the so-called "silver thread."

That always exists as the third density soul's doorway to fifth density. It can be opened at a moment's notice whenever needed. When it is opened it becomes a conduit. Through that conduit the soul passes. And it is not subject to interference by anything. This is not a deliberate construction, it is merely the natural process similar to what could be described as the protection mechanisms existing on second level density for creatures which are not capable of protecting themselves through their own conscious thought processes.

For example, your turtle is contained within a shell that protects it. That shell is impenetrable by any natural forces, therefore nothing that is natural can harm that turtle. However, the same can exist for any creature when it is connected by the silver thread to fifth density. Once it is passing through the conduit produced by the opening of the silver thread, then, of course, it cannot be tampered with. Do you understand?

Q: (L) Yes, but why do so many souls, when they leave the body, not traverse this conduit, and why do they stay earthbound, and why do they attach to other bodies? Why does this condition exist?

A: That is a complicated question, however the best answer is choice is involved there for those souls who wish not to leave the plane of third density. The only possibility to do this is to be detached from the now expired physical body but still be within the third density plane, which, of course, is not natural, but nonetheless can occur. In situations such as this, though it has been incorrectly reported, the silver thread is still attached and still remains a thread rather than a conduit. The soul is still attached to the silver thread but detached from the host body which has now expired. So the effect is very similar to being consciously aware of third density surroundings without a third density unit to accompany. Do you understand?

To add to this, the research on the forum indicates that it is usually unresolved karma (ie. relationship issues or unresolved emotions) that causes a Soul to stay earthbound after the body has died.

I'm curious - is there any particular reason why you're asking?
I do not understand most of the things that you pointed out yet and these sure are excellent notes for me. Thank you!

I should also mention that being in a place of caution about spiritual influences is really important. I had a bad habit of talking to spirits in the past, hearing voices in my head and having conversations with them - and not questioning what I was doing. It was very dangerous and I should have known better. Only recently did I discover that they were not benevolent at all and probably contributed to a whole lot of physical, emotional, and mental problems that I'm only just now recovering from. So caution in connection to higher density beings is very important - after all, demons tempt us by masquerading as angels.
I'm curious - is there any particular reason why you're asking?
I honestly do not know where to start. Most of the things you have mentioned are things that are difficult for me to digest or makes sense yet. I have told a background of the "psychic" practices I have done here years before I am in the forum. I started meditating weeks after I got into Christianity. They told me to create a relationship with Jesus and the best thing I could think of that time is pray and meditate. Everyday, I have my devotional. I read the bible, meditate and there were times I will have visions and knowing which I consider as wisdom (that is just how I see it because to me they were good and so far, no advice was given to me that has harmed anyone or myself(?) that is still a question for I am not aware yet of spiritual attachments). I do not have any criteria or a list of pre-qualified checklist to see if this is a good entity or a guide or my higher self. From the christian speakers or teachers that I listen to, the only thing that you know that who you are talking to is not evil is when you ask "is Jesus christ lord of lord?". If they will affirm that, then you can connect to them. I have done the Courts of Heaven where you can access things about your transgressions and also your ancestors or engaging your blueprint in the realm and see your destiny. LOL I cannot also makes sense of this stuff Im doing but I do know it has helped me to become better. I can only say that it might just be my pure intentions that saved me from evil and purely of the universe' grace. These are still things that triggers my curiosity up to this day and would want to put to light whatever those are and, part of the reason why I am also in the forum is for help. This is the thread I have shared last year. I thought it is my intuition. I also updated the thread of what my thoughts are. Intuition (I would usually go back to the threads I wrote here so I can also try to connect and check how I understood some things then compared to the present)

When meditating, I would be led to different things. Sometimes, there would be a vision, or someone or whoever would tell me about some things that is happening in my life. I think this time whatever they/he/she showed me, I am more cautious. In my meditation, I do not concern myself with other people's life. Although last time, I thought of asking about my husband, thinking that we are one now but, whoever it was, told me that he is not my business and told me to not meddle with his affairs. I do not understand most of these things and it is not my intention always to have visions or interact with whoever it was and I just flow.

So I do not know whoever it was who answers me and gives me these insights. I would just thank the universe for the answers and the guidance afterwards. I dont know much and is also working on my ignorance. :)
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When I switched on the light, they weren't lighting up, tried switching it on and off, and realizing that I'm still asleep, I went back to my room again. This time, when I thought I have finally woke up, I heard my alarm, I wanted to turn it off only to realize that I cant find my phone in that bed, I felt like crying and praying to get me out of that place and wake me up for real. It was really scary.

Hi @Princess Lux 🌷 :-)

What you describe here sounds to me like astral travel. As far as I know this is where we go to dream, and have our dreams take place. Most of use are in the altered consciousness state of sleep in this astral realm, as I believe it is very "malleable" to our thoughts, and so our can play out there.

Being conscious in the astral is another matter which sounds like what you have been experiencing. You might see strange primitive like things there that try to latch onto you and start feeding so to speak. For me it was just black and white with grey colours. Very slow moving and kind of viscous.

Did it seem like that to you ?

Maybe this is an opportunity for you to explore the world from this realm ?
I find a series of dreams that started from the last 2 years from people that I think have sucked the most energy from me because of their controlling behavior. I think I have shared them here too and I noticed that the dreams I have lately kind of brings me back to certain situations where I haven't had the chance to speak up or defend myself before. In my dreams, I do what I thought I could've done when I was back in those situations again and I just wake up after. It was like a series that started from those that were more intense to the least ones now.

When it comes to diet, I am trying to not eat as much carbs compared before. I am Asian and rice is a staple in every meal. I started eating more meat and takes time to feel the effect of certain food/substances like sugar. Sometimes, sweets give me brain fog when consumed too much. It is something I do not feel before which I find a bit odd at first because I just eat whatever i want before I joined the forum. 😅😅😅 It was only when I joined the forum that I disciplined myself with my diet and taking time to notice the effects food have on me.

Some things that were mentioned in Laura's list were already some I do, and my dream crystal helps. I do not have it before and just got a hold of it 2 months ago. The time when I had this recent dream even though I have my crystal, I was just toooo tired and decided to sleep to regain strength. I am not that religious yet when it comes to exercise. I have been busy because of the wedding and just thought today to create a list of to-do lists and make a new daily routine.
I had a lot sleep problems when I was on carb based diet. Especially when I ate in the evening or before sleep. I used to have sleep paralysis to the point where I was afraid to go to sleep. Carnivore diet fixed my sleep to certain degree where I can sleep now like a baby. I understand that the transition to another way of eating can be shocking to the body, but the compounding effect overtime is amazing to the point of no way looking back, atleast for me. I am no sleep pro because the are room for improvement. I understand your experience may seem unpleasant but on the otherhand its like a gift of knowledge and self empowerment if you do something about. Thank you Princess for sharing and for opportunity to reflect and improve my own sleeping habits.
That's a great question.

Personally speaking, I don't think I would know in my day-to-day if a benevolent influence was coming from a 4D STO being, one of my saintly ancestors in 5D, or if I was just plain ol' feeling good that day. On the other hand, when you read a C's session, that's one way of knowing that you're connected to STO beings!

I should also mention that being in a place of caution about spiritual influences is really important. I had a bad habit of talking to spirits in the past, hearing voices in my head and having conversations with them - and not questioning what I was doing. It was very dangerous and I should have known better. Only recently did I discover that they were not benevolent at all and probably contributed to a whole lot of physical, emotional, and mental problems that I'm only just now recovering from. So caution in connection to higher density beings is very important - after all, demons tempt us by masquerading as angels.

Back to your question, I think that in part it depends on what is meant by those terms. Ancestors can refer to our progenitors, or our genetic line, our grandmothers and grandfathers going all the way back. Then there are our dearly departed loved ones, including our chosen family or Soul family who reside in 5D. However, ancestors can also mean something else entirely:

So from this we can guess that if the C's are us in the future... then we are actually their ancestors? So weird - and somewhat confusing. Especially if we add in the bits about Transient Passengers:

I'm not quite sure what to make of all of this. I have my guesses, but I don't know if what I have to say would be all that helpful. It has to do with flows of information and energy, time and consciousness and lessons, and Soul cycles that have no beginning OR end and yet somehow appear to be in motion! I'll just pop this bit in for now:

Maybe it makes sense to focus on our deceased relatives in 5D, keeping in mind that the larger picture is pretty complex.

Anyways, in the first session snippet, there's some good info about what it might mean to connect with your ancestors - luckily, in very practical and easy-to-understand terms! It means reading up on the history of your people, looking into your own family line, or even learning more about your grandparents or great-grandparents. This can be very interesting - for instance, I recently learned that my great grandpa lived in Crimea! I knew he lived in Siberia, but had no clue about Crimea. So research is one way of knowing that you are connected with your ancestors.

Then there is also the connection with one's ancestors in more energetic terms. I think that might be more what you're asking? For some people who are intuitive, it may be clear as day who they are connected to - such as feeling a grandmotherly energy watching over them, guiding them, or having a dream about being protected by their favourite Uncle, things like that. Luckily, doing the practical work of researching your family history can connect you with your ancestors on an energetic level. It's like building your antenna to pick up their good vibes. Prayer can also help with the energetic connection, too. Even if we don't know them by name, we can still ask the saintly ancestors in 5D for guidance and protection.

Apparently we are all connected to 5D at all times by a silver thread, according to this session below:

To add to this, the research on the forum indicates that it is usually unresolved karma (ie. relationship issues or unresolved emotions) that causes a Soul to stay earthbound after the body has died.

I'm curious - is there any particular reason why you're asking?
Thank for sharing about anscestors. Maybe I will write a little off topic, but I have this burning sense to share some thoughts. Sometimes I think about it and in a way I get a kick in the butt thinking about them.
The thoughts goes like this: Their hardwork was done not because that I could be lazy and passive. Their struggles and fights for life and death was not because I could sit now and waste my time and energy. They risked their lives not for me choosing a lesser path. Who are our anscestors? I dont know but for the very least I tend to believe that its the ones who survived the comets, the fall of Rome, the fall of Greece, the Ice age, the ones who survived the fall of Atlantis and much more, that which I cannot yet to comprehend. If that wouldnt be true, I believe we wouldnt be here AT ALL.
@Princess Lux 🌷 The only ancestors I call on are those I knew...And those who were good people. My father died in 2009 and I had called on him to
watch over my son. He had a close relationship with Addam and loved him very much.

When I did call my father in, he was with me for about 3 hours maybe 4. He stayed with me because I was distraught and really needed the support. There was no voice from my father but a bathing in the energy of love. Let's say it was his particular signature that I could recognize.

I also have a line in my family who I think of as Earth Angels when they were alive. They were very pure this mother and daughter. So I pray to them and my father to watch over my mum, at this point.

Now, if I call them, I use their full earth name. And like I said, I am able to vouche for their characters when they were alive. It's not that some other family members were horrible people, but they struggled with being and I figure they've got a good bit of healing to do on the other side.

I do not hear voices, this is not how my higher self connects with me, nor my angel (s) their communication are nudges and I just know things...This is called being clairessient.

Let me know if I need to make anything more clear to your understanding.

Also, I did have a time of earthly merger with my higher self or angel maybe, but this was in a time of great danger and I'd need to give the conditions (story) of how and why this happened...And I'm not ready to tell that yet.
Being conscious in the astral is another matter which sounds like what you have been experiencing. You might see strange primitive like things there that try to latch onto you and start feeding so to speak. For me it was just black and white with grey colours. Very slow moving and kind of viscous.

Did it seem like that to you ?
Hi @BlueKiwi ! I really do not know if it is the astral realm or a perpendicular reality or a different place. Since this happened in my dreams and when I notice a loop, id just panic before, I dont concern myself with wherever I am and just wanted to be awake. In the recent loop of dreams I have, I thought of meditating but thought Id not risk it because Im closing my eyes and will not see where id take myself. I am still reading some books here and seek also for answers.

I had a lot sleep problems when I was on carb based diet. Especially when I ate in the evening or before sleep. I used to have sleep paralysis to the point where I was afraid to go to sleep.
Hi @Amor ! That makes sense. There was a phase in my life that I have gained weight but I dont know if it coincide where I have sleep paralysis eps. I remember some sleep paralysis episode when I am about to move out of my parents' house. It could also be that some parts of me are fighting off the transition or might be my fears. But now that I know that sleep is also connected to diet, I can have comparisons and see what improves my sleep and what doesnt. My dream crystal helps me too now. :D

When I did call my father in, he was with me for about 3 hours maybe 4. He stayed with me because I was distraught and really needed the support. There was no voice from my father but a bathing in the energy of love. Let's say it was his particular signature that I could recognize.
Anyways, in the first session snippet, there's some good info about what it might mean to connect with your ancestors - luckily, in very practical and easy-to-understand terms! It means reading up on the history of your people, looking into your own family line, or even learning more about your grandparents or great-grandparents. This can be very interesting - for instance, I recently learned that my great grandpa lived in Crimea! I knew he lived in Siberia, but had no clue about Crimea. So research is one way of knowing that you are connected with your ancestors.
I appreciate the insight. I have asked about my grandparents before but I have not asked about the great grandparents although I do know that in my mom's side, they said my great grandpa used to be a warlock and made friends with elementals. Seems scary to me. :cry::cry: I think that would be my homework! Thank you! :thup:

I do not understand most of the things that you pointed out yet and these sure are excellent notes for me. Thank you!

I'm still not sure if I understand most of it, either!

I honestly do not know where to start. Most of the things you have mentioned are things that are difficult for me to digest or makes sense yet. I have told a background of the "psychic" practices I have done here years before I am in the forum. I started meditating weeks after I got into Christianity. They told me to create a relationship with Jesus and the best thing I could think of that time is pray and meditate. Everyday, I have my devotional. I read the bible, meditate and there were times I will have visions and knowing which I consider as wisdom (that is just how I see it because to me they were good and so far, no advice was given to me that has harmed anyone or myself(?) that is still a question for I am not aware yet of spiritual attachments). I do not have any criteria or a list of pre-qualified checklist to see if this is a good entity or a guide or my higher self. From the christian speakers or teachers that I listen to, the only thing that you know that who you are talking to is not evil is when you ask "is Jesus christ lord of lord?". If they will affirm that, then you can connect to them.

I used to try something similar, a kind of vetting process for spirits. I was also advised to do this by people whom I thought knew what they were talking about. What I learned is that this is not a reliable way of determining the intentions of an unseen entity. Just like humans, these beings are more than capable of straight up lies and manipulation in order to gain control over us. Probably even moreso.

It's complex, because these spirits or entities do actually give us insight, wisdom, power, or even good feelings - but this is in large part the bait that they use to catch us. Sorry to say, but I think the speakers and teachers that you've been listening to don't know what they're talking about. Over the centuries, much of the Bible and Christianity has been corrupted by dark forces as a means of controlling the population by channeling our genuine yearning for connection with the Most High into a dead end.

In your Bible studies, have you read the letters of Paul? but he makes a very clear warning about false teachers:

"But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ" (2 Cor. 11:3).

And I shall continue to do just as I am doing at present in order to thwart the efforts of those who are seeking the opportunity to be regarded as my equals in the aspects they boast about. Such people are false apostles, dishonest workers who masquerade as apostles of Christ. And no wonder! Even Satan masquerades as an angel of light. Therefore, it should not be considered unusual that his servants also disguise themselves as ministers of righteousness. Their end will be appropriate to their deeds. (2 Cor. 11:12-15)

There is also the warning of Jesus:

"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits" (Mt. 7:15,16)

So, these are pretty strong words. I don't know who you're teachers are, but I think it's likely that they are simply misinformed, and not demons in human form or something. That said, false knowledge can be dangerous, especially when we believe it to be true.

I have done the Courts of Heaven where you can access things about your transgressions and also your ancestors or engaging your blueprint in the realm and see your destiny. LOL I cannot also makes sense of this stuff Im doing but I do know it has helped me to become better. I can only say that it might just be my pure intentions that saved me from evil and purely of the universe' grace. These are still things that triggers my curiosity up to this day and would want to put to light whatever those are and, part of the reason why I am also in the forum is for help. This is the thread I have shared last year. I thought it is my intuition. I also updated the thread of what my thoughts are. Intuition (I would usually go back to the threads I wrote here so I can also try to connect and check how I understood some things then compared to the present)

When meditating, I would be led to different things. Sometimes, there would be a vision, or someone or whoever would tell me about some things that is happening in my life. I think this time whatever they/he/she showed me, I am more cautious. In my meditation, I do not concern myself with other people's life. Although last time, I thought of asking about my husband, thinking that we are one now but, whoever it was, told me that he is not my business and told me to not meddle with his affairs. I do not understand most of these things and it is not my intention always to have visions or interact with whoever it was and I just flow.

So I do not know whoever it was who answers me and gives me these insights. I would just thank the universe for the answers and the guidance afterwards. I dont know much and is also working on my ignorance. :)

Well, we're all in a process of learning and overcoming our ignorance. To me it seems that you have a good amount of humility, in that you admit what you don't know and you're asking questions. It's also good to hear that you are being more cautious about these experiences.

It's up to you to decide what to do, but from my perspective - which came at the cost of a huge amount of pain and unnecessary suffering - I would make an effort to stop communicating with spirits, period.

If you are 'led' to a certain insight during meditation, like if an entity tells you something about yourself or the world, I'd keep in mind that there is a good possibility that you are being manipulated. Don't take it as the truth.

You'll learn more about all this as you continue to read The Wave. That series is crucial in gaining the baseline understanding needed to navigate our reality.
Sorry to say, but I think the speakers and teachers that you've been listening to don't know what they're talking about. Over the centuries, much of the Bible and Christianity has been corrupted by dark forces as a means of controlling the population by channeling our genuine yearning for connection with the Most High into a dead end.
That said, false knowledge can be dangerous, especially when we believe it to be true.
"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits" (Mt. 7:15,16)
Probably. After all, they dont provide as much evidence and do not provide the ramifications of the ˝spiritual practice˝. They just tell you that it is one's birthright as a christian and other stuff which who knows if it is true.

It's up to you to decide what to do, but from my perspective - which came at the cost of a huge amount of pain and unnecessary suffering - I would make an effort to stop communicating with spirits, period.

If you are 'led' to a certain insight during meditation, like if an entity tells you something about yourself or the world, I'd keep in mind that there is a good possibility that you are being manipulated. Don't take it as the truth.

You'll learn more about all this as you continue to read The Wave. That series is crucial in gaining the baseline understanding needed to navigate our reality.
If you're comfortable in sharing, what is the pain you mentioned and unnecessary suffering?

Thank you! I appreciate the insight. Though I can only hope that I am not manipulated,:-[ Id just look at it that it is the case for my own spiritual hygiene.
Hi Princess Lux, thanks for sharing your experiences with us, and to others who answered.

great grandpa used to be a warlock and made friends with elementals

About this, maybe it's only the viewpoint of whoever tells you this story, I would look at him as a person who had connection to the unseen world, and was just paying attention/living with this in his own manner. Maybe, that shouldn't be a reason to be afraid.
I am neither a sorcerer nor a seer, nevertheless I met elementals, in thoughtforms shall I say... :-)
e.g. crystals and water are part of our life, physically and thus spiritually, you can bet !

Though I can only hope that I am not manipulated,:-[ Id just look at it that it is the case for my own spiritual hygiene.

Totally agree with you, IMHO it's the very first step of the Work on the self, we're all genetically programmed as 3D STS afterall.
Only becoming fully aware of this fact, can put you on the path of overcoming it.
A good example of how knowledge protect ©️
If you're comfortable in sharing, what is the pain you mentioned and unnecessary suffering?

The voices were in the process of taking control of me, and I was close to having a psychotic break from reality. I managed to get off easy (I guess) with PTSD and an emotional breakdown. I am also continuing to have physical issues, mostly with my nervous system. I think this is related to what I was doing during those years because my symptoms started at that time. While I was quick to blame the 'spiritual community' that I belonged to - whose central practices included talking to spirits - these days I've come to see that my experiences are the product my own ignorance and poor choices, and that the responsibility for this part of my life is mine.
The voices were in the process of taking control of me, and I was close to having a psychotic break from reality.
I have a friend who experienced the same. 😳😳 When you say voices, can you hear it? Or is it more like a telepathic thing? 🤔

Your story reminds me of someone I know who attended a mushroom retreat and got depressed after. He claimed that the group who facilitated the ceremony brought the spirit/s that latched on him. I dont know if it's the group or the mushroom that did it. 😕
Got me thinking about the duty of a shaman. The shaman acts as a protector of the tribe in the spiritual realm. When the shaman is under the covering of his guides or spirit protectors, his comunity get to benefit on that covering too OSIT. 🤔 And you will know those who are good/bad through their 'fruits' they bear. 🤔
I have a friend who experienced the same. 😳😳 When you say voices, can you hear it? Or is it more like a telepathic thing? 🤔

Your story reminds me of someone I know who attended a mushroom retreat and got depressed after. He claimed that the group who facilitated the ceremony brought the spirit/s that latched on him. I dont know if it's the group or the mushroom that did it. 😕

It was mostly all in my head. A few times I thought I heard something, but at this point I can't really trust those memories to be very accurate.

Sorry to hear about your friend. The more I've learned about this kinda thing, the more I've learned it's quite common especially when psychedelics are involved.
I just read this in a different thread, and thought it was a really great post with a bit more information about hearing voices, and ways to deal with that. Thought you may find it interesting!

Thank you for sharing, Musashi. What a difficult situation, I'm sorry to hear your daughter is suffering.

Voice(s) giving commands are called "command hallucinations" by researchers/psychologists. Whether your child will act on these 'commands', one paper says that possibly as long as the person does not see the command/action (hurting others) as beneficial to himself and has no delusions "that are congruent with the action", then he will probably not act on it. They do note however, if I understand correctly, that if the person has the belief that the voice is powerful (for example loud and repetitive) and therefore threatening, the person could comply. They say that "some established predictors of violence are being male, high levels of anger, and previous history of violence". (You can access the paper through sci-hub.se) You could look into more papers on this topic.

Obviously, researchers see them as 'hallucinations', but there's a possibility that these are entities (external) trying to influence a person. One person who suffered from voices developed a program that she found helpful which she called the "that's a lie program":

It's possible that the entity isn't just telling your child to harm someone, but also tries to justify it ("you should do this, because... or you should do this, or else..."), which would all be lies. Not complying and resisting (not believing the lies) may help.

Has your child been diagnosed by the psychologist? Is it schizophrenia and depression? Has the psychologist told you how often she hears these voice(s)? Was it just a one-time thing or a weekly or daily thing? What is the treatment called that she's getting from the psychologist? Has the therapy been helping her? Do you know whether she uses/used (recreational) drugs? What is her experience with the meds? Does she say it helps her or does she say it makes things worse? Does she sleep well? Did her wish to be a boy occur around the same time of hearing voices? Does she know that you know about the voices? Is it something she openly talks with you about?

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) could help alleviate some of your child's symptoms:

I also wonder what kind of factor the school is playing into her identity problems. It's not easy when we are bombarded by TV shows, 'influencers' on social media, music videos, education and whatnot promoting gender fluidity stuff that only confuses children. Good thing she hasn't done any surgery and that she's reverting to being more girl-like. She'll hopefully have a better idea of it all once she's older.

Spirit release by shamans is a possibility, but it's difficult to know whether they know what they're doing and whether they're not gonna make things worse. I second looking into Marzinsky, he mentions some good tips (my notes on his podcasts) and the Baldwin book. I'd also look into diet and possible dietary changes if your child would be open for that (but from the looks of it, it looks pretty good! I wonder if she'd be willing to go gluten-free and see how that would make her feel?). The question is of course whether this is a case of influence by an entity or intrusive thoughts caused by self in a depressive state, but either way I think challenging these negative thoughts could help. Sorry for the long post, hope this helps. Perhaps @SlipNet will have some ideas as well. :-)
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