Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

Gertrudes said:
Oxajil said:
Yes I would say you are. If you are directing to DCM, you are directing to Him/Her. You decide that, I think. And I think you've been doing it just fine with asking for help. And you could also ask things that don't have much to do with your learning directly, for example asking for help with money, or asking for protection etc.

Thank you Oxajil.

I'm still working on my "talks" with DCM.
Despite the fact that I have lately tended to be more concrete, I have often hesitated when asking for help with some specific things, such as money for example. I don't know what is or isn't part of my lesson, so I tend to ask DCM to help me see and understand what I need to in order to progress with those specific issues. I think that you have worded it well when you said: "help with money", it doesn't dictate how you wish to see you request fulfilled, but rather expresses an open wish for help with a particular problem.

Yes, but also open the possibility that you will not be helped. It's like, just asking, and at the same time working for it too. In my opinion, it has a lot to do with your intent.

I've been praying all my life and DCM seems to surprise me every time. Sometimes I think She helped me in the past, because I can repay her now. But I think it's more of a continuous thing, you give and receive. Sometimes you can handle things on your own, sometimes you need some help. The key is to always remain open. That is what I've learned. I also find AI's post very interesting.

To remain on topic, I have observed that somehow, my bond with DCM, is stronger than ever. I think the meditation and POTS has helped with this very much. Since it is more like a feeling of a strong presence, I can not be objective about this of course, so I remain open to what it is.
Approaching Infinity said:
If a prayer is said so that the meaning of each word is considered and questioned (e.g. the prayer "God have mercy upon me"), then the thoughts and questions that accompany the prayer will do for the man what he asks God to do. However, this prayer repeated mechanically can have no beneficial results. ... While his wife was dying, Gurdjieff asked [Fritz] Peters to make a strong wish for her, saying that a wish from the heart can help, like a prayer, when it is for someone else, through not for oneself ...

"A strong wish from the heart"... That resonates. It is also how I see it.

AI said:
So there are wishes/prayers for others, and for ourselves. To me, a prayer to DCM is a kind of "fake it till you make it" thing. By repeating the prayer and really meditating on it, we hope to live and experience the content of the prayer, for example, clearing our eyes and hears, cleansing our heart, knowing and loving true existence, embodying the DCM in our daily lives and being sustained by it. And we can pray to our higher self, our ideal, to keep what we have experienced and learned in our Being, to integrate into ourselves. Gurdjieff and Dabrowski talked about the ideal as an "intermediate self". It's the part between us "as we are", and God/DCM. It's the personal ideal we strive towards, step by step.

Thanks Approaching Infinity. That makes sense. The idea of an "intermediate self" is also interesting

AI said:
There's also this to consider, from the Wave:

I can understand what is being said, but there is a part of me that can't integrate it with the rest of my understanding. I can understand that desire sends a signal to our brain confirming our state of lack of whatever we desire. However, when praying I am expressing a wish, a desire, osit. Therefore I'm confirming that my eyes are shut, my ears can't listen, and so on, and that I would desire help to have them cleared, which is future.. I've been trying to wrap my mind around this, but didn't really reach any helpful conclusion.

AI said:
I think this is important to keep in mind when making "petitioning" prayers for certain things or outcomes. That's not the purpose of real prayer, as in the POTS. By meditating on the words of the POTS, it's like we resonate with them, with the effect that the words become true in our lives. Focusing on the meaning, and feeling the content of the words, turns off the left-brain anticipation.

AI said:
It's saying "yes" and being open to the words of the prayer in the present, as opposed to the "no" which is inherent in anticipation.

I think that you might be answering to my previous question here. There is a difference between anticipating, and feeling and incorporating the prayer's content into one's being. It is a tricky issue. Perhaps it has partly to do with the nature of the wish, combined with how opened one is in the present moment to the content of what he/she is praying.
I'm sorry for making this so confusing...these questions have been lurking on the background of my mind for a while now, it just came to surface and I'm trying to make heads or tails out of it.

Oxajil said:
Yes, but also open the possibility that you will not be helped. It's like, just asking, and at the same time working for it too. In my opinion, it has a lot to do with your intent.

I've been praying all my life and DCM seems to surprise me every time. Sometimes I think She helped me in the past, because I can repay her now. But I think it's more of a continuous thing, you give and receive. Sometimes you can handle things on your own, sometimes you need some help. The key is to always remain open. That is what I've learned. I also find AI's post very interesting.

Yes, it makes much sense.

I have been seeing prayer in my life as a way to focus my attention and energy. I would pray for something that I would be working on (although at the time I wouldn't call it prayer), and then release it to the Universe. I found the releasing part to be very important, otherwise I would feel attached to the outcome, and somewhat distrustful of the natural process of life. As you said, it is important to remain opened.
After having released it I put all my energy, that has been concentrated through prayer, in working towards it.

Oxajil said:
To remain on topic, I have observed that somehow, my bond with DCM, is stronger than ever. I think the meditation and POTS has helped with this very much. Since it is more like a feeling of a strong presence, I can not be objective about this of course, so I remain open to what it is.

Well, it seems that you incorporating DCM more and more in your life, so perhaps your "friendship" is developing :)
For the most part I have always been careful what I pray for. Seems to me if I ask for strength or patience, then what appears to come for me is something that tests my strength or patience. Then only when it has passed can I observe if I was strong or impatient. The lesson is to catch it in the act and observe in the moment.

What is wrong with efforts to send love and light, the achieving of the goals of world peace or personal prosperity? What is wrong with wanting a return to God, or higher consciousness or any of the touted experiences that are guaranteed to initiate a person to whatever they desire? The problem is anticipation. When you seek any of these things by holding the thoughts in the left-brain in anticipation of making it real, you are raping the maiden of the well.

What if you are just trying to believe it is now? Belief is a function of the left brain; it blocks the manifestation of creativity because the creative right brain is also the empirical half of the brain that observes the dichotomy between the belief and the reality.

Desire is anticipation. Anticipation is read by the right brain as in the future, therefore not right now, and the right brain can only create now. When we desire, we have a future object in mind. The right brain only knows now.

If we desire to love God, we have a concept (left brain) of the future goal of loving God. It can’t exist now. Therefore we experience struggle to constantly love God, against the ongoing now of not loving God.

If we desire to win the lottery, and produce in the left brain future image of money flowing into our life, it isn’t now. So now continues moneyless.

If we desire happiness, and create the concept in the left brain, we have future happiness in mind. And the right brain reads it as unhappiness now, and this can manifest in thousands of unhappy experiences.

By the same token, if we send love and light to any directed recipient, we are holding a concept of future fixing that signals a state of brokenness now to our right brain, and the repercussions are felt in our life. In a larger sense, we may be signaling the collective right brain that a future state of peace is desired, and therefore, now is not peaceful. And so the right brain creates now. The perception of linear time constantly projects rewards into the future, blocking access to the present, like a donkey chasing a carrot for all eternity.

This seems to me to be right on. When I first read this in the Wave it gave me much to think about. Though I find myself trapped in the left brain wishful thinking. Now bringing this back to light for me I will trust that I can work on making the change of how I think about things. Determined to feed the progressive side instead of the entropic side. Getting tired of running in place.

So for example instead of praying for well being and health, we give thanks for our well being and health or instead of praying for money, we give thanks for the ability to afford all that is needed for what is needed?
Gertrudes said:
I think that you might be answering to my previous question here. There is a difference between anticipating, and feeling and incorporating the prayer's content into one's being. It is a tricky issue. Perhaps it has partly to do with the nature of the wish, combined with how opened one is in the present moment to the content of what he/she is praying.

Well, one thing to consider is "wishing" itself. Here's what Gurdjieff wrote in Life Is Real:

Although for the exact definition of the second of these human
impulses in the contemporary English language there is a word, namely
"wish," it is nevertheless employed by you Americans, as well as by the
English people themselves, only in order to vary, of course
unconsciously, the degree of the expression of that so to say "slavish
impulse" for which there are, particularly in this language, a multitude
of words as, for example, "like," "want," "need," "desire" and so on. ...

When "I wish"—I feel with my whole being that I wish, and can
wish. This does not mean that I want, that I need, that I like or, lastly,
that I desire. No. "I wish." I never like, never want, I do not desire
anything and I do not need anything—all this is slavery; if "I wish"
something, I must like it, even if I do not like it. I can wish to like it,
because "I can."

I wish—I feel with my whole body that I wish.

I wish—because I can wish.

But before one can truly wish (and here I think wish has something to do with having a true will, not a will influenced by programs), one needs knowledge and being. Just like Gurdjieff advised to "remember to self-remember" (because self-remembering isn't possible at first), maybe one must "wish to Wish". How do you do that without anticipation? Well, Bluestar asked:

Bluestar said:
So for example instead of praying for well being and health, we give thanks for our well being and health or instead of praying for money, we give thanks for the ability to afford all that is needed for what is needed?

Not necessarily. Take an example from the POTS: "Oh Divine Cosmic mind, holy awareness in all creation, carried in the heart, ruler of the mind, savior of the soul, live in me today." When meditating on these words, and divining their meaning, certain questions might come up, for example, "What does it mean that DCM is "carried in the heart"? What does that "feel like"? What is it like for it to "live in me today?" The associations of thought and feeling, as Wellbeloved says in the quote, will do for us what we ask God to do. By meditating on God "living in us", God comes to live in us. That's a slightly different approach than asking and begging God to live in us. It's also different than just saying, "God lives in me," which isn't really different than many New Age affirmations. It's a subtle difference, and I don't know if I'm doing a good job of trying to explain it. I think the safest bet is just to continue with the POTS, because it's consciously designed and written in language that is very effective. Results will make themselves apparent in our lives as a result. As for immediate problem issues, I'd recommend dealing with them more as problems to be solved. "What can I do about this?" "What might be the belief influencing this particular area in my life?" If money is an issue, don't just pray for money. Do the POTS. Also, actively think and try to come up with possible solutions. For example, I know some business owners who struggle with money. In their cases it helps to ask, "Am I doing everything I can with my business? Are there areas I can focus on that might bring in more money? Am I perhaps not charging enough for certain services, and too much for others?" Those kinds of things.

Hope that helps!
Gertrudes said:
Oxajil said:
Yes I would say you are. If you are directing to DCM, you are directing to Him/Her. You decide that, I think. And I think you've been doing it just fine with asking for help. And you could also ask things that don't have much to do with your learning directly, for example asking for help with money, or asking for protection etc.

Thank you Oxajil.

I'm still working on my "talks" with DCM.
Despite the fact that I have lately tended to be more concrete, I have often hesitated when asking for help with some specific things, such as money for example. I don't know what is or isn't part of my lesson, so I tend to ask DCM to help me see and understand what I need to in order to progress with those specific issues. I think that you have worded it well when you said: "help with money", it doesn't dictate how you wish to see you request fulfilled, but rather expresses an open wish for help with a particular problem.

This discussion reminded me of this little poem that is found all over the web:

(Disclaimer: I have no idea who is this Swami V. guy nor what he preaches, but I find the words very accurate.)

When I Asked God for Strength, He Gave Me Difficult Situations to Face
When I Asked God for Brain & Brawn, He Gave Me Puzzles in Life to Solve
When I Asked God for Happiness, He Showed Me Some Unhappy People
When I Asked God for Wealth, He Showed Me How to Work Hard
When I Asked God for Favors, He Showed Me Opportunities to Work Hard
When I Asked God for Peace, He Showed Me How to Help Others
God Gave Me Nothing I Wanted, He Gave Me Everything I Needed

- Swami Vivekananda

I should add that more often than not, my prayers to DCM are answered through me, and not coming from outside. That is, I get a new idea to try, or see things from a different and more empowering perspective, get some sort of inspiration or understanding, or inner strength - rather than 'winning the lottery'. It happens very subtly but also very efficiently.

Also, I've noticed that DCM puts me into difficult situations because I need to learn from them, but is usually very kind and gentle in not letting me break or collapse completely. Like, I will have periods of poverty but I haven't yet had to sleep on the street, nor go a day without eating (of course I don't discard those things happening if that's my lesson). Or like my father used to say rather humorously: "God yawns but does not sleep."

There is also the fact that "God moves in mysterious ways". Dark and depressive periods can lead to wonderful insights, for example, and in the end I'm almost grateful that I went through all that trouble!

Another thing is that the Cs did say that prayer requests are balanced vs lessons profile and granted accordingly so as to not interfere with those lessons - or something along those lines. Maybe I'll find the quote.

Oh, and one more thing. For me, these recent days my thoughts about DCM focus on the idea of loving Her exactly as She is, with all the very interesting and exciting ups and downs of life, the joyous and the upsetting, light and dark, etc. It's like fully accepting a lover with all her virtues and flaws,simply because that is who she is, except that this lover is to be found everything and everywhere.
Approaching Infinity said:
But before one can truly wish (and here I think wish has something to do with having a true will, not a will influenced by programs), one needs knowledge and being. Just like Gurdjieff advised to "remember to self-remember" (because self-remembering isn't possible at first), maybe one must "wish to Wish". How do you do that without anticipation?

Couple of thoughts on "wishing".

Gurdjieff wrote:

I wish—I feel with my whole body that I wish.

I wish—because I can wish.

There is a concept of using all three centers and the concept of response-ability, similar to what he said about knowledge corresponding to being and resulting in understanding. Quotes from ISOTM.

"If knowledge outweighs being a man knows but has no power to do. It is useless knowledge. On the other hand if being outweighs knowledge a man has the power to do, but does not know, that is, he can do something but does not know what to do. The being he has acquired becomes aimless and efforts made to attain it prove to be useless.[...]

"The difference between knowledge and understanding becomes clear when we realize that knowledge may be the function of one center. Understanding, however, is the function of three centers. Thus the thinking apparatus may know something. But understanding appears only when a man feels and senses what is connected with it.

And so it appears that true wishing is active. Perhaps initiated and then maintained by the whole being. It is not a momentary "I like" or "want" right now, but it is like a constant background flow that sends out a signal to the Universe similar to a frequency signature. Perhaps it is something that can be considered as a phenomenon:

"According to real, exact knowledge, one force, or two forces, can never produce a phenomenon. The presence of a third force is necessary, for it is only with the help of a third force that the first two can produce what may be called a phenomenon, no matter in what sphere.[...]

"But by studying himself, the manifestations of his thought, consciousness, activity—his habits, his desires, and so on—man may learn to observe and to see in himself the action of the three forces. Let us suppose, for instance, that a man wants to work on himself in order to change certain of his characteristics, to attain a higher level of being. His desire, his initiative, is the active force. The inertia of all his habitual psychological life which shows opposition to his initiative will be the passive or the negative force.

The two forces will either counterbalance one another, or one will completely conquer the other, but, at the same time, it will become too weak for any further action. Thus the two forces will, as it were, revolve one around the other, one absorbing the other and producing no result whatever. This may continue for a lifetime. A man may feel desire and initiative. But all this initiative may be absorbed in overcoming the habitual inertia of life, leaving nothing for the purpose towards which the initiative ought to be directed. And so it may go on until the third force makes its appearance, in the form, for instance, of new knowledge, showing at once the advantage or the necessity of work on oneself and, in this way, supporting and strengthening the initiative. Then the initiative, with the support of this third force, may conquer inertia and the man becomes active in the desired direction.

"Examples of the action of the three forces, and the moments of entry of the third force, may be discovered in all manifestations of our psychic life, in all phenomena of the life of human communities and of humanity as a whole, and in all the phenomena of nature around us.

So perhaps wishing is active in a sense that the whole being is not only taking the initiative but also making continuous and conscious efforts toward his/her wish, even if he/she doesn't understand or see the end result yet or ever. And these conscious efforts can be translated as I AM because this wish is being manifested by continuous being. And that is perhaps related to the words of the Prayer of the Soul "live in me today" where being wishes to be a vessel for the creative, thou I love. Being becomes and channels the wish through him/her.

And in order to become a vessel for the creative, one has to assimilate B influences and right impressions. Here is Laura's post that touches on these points.

Perhaps it is also related to forcing the flyers to flee as described in her post here.

When one is torn by internal struggle, it is because down in the depths one knows that one is incapable of refusing the agreement that an indispensable part of the self, the glowing coat of awareness, is going to serve as an incomprehensible source of nourishment to incomprehensible entities. And, another part of one will stand against this situation with all its might.[...]

The essence of Creation is the fact that, beneath the empirical, observable "real world" is the realm of potentials and our physical world is manifested out of the underlying potentialities by our perspective. The "gift of Free Will" of the Creator is our ability to CHOOSE our perspective. We can choose "living water" that becomes "a spring of water welling up continually within," to "eternal life/creation," or we can choose the water from the "well of Jacob the supplanter," which will leave us thirsty again and again. And it is in this choice that we come to the remark of Don Juan "... As awareness reaches levels higher than the toes, tremendous maneuvers of perception become a matter of course."

Perhaps realm of potentials is a realm of wishes waiting to be manifested if the right vessels will be present. And in order for the vessel to be ready, one has to work on resolving inner struggles, because this will allow the wish, that utilizes and works in unison with the whole body and being, to be manifested.

In this context, Prayer of the Soul is perhaps a signal to the Universe that one is willing and open for the Universe to assist and present one with what ever modifications required for the wish become a manifestation. And sometimes it requires some really hard core modifications! :D Maybe the saying "be careful what you wish for" can apply here! :)
Bluestar said:
So for example instead of praying for well being and health, we give thanks for our well being and health or instead of praying for money, we give thanks for the ability to afford all that is needed for what is needed?

I think gratitude or thankfulness is a state of the mind. When I find myself in this state and give thanks, it is a true expression. If I give thanks when I am not in this state, it feels different. It could be useful in a social interaction context, but in terms of a prayers and guidance, I feel it is important to stay as true as possible according to our current level.
As far as a problem is concerned, nowadays I ask " can I get some help with this" and then try to work towards finding a solution.
Approaching Infinity said:
Well, one thing to consider is "wishing" itself. Here's what Gurdjieff wrote in Life Is Real:

This was really helpful, thank you Approaching Infinity. My thinking was heading towards trying to define Wish, its nature, whether wish was similar to desire, and where the difference resided. That quote by Gurdjieff just hit the nail.

And yes, I think that one learns how to Wish, and to differentiate it from needs, desires and so on.

AI said:
By meditating on God "living in us", God comes to live in us. That's a slightly different approach than asking and begging God to live in us. It's also different than just saying, "God lives in me," which isn't really different than many New Age affirmations. It's a subtle difference, and I don't know if I'm doing a good job of trying to explain it.

Yes, I understand.

AI said:
As for immediate problem issues, I'd recommend dealing with them more as problems to be solved. "What can I do about this?" "What might be the belief influencing this particular area in my life?" If money is an issue, don't just pray for money. Do the POTS. Also, actively think and try to come up with possible solutions. For example, I know some business owners who struggle with money. In their cases it helps to ask, "Am I doing everything I can with my business? Are there areas I can focus on that might bring in more money? Am I perhaps not charging enough for certain services, and too much for others?" Those kinds of things.

It is also how I see it. Asking for money for example, seems to me as a blind request, manipulating the flow of life,.

About immediate problem issues:
I have in my life tended to ask for the vision and presence to understand what was needed in regards to an immediate problem issue that kept presenting itself, or that was lingering for long. I would usually not word the request, but rather "feel" it (not sure if this makes sense). It was as if something would boil inside, this led to an internal shift and a new direction emerged. The internal shift led to a wish that was not worded but felt. Then I would invest all my energy into actively pursuing it, but it is as if I had communicated my intention to the Universe, and that supported my pursuit. This is something that has been with me since I can remember, this discussion just helped me word it.
At the moment, I see it as a cooperation with DCM, where I actively fought for something, but would express my internal shift/wish to the Universe, inviting it to take part. I could be off though, so if anyone sees an obvious flaw, please let me know.

Windmill Knight said:
This discussion reminded me of this little poem that is found all over the web:

I have also seen that around, indeed very accurate.

Keit said:
And so it appears that true wishing is active. Perhaps initiated and then maintained by the whole being. It is not a momentary "I like" or "want" right now, but it is like a constant background flow that sends out a signal to the Universe similar to a frequency signature. Perhaps it is something that can be considered as a phenomenon:
Perhaps realm of potentials is a realm of wishes waiting to be manifested if the right vessels will be present. And in order for the vessel to be ready, one has to work on resolving inner struggles, because this will allow the wish, that utilizes and works in unison with the whole body and being, to be manifested.

In this context, Prayer of the Soul is perhaps a signal to the Universe that one is willing and open for the Universe to assist and present one with what ever modifications required for the wish become a manifestation. And sometimes it requires some really hard core modifications! Grin Maybe the saying "be careful what you wish for" can apply here! Smiley

Thank you Keit, this clarified further my thoughts on prayer. Funny you should mention "be careful what you wish for", I spent the afternoon thinking about it in the context of this discussion.
Apologise for interrupting the important discussion above with this post. In another section, said I would post on experiences with EE; am I missing the right post area?


EE log last 6 months.

Was DOing EE consistently through the fall and winter and in the spring had a setback after undergoing a stomach issue immediately following a new course of prescribed Pro-biotic’s from Naturopath and the breathing made it worse. This set up some mental blocks, yet it was related to my lapses in diet program.

The affects lasted for a few weeks with no abating, so went to physician and after poking and prodding in an 8 minute session he prescribed some mineral oil as he ruled out other things. This prescription seemed to have no real value and in the end used an Ayurvedic concoction (Wild Cherry Petasites compound) that helped turn things around as well as immediate food adjustments.

Resumed EE breathing and again after a period, relapsed into a similar problem after being in Mexico. Recovery was slow into early summer with starts and stops of EE. Not DOing seemed like an anchor weighing me down until dietary, external events and internal emotions came to a head; a crash of sorts, resulting in deeper looking at the programs within.

Not every day, but as many days as I can, DOing morning and evening EE sessions or at least once consciously a day is strived, sometimes, too, before entering vocational stressor situations. The approach has been a little different than before as a set time is put aside for EE.

There have been a few times recently where EE, partway into the session, felt uncomfortable; did not fight it, stopped, repositioned and resumed. Position is important, with adjustments and relaxing when things feel off helping measurably to continue the sessions.
DOoing the two sessions has helped in the evening with sleep and in the morning with calmness, wakefulness and better attention.

That is where things are at this moment, yet, too, DOing EE without strict attention to other things, for me, has created past conditions/cycles of start and stop failures and must be objectively worked at.
Windmill knight said:
Gertrudes said:
Oxajil said:
Yes I would say you are. If you are directing to DCM, you are directing to Him/Her. You decide that, I think. And I think you've been doing it just fine with asking for help. And you could also ask things that don't have much to do with your learning directly, for example asking for help with money, or asking for protection etc.

Thank you Oxajil.

I'm still working on my "talks" with DCM.
Despite the fact that I have lately tended to be more concrete, I have often hesitated when asking for help with some specific things, such as money for example. I don't know what is or isn't part of my lesson, so I tend to ask DCM to help me see and understand what I need to in order to progress with those specific issues. I think that you have worded it well when you said: "help with money", it doesn't dictate how you wish to see you request fulfilled, but rather expresses an open wish for help with a particular problem.

This discussion reminded me of this little poem that is found all over the web:

(Disclaimer: I have no idea who is this Swami V. guy nor what he preaches, but I find the words very accurate.)

When I Asked God for Strength, He Gave Me Difficult Situations to Face
When I Asked God for Brain & Brawn, He Gave Me Puzzles in Life to Solve
When I Asked God for Happiness, He Showed Me Some Unhappy People
When I Asked God for Wealth, He Showed Me How to Work Hard
When I Asked God for Favors, He Showed Me Opportunities to Work Hard
When I Asked God for Peace, He Showed Me How to Help Others
God Gave Me Nothing I Wanted, He Gave Me Everything I Needed

- Swami Vivekananda

I should add that more often than not, my prayers to DCM are answered through me, and not coming from outside. That is, I get a new idea to try, or see things from a different and more empowering perspective, get some sort of inspiration or understanding, or inner strength - rather than 'winning the lottery'. It happens very subtly but also very efficiently.

Also, I've noticed that DCM puts me into difficult situations because I need to learn from them, but is usually very kind and gentle in not letting me break or collapse completely. Like, I will have periods of poverty but I haven't yet had to sleep on the street, nor go a day without eating (of course I don't discard those things happening if that's my lesson). Or like my father used to say rather humorously: "God yawns but does not sleep."

There is also the fact that "God moves in mysterious ways". Dark and depressive periods can lead to wonderful insights, for example, and in the end I'm almost grateful that I went through all that trouble!

Another thing is that the Cs did say that prayer requests are balanced vs lessons profile and granted accordingly so as to not interfere with those lessons - or something along those lines. Maybe I'll find the quote.

Oh, and one more thing. For me, these recent days my thoughts about DCM focus on the idea of loving Her exactly as She is, with all the very interesting and exciting ups and downs of life, the joyous and the upsetting, light and dark, etc. It's like fully accepting a lover with all her virtues and flaws,simply because that is who she is, except that this lover is to be found everything and everywhere.

I found this thread really interesting. I have been having difficulties recently that I've posted about in the swamp where I feel I have met a really big challenge for me. I think I got what I asked for (more truth) but not necessarily what I wanted. Huge problems readjusting.

That in turn has led to me not trusting that I will be Ok and that the DCM is working in my best interest, and that I am being shown/given what I need not want I want.

I am trying to practice this acceptance of the DCM and myself as is not as I want it to be.
Quote from: Approaching Infinity
Not necessarily. Take an example from the POTS: "Oh Divine Cosmic mind, holy awareness in all creation, carried in the heart, ruler of the mind, savior of the soul, live in me today." When meditating on these words, and divining their meaning, certain questions might come up, for example, "What does it mean that DCM is "carried in the heart"? What does that "feel like"? What is it like for it to "live in me today?" The associations of thought and feeling, as Wellbeloved says in the quote, will do for us what we ask God to do. By meditating on God "living in us", God comes to live in us. That's a slightly different approach than asking and begging God to live in us. It's also different than just saying, "God lives in me," which isn't really different than many New Age affirmations. It's a subtle difference, and I don't know if I'm doing a good job of trying to explain it. I think the safest bet is just to continue with the POTS, because it's consciously designed and written in language that is very effective. Results will make themselves apparent in our lives as a result. As for immediate problem issues, I'd recommend dealing with them more as problems to be solved. "What can I do about this?" "What might be the belief influencing this particular area in my life?" If money is an issue, don't just pray for money. Do the POTS. Also, actively think and try to come up with possible solutions. For example, I know some business owners who struggle with money. In their cases it helps to ask, "Am I doing everything I can with my business? Are there areas I can focus on that might bring in more money? Am I perhaps not charging enough for certain services, and too much for others?" Those kinds of things.

Hope that helps!

Yes it does thank you. And thank you for the quote from G. I was wondering about some of the lines in POTS in reference to your post earlier regarding left brain right brain thought and manifestation. When we recite "Clear my eyes, that I may See" and Clear my ears that I may hear" I was confussing this with the above concept of wishing for these things to occur for me. But now I see it clearer.

obyvatel said:
I think gratitude or thankfulness is a state of the mind. When I find myself in this state and give thanks, it is a true expression. If I give thanks when I am not in this state, it feels different. It could be useful in a social interaction context, but in terms of a prayers and guidance, I feel it is important to stay as true as possible according to our current level.

Yes, in full agreement with gratitude being a state of mind and that I can truly feel it as a wave of energy that comes from the heart.
I wanted to give an update on my EE practice.

A couple of days ago, in my morning POTS session, I heard a very distinct voice in my left ear saying: 'I'll kill you'. This was said with anger in the voice. It was somewhat disturbing, but I noted it and carried on with my breathing. It did not return. I don't know exactly what it was, but I suspect it was an internal program of mine, or even the predator's mind, threatening me. I wondered if it actually came from somewhere outside me, but this I cannot confirm or deny. My left ear hears less well than my right ear.

Yesterday, during the POTS portion of the full program, I was lying down listening to Laura's voice when I had the strangest sensation of another body inside my physical body. This only lasted for a minute or two and then faded.

I haven't been having much emotional release, nothing at all really for the last couple of weeks, but every few nights I have a highly charged dream which I remember on waking. These dreams for the past couple of weeks have involved women, possibly my inner feminine or anima.
I'd like to update about an event that occurred a few weeks ago. At the time I started visualizing the prayer by seeing the words come out and surround me. On the 3rd day I started this I was feeling really low on energy (also due to lack of sleep that week) and was contacted by an old friend that I hadn't talked to in several years. On the phone I had mentioned a song I liked.

After work I took a nap even though I didn't intend to. I went into another one of those dream-like states only I was in a small venue hosting an mma fight. I was just an observer and during the entire dream the song was playing in the back of my mind. I tried to wake up a few times but couldn't, and this old man with a lazy eye come up to me and asked me if I wanted a drink. I've seen this old man once before in another half awake/half asleep state. He was oriental, probably japanese. I declined and walked away only to have him give me a 'look'. I don't think he was happy with my answer.

Immediately after I started to hear voices of a lot of people screaming and crying. They were all suffering. Like maybe in a fire, but I can't be sure. But it wasn't part of the dream. It was completely separate to what was happening in the dream but sounded so vivid and real! It shook me to my core, and a huge wave of energy moved up my body so fast that before I knew it, it was at my neck. I immediately pushed it back down and wanted to get the hell out of there.

The only way I was able to get up was by focusing on the song so that all the instruments playing together drowned out everything else and it allowed me to solely focus on moving my body.

Later on that night I started getting severe lower abdominal pains. The kind I used to get years ago. This lasted for a few days.

Could this have been a past-life experience? I didn't see anything, just heard it, but it sounded like an actual event... I was so shaken I had a severe inflammatory response and had to go for a smoke and pace just to calm down. For almost 2 weeks after I never once did EE or POTS,I kept putting it off except Pipe Breathing here and there. Although this week I've finally started again, just no Beatha.
When I first started out with the EE program, I did the whole program every day. Very quickly, within the first week even, I started to feel depressed. Further along I had a total breakdown, and I cut out the baha portion, and only did the rest on Mondays/Thursdays. - But it was like an avalanche, I couldn't stop all these emotions. I got a little scared (or very), so I completely stopped the EE program, I didn't even do the POTS for several months.

Recently I feel strong enough again, to start out, but I have to admit, that I'm scared the same will happen again.That it will overwhelm me. I'm doing the POTS now again, and I'm doing some pipebreath everyday, but I feel a little reluctant in starting the whole program again..

The pots, it has totally changed the way I view the universe. I'm grateful in almost everything I experience in everyday life, like when I take a shower, I'm grateful that I'm even able to have hot running water, and everytime I eat, I'm grateful that I even have food. I'm grateful that I have a roof over my head etc. I'm in a constant state of humbleness (if that's a word) and gratitude.

Sooo, I'm back in business, a little reluctant, and a little afraid, but very grateful, that such a powerful program even exists.
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