Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

Laura said:
anart said:
So, throughout all of it - 'in through the nose and out through the mouth'. Only during pipe breathing should it be restricted like the Darth Vader breathing (to stimulate the vagus nerve).


Thanks for clearing up the confusion. I must admit to having been doing it incorrectly, i.e., inhaling and exhaling through the nose during the round breathing and the meditation. :-[

On the other hand, there are definitely benefits to doing it at all, at least in my experience. Perhaps the change is slower and the effects less intense but it still works. Well, just three months ago I would be very apprehensive about posting on the forum. Now... can't bloody shut up! So either way it's doing something, lol.

Nevertheless, I tried the out-breath through the mouth today and must say that the difference is quite perceptible. It was a bit odd at first but by the end of the session I was totally into it. At one stage (Ba-Ha), I had two small pains in my left temporal lobe but they went away very quickly. I also felt quite a lot of tingling all over the body and in the face. The out-breath gave me rushes of hot and cold waves. It's almost as if I started the program all over again.

My confusion stems from not paying attention and reading the instructions improperly. I did wonder at the very beginning of this journey how to breathe out but just assumed that it's through the nose and did not ask on the forum. It's great that this topic came up.

Nathan said:
Hey Adam, I've been experiencing the same problems as yourself. I experienced an extremely sore and aching left arm, left jaw and left ear (and inner ear) that persisted for 2 days. (...)

It's interesting that the EE program seems to "bring attention" to issues, both physical and emotional (which are likely connected). Or that these issues are actually a result of the emotional cleansing or side-effects thereof. A few members in this thread have mentioned symptoms that have occurred on their left side, which I find very curious.

Good to see you're better now. With the ear/jaw pain, you may also be experiencing an extreme stress response. Some people call it TMJ but I think the term is "Myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome". You may like to look it up - and I suffered from it as well.

If that's it then what you need to do is become aware that you are clenching your teeth and have tension in the jaw. This is brought on by the stress. The pain will manifest itself in the middle ear, too. Gentle massage and total relaxation of the jaw is then needed. I also applied pressure with one finger to the temple on the opposite side of the head. Not sure if you're still suffering from it but if the pain comes back then see if that helps.

I find sensations in different sides of the body interesting and think there is a symbolic dimension to them as well. If my memory serves me correctly, the right side represents the "receiving" or "male" aspects. Whereas the left side is about "giving" and "feminine" aspects.

In that context, pains in the left side could be interpreted as constriction in the out-going, perhaps something is not given back where it is due. The right side then would be about not receiving something - with the ear perhaps ignoring the incoming warnings, signs or information. Well, it's not easy to tell...

Good to hear from you. :)
Aragorn said:
I tried the EE version of round breathing (in through the nose) last night and it felt quite similar. I did sense the upper parts of the body becoming more effected. When I do the inhale through the mouth it feels more in the solar plexus.

Exactly. In Beatha breathing, the "energetic" part of "bioenergetic" is moved upward to synchronize the two halves of the brain instead of JUST affecting the emotions locked in the tissues. It enhances the process in a significant way.

That trick of breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth that I was taught when I took my hypnosis training has been used effectively for many people over the years. When I began my own meditation program back in 1985, I used it myself with extremely beneficial and rapid results. Of course, I didn't know that I had "stumbled upon" an ancient system as the Cs say I did, I just knew that it really worked and worked well. Of course, when you finally move into the deeper meditative states, your body takes over and breathes however it wants to, but the point is to GET TO those states as efficiently as possible. Breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth gives "round breathing" an all new distinction: it really is going "around and around" in your pharyngeal passage in addition to breathing in until you breathe out. So, you could say that it is "double round breathing." AND "bioenergetic" on a different plane.
adam7117 said:
I find sensations in different sides of the body interesting and think there is a symbolic dimension to them as well. If my memory serves me correctly, the right side represents the "receiving" or "male" aspects. Whereas the left side is about "giving" and "feminine" aspects.

In that context, pains in the left side could be interpreted as constriction in the out-going, perhaps something is not given back where it is due. The right side then would be about not receiving something - with the ear perhaps ignoring the incoming warnings, signs or information. Well, it's not easy to tell...

Actually, you've got a teensy mix-up there: the left side is the receptive/feminine the right side is the active/masculine. The left side is allegedly the side that receives cosmic energy and the right side is where you "act in the world" with that energy.

When working with specific dowsing techniques and kinesiology (yeah, people, I've done all this stuff even if I do place an emphasis on not putting faith in such things), you are taught that anything you place in your left hand or step on with your left foot, will "go into" you in energetic terms. If you want to prevent absorbing the energy of a substance, take it in your right hand, NOT the left. This is the same no matter whether you are right or left handed.

For kinesiology testing, you are given an object in your left hand and the muscle test is done with the right hand or leg. (I've had it done lying on my stomach on the chiropractor's table using my leg). If you want to use the energy flow to assist in the removal of the toxic energy pattern from a body, you put your left hand on the body, and your right hand on the "anchor" (a sample of the toxic product you want to "draw out"). Supposedly, if you remove the energy pattern, the physical substance itself will begin to break down and the body will excrete it.

There is a special consideration here: Reiki. Reiki can "reverse" the polarity - but only up to a point. It can make both your hands "intaking and emitting" instruments which puts you in a slightly vulnerable position if you think about it. You have to be very conscious and aware of what you are doing so that you are not in a "Reiki mind" when you handle physical toxic substances or you will be absorbing it.

Hope this helps clarify things.
Laura said:
Actually, you've got a teensy mix-up there: the left side is the receptive/feminine the right side is the active/masculine. The left side is allegedly the side that receives cosmic energy and the right side is where you "act in the world" with that energy.

Oh man, I wouldn't call it a teensy mix-up, lol - more like a major misunderstanding. I've been playing with positioning of hands lately and tend to face my right palm up and left palm down to the ground. It's kinda intuitive but it's not rooted in solid knowledge. But based on what you just said, it should probably be the other way round...

So just tried to do the opposite - left palm up and right palm down and it does feels different. Like something is flowing, hmmm... But when I put my palms close together, I think it's the left one that tingles - but sometimes, it feels like it's both. It's all very interesting but I know so little about it.

Now wondering where I got this in the first place, it would have been a while ago...

Laura said:
Hope this helps clarify things.

Yes it does, thank you for taking the time to straighten things out. It actually makes a lot of sense. But now I'm intrigued - could you recommend some good sources to find out more? Is it sensible even to go in that direction??
Gertrudes said:
Oxajil said:
I have a question.

I'm interested in practicing Reiki and I'm going to ''learn'' it soon. I just wonder if it's really beneficial, because the EE program already ''cleans'' quite well based on some of the data so far.
My question is; is it better for me to not learn Reiki or is it a good thing or doesn't it matter?


I might not be able to help, as I am a bit confused on this as well. I learned Reiki about a year ago and was doing it on a regular basis, but after reading a few threads on this forum I got a bit reticent. As you might be aware, the method has been distorted. Laura gives her own account on this in one of the Wave books where Mrs Takata, from whom part of the Reiki techniques taught today branched out, deliberately altered the method, not necessarily for the best.

Having said that, maybe if the technique you learn is the proper one, it can be a useful tool to clean and help balance your system from all sides: doing EE, proper diet, exercising, and why not, Reiki. What is for me clear is that EE, a technique on its own right, shouldn't be mixed with something else at the same time you are actually doing it. Doing Reiki on its own though, might turn out to be a cleansing balancing technique such as any other.

Yet, I'm a bit divided on this and I'm glad that you brought this up because since starting EE I'm having doubts. I think that maybe its is better to do Reiki with a seed to prevent just whatever to pop in and come through my hands. I am not sure whether taking the "right" reiki is enough to guarantee "clean" energy...
Nevertheless, since I've started EE I've noticed the flow coming through with almost double strength. What it means, I don't know. :huh:

Sorry, if I only made it more confusing Oxajil :/. Maybe someone else can shed us both some light.

Thanks for the input Gertrudes!

Yea I read about it in the Wave. I know from my Reiki master that she sticks to the original way of Reiki, so nothing added, or so she claims. I would be the 8th one in line to the original, to have it.

Hmm with a seed, thanks!

I'm really really thinking about whether I should learn it or not (lot of money is involved). You know, I was doing the meditation, listening to the Prayer of the Soul, and I pictured/saw myself healing with Reiki, somehow this made me phone the Reiki master for an appointment, because I've been waiting quite some time to learn it.

There is just one thing I'm wondering. Can you ''turn'' Reiki ''on/off'' or does energy flow in and out all the time? Because if it flows in and out or around all the time, I guess you should be aware all the time or am I totally missing something here? I read Laura saying here:

Laura said:
There is a special consideration here: Reiki. Reiki can "reverse" the polarity - but only up to a point. It can make both your hands "intaking and emitting" instruments which puts you in a slightly vulnerable position if you think about it. You have to be very conscious and aware of what you are doing so that you are not in a "Reiki mind" when you handle physical toxic substances or you will be absorbing it.
Hello All,
Wanting to share an experience with today's EE session.

After reading the previous posts on techniques of the BA HA portion I realized I needed to read the transcript of the audio instructions again.
I was using my voice during the Ba Ha and now seeing I was doing this incorrectly. So today I just did a gentle ha instead of voicing the ha part. Found my thoughts wandering about 5-7 times and brought it back as soon as realizing this. I think when I used my voice and said the ha as Laura does my mind focused in more.

During POTS tears welled up in my eyes and had feelings of...hard to explain...joy & sadness, a homesick feeling yet happy to be here & now. It was confussing. The words "To know and Love, The Holiness of True Existence" was felt thoughtout my body. It wasn't weeping. Tears flowed down, my face cringed, but it felt whole and neither good or bad. It just was. Not the first time tears came, but it was so different this time.

Also found that during Ba Ha when the breathing became shorter, that my stomach muscles would tense. Like when one does a stomach crunch exercise. Are we supposed to using Laura's voice as guidance on the strength of the breath? Or are we to do this gently just shorter breaths?

Thanks for any input.
Oxajil said:
Yea I read about it in the Wave. I know from my Reiki master that she sticks to the original way of Reiki, so nothing added, or so she claims. I would be the 8th one in line to the original, to have it.

The important question is which 'original' way? And 8th in line from whom, exactly? Which lineage and who have been the 8 others, that sort of thing. Reiki was deliberately twisted - often symbols used now are backwards or opposite - thus useless, if not harmful! Laura goes into some detail about this in the Wave, if you'd like to look into it more.

o said:
I'm really really thinking about whether I should learn it or not (lot of money is involved). You know, I was doing the meditation, listening to the Prayer of the Soul, and I pictured/saw myself healing with Reiki, somehow this made me phone the Reiki master for an appointment, because I've been waiting quite some time to learn it.

There is just one thing I'm wondering. Can you ''turn'' Reiki ''on/off'' or does energy flow in and out all the time?

To my understanding, you can 'turn it on and off', to an extent, but once the circuits are opened, so to speak, one must be more aware of influences as Laura pointed out - since there is a possibility for energy flow that was not present before attunement (or present only in potential).

o said:
Because if it flows in and out or around all the time, I guess you should be aware all the time or am I totally missing something here?

Shouldn't we be striving to be aware all the time anyway? ;)
anart said:
Oxajil said:
Yea I read about it in the Wave. I know from my Reiki master that she sticks to the original way of Reiki, so nothing added, or so she claims. I would be the 8th one in line to the original, to have it.

The important question is which 'original' way? And 8th in line from whom, exactly? Which lineage and who have been the 8 others, that sort of thing. Reiki was deliberately twisted - often symbols used now are backwards or opposite - thus useless, if not harmful! Laura goes into some detail about this in the Wave, if you'd like to look into it more.

Thanks anart. I forgot about the lineage, I will ask again and do some research.

anart said:
To my understanding, you can 'turn it on and off', to an extent, but once the circuits are opened, so to speak, one must be more aware of influences as Laura pointed out - since there is a possibility for energy flow that was not present before attunement (or present only in potential).

I see.

anart said:
o said:
Because if it flows in and out or around all the time, I guess you should be aware all the time or am I totally missing something here?

Shouldn't we be striving to be aware all the time anyway? ;)

Yea I know haha, but I don't trust myself to be aware all the time, am trying though.

I guess I'm just going to skip this one. Maybe when I am ready, the ''right'' Reiki Master will appear. It's important to always check everyone still. Thanks.
Gawan said:
puzzle said:
Hi everyone!

Finally joining you here. :) I've started with EE pretty late (thus my post is a bit longer) my summer was somewhat of a deep sleep as a means to recover from a pathological relationship.

Anyhow, I've started with pipe breath and then the whole program. Have done the full program approxiamtely ten times.

It's great to see you more often in this forum again, puzzle.
Looking forward for your participation. :)

Thanks for your kind words, Gawan. :)
Although I've started doing EE only recently, it is having its effects already. Something inside urging me to start networking. And already the first few steps feel tremendously rewarding:
learning is different this way and I'm again being reminded that isolation really is toxic to one's entire system.

Forgot to add: the energy flows/tingles with me during EE are curiosly really strong in my right big toe.(?) And once I had some kind of energetic pressure on the left side in the rib area. It was really strong and hard to endure, it had some resemblance to being tickled by someone, but much stronger and harder to endure, so I was lying there giggling and laughing. It actually felt like some kind of blockage. Will see how that one is going to develop.

Also, a few days after describing my experience with EE for the first time in this thread, I see how very negative I was considering my entire life situation without going beyond myself. When being depressed I tend to see everything as "bad" - that's not terribly unusual, sure, but it surprises me how that deep-sleep-attitude is taking hold of me when being down, while what I could do instead is use that emotional condition and gain from it, that is gathering data through self-observation and self-remembering.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to tonight's breathing session. See ya! ;)
Oxajil said:
anart said:
Oxajil said:
Yea I read about it in the Wave. I know from my Reiki master that she sticks to the original way of Reiki, so nothing added, or so she claims. I would be the 8th one in line to the original, to have it.

The important question is which 'original' way? And 8th in line from whom, exactly? Which lineage and who have been the 8 others, that sort of thing. Reiki was deliberately twisted - often symbols used now are backwards or opposite - thus useless, if not harmful! Laura goes into some detail about this in the Wave, if you'd like to look into it more.

Thanks anart. I forgot about the lineage, I will ask again and do some research.

Hi there Oxajil

I am based in the UK and am actually going to learn Reiki one myself next month. I did alot of searching to find a teacher who seemed to have legitimate lineage claims and whilst I know such claims cannot guarantee an uncorrupted teaching, the teacher I eventually chose can show her lineage back to Usui as you can see here:


I see that you're based in the Netherlands. If you click to the link above you will see that my teacher was herself taught by Ben Verheijden who is a previous chair of the Reiki alliance. A quick google shows that he's based in the Amsterdam area and so it may be worth contacting him as he also has seemingly direct lineage to Usui.

I really hope that nothing goes wrong before doing this course. This is the fourth time I have signed up to do Reiki one. Every other time I either became ill just before the course started or the Teacher had to cancel at the last minute for some reason. If anything should prevent me starting this time I shall start to get ideas about intervention from our fourth density STS 'friends'. (Only half joking :D)
Pai said:
Hi there Oxajil

I am based in the UK and am actually going to learn Reiki one myself next month. I did alot of searching to find a teacher who seemed to have legitimate lineage claims and whilst I know such claims cannot guarantee an uncorrupted teaching, the teacher I eventually chose can show her lineage back to Usui as you can see here:


I see that you're based in the Netherlands. If you click to the link above you will see that my teacher was herself taught by Ben Verheijden who is a previous chair of the Reiki alliance. A quick google shows that he's based in the Amsterdam area and so it may be worth contacting him as he also has seemingly direct lineage to Usui.

I really hope that nothing goes wrong before doing this course. This is the fourth time I have signed up to do Reiki one. Every other time I either became ill just before the course started or the Teacher had to cancel at the last minute for some reason. If anything should prevent me starting this time I shall start to get ideas about intervention from our fourth density STS 'friends'. (Only half joking :D)

Wow thanks Pai! I'm gonna take a look.

Hopefully all will go well this time for you :)
Have a look here for a bit of background on reiki:
Laura said:
Have a look here for a bit of background on reiki:

Thanks Laura, looks like an interesting source of mini-biographies, although reading the excerpt below makes you wonder what sort of person Takata was:

Arthur Robertson first studied Reiki in 1975 with Virginia Samdahl. Then he trained for two years with Iris Ishikuro and her many Japanese friends. Iris was trained by Hawayo Takata at the fee of $10,000

Life changing amount of money in the seventies

puzzle said:
Although I've started doing EE only recently, it is having its effects already. Something inside urging me to start networking. And already the first few steps feel tremendously rewarding:
learning is different this way and I'm again being reminded that isolation really is toxic to one's entire system.

That's interesting because I've felt a similar urging over about the past week or so to join the forum and network. I think it has a lot to do with the effects of the EE program which I try to do every night.
A frustrating week – life-wise – many things seemingly taking three times longer to do than expected due to unexpected problems arising. Perhaps it is a subtle hint to me to slow down?

Nothing much has changed re the actual Breathing-Meditation work, what has returned this week with a vengeance, after a brief respite, is waking up two to three hours early and unable to get back to sleep, yet overall, feeling more energised. The early awakening is problematic in terms of addressing Adrenal Fatigue. So, I looked up insomnia:

Reference Louise Hay, in You Can Heal Your Life,
Insomnia – Defeatism. Fear. Not trusting the process of life. Guilt.

Reference Lise Bourbeau, in Your body’s telling you: Love yourself!
… sleep deficient in either quality or quantity. Psychological studies have proven that insomniacs are generally emotional and anxiety-ridden. … probably reflects restlessness in your waking life. You are trying to stay awake so that you will resolve the issues that are preoccupying you. … sleep brings comfort and solutions, you will find you are determined to settle the unrest in your life. See ANXIETY.

And, the preoccupation is caused by the clearing process of the Breathing-Meditation, I presume, plus all the exciting work going on with the formation of the FotCM. And, anxiety, I inherited that from my mother, probably, or karmically (see below).

So, looking up anxiety, reference Louise Hay, in You Can Heal Your Life,
Anxiety – not trusting the flow and the process of life.

Reference Lise Bourbeau, in Your body’s telling you: Love yourself!
… a groundless fear. … lives in a painful state of waiting for some unknown and unseen danger.
Anxiety prevents us from effectively living in the present. We base our concerns on events and experiences that happened in the past – either to us directly or to others – and use this accumulated knowledge to worry about the future. Our fertile imaginations are our constant companions. They make us imagine improbable events as we keep tireless watch for signs that would prove we have every right to worry.

As soon as you feel anxiety building up inside of you, become conscious that your imagination … is preventing you from enjoying the present moment. Decide you have nothing to prove. You are what you are with all your faults and your strengths, just like everyone else. Learn to trust your intuition and know it will guide you faithfully if you will let it lead you into unknown territory. Begin to have more faith in those around you. Let others help you in their own way.

I guess that the Predator’s mind is really hanging on for its dear life, with all the ‘changes happening’ now, and perhaps i need to slow down a bit..
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