Did any body used detox cocktail suggested in 'Detoxify or Die' book ?

I ordered my copy from _http://www.happybodies.com. They have all of her books. If you order before 10/31 and use the promo code "refresh", you can get 10% off.
Laura said:
I would highly recommend investing in an infra-red sauna blanket. They aren't that expensive at all:


I bought this one. this blanket has 3 zones and 3 temperature setting. But NOT ALL ZONES WORK together. i.e if I want to do for 1 hr for the entire body, I have to spend 3 hrs instead of 1 hr.

It looks like , the product exist for entire body with model # PH-2B http://www.dtworldwide.com/product1-Thermal-Heating-Blanket.htm
and 3 zones model PH-2B III . http://www.dtworldwide.com/product1-Thermal-Heating-Blanket-3-zone.htm
seek10 said:
Laura said:
I would highly recommend investing in an infra-red sauna blanket. They aren't that expensive at all:


I bought this one. this blanket has 3 zones and 3 temperature setting. But NOT ALL ZONES WORK together. i.e if I want to do for 1 hr for the entire body, I have to spend 3 hrs instead of 1 hr.

It looks like , the product exist for entire body with model # PH-2B http://www.dtworldwide.com/product1-Thermal-Heating-Blanket.htm
and 3 zones model PH-2B III . http://www.dtworldwide.com/product1-Thermal-Heating-Blanket-3-zone.htm

Well, that's not good. Can you return it? And also be sure to write a review of the product so that others are aware of this problem!
John! said:
I ordered my copy from _http://www.happybodies.com. They have all of her books. If you order before 10/31 and use the promo code "refresh", you can get 10% off.

I ordered "The Fat Resistance Diet", "You are what you ate" and "Magnesium Miracle" together through amazon.co.uk for 24 pounds sterling incl p&p - that's about 30 Euros.
Laura said:
seek10 said:
Laura said:
I would highly recommend investing in an infra-red sauna blanket. They aren't that expensive at all:


I bought this one. this blanket has 3 zones and 3 temperature setting. But NOT ALL ZONES WORK together. i.e if I want to do for 1 hr for the entire body, I have to spend 3 hrs instead of 1 hr.

It looks like , the product exist for entire body with model # PH-2B http://www.dtworldwide.com/product1-Thermal-Heating-Blanket.htm
and 3 zones model PH-2B III . http://www.dtworldwide.com/product1-Thermal-Heating-Blanket-3-zone.htm

Well, that's not good. Can you return it? And also be sure to write a review of the product so that others are aware of this problem!

I checked the return policy ( quantum health quest ) that is not friendly , 15 day return policy ( instead of amazon's usual 30 day return policy) with no address to send back and customer has to pay back shipping cost for both ends and 25% storage and handling fee. I left them a message and sent a mail , but they wont be available in the weekend and I had only 2 more days to return. Again 25% storage and handling fee is outrageous, but if it is the case, better thing is sell it ebay and bear some minimum loss on the item. Any way the same item is sold in ebay and the manufacturer seems to be a Hong Kong company.
seek10 said:
I checked the return policy ( quantum health quest ) that is not friendly , 15 day return policy ( instead of amazon's usual 30 day return policy) with no address to send back and customer has to pay back shipping cost for both ends and 25% storage and handling fee. I left them a message and sent a mail , but they wont be available in the weekend and I had only 2 more days to return. Again 25% storage and handling fee is outrageous, but if it is the case, better thing is sell it ebay and bear some minimum loss on the item. Any way the same item is sold in ebay and the manufacturer seems to be a Hong Kong company.

Well, if they don't make you a satisfied customer, we can all write bad reviews on amazon.
Laura said:
seek10 said:
I checked the return policy ( quantum health quest ) that is not friendly , 15 day return policy ( instead of amazon's usual 30 day return policy) with no address to send back and customer has to pay back shipping cost for both ends and 25% storage and handling fee. I left them a message and sent a mail , but they wont be available in the weekend and I had only 2 more days to return. Again 25% storage and handling fee is outrageous, but if it is the case, better thing is sell it ebay and bear some minimum loss on the item. Any way the same item is sold in ebay and the manufacturer seems to be a Hong Kong company.

Well, if they don't make you a satisfied customer, we can all write bad reviews on amazon.
all the reviews on the amazon to this seller and this item is very Good, so I am hoping that they will make the return or exchange much easier.
seek10 said:
Laura said:
seek10 said:
I checked the return policy ( quantum health quest ) that is not friendly , 15 day return policy ( instead of amazon's usual 30 day return policy) with no address to send back and customer has to pay back shipping cost for both ends and 25% storage and handling fee. I left them a message and sent a mail , but they wont be available in the weekend and I had only 2 more days to return. Again 25% storage and handling fee is outrageous, but if it is the case, better thing is sell it ebay and bear some minimum loss on the item. Any way the same item is sold in ebay and the manufacturer seems to be a Hong Kong company.

Well, if they don't make you a satisfied customer, we can all write bad reviews on amazon.
all the reviews on the amazon to this seller and this item is very Good, so I am hoping that they will make the return or exchange much easier.

How much did you pay for that? I got my PH-2B III on eBay for $338 with free shipping.
I've been looking into this company for purchasing a sauna blanket:


In the description of the product, it says this concerning returns:

# This item is not returnable for a refund due to FDA sanitary regulations. We will replace or repair defective units


seek10, did the company have anything like this in the description of the bag?

Your two days should be business days and weekends are not included in that, as far as I know.

When you contact them, see if they'll send you a replacement instead of sending your bad one back. Who knows? Maybe someone can fix the control box and you can have two?

Its a thought.

Gimpy said:
I've been looking into this company for purchasing a sauna blanket:


In the description of the product, it says this concerning returns:

# This item is not returnable for a refund due to FDA sanitary regulations. We will replace or repair defective units


seek10, did the company have anything like this in the description of the bag?

Your two days should be business days and weekends are not included in that, as far as I know.

When you contact them, see if they'll send you a replacement instead of sending your bad one back. Who knows? Maybe someone can fix the control box and you can have two?

Its a thought.


Yeah, perhaps you could just exchange the control box?
John! said:
seek10 said:
Laura said:
seek10 said:
I checked the return policy ( quantum health quest ) that is not friendly , 15 day return policy ( instead of amazon's usual 30 day return policy) with no address to send back and customer has to pay back shipping cost for both ends and 25% storage and handling fee. I left them a message and sent a mail , but they wont be available in the weekend and I had only 2 more days to return. Again 25% storage and handling fee is outrageous, but if it is the case, better thing is sell it ebay and bear some minimum loss on the item. Any way the same item is sold in ebay and the manufacturer seems to be a Hong Kong company.

Well, if they don't make you a satisfied customer, we can all write bad reviews on amazon.
all the reviews on the amazon to this seller and this item is very Good, so I am hoping that they will make the return or exchange much easier.

How much did you pay for that? I got my PH-2B III on eBay for $338 with free shipping.
I too bought from amazon for the same price and free shipping . I called them again, it looks like their return policy is for discouraging returns rather than imposing. they said that there should be a way to operate all the zones together. they will get back to me on that.
Gimpy said:
I've been looking into this company for purchasing a sauna blanket:


In the description of the product, it says this concerning returns:

# This item is not returnable for a refund due to FDA sanitary regulations. We will replace or repair defective units


seek10, did the company have anything like this in the description of the bag?
there is no instruction like that , though it is understandable. that is why they are saying 'non returnable' ONLY if not used.

When you contact them, see if they'll send you a replacement instead of sending your bad one back. Who knows? Maybe someone can fix the control box and you can have two?

Its a thought.

they said it is only the unit they sell. so i have to wait for their reply.
This is from chapter three.

Environmental Toxins Cause All Human Disease

Have you heard food manufacturers and chemical companies tell you that the minuscule amount of chemicals are harmless? That there is no evidence that they cause disease? I hope by the end of this chapter you'll answer them with an emphatic "Hogwash!"

Stockpiled chemicals stored in our fat don't stay put. They slowly leach out and damage our machinery, producing disease and accelerated aging. Pesticides, volatile organic hydrocarbons, auto and industrial pollution, mycotoxins, heavy metals and more mimic any disease. They can cause any symptom or disease from high blood pressure, heart failure, osteoporosis, high cholesterol, arthritis, or Alzheimer's disease to fibromyalgia, degenerating disks, Parkinson's disease, depression, fatigue, irritable bowel, loss of libido, colitis, asthma, eczema, prostatitis, esophagitis, atrial fibrillation, GERD, hearing loss, headaches, recurrent sinus, ear or throat infections, diabetes or cancer, and more.

Myth: Small Amounts Are Harmless

This myth was touted all over the world before DDT was partially banned decades later. Scientists were appalled to find out that every amount that we have created stays in the environment and merely cycles through soil, plants, animals and back to the soil, plants, and animals. the were also surprised that is was on of the strongest cancer causing chemicals that man had ever devised and can cause or mimic any disease including common allergies, recurrent infections, hormone deficiencies, auto-immune diseases and cancer. Sure, small amounts would be harmless if we had a way of getting rid of them, but instead they slowly stockpile. Right now, there are no animals, no plants and no humans without detectable levels of DDT or its metabolite DDE in their bodies. Furthermore, it appears there are no oceans, seas or lakes that are free of some of this pesticide. To quote Turusov, "DDT residues have been found in all birds and fishes analyzed, even those living in desert areas or in the depths of the oceans." Even the breast milk of Eskimos at the Arctic Circle has detectable levels that mothers innocently transmit to their babies. And in spite of the known carcinogenicity and persistence in the environment and our bodies, DDT is currently heavily used in may other countries.

There is no question that these accumulated toxins ( along with undiagnosed nutrient deficiencies) are behind every disease. Cadmium accumulation from seafood, dental work or auto and incinerator exhausts can trigger osteoporosis, back pain, high blood pressure, hip pain, arthritis, kidney disease, BPH,(benign prostatic hypertrophy), chronic fatigue, cancer or damage vision. Arsenic from cigarettes, treated playground and deck wood, pesticides, paints and porcelain dental crowns and inlays can give mysteriously painful burning skin, bloody colitis, or heart disease with arrhythmias like atrial fibrillation or paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, or congestive heart failure as well as weakness or paralysis, anemia or cancers.

Mercury from pesticides, fungicides, tuna and other fish, dental "silver" fillings, and paints, triggers depression, chronic fatigue, leukemia, symptoms that mimic multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, resistant Candidiasis, chemical sensitivity, shoulder tendinitis, or body burning. It merely depends on each person's total load or combination of factors. And these are by no means all of the symptoms these environmental toxins produce, just examples of some of the more commonly documented ones.

pg. 89-90-91
Environmental Chemicals: The Master Mimic in Medicine

If a woman consults her physician about osteoporosis or chronic back pain or a man has hypertension or prostate cancer, what physician looks at their cadmium levels? Yet this environmental heavy metal, unavoidably common in our foods, can be the cause of their symptoms. And what neurologist checks pesticide levels in patients with Parkinson's disease? Yet when researchers need 500 rats with Parkinson's disease for pharmaceutical drug experiments, they only need to give the rats one dose of an organic pesticide to get experimental rats with full-blown Parkinson's disease.

But have you ever met a neurologist who checks for pesticide levels and detoxification capability? Or have you ever heard of a neurologist who checks aluminum levels in Alzheimer's disease or cyanide levels in multiple sclerosis or jet fuel hexane levels in folks with numbness and tingling, memory loss or depression" We hear about devastating auto-immune diseases like lupus, thyroiditis, multiple sclerosis and hepatitis, but where are the physicians who check styrene and vinyl chloride levels that can cause these?

One man presented with years of depression and when we identified heavy levels of aluminum in his red blood cells, he realized he had totally forgotten to mention the years of antacids he took for his stomach. When the aluminum was removed through oral detoxification over a period of three months, his depression melted away, never to return in over 15 years.

As testament to the fact that common everyday chemicals silently stockpile in our bodies over a lifetime, you recall the U.S. governments' EPA studies that show that out of hundreds examined, 100% of human fat biopsies examined reveal styrene, dioxin, xylene, dichlorobenzene and more (EPA). Most of these are blatant carcinogens, and no one is free of them. We are all walking time bombs. No wonder the overall official annual improvement in survival from cancer over the last 30 years is embarrassingly under 0.7%. If we are "winning the war" as the misguided statisticians like to claim, why is everyone filled with doom and gloom at the diagnosis? Why is median survival (for all types and stages lumped together) staled at a paltry six years? And this statistic is particularly alarming considering the dramatic improvements in earlier diagnosis, not to mention the billions of dollars that have been spent on research.
from pages 91 & 92

If you have been told "We don't know what causes cancer you've been misled. For scientists agree as numerous medical studies conclusively show that 95% of cancer is caused by diet and environment (Perera). As a simple example of the potency of environmental agents to cause cancer, just recall how a researcher gets 500 rats for his cancer studies. He only has to phone the laboratory, where giving merely one dose of a chemical can create cancer. And their are hundreds of chemicals that can induce cancer in research animals, with most of them being a common part of our everyday environmental air, food, and water.

Luckily, hundreds of studies show that giving any number of nutrients, before during, or after the chemical will inhibit the formation of cancer (DeFlora). How does this happen? These nutrients empower the body to detoxify the chemical so that it cannot trigger cancer. The nutrients merely boost normal detoxification. Clearly detoxification is the key to prevention

Volumes of United States government Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) studies confirm the ability of common everyday chemicals that are unavoidably present in our air, food, and water to cause cancer. In fact, I spent the last couple of years devouring over 300 pounds of EPA toxicology books. As an example, the common carpet, you recall, emits over 200 volatile organic chemicals which include formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, acetaldehyde, chloroform, xylene, phenol, benzaldehyde, hexanes, chlorobenzenes, styrene, butadiene latex and much more. The scary part is that most of them are carcinogenic just by themselves. The combined effect of multiple carcinogens is synergistic, meaning one plus one does not equal two, but more like ten.

Benzene is a known cause of leukemia and our exposure to it is not just limited to the synthetic backing of carpeting. You can get a hefty jolt of it each time you tank up your car with gasoline. Styrene, a related xenobiotic outgassing from carpet, also out-gasses from plastics. It has been proven to cause a variety of mysterious neurotoxic symptoms:

  • numbness and tingling
  • loss of sensation
  • bizarre pain syndromes

  • weakness, toxic encephalopathy or brain fog with inability to concentrate
  • unprovoked mood swings and memory loss
  • paralysis
  • [convulsions
  • [litremors
  • blurred vision
  • hearing loss
  • heart arrhythmia
  • spastic colon
  • respiratory symptoms
  • body pain
  • rashes
  • hair loss
  • baffling weakness
  • stiffness
  • fatigue
  • asthma, and more. So it should come as no surprise that carpet workers have increased rates of cancers and especially leukemias (Anderson).

    And I haven't even begun to tell you about the health consequences of styrene.
    from pages 94-95 & 96
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