Had spent a lot of time with this old fella, almost a grandfather to me, and he lived to 113 (he died in the 80's). Anyway, he not only described living through so many wars, it was the depression that was so hard, and I never forgot his words. He told of how many of his friends or just people he knew or had met that never made it. They had entered a new life of abject despair, it was too much.
This makes me think of my daughter and spouse - freaking out over what's happening - husband in a fit from having to now work at home and no access to his usual outlets. I reminded her as she was leaving my house as to grandparents having to live through WWII - in army and/or fighting overseas. And people in Europe/Russia/Japan being invaded, bombed, genocided! But, hey, "I can't go to the gym!" Relates back to my previous post which keeps getting taken out of context:
How long before "a responsibility to protect the elderly" will start to wear thin for the millenials, gen X & Z, especially as their paychecks and/or other financial resources disappear and they're locked out of jobs? No restaurants, bars, shopping, sports, personal interaction with peers - better hope the internet stays up!
IOW, they will have atomic meltdowns if they lose the internet, too!

For a good portion of my life, even when still a child, I often thought of WWII - possibly because there used to be a siren that would go off at a certain time and it made me think of air raid sirens. I grew up in West Virginia so there were never any air raids during the war, but many movies/cartoons featured aspects of the war and it sunk in. What really gets my goat is how the whole time we baby boomers were growing up, it was all about not repeating what happened with the Nazis or becoming Communists. Never being required to have "papers" to travel, free speech with no censorship, no constraints on gathering or assembling, etc. And yet, little by little, I could see these terrible things that were NEVER supposed to happen here in America, were being instituted. WTH?!! Why were people idly standing by and complacently going along with this?! And it's only grown worst and brought us to this completely manufactured fake health crisis that's purposely designed to eliminate all our freedoms altogether. I guess the one thing coming out of it is, one can distinguish between those "who have eyes to see and ears to hear" and those who do not.
Thank you Laura for giving us opportunity for purposing question to Cs! :-)

My concerns are similar to what many people here are having, so I would like to share my thoughts.

We already know from the Cs that we will feel STS pressure wherever corner of the Earth we go and cannot escape that, but we can also protect ourselves with the knowledge we´ve been given.

Here are some thoughts/questions:


From the MSM it´s quite obvious that the world is going towards mandatory/draconian vaccination direction (at this point is the same if it is “only” flu or convid or all the cocktails shots). We have already many articles on SOTT and here on forum, on how to prevent and neutralize vaccinations effects, in case we are forced to take a vaccine. Therefore, in case of that scenario, we can follow detox protocols and be safe from toxic effects. However, those vaccines also infect our DNA, so are those protocols good enough to give us full protection, so our DNA is also not to be harmed?


I saw also some posts/speculations that microchips would/could be introduced with vaccines; how probable is that? On the other hand, maybe they won´t be introduced trough vaccine but will also be mandatory? So question is how to avoid those microchips to harm us? There are ways to remove them, block them (it´s technology after all) but any action like that would also probably signal the government and i.e. me and my partner could go to jail for that. And what did we accomplish? They would put yet another one in our body and in the process, we would probably lose our children because we are not fit to be parents and they might be lost in maze of social care… :-(


Are we looking here at global economic collapse or is it yet to come? Is this fake corona pandemic maybe beginning of / reason for massive wave of lay-offs?
Is this some China and/or Russia attempt to destabilize the West?
My friend shared a video from SGT Report where they discussed a document from 2010 prepared by The Rockefeller Foundation & Global Business Network, part of which includes a projection into the future. Similarities are striking so I thought it's worth sharing here.
Bolded text by me.

The full document can be downloaded here.

For those interested, here's the SGT Report video:

Just saw @Laura posting this on Twitter. This could be a real smoking gun. If there's any truth to this, we should roll up our sleeves and find all the evidence we can concerning this plot and make it viral. Makes me sick thinking that 'they' might have planned for this over a decade, if not longer. This whole thing (not the virus itself) could be even worse than we've imagined so far.
Just saw @Laura posting this on Twitter. This could be a real smoking gun. If there's any truth to this, we should roll up our sleeves and find all the evidence we can concerning this plot and make it viral. Makes me sick thinking that 'they' might have planned for this over a decade, if not longer. This whole thing (not the virus itself) could be even worse than we've imagined so far.

Not only posted it on twitter, but created a standard post and put it in comments to every post that mentioned the virus. Musta put it up about 50 times. Best way to get stuff read is to comment on some other post that is made by person with lots of followers or is getting a lot of likes and RTs. Even posted it to DJT!!!

Here is what I put together:
This fake pandemic has been in planning since 2010 with specific goals in mind. Watch and share this amazing short video:
In France, hydroxychloroquine has been classified as venenous substance on 20/01/13 :
That is it's no longer avalaible without a prescription
Also from my experience at work and out of for that matter colleagues and friends by far the majority are completely in tandem with the government advice of isolate for your own good, stay away from people if you don't your irresponsible!
I don't think it's wise to try to reason with people unless they have requested help. Even if people do ask gauge where they are mentally before passing on information.
I am more or less in the same boat Thebull. Also noteworthy for me is that if you really listen, no one (outside the forum of course) asks what exactly your opinion is, or request for help in any way in not only this but the majority of issues. O well, all do what they must do, and in the meantime i get to practise having no judgement of anyone in choosing their beliefs in this whole show. Have faith, all will be well!
I believe that some of the most pertinent questions (following the logic of my previous posts and general comments from other members of this forum) for the upcoming sessions would be the following......

1.What is the real number of infected with COVID 19?

2.What is the real number of the victims who died from it since the beginning?

3.How big is the level of suppression from the CCP of the real info regarding this virus?

4.Did it really escape from the lab the way I presented it in my previous post?

5.Did it mutate initially through the second host and then jump into the human host? And what was this host?

6.How did it manage to become so contagious? Is it really more contagious now then any known infection except for measles as some sources suggest?

7.What is really behind all those draconian measures around the world? What is the expected endgame? Earth changes variety event very soon or controlled demolition of economy? Is this connected somehow with the fact that so many famous and royal people left their posts or supposedly self quarantined themselves hiding from the public eye e.g. the Pope,Bill Gates, Queen Elizabeth 2nd.

8.Is there a connection between what happened over Aleppo in the portal with all of those preparations?

9.And finally what will the real next pandemic look like? What wil cause it? A critical mutation of the present strain of covid19? Or will it be some highly pathogenic flu? Do we have to expect the Spanish flu or the Black death scenario then? How soon will it hit after the COVID 19 panic fizzles?

So I think that these are the most important issues to cover...... I already did this in my numerous hypnotic sessions..... And I am sure that everybody here would agree with me that without some adequate answers from the C's we are forever doomed to endless and ungrounded speculations further on and on for weeks or months without any true and direct knowledge I.e.protection because it is ignorance that endangers and breeds panic and hysteria.... Don't you think so??? 😏😊

So as always my best regards. Patiently waiting for a new session or your replies regarding Do you agree or not? 😉
Just playing with some data sets I recently discovered on TradingView. Here is a visualisation of the COVID-19 confirmed cases in time, against the moon phases.

Not sure I see a pattern here yet (or that there is a pattern) but Full Moons seem to give energy to the growth of the case numbers. I will continue to watch this interesting albeit obscure correlation. The red area beneath the blue line, representing the number of cases, is Bollinger Bands.

In this context, it basically means that the global growth of confirmed cases is out of control.

hm, I tend to think you are mixing up causality and correlation here... or is it just my own disbelief in the moon calender? Several years ago I sowed and planted according to the moon calender, and not only that, I also tested on doing it totally wrong on purpose, like planting root plants on fruit days and so on. Well, as far as I could tell there was no difference at all in the growth of the plants or the amount of fruit i harvested in comparison. so I am very sceptical on this. But what do I know?
In France, hydroxychloroquine has been classified as venenous substance on 20/01/13 :
Yes and dates match with the start of the pandemic. "Foreknowledge"? :whistle:


In France, Chloroquine stocks in short supply and not distributed to patients, only to patients tested or other disease

:Following this shortage of chloroquine, the AP-HP tells CheckNews that new distribution rules are in place: "From this Sunday, these drugs continue to be delivered to patients who usually take it as part of chronic pathologies. As part of Covid-19, they will only be delivered as part of supervised therapeutic trials intended to test its effectiveness. "

One interesting thing about all this is the almost total breakdown of political lines. Many right-wingers who formerly made so much more sense than the libtards are falling like flies and show their true authoritarian nature. As do many on the left of course. The dividing line seems to be crisscrossing all over the place. Funny how suddenly it's almost irrelevant whether you are a libertarian, conservative, lefty etc. People are showing their true colors left and right, literally.

That's true. There isn't really any political division that would hinder cooperation and implementation of totalitarian measures. Both right and left are "united" against the "invisible threat" (in reality only illusion of such). One reason may be that this "alien invasion" appeals to both liberal and conservative "moral taste buds":

Care/harm - the fear of virus pushes people's emotional buttons and "taking care of elderly" fits both right and left wing politics

fairness/cheating - people who don't fall into line or criticize the "safety measures" are seen as not doing their own part in the crisis

loyalty/betrayal - the whole nation and it's existence is under a threat, people must "stick together" and not "rock the boat"

authority/subversion - trusting what the media, political leaders and health authorities are saying, need for strong and simple message

sanctity/degradation - invisible virus can invade your body, threaten your "purity" and it can make you social pariah (by getting the virus or rebelling against the measures)

liberty/oppression - restricting individual rights overrides concern for losing liberty, situation appels to authoritarians and stronger border control is in line with right wing politics.

The lack of psychological and spiritual defence against events unfolding and strong identification with political ideas is making it more difficult for many people to see things clearly, even if earlier they've been reasonable and more objective with other topics.

For example I just watched Paul Joseph Watson's latest video about Coronavirus, and it's mostly bringing unnecessary and trivial observations at this point, and missing (or omitting) much more important facts about statistics and the sheer lunacy with these draconian measures taking place right now.

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