What I find strange is that anyone witnessing the collective insanity that has gripped large parts of the world would think that any information from the media is in any way objective. I think we need to really impress upon our own awareness the fact that there is a collective hysteria at work and if we are not careful our own thinking will be seriously skewed by it.

When I read that, I had agree with that.
Many evenements arrived faster since only two weeks....
I need to walk often in the forest.
At work I've been told that tommorow somebody will be waiting for the truckers with a gun. A thermal gun, to take the body temperature of the truckers! (Thats how she said it it worked into inducing fear for a second) Also they are watching to make sure we are disinfecting hands with Purell and soap.

It's happening here too in North Carolina. This morning I gave a friend a ride to the dentist we both see. One of the staff met us at the door with a temp gun. I joked about hoping I wasn't having a hot flash, which she seemed to take well. We were then both let into the office waiting room. Everyone I saw seemed really calm, except the receptionist. I had to make an appt for an upcoming procedure, and it was clear she was wound up and nervous. After I got that done, I was asked to wait in my car, as they were only allowing people who had to be there remain inside. No unnecessary people in the waiting room. They were fine,however, with my using the washroom before going out. There were four bottles of sanitizer in different scents on the counter. It was a lovely day, so I sat on the porch (office is a converted old house) with a book. No one asked me to go back to my car, but I wouldn't have been surprised if that had happened.

The supermarkets here are going through waves of being out of stock in different items, as is our butcher, but so far the supply chain seems to be holding. Now that people have got the first panic out of their system ("TP acquired. YES!") maybe things will settle down in this area to something more rational. The folks here are not so far away from farming, or even memories of the Depression, that the idea of keeping supplies is foreign. On a happy note, I talked to my younger daughter today, who thanked me for talking about this sort of thing years ago. She and her fiance always have a full freezer of meat, and a reasonable supply of TP and other necessities. They exercise, take their Vit C, and she's up for ordering some elderberries. So far they're able to be quite calm about the whole thing. Success!

Here's what can help boost your body's immunity.

If you have a conifer forest, pine, fir or spruce near your place of residence
find a way to stay in that forest or walk for at least two hours.

The best is the pine forest, the larger the forest the better.

There may be a row of conifers, certainly larger ones, you enter among them and sit next to a tree, lean your back against a tree, it fills you with a dose of negative ions and creates immunity to viruses.

It is the radiation of negative ions, these ions are not in good relationship with viruses
they are mostly canceled because viruses radiate positive ions.

You can also use an ionizer or a negative ion generator in your apartment
certainly if you have, the effect is only weaker than the effect of the tree.


Evo šta Vam može pomoći za jačanje imuniteta organizma.

Ako imate u blizini mjesta boravka neku šumu četinara, bor, jela ili smreka
nađite načina da u toj šumi boravite ili da šetate minimalno dva sata.

Najbolja je borova šuma, što veća šuma to bolje.

Može i red stabala četinara, svakako većih, uđete među njih i sjednete uz stablo, naslonite leđa uz stablo, to Vas puni dozom negativnih jona i stvara imunitet na viruse.

To je zračenje negativnih jona, ti joni nisu u dobrim odnosima sa virusima
najčešće ih poništavaju, jer virusi zrače pozitivne jone.

Takođe možete da koristite jonizator ili generator negativnih jona u svom stanu
svakako ako imate, efekat je isti samo slabiji od dejstva drveta.

The following quote from Laura is relevant for this discussion IMO:
I'm going to add some comments here that I made in the "Righteous Mind" book thread that I think might be helpful.

First, I want to make an observation: it seems that a lot of people are falling into despair at this point in time. I understand it and I battle it myself. And in my battle, I try to find what helps. That is one reason behind the recent reading recommendations most especially including this book (The Righteous Mind) AND the book "Healing Developmental Trauma" and the finding and experimenting with the NeurOptimal neurofeedback system. These seem like almost the final pieces in the puzzle for preparation for bigger changes including transiting through times of chaos (things are already chaotic).

It is in these times that we need more than ever to hang on to ourselves, our gains, our sanity, and each other. We don't want to give up and then find, on the other side (i.e. 5D), that we only had to hold on a little longer, have a little bit more faith in the process... I know I don't want any such regrets when I leave this body; that there was some little thing I could have done, but I gave up too soon.

We have explored and experimented with dozens of things in trying to get to the optimal state for esoteric development beginning with diet and health issues, on through psychological and emotional issues, and more. Once we have enough experimental results from this book and the NeurOptimal system, we should put a manual together, I think. And we should not forget the all-important role of choice and Free Will. The Cs have said that Free Will is the most important Law of creation and we have learned a whole lot about the tricks and traps of our reality that seek to deprive us of that Free Will. So, we need to keep in mind that application of that Law is still all-important; we can choose to continue to work, no matter how difficult it is, or we can give up. As the Cs once said:


I've been fighting a godawful battle for health and enough energy to finish what I need to do in this life which can take some time yet, but I'm only as good as the support I get from all of you. I just can't do it alone. We are up against forces and intelligences that are way bigger than we are individually, and only together, as a sort of super-being connected by chakras etc, will we get through this.

Just remember the ship captain in the movie "Krakatoa" who took his ship straight into the WAVE. We have to do that.

Listen to the description in this clip and think of it as a metaphor for what we are going through:

Today, I happen to go out, saw a parked police car in front of one Walmart( as if they want every body see). This not the case in other shops. Walmart tend to have this situation once in a while before. Traffic is like Sunday evening like traffic. I see lot of shops open , banks are pretty open, but blank, only few banks are closed.

Interestingly Costco has a long line. There were lot of viral video's of lines near costco. But, the line is due to fact that, they are allowing few people at a time into the shop. It just took 10 minutes to go in, which is not bad. One can see people laughing at the insanity. Leaving aside few paper, chicken stuff, limited Water/rice items their stores pretty much stocked up. But no police. Other than Walmart that I haven't seen much police any where including near Banks or roads.
And that happened a few days after most central banks reduced their interest rate and France, like most countries, has to borrow a lot (the country economy has stopped but the expenses are increasing).

That means that private banks (the ones who lend to states) make even more profit on the back of the states (i.e. the taxpayers).

It is the old story of "crisis" (manufactured or not), some lose while some others win. Usually the winner win the money of the loser. The core of crisis is not the widely publicized net destruction of wealth but the transfer of wealth.
The article I'm reading say that if nothing is done, rate will goes up too high (4% for example) and so the Euro will crush.

I believe that at 4D level there is one player for each continent and they decide to have some fun. USA player did a move against China. China player blocked the coup. Turn to Europ player.
I've been reading through the biosecurity act. It places a lot of restrictions on trade and I'm kind of getting the idea that one part of this whole thing is kind of like reverse trade sanctions where countries are closing their borders. Instead of saying 'we won't trade with you' it's like 'you can't trade with us'. A pandemic is a good reason to get out of or reduce compliance to trade treaties and agreements.

If the value of the US dollar is based on oil, then reducing the amount of travel also reduces the amount of fuel purchased while the price of oil is down, so it can either be stockpiled or extraction slowed down until the prices go back up. I've seen something similar happen with gold mining. When the price of gold is down, they wind back exploration and extracting out of the ground and instead process the lower grade dump piles that they've previously sorted to reduce costs and maximise profits until gold prices go back up and during the downturn, lots of staff are put off.

If a country is closing down or restricting international trade, they'd have to have a good reason to convince the public to go without stuff that they're used to. I don't think trade restrictions to suit some geopolitical agenda would fly with the public without a pandemic.

Just another level to consider in the whole mess.
In 2014-15 I believe it was the Cs said soon money would have no value. That is very possible to happen soon, and as Gandalf just experienced, to some extent, happening now. You can’t use it, if they won’t take it. So, it might be a good idea to use it now, and or put it onto a debit card.

Went to the smoke shop where I buy tobacco yesterday and it had closed. A sign in the door said they were having trouble with getting supplies.

I can’t believe that Putin or Trump after reviewing the numbers could buy into this. They probably know the game, and know that they have no choice but to join in. Still pointing toward a one world gov.
From the conspiracy theory files:

what if there is an effort underway to 'get rid of' the elderly under cover of trying to save them? After all, there has been much talk in recent years of the 'problem' of the increasing number of old people who are exerting a serious financial burden on the state. The yellow vest protests in France over the past year+ have been largely focused on French govt. attempts at 'pension reform' whereby people would be forced to keep working for longer, thereby alleviating some of this burden of the state having to pay pensions to more and more people who do not contribute to tax revenues.

I know it's a bit far out there, but just thought I throw it into the mix.

While it doesn't occur to me as intentional and economic-based, it does feel like there's something to the fact that it's the old people that (are reported to) die from the virus. Add to it the fact that children aren't affected at all and it becames almost symbolically related to how we seem to be entering a new reality, relying on the destruction of the old one. I recall reading in some book ("Conspiracy of Zion" quoting the Protocols of Learned Elders maybe?) how new order won't be established as long as people of certain age are still alive, and the elders are expected to pass away naturally, without any assistance (i remember this was stated explicitely).
Now is a good time to review what the Cs said nearly a month ago:

(L) Things are getting nutty, ya know? It's getting really weird. So, just as a little reminder to myself about what it is that we're supposed to be doing... [laughter]

A: FRV modulation and synching!

Q: (L) So in other words, we're supposed to be modulating our FRV - i.e. our receivership capability - by work on the self, and synchronizing with all of the members of the group in order to... what?

A: Anchor the frequency of the new reality.

Q: (L) So in other words, there are a number of possible new realities and it depends on either... Okay, is it that a group can anchor a frequency and thereby determine the template of the new reality for all?

A: Not exactly. Determines which branch you will move to.

Q: (L) So anchoring a frequency as a group in a sense is not exactly like creating the new reality... It's more like choosing. Is that it?

A: Yes yes yes

Q: (L) So it's all a question of choice. What reality do you want to experience? And therefore you modify your FRV or you get into association with others of the FRV you think is the right one or desirable or whatever.
And then you all start vibrating together. Well, in this Reality Transfer book we just read, he talks about these pendulums and what you are saying sounds sort of like what he describes as a pendulum. He doesn't talk about what they are, but he thinks that all pendulums are bad or evil .

A: He is wrong. Dead wrong.

Q: (L) So some of these pendulum-type attractors can be good?

A: Essential in fact. One must choose.

Q: (L) Well, choosing makes me think of what the Apostle Paul was saying when he talked about making... I mean, basically what it amounted to was making your choices based on the unseen world or on unseen realities. In a funny sort of way, today I had like a little realization because I was trying to understand why for Paul, the death of his Christ or the crucifixion was THE most important thing. For him it was the death, not the resurrection. It finally occurred to me that the reason it was so important was because - and this is according to Paul - his Christ went to his death with absolute faith even in the face of everything being wrong and against him. The way it's depicted in the Gospel of Mark, not only did the disciples not understand, not only is he abused, tortured, and rejected by literally everybody... I mean, everybody flees from him in the Gospel of Mark, which is the first gospel. Everybody. There are no women at the cross. There are no supporters. There's nobody. He did that willingly - the way it's depicted, and it's an allegory - because his faith in the unseen necessity and the other world and what would happen after the death was so strong he could and would do it. It was a matter of this faith that what was unseen was more real and lasting that the seen reality. Am I right? Seeing the unseen is the key?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So Paul was concerned with restoring humanity to the Edenic state. He uses the symbol as one man, the First Adam, and death came to all. And then by one man life came to all. It struck me that the possibility... Well, what the C's have said is that when the Fall happened, it happened to everyone. It wasn't just like one person. It happened to everyone. So it seems to me that this primal man that is Adam is a representation of all. It's not just one man that caused everybody to go kaflooey. And they've said that it was the female energy consorted with the STS reality. Is that what we're looking at here, only the reversal of the process? In other words, a group of people that have that kind of faith that in the face of everything being literally awful as it is in our world today, that they still have faith in the other reality, they still have faith in doing good, doing right, being loving, that they do not buy into the whole Darwinian materialistic thing, and basically they don’t believe those lies and by those means they are able to, at a certain point in time that Paul called the culmination of the ages, be restored to this Edenic state... in other words a 4D STO reality. Am I interpreting that correctly?

A: Oh that was beautiful!! We are impressed!

Q: (L) Well la-dee-da! So that's basically what the anchoring of the frequency is about. And that's part of the interior state that people have to be in in order to anchor that frequency - to have that kind of faith. It’s not where you are, but who you are and what you see? Even in the face of everything being against your ideas, against what you think, against what you've figured out...

(Joe) Even things inside you being against you. The internal fight. You have faith that doing what it doesn't like that you will kind of achieve something worth having.

(Andromeda) Right.

(Joe) It's internally and externally at the same time.

(L) So it's not faith IN Jesus as Ashworth points out. It's faith OF Jesus that sets the example. And the example was put in a metaphor of the story of this crucifixion or death, but the metaphor represents basically the crucifixion of every person. They're crucified inside and outside because they are faced with this reality that rejects their consciousness, their more or less divine connection, their spiritual connection. They say that everything is just random mutations and random evolution, and that's wrong. That's the Big Lie.

A: Yes. We can retire now!


And here is the part of the Wave explaining FRV and contact potential difference:

We might not be together physically, but we are together spiritually while watching this collective madness unfold in front of our eyes. Let us take good care and have faith in the process. :flowers:
I think it might well be that we have to face our errors and the consequences of our thoughts and actions like never before. Now is the time to work on all that or facing our demons might crush us!

Today I was thinking about Covey's habit 'Begin with the end in mind' (The 7 habits of Highly Effective People), the end being death. I then started thinking what kind of person I would like to be during these times, even if it means I have to die to fulfil that purpose (I am not depressed, I was just thinking about my aims!). For instance I wouldn't want to turn into a Nazi prison guard, even though all of us - according to Jordan Peterson - could turn into one. I wouldn't want to report anyone to the authorities and so on. That means coming to the realisation that if we don't have the right values and aims things can go south pretty quickly.

Facing ourselves is very important, but personally I also need an aim, so I have something to point at and to follow. I need to know what my values are. I hope it makes sense, I have to give it more thought.

I am thankful for the latest MindMatters shows. they are certainly very helpful during these interesting times.

Just saw your post, Gaby. :flowers:
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Some thoughts on what we can do now.

Thank you luc, This getting hot under the collar and thinking in an echo chamber if befuddling me. I'd love to turn to my husband right now and communicate on what we talk about here on the Forum but that's not an option.
Maybe this IS my lesson, don't know. I keep trying to lessen the frustration but it's very wearying.
The current New Zealand count is 28 cases. However, it turns out they are playing with our heads with these numbers. The automatic assumption has been that there are 28 people in hospital. But the latest release yesterday let us peek inside the tent. The Health department head said "8 new cases today, one of whom is in hospital. So here we have a population thinking that there are 28 people with CV in hospital when the reality is there are maybe one of two in hospital, the rest have tested positive to the virus, are displaying no symptoms and are in self isolation at home. Wow. Quite a big difference. Talk about head games.

And on the back of the 28 cases, all ascribed to people who have returned from overseas, the borders have been closed and only New Zealand citizens and permanent residents are allowed back into the country. There has also been talk about various overseas tourists who are in the country and not self isolating, and how unacceptable that is. It feels like they are building up to expelling all foreign tourists, in the name of safety - time will tell.

Once we had 2 days where 8 new "patients" were identified, panic buying has accelerated. Supermarkets have quickly jumped on this and placed limits of numbers of items that can be purchased - masks, hand sanitiser, toilet paper - no more than 3 units of each. I did grocery shopping yesterday. I reckon about 10% of people were panic buying, with 2 or 3 trolleys each, the rest were mildly bemused about the whole thing and expressing amazement and the foolishness of people. So, no huge panic in the population yet, at least in the smaller town I live in (20K people). The panic seems to be restricted to our largest city Auckland where there are queues at all the supermarkets.

As far as the leadership goes, I think the politicians here are to some extent being forced to take actions. If they don't close borders, institute isolation regimes etc, they will come under intense criticism from the opposition politicians and the vocal minority in the population who have their own clear agenda, and risk losing the next election, due in September.

All in all interesting times.
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