So, is there any conclusive evidence that this is true? The whole thing smells funny. What is meant by "no isolated purified examples"? Does this mean that there are in vivo samples in people's bodies, but no 'pure' in vitro samples? This doesn't make any sense to me.
Hi @iamthatis, this topic has been covered on a number of occasions in this thread. It's now over 1000 pages long so I realise it's easy to miss out on some posts.

You can check out two of Niall's post about this along with the SOTT articles mentioned. Hope it helps clarify any doubts.

Good, I'm reassured then that you're thinking this through.

The specific claim being made (by rather a lot of people out there) is what you wrote above about the 'fact' that SARS-CoV-2 has not been 'purified/isolated'.

This is not true.

Here are two articles about this on Sott. In the second one, the author - a virologist - explains that science and technology have long since moved on from Koch's Postulates. Nowadays, they can take 'photographs' of viruses up close - as has been done for SARS-CoV-2:

The thing I can't understand is where people got this 'idée fixe' from? When it comes to SARS-CoV-2, they will settle for nothing less than 'definitive proof' that it exists (whatever they think they mean by 'definitive proof'). If I were to guess, I suspect it has something to do with the fact that they are already predisposed to being skeptical about 'the Covid pandemic' because of administrative misuse of PCR testing, Big Pharma rushing vaccines to market, and of course governments' absurd and cruel lockdowns.

All of that is reasonable, so, as they see it, it's just one small step from there to doubting the existence of a virus at the heart of the global farce.

My understanding of how a virus is 'isolated', or Rappoport's understanding of how a virus is 'isolated', isn't important. That's where people have been misled; into believing that it's important. It's only important if you want to affirm a prior belief that viruses (or SARS-CoV-2 alone) don't exist. There's no contest on that point. The virus has been genetically-sequenced, seen under an electron microscope, tracked across thousands of mutations that are phylogenetically consistent with one another (as seen on 'family tree charts' of the virus), and tested for (and found) in those with Covid-19 symptoms.

The rest of the 'soup' is also genetically-sequenced. That's why they could tell so quickly in December 2019 that this thing was 'novel': its code didn't match anything in genetic databases. Since the human genome was mapped 20 years ago, almost everything has been genetically-sequenced. They know a new virus when they see one because the things are so intensively studied.

A following of people who have good reasons to be skeptical of the 'Covid pandemic', but who lack discernment to avoid traps set by COINTELPRO (which isn't to suggest that Rappoport or anyone in particular is consciously such). Some of the No Virus Theorists have alt-health products to sell, but mostly they're impelled by the mistaken belief that they've found THE Achilles Heel in the Entire Covid Scam, and that if they just keep exposing it, the whole House of Cards will soon come tumbling down. Along the way to 'building the movement that will right all wrongs', it's empowering to feel you've 'busted it all wide open', and even more so when you convince as many others as possible that you've done so.

As a general observation, I would add that this No Virus spiel - while it has pre-Covid roots - really came online last summer. Very soon after lockdowns began in March 2020, the number one 'trending Covid conspiracy theory' that MSM news portals were knocking down with ease was '5G causes Covid'. At that point, the 'ultra-skeptics' were accepting the essential premise ('Covid exists'), but substituting an alternative cause for it. When it later became clear to them that the numbers of (real) cases and deaths were negligible, to incorporate the lack of any substantial pandemic meriting draconian lockdowns, the primary (false) alternative narrative adapted to 'it doesn't exist'.

The main reason we're putting some effort in to nix this nonsense is because it will never bring 'new converts against the Covid scam' over to 'our side'. It can only 'convert' (really, delude) those who are already basically converted regarding Covid-19 being a convenient excuse for government tyranny. And when those converted skeptics rail about Koch's postulates to 'normies' who still believe the government's narrative, they just come across as being nuts.
The business stimulus package here is only available for businesses earning more than $75,000 per year. There was a lady in at work the other day who runs a small business and said that her income has been down by 40% since the beginning of last year. It's not just about the loss of income, but she is also spending more money just keeping her business afloat as costs have gone up and strategies to adapt to the circumstances.
Yes its a formula that hits small businesses from every side - reduced income, increased operational costs (to comply with ever changing regulations) and rising levels of borrowing and debt to try and get them through. Many who took the entrepreneurial mantra seriously over the past 30+ years, shouldering the mantle of personal responsibility in setting up a business and employing people, feel a duty of care towards those employees plus they have put their whole lives (e.g. dependencies) on the line to make it succeed. In desperate hope that if they can just get through this time they'll be able to rebuild in the future, too many just keep borrowing and borrowing to make up the deficit - but sadly the level of debt servicing costs will eventually just overwhelm them when the promised recovery fails to emerge. A terrible mental health and socioeconomic fall out ahead when these so called government supports (or are they traps?) are reduced or eliminated and the economy doesn't come back in their locality, as say salaried desk workers prefer to cling on to the 'safety' and ease of working from home. So much for the much feted 'community of shared responsibility'.
Yes, this interview with Fitts was very informative. I don't think that she's saying anything that we don't kind'a know or suspect, but with her expertise she's able to present the complexity in an understandable way, smart lady! The segment with her starts at 1:23 in the video.

What she says consolidates the theory that what the main objectives of the 'overlords' is at this point (after they've completed some of the other objectives, like stealing the US presidential election) is to (1) get the idea and implementation of the vaccine passports accepted worldwide, and then (2) implement the 'social credit system' worldwide, where they control every aspect of your life through the 'passport'

And, I think that that is why they are so relentlessly pushing for the vaccines: they need to get the vast majority vaccinated (in my country they are now talking about a goal of 90% vaccinated) so that there will be as little people left as possible who are unvaxxed and thus denied services and thus protest against the system. And they seem to be in a hurry because soon with all the ADE and breakthrough cases more and more people will realize that they are being lied to. But worry not, the booster shots will come to the rescue! :-D
Yes that does indeed seem to be one of the main reasons for the push Aragorn - as springboard to the longer-term agenda of wrapping everyone up in their digital prison camp. But I also think in the short-term their is an unstated deep anxiety around the unvaxxed forming a Control Group against which the likely increasing impacts of the jab on so many could be judged or make it through to common consciousness. Its worth noting that Pfizer at least have gone ahead and methodically jabbed everyone in the placebo group from their initial round of tests. This flies in the face of all scientific practice and seems an indicator that this desperation to cover their tracks is also a contributing factor.
Hey people in France, is there any discernible change in your day to day lives now that the health pass has come into effect?
Not really.
I am at home most of the time and the weekly apéritif in my small village stays the same: no mask, no pass. About 30 people for the last one.
The weekly open market stays the same also: compulsory mask there.
Though, more people are getting the jab. One of them stated: "I am more afraid of the jab than I am of the virus but I want to visit my old father abroad". Two others did it for their job.

Tomorrow there is something called "Les Metallies" (Day dedicated to the gathering of metal and fire art.) : pass needed there. I may go see if I can enter without a pass.
I've been hearing the claim that "no lab has successfully isolated purified samples of SARS-CoV-2". I saw it posted here recently, attributed to Dr. Judy Mikovits, and more recently in the article on SOTT by F. William Engdahl.

So, is there any conclusive evidence that this is true? The whole thing smells funny. What is meant by "no isolated purified examples"? Does this mean that there are in vivo samples in people's bodies, but no 'pure' in vitro samples? This doesn't make any sense to me.

If the above is true, how can Luc Montanier, for instance, make his claim that there are HIV inserts in the virus, if the SARS-CoV-2 virus has "never been isolated"? He can't know that if he hasn't looked at the virus. If this is true, how could he possibly study that? How can all the numerous scientists claim to have been studying the microbiological effects of the viral components (PEG, spike protein, etc.) on the human body if it has "not been isolated"? Again, is this just a matter of the difference between studying something in vivo vs. in vitro?

Is all of the SARS-CoV-2 research derived from studying the patents of the virus, and making conclusions from component lists?

And what are the implications of this "no virus" theory for the PCR test? If there is "no isolation of SARS-CoV-2", then there would be no on-record 'template' for the PCR test pick up. Does that mean that the PCR test is identifying genetic pieces of just any old coronavirus - allowing health officials to label all genetic material, or coronavirus pieces, as SARS-CoV-2, and thus as evidence of COVID-19?

All of this contributes to a big confusion, leading to the claim that 'there is no virus', which looks like a psy-op designed to distort what's really going on.

So, I don't get it. What am I missing here?

I feel your pain! You might find this video by Dr Sam Bailey of use as she goes through in minute detail the steps between a single patient in Wuhan and the global release of the fake PCR test in which she details how previous computer generated identifiers were lifted from existing data bases and then discrepancies declared as proof of a novel virus - she also shows how so many researchers who have since claimed to have identified the virus admit they did not do so from a purified sample. Smoke and mirrors in other words (and no that doesn't mean there never was a virus just the path to identifying it has been deliberately muddied for lost of reasons including perhaps it is so obviously a man made bioweapon.)

Once Upon A Time in Wuhan.... Dr. Sam Bailey

To really understand the depth of the subterfuge, Dr David Martin charts the path to 2019 that dates back to at least 1999. This edited video of his presentation is I think really helpful in grasping this complex 20+ year of patents and lab networks working in conjunction to prep the ground for the long planned global pandemic that has been clearly on the cards as the great reset engineer for decades.

Dr David Martin - Spike Protein Patents Since 2002!

Hope these help.
t's been quite a while since the last time I got caught up on this thread, but I've been reading most of the articles on SOTT so I've been keeping up with the big picture ...
Hello @Ketone Cop
Just a small private tought in regard to you. I hesitated to write this in a PM but it's not much welcomed, i hope not to make too much noise.
I don't know why but I retained, last year when you arrived on the forum, your expertise. This gave me an idea (as always many poping in my head) regarding a project I have since a couple of years : create a 2nd company using the good finance of the actual one I run, and make it work in a domain that will be turned toward the humans, bring something useful. I should detail many aspects in order to be well understood, but i don't want this post to be too long. Let's say that I thought about you 1y before and again now and was wondering me just right now if you would like to move again, move to Europe, exactly Luxembourg ? So I could hire you (salary would probably not be super high but sufficient to live well here), and you would work on some projects where your skills, competences and knowledge are used. I collected an impressive list of ideas of various "business" (better say things that could be sold and which have all a common point which is ... STO-compatible i would say to best summarize) ... this new company could sell or promote. Among them there are some that requires your skills. One of them is to create colloidal silver generator (in fact, for any metal that can be "colloidalised") and sell the tool, but also simply sell bottles of colloidal silver & so on. I have one colleague who already created his own colloidal silver generator, he's masters electronic.

but ... let's stop describing this idea because i could write a lot when I start :lol:

Just a bit more context about : right now in the company we are 6. I warned my 5 colleagues that we are actually walking on eggs in regard to the worldwide situation, they are all aware about (none vaxed and none wish to), and that on the financial side I'll take no risk in order to ensure the most possible our salaries.
So, if I posted this message, it's to be read as "FYI", to inform you that i had this thought in mind and it just came back in my head today and I felt ... useful ... to inform you about ... simply put. Note :this could trigger another member of the forum who live nearer to Luxembourg than you (not difficult ^^) and who has similar knowledge and who would like to change job, or who do not have one.

As you say in english : FWIW :whistle::lol:

In order to reduce the noise I post one info in regard to Belgium, with 80% of vaccinated population, the what they call the "corona expert team" (ie big pharma) recommended to oblige the mask for all the student of the "enseignement secondaire" in September, which means here in belgium from 12 to 18y old in average ... 😠😤😡🤬
Belgium is a good student of the PTB ... :-O
Two insightful presentations by Professor Mark Crispin Miller, a specialist in propaganda at NYU (strange I know! And yes, they're now trying to get rid of him as a proven 'dangerous conspiracy theorist'...). I find him a most lucid and enjoyable thinker. They're about 30 mins long and worth the watch - with followups apparently to come.


2020: A Propaganda Masterpiece - Mark Crispin Miller, Professor of Media Studies (10th of June 2021)

2020: A Propaganda Masterpiece Prof Mark Crispin Miller, Part Two - Divide & Conquer
Just an FYI:

I noticed that FEMA was advertising for employees recently on zero-hedge, and was wondering if that was scaremongering for that particular demographic, or are they really building up for something. After going to their site, I found this list of needed employees. There are many positions and spread as far as the south pacific islands. If the site is for real, then are they preparing for a separation of the population, or a real (nature) catastrophe? Here’s the page.

Yes its a formula that hits small businesses from every side - reduced income, increased operational costs (to comply with ever changing regulations) and rising levels of borrowing and debt to try and get them through. Many who took the entrepreneurial mantra seriously over the past 30+ years, shouldering the mantle of personal responsibility in setting up a business and employing people, feel a duty of care towards those employees plus they have put their whole lives (e.g. dependencies) on the line to make it succeed. In desperate hope that if they can just get through this time they'll be able to rebuild in the future, too many just keep borrowing and borrowing to make up the deficit - but sadly the level of debt servicing costs will eventually just overwhelm them when the promised recovery fails to emerge. A terrible mental health and socioeconomic fall out ahead when these so called government supports (or are they traps?) are reduced or eliminated and the economy doesn't come back in their locality, as say salaried desk workers prefer to cling on to the 'safety' and ease of working from home. So much for the much feted 'community of shared responsibility'.
Yes Michael, the trap is almost perfect to eliminate small business. To describe what is happening with a narrative that is "outside the box" is next to impossible by most, as they are convinced that we are living in a World where we are still playing by the rules. Well, it looks to me like we have crossed the Rubicon to a place where the rules were tossed out the window. People have a problem in recognizing this New Reality because of old habits and cognitive dissonance.

I am convinced, various experiments are being simultaneously carried out now to test on a population various end-points of this New World Order.
- Australia and New Zealand is doing the "North Korean Model" to stress test the system and see what works and what doesn't. Both countries are far away from prying eyes as would happen in EU. I bet they are monitoring everything to gauge responses to stimuli. 13 cases locks down millions of people. Then Premier of Victoria Dan Andrews threatens "door to door" visits (hint, clot-shot delivery) if things get out of control. "Out of Control" in the that New Reality might be 500 cases, who knows. For some reason, there is complete silence in MSM about the Con-19 Star of the Year 2020, Jacinda Ardern. Is she alive ?

- Scotland suddenly finds nothing better to do now but to,

Scotland will let pupils change gender aged FOUR without their parents' consent - and tells teachers not to question a child's request to choose a new name or use a different toilet​

- France leads the way with vax passports.

- A few countries took it upon themselves to experiment with this gene therapy on children from 12 yrs. to 6 months for a flu that is not a danger to them. That is criminal activity under the guise of "for the good of humanity".

Then after a while, if things simmer down and are accepted, other countries will enlighten their sheep to the New Reality by announcing,
"To bring our country into harmony with other EU members, our legislative body will work on new legislation to bringing us into the fold."
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Some good news in BC is that the lawsuit against the BC government for the lockdowns, challenging the grounds for the emergency act that was in effect 18-March-2020 to 01-July-2021 (and de facto beyond), is officially moving forward. A judicial hearing conference, which specifies the procedural aspects of the suit, occurred on 10-August-2021 and set in stone the official trial date (17-April-2023). where the Provincial Health Officer Dr Bonnie Henry will be testifying under oath by CSASPP (the nonprofit) about everything from PCR false positives, the low infection fatality ratio, changes to how cases are counted compared to previous infectious diseases, anomalies in total mortality curves since lockdowns, lack of risk assessment about the destruction to businesses, educational opportunities, and people's mental and emotional health; this will all become public record. The trial to certify the lawsuit as a class-action for business owners, workers and students with lost earnings or potential earnings, patients who had delays in essential primary care, etc, occurs on 20-June-2022. Crown council insisted during the hearing that 2023 was "too soon" to cover all the points brought up in the official claim brought forth, but the nonprofit filing the suit disagreed and thankfully so did the judge. Imagine needing more than 2 years and 1/4 years to assemble a legal defense for something an organized bureaucracy should have paperwork on hand for already.

A lot can happen in two years' time, and the government may find some way yet to weasel out of accountability. Two years is still a significant delay in justice, but overall the judicial hearing conclusions were a good day for the public.

British Columbia’s Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, will stand trial and address the concerns of BC-based organization the Canadian Society for the Advancement of Science in Public Policy (CSASPP).

The self-described non-profit, non-partisan, secular, and crowd-funded organization’s objective is to counter BC’s COVID-19 related measures, which have been in place since March 18, 2020 when the provincial government declared a state of emergency.

The ball got rolling on Tuesday morning when CSASPP had their first hearing.

It initially filed their class action suit on Jan. 26, 2021, and Henry must personally submit to answering their questions while under oath.

Yesterday’s hearing – a judicial management conference – was strictly procedural, meaning it was not meant to deal with any of the allegations CSASPP is making in the action, but it did however ensure that the process going forward is not unreasonably delayed.

During the hearing, the Crown opposed solidifying a trial date, saying it was too premature. CSASPP argued it was appropriate, and the judge agreed.

“Dr. Henry, in her capacity as the provincial health officer for the province of BC, and the Crown, will stand trial as ordered by the court starting 17 April, 2023,” writes CSASPP in an August 11 release.

“It will be set for 40 days. We also intend to conduct her examination for discovery well before that.”

The certification hearing will be on the week of June 20, 2022.

“For those of you unfamiliar with class actions, a certification hearing is very important, arguably more so than trial,” said CSASPP.

During yesterday’s hearing, the Crown told the judge that it would like more details regarding what the defendants are being sued for.

The judge told the Crown they’ve been in possession of the suit since January, and therefore should not need much time to discern what the alleged concerns are. He ordered the Crown to provide their requests by August 25, 2021.

The public was able to listen to the hearing via a teleconference option.

“Crown counsel advised the judge prior to the hearing they had not been consulted in our request that public access be made available by teleconference for the hearing,” writes CSASPP.

“Our judge said public access is important, so far as it does not violate the rules of court. He also said the public should be able to listen in real time to what was happening and be informed of any orders that are made.”

The judge stood down the court until the teleconference was up and running, in order to ensure the public was able to listen.

Both parties will return to court for their second case planning conference on Sept. 27, 2021, as ordered by the judge. Instructions on how the public can listen will be updated on CSASPP’s website closer to the date.

On their Go Fund Me page, CSASPP describes how an astronomically low infection fatality ratio, testing kits producing false positives, the disappearance of the seasonal flu, and an overall lack of adequate evidential foundation are being increasingly questioned by legal scholars, small business owners, physicians, nurses, the scientists selling the tests, civil liberty advocacy groups, and many more.

“Since we filed, we’ve been overwhelmed with public support,” said Kip Warner, executive director of CSASPP, in a June 3 interview with the Western Standard.

“Millions of people worldwide are turning off corporate and government news sources as they rediscover the value of thinking for themselves. Consider that we didn’t even put out a news release, and yet awareness of our campaign went viral… no pun intended, shortly after we filed.”

The BC government stands by their actions.

“As this matter is presently before the courts, we will not be commenting on the litigation or the plaintiff organization,” a spokesperson of the Ministry of Attorney General told the Western Standard.

“As set out in the Response to Civil Claim, the province and the provincial health officer deny the allegations made by the CSASPP and say the orders made in response to the COVID-19 pandemic are lawful and fully comply with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.”

CSASPP says it “will continue to take all reasonably necessary precautions to protect the identity of any high level government whistle-blowers within Dr. Henry’s staff, another governmental entity, or those in the private sector that may communicate with us from time to time.

“If requested, we can make arrangements for encrypted telephone, video, email, or text.”
Coronavirus, politics and double standards...

Two news / events with what I believe is a high degree of parallelism... and double standards.

First, former President Barack Obama:

Some high-profile liberal elites aren’t letting the coronavirus ruin their social lives. The disconnect between their actions and heightened cries for new pandemic restrictions is glaring.

Last weekend, former President Barack Obama threw himself a 60th birthday party. From the leaked photos and video, it was quite a celebration. Obama danced and hugged guests, which include A-list celebrities such as Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg. Singers John Legend and H.E.R. also performed.

And now in my country, Argentina, with the current acting president; Alberto Fernandez:

The Government is disconcerted by the leak of the photo of Alberto Fernández celebrating Fabiola Yañez's birthday in Olivos.

The image went viral in social networks. There are twelve people around a table, without social distancing and without masks. It was on July 14, 2020, when Argentina was under a strict quarantine imposed by the President.
This Wednesday a new chapter was added to the controversy generated by the visits to the Olivos presidential residence during the hard quarantine of 2020. A photo was viralized in which President Alberto Fernández is seen celebrating the birthday of his wife Fabiola Yañez in the Quinta de Olivos.

"I am outraged with that", said the President among his close friends when the photo was already unstoppable and was going from cell phone to cell phone and from screen to screen.

His annoyance was amplified minutes later. "It makes no sense to be transparent in this country. Everyone who enters is registered. They want to know who enters, know that. Then they use the information the way they use it. A disgrace," he expressed, with annoyance.

At the end of that conversation, annoyed by the situation, he assured those present: "They have harmed people who have nothing to do with anything. Who came to see me because of personal or professional problems".

In the image, which quickly multiplied in social networks along with ironic comments and complaints from many users, twelve people can be seen, including the Head of State and his wife, plus one more who is the one who took the snapshot, gathered around a table in the dining room of the presidential villa. None of them is wearing a mask, a mandatory element of care.

The picture was taken on July 14 last year, the First Lady's birthday

If you ask me, this is like subtly admitting that there is no pandemic...
I can't tell whether to laugh or cry watching this fake 'pilot' by an intrepid social experimenter 'Danny' on London's Underground in which he tries to get people to accept the given idea of a carriage for the vaccinated only. Whilst there were a few who were willing to immediately open up on their vaccinated status etc, great to see those willing to stand up to authority and call it out as 'BS' (from behind their masks of course!) Some hope still out there.

I didn't really know where to put this, mods if there is a better place please adjust it! Thanks

David DuByne's latest video, he opens with "this new wave of energy that's coming through our arm of the Galaxy"

It's a biblical-woo video but that jumped out at me because another video I was watching the other day, I can't remember what it was, but they also described this whole experience lately as a wave of energy that is coming into our solar system, and I just thought "dang maybe this really IS seeping out into the global consciousness"

Idk, just feel like I have been hearing and seeing the words "The Wave" quite a lot the past week or so in places I haven't before

Edit: the guest speaker says (quoting scripture)
"That separation is taking place right now, polarization is taking place right now, and as that takes place and people settle in to their truth and freedom and living in that, more of these solar grand minimum effects will take place. That means humans have a direct effect on what is taking place globally. There is a direct level of consciousness that we have in play." [Paraphrasing - it creates a feedback loop with the rulers to clamp down harder and we wake up faster, creating more earth changes] basically what was in Earth Changes and the Human Cosmic Connection
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