Another Hit for The C's? Big miscalculation reveals the "Man behind the curtain"

Pashalis said:
The more I watch the "UFO community" and the "woo woo community in general" and reading John Keels work, the more I get the impression that certain woo woo stuff might actually be designed for exactly the purpose of distraction. Like: "Look up there and don't take a closer look down here..."

Seeing actually pretty bright people like Richard Dolan, almost totally loosing the plot by being literally obsessed with UFO stuff, while they could actually use that intelect for exposing nuts and bolts stuff on the 3D ground, certainly is just one case in point in that direction. What if most, or much of that woo woo stuff is designed to distract people to actually do something against those "higher forces" on 3D grounds?

Maybe that is even the only possible and effective way to do something against those "higher powers"? I mean, if you chose to expose the truth in 3D terms, it certainly can take away much more feeding ground for those "higher realms", then "exposing something" that you just have no real handle on and can't really proof or explain from our limited perception.

Pashallis, I don't have a problem with people paying attention to the skies myself since I have personally seen what I consider possible UFOs. And I don't have a problem with various research interests that some are doing. If it wasn't for our being at least "open" to topics that others might consider "woo woo" I doubt that I myself would be here today. 3D doesn't just have to be "down" here I don't think as the Cs mention in the following session in 2012. said:
Q: (L) So, what you're saying is that your remarks at the beginning... {relate to what we have been discussing which is all the really weird stuff going on).[planchette zooms around on the board] Boy, you're full of energy! I want to know if this fire in Colorado was caused by fireballs?

A: Indeed and did you notice that feeble cover-up? They are getting desperate.

Q: (L) Yes, we noticed that feeble cover-up. Speaking of fireballs, there was an article that Kniall put together about this supposed comet/missile launch. We're just kind of a little bit curious about that because there was a lot of weird stuff [woo woo?] going on around that.

A: You should remember what we told you years ago about "chemtrails" in relation to MIC activity, that it was fully known that the real enemy was "out there" not "over there." Don't discard what Clube said about this matter so easily. You should be aware that there are swarms of missiles ready and waiting to be launched at the order of the military sky watchers so as to mask what is going on. In this case and even others there was both: A comet explosion followed by a missile launch to keep the masses calm. Can't have the PTB looking like they are angering "the gods", ya know!!!

Q: (Perceval) So basically what we were thinking. (L) So in other words what you're suggesting is that there is a network of missiles around the planet belonging to various different countries. At any given time, somebody can give the order for somebody in the right place to launch a missile to cover up the fact that there are comets. Is that it?

A: Yes precisely. You need military activity to mask celestial events. And so it has always been.

So watching the skies is still on my 3D list for now.

WIN 52 said:
While listening to the SOTT talk show about the US election, the latest session was also fresh in my mind. I thought that this man behind the curtain could possibly be the fact that the US President is not the one in charge. We talk about this fact here all the time, but the fact of the matter is do the American people believe that is true? I don't think so. Until the people realize that fact the man behind the curtain remains hidden.

It doesn't seem to matter which candidate is elected, it looks kinda like the people will need to be shocked out of their socks before any change can follow. It also looks like plenty of shocks are lining up to do just that.

WIN52, it seems that way to me too. We see it here but not that much for the main stream is getting the real news. I do see some others on Twitter who follow alternate news sources that are figuring things out in different degrees. It is definitely an information war but many have the same access to the alternate news that we do and still stay sound asleep. And the shocks for for "knocking off socks" are probably coming to a theatre near us eventually. :/
Luc said:
Maybe instead of 'channeling', it might be a bit more useful in this context to see our interaction with 4D more in terms of Jungian archetypes that we can embody and 'plug into', because this makes it a bit more clear that it involves Work and our active participation in entering a 'path'?
Well, ok. I think a lot of people channel STS because that's where we are. Since it is the default realm frequency, it doesn't require as much work. It is a passive connection that keeps someone in place until one chooses to make it an active connection or go on a different paths. Maybe someone can work on becoming STS and get a bit more energy and become more STS, but the practical result of the information is the same whether it is Blavatsky's or Zetatalk. But for the STO path, it is as you describe, one must study the 4th way in an attempt to undo the effects of The Fall. But yeah, archetypes, thought centers, all these things are related and that's basically what I was talking about.
Niall said:
Neil said:
Aliens do come into our reality, there are abductions, confrontations with the military, even shootouts if you believe the Dulce story. They do have a physical presence where they can do these direct incursions and Darth Vader type stuff, but it is rare.
Yes, exceedingly rare. So rare we may as well forget about it! Or at least, it shouldn't be our primary concern. One would sooner be corrupted, 'eaten', or otherwise harmed by a politician, policeman or mercenary than by anything 'not of this world'.
Neil said:
Another analogy for that inspired by the Cassiopaeans could be viewing us as a bunch of squirrels theorizing about the activities of the forestry service.
That is interesting, Neil.

Notice that you explained the situation as you see it via an analogy, which is why it works so well.

What if all that 4D stuff is, as far as we're concerned - what with being incorporeal in 3D and all - substantially (as in primarily) analogous for actual 3D stuff we're meant to 'translate' it to in order to explain to wider humanity what is going on? That's how I see Sott's function: translating the Cs' largely analogous clues into mapping reality.

On the issue of 'alien disclosure', what if we've already done it by promoting awareness of psychopathy in high places, thus disclosing the 'aliens' among us that feed off humanity?
I think all that depends on the audience and their level of awareness. Returning to the squirrel analogy, we talked about the ability to run and jump as being a lesson to avoid predators and dangers in the environment. These lessons continue into 3D and 4D, but they take on an increasingly mental and abstract character. In 3D, you can still be chased by bears or guys with guns, but this lesson most often takes the form of relationships and contractual obligations. If one submits themselves to predatory relationships, or participates in a ponerized environment without being aware of what's going on, it is essentially the same lesson as the squirrel running around to avoid predators, just in a higher density. The 4th grade version of this lesson has to do with superintelligences that can project psychic energies, and what you do enhance or degrade your consciousness based on how much will you have and how you align with them, even though 4D is not quite an archetypal level of reality. Basically, all three forms of predation have the same result, a painful life often followed by a premature death. Gurdjieff said you had to investigate the cosmoses in groups of threes to arrive at a balanced and complete understanding of the middle cosmos, and this is what I'm trying to do with this multilevel analysis.

For the average person who has left 2D and is trying to get a grip on 3D and perhaps be a good obyvatel, the 4D stuff probably doesn't matter that much. If you're on the battlefield of life and the infantrymen of the pathocracy are charging toward you, your primary concerns are survival, food, water, shelter, not being taken in by the propaganda, and playing a role in society, stalking it perhaps, so you can continue to function without being corrupted by it. Futhermore, one's 3D faculties are actually heavily supported by a 2D framework, the neocortex is really just an addition to the mammalian brain, and the body's drives and desires are essentially 2D in nature, so one has to be aware of that. As Joe said, that will get you a long ways, but it only goes so far.

At a certain point it is not enough, these infantryman are commanded by something. There is a reality behind the reality and you know the problems won't stop until you know what it is. So that's why I say it depends on target audience and awareness. People out there who are aware of the alien stuff will not be satisfied with "it's all psychopaths and it's all just metaphorical," they know there is more to the story although they don't understand it and have been trained to see things through the 3D nuts and bolts lens. On the other hand, there are people who are not aware of the alien reality, have never had paranormal experiences and view the whole thing as crazy, and would dismiss all of it, even if they would agree with it if it focused solely on the geopolitical power/money games. Personally, I've always thought SOTT was wise to focus on what's immediately apparent, while occasionally doing a "weird & wild special" as food for thought to get people to consider what's really out there. It's probably the best way to make the greatest amount of truth palatable to widest number of people. I prefer to talk to the limits of my knowledge, with a bit of speculation thrown in because I'm obsessed with understanding the reality behind the reality, but I'm also speaking to a different, much smaller audience most of the time. I think the Cassiopaeans already summarized my whole argument in a much more succinct way when they said
session140816 said:
A: Just work daily at becoming more aware on three levels
1. Body and immediate environment,
2. Wider world affairs,
3. Cosmos and spirit.
Q: (L) Shouldn't "spirit" go with "Body and immediate environment"?
A: No, it is via the first steps that one achieves cosmic consciousness.
Q: (L) I don't understand.
(Chu) You have to work on the body and environment, and then understand the wider world at first. And then you can develop cosmic consciousness and spirit.
(L) Oooh. So in other words, to achieve cosmic consciousness, i.e. true spiritual advancement, you have to expand your field of vision to be very wide?1
A: Exactly. Those who suggest that you must look only within live in a singular bubble.
Niall said:
One would sooner be corrupted, 'eaten', or otherwise harmed by a politician, policeman or mercenary than by anything 'not of this world'
Usually. Something that has given me interesting food for thought is the whole puppy situation mentioned in the latest session. They spent 2/3 of the session talking about how a mismatch between a dog's FRV and its owner creates windows for noncorporeal to come which can be controlled by higher level STS entities to attack people in the house. While the 3D interpretation is just to get a dog that matches your temperament, the Cassiopaeans took it in a woo-woo direction that I would've never really considered. It was intriguing in its paradoxical "mundane esotericness." These subtle energy dynamics strike me as lessons that relate more to 4D, although they clearly effect 3D. Basically the damage done is equivalent to receiving a nonfatal blow from a predator, except this predator is purely noncorporeal. Once again, the lesson of running and jumping and situational awareness from the squirrel reality applied to a much higher and more subtle level. If we are moving toward some sort of "realm border" as the Cassiopaeans describe it, then the 4D woo-woo stuff seems to become more and more relevant. But cosmos and spirit is only 1/3 of the equation, and it is the final third, and it has to do with a lot more than aliens.
Know_Yourself said:
Maybe organic portals being kind of squirelled to go fetch roasted acorns
If you superimpose the squirrel analogy onto our reality yes. The main point I was making there is that it is impossible to understand the motives of a higher density using the strictly linear thinking of a lower density. Aliens do physical abductions as documented by David Jacobs and a few others where actual physical objects are implanted into people, however this does not seem to be the norm. The Cassiopaeans have spoken of "soul replications" where they somehow how create a 4D copy of your energy field and insert packets of energy into your aura or something like that. These etheric implants probably have something to do with keeping you in alignment with the archetype they represent through some type of frequency resonance manipulation, but I won't pretend to understand how it actually works. This is so far beyond the comprehension of ufologists in the nuts and bolts paradigm that they basically have to ignore it, missing a whole huge aspect of the ufo phenomenon.
Altair said:
Agree and this reminds me of divine names as described by Ibn Al Arabi:
Yeah The Sufi Path of Knowledge goes into a lot of detail about how we're connected to a sort of universal information field in 6D/7D which is basically what I was talking about. I think we have better vocabulary to explore the concepts now, but it is complex and I found the book a difficult read, easy to get lost in the details.
Pashalis said:
The more I watch the "UFO community" and the "woo woo community in general" and reading John Keels work, the more I get the impression that certain woo woo stuff might actually be designed for exactly the purpose of distraction. Like: "Look up there and don't take a closer look down here..."
I agree, with a phenomenon that can alter the fundamental fabric of physical reality the intelligences on the other side can trap you in the labyrinth by controlling your experience if you aren't grounded in wider world affairs. That's why woo-woo stuff is only 1/3 of the equation. As for Dolan, I understand why everyone wants disclosure, and not just disclosure of the symbols we have to deal with in our ordinary lives, but the underlying reality of the thing, but he spends his time fantasizing about what disclosure might be like and what will happen after it occurs. Well nobody is going to come along and disclose much of anything, he should really be smart enough to know that as long as he's been an investigator, it's going to have to be dredged up, tooth and nail after the consensus reality collapses. There's work to be done in the meantime so why is he wasting his time with that? I don't really get it. I guess the phenomenon has gotten to him in a similar way it got to Keel, and they were both diverted because they didn't have a wide enough view of things.
Yeah, the context is very important to understand hyperdimensional relationships. It's all really hard to make very accurate calls about higher densities from a lower one. One needs enough real experiences in the lower density, access to much more knowledge base than any individual can have, networking, and more. But that's the whole point of being in this density: to learn how to navigate through it and learn the lessons of THIS density. Then, we will move to the next density and learn the lessons for THAT one; we don't have to (and can't) work out the lessons of the next density up.

We just need to learn the lessons we're here to learn well-enough where we can navigate and "predict" close to accurate what it all means and where things will go, so that the lessons here are no longer required for growth and progress. Those can only continue from the lessons of the "next grade."
goyacobol said:
Pashalis said:
The more I watch the "UFO community" and the "woo woo community in general" and reading John Keels work, the more I get the impression that certain woo woo stuff might actually be designed for exactly the purpose of distraction. Like: "Look up there and don't take a closer look down here..."

Seeing actually pretty bright people like Richard Dolan, almost totally loosing the plot by being literally obsessed with UFO stuff, while they could actually use that intelect for exposing nuts and bolts stuff on the 3D ground, certainly is just one case in point in that direction. What if most, or much of that woo woo stuff is designed to distract people to actually do something against those "higher forces" on 3D grounds?

Maybe that is even the only possible and effective way to do something against those "higher powers"? I mean, if you chose to expose the truth in 3D terms, it certainly can take away much more feeding ground for those "higher realms", then "exposing something" that you just have no real handle on and can't really proof or explain from our limited perception.

Pashallis, I don't have a problem with people paying attention to the skies myself since I have personally seen what I consider possible UFOs. And I don't have a problem with various research interests that some are doing. If it wasn't for our being at least "open" to topics that others might consider "woo woo" I doubt that I myself would be here today. 3D doesn't just have to be "down" here I don't think as the Cs mention in the following session in 2012.

I don't think Pash was suggesting that we don't 'watch the skies' but rather he was referring to people who make it the only important thing to do, and who dismiss all earthly matters as secondary to the "disclosure" business etc.
Joe said:
goyacobol said:
Pashalis said:
The more I watch the "UFO community" and the "woo woo community in general" and reading John Keels work, the more I get the impression that certain woo woo stuff might actually be designed for exactly the purpose of distraction. Like: "Look up there and don't take a closer look down here..."

Seeing actually pretty bright people like Richard Dolan, almost totally loosing the plot by being literally obsessed with UFO stuff, while they could actually use that intelect for exposing nuts and bolts stuff on the 3D ground, certainly is just one case in point in that direction. What if most, or much of that woo woo stuff is designed to distract people to actually do something against those "higher forces" on 3D grounds?

Maybe that is even the only possible and effective way to do something against those "higher powers"? I mean, if you chose to expose the truth in 3D terms, it certainly can take away much more feeding ground for those "higher realms", then "exposing something" that you just have no real handle on and can't really proof or explain from our limited perception.

Pashallis, I don't have a problem with people paying attention to the skies myself since I have personally seen what I consider possible UFOs. And I don't have a problem with various research interests that some are doing. If it wasn't for our being at least "open" to topics that others might consider "woo woo" I doubt that I myself would be here today. 3D doesn't just have to be "down" here I don't think as the Cs mention in the following session in 2012.

I don't think Pash was suggesting that we don't 'watch the skies' but rather he was referring to people who make it the only important thing to do, and who dismiss all earthly matters as secondary to the "disclosure" business etc.

I understood as well that way. I think it goes in the direction of what the C's said and is all the time a good reminder:

Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the worlds will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the “past”. People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the “Future”.

I just watched this video. It goes a long way towards pointing out the man behind the curtain. It's more like a group and covers the last 100 years. Well the truth of the matter is quite shocking.
Joe said:
goyacobol said:
Pashalis said:
The more I watch the "UFO community" and the "woo woo community in general" and reading John Keels work, the more I get the impression that certain woo woo stuff might actually be designed for exactly the purpose of distraction. Like: "Look up there and don't take a closer look down here..."

Seeing actually pretty bright people like Richard Dolan, almost totally loosing the plot by being literally obsessed with UFO stuff, while they could actually use that intelect for exposing nuts and bolts stuff on the 3D ground, certainly is just one case in point in that direction. What if most, or much of that woo woo stuff is designed to distract people to actually do something against those "higher forces" on 3D grounds?

Maybe that is even the only possible and effective way to do something against those "higher powers"? I mean, if you chose to expose the truth in 3D terms, it certainly can take away much more feeding ground for those "higher realms", then "exposing something" that you just have no real handle on and can't really proof or explain from our limited perception.

Pashallis, I don't have a problem with people paying attention to the skies myself since I have personally seen what I consider possible UFOs. And I don't have a problem with various research interests that some are doing. If it wasn't for our being at least "open" to topics that others might consider "woo woo" I doubt that I myself would be here today. 3D doesn't just have to be "down" here I don't think as the Cs mention in the following session in 2012.

I don't think Pash was suggesting that we don't 'watch the skies' but rather he was referring to people who make it the only important thing to do, and who dismiss all earthly matters as secondary to the "disclosure" business etc.

I know, I'm just sick of this 3D "la la land". It has nothing to do with hope in "disclosure" or any other carrots like "free energy" etc. I am almost tired of looking at/for that "man behind the curtain". Sorry just chalk it up to battle fatigue. :cry:
I know, I'm just sick of this 3D "la la land". It has nothing to do with hope in "disclosure" or any other carrots like "free energy" etc. I am almost tired of looking at/for that "man behind the curtain". Sorry just chalk it up to battle fatigue. :cry:

I'm with you on that. Still reeling from that video I watched. It's like I lived through some of that type of stuff, usually on the wrong end of the stick. I feel so out of place in this world. It would be very easy to just leave.

The problem is that I keep waking up in the morning. Now that I have grandchildren 4, 3 and 7months, that are an absolute joy to spend time with, I look forward to waking up every day. The sad part is waking up to what we have to deal with here and now. What ever happened to free will choice?

I would like to choose an alternate reality as this one has no future!
WIN 52 said:
I know, I'm just sick of this 3D "la la land". It has nothing to do with hope in "disclosure" or any other carrots like "free energy" etc. I am almost tired of looking at/for that "man behind the curtain". Sorry just chalk it up to battle fatigue. :cry:

I'm with you on that. Still reeling from that video I watched. It's like I lived through some of that type of stuff, usually on the wrong end of the stick. I feel so out of place in this world. It would be very easy to just leave.

The problem is that I keep waking up in the morning. Now that I have grandchildren 4, 3 and 7months, that are an absolute joy to spend time with, I look forward to waking up every day. The sad part is waking up to what we have to deal with here and now. What ever happened to free will choice?

I would like to choose an alternate reality as this one has no future!

I will try to finish the whole video. I have been researching the "stuff" for over 30 years or so I have seen pretty much everything there. According to the Cs this 3D story goes back much further (309,000 years or so) and I have been reading, reading ,reading.

And like you I have children and grandchildren. They are a joy for me as well. This is not the world I want for them or any of us. I just feel like we are going down the tubes unless the playing field starts to level. I guess a level playing field is the only hope I really have and the Cs say 3D is NOT the perspective in which to find much hope.

Session 16 October 1994
A: Laura you will feel the effect of the Lizard beings desperate push for total control no matter where
you go.
Q: (L) That is inexpressibly depressing. Do you understand?
A: Why? Change will follow.
Q: (L) Will it follow soon?
A: You are slipping a bit. Refer to Literature "Bringers of the Dawn". Challenge will be ecstasy if viewed
with proper perspective which is not, we repeat: not of third level reality, understand?
Q: (L) In the reference cited, Joan of Arc is described as feeling ecstatic while burning at the stake. Is
that what you mean?
A: Sort of, but you need not burn at the stake.
Q: (L) That's small comfort. There's other ways to die.

I know some are criticizing going off on tangents like "disclosure" and "free energy" but for me there is not much hope in other 3D tangents like elections, wars and financial collapse either.

I am probably out of sync but I just found something in the Ra Material that I hadn't noticed before. I have thought before about where we will be if we actually graduate to 4D and what that might mean. I was thinking that it won't be anything like nirvana or 7th heaven. There will still be lessons to learn and battles to fight.

Here a quote from the Ra Material:

The Law of One said:
Questioner: Does a portion of the Confederation then engage in this
thought-battle? What percent engages?
Ra: I am Ra. This is the most difficult work of the Confederation. Only
four planetary entities at any one time are asked to partake in this conflict.
Questioner: What density are these four planetary entities?
Ra: I am Ra. These entities are of the density of love, numbering four.
Questioner: Would an entity of this density be more effective for this work
than an entity of density five or six?
Ra: I am Ra. The fourth density is the only density besides your own[3D] which,
lacking the wisdom to refrain from battle, sees the necessity of the battle.
Thus it is necessary that fourth-density social memory complexes be used.
Questioner: Am I correct in assuming that both the Confederation and the
Orion group utilize only their fourth densities in this battle, and that the
fifth and sixth densities of the Orion group do not engage in this?
Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last full question as this entity’s energies are
It is partially correct. Fifth- and sixth-density entities positive would not
take part in this battle.
Fifth-density negative would not take part in this
battle. Thus, the fourth density of both orientations join in this conflict.

I may be wrong but if we don't just go to 5D after 3D the above seems to be saying that both orientations (STS and STO) are the ones to battle in 4D.

We should do "the best that you can" while still in 3D but don't expect to move into 4D and just have a picnic. I know I am sounding a bit weird but these times are going to get weirder I think. I am still in 3D but how long I don't know and I don't think any of us know for sure. It is not that we should ignore the "present" but there is also us in the "future".
WIN 52 said:

I just watched this video. It goes a long way towards pointing out the man behind the curtain. It's more like a group and covers the last 100 years. Well the truth of the matter is quite shocking.

Can you summarize the key points made in the video? It is 3,5 hours long.
goyacobol said:
We should do "the best that you can" while still in 3D but don't expect to move into 4D and just have a picnic.

Bolding mine. Methinks to not expect as that is anticipation. All I accumulate here is filed away for use, if and when needed. The "best we can do" methinks again, has much to do with the choices we make when an event/situation arises. When Doing something.

This is a Big Beautiful Blue Marble. The world sucks but we perhaps can enjoy the ride. Where next I go, we will then see...
AL Today said:
goyacobol said:
We should do "the best that you can" while still in 3D but don't expect to move into 4D and just have a picnic.

Bolding mine. Methinks to not expect as that is anticipation. All I accumulate here is filed away for use, if and when needed. The "best we can do" methinks again, has much to do with the choices we make when an event/situation arises. When Doing something.

This is a Big Beautiful Blue Marble. The world sucks but we perhaps can enjoy the ride. Where next I go, we will then see...

You are correct. I am just using my own logic which can be totally off. I should have said if the Ra Material is factual then it seems to me that 4D STS battling 4D STO would not be a picnic. I don't know that for sure. It may be "ecstatic" battling in 4D. Methinks.
goyacobol said:
This is not the world I want for them or any of us. I just feel like we are going down the tubes unless the playing field starts to level. I guess a level playing field is the only hope I really have and the Cs say 3D is NOT the perspective in which to find much hope.

Not everything is going down the tubes. Swathes of Africa, for example, are acquiring modern infrastructure for the first time, and at a rapid pace, thanks to Chinese trade & investment. China itself is pulling up about half a billion people into its middle class, in what I can only describe as an economic quantum leap. It's certainly without historical precedent. Russia's rise we already know about. They both have major plans to link up the whole world (beginning with the Eurasian landmass) with high-speed transport. They're doing it piecemeal already, but what if it can't really take off until the outdated maxims of 'greed is good' and 'might makes right' - embodied in the US-led Western World Order - are defeated? What if all this is 'the playing fields starting to level'?

goyacobol said:
I know some are criticizing going off on tangents like "disclosure" and "free energy" but for me there is not much hope in other 3D tangents like elections, wars and financial collapse either.

I see hope in the old system collapsing. I see the potential for a world without hegemony developing in the wake of that collapse. I see innovative new technologies coming online all the time, technologies whose capacity to negatively control people could yet diminish or be rendered obsolete in the 'new global regime' where 'fairness, justice and peace' are not just words to be abused but are somehow 'locked in' by principles of mutual assistance. However dumbed down, oppressed, or rabid certain segments of the global population are, others are either thriving (in a positive sense) or on the cusp of doing so. On elections, yes, they are generally meaningless in the West, but would you say the same thing about Crimea's referendum? I thought, wrongly, that the Brexit referendum would be meaningless. It was meaningless in the framework in which the PTB promoted it; but it carried much meaning in a way they weren't expecting.

goyacobol said:
Ra: I am Ra. The fourth density is the only density besides your own[3D] which,
lacking the wisdom to refrain from battle, sees the necessity of the battle.
Thus it is necessary that fourth-density social memory complexes be used.

What if a 'social memory complex' is a network of co-linear people engaged in a network war with other networks? What if the Pentagon system is the primary STS network? What if it had a massive head-start thanks to being 'forewarned' and 'forearmed', but now that other, counter-balancing 'STO' network (including its 'help' - Putin's network, maybe China's network) have caught up? What if you and I are already (or partially) 4D because we're part of this network? In 3D I'm just another guy in a meatsack typing stuff on this keyboard, but what if, in '4D', my words have incomparably more power (so long as they're objectively informed!) to affect many in 3D because those words reverberate in many nodes across a network? What if my 3D self might ordinarily be guided by the General Law to 'join the fray' and enlist with the Donbass rebels against the Kiev Nazis, or go to Gaza to assist Palestinians and risk being rubbed out by the IDF, but instead my expanded awareness 'in 4D' means that I 'progressed' to join the fray in another 'density'?

Some things for you to think about as you lament how much 3D sucks and wonder when 4D is gonna get here!
Niall, thanks for the time, thought and encouragement you put into the reply. Many of your points are well taken and it helps to get a different perspective and opinion.

Niall said:
Not everything is going down the tubes. Swathes of Africa, for example, are acquiring modern infrastructure for the first time, and at a rapid pace, thanks to Chinese trade & investment. China itself is pulling up about half a billion people into its middle class, in what I can only describe as an economic quantum leap. It's certainly without historical precedent. Russia's rise we already know about. They both have major plans to link up the whole world (beginning with the Eurasian landmass) with high-speed transport. They're doing it piecemeal already, but what if it can't really take off until the outdated maxims of 'greed is good' and 'might makes right' - embodied in the US-led Western World Order - are defeated? What if all this is 'the playing fields starting to level'?

That does sound encouraging. I try to consider the difference that Putin's courage has made in our timeline along with our "butterfly wings". I am sorry to be source of negativity when there are many things still to be thankful for.

Niall said:
what if it can't really take off until the outdated maxims of 'greed is good' and 'might makes right' - embodied in the US-led Western World Order - are defeated? What if all this is 'the playing fields starting to level'?

That would be great and I hope that happens. The 'might makes right' is embedded even into the American Legion pledge which I have pointed out to one of the members recently. Americans have so much programming to overcome but anything is possible I suppose.

Niall said:
On elections, they are generally meaningless in the West, but would you say the same thing about Crimea's referendum? I thought, wrongly, that the Brexit referendum would be meaningless. It was meaningless in the framework in which the PTB promoted it; but it carried much meaning in a way they weren't expecting.

Let's hope Brexit helps in the same way that Crimea's referendum resulted in a positive change. I know I have been seeing the glass half empty.

Niall said:

goyacobol said:
Ra: I am Ra. The fourth density is the only density besides your own[3D] which,
lacking the wisdom to refrain from battle, sees the necessity of the battle.
Thus it is necessary that fourth-density social memory complexes be used.

What if a 'social memory complex' is a network of co-linear people engaged in a network war with other networks? What if the Pentagon system is the primary STS network? What if it had a massive head-start thanks to being 'forewarned' and 'forearmed', but now that other, counter-balancing 'STO' network (including its 'help' - Putin's network, maybe China's network) have caught up? What if you and I are already (or partially) 4D because we're part of this network? In 3D I'm just another guy in a meatsack typing stuff on this keyboard, but in 4D my words have incomparably more power (so long as they're objectively informed!) to affect many in 3D because those words reverberate in many nodes across a network? What if my 3D self might ordinarily be guided by the General Law to 'join the fray' and enlist with the Donbass rebels against the Kiev Nazis, or go to Gaza to assist Palestinians and risk being rubbed out by the IDF, but instead my expanded awareness 'in 4D' means that I 'progressed' to join the fray in another 'density'?

Some things for you to think about as you lament how much 3D sucks and wonder when 4D is gonna get here!

Your above description is really something to think about. It is only my feeling of fatigue and impatience with my view of the "playing field"/battle field that makes me wish I could do more to make things more level. I am acting like a "meatsack" I guess.

Thanks for an expanded view of the "playing field". I will continue to think about what your view means. Sorry for too much "lamenting". Not everything in 3D sucks I still have the forum and members who care and share. And many other things to be thankful for.
goyacobol said:
And like you I have children and grandchildren. They are a joy for me as well. This is not the world I want for them or any of us. I just feel like we are going down the tubes unless the playing field starts to level. I guess a level playing field is the only hope I really have and the Cs say 3D is NOT the perspective in which to find much hope.

Maybe you are conflating perspective with reality? Reality doesn't change, but your perspective can, which opens you to different ways of interpreting or seeing that reality. If you "go" to 4D tomorrow, do you think that all struggle or conflict or pain will be gone? It seems to me that wishing for that is a pipe dream, it's what the newagers do. Our goal is to surmount the suffering and understand it in a way that may end up being "ecstatic" in terms of an "aha!" moment or moments, but to get there, it's a struggle. A struggle to know more and more, and in that process our understanding of what it's all about changes, and therefore our 'reality'.
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