Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

There are strong reasons to suspect that the Roscrucians had a major influence on the Protestant Reformation in Europe. For example, it is known that Martin Luther, who was at the fore of the Reformation, wore a ring with the rose-cross displayed on it, which may suggest that he had Rosicrucian connections.​
...the Reformation is not what we have been sold. Like everything else we have studied, it was a grand hoax, staged by the government and then papered over with a barebones story concocted for children and the mentally deficient. It contradicts itself and all logic in a million places, and no effort is even made to fill it in or make it believable. They figure why bother. The idiot Gentiles have bought it for centuries, so why go to any effort now? But obviously the Reformation was just the manufactured and scripted excuse to pillage the monasteries and churches of all monies and valuables. In English history, they sometimes admit that, as when Henry VIII looted all the monasteries in England and Ireland via his henchmen Rich and Cromwell. But on the pages of Luther and the German Reformation, this is more hidden. You aren't supposed to remember that although England and Ireland had huge ecclesiastical wealth, the German States had even more. They were the Holy Roman Empire, remember? They had been the primary ally and enforcer for the Vatican for years, and their armies had often been the Pope's armies. As such, they had been able to loot all over Europe and Asia for centuries, stockpiling incredible wealth. Which is precisely why the “reformers” targeted the German States first. Of course this had always been a huge danger for the Catholic Church. The Vatican didn't have its own large armies, so it had to rely on alliances with kings or emperors who did. Only they could protect its extensive assets. But in the early 1500s, these alliances suddenly shattered, as the top Phoenicians realized Rome was a Golden Rose ripe for the picking. The Southern Phoenicians and the Northern Phoenicians—who we will call the Medicis and Komnenes—decided to call a temporary truce, allying against Rome. With the Medicis installed in the Vatican, this war was won without a shot being fired. Which is why the Reformation happened blisteringly fast by historical standards. The only question was the spin out: would the two sides abide by the agreements, or would they fall back into squabbling, both wanting all the spoils? You know the answer to that. So the Reformation wasn't actually about religion at all, at least not from the viewpoint of the governors who pulled it. From their perspective, religion was just a cover for the real machinations, which were entirely financial. Again, same as now. Same as always. Reform was simply the excuse for them to seize church assets. Once seized, the Church couldn't just be eliminated, since it continued to perform an important function at the time: more misdirection. It kept the citizens' eyes looking up to heaven, and while their gaze was so diverted, they could be robbed the more easily. So the governors needed to “reform” the Church, making some cosmetic changes that would appeal to the citizenry, while keeping the main planks in place. In pursuit of that, some real improvements were made—such as the “more direct line to God” idea of Luther—but the governors were more interested in the idea of weaning the audience off of expensive furnishings, which they wished to steal for their own castles. In that line, they needed to accustom church goers to more spare surroundings: much less gold, fewer paintings and sculptures . . . in short a stripped-down worship. That is the true source of all Puritanism and Amishness: more for the rich and less for the poor. To achieve that, the poor had to be convinced that it was more Godly to build simply and dress simply. They had to be convinced that all decoration was sinful. Those decorations were wanted by the Phoenicians. If the Phoenicians were going to hire artisans to make things, from then on those things were to go to private residences like Versailles, not to public cathedrals.
-> Martin Luther. Despinning the so-called Reformation.


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Thank you for posting all these articles by Miles Mathis. I am slowly digesting them.

I was aware that modern pop and rock music is the product of a huge psy-op by the PTB. Laurel Canyon was at the heart of this in America. I appreciate that many at the Chateau crew enjoy rock music but I have to say I never really cared for it. As a Celt, I much prefer ballads and melody. This has put me out of step with my own generation. As a young child in England in the 1960's, I do remember the rise of the Beatles. At the time I wondered what all the fuss was about. Although their music is considered as 'rhythm and blues', they also produced more folksy numbers as well, like Penny Lane, which is based on local areas in Liverpool which they knew. Indeed, Paul McCartney would even sing traditional ballad numbers on stage such as 'Then there was You' from the musical 'The Music Man'. A strange choice for a rhythm and blues musician don't you think. He has even had a go at composing classical music with his Liverpool Oratorio.

However, the roots of modern western pop music are to be found in the negro music of the American South, which eventually expressed itself as Spirituals, Gospel, Ragtime, Jazz and the 'Blues'. In turn, this had its roots in voodoo drum music, which had been brought over from Africa with the negro slaves. Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh (two authors of 'The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail') had a lot to say about this in their book 'The Elixir and the Stone', in which they sought to unlock the mysteries of the occult. They considered that the unifying thread for this was Hermeticism. They devote a whole chapter of their book to 'Music and Magic'. They particularly homed in on the tragic events that occurred at the Altamont Festival in San Fransisco, California in 1969 when the Rolling Stones played there and sang 'Sympathy for the Devil'. For those not aware, the concert got completely out of hand and a man was stabbed to death by one of the Hells Angels who often act as unofficial bodyguards to the Stones on tour. As Baigent and Leigh point out, Keith Richards was high on LSD, opium, cannabis and cocaine at that concert that night and there is no doubt the whole group were high on adrenalin as they performed. Baigent and Leigh suggest that in their 'psyched-up state' the Stones were clearly performing an act of ritual shamanistic magic, with the stage serving as the equivalent of the sorceror's circle but one in which the magicians lose control of the forces they have conjured up. Jerry Garcia, guitarist with the Grateful Dead latched on to this when he said: "It was the music that generated it ... When the Rolling Stones were playing 'Sympathy for the Devil', then I knew that I should have known it. You know, you can't put that out there without it turning up on you somewhere."

Baigent and Leigh therefore make a link between Hermetic and shamanistic magic in modern rock music. Speaking of Jazz, they said: "Although popular, its magic did not execrcise the spell over successive generations of youth that the magic of rock and roll was soon to do. With rock and roll, the ancient association of magic with music was to be re-established with a vengeance, was to generate a massive industry and to play a decisive roll in the evolution of modern western culture. This is where Elvis Presley came in since the PTB needed a good looking white lad to sell rock and roll to America's white youth (Bill Hailey was too old). Presley was groomed to fit the bill. As Baigent and Leigh state: "If black music is the father of rock, voodoo is its grandfather."

I would quickly point out that Mick Jagger has carefully cultivated an image as the wild man of rock but in reality he comes from a very middle class background. His father was a school teacher, he went to a grammar school (a top class state school) in Dartford, Kent and he was an economics student at The London School of Economics (a Rothschild establishment). He still reads the Economist Magazine (a house magazine of the Rothschilds) when on tour. For goodness sake, he has even been knighted by the Queen and is a member of the MCC (the Marylebone Cricket Club), the most prestigious cricket club in the world. You don't get more establishment than that. My uncle met him in a public house in Kent in the 1960's when he was just starting to become famous. He carelessly knocked over some drinks at the table where my uncle was sitting with some young ladies as he steamed through. My uncle grabbed him and said, I don't care who you think you are, you are going to apologise to these ladies. Well to give him his due he did and he paid for a fresh round of drinks. My uncle was a good boxer and a top class sprinter (he was originally in the British Olympic sprint squad for the Rome Olympics in 1960 but pulled out) so Jagger would not have gotten away from him and quickly saw that discretion was the better part of valour.

On the subject of Elvis Presley, if he was an indentical twin, then he shares something in common with me since I am an identical twin too. Believe me when I say that you cannot really understand what it is like to be an identical twin unless you are one. Do identical twins have a form of telepathy? Yes! Can they transfer pain from one to another? Yes! Do they have enhanced psychic abilities? Yes! However, they do have different speech patterns, which can be distinguished by electronic speech monitors. Hence, it would be interesting to examine old Presley recordings, whether live or in studios, to see if a distinction can be found in vocal delivery between him and his brother Aron.

I did once work with a man who met Presley whilst he was serving in the US Army in Germany. My work colleague was a British soldier like Presley doing his national service in occupied West Germany. They shared guard duty together one cold winter's night. He told me that Presley seemed a very ordinary guy who was glad to be doing his Army service away from the glare of publicity and frantic fans. He was very talkative and pleasant. My colleague, who was from Liverpool, became a top English fund or investment manager and was not prone to making tales up.

Turning to John Lennon, I recall that Simon Parkes (yes he of 'consciousness fame' and a promotor of the Q Anonymous messages) claimed that he once did baby sitting for Alfred Lennon's (John Lennon's father) young children by his second marriage. He also claimed that Alf Lennon was an illuminati member. This may seem very unlikely given that Alf Lennon had been a merchant seaman and never amounted to much in life but then the Illuminati may keep track of their distant offspring and bring them into play when and where necessary. It could be that genetics count more to them than the wealth and social standing of the individual. The C's seem to hint at this. Anyway, alluding to what the C's had to say about the masters all chanelling, whether consciously or subconsciously, Baigent and Leigh quoted Lennon in their book in an interview he gave to Playboy Magazine in January 1981 on the source of his musical inspiration:

"The most enjoyable thing for me ... is the inspirational, the spirit ... my joy is when you are like possessed, like a medium. I'll be sitting around, it will come in the middle of the night ... this thing comes as a whole piece, you know, words and music. I think, can I say that I wrote it? I don't know who the hell wrote it. I'm sitting here and the whole damn song comes out."

In classical times, artists and poets etc. would talk about the muses inspiring them. However, here is Lennon speaking of himself as merely a conduit or a vessel for an energy emenating from elsewhere. When reading this, it always makes me think of what the C's described as Thor's Pantheon, a group of subterranean psychic operatives who place ideas into the minds of surface humans. Could they be the source of such inspirations?​
What Mathis has to say about the Rothschilds' origins is very intriguing. However the C's have suggested that Mayer Rothschild's origins were subterranean, as a deep level puntuator like Sargon the Great and Nefertiti. Hence I am not sure what to make of his proposal that the Rothschilds had Scottish links through the Leslies and with the Stuarts or Stewarts. We know that the Stuarts descend from the Allens, a family with Hebrew origins as we discovered earlier in another post.

Mathis seems to see all modern history as a Jewish plot. I would be the first to say that jews have been involved in many behind the scenes designs and plots down the centuries but I think to blame the jewish people for everything that has happened in the history of the last four thousand years may be going a bit too far. The C's have told us that the jews are not race specific and are a truly mongrelised group. Indeed, they pointed out that the Nazis (many of whose leaders were crypto-jews as Mathis recognises) went out of their way to kill jews of the Abrahamic line but did not really know why they were doing so. Moreover, if our researches are correct, and we buy into what the C's have said, the Abrahmic hebrews, from whom the Jews derive, were in reality Scythian Celts and therefore Aryans of Indo-European stock. Here is what the C's said about the matter:​

Session 20 October 2005 - Link

Q: (H) In reading through the transcripts in the 9/11 book, I was confused about the genetic tweak that was made 130,000 years ago. Was that a tweak that was done to all the Semites, so it wasn't only the Jews?

A: Question is what is a Semite?

Q: (H) You make a remark that this thing with Hitler goes off planet. So was this something that was going on on Kantek before it exploded?

A: Yes.

Q: (H) Did the Semites have a significant role in the collapse of Atlantis?

A: Indeed!

Q: (H) So, when we're looking at a replay, we're REALLY looking at a replay!

A: Yup.

Q: (Discussion of who are the Semites) (H) So the real Semites are the Aryans?

A: You got it!

Q: (L) So that means that the rank and file of Jews that have carried the tradition, the Arabic types, just took on the tradition and carried it and set it back to these Aryan types. They were just intermediaries. (J) Semites is like Middle Eastern, isn't it?

A: Is it? Was it?

Q: (H) Then the genetic tweak, was it made in the Aryan Semites or was it made in the Jews that we know as Jews today?

A: Aryan. Reason for destruction of Jews of the "Abrahamic" line.

So the real Semites are the Aryans. The C's have hinted that Abraham himself (reputedly a red head) was a Trojan Celt from Troy in Britain. Many Jewish people have red hair, which is also very much a Celtic trait. Indeed, one of the largest concentrations of red heads in the world is to be found in the British Isles. The British Israelites also make a connection between the British Kings and the Davidic dynastic line and speak of the Tribe of Dan, one of the 12 Tribes of Israel, settling in the British Isles.

I recently read the following in a book by the American egyptologist Kent Weeks about Ramesses II, the famous 19th dynasty Pharaoh:​

"At the time of his death he still had a full head of naturally red hair - a colour that must have drastically set him apart from the normally black-haired populations of Egypt and Western Asia. Red hair was a characteristic feature of the god Seth and Ramesses must have felt an even closer affinity to this god because of it."

Ramesses reigned a century or so after Akhenaten. Does his red hair suggest that he was a Hebrew? Moreover the C's had this to say about the Levites, from whom King David derived:

Session dated 8 January 2000:

Q: All right, first question is, what is the origin of the Levites?

A: Hittites. Moon Worshippers.

Q: Well, before the Hittites became Hittites, what were they?

A: Indo-europeans.

Q: What was the source of the Indo-europeans?

A: Aryan sub-race.

Q: Is there any other group the Aryans mixed with to produce the Indo-Europeans?

A: Fourth Density genetic tweak.

Thus, the Levites were Hittites from Anatolia (modern day Turkey) who spawned the Levites, who were the Jewish tribe or group that would be responsible for looking after and carrying the Ark of the Covenant.

Mathis's research is certainly very interesting and he makes some good connections but I am sure if you were to look into the genealolgy of most Europeans and European Americans you will find Jewish blood eventually, since the Jews have been in Europe for well over 2,000 years and in America since before the founding of the Republic. Since I am descended from the Stuarts, would that make me a crypto-jew were Mathis is concerned? I certainly don't feel Jewish because of this link and I grew up in an Irish Roman Catholic family. I would certainly feel unhappy if Mathis researched my family and, because he found I was of Stuart descent, he then viewed me as Jewish and naturally, as a result, in on the world takeover plot.

I doubt if Mathis is aware of the Cassiopaeans but, if he were, then he might see that the families he is focused on are the bloodline families the C's have told us of. This bloodline, which includes the Stuarts, may feel it is their destiny to rule over the world. They almost certainly have the genetic tweak the C's spoke of above. In addition, the C's have told us that the Rosicrucians are the Illuminati and the roots of the Rosicrucians go back way before Abraham and the Jewish people. No doubt the Nordic Covenant, which is over 5,000 years old, involves these families too but the C's have also said that the Nordic Covenant was a duality, so those with this bloodline could exercise their genetically enhanced powers for good or bad purposes. Thus, it seems a lot more complicated than Mathis appreciates. However, as I say, I admire his research but I may draw different conclusions from him.

We should also note that the Semites were involved in the events that led to the demise of Atlantis and were also in conflict with another group on Kantek before its destruction. This strikes me as being a reflection of the struggle between the Sons of Belial and the Sons of the Law of One. Hence, we need to trace the descendents of these two groups down to today to work out what is going on here.​
The more familiar spelling seems to be Huguenots, according to Wikipedia.

Good point. I must have picked up that version of the name from an article I was reading. However, the origin of the name Huguenot seems to be unknown but believed to have been derived from combining phrases in German and Flemish that described their practice of home worship. Hence, as a non-French name it may have been subject to variations.

I note your point about BBCi Player. Perhaps the series will be made available on overseas BBC platforms like BBC America or through European broadcasters who have links with the BBC and its productions. Anyway, I hope it will be made available in your country in due course.
I am conscious that I have not posted for a while now due to my taking a brief holiday last week, the first in over two years due to Covid. I also had to attend the funeral of a much loved uncle as well. However, I have also been using the time to catch up on my reading in preparation for new articles, which I hope to produce for this thread in the near future. In particular, I have been re-reading sections of Laura’s The Secret History of the World and her comments on Iman Wilkens ‘Where Troy Once Stood’ in here piece ‘Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce and the Return of the Mongols’, which have proved very useful. I also find it helpful to keep going back to the transcripts in order to re-read the clues the C’s have given us, which are the main tools that guide my research. As a result of doing so, I have, I believe, uncovered a further link to the Philosophers of Dancar and John Dee that could in turn connect to Oak Island and the enclave of alchemists in the Pyrenees.

The title of this thread is ‘Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians’. Although we have already looked at Alton Towers and Sir Francis Bacon, I am conscious that up to now, I haven’t produced an in depth analyses of what the C’s have said about the Rosicrucians, particularly since Francis Bacon was almost certainly a leading figure in the modern Rosicrucian movement. I therefore hope to put this right soon by posting an article specifically on the Rosicrucians. In the meantime, I think it is important to try and draw links between those groups that have played an important role in shaping our present reality in order to understand who has being doing what and why down through the millennia. Thus, I think we need to establish connections where we can between the Druids, the Osirians, the Essenes, the Brotherhood of the Serpent, the Rosteem (now manifesting as the Rosicrucians), the Levites, the Knights Templar, the Assassins and the Freemasons. It doesn’t help that official histories and records have been doctored in order to hide some of these links from scrutiny. However, we can make some progress by studying what records are still available and by looking at myths, legends and ancient symbolism and, finally, by using etymological analyses in the way that Laura has done in her work (including ‘green language’). One thing that certainly seems to have been a hallmark of secret societies down through the ages is their love of symbols and the ‘rose croix’ is a classic example.

Since Laura wrote Secret History, there have been a lot of new books, articles and documentaries published and produced that may help to shed more light on the matters she discussed in her book. The C’s have also provided further clues as well. Other Forum members have also helped by posting useful information in various threads that may assist us in unravelling some of the mysteries referred to in the transcripts. This includes, for example, the mystery of Oak Island where the Lagina brothers, Rick and Marty, are still making new discoveries concerning the treasure of Oak Island in their ongoing and long running TV series – The Curse of Oak Island. Indeed, I watched a new episode only the other night. Forum members, of course, have an advantage over the Laginas since the C’s have already revealed what the Oak Island treasure is, i.e., a Trans-Dimensional Atomic Remolecularisation Machine or TDARM for short. I hope to do an article specifically on Oak Island and the enclave of alchemists in the near future since I think there is possibly a tie-in here with the Holy Grail. In doing so, I will be making use of comments members have provided on the Oak Island thread, since these raise a number of interesting observations that would not be readily apparent or relevant to the Laginas.

I also intend to revert back to earlier posts by myself and other Forum members where new material I have discovered may help to advance points and address issues that were raised in those posts. In this regard, I welcome input from other members who may have expert knowledge to bring to bear, particularly where esoteric matters or local knowledge and history are concerned. Please believe me when I say that input from Forum members and readers of this thread is invaluable, as it often opens up new avenues of thought and directions to go in, which may help in solving the puzzles set by the C’s within the clues they have given us over the years.

My problem at the moment is not so much finding new material to bring to the table but in finding the time to draw it all together in articles. I readily admit that I am not the quickest of typists. I take my hat off to Laura for the way she has been doing this work for over 25 years now. However, as one Forum member has reminded us on this thread, learning is fun and may help us in building our magnetic centres.​
Thomas Allen, John Dee and Richard Hakluyt

I recently stumbled across a connection between John Dee and another brilliant mathematician and alchemist of the Elizabethan age who, like Dee, was part of a large network of 16th century scholars, esotericists and alchemists. This man was Thomas Allen. Please note his surname as it could be highly relevant later.

However, before discussing Thomas Allen and his many connections to the influential people of his age, I would first like to say a bit about John Dee. Although, he has been mentioned many times on this thread, when you look at the transcripts, he is seldom, if at all, mentioned in comparison to say Sir Francis Bacon to whom Dee was a mentor. Could it be though that the C’s have on occasion drawn attention to Dee indirectly? For example, there was my suggestion that the C’s might have been referring indirectly to him when they mentioned a link between Cecil (Laura’s abductor), Jack, her father, and St. Albans (see my article ‘The Strange Case of Richard Hesketh’).

Another possible indirect reference to Dee may have been contained in a quote the C’s made in the session dated 23 February 2003:​

A: Shakespeare said it: Sound and fury signifying nothing.

Q: (L) I think we ought to check the whole quote at some point and see what all he was saying. I'm not a Shakespeare person. (V) From what work is this quote? (L) I just want you all to know I am not a Shakespeare fan so ... knock it off (laughter as she speaks this to the board)! (V) Can you tell us what Shakespearean work this is from so it can be further ...

A: Tempest.

{It's actually from Macbeth though I suspect the Cs had a purpose in saying "Tempest":

Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

The Tempest tells us:

We are such stuff
As dreams are made on; and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.

Which conveys a similar meaning, but in different words.}

The main character in Shakespeare’s play The Tempest is the magician Prospero. In a recent post I pointed out that John Dee is considered to have been the model for Prospero. Apparently, the confidential report sent to the Virginia Company council members by William Strachey concerning the shipwreck on the Bermudas of the Company’s flagship, the Sea Adventurer, provided source material for The Tempest. Hence, could this have been the reason why the C’s wanted to draw our attention to the Tempest and by extension John Dee and his connections to Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir Francis Bacon, who was a major shareholder in the Virginia Company and drew up its constitution (“is Beechnut a company?”).

I was also reflecting recently on another statement by the C’s in an earlier transcript which related to the artefacts linked with the Holy Grail. You may recall in my article on the Tuatha Dé Danann that I referred to the four magical treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann namely:​

Well one Forum member subsequently pointed out that the four treasures were comparable to the major arcane of the Tarot deck. I believe there are also correspondences with some of the implements carried by the royalty cards of the four different suits in a conventional pack of playing cards as well. If anyone wants to comment further on this point, please feel free to do so. It so happens that Laura also raised this very same point with the C’s in a session conducted shortly after a dream she had had involving the artefacts in question. Here is what was said:​

“Q: Okay, you said that the artefacts provide the key. I had a dream the other night that the artefacts in question were the major arcane of the Tarot deck, that they could be used to discover the mystery. Was this a legitimate clue in my dream?

A: Tools. So are astrological charts.”

Now keep in mind the reference to the word “key” in Laura’s question as it will become relevant later. I would mention in passing that there is another Indiana Jones movie being shot in Britain at the moment starring Harrison Ford. The first four films have involved the hunt for the Ark of the Covenant, a rare and valuable diamond, the Holy Grail and a crystal skull. I am not aware what the subject of the latest movie is but I would place good money on it being the ‘Spear of Destiny’ (the Spear of Lugh). Interestingly they have been filming in Scotland so it could be the Stone of Scone I suppose. They have also been filming in Northumberland but not alas Alnwick Castle, the main seat of the Percys who are the Dukes of Northumberland (see more below on the Percys and Alnwick Castle). If anyone has further information on this latest movie, please feel free to post it on the thread.

However, I first want to draw people’s attention in the above extract to the word “Tools” and then to the C’s mention of “astrological charts”. I would be interested to know whether or not the Forum member who drew attention to the major arcane of the Tarot deck was aware of this exchange in the transcripts when they made the link between the four magical treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann and the major arcane. Laura stated in her book ‘The Secret History of the World’ that she thought the artefacts concerned worked in conjunction with the Grail, perhaps as part of one large machine. If this assumption is correct and the four magical treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann are technological devices or tools that work in conjunction with the Grail, this may help to support my contention that the Grail may have travelled with Brigid/Kore/Hagar/Meritaten to Britain and eventually to Ireland and the artefacts are remembered in myth and folklore as the aforementioned treasures – the Grail being the Dagda’s Cauldron. That doesn’t mean that Kore necessarily retained the Grail since the C’s have also referred to the Argonauts being sent on a retrieval mission, no doubt to bring the Grail back to Egypt and to the Pharaoh. However, I will leave that theory for a later article. I would just add that it is my understanding that the Tarot deck as we know it today originated in ancient Greece but, if we follow the theory that Homer’s tales of the Illiad (concerning the Siege of Troy) and Odysseus were really tales relating to Celtic heroes that were transposed to Greece through the subsequent emigration of Celtic tribes to Greece and the Peloponnese, then one could see how the Tarot may have travelled to Greece with the Celts.

Focusing now on the C’s reference to astrological charts, my first question is why did they make this association? Their reference to astrological charts made me think though of John Dee and John Field, who you will recall were both arrested in 1555 during the reign of Queen Mary Tudor for supposedly reading her horoscope and those of her husband, Phillip II of Spain, and her younger half sister, Elizabeth Tudor, the future Queen Elizabeth I. John Dee was renowned for drawing up astrological birth charts for people, often as a means of raising additional income. John Field (1520/1530–1587) was also an astrologer, as well as being the foremost "proto-Copernican” astronomer in England at that time. You may recall (see my post on this thread dated 27 April 2021) that John Field lived in the village of East Ardsley, near to the City of Leeds, only 28 miles from Doncaster (‘Dancar’) and near to "the Chevin", the name given to the ridge on the south side of Wharfdale in Leeds, West Yorkshire. You would have to use the Chevin in order to travel from East Ardsley to Doncaster. I also recently pointed out that ‘Cloverdale’ was a possible reference to the Yorkshire Dales and, of course, clover is a form of alfalfa, which links with the ‘Highlanders’ and therefore to Celts generally, who may have grown it for their horses and livestock. This might again link the Yorkshire Dales with the Briganti tribe or the Brigantes Celts that occupied the Humber and the River Trent prior to and after the arrival of the Romans in Britain. They, of course, derived their name from the British and Irish goddess Brig or Brigid, who I have suggested was in fact Kore/Hagar/Meritaten and perhaps the real Helen of Troy.

However, John Dee and John Field were not the only prominent Elizabethan astronomers to dabble in astrology since their contemporary Thomas Allen did so as well. Earlier in this article I mentioned that we should note Allen’s surname and also keep in mind the reference to the word “key” in Laura’s question to the C’s. This is because of the following exchange between Laura and the C’s in the Session dated 3 May 1997:​

Q: Okay, discovered that one of the Percy estates was called 'Alnwick,' which startled me a bit after tracking wicks all over the place. But, what is the meaning of 'Alnwick?'

A: Discover. Invert. Allan. Check Hebrew root of Allan.

Q: The Counts of Flanders and Champagne were the sponsors of Chretien de Troyes who wrote the original Grail stories in which Perceval figures so prominently. These guys were also connected with the Templars. Well, it seems that the Templars were not the only ones getting picked on during certain periods. The Percy family has had much MORE than its share! Why?

A: You will be "picked on" too, if you learn too many secrets!!

Q: So, the Percys DID know something. I understand that the Percy family has a collection of 62 alchemical manuscripts... which is actually how I found out about Alnwick - I was tracking these alchemical texts....

A: But if you go there, do not ask for the key!

Q: Does the current head of the family know the secret?

A: Getting "warmer."

Q: Has this person also been pursuing the secret?

A: Pour suivant.

Q: What does that mean, Frank? (F) For, to follow. (T) Why did you say that in French?

A: Look for clues, and do not have expectations!

For the Wikipedia biography of Thomas Allen see the following link: Thomas Allen (mathematician) - Wikipedia

In my earlier article, we used the French expression “pour suivant” meaning “for following” or “pursuing” (from which this English word probably derives) to look into Laura’s ancestry through the Percy line as well as looking at the Breton and Hebrew roots* of the Allen family from which the Stuart line of kings and queens derives. The Allen line also includes the FitzAlan family, the Earls of Arundel (1267–1580) who are related to the Stuarts and the Fitzalan Howards who are the Dukes of Norfolk.​

*See my article on “Allen” and the Nordic Covenant for a discussion of the Hebrew origins of the Allen family.


Looking at the engraving of Thomas Allen shown above, I am struck (assuming this was a faithful likeness) by just how large his cranium appears. It makes me wonder whether this is a possible sign of his having Merovingian ancestry, since some Merovingian skulls, as we saw previously, have proven to have been much larger than normal skulls and remind one of Nefertiti and her daughter Meritaten’s enlarged hybrid skulls.

We note in the above transcript that Laura had discovered that the Percy family has a collection of 62 alchemical manuscripts stored at Alnwick Castle in the possession of the current head of the Percy family, the Duke of Northumberland. However, the C’s cryptically pointed out that if she should go there, she should not ask for the key. When she queries whether the current head of the family knows the secret, the C’s suggest that she is getting warmer. This makes me think of Laura’s statement quoted earlier that the artefacts that the C’s previously spoke about might provide the “key”. The C’s say that these are merely tools as are astrological charts. This is a curious statement. It makes me wonder whether the C’s meant this because astrological charts may indicate a person’s destiny and links with their genealogy, bloodlines and their DNA, something the C’s have stressed on more than one occasion. For example in the session dated 6 June 1998 the C’s said:​

“(A) The original questions was whether we should follow this bloodline research... to what purpose?

A: Bloodlines reveal destiny. Why do you think they have been covered up so thoroughly?

Q: What is it in this bloodline that makes it so important to cover it up?

A: It would lead directly to verity on a scale never before seen on earth while at 3rd density STS.

Q: And what would be the result of this verity?

A: The truth shall set you free... as you are imprisoned!”

They also added in the session dated 23 March 1996:

Q: (L) We are talking about a genetic bloodline that activates certain abilities and genes that interface with the corresponding soul that has prepared for this manifestation of the bloodline?

A: Yes.”

No doubt the Allens are part of the special bloodline the C’s have previously referred to, as are the Percys, who may ultimately be descended from the Perseids (originating with Perseus and Andromeda) and specifically from Kore.

With regard to the 62 alchemical manuscripts mentioned above, I previously copied a link to them in an earlier post. Some of these manuscripts are apparently connected with Sir Francis Bacon. However, it was Laura’s ancestor, Henry Percy, 9th Earl of Northumberland (1564 – 1632), the “Wizard Earl”, who perhaps holds the most interest for us, since he had a great interest in scientific experiments and his library was one of the largest in England at the time. I previously pointed out that he was a patron to Thomas Harriot, Nicholas Hill, Robert Hues, Nathaniel Torporley and Walter Warner. John Dee, who at Mortlake lived nearby to Henry’s London residence at Syon House, was also a friend of Henry Percy and their two circles overlapped. This meant that Henry Percy probably knew Sir Phillip Sydney, a friend of Dee, who was supposed to have met with Giordano Bruno. However, another man strongly linked to Henry Percy was Thomas Allen and Allen also had connections to John Dee, particularly through one Edward Talbot otherwise known to history as Edward Kelley, John Dee’s most famous skryer.

I also pointed out that I had suspicions that some of those people I named who had received the patronage of Henry Percy may have been among the ranks of the Philosophers of Dancar. I would now like to add Thomas Allen to that list. However, before looking more closely at Allen and his works and contacts, I would like to dwell first on his links to Edward Kelley, since this brings us back to the C’s and another possible meaning of the expression ‘pour suivant’.​

Thomas Allen and Edward Kelley

John Dee first met Edward Kelley on 8 March 1582 when he arrived at the door of his house in Mortlake in the company of a Mr. Clerkson, who acted as an agent for scholars and itinerant skryers (spirit mediums) – introducing them to their perspective patrons. At that first meeting, Kelley passed himself off as Edward Talbot. He may have done this because Talbot was the family name of the Earls of Shrewsbury based in Lancashire and he thought the surname might impress Dee and his previous employer who could well have been Thomas Allen. Benjamin Woolley in his book ‘The Queen’s Conjuror – The Life and Magic of John Dee’ proposes that Dee may have heard of Kelley working under the name Talbot for his fellow scientist Thomas Allen. Speculating here, it is possible that Kelley might even have worked for the Earl of Shrewsbury at Alton Castle (in whose grounds Alton Towers was subsequently constructed in the 19th century) prior to working for Allen and Dee, since many noble families employed spirit mediums as it was quite fashionable at that time to do so. If so, it may explain why he appropriated the Talbot name for the reason expressed above. Allen’s name had also been linked with Dee’s in a political pamphlet, as both were suspected of political ‘figuring’ and ‘conjuring’ for Robert Dudley, the Earl of Leicester (a notable statesman and favourite of Queen Elizabeth I who was reputed to be her lover). There is also one extant source showing a link between Kelley (Talbot) and Allen in ‘Athenae Oxeniensis’. Allen and Dee certainly knew each other, as Allen had been appointed the receiver for the Cathay Company after the city merchant Michael Lok, it principal shareholder, was declared bankrupt. The Cathay Company had financed the Frobisher expedition to the New World but it failed to make a return on the investment, which led to Lok’s bankruptcy. John Dee had provided his services (mainly from a navigational point of view) to the expedition, which saw the English making their first footfall in North-East Canada and claiming the land for the nascent British Empire.

It is interesting to note that Dee drew up an astrological birth chart for Kelley, which shows him as being born in Worcester on 1 August 1555, which made him 26 at the time when he first met Dee. There is in fact an extant parish register showing that an Edward Kelley (son of Patrick) was christened on 2 August 1555 at St Swithin’s Church, Worcester. Apart from this, there is no other official documentary evidence of Kelley’s life before he met Dee. However, there are many legends that surround Kelley. One of these concerns a tale told about Kelley by the alchemist William Backhouse to the English antiquary, proto-Freemason, astrologer and student of alchemy Elias Ashmole (1617-1692), who created the famous Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology in Oxford. Woolley describes in his book how Backhouse, knowing of Ashmole’s interest in Dee and Kelley, told Ashmole that Kelley had once ‘Cheated a lady of certain jewels’. Kelley made his escape with his booty but was soon being chased by an unidentified ‘Pursevant’ (pursuer). Kelley then arrived at Dee’s house under a false name (Talbot) with the intention of lying low. However, the Pursevant finally caught up with him at Mortlake and confronted him. Kelley then somehow persuaded him that he would recompense the lady for the crime whereupon the Pursevant let him go. It is impossible to verify this story at this distance in time as Backhouse through Ashmole is the only source for it. Although Dee made no reference to this episode in his diaries he did write three months after their original meeting that ‘I have confirmed that Talbot was a cosenor’ – in other words a fraud.

According to Backhouse, one reason that Kelley decided to follow Dee to the Continent eighteen months after their first meeting was that he was still being stalked by the Pursevant. Apparently, hearing stories of Kelley’s subsequent fame as an alchemist in Bohemia, he travelled out there and confronted him again. However, this time he was rewarded with one of Kelley’s celebrated ‘alchemical projections’. Using just a tiny scattering of the magic red powder (see earlier post for details of this), Kelley produced two thousand pounds worth of gold, which he handed over, together with a sample of the powder, to the now placated Pursevant. Supposedly the Pursevant took the booty home and used it to buy up large tracts of land in Warwickshire.

It may be that there is no link between the C’s use of the expression “pour suivant” and the English term ‘Pursevant’ meaning pursuer in relation to Edward Kelley and it is just a mere coincidence. However, the C’s did add “Look for clues, and do not have expectations!” Hence, following their advice, I thought I would draw your attention to this potential link, especially as it involves alchemy and the C’s had pointed out when Laura asked whether the current head of the Percy family knew the secret of alchemy that she was getting warmer - and it would appear from this story, if true, that Kelley certainly knew the secret. Indeed, the C’s deliberately placed the word “warmer” in quotes, which suggests to me that their use of the term in this way holds a deeper meaning. Of course, the use of the expression pour suivant may just mean that Laura should not look to the current head of the Percy family but perhaps to an ancestor such as Henry Percy, 9th Earl of Northumberland or the ‘Wizard Earl’, who was well known not only to John Dee but to Thomas Allen, a fellow scientist and alchemist.​

Thomas Allen the Astrologer and Alchemist

As his Wikipeadia biography shows, Allen corresponded with Henry Percy, 9th Earl of Northumberland. Percy invited Allen to visit and he spent some time with the Syon House group around the Wizard Earl. Through this group he became acquainted with Thomas Harriot, John Dee, and other leading mathematicians of the period. Allen was also noted as an astrologer to Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester, as Dee was for Queen Elizabeth. One interesting observation from his biography is that Allen drew up a horoscope for the teenage Sir Phillip Sydney that runs to 62 pages (it still survives), which by an odd synchronicity equals the number of alchemical manuscripts held at Alnwick Castle. Sydney you may recall was an Elizabethan courtier, statesman, soldier, poet, and patron of scholars and poets, and was considered as being the ideal gentleman of his day. He died at the relatively young age of 31 fighting in the Netherlands. Curiously, the number 31 is, of course, half of 62, but perhaps this is just a mere coincidence. However, his poetry and verse had a marked impact on English poetry and the literature of the age and, along with the works of Shakespeare, Spencer and Marlowe, can be seen to have been in a literary vanguard that transformed English literature and poetry into the great force it would become in the 17th century and in subsequent centuries.

So now we have three leading scientists who were mathematicians, astronomers and alchemists but who were also astrologers, casting horoscopes and birth charts for some of the most important people in England. Could this be a reason why the C’s mentioned that astrological charts were another means, along with the aforesaid artefacts, to discover the mystery? Could the casting of a person’s birth chart assist in some way in discovering their bloodline and destiny? Remember the C’s have also told us that the secret of alchemy is really the transmutation of self. Moreover, the C’s have also told us that the famous philosopher’s stone of the alchemists was an idea centre. Did men like John Dee, Thomas Allen, John Field and Henry Percy possess the secret? If so, were they linked to the enclave of alchemists (including Nicolas Flamel) in the Pyrenees the C’s have spoken about who were otherwise described as the ‘great council of the elect’ in the Rosicrucian manifestos, and if so, were any of these men involved in that strange mission to Oak Island?​

Well one clue may be found in the Session dated 11 April 1998:

Q: Well, I just thought I would ask! What I found out was that this wonderful Hakluyt Society that chronicled the funny business in the Canary Islands {which I had read previously, and which claimed that the Ark of the covenant was there} also kept track of the goings on in Ethiopia. One of the things they told about was the carrying of the Ark in procession by red or blond headed guys. And there was the Croix Patte of the Templars on a number of objects in Ethiopia. The Rose Croix. Did we have Templars there, or what was going on? Was the Ark there and was it then taken somewhere else?

A: The Ark of the Covenant is not what you think it is.

Q: You guys said that it was a power cell. I don't have some sort of romantic idea of it. I can accept that. But there are all these stories about it and a lot of people have mythologized it. What do you mean by saying such a thing. What is the Ark?

A: See Oak Island.
{Trans-dimensional Atomic Remolecularizer?}

What is said here should also be linked to the earlier session dated 3 May 1997:

“A: Connect the Rosicrucians to your favourite island by the "beech." Horticulturally, please, and family.

Q: Oak Island?

A: Yup! Then, connect the Pyrenees to the Canaries.”

Richard Hakluyt

See Richard Hakluyt - Wikipedia for his Wikipedia biography.

The particular link between these two sessions referring to Oak Island and the Canary Islands that I would like to focus on is the mention of the Hakluyt Society (see more below on this), since the name of the society refers to the English Elizabethan geographer Richard Hakluyt who may have been taught by Thomas Allen. Mathematical geography was an important topical subject in regard to which Allen was highly reputed during the Elizabethan Age, as no doubt was John Dee. Allen also taught Robert Fludd and Sir Thomas Aylesbury and, according to the Priory of Sion Dossier secrets, Fludd was supposed to have been a Grand Master or Nautonnier (Navigator) of the Priory of Sion, as well as being a leading Rosicrucian.

Richard Hakluyt (1552–1616) was an English writer and religious cleric. He is known for promoting the English colonisation of North America through his works, notably Divers Voyages Touching the Discoverie of America (1582) and The Principall Navigations, Voiages, Traffiques and Discoueries of the English Nation (1589–1600). Between 1583 and 1588 he was chaplain and secretary to Sir Edward Stafford, the English ambassador at the French court. It is worth recalling that Francis Bacon had also travelled to the French court in 1576 as part of an English diplomatic mission led by an earlier English ambassador. Moreover, John Dee was also on the Continent in the same time period as Hakluyt, although primarily travelling in central and eastern Europe in his case.

Hakluyt was the personal chaplain to Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury, principal Secretary of State to Elizabeth I and James I. He was also the chief promoter of a petition to James I for letters patent to colonise Virginia, which were granted to the London Company and Plymouth Company (referred to collectively as the Virginia Company) in 1606. Hence, like Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir Francis Bacon, we find Hakluyt closely connected to the Virginia Company, which would become the main driving force in the early English colonisation of North America (see more below on this).

While a Queen's Scholar at Westminster School, Hakluyt visited his guardian, whose conversation, illustrated by "certain bookes of cosmographie, an universall mappe, and the Bible," made Hakluyt resolve to "prosecute that knowledge, and kind of literature”. Entering Christ Church, Oxford, in 1570 with financial support from the Skinners' Company, "his exercises of duty first performed," he set out to read all the printed or written voyages and discoveries that he could find. He took his Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) on 19 February 1574, and shortly after taking his Master of Arts (M.A.) on 27 June 1577, began giving public lectures in geography. He was the first to show "both the old imperfectly composed and the new lately reformed mappes, globes, spheares, and other instruments of this art”. Hakluyt was ordained a minister in 1578, the same year he began to receive a "pension" from the Worshipful Company of Clothworkers to study divinity. The pension would have lapsed in 1583, but William Cecil intervened to have it extended until 1586 to aid Hakluyt's geographical research. Hence, we already see a strong connection to Robert Cecil, the most important and powerful statesman in Elizabethan England and also a link with geographical research, a passion he seemed to share with John Dee and Thomas Allen.

As chaplain and secretary to Sir Edward Stafford, the English ambassador at the French court based in Paris in 1583, Hakluyt acted in accordance with the instructions of Secretary Francis Walsingham (Queen Elizabeth’s chief spymaster). He occupied himself chiefly in collecting information of the Spanish and French movements, and "making diligent inquirie of such things as might yield any light unto our westerne discoveries in America."

Hence like Sir Francis Bacon and John Dee, we see Hakluyt engaged in spying activities on behalf of the English Crown (and perhaps the Rosicrucians?).

The first fruits of Hakluyt's labours in Paris were embodied in his important work entitled A Particuler Discourse Concerninge the Greate Necessitie and Manifolde Commodyties That Are Like to Growe to This Realme of Englande by the Westerne Discoueries Lately Attempted, Written in the Yere 1584, which Sir Walter Raleigh commissioned him to prepare. Hakluyt revisited England in 1584, and laid a copy of the Discourse before Elizabeth I (to whom it had been dedicated) together with his analysis in Latin of Aristotle’s Politicks. His objective was to recommend the enterprise of establishing English plantations in the unsettled region of North America, and thus gain the Queen's support for Raleigh's expedition. Hence, we now see a clear link to Walter Raleigh who acted as his patron when commissioning Hakluyt’s 1584 book.

Hakluyt also interested himself in the publication of the manuscript journal of René Goulaine de Laudonnière, L'histoire notable de la Floride située ès Indes Occidentales in Paris in 1586. The attention that the book excited in Paris encouraged Hakluyt to prepare an English translation and publish it in London under the title A Notable Historie Containing Foure Voyages Made by Certayne French Captaynes unto Florida (1587). Rene Goulaine de Laudonnière (c. 1529–1574) was a French Huguenot explorer and the founder of the French colony of Fort Caroline in what is now Jacksonville, Florida. Admiral Gaspard de Coligny, also a Huguenot, sent Jean Ribault and Laudonnière to explore potential sites in Florida that might be suitable for settlement by the French Protestants. It should be recalled that Sir Walter Raleigh enjoyed a close relationship with the Huguenots in France, spending three years fighting with them against French Catholic forces. We also know that Raleigh had designs on Florida. Furthermore, we also learned that against Jesuit opposition, French Huguenots joined the expedition that would eventually lead to the founding of the colony of French Acadie (Arcadia) in what is now North-Eastern Canada and Nova Scotia, which encompasses Oak Island. It should also be noted that after the French Wars of Religion broke out between French Catholics and Huguenots, Ribault fled France and sought refuge in England. One can only wonder who Ribault may have consorted with whilst in England.

In the same year (1586), Rene Goulaine de Laudonnière’s edition of Peter Martyr d'Anghiera's De Orbe Nouo Decades Octo saw the light at Paris. This work contains an exceedingly-rare copperplate map dedicated to Hakluyt and signed F.G. (supposed to be Francis Gualle); it is also the first map on which the name "Virginia" appears. It is telling that this map should be dedicated to Hakluyt.

Between 1598 and 1600 the final, reconstructed and greatly enlarged edition of Hakluyt’s The Principal Navigations, Voiages, Traffiques and Discoueries of the English Nation appeared in three volumes. In the dedication of the second volume (1599) to his patron, Robert Cecil, Hakluyt strongly urged the minister as to the expediency of colonising Virginia. A few copies of this monumental work contain a map of great rarity, the first on the Mercator projection made in England according to the true principles laid down by Edward Wright. It should also be recalled that the renowned cartographer Gerard Mercator was a great friend of John Dee and, starting in 1548, the two had studied and worked together at the university of Louvain in what is today Belgium. Mercator gifted Dee two of his famous globes, which would mysteriously go missing during Dee’s later sojourn on the Continent.

Although we have focused up to now on the roles played by John Dee, Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir Francis Bacon in establishing England’s North American colonies, it would seem that Richard Hakluyt also played a great part in this enterprise. Hakluyt was, like Bacon, a leading adventurer of the Charter of the Virginia Company of London and as a director thereof in 1589. In 1605 he secured the prospective living of Jamestown, the intended capital of the new colony of Virginia. When the colony was at last established in 1607, he supplied this benefice with its chaplain, Robert Hunt. In 1606 he appeared as the chief promoter of the petition to James I for letters patent to colonise Virginia, which were granted on 10 April 1606. It seems somewhat strange to me that a senior English church cleric should have been so heavily invested in such a venture (he was not a pre-eminent statesman like Cardinal Wolsey for example). These were affairs of state not affairs of God and there does not appear to have been much talk of converting the natives either. I may be doing him an injustice but Hakluyt did not seem blessed with the missionary spirit or evangelical zeal to preach the gospel to the heathen in the way that Catholic orders like the Jesuits, the Dominicans and the Franciscans were. Were his motives purely nationalistic or perhaps pecuniary? In fairness, I would point out that Cardinals Richelieu and Mazarin were senior clerics of the Catholic Church who would play the role of leading statesmen in 17th century France. However, Hakluyt was not a high profile officer of state as they were.​


Looking at all these connections between noted European statesmen, scholars, scientists, poets, navigators, cartographers and adventurers of the 16th century, one begins to see, I believe, an extensive network of agents, a spider’s web that may have revolved around the Rosicrucians, who seemed to be carefully steering events from the shadows. It also appears to me that people like John Dee and Sir Francis Bacon may have been somewhere near the centre of this web. Moreover, this web was pan-European and not nation specific in spite of the economic rivalry between the great European powers who were competing with each other to exploit the riches of the New World. This point should be borne in mind when we consider the Oak Island mystery, since the alchemists who made the voyage to Oak Island at some date in the 16th century were an international group and were probably Rosicrucians. The Curse of Oak Island researchers have certainly found evidence for an English naval presence on the island on and around the 16th century and only recently the Lagina brothers have discovered a pine tar kiln dating from this period as further proof of such a presence. The tar manufactured in situ may have been used for sealing ship hull planks or for waterproofing the timbers used in the construction of the so-called ‘money pit’. However, proof of an English ship visiting the island does not of itself prove that this was an English expedition per se. If the C’s are right, the real sponsors of this mission were the alchemists/Rosicrucians. N.B. I hope to make more observations about this strange mission of the alchemists in a subsequent post.​

The Hakluyt Society

The Hakluyt Society, which was mentioned in the session dated 11 April 1998, publishes scholarly editions of primary records of historic voyages, travels and other geographical material and was named after Richard Hakluyt on its formation in 1846.

Although many of the Society's past editions relate to British ventures, with documentary sources in English, the majority concern non-British enterprises and are based on texts in languages other than English. Translations from Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French or Dutch have regularly appeared, and occasional translations from Russian, Greek, Latin, Amharic, Mandarin, Persian or Arabic.

It was through the Hakluyt Society that Laura discovered more about the strange sightings regarding the Virgin of Candeleria in Tenerife whilst also being made aware of the strange goings on in Ethiopia, where there seemed to be possible links to the Knights Templar with the Croix Patte (rose cross) of the Templars being displayed on a number of objects in Ethiopia.

Judging from what the C’s said in the session dated 11 April 1998, one also wonders whether the Rosicrucians (as the Rosteem) had long had a base in Ethiopia from where the legendary Queen of Sheba hailed from, a woman who would become the famous lover of the Biblical King Solomon (Pharaoh Narmer or Hermes Trismegistus?) and bear him a son:​

“Q: … Okay, in 1306 a mission from the Ethiopian King went to visit Pope Clement V. Exactly one year later the Templars were arrested. What did the Pope and the Ethiopian king and all the others talk about at that meeting?

A: Whether or not orders were being realized. Goodnight.”

Although the reason usually given for the destruction of the Templars was to break their financial power and political influence (the two usually go together) throughout Europe, where so many European monarchs, including King Phillipe IV of France, were heavily in debt to the them, perhaps the ulterior reason was to take possession of the Ark of the Covenant in which the Holy Grail was contained. It was the Grail the Rosicrucians were really after and they still are.

As for the Virgin of Candeleria, there is a reference in the transcripts to strange processions and lights accompanying the statue, which were witnessed by the native Guanches. We know from the C’s that the statue was teleported there before the Spanish Castilians arrived and conquered Tenerife and the Celts were apparently responsible for this. We also know that the beings observed with the statue were a mixture of 4th density STS and STO beings. The only thing I would add here is that one astute observer on the Curse of Oak Island thread noted that strange lights and apparitions have also been reported in connection with Oak Island, where we know a TDARM is buried. This suggests to me that the TDARM may be creating some kind of portal or window facilitating such lights and apparitions. One wonders whether something similar may also apply to the Holy Grail.​
...You may recall in my article on the Tuatha Dé Danann that I referred to the four magical treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann namely:

Well one Forum member subsequently pointed out that the four treasures were comparable to the major arcane of the Tarot deck. I believe there are also correspondences with some of the implements carried by the royalty cards of the four different suits in a conventional pack of playing cards as well. If anyone wants to comment further on this point, please feel free to do so. It so happens that Laura also raised this very same point with the C’s in a session conducted shortly after a dream she had had involving the artefacts in question. Here is what was said:​

“Q: Okay, you said that the artefacts provide the key. I had a dream the other night that the artefacts in question were the major arcane of the Tarot deck, that they could be used to discover the mystery. Was this a legitimate clue in my dream?

A: Tools. So are astrological charts.”
Lesser Arcana, not major.

"The Four Magical Treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann" clearly correspond with the four "magical weapons" of ceremonial magick - staff, cup, sword and pentacle which in turn symbolise the four elements fire, water, air and earth. These are also the decks of the lesser arcana in tarot. The association of the Grail with a cup / stone makes it an amalgamation of the female elements, seen from this perspective.
In occultism it is seen this way:
Four elemental suits - Staves (fire) Cups (water), Swords (air), Pentacles/Coins (earth)
Lesser Arcana -> each of the four suits as As(1), 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 (the sephira on the cabbalistic tree)
Court Cards -> for each elemental suits a King (fire), a Queen (water), a Prince (air) and a Princess (earth). That means e.g. Queen of Staves = Water of Fire
Major Arcana -> XXI (+ one) cards with the known pictures everyone associates with tarot (Wheel of Fortune, The Death, The Hanged Man etc.) The supposed correspondence to the paths between the sephira on the cabbalistic tree, was basically the secret you got in lesser grades when you joined occult orders like "Golden Dawn" in the late 19. century.

The modern playing card decks (for Poker, Skat, Bridge) is just a "castrated" tarot deck. Major Arcana + one Court Card (Princess) got scrubbed and in parts of Germany also the Queen got replaced with a male person ("Ober").
It so happens that Laura also raised this very same point with the C’s in a session conducted shortly after a dream she had had involving the artefacts in question. Here is what was said:

“Q: Okay, you said that the artefacts provide the key. I had a dream the other night that the artefacts in question were the major arcane of the Tarot deck, that they could be used to discover the mystery. Was this a legitimate clue in my dream?

A: Tools. So are astrological charts.”
Tarot is an occultistic 'tool' like Astrology and ... Kabbala. For what use?

76.9 Questioner: Is there, in Ra’s opinion, any present-day value for the reuse of the tarot as an aid in the evolutionary process?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall repeat information. It is appropriate to study one form of constructed and organized distortion of the archetypical mind in depth in order to arrive at the position of being able to become and to experience archetypes at will. You have three basic choices. You may choose astrology, the twelve signs, as you call these portions of your planet’s energy web, and what has been called the ten planets. You may choose the tarot with its twenty-two so-called Major Arcana. You may choose the study of the so-called Tree of Life with its ten Sephiroth and the twenty-two relationships between the stations.

It is well to investigate each discipline, not as a dilettante, but as one who seeks the touchstone, one who wishes to feel the pull of the magnet. One of these studies will be more attractive to the seeker. Let the seeker then investigate the archetypical mind using, basically, one of these three disciplines. After a period of study, the discipline mastered sufficiently, the seeker may then complete the more important step: that is, the moving beyond the written in order to express in an unique fashion its understanding, if you may again pardon the noun, of the archetypical mind
For those who want to 'get real' concerning tarot, I would advise to study the introduction chapters of Aleister Crowley's "Book of Thoth". (till page 28)
Don't bother about what you may have heard about the person, just try to understand what he is telling you about the topic at hand.


  • Crowley, The Book of Thoth.pdf
    533.7 KB · Views: 9
Lesser Arcana, not major.

In occultism it is seen this way:
Four elemental suits - Staves (fire) Cups (water), Swords (air), Pentacles/Coins (earth)
Lesser Arcana -> each of the four suits as As(1), 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 (the sephira on the cabbalistic tree)
Court Cards -> for each elemental suits a King (fire), a Queen (water), a Prince (air) and a Princess (earth). That means e.g. Queen of Staves = Water of Fire
Major Arcana -> XXI (+ one) cards with the known pictures everyone associates with tarot (Wheel of Fortune, The Death, The Hanged Man etc.) The supposed correspondence to the paths between the sephira on the cabbalistic tree, was basically the secret you got in lesser grades when you joined occult orders like "Golden Dawn" in the late 19. century.

The modern playing card decks (for Poker, Skat, Bridge) is just a "castrated" tarot deck. Major Arcana + one Court Card (Princess) got scrubbed and in parts of Germany also the Queen got replaced with a male person ("Ober").
Thank you for pointing out my mistake. I hadn't realise that the modern pack of playing cards was really just a heavily scaled down version of the Tarot deck with the Major Arcana deleted.

It is also interesting to see the connection between the Lesser Arcana and the Sephira of the cabbalistic tree (the Tree of Life). Although people today tend to link Cabbalism with the Kabbalah of Jewish mysticism, the C's made it clear that the Jews had merely inherited a corrupted form of the Kabbalah from Egypt (its real origins may stem from Mesopotamia), which suggests that Kabbalah either came out of Egypt with Abraham/Moses during the so called Exodus or the Jews picked up the tradition whilst they were in captivity under the Babylonians.

As for the Tarot deck itself, as I said in my article, the C's stated that it originated in Greece. The question is, did it's gestation take place purely in Greece and then it was transmitted to the rest of Europe or did it emerge from the ancient traditions and knowledge that came to Greece from the Celtic or hebrew peoples who settled there over the centuries?
About the origin of Tarot I point once more to Crowley. It is clear that it is a pictorial representation of the kabbalistic doctrine.

  1. The origin of the Tarot is quite irrelevant, even if it were certain, It must stand or fall as a system on its own merits.
  2. It is beyond doubt a deliberate attempt to represent, in pictorial form, the doctrines of the Qabalah.
  3. The evidence for this is very much like the evidence brought forward by a person doing a crossword puzzle. He knows from the “Across” clues that his word is “SCRUN blank H”; so it is certain, beyond error, that the blank must be a “C”
  4. These attributions are in one sense a conventional, symbolic map; such could be invented by some person or persons of great artistic imagination and ingenuity combined with almost unthinkably great scholarship and philosophical clarity.
  5. Such persons, however eminent we may suppose them to have been, are not quite capable of making a system so abstruse in its entirety without the assistance of superiors whose mental processes were) or are, pertaining to a higher Dimension.

So he basically already stated in 1944 that there must be involved (at least) a 4th densitiy influence, as we would put it.
I would add that there is both arabic and roman numbering used. But I'm not shure when this was added. The earliest Tarot deck version I have in my collection is a large (13,5 x 9 cm) Visconti reprint. There seems to have been some small nummerical marking at the top on the trump cards, but they have been made irrecognizable at some point in the past. The Lesser Arcana are of course still in the traditional style without numbering.
Visconti tarot trumps.jpg
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