Allergy Elimination

Shelly, I should mention, that one of the practitioners, who studied medicine in Poland became a BIE practitioner bcos of what it did for her, at the time 5 yrs old daughter who suffered a nasty string of illnesses. The poor child had Turrets Syndrome, ADD, ADHD, Asthma, Brian Allergies yep, brain allergies, google it, and a host of other problems. The poor child was a real mess.

The doctors had that poor child so heavily medicated that the little girl would end up in convolutions. Her mom said they made many trips to ER. It was a nightmare. One day, someone referred the mother to a BIE practitioner, and she being understandably desperate to help her child, took her there.

In this little girls case, it took about 10 visits before they even saw any results. They stuck with it until she was totally clear of all her ailments. The following year, the little girl was back in a normal school & off all her meds.

She is 10 yrs old now. A grade A student, participates in Extracurricular activities, hobbies, has a well rounded happy life, totally med. free. The mom, needless to say became a practitioner bcos of the results.
So I have done some research...

Here are the links to the person who claims to be the creator of BIE:

And here is the link to the 'research' paper that describes the history and process:

No where that I could find is the creator of BIE's research linked to in this paper. Although he does very well to suggest that his research leads him to the creation of BIE. But I couldn't find a bibliography for it. And why link this paper and not the actual research? Seems fishy to me. Such a wonderful technique surely should be in a scientific journal if he has actual research.

And the paper has no references to any statements in the paper, but there is a plethora of references at the end of the paper...but I have no clue what statements he gathered from any of these references cause he doesn't cite any of his statements.

So here is what I consider the money quote from the 'research' paper, bottom page 3 of 27:
Based on our research, my colleague and I found that each type of ion gate on our cell
membranes has it’s own specific vibration rate which makes it “leaky” (open up). This has
profound implications in that much of a cell’s activity is determined by messenger
compounds sent to control ion type flow through the cell membrane (this will be discussed
later). We predicate that we are able to influence frequencies within the cells with a specific
use and sequencing of frequency exposure. A carrier frequency wave that is condusive to the
human body is introduced via specific points on the body. The higher frequency of the
patient’s allergy is also introduced simultaneously. The result is a neutralization of the
allergen’s frequency. Once the procedure is complete, the body no longer seems to regard
the allergen as a threat when exposed to it, therefore ceasing to produce any further adverse
reactions. In postulation, we are simply resetting the cells to allow for allergen adaptation.
We found that we could desensitize virtually any frequency, provided that we determine the
specific allergen of an individual. This procedure is referred to as BioEnergetic Intolerance
Elimination (BIE) the embodiment of bio-feedback.

There are far too many questions from this blurb that call question to the basis of this technique.

1 - But to begin with for a description of this technique...a new definition of allergy is required - that an allergy is now defined as an energetic it no longer means what you thought it meant.

2 - The concept of a vibrational frequency affecting an ion gate is sketchy. How do you isolate this ion gate, how do you direct a frequency towards it, how do you determine that each ion gate on a cell wall has a unique vibrational frequency...the research implications seem to be a massive undertaking to me and yet no link to a research article in a science journal?

3 - What frequencies are condusive to human functioning? How do you determine the higher frequency of an allergen?

I think alot more questions can be thought of.

The rest of the 'research' paper reads like a freshman textbook in cell biology and physics, but really doesn't get anymore advanced then that.

I am willing to consider many new concepts and therapies, but I haven't found any hard evidence that this is a viable therapy for allergic reactions.
sgspencer said:
So I have done some research...
No where that I could find is the creator of BIE's research linked to in this paper. Although he does very well to suggest that his research leads him to the creation of BIE. But I couldn't find a bibliography for it. And why link this paper and not the actual research? Seems fishy to me. Such a wonderful technique surely should be in a scientific journal if he has actual research.

Hi Sgspencer.

Sometimes the key words a person selects doesn't lead them to the right place. Keep in mind, all those online marketers are always refreshing their pages so that they show up first in line on key word searches.

Also, keep in mind, that patents have to be filed in order to promote a product. These guys would have been shut down if this was not done. Robert, one of the creators of BIE is very accessible and very willing to explain everything in much detail. Just leave him a message on his voice mail and he will return your call as soon as he has some time. They are so booked up with clients due to referral basis and allergy season. They have built up quite the referral data base and that in itself says a lot. If this did not work, ppl would not refer their friends or family. Keep in mind, even with conventional medicine, not all patients respond to the treatment in the same manner. BIE does have a high percentage success rate, again, I just hope I fall into that successful percentage.

*** Here is a link that I think has to do with the is very informative. Lots of key words within the article.
I had a ball researching all sorts of similar methods from this page as well as the manufacturers......want to do a DIY kit? lolol. Then knock yourself out (I did) with the pearls of contacts in this patent page.

Patent application title: Electrical stimulus allergy treatment method
Scroll down to Description:

btw: Fo you to keep on with this research, are you in need of treatment, or just looking to debunk?

Let me point out 1 thing, Dr. Barrett of Quack Watch is a fraud. yep, check the below out.

Delicensed Stephen Barrett, Founder, Loses in Court-Again

The Six Components of the 2008 Quackbuster Operation...

Another great healing mode for Bi-Polar victims is True Home (dot)com. Our Health Canada shut them down. They took their case to the Supreme Court of Canada and won last year. They are allowed to sell their healing products.
Now, believe it or not, in such a sort time from last year to now, Health Canada is actually working with them now, as most of the global psychiatric medical world got wind of this mode of amazing successful treatment.
Check out the videos of how & why it got started. The family story are the videos in parts. It will break your heart.

Quack watch also put these ppl down. He puts everyone down. He is such a loser in my eyes.

I hope that I have shed some light on the BIE for you. If not, then pls don't hesitate to call Robert. He is a very friendly, sharing guy.

*edit by mod* deactivated link
sgspencer said:
There are far too many questions from this blurb that call question to the basis of this technique.

Hi again sgspencer

The only time I see specs in an add, is when I go to the appliance or electronic etc store and ask them for the manual.

It's a layman's add. No one gets into the engineering dynamics in an add! Heck, I sell new construction houses. Our adds don't have detailed specs on everything that goes into the building of the house or materials used.
I use to be a business manager in a car dealership......none of our adds got into the engineerings of the manufacturing's. But, most of the info was available in brochures upon request.
Same with practically everything out there. It's just an add written in layman's terms.
If you want to know more call them and ask for more. Easy to do.
cheemiss said:
btw: Fo you to keep on with this research, are you in need of treatment, or just looking to debunk?

Hi CheeMiss, this question isn't very helpful. You came to this forum to basically promote this BIE, correct? At least you implied this in another post today. This is a research forum, and, as such, all and everything is open to as much scrutiny as is required to get to the truth of the matter.
anart said:
cheemiss said:
btw: Fo you to keep on with this research, are you in need of treatment, or just looking to debunk?

Hi CheeMiss, this question isn't very helpful. You came to this forum to basically promote this BIE, correct? At least you implied this in another post today. This is research forum, and, as such, all and everything is open to as much scrutiny as is required to get to the truth of the matter.

OMG anart, you are taking that the wrong way!!! Why would you do that?

The reason I asked that question is 2 fold.

If one is just looking to debunk, then I would send them links along that line,

If one is looking to investigate for health reasons, then I would also send them info along those lines.

For me to incl quack watch is to show that NOT all debunking should be taken seriously & especially by him.

So to me, that question is very appropriate. I want to know what side of the fence spencer is on. Since I don't
know, I sent info for both sides.
I myself am on both sides of the fence. Actually testing out the method and still looking to critique it?

Please don't make assumptions about my question and then make an accusation based on YOUR assumption.
I did NOT come to this post to PROMOTE (your assumption again) BIE.
I am SHARING my experience as I am going thru the treatment. THAT IS NOT PROMOTING. I do not work for the company. And if you did read my posts, you would have read that I still don't know if it will work for me, only time will tell. So please STOP making assumptions about me or my question. Bcos you are way off base.

I knew it, there always has to be someone on these forums that has to do what you are doing to me. Assuming then accusing. I knew that this forum was to good to be true.

Good bye guys.
anart said:
Hi CheeMiss, this question isn't very helpful. You came to this forum to basically promote this BIE, correct? At least you implied this in another post today. This is a research forum, and, as such, all and everything is open to as much scrutiny as is required to get to the truth of the matter.

Kindly remove all my sharing info on my BIE treatments from your forum. I was NOT promoting. I was sharing in response to an Original Post, in which no one had anything to offer other than assumptions, cut & past articles and the like.

Pls delete all my contact info. I cannot believe this. This is so not what I need in my life.
CheeMiss, that is quite the emotional reaction to my simply explaining to you why sgspencer is doing what he is doing. It appears I touched a sore spot?
Oh my goodness! Bringing so much mental pressure to bear on people?

Gonzo, do you/have you really suffered excruciating pains? Well, do/did you?
OMG anart, you are taking that the wrong way!!! Why would you do that?
Please don't make assumptions about my question and then make an accusation based on YOUR assumption.
So please STOP making assumptions about me or my question. Bcos you are way off base.

I knew it, there always has to be someone on these forums that has to do what you are doing to me. Assuming then accusing. I knew that this forum was to good to be true.

...and then after a single comment:

anart said:
cheemiss said:
btw: Fo you to keep on with this research, are you in need of treatment, or just looking to debunk?

Hi CheeMiss, this question isn't very helpful. You came to this forum to basically promote this BIE, correct? At least you implied this in another post today. This is a research forum, and, as such, all and everything is open to as much scrutiny as is required to get to the truth of the matter.

You turn your anger inward, going postal on yourself? (eliminating all signs of one's existence as 'posts')

Good bye guys.
Kindly remove all my sharing info on my BIE treatments from your forum. I was NOT promoting. I was sharing in response to an Original Post, in which no one had anything to offer other than assumptions, cut & past articles and the like.

Pls delete all my contact info. I cannot believe this. This is so not what I need in my life.

Really now, for someone "almost a senior citizen", this is not a very constructive way to interact with folks is it? What's up?
anart said:
CheeMiss, that is quite the emotional reaction to my simply explaining to you why sgspencer is doing what he is doing. It appears I touched a sore spot?

I don't know how to stop notices from coming into my home email from this forum, please cancel my entire profile
and remove any and all posts. And here I was going to encourage my friends IBS suffering young daughter to read all the health info, so that she can educate herself on the do's and don't do's.

Your darn right you hit a nerve. I am so tired of the rare time that I join a forum and share some positive input, to be told I am promoting. The Organic Milk I buy in Toronto, comes from Harmony. 2 yrs ago, in a horrible long drawn out attack all the European ppl kept telling me to drink did nothing but make matters worse. I wrote to Harmony asking them to please consider putting out an Organic buttermilk as none were to be found and that when I was a kid, dairy products were safe and worked for me, but now, to get the same dairy, it has to be Organic. The following year they did that and it was my lifesaver in the next attack. Yet, if I buy Organic milk from the competing company, I do not have the same results. Your own milk thread says that not all milk is the same due to breed of cows. Good to know.
Now to share that is, I refuse to participate with ppl that take sharing as PROMOTING. What works from some does not work for others. No one has lost what I have lost to this horrible disposition. And I just cannot go on suffering like this. So here I research BIE to satisfy myself, to FINALLY try it and share with others who may be suffering from either allergies or intestinal nightmares, what I am doing and I am going to be accused of PROMOTING or I have to get emails that posters want to tear it apart with cut and pastes from other web sites rather than doing a proper study.


If this does work for me, that sad thing is that now, none of you will know, but those I meet face to face will know. I will reserve my sharing with ppl that I see in front of me, from here on in. And if it doesn't work, you won't know that either. And that is the sad part of all this. A real live person, not a web site, is actually spending monies on this & offering to share, has to be insulted rather than supported, bcos someone likes to play cut and paste.

Please remove me from your system.

Thank you and good bye.
Bud said:
Oh my goodness! Bringing so much mental pressure to bear on people?

I only pray that you experience this, and have someone like you do what you are doing.

Nasty, out right nasty.......go away little child, you obvisously live in your mothers basement collecting welfare!
CheeMiss, it sounds like you've had some negative experiences on forums and now are hypersensitive to any input whatsoever that you don't instantly see as 'positive'. That is really unfortunate.

It is also unfortunate that due to this overreaction of yours you would not share vitally important health information that is on this forum with someone who has IBS and could actually benefit from it.

It must be difficult to live with this level of anger and hypersensitivity, because you are not seeing things, or this forum, as it is. I hope you find what it is you're looking for in the future.
Bud said:
CheeMiss said:

Then, may I suggest a more beneficial way to 'manage' your interactions?

Here are the Forum Guidelines.

CheeMiss if you find you decide you'd like to manage your interactions differently, you may benefit from practicing the E-E breathing program (that is freely available on line here).....
Hi CheeMiss,

To answer your question about my experience with pain, I suffer from damaged spinal nerves, rheumatoid arthritis, failed back surgery, multiple herniated discs, fibromyalgia, chronic myofascial tension resulting in further nerve entrapment and an assortment of other conditions related to the aforementioned. Is that sufficient credibility and somehow lends merit to my comments, as if I had no credibility in your eyes without it?

I realize you are new, but really. Come on. Many here suffer or have suffered from unimaginable pain, be it physical, emotional, or both.

I empathize with you but am rather taken aback by your reaction.

In fact, having read your reactions (including the use of all caps) you seem to have issues with defensiveness and anger control and have significant emotional investments which limit you from objectivity, not to mention create an unpleasant exchange.

If you choose to stay on this forum, it would do you, and everyone who invests their energy in reading your posts, to become aware of the multi-fold purpose of this forum:

We strive to find objective truth.

This requires first and foremost the identification and elimination of mechanical behaviour (including emotional thinking), so that filters do not obstruct our efforts.

We use a network of individuals, all committed to the same process to help each other in both the research and mirroring, challenging and other methods that help with the mutually agreed-upon objectives.

However, this forum is not a democracy. This is a private forum run by private individuals who, along with moderators, will move quickly to protect members from the many predators who join with the sole purpose of instigating chaos, pushing an ideology or causing harm to themselves and others. As well, they intervene when dialogue is inappropriate or contrary to the forum's objectives or guidelines.

Our efforts and objectives are holistic in that they incorporate physical, psychological, intellectual and spiritual components.

We have a recommended reading list (, but also expect the reader to be familiar with Laura's writings as well as Gurdjieff's, so as to avoid misunderstandings, enhancing the exchange of information.

Since this is a research forum, sacred cows and opinions are not helpful and therefore not permitted. We deal with facts as much as they can be discerned and develop working hypotheses, subject to change with more information and analysis.

Everything and everybody is subject to scrutiny.

Often the language and approach used here is unfamiliar to many newcomers as they tend to read into comments emotions and judgments from members that, for the most part, just aren't there. I say for the most part because we are all works in progress, each with varying degrees of achievement but all committed to the common goals.

Your job, if your chose to accept it, is to participate wholly, so that you are part of this collinear network and that you balance the energy of taking information that represents the energy of others with giving, which represents your energy. Otherwise karmic imbalances are created.

The forum guidelines do a great job explaining all of this as do other documents in the newbie section, including:
- Comprehensive Guide for the Serious Reader (

- Important threads - "Newbies Forum and Important Notices to All Forum Members " (

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