Allergy Elimination


FOTCM Member
I'm wondering if anyone has explored the possibility of eliminating intolerances and allergies through some of the methods to be found in the fringes of the holistic health field. I've been looking into a method known as Bioenergetic Intolerance Elimination or BIE. The method sounds interesting.

This is from a Colon Hydrotherapy/Holistic Health Centre in Toronto (

Bioenergetic Intolerance Elimination Toronto
Natural Allergy Relief & IBS Treatment

Toronto’s D’Avignon Digestive Health Centre in uses Bioenergetic Intolerance Elimination (BIE) to provide lasting, natural relief from persistent allergies and food sensitivities, including IBS.

“The cell is a machine driven by energy. It can thus be approached by studying matter, or by studying energy. In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.” –Albert Szent-Györgyi, Nobel Laureate in Medicine

1. What is BIE?
2. How does BIE work?
3. How is BIE different from conventional methods of treating allergies, sensitivities and intolerances?
4. How is BIE different from alternative methods of treating allergies, sensitivities and intolerances?
5. Does BIE work for anaphylactic reactions?
6. Does BIE help with conditions other than allergies, sensitivities and intolerances?
7. Are there any side effects to BIE?
8. How many sessions will I need?
9. How soon will I notice results?
10. How long will the effects last?

1. What is BIE?

BIE is a safe, effective and non-invasive alternative therapy for assessing and eliminating allergies, sensitivities and intolerances. We have been safely performing natural allergy elimination treatment in Toronto since 2003.

2. How does BIE work?
BIE works by “clearing” the energetic pathways of the body. These bioenergetic pathways, or meridians, whose existence has been confirmed through electro-magnetic imaging technology, allow energetic signals to flow continuously throughout the body via the nervous system. Any number of factors can cause a disruption in the normal (healthy) flow of energy through the body’s meridians. These disruptions interfere with the communication between the brain and body, causing energetic abnormalities which can underlie a wide range of symptoms and conditions, including allergies, sensitivities and intolerances.

During the procedure, the client is exposed to the allergenic substance (which is held in a glass vial), while a hand-held device is used to transmit a low electronic frequency at various meridian sites on the body. As the electronic frequency clears blocked meridians, the body’s cells interpret the allergen’s energetic frequency as “non-threatening”, resulting in the elimination of adverse reactions to the cleared allergen.

3. How is BIE different from conventional methods of treating allergies, sensitivities and intolerances?

The most widely used conventional allergy test is the scratch or pin prick test, whereby an area on the skin (usually the back) is scratched or pricked to allow for a small dilution of a suspected allergen (typically inhaled allergens such as pollen, mold, dust and animal dander) to be applied and absorbed into the body. The appearance of redness and inflammation within 20 minutes confirms an allergy. Since the scratch test measures only one specific type of allergic response (IgE-mediated), it does not reliably detect food, chemical or environmental allergies and sensitivities.

Other conventional tests (patch test, Serial Endpoint Titration, Radio Allergosorbent Test, ELISA Test, Cytotoxic test, ALCAT) also have limitations in terms of their ability to detect various types of allergic reactions. Also, these tests can be invasive (requiring allergens to be injected into the body), uncomfortable and time-consuming.

Another significant drawback to the conventional approach to allergy is its reliance on pharmaceuticals to control allergic reactions and their symptoms. Antihistamines, inhalation corticosteroids, bronchodilators, aminophylline, oxtriphylline and theophylline medications may be used to provide temporary relief from symptoms, however, these short-term solutions pose the risk of serious long-term side effects (melatonin depletion with antihistamines; calcium, vitamin D, potassium, zinc, magnesium, vitamin C and folic acid depletion with corticosteroids; depression, insomnia and cardiovascular disease with bronchodilators).

In contrast, because BIE addresses the issue of allergy energetically, it is painless and non-invasive and can be used to assess the body’s reaction to virtually any substance. Further, a distinct advantage of BIE is its ability to restore the body’s proper physiological functioning without the use of pharmaceuticals and without any lasting adverse side effects.

4. How is BIE different from alternative methods of treating allergies, sensitivities and intolerances?

While alternative testing methods tend to be less invasive than conventional tests, they offer varying degrees of reliability (Provocative Neutralization, Electrodermal Screening, Coca Pulse Test), and can be complicated or impractical (rotation diet, Five Phase Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine).

Of all the alternative methods currently available, D’Avignon Digestive Health Clinic offers the simplest, most efficient, most reliable and most cost-effective natural allergy elimination treatment in Toronto.

5. Does BIE work for anaphylactic reactions?

BIE can be used to clear anaphylactic reactions. Persons with anaphylactic allergies are required to follow a specific protocol, which includes obtaining clearance from their medical doctor prior to ingesting or being exposed to the allergenic substance.

6. Does BIE help with conditions other than allergies, sensitivities and intolerances?

Eliminating allergies, sensitivities and intolerances with BIE can have profoundly beneficial effects on virtually any condition or illness. While allergies, sensitivities and intolerances are not known to be the cause of disease, they have been recognized as playing a role in the development of disease, and are often involved in many common conditions and illnesses.

While BIE can eliminate anaphylactic reactions to nuts, allergic reactions to pollen, intolerance to wheat or dairy, it can also be used to assess unsuspected reactions which may be implicated in conditions as wide-ranging as hyperactivity, IBS, diabetes, weight gain, menopause, insomnia, Multiple Sclerosis, anxiety and hypertension.

7. Are there any side effects to BIE?

In certain rare instances, it is possible to experience short-lived reactions as the body adjusts to the clearing, such as a headache, sinus congestion, nausea or lethargy.

8. How many sessions will I need?

Generally, between five and ten substances can be cleared in one session, depending on the severity of the body’s reaction to a substance. Most allergies can be cleared in one session; persistent allergies may require up to 4 sessions to be completely cleared.

9. How soon will I notice results?

Relief can be felt as soon as a substance has been cleared. This means that for most people, the results are immediate.

10. How long will the effects last?

Once an allergy/sensitivity/intolerance has been cleared, the result is generally permanent. However, a number of factors, including lifestyle, diet, stress and individual susceptibility can cause certain reactions to reoccur. Our Registered Holistic Allergist will advise you on how you can help reduce this risk.

If you would like to schedule an appointment, or speak to someone about Bioenergetic Intolerance Elimination in Toronto, call D’Avignon Digestive Health Centre at 416-465-1222.

I'd be curious to find out what others here think about this sort of technique. From the research I've done on it, it sounds similar to Electordermal Screening (EDS) in method, but instead of just using the process to detect allergies they use an energetic method to overcome the allergic reaction.

On the one hand, this sounds great; like a way to avoid all the headaches and difficulties I've been having trying to identify my own intolerances. On the other hand, it kind of comes across as cheating - like a shortcut that maybe short circuits free will on an energetic level. This may not be the case, but I worry about these sorts of things.

Any input appreciated.
I'm not so sure that eliminating allergies or allergic responses is a good idea or even if it is really possible. Allergic responses are the body's way of alerting you that something you took in through air, food etc. does not agree with you. Allergic responses are also a way for the body to clear out toxic materials. Taking away the body's distress signals would most likely lead to further damage, IMO. Taking away someone's distress signals doesn't mean that the offending substance can no longer cause damage. Most people who've eaten wheat or dairy over a lifetime become desensitized to the point that cannot recognize their body's reactions or feel "fine" but they still suffer the effects. I, for one, would want my alarm system to be fully functioning at all times.

Edit: addition

And this is assuming that it would work, which I doubt. People go for years and years to get their "allergy shots". If you have to keep going back that's a clue that it's not working. The human body is intolerant of certain substances for good reason.
Hi dugdeep, I've been through these types of treatments before and they have helped me with allergies somewhat. One of my chiropractors used NAET and I think my current one also did this technique -

Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques, also known as NAET®, are a non-invasive, drug free, natural solution to eliminate allergies of all types and intensities using a blend of selective energy balancing, testing and treatment procedures from acupuncture/acupressure, allopathy, chiropractic, nutritional, and kinesiological disciplines of medicine. One allergen is treated at a time. If you are not severely immune deficient, you may need just one treatment to desensitize one allergen. A person with mild to moderate amount of allergies may take about 15-20 office visits to desensitize 15-20 food and environmental allergens. Basic essential nutrients are treated during the first few visits. Chemicals, environmental allergens, vaccinations, immunizations, etc. are treated after completing about ten basic essential nutrients. NAET® can successfully eliminate adverse reactions to egg, milk, peanuts, penicillin, aspirin, mushrooms, shellfish, latex, grass, ragweed, flowers, perfume, animal dander, animal epithelial, make-up, chemicals, cigarette smoke, pathogens, heat, cold, other environmental agents. It may take several office visits to desensitize a severe allergen.NAET® was discovered by Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad in November of 1983.

I would get treated for various food allergies such as wheat, dairy, oranges, kidney beans, etc. but I have found that usually the foods I become allergic to are the ones I should avoid. My current chiropractor said that the technique that he used (which was maybe NAET, I am not sure) only cleared the allergy permanently about 20% I believe. I was trying to eliminate my allergies towards animals. He has another protocol which he says eliminates allergies with a 90% success rate. It is very expensive though and takes many sessions. I think to run through all the allergies is about $1000. I don't know the name of the technique but I can ask him if you are interested.
Odyssey said:
I'm not so sure that eliminating allergies or allergic responses is a good idea or even if it is really possible. Allergic responses are the body's way of alerting you that something you took in through air, food etc. does not agree with you. Allergic responses are also a way for the body to clear out toxic materials. Taking away the body's distress signals would most likely lead to further damage, IMO.

I'm not sure I entirely agree with you on this, Odyssey. I think there are some situations where the immune system is simply misidentifying a harmless food as an invader. Let's suppose a person has leaky gut and, as a result develops an allergy to almonds from almond proteins having permeated the digestive tract and gotten into the blood. As a result, the body is having an immune response every time almonds are consumed. There is nothing actually damaging about almonds, but the body has labeled them as a dangerous invader due to an "error in the system". In this situation, I can't see there really being a problem with eliminating an allergy. It's like correcting a mistake that the body has made.

Taking away someone's distress signals doesn't mean that the offending substance can no longer cause damage. Most people who've eaten wheat or dairy over a lifetime become desensitized to the point that cannot recognize their body's reactions or feel "fine" but they still suffer the effects. I, for one, would want my alarm system to be fully functioning at all times.

There may be some situations where a reaction to a food is because it is inherently harmful, as with wheat where gluten and WGA are actually having detrimental effects on everyone. In these situations I think you're right - it would be best to keep yourself reacting as you normally would rather than bypassing the immune system so that you can keep exposing yourself to the harmful substance in peace (although, I wonder if this is actually two different things - the wheat is causing damage in everyone, but only some people actually have an immune response).

But when you consider that some of the foods we're identifying as harmful through an elimination diet are supposed to be reintroduced after several months to see if the reaction is still there, I see this technique as possibly just skipping a step. There is nothing inherently harmful about these foods in most situations, it's just that we're having reactions to them, for whatever reason.

And this is assuming that it would work, which I doubt. People go for years and years to get their "allergy shots". If you have to keep going back that's a clue that it's not working. The human body is intolerant of certain substances for good reason.

I agree. I just was thinking this technique sounded quite different than shots. You might be right, though.
I'm not defending this technique at all, mind you - I don't really have any attachment to it. I'm just going on in the interest of exploring the topic fully :).

It seems to me that there are some types of reactions, specifically allergies, where this technique, if it works, would be quite useful. But, as you point out Odyssey, there may be some situations where you're overriding a necessary alarm system of sorts. In some cases, I think allergic reactions are an overreaction of the immune system, in which case overriding it might be useful. The problem is, how do you discriminate between an unnecessary response and one that's a warning against something that is actually harmful?

Masamune said:
Hi dugdeep, I've been through these types of treatments before and they have helped me with allergies somewhat. One of my chiropractors used NAET and I think my current one also did this technique -
I would get treated for various food allergies such as wheat, dairy, oranges, kidney beans, etc. but I have found that usually the foods I become allergic to are the ones I should avoid. My current chiropractor said that the technique that he used (which was maybe NAET, I am not sure) only cleared the allergy permanently about 20% I believe. I was trying to eliminate my allergies towards animals. He has another protocol which he says eliminates allergies with a 90% success rate. It is very expensive though and takes many sessions. I think to run through all the allergies is about $1000. I don't know the name of the technique but I can ask him if you are interested.

No need, Masamune, but thanks for the offer :). Interesting to hear your experiences with NAET. I've heard of this technique before but it sounds like, from your experience, it's not really all it's cracked up to be.

Thanks for the input, guys. I think this is probably something I'll not bother with.
dugdeep said:
I'm not sure I entirely agree with you on this, Odyssey. I think there are some situations where the immune system is simply misidentifying a harmless food as an invader. Let's suppose a person has leaky gut and, as a result develops an allergy to almonds from almond proteins having permeated the digestive tract and gotten into the blood. As a result, the body is having an immune response every time almonds are consumed. There is nothing actually damaging about almonds, but the body has labeled them as a dangerous invader due to an "error in the system". In this situation, I can't see there really being a problem with eliminating an allergy. It's like correcting a mistake that the body has made.

This is a good point, dugdeep. But again, if you didn't have the allergic reaction to the harmless almonds one would miss the clue that there is a leaky gut problem. Maybe it's not so much that the body is misidentifying the almonds as harmful. When you have a leaky gut lots of harmless foods become harmful. In these types of cases healing the gut with a simple diet is needed not eliminating the allergic reaction.

The body sends out lots of clues and signals and signs but IMO they shouldn't necessarily be read as mistakes.

And I didn't pick up that you were attached to this technique at all :). It was good that you posted it.

Edit: fixed quotes
Odyssey said:
But again, if you didn't have the allergic reaction to the harmless almonds one would miss the clue that there is a leaky gut problem. Maybe it's not so much that the body is misidentifying the almonds as harmful. When you have a leaky gut lots of harmless foods become harmful. In these types of cases healing the gut with a simple diet is needed not eliminating the allergic reaction.

The body sends out lots of clues and signals and signs but IMO they shouldn't necessarily be read as mistakes.

Right, good point. I guess I'm being a bit myopic, not thinking about reading those allergic reactions as signs of deeper issues. It's easy to fall into the habit of looking at them as individual problems to be overcome, rather than as indications that the whole system needs to be corrected; for me at least.

My whole reason for looking in to these sorts of techniques is that I seem to have difficulty actually identifying what foods I'm having problems with. During the elimination portion everything seems to go fine, but reintroduction always seems to go poorly. Right now I'm eating everything but wheat, dairy, sugar, processed foods or caffeine but there are obviously issues with other things (I suspect corn, eggs, nightshades and possibly some legumes but it's difficult for me to tell for sure). I've considered doing blood tests to find out what foods I'm reacting to for sure, but they are expensive and somewhat unreliable, according to some sources.

I'm ramping up for another round of the UltraSimple diet including Laura and Psyche's recent modifications with regards to lectins ( Hopefully I'll be able to get definitive answers this time around.

Thanks Odyssey. You've helped me put this into perspective. :)
It's certainly a long and slow process. Not too long ago my body told me --by swelling up -- that it didn't like chili peppers. Of course, I "knew" the effect of nightshades from reading about them but you can't argue with symptoms and it certainly cements your learning by experiencing it first hand. The cool thing is you can look back on how you used to feel while eating poorly and put the puzzle pieces together. And once you really know you can "go, and sin no more".

Good luck and godspeed playing health detective. It's fun. :)
dugdeep said:
I'm wondering if anyone has explored the possibility of eliminating intolerances and allergies through some of the methods to be found in the fringes of the holistic health field. I've been looking into a method known as Bioenergetic Intolerance Elimination or BIE. The method sounds interesting.

I'd be curious to find out what others here think about this sort of technique. From the research I've done on it, it sounds similar to Electordermal Screening (EDS) in method, but instead of just using the process to detect allergies they use an energetic method to overcome the allergic reaction.

On the one hand, this sounds great; like a way to avoid all the headaches and difficulties I've been having trying to identify my own intolerances. On the other hand, it kind of comes across as cheating - like a shortcut that maybe short circuits free will on an energetic level. This may not be the case, but I worry about these sorts of things.

Any input appreciated.

Hello, I just signed up to answer this question.

I have an BIE app't this Wednesday morning. My mom who is in her mid 80's is coming with me. She also read about this in her European newspapers & we both figured that we spend far more monies per mth on supplements than the cost of this treatment, so why not just book an app't & experience it 1st hand, for ourselves, rather than listening to a whole lot of ppl who have NOT tried it at all, call it snake oil. Heck, if Christopher Columbus listened to the ppl who argued that the world was flat, & that all sorts of sea demons where going to eat them, there would be no North America as we know it today. lololol

I have saved this link and will reply to let everyone know how things are going.

I suffer from IBS-D, excruciating stomach pains & hyperthyroidism. Who knows, I may have food intolerances that don't show up in allergy tests. And over so many years of consuming foods that my body can't deal with, who knows, maybe the thyroid problem resulted because of it.

I once suffered so bad, for 2 yrs, seeing all sorts of specialists that refused to give me a ultra-sound test, while standing up. They always made me lay down. I complained that what ever was moving around, always fell into place when I lay down. Needless to say, they ALL thought that I was nuts. Finally I found one Doctor that did as I asked.....he said
"Don't move, stay right there. He went into the hallway and called for all his staff to come and see. None of them had ever seen a floating kidney before!!!

I shared that little tidbit with you all, simply to say......UNLESS U YOURSELF HAVE ACTUALLY TRIED SOMETHING, DON'T KNOCK IT. You just end up scaring ppl from trying something that just may work for them. Even if it is placebo effect, the fact that they are feeling better, should say it all.

Unless of course the news if full of Warnings about a scam artist, using some sort of technique, claiming all sorts of miracle cure things and then ppl die. Of course, talk about it. But when you see that so many holistic practitioners, chiropractors, dietitians, acupuncturists etc., are using a new healing modality with great success, then please, don't knock it unless you have actually tried it, and have something concrete to bring to the like your results!!!

Both of us are very excited about trying this. The founder of the school in Oakville, Ontario, Canada told me that if it took more than a few sessions to get us back on track, then he would do the next one free......lololol He just wanted me to not be afraid to try this system. And like I does not cost much, so we really have nothing to loose and lots to gain if it does work. :))))
CheeMiss said:
Hello, I just signed up to answer this question.

Welcome to the forum, CheeMiss :) I hope you will stick around and keep exploring -- please feel free to make an introduction in the Newbies section, and tell us a bit about yourself and how you found the forum -- you can take a look at other intros to get an idea of how it's done.
One has to remember, there are no shortcuts and skipping a step migh not yield what one expects. .

Allergic reactions occur when one encounters something to which their system cannot tolerate, for one reason or another.

But considering our toxic environment and food supply, most of our systems have been affected. When a stomach cannot process something it normally should, saying one has an allergy or intolerance is speaking the obvious. The real question is why.

Diseases like Crohn's, fibromyalgia, and many more have been remedied through repairing the system through detoxification, eating an elimination diet while ensuring adequate nutrition and exercise. Such a process could last a few years, but improvements are soon noticed in short order.

Why would one want to shut off a burglar alarm when the burglar is still in the building?

Gonzo said:
One has to remember, there are no shortcuts and skipping a step migh not yield what one expects. .
Allergic reactions occur when one encounters something to which their system cannot tolerate, for one reason or another.
Why would one want to shut off a burglar alarm when the burglar is still in the building?Gonzo

Hello Gonzo,

I still have to do what Shijing posted and go to the Introduce Myself section. I am so NEWBIE with navigating forum sites. lololol

Gonzo, do you/have you really suffered excruciating pains? Well, do/did you? To the point of just wanting to die from it. Looking up the Peaceful Exit groups, bcos doctors have no answers, hoping to end your life bcos the stomach distention, is ripping your stomach muscles apart due to the explosive distention and the Diarrhea that keeps you married to the toilet bowl.......WELL DO YOU OR HAVE YOU suffered this agonizing, extremely painful torture for mths on end? If you have experienced this.....then you would not quibble about a short cut. If you had a child suffering this way, you would PRAY for a short cut.

btw: I am almost a senior citizen, just had my birthday a couple of days ago. To us, using capitols is merely highlighting the words and not yelling or screaming. You just can't teach and old dogess new tricks. lololol So please do not be offended.

Hyperthyroidism is an Auto-immune disease......the immune systems defense soldiers are so mixed up, due to a fighting frenzy that they are attacking one's very own important organ.

Crohn's, IBD, IBS, Colitis, Ulcers etc. - bad bugs are the cause of these conditions. Why, bcos the immune system has been compromised. Why? Heck if you, I or the Medical world had the answer, then we would have the cure and we would be able to save all living things on this planet. (I do not profess to have the gift of explaining things in a medical manner, so please bear with me.)

BIE (Bioenergetic Intolerance Elimination), OR Bio-Resonance diagnostic and therapy instruments (Bicom, Moray, Vega) made in Germany, pretty much work on the same principle to try to accomplish the same thing. And that is to bring the body into balance.
And to let the body then do what it was programed to do in the 1st place, and that is to heal & rid itself of all foreign invaders.
Whether the above modalities or the long drawn out ones like acupuncture, shiatsu, elimination diet, allergy food diet etc., are being implemented, they are all trying to do the same thing, and that is to give the body a chance to balance out and heal itself. Agreed? yes? no?

BIE is NOT camouflaging anything. It is merely a faster tool to accomplish body balance, by dissolving the blockages in the electrical meridians. By unblocking these meridians, the electrical impulses are able to better communicate with one another. That's all there is behind this.

Please check this out: They finally found the cause of IBS (my problem.....I also have clinical allergies),sourcePageId=8240.html

See, due to Mast Cells miscommunicating with one another, a cocktail mixture is being released that is totally confusing many other signals in the body. Who knows, maybe that is why I have Hyperthyroidism now......maybe the histamine soldiers are so confused that they are attacking anything and everything. In other words.......the body is full of neurotransmitters, firing off all sorts of signals, faster than the speed of light. If there are energy blockages, it only stands to reason, that miscommunication will occur.

It was because of an Allergy forum that I came across BIE. Then I check the IBS forum and someone there also tried it and had great results.......yet ppl with no intention of trying this method, did nothing but knock it. Go figure. No wonder ppl are still suffering. They don't want to think outside of the box. They don't want to try anything new. They like were they are.

Anyway, mom & I had our 1st BIE treatment this past Wed., that's 5 days ago and we go back for our 2nd apt., on the Sept 15th.
Well, let me tell you, 4 hours after this treatment, my tummy stopped with all the pains. Yep, I did not have to rush home, I actually took my mother to the park. It's still bloated, but not painful, gassy or burping. I was told that I am intolerant to gluten, spelt, coffee (my addiction) cherries, corn, grn/ylw beans, pork, turkey......GEE WIZ, all the foods that I kept eating. I eliminated wheat bcos of all the internet posting that wheat causes problems with IBS and I focused on grains. So that is why I was having more problems, bcos the grains I was eating have gluten in them. My mom on the other hand has a wheat intolerance NOT a gluten one, so she can eat wheat free grains. Anyway, the both of us have been abstaining from the avoid food list she gave us, until we finish the treatments. She did not treat me for my clinical allergies, as there were way to many IBS things to clear away 1st. Next visit will be addressed to the clinical allergies, cat, mould, dust......I love my kitty cat & will not part with her, but she is killing me, the loving little sweet heart.

Now that will be the true test of the BIE treatment. I AM SO NOT A PLACEBO PERSON! Trust me on that. Quite the skeptic I am. But, I will try methods, things for myself, rather than cast unexperienced personal judgment. I like to hear from ppl that have actually tried things......NOT SUPPOSITIONS. That is why our medical profession is many doctors do nothing but provide suppositons/theories, rather than actually testing things out for themselves.

Thanks to the Australian Doctor who actually conducted his OWN autopsies on ulcers, he found that bacteria CAN live in the body without oxygen. He was almost thrown in jail by the USA & Canada for trying to show his findings at the Medical Conventions. He discovered the ULCER CURE. I am sure you heard about it. Well, my doctor personally apologized to me 3 days after the news hit the world news stations, bcos I have argued with him since I was 16 yrs old (now 58) that ulcers were not caused by stress and's a bag bug doing all this.

My poor late father-in-law had 1/2 his stomach cut out bcos NONE of the doctors since the beginning of written history, ever thought to do an autopsy on an ulcer victim, or on the stomachs that they cut out!!! All due to ppl & doctors making suppositions, that bacteria cannot live in the body without oxygen. I rest my case!!!

BTW: My doctor also apologized that same day re: blood work to test the electricity in ones body, I came up with that brainstorm at 17 yrs old. Unheard of! I was considered a whack job. He told me, DID YOU KNOW, that they do that kind of test these days to diagnose MS??? Yeap, they sure do. Electricity, it's all about electricity and cell to cell communication. If they communicate, then they can put up all the force fields of protection that the body needs and zap those nasty bad guys. lolololol

I will keep you all posted as to the final outcome of the clinical allergies. Will they be permanently eliminated in a very short time and at a HUGE $$$ savings to me??? That will be the true test with BIE & me. lololol

IF it does work and I am finally, totally allergy free.......I say, welcome to the Star Trek Era, it's long over due!!! lolololol :)

IF not, then it's back to the drawing board, more research & more things to try. :(
Just from reading the blurg quoted in the first post, it sounds like too much wishful thinking.

Any number of factors can cause a disruption in the normal (healthy) flow of energy through the body’s meridians.
This is far too vague for me.
It assumes that allergic reactions are caused by a blockage of energy that manifests as an allergic reaction. Well why did the blockage occur in the first place? Seems to skip that concept completely and leave it up to some other discipline. Aren't you then just treating a symptom? Like so many pharmeceutical drugs do? Well what happens, if you even do cure the symptom of an allergy, isn't the original blockage still there?...only to manifest some other way?
sgspencer said:
Just from reading the blurg quoted in the first post, it sounds like too much wishful thinking.
This is far too vague for me.
It assumes that allergic reactions are caused by a blockage of energy that manifests as an allergic reaction. Well why did the blockage occur in the first place? Seems to skip that concept completely and leave it up to some other discipline. Aren't you then just treating a symptom? Like so many pharmeceutical drugs do? Well what happens, if you even do cure the symptom of an allergy, isn't the original blockage still there?...only to manifest some other way?

Hello sgspencer,

It's not vague for those who are familiar with these types of healing modalities. For those who don't get it/understand it,
they will explain it in detail when information is requested of them.

No where do they say "they cure the symptom". What is that anyway, curing the symptom? hmm?
That's what Big Pharma does. Drugs that mask the cause.

The energy just rebalances the cells.....sort of like jump starting a car. Like they did in the dark ages.....shock therapy, only this is on such a low frequency level, you don't even feel it.
After all, we are pure energy.

Anyway, just google: Bob Beck Brain all about how that gadget got started and what his modified, affordable version did to that 60's rock star that was so messed up on cocaine. He got totally cured with the Brain Tuner & never once tried coke again. Research it.

Google search:

- What is blocked energy
- What causes blocked energy
- Laser Therapy - Health Benefits
- Kirlian Photography Chakras pics
- The Chi Machine - Health Benefits

Investigate forums for testimonials.

By researching these things for yourself, you will have a greater understanding that the Star Trek era is upon us!
You don't have to understand it, just be grateful if any of it helps you or a loved one. :)
I was told that I am intolerant to gluten, spelt, coffee (my addiction) cherries, corn, grn/ylw beans, pork, turkey......GEE WIZ, all the foods that I kept eating. I eliminated wheat bcos of all the internet posting that wheat causes problems with IBS and I focused on grains. So that is why I was having more problems, bcos the grains I was eating have gluten in them. My mom on the other hand has a wheat intolerance NOT a gluten one, so she can eat wheat free grains. Anyway, the both of us have been abstaining from the avoid food list she gave us, until we finish the treatments.

Considering what is know about gluten and lectin intolerance in humans, it is possible the relief of physical symptoms you are experiencing may be as much the result of eliminating wheat and grains as anything else. Have you eliminated dairy products as well? It will be interesting to see if your symptoms return after you finish your treatments and try eating wheat again.
shellycheval said:
Considering what is know about gluten and lectin intolerance in humans, it is possible the relief of physical symptoms you are experiencing may be as much the result of eliminating wheat and grains as anything else. Have you eliminated dairy products as well? It will be interesting to see if your symptoms return after you finish your treatments and try eating wheat again.Shellycheval

Hello Shelly,

Thank you so much for your constructive input. One must always be in constant motion with progress or one gets left behind.
Believe me when I say, Organic milk, especially Organic buttermilk, saved my life during these horrible attacks.
Conventional milk does not agree with me. I did avoid bread most of my life, but I did not know that gluten would be my culprit. I was eating Organic grains, & now I learned had gluten in them. It's all so overwhelming. You think your doing your body good and you still suffer. I always use to joke, I'm killing myself with healthy foods.

Years ago I should have seen a Naturopath that specializes in muscle testing for food allergies, but being the skeptic that I was & am, I just dismissed it, like most ppl do, as voodoo. lololol Big mistake on my part. Yesterday I read the ingredients on Yogurt Ice Cream....gosh, they even have coconut oil in it. I have to avoid that as well. I always wondered why I put on weight with coconut oil, were as my friends lost weight with it. So I barely used much of it to fry my eggs & still would bloat & cramp.

Oh well, live and learn. I have so much knowledge, but did not, due to skepticism, apply it to help myself.
Misplaced Ego is such a self defeating emotion. Live and learn.

To answer your question about my eliminating wheat & gluten right now, accounting for my relief of symptoms. Keep in mind, that I was in much intestinal pain at the time of treatment. Results of treatment are seen anywhere from 20 minutes and until the next day. I was pain free within 4 hours, actually less when I think about it. But the bloating is still there, but not as sever as before. She did not desensitize me to the foods on that visit. She was mainly getting my body to accept certain nutrients from foods, which obviously it was not doing due to the IBS. So, NO, my relief was not due to elimination, bcos I have not been able to eat much at all during the 3 1/2 week intense attack. If elimination were to work, it would have worked then.
My intestines are still pretty sore when I press on my tummy (yeah I know, so don't press on it! lololol), but I am still playing the skeptic here & seriously analyzing this process with the utmost of skepticism while still going thru with it. All I know is that everyone around me was in a panic, not know what to do for me, bcos these attacks get worse & worse & our medical profession is at loss at what to do with us (IBS victims), so going to ER is just such a waste of time.

At least with BIE it is not a couple of years of healing program. It's pretty quick. And yes, ppl have had great results with it, but none that I knew personally.
So yes, it really will be interesting to see if BIE does work for me. A lot of ppl in my circle are waiting with bated breath on the outcome. As each one is suffering or has a child/family member suffering with some pretty nasty major stuff.

My friends daughter cannot wait. With her IBS she's lost a lot of weight and her dad is frantic with worry, so they are seeing the BIE practitioner today as a matter of fact. And my other friend has heart atrial fibrillation, he too does not want to wait, so he is also booking an appointment. So now I will have 2 more ppl to collect testimonials from about the effects of BIE, which I can share later on. :)

We all will have to be a little patient for the results, treatments are scheduled 2 weeks apart & healing takes place in between. All I can say right now, is that every practitioner in my neck of the woods was booked solid. I would have had to wait until Oct. I asked each one, the same question, if BIE is so good are removing allergies permanently, why are you still so busy. Same answer from all of them. All my previous clients are sending in referrals and this is rag weed season.
They are packed, wall to wall with ppl.
So I called the school in Oakville & one of the recent grads was able to see me the next week. I guess it's to soon for her to have a referral data base going on for her. Lucky for me & my friends.

Strange thing tho....I don't have an appetite to eat anything No cravings at all. I force myself, bcos my body gets so cold & shaky if I don't. Confession.....I did cheat yesterday. I had a piece of wheat/gluten piece of toast and taboo coffee.
I only experienced some tummy grumbling, nothing more. hmmm?
hmmm? Is it a side effect of the 1st treatment? Only time will tell. :)

Mod's note: Edited to fix the quotation boxes.
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