About David Icke & James Redfield

reptilian question

moonwalker said:
I felt certain that you either knew each other or you were the same person. When Hermit said "And you assume that we haven't done our research?" that's what did it. Thanks for being open about that.

I know it sounds like people here are been dismissive and that everyone is "towing the party line" yet you have to remember we are dealing in probabilities and that is as close as we can get to truth.
True - and judging from the posts of both Hermit Brad and CitizenNot, it is clear that they have not taken the time to read the material available on this forum about David Icke - if they have and are still generating this noise, then something else is obviously going on here.
reptilian question

<--- Noticed the same thing Joda did. Wrote off both of them as noise-generators. I'm not as forgiving as some of my fellow forumites.

That said: When you come to This Forum you should loose all you expectations and read the rules. You should also do your homework before posting info on a topic.

In my most humble of opinions Brad and Not both neglected to do so, and as such they are experiencing feedback. If this makes you uncomfortable upgrade the signal to noise ratio in your posts or leave. :-)
reptilian question

otherwise you just become a knowledge junkie
Yes, but I don't think there's anything wrong with that, that's the basis of my whole philosophy. But I've said enough, I'm going to bow out of this one, and just make it a point never to mention any of David Icke's theories in this forum again.

Edit: Because I just saw the post above mine, I didn't generate ANY noise for your information, if you care to go a page back, you'll notice that people acctually attacked my opinion, I didn't attack anyone's.
reptilian question

Generating noise? What exactly do you mean by that? If by generationg noise, you mean that we're supporting disinformation, that's your opinion. And again, you assume that I support the Icke Reptilian theory. No where have I claimed to support the theory. Also, you assume that once we do read this information, we will automatically come to the conclusion that Icke is a disinformation tool. I understand that you back-up your belief in Icke being disinformation, but you're a moderator. Aren't you supposed to be neutral? Regardless, I think this thread has gone far enough and hasn't really changed anything, so this will be my last post in this thread.
reptilian question

Excerpt from the forum rules:

"Three, don't spam, just don't, it will be deleted almost immediately, so it's a waste of time. Spamming means sending multiple meaningless posts. If you don't have anything beneficial or informative to say, don't just join in for nothin'. Posts deemed by the moderators (who have experience with this, by the way) to be "noise" will be deleted. Related to this is the idea that if you join this forum, you will familiarize yourself with the discussions thorougly before you start posting stuff that's already been covered."

Now, if indeed you are honest seeker, then please understand that these rules were set for serious reasons. Every single member new and old alike is supposed to agree and act in accordance with them, for this is the only way we can keep this forum going.

You aren't being "shot down" - you are merely being scrached. We know it is uncomfortable, but unfortunately, it's necessary.
reptilian question

CitizenNot said:
And if I stated them as fact, explain my conclusion
CitizenNot said:
If it's truth or not, I have no idea.
You said it was only speculation, but is it your speculation or Icke's? I guess I'm just confused because you just described details about human existance *before* arrival of the lizards, and talked about them interbreeding with humans, talked about humans having telepathy before that, etc. But then what is the difference between speculation and just making things up? If I give you a detailed account of what you did yesterday, and then qualify it by saying "but I'm just speculating because I have no idea" - would that still fall under speculation, or would it be just making things up? Is there any difference? Maybe I'm misunderstanding the matter though.

stonepony said:
If this is the case, I'm just curious to hear some opinions on why it's a bad thing that there are fourth density reptilians eat us.
I don't think anyone is judging it as "bad" per se, I think it's just that some of us simply decided we don't want to be part of the feeding system any more.
CitizenNot said:
But that aside, why the us and them approach?, do you think we're against you just because we believe something different than you?
If you believe anything, you're already against the truth. You started telling stories without providing any evidence of what you said. Yes, you said you have no idea if any of this is true, but then, why did you say it? You say speculation. But then I'd ask, if I just made up any story I wanted, just made things up randomly, and then qualified it by saying, "Oh yeah, I'm only speculating here" -- would that make it ok to post? If I post a bunch of noise and call it speculation, does the title "speculation" attached to a bunch of made up noise make the noise excusable and no longer noise?

If this was true, then can't anyone just say absolutely ANYTHING they want on this forum, create all the noise they want, and then just add at the end: "But I'm only speculating", and this would instantly turn it from noise into something valid, reasonable, and acceptable? I don't think so, not by a long shot! Which is why I asked if you perceive a difference between speculation and just making things up and creating noise.
reptilian question

Hermit Brad said:
Generating noise? What exactly do you mean by that? If by generationg noise, you mean that we're supporting disinformation, that's your opinion. And again, you assume that I support the Icke Reptilian theory. No where have I claimed to support the theory. Also, you assume that once we do read this information, we will automatically come to the conclusion that Icke is a disinformation tool. I understand that you back-up your belief in Icke being disinformation, but you're a moderator. Aren't you supposed to be neutral? Regardless, I think this thread has gone far enough and hasn't really changed anything, so this will be my last post in this thread.
Noise is opinion, conjecture, babbling off at the mouth with no knowledge of what one speaks - or conscious distraction and obfuscation in order to keep people talking about something useless, instead of making progress on other topics.

One of the roles of a moderator is to control this noise and remove the source of noise if it will not change it's 'tune' - Mediators are nuetral, not moderators - perhaps that's where you're confused on that point, not to mention that using the word 'neutral' in this context implies that the truth lies somewhere between Icke and the threads here, that is not the case. There is the truth and there is a lie.

There is documented evidence of disinformation in this case (Icke) - not opinion - which, if you had actually read the threads involved (which you have not according to this post of yours), you would have realized, assuming you are capable of realizing such.

One can only hope that this is indeed your last post in this thread, although if your inability to abide by the rules and the spirit of this forum continues, hope will not be necessary.
reptilian question

CitizenNot said:
If it's truth or not, I have no idea. I'm rather reluctant to act on it until I know for certain.
:) how would you act on it ?
reptilian question

moonwalker said:
Laura wrote: David Icke has done more damage to the possibility of any real scientific exploration of the subject of UFOs and aliens being undertaken than any other single living human being. If he can't see that, then he is stupid (not ignorant, certainly). And because I don't think he is stupid, I think he is also aware of what he has done PR wise. Thus, he must be a CONSCIOUS agent of COINTELPRO.
Where he lives and how is quite a clue I think
reptilian question

Hermit Brad said:
Regardless, I think this thread has gone far enough and hasn't really changed anything, so this will be my last post in this thread.
Good. If you want, take the time to read through the forum and the appropriate threads where Icke is discussed.

I'm not sure what you meant by that phrase that I bolded above. Was our opinion of Icke what you intended to change?
reptilian question

HermitBrad, CitizenNot, if you're still with us...

Icke: Been there, done that, bought the whole set.

And then I found this (ironically via a link posted on the Icke forum... in a thread about Reptilians! Thank you whoever posted that - you saved my life):


..Should you choose to indulge the material on this site, you will soon realise that Icke is tabloid material in comparison! I guarantee you.

Good luck
reptilian question

Hermit Brad said:
If you're really interested in Reptilians, I suggest you check out the six-hour long interview Icke had with Zulu Shaman Credo Mutwa: http:(2slsh)video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6842790718258500975&q=David+Icke
Thanks a lot. I've always wanted to watch that and now I'll get the chance.
reptilian question

Once more for the record:

j0da said:
Excerpt from the forum rules:

"Three, don't spam, just don't, it will be deleted almost immediately, so it's a waste of time. Spamming means sending multiple meaningless posts. If you don't have anything beneficial or informative to say, don't just join in for nothin'. Posts deemed by the moderators (who have experience with this, by the way) to be "noise" will be deleted. Related to this is the idea that if you join this forum, you will familiarize yourself with the discussions thorougly before you start posting stuff that's already been covered."

Now, if indeed you are honest seeker, then please understand that these rules were set for serious reasons. Every single member new and old alike is supposed to agree and act in accordance with them, for this is the only way we can keep this forum going.

Laura said:
David Icke has done more damage to the possibility of any real scientific exploration of the subject of UFOs and aliens being undertaken than any other single living human being. If he can't see that, then he is stupid (not ignorant, certainly). And because I don't think he is stupid, I think he is also aware of what he has done PR wise. Thus, he must be a CONSCIOUS agent of COINTELPRO.
Now, what was the original post?

stonepony said:
I may be incorrect, but from what I've understood through reading the message board is that there are reptilian creatures that brought us into physicality so they could eat us (more or less).

If this is the case, I'm just curious to hear some opinions on why it's a bad thing that there are fourth density reptilians eat us. It would seem to me that they probably put a lot of work into creating this illusion for us. It might not be fair, and it might stink that humans are not at the top of the food chain, but how is what they do any different than us eating animals? and that's not to say that if there is away to get out of this situation that one shouldn't take it. But I don't nessecerly see it as a bad thing.
What does the above have to do with David Icke? Attempting to bring David Icke into the discussion simply because the topic of "reptilians" was posted about, is nothing more than being a parrot (or, less probably, being a conscious agent who wishes to ensure all discussion of reptilians are "vectored" in Icke's direction).
reptilian question

The sad thing is that people awakening to the reality of conspiracy fact not theory in the world today are exposed to the likes of David Icke and Alex Jones. Both cointel agents. Many of the people who are dissatisfied with what the current popular media presents to us seek an alternative.

But it's unfortunate that the trap they are ensnared by is that of pseudo alternative news as presented by icke, rense and alex jones. Many of those people won't be bothered to do serious research. They're too lazy to go do some serious reading as on the signs-of-the-times website and the cassiopaea website. Thus they settle for video presentations and interviews such as alex jones info wars, and icke's interviews and documentaries. It's sad but true.

But is it a coincidence that icke's and jone's video and audio material is so widely circulated on the net? I think not. Because exposure to those characters has the effect of either getting people hooked onto conspiracy theories (junk/tabloid conspiracies) or, getting curious people disgusted, humoured or with a bitter taste in their mouths with regards to conspiracy theories and facts. Luckily, i wasn't baited too long by those tabloid conspiracy theorists. The same can't be said about many other seekers of the truth (that term might not be too accurate).

The bottom line is that once there is mention of conspiracy theories and the new world order, many people would automatically make the rense and alex jones association (maybe even bill cooper). And the mere discussion of reptilians would bring the mention of david icke.
That kinda points to these guys having contacts or connections in high places. They don't receive death threats, they aren't imprisoned or sued or anything of that sort(i'm not saying that those are criteria to measure the truthfulness and sincerity of an individual). I mention this with regards to lisa guliani who's name was smeared by some thugs for simply trying to bring the truth to the people.

Icke and Jones live nice comfy lives. Their lives aren't made a living hell by the 'powers that be' and the 'illuminati' which they claim to expose. These guys are able to travel freely. I mean really, if what these guys were uncovering was really a threat, i think their lives would be made miserable.

CitizenNot and HermitBrad needed to do their homework. But they claimed to have done it, which leads to the conclusion that these dudes were conscious or unconscious trolls. I could be wrong, but seriously, they could have made more constructive comments.
reptilian question

wilecoyote said:
The sad thing is that people awakening to the reality of conspiracy fact not theory in the world today are exposed to the likes of David Icke and Alex Jones. Both cointel agents. Many of the people who are dissatisfied with what the current popular media presents to us seek an alternative.
I think the problem is that they aren't ready. They focus on the external and forget that to have any hope in seeing the external, one must deal with the internal. That whole propensity to assume, believe, think emotionally and/or impulsively, and all that pathologically-deviant thinking, all those programs and basically the noise/junk/nonsense/conditioning/mess that we're all filled with. If you don't deal with that and just jump right into alternative media and/or conspiracy, you won't get very far, you'll just get suckered in with the likse of Jones and Icke and AboveTopSecret and New Ageism and other sillyness with probably good intentions, but sadly, into an even bigger pit of crap that you dug yourself out of. It's a jungle out there, only the strong (of mind/will/purity of intent/effort) survive. Hmm I guess the jungle "in there" is just as bad if not worse as "out there", and if you don't see the jungle "in there", you'll die (in the sense of being helpless and used by others) "out there".
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