If the reality does not match the pseudo-reality you want impose, then fake the data at the root.

“The CDC is Now Listing Vaccinated COVID-19 Deaths as Unvaccinated Deaths if They Die Within 14 Days of the Vaccine” – Dr. Simone Gold

I think he was reffering to you are damned if you do not and damned if you do. If they want to make case for that they can easily make it based on that or something else entirely, sooner or later it will come to that so being considerate won t help you much in that regards because we passed the point of no return and everything is in the open more lesss and there is no stopping what is coming violence wise and other wise. Cowing inside your four walls won t help you much anymore. Times have changed.
Exactly. It's seem they no more bother to create false flags to apply the plan, look Australia. So after a certain point you have to fight or run. The temperature of the water in the pot with the frog.
Soon all over the world.

First, they lock up the ones that tested positive.

Then they preemptively go and incite all the at-risk cases. In short, the conspiracy theorists who refuse to get vaccinated.

Don't expect to ever get out of such a camp alive.

Plot twist: These camps are loaded with low-carb high-fat foods, essential supplements, distilled water, Ivermectin, Hydroxycloroquine, nebulisers, silk clothes, infrared saunas, ouija boards, ancient books, neurofeedback machines, crystals and Reiki symbols, making them the most advanced detoxification facilities in the world—a conspiracy theorist's paradise!
I watched this video a few days ago. I thought I got it from here (this forum) So, I didn't post it. Apparently I was mistaken.
Nope, not mistaken - previously posted Tuesday, Aug. 31.
Just started watching but already - WOW info! Vax lots have been changed! AND WORST!


This thread moves fast and duplicate info is getting posted. Interestingly enough, in looking for the post I actually came up with what I posted last year in April 2020:
And then there's the past, present, and ongoing problem of polio vaccines causing polio:
"Over 250 cases of polio were attributed to vaccines produced by one company: Cutter Laboratories. This case, which came to be known as the Cutter Incident, resulted in many cases of paralysis. The vaccine was recalled as soon as cases of polio were detected."

But since polio vaccines "cured" polio, it had to be given a new name: acute flaccid myelitis #afm
UPDATE: Acute Flaccid Myelitis (limp arm leg lung droopy face) and The Moth in The Iron Lung. A very illuminating 31-part twitter thread by @forrestmaready on the 125 year old 'mystery illness' #AFM. Read it more than once...
That post continues with a Jon Rappoport interview of ex vaccine researcher - :shock:
Lawyers are in a new business, caring for the sick. Sounds like time to call Saul.


This one speaks volumes as of all places the story is on Bloomberg !!! They give people experimental treatment without any fear of liability, but the article argues that hospitals are worried about being sued for using a 70 yr old drug. Farce being played on the uninformed.

String of Suits Force Covid-19 Ivermectin Treatment in Hospitals​

Sept. 1, 2021, 9:16 PM
  • Guardians of patients on ventilators sue across country
  • Health lawyers worried about courts making medical choices
Hospitals reeling from surging Covid-19 cases are facing a new pandemic battle: lawsuits from guardians of patients on ventilators demanding treatment with ivermectin.
The string of suits, brought by New York attorney Ralph Lorigo, relies on a national network of internal medicine doctors called the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, which advocates for using the anti-parasitic ivermectin as one part of a treatment protocol for Covid-19 ICU patients. Lorigo has scored a handful of victories, including in Buffalo, where his firm is located, and in Cincinnati, where a judge last week ordered West Chester Hospital to give the drug prescribed by an outside physician to a 51-year-old man on a ventilator.

The "handful" is impressive in itself. But "Hey", don't expect Bloomberg to tell us how many this handful actually is. You know, give us some digits.

More madness from Aussi Land.

It is hard not to ask whether this person was vaccinated which he most likely was. May he rest in peace:

The newly appointed German ambassador to China and close ally and senior foreign policy adviser to Chancellor Angela Merkel, Jan Hecker, has died at the age of 54, the Federal Foreign Office announced.
“It is with deep sadness and dismay that we learned of the sudden death of the German Ambassador to China,” the Federal Foreign Office said in a brief statement on its website.
The circumstances surrounding the diplomat’s abrupt death have not been released yet. Hecker seemed “happy and all right” during an event he hosted at his Beijing home last Friday, one of the guests told Reuters.
Just as Denmark is saying that it will cancel Corona restrictions, the push is now on for vaccination all 300000 children between 2-6 years of age against the flu! Since there were hardly any flu in the last season, it is thought that this years could be a hard season so in order to 'protect' this push is started. The idea from the health authorities is that it will half the flu cases by half in the whole population as small children are often the ones bringing it in to the families. They admit that even if the children can get quite sick, they rarely need to go to the hospital, but vaccinating them would decrease sick days for their siblings and parents. At least that is the official explanation, but it sounds more like a push to get kids used to get vaccinated every year and a likely way to introduce vaccine passports to the small kids. Along with this very young age group, all adults above 65 years of age are recommended for the flu shot. Here are a couple of links in Danish: here and here.

As for the cancellation of corona restrictions, it can as we know be reversed very quickly with the proclaimed emergence of a 'new mutant' and some headlines of increasing numbers. Already now some doctors are in the papers expecting increased corona infections, so it could well be that all the hype about cancelling of the restrictions is just to build up hope and harvest the negative emotions when the hope is squashed. If that happens, the unvaccinated will likely be blamed and the anger from having the hope squashed can then be directed at them. In that sense Denmark could be a test case.
Regarding Denmark, then 72.9% are fully vaccinated and demonstrations are non-existent or very small as far as I know. People are happily believing the authorities.
It is hard not to ask whether this person was vaccinated which he most likely was. May he rest in peace:
Hecker reportedly arrived in Beijing on August 1, but as he Merkel’s close confidant, he allegedly planned to fly back to Germany and continue working with the chancellor until the end of her term. However, due to a recently complicated “diplomatic situation,” probably related to the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, the federal government decided that the “German Embassy in Beijing must ensure that it is highly effective,” and ordered him to stay in China.
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Just a short update from Macedonia about the Covid madness.
The massive vaccination continues and every day more and more people are taking their jabs. At the same time, there are people who are opposing the vaccination and their number is not so small.

A lot of them are very, very scared because especially in the last 4-5 weeks a lot of people died.

As the massive vaccination goes up, the deaths go upward also.
It is almost certain that if someone has bad and strong symptoms and if the person is hospitalized and put on oxygen( and anti covid protocol) that he will not come alive from the hospital.

People know that, and they speak about that but it is all censored and suffocated with strong government propaganda.
People are literally killed there.

Most of the deaths occurred in fully vaccinated people. Some of the deaths occurred in non-vaccinated people who had close family members who were vaccinated.
Fear can " be smelled" on the streets among people.

Another new moment here is the negative campaign against ivermectin, as it is already done in other countries.

It looks like a never-ending loop. Every day more and more people get vaccinated. People suffer from side effects. A lot of them are hospitalized and a lot of them die. Government spreads more fear and propaganda that people died because of the dangerous delta variant who can even kill fully vaccinated people.
A lot of them fail to fear propaganda and take their jabs. More Vaccine victims. And the circle is repeating. It is sad, but probably inevitable. A lot of them can see what is going on.

Children started in school on September 1. There are some protocols to be followed, but some of the teachers to my surprise told the children in private to keep their masks just under their chin and to put the mask up only if some inspection came to schools.

I was surprised by that, but no all teachers do that. Some of them are nazzi followers but they are minority. It is like that in school where my son goes. Maybe in other schools, the situation is a little different.

A few weeks ago there was one Uncontrolled, uncensored news on one of the national TV stations.
The video is in the Macedonian language

The reporters were speaking that the infections clinic was overcrowded with patients and according to the doctor that gave the interview almost all of them were fully vaccinated. Anong the hospitalized patients there were not even one who already have the virus and already have some level of natural immunity

The show is going on.
This is a preprint and not peer review, but still has some useful information about the variants of Con-19 super virus.

No difference in risk of hospitalisation between reported cases of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant and Alpha variant in Norway​

Lamprini Veneti, Beatriz Valcarcel Salamanca, Elina Seppala, Jostein Starrfelt, Margrethe Larsdatter Storm, Karoline Bragstad, Olav Hungnes, Hakon Boas, Reidar Kvale, Line Vold, Karin Nygard, Eirik Alnes Buanes, Robert Whittaker
doi: No difference in risk of hospitalisation between reported cases of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant and Alpha variant in Norway
This article is a preprint and has not been certified by peer review [what does this mean?]. It reports new medical research that has yet to be evaluated and so should not be used to guide clinical practice.

The virus to fear is the one on TV and in the government.
This tweet struck me whilst reading this article on SOTT. The incantational bewitchment of propaganda


This is New Zealand. This is a previously admired and feared warrior culture. The most implacable fighters. Passionately Kiwis. Their rugby players are famous for doing this:

Polls of course are more than suspect, but if for a moment we take it on face value, despite all the obvious, grotesque signs that COVID brings with it totalitarianism as part of the 'cure', I'm more and more inclined to say the vast majority of western orientated humanity is now permanently lost to the cult. Any thought is ebbing away, that as it ramps up and becomes more and more openly obvious for what it is, so more and more people would quietly and slowly recognize the deep danger of the real monster embedding itself under the guise of 'caring for each other' (techno-fascistic-communistic-transhumanist-ism!) But it seems no. The harsher it gets in some countries, the more people go along with it. A long way from 2 weeks to flatten the curve.

It seems as if hidden under the malaise of western democracy and culture was a beast only begging to be born. That imagined 'security' from 'terror' is existentially way, way more important than actual loss of personal freedom. In fact freedom has become the Virus that must be stamped out so that its disease - personal responsibility - can be banished forever. Freedom is now seen unconsciously and collectively as the threat to personal and group security. And the relief from this stress is here at last. No need to pretend anymore about caring about that anxiety inducing complexity and ever demanding need to make informed choices, of holding contradictory or challenging ideas around context in one's head; rather at last, time to give way to big fire monster and bow down to the implacable might of collective obedience, to the seductive power of brute power.

This also from the same article struck me:

This immediate, automatic identification (which may have been characteristic of primitive forms of association) reappears in high industrial civilization

It's as if we are witnessing the thin veneer of social-democracy being stripped away to reveal some timeless, base level rearing up beneath it - one that yearns to be thoughtless and without individual motivation. It just wants to belong at all costs, to obey, to bow down and worship, to be held within the seeming all powerful which allows and demands one to abandon all personal responsibility - and the harsher, more judgmental, more 'irrational', more dominant, more unyielding and sacrifical this power is the better. Some might call this Yahwehism on steroids. The ultimate realization of the 'logic of STS.

Oh the relief they cry (as they cast themselves and their children upon the fire to the implacable mighty godless one).

On brother! Zombies here we come!

CDC - Zombie Preparedness
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