Ma fille est infirmière, elle et moi n'avons pas peur du coronavirus mais de nombreux soignants sont très inquiets. Quant aux médecins de l'hôpital, ils n'ont absolument aucune crainte du virus. Un médecin a été infecté et le directeur de l'hôpital lui a quand même demandé de travailler! (en précisant que ce serait un changement de service là où les patients ne sont pas à haut risque, il a refusé) Soit c'est irresponsable de la part d'un établissement de santé soit ils pensent que les tests ne sont pas reliable et que les gens ne meurent pas vraiment du virus mais de leurs pathologies lourdes.
In the last 2 days I had very sore throat and then very hot face, chills and cold hands. I started coughing. I felt "feverish" without temperature nd very tired. I immediately treated myself with vitC liposomal 15g/ day, bicarbonate and total diet. It's all over today. Was it the "terrible" virus ? :-)
UK Update

Since they closed the pubs/bars/restaurants/cafes/anything else people can do with their time, there has naturally been a flood of people into beaches, parks, national parks, hiking destinations etc.

Now there is a huge backlash against this from authoritarian follower a**holes literally begging the government to send the army onto the streets, enforce travel bans and keep people away from nature, the outdoors, from everything.

At this point it's making me really mad and I kinda wish that everyone so stupid and mean to willingly beg for this gets that boot of fascism stamped upon their face for the rest of eternity.

Unfortunately we remain trapped in the asylum with the rest of them with no choice but to be dragged along for the ride.

At least there should be some interesting lessons, and Political Ponerology will have prepared us for living in the 'V for Vendetta' style totalitarian hellscape it seems is coming.
Finally catched up with this thread, thanks everyone for contributing, together we can keep each other sane! People left and right are losing their minds over this!

A disease nothing more significant than the flu is ushering in the New World Order and what was left of the ‘free West’ is over. Well, that was easy … or was it? Of course a lot of programmering happened beforehand. But still...? It’s just the freaking flu.

This artificial crisis more seems like a act of desperation from the PTB to get full control? Whatever the case, the World will not look the same if this continues for a few more months. Hopefully the next C session can give us some hints about the situation.
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UK Update

Since they closed the pubs/bars/restaurants/cafes/anything else people can do with their time, there has naturally been a flood of people into beaches, parks, national parks, hiking destinations etc.

Now there is a huge backlash against this from authoritarian follower a**holes literally begging the government to send the army onto the streets, enforce travel bans and keep people away from nature, the outdoors, from everything.

At this point it's making me really mad and I kinda wish that everyone so stupid and mean to willingly beg for this gets that boot of fascism stamped upon their face for the rest of eternity.

Unfortunately we remain trapped in the asylum with the rest of them with no choice but to be dragged along for the ride.

At least there should be some interesting lessons, and Political Ponerology will have prepared us for living in the 'V for Vendetta' style totalitarian hellscape it seems is coming.
Infuriating to watch, agreed!

Remember back to V for Vendetta also, it was based in UK of all places. This little prison island is already equipped with mass-surveilance security cameras on every street, which the Brits with their "bend-over and take it" mentality quietly accepted years ago.

Of any country i would like to be in when SHTF, the UK is not one of them !
Well, this is a load of bollocks and I've put in bold the giveaway sentences:

If this is the case, my next question raised above would be meaningless:
Can anyone think of good questions in regard to what is happening and the russian side of the equation (Putin and co.)? And a good question on the Chinese equation in all of this?
It is difficult to ask questions with this without making assumptions about assumptions.
But I'm going to try a somewhat straightforward question:
The Russians and Chinese knew that the US was collecting DNA from Russians and Asians to make an ethnic selective weapon.
Maybe they decided to 'roll the ball' before the experimental virus reached a stage of lethality and danger for their countries too high to assume and somehow caused or helped to the 'accidental' escape of the virus, after preparing their respective countries for the event? .
The lack of vision of the Western countries and the flaws in the theories about the genetic origin of the human branches (already discussed here) would have done the rest, becoming a crisis against the West as a boomerang.
The Western psychopathic elites, far from seeing the reality of their own decomposition, have seen only another golden opportunity to exploit fear and suck more wealth out of their own countries, through massive debt and bankruptcy of the countries. Not realizing that the system they created is actually totally decomposing to the point of no return.
But now Anka has published this:
There is this Czech lady, molecular biologist and director of private company Tilia laboratories, who found a relatively cheap way to test for Covid-19 which was very uncomfortable for our prime minister whose company produces the test for double price so they tried to ridicule her work but that only attracted attention of media and she made waves now because she started talking about corona virus. And what she found immediately triggered response in the US because she expressed her opinion that the virus is genetically modified. I will try to paraphrase the most interesting part of her latest interview (she really wanted to explain the things in layman's terms):

What is different with Covid-19 is that the beginning sequence of RNA in the virus, which normally stays intact during various natural mutations, because it is a kind of bridge which oversees protein transcriptions in the rest of RNA, something like a boot sector or BIOS in computer. All viruses recognize themselves by this bridge because the sequence is the same for particular group of viruses (e.g. corona viruses).

Usually virus does not allow change to this sector under any natural circumstances (and if so then it has to be a very gentle change of one small part which would improve its capability). But if any experienced molecular biologist will look at this bridge they will tell you that it is exactly the case here. And it looks as if someone came to your room, pulled out all the drawers, threw all the things out of wardrobes, move chairs around etc. but everything remained perfectly functional. If this was a random mutation, it would most likely kill the virus because nature could not make so many changes at the same time without destroying the functionality of the sequence.

There are so many transcriptions, insertions and deletions in the bridge part of RNA that it is unrealistic to think the virus mutated this way naturally.

When this interview was published the US tried to debunk her findings and Czech media obediently published those articles and statements from American scientist. The fact (to my best knowledge) is that the US has so far not been able to support their claims and are saying that more data is needed to support or disprove the claim of MUDr. Soňa Peková.
So it may still be a convenient question (sentence quoted in bold) for the Cs ??
So far most people here in my city in Bavaria are keeping up a cheerful front.
Yesterday, late afternoon, I went shopping to my local organic supermarket chain, and I had to check it was actually open, because it was so empty. Lots of empty shelves, especially milk products, bread and frozen products, but I managed to buy almost everything on my list.
The workers there looked fairly cheerful and assured me they would be supplied again by Monday.
Since almost all fear they may fall ill and be unable to leave their houses, of course they're going to panic buy, as well as the fact that more people are eating much more at home.
One thing companies, schools, etc., are going to save on is electricity bills; we at home will on the other hand be footing that expense. And electricity, as you know, has become more expensive!
Someone from the government has been driving around announcing the rules about leaving the house via megaphone, which considering the fact that the streets are empty and sound echoes more, sounds downright spooky and has a WWII feel to it. I tried to record it, but it didn't work out. I'll try to video and record what's going on from now on.
So it's Spring, and last night I felt so creeped out by the sound of the wind, which I can only decribe as angry, powerful and very ominous.
After the past few sunny days, the temperature dropped and snow fell. I feel this all was highly symbolic and significant. That wind was conveying a message of doom.
So I went to bed early just to shut it all out. I feel better today, it's still cold and windy, but the skies are blue and the sun is shining, which I also feel is significant, and reflects my mood; the good forces are also with us, and I feel connected to them also.
Big hugs to you all, and I am reading the posts here with great interest!
All the rooftops were covered in snow, but it's nice and sunny, so we're off out to enjoy it! 🌞
UK Update

Since they closed the pubs/bars/restaurants/cafes/anything else people can do with their time, there has naturally been a flood of people into beaches, parks, national parks, hiking destinations etc.

Now there is a huge backlash against this from authoritarian follower a**holes literally begging the government to send the army onto the streets, enforce travel bans and keep people away from nature, the outdoors, from everything
Sadly, Australia is heading down the same path. Up till now we’ve just had the 1.5 m social distancing and closing of borders. This evening the govt. has announced closures of pubs/clubs/cinemas/gyms/places of religious worship and all non-essential services. Cafes and restaurants can serve takeaway only.

Past few days have been really warm, so of course everyone has hit the beaches. They closed Bondi beach because 1.5 m SD policy was not being observed. The govt has chastised people for not observing that, blaming new cases on this errant behaviour & is using that as a pretext for more draconian laws being passed as I write this.

Bit by bit, it looks like we are heading towards a full lockdown too :umm:
Ma fille est infirmière, elle et moi n'avons pas peur du coronavirus mais de nombreux soignants sont très inquiets. Quant aux médecins de l'hôpital, ils n'ont absolument aucune crainte du virus. Un médecin a été infecté et le directeur de l'hôpital lui a quand même demandé de travailler! (en précisant que ce serait un changement de service là où les patients ne sont pas à haut risque, il a refusé) Soit c'est irresponsable de la part d'un établissement de santé soit ils pensent que les tests ne sont pas reliable et que les gens ne meurent pas vraiment du virus mais de leurs pathologies lourdes.

You forgot to translate the first part of your message, which was interesting. Here it is:

My daughter is a nurse, she and I are not afraid of the coronavirus but many caregivers are very worried. As for the doctors at the hospital, they have absolutely no fear of the virus. One doctor was infected and the hospital director still asked him to work! (specifying that it would be a change of department where patients are not at high risk, he refused) Either it is irresponsible for a health institution or they think that the tests are not reliable and that people are not really dying from the virus but from their serious pathologies.
FWIW I had the same thought. I think I'm caught up on the thread and I have not seen it mentioned so thanks for bringing it up.

I've flipped through PP and looked up different passages several times in the past week and I agree with you that it can be very helpful to keep in mind. The sections that you highlighted are important he offers some useful suggestions for ways to protect yourself in the introduction:

I'm sure folks are short on time right now so I tried to synthesize Lobaczewski's suggestions from these sections into a list as I understand them:
  1. Spend time in a natural setting whenever possible. Go outside for a walk. Look out the window at the trees and the skys and the birds if you can't leave your house. Watch videos of the natural world on your laptop if you can't look out the window.
  2. Spend time with good friends telling jokes and stories and releasing tension. If you can't do it in person because of social isolation reach out to us here on the forum. Pick up a good book that you enjoy and read it for a few minutes here and there.
  3. Give yourself time away from the current madness. Don't spend your whole day watching and reading about this news. Do something else for at least part of the day, preferably something to connect with your body like yoga, meditation, exercise or some kind of project.
  4. Make an intellectual game of analyzing the current madness from a scientific perspective (basically what we're doing on this thread) to distance yourself from it psychologically.
  5. Maintain the attitude of a naturalist exploring a mysterious jungle. I interpret this to mean that I should adopt the attitude that I'm not from here but while I'm here I have an opportunity to learn about this wondrous but dangerous place.
  6. Try to control your natural tendency to moralize the actions of the people around you who are caught up in the "professor's" babble. Remember the old adage "judge not lest ye be judged" and remember that they are caught up in a mass psychosis because they lack the knowledge and awareness we've gained through research, networking and hard work on ourselves. When you catch yourself moralizing ask yourself WHY the person/people are acting in such a revolting way.
  7. Cultivate scientific curiosity. This ties into #6 and is almost the same thing, but I broke it out because I have learned from many years of meditation that cultivating an attitude of curiosity is a very important psychological trick. Curiosity is one of the antidotes for fear because it upregulates higher brain functions and downregulates amygdala hijacking. When you realize you are afraid of something you may feel yourself running, turning and pulling away from it internally. Getting curious about it can help you to manage your fear. What is this thing that I am so afraid of? Where does it come from? How big is it? How long will it last? "Fear is the mind killer" and curiosity is one way to save the mind.
I hope that's helpful. When you're feeling afraid and alone remember that we're going through this together. If you are feeling desperate please reach out here on the forum and/or to members you know in real life. We can get through this.

I think this is great, thanks for sharing! PP is definitely an excellent book of which everyone seeking to navigate this crazy world should be made aware of. Moreover, I couldn't agree more on the topic of curiosity and fear and having seen the statement "Fear is the mind-killer" a few times now makes we want to share the litany of fear from the amazing Dune Books/Saga which, while being primarily Sci Fi entertainment, have provided for me also a lot more than that, so here goes:

This whole covid thing has admittedly put me in a state of panic -- I'm glad to have this community to fall-back to as I've been able to read through some very well articulated posts and take a breath to calmly think about the whole situation.

I'm curious about this specific snippet of the session:

Session 16 October 1994
Q: (L) Yet Noah built an ark. Was it true that certain individuals, whoever they were, built boats or did things to survive that terrible cataclysm?

A: No. Look at it this way. Noah built a boat because it seemed like an enjoyable enterprise and when the flood came it came in handy, see?

Q: (L) So, you are saying that if we do what we do because we enjoy it that we will be in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing when whatever happens happens, right?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Are you saying that we will be led to do what we should be doing and be where we should be?

A: You will just fall into it but if you force things you run the risk of going astray.

How would one distinguish things one should be doing vs. forcing them?

I'm trying to avoid focusing on 3d aspects, which is difficult with a family to care for and missing pieces in my armor of knowledge.
Have a look at this

Thanks for sharing Deckard! This is in line with recommendations I've seen elsewhere is consistent with Wen Bing (Epidemic Disease) theory that I am familiar with. It's always helpful to see how others are treating a disease IMO.
Y'all can' stop with the questions for Cs now! Session was done last night; we were only able to get in a few questions because the Cs gave a more extended insight on the origins and purpose of the virus which actually made most questions irrelevant. (Doesn't that always happen?) It was still a long session, timewise though I don't yet know page/word count because it is still being transcribed. We'll get it up asap. I can only say it is MOST interesting and SURPRISING considering all the conjectures we have all been making.
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