I think we really need to find a way to „sit back and enjoy the show“ constantly now even though that is a lot harder said than done. I would recommend everyone to meditate at least once a day for at least ten minutes. It makes a huge difference if you stick to it.

I second this. I've been thinking about this whole mind virus as like a big dark tower emanating a signal sending people crazy.

For a few minutes today I sat down and just tried to send out my own signal. Be calm, be objective, be positive, be open and think for yourself. For those in my circle and anyone who wants to hear it. I dont know if it did anything useful but sure made me feel better :-D
A thought came to mind. Thinking what book to read while on the empty trains, I thought of rereading Political Ponerology and started yesterday. he latest fatality.
Sorry if this has been mentioned already, but I am 17 pages behind.

FWIW I had the same thought. I think I'm caught up on the thread and I have not seen it mentioned so thanks for bringing it up.

I've flipped through PP and looked up different passages several times in the past week and I agree with you that it can be very helpful to keep in mind. The sections that you highlighted are important he offers some useful suggestions for ways to protect yourself in the introduction:

We thus wondered how to protect ourselves from the results of the "indoctrination". Teresa D. made the first suggestion: Let's spend a weekend in the mountains. It worked. Pleasant company, a bit of joking, then exhaustion followed by deep sleep in a shelter, and our human personalities returned, albeit with a certain remnant. Time also proved to create a kind of psychological immunity, although not with everyone. Analyzing the psychopathic characteristics of the "professor's" personality proved another excellent way of protecting one's own psychological hygiene.

Maintaining the attitude of a naturalist, while attempting to track the nature of macrosocial phenomenon in spite of all adversity, insures a certain intellectual distance and better psychological hygiene in the face of horrors that might otherwise be difficult to contemplate. Such an attitude also increases the feeling of safety and furnishes an insight that this very method may help find a certain creative solution. This requires strict control of the natural, moralizing reflexes of revulsion, and other painful emotions that the phenomenon provokes in any normal person when it deprives him of his joy of life and personal safety, ruining his own future and that of his nation. Scientific curiosity therefore becomes a loyal ally during such times.

I'm sure folks are short on time right now so I tried to synthesize Lobaczewski's suggestions from these sections into a list as I understand them:
  1. Spend time in a natural setting whenever possible. Go outside for a walk. Look out the window at the trees and the skys and the birds if you can't leave your house. Watch videos of the natural world on your laptop if you can't look out the window.
  2. Spend time with good friends telling jokes and stories and releasing tension. If you can't do it in person because of social isolation reach out to us here on the forum. Pick up a good book that you enjoy and read it for a few minutes here and there.
  3. Give yourself time away from the current madness. Don't spend your whole day watching and reading about this news. Do something else for at least part of the day, preferably something to connect with your body like yoga, meditation, exercise or some kind of project.
  4. Make an intellectual game of analyzing the current madness from a scientific perspective (basically what we're doing on this thread) to distance yourself from it psychologically.
  5. Maintain the attitude of a naturalist exploring a mysterious jungle. I interpret this to mean that I should adopt the attitude that I'm not from here but while I'm here I have an opportunity to learn about this wondrous but dangerous place.
  6. Try to control your natural tendency to moralize the actions of the people around you who are caught up in the "professor's" babble. Remember the old adage "judge not lest ye be judged" and remember that they are caught up in a mass psychosis because they lack the knowledge and awareness we've gained through research, networking and hard work on ourselves. When you catch yourself moralizing ask yourself WHY the person/people are acting in such a revolting way.
  7. Cultivate scientific curiosity. This ties into #6 and is almost the same thing, but I broke it out because I have learned from many years of meditation that cultivating an attitude of curiosity is a very important psychological trick. Curiosity is one of the antidotes for fear because it upregulates higher brain functions and downregulates amygdala hijacking. When you realize you are afraid of something you may feel yourself running, turning and pulling away from it internally. Getting curious about it can help you to manage your fear. What is this thing that I am so afraid of? Where does it come from? How big is it? How long will it last? "Fear is the mind killer" and curiosity is one way to save the mind.
I hope that's helpful. When you're feeling afraid and alone remember that we're going through this together. If you are feeling desperate please reach out here on the forum and/or to members you know in real life. We can get through this.
Thank you very much for this opportunity.

I'd ask two questions:

in the case that a mandatory vaccination is forced that could carry something physical that affects the freedom of the being and the soul, we would have some defense (supplement, treatment, attitude) that would annul its harmful effects. (I'm assuming that in the face of a big economic crisis it would be mandatory to present documentation that you have been vaccinated in order to collect any basic income that would prevent you from dying of hunger).

The second question may not be directly related to the current crisis, but I think it is indirectly related:

we know (from Cs) that strobe lights and signals are bad and restrict our perception. But what happens when these lights or signals are variable? For example, a pulsed light that varies gradually from 2 to 100hz in a few minutes without stopping at any specific frequency. My suspicion (and this is what I notice with my tests with the infrared light bed) is that this could actually lift or attenuate restrictions imposed by specific frequencies anchored in our environment (It could be something like walking down a road with a variable diversity of signals to which one is exposed which to some extent balances out). But, obviously I have many doubts about it.

Thank you very much for at least considering that these questions could be useful, in case they have not been already answered in some way.

Well, after looking for possible answers already given to the questions I have raised, the Cs quote that Abats has put already gives clues to my first question.

Session Date: May 30th 2009


Q: (J) Is swine flu going to make a comeback this winter?

A: Sure. They are working on drastic reduction of the population before climate change goes too far. Can't have all those starving people after their heads now can they?

Q: (J) I wonder if it's going to affect us?

A: With your diet?!?! Toxicity makes many more susceptible than during other pandemics. Why else do you think that such toxicity is allowed and even encouraged?

Therefore, avoiding as much as possible the toxicity, natural therapies, knowledge and emotional non-acceptance of a vaccine could perhaps largely truncate its effects.

Regarding my second question: the variable frequencies (in light and waves), I found the following quote to the Cs that I think also gives clues here, but that perhaps makes the question I posed more interesting.

Session Date: December 21st 2012


Q: (Kniall) That's interesting because there was a session where they described what happened at the WTC as being a dome of the timelock or something. And they just mentioned "time lock" in reference to this. (Ailen) But then why do they become more visible during a time of transition?

A: Difficult to control matching frequencies when the frequencies of the multilevel environment keeps changing.

First I want to say THANK YOU to Laura and all of you people of good will, for sharing your thoughts, feelings and information in this fast developing, Mind and Heart uplifting thread that helps SO MUCH also with connecting/revealing/understanding the mosaic picture of what the C's were conveying through the sessions through all these years.

Last night before sleep, after reading this thread, thoughts about psychomantium arose in my mind and today I've checked the sessions for what I could find about it, and here are just some interesting pieces that might be relevant when this turmoil progresses into something darker than we are witnessing currently.

Q: Well, what racial types are the 'good guys?'

A: Nordics, in affiliation with 6th density "guides."

Q: And that's the only good guys?

A: That's all you need.

Q: Wonderful! So, if it is a Grey or Lizzie, you know they aren't the nice guys. But, if it is tall and blond, you need to ask questions!

A: All is subjective when it comes to nice and not nice. Some on 2nd density would think of you as "not nice," to say the least!!!

Q: That's for sure! Especially the roaches! Maybe we ought to get in touch with some of these good guys...

A: When the "time" is right.

Q: Speaking of time - any further comments?

A: Just pay attention to the signs, please!
A: Time to consider construction of psychomantium.

Q: (Laura) What is a 'psychomantium?'

A: Use Latin knowledge. {Group discusses possible definitions}

Q: (Laura) Is that it? Something that's in your mind?

A: No.

Q: (Laura) Is it something that you use your mind to direct or control or power?

A: Chamber for viewing other realms, possible futures and entities residing in other densities.
Q: (Terry) This psychomantium, isn't it in essence a way of opening up a doorway to other realities and other levels and densities?

A: Yes.

Q: (Terry) Is that something you really want to do?

A: Yes.

Q: (Terry) Why?

A: Because you are ready now... and besides, what do you think you are doing here?!?

Q: (Laura) Is it a doorway that can be as Castaneda described it, where something can walk in, or walk out?

A: Possible... but... if you recall, what was the missing factor with Castaneda's story?

Q: (Laura) He didn't have knowledge. Is that it?

A: Not enough.

Q: (Laura) Is this something that can or ought to be done as a group, or singly... what's the deal?

A: Both.
(Laura) OK, what advantage is there to using a psychomantium to using the board, I mean, is it going to replace the board?

A: No. Visualizations clarify and unite images.

Q: (Laura) Ok, what images would we wish, or would be suggested to unite and clarify, and particularly in the term unite? You've used the term 'unite' on a number of occasions, and in unusual ways.

A: Anything and everything in transcripts, for example... and all else.

Q: (Laura) Okay, so we would be able to see all of the things told about in the transcripts. Would we also be able to, by seeing a 4th density reality, be able to generate some sort of unification between ourselves, in some sense, and this new reality ?

A: Yes.

Q: (Laura) Is this part of the way and means of bonding oneself to 4th density reality.

A: Helps.

Q: (Laura) Can one also use this to visit other parts of the globe in real time?

A: Yes.

Q: (Terry) Visit the past and the future?

A: Yes.
(L) And he said it didn't matter, just as long as it was quick. Alright, is there anything that we need to ask that we didn't think of, or that I didn't think of, because I want to shut down because I'm starting to get a little stiff here? Any message or anything of any particular importance?

A: Time for you to sit in the psychomantium or something similar with pencil and paper ready.

Q: (L) Why do I need a paper and pencil ready?

A: Because we have complex things to convey and that will conserve energy.

Q: (L) You mean I'm supposed to do this alone?

A: Not necessarily. It will help to have one or two other compatible energy persons present to ask the questions.

Q: (L) Do these have to be questions of general interest, or is it possible that say, for example, other people could send in questions to be answered in this way?

A: Limit personal questions please.

Q: (L) Alright, then if there's nothing else, I'm going to say good night.

A: Remember Caesar... Goodbye.
(Perceval) The NSA is trying to scare the French political establishment by flying drones over nuclear power plants.

(Pierre) To not switch to Russia, or...

(Perceval) ...an "accident" is gonna happen.

A: Now it is time to say goodnight and "see you in the psychomantium soon!" Goodbye.

(Pierre) They didn't forget, eh? [laughter]

(Perceval) So when you go to the psychomantium they’ll be there with a watch saying, "We've been waiting for WEEKS!" [laughter]
  1. Spend time in a natural setting whenever possible. Go outside for a walk. Look out the window at the trees and the skys and the birds if you can't leave your house. Watch videos of the natural world on your laptop if you can't look out the window.
  2. Spend time with good friends telling jokes and stories and releasing tension. If you can't do it in person because of social isolation reach out to us here on the forum. Pick up a good book that you enjoy and read it for a few minutes here and there.
  3. Give yourself time away from the current madness. Don't spend your whole day watching and reading about this news. Do something else for at least part of the day, preferably something to connect with your body like yoga, meditation, exercise or some kind of project.
  4. Make an intellectual game of analyzing the current madness from a scientific perspective (basically what we're doing on this thread) to distance yourself from it psychologically.
  5. Maintain the attitude of a naturalist exploring a mysterious jungle. I interpret this to mean that I should adopt the attitude that I'm not from here but while I'm here I have an opportunity to learn about this wondrous but dangerous place.
  6. Try to control your natural tendency to moralize the actions of the people around you who are caught up in the "professor's" babble. Remember the old adage "judge not lest ye be judged" and remember that they are caught up in a mass psychosis because they lack the knowledge and awareness we've gained through research, networking and hard work on ourselves. When you catch yourself moralizing ask yourself WHY the person/people are acting in such a revolting way.
  7. Cultivate scientific curiosity. This ties into #6 and is almost the same thing, but I broke it out because I have learned from many years of meditation that cultivating an attitude of curiosity is a very important psychological trick. Curiosity is one of the antidotes for fear because it upregulates higher brain functions and downregulates amygdala hijacking. When you realize you are afraid of something you may feel yourself running, turning and pulling away from it internally. Getting curious about it can help you to manage your fear. What is this thing that I am so afraid of? Where does it come from? How big is it? How long will it last? "Fear is the mind killer" and curiosity is one way to save the mind.
Very useful. An impressive decalogue.
I made an experiment today at Tweeter. Someone was very angry with people that go outside with dogs. She was telling to the police that they should arrest them because they go outside 35 times a day. I wrote to her something gentle, to be patient, that everything will pass, etc. She answered me very angry and very insulting. I answered her again wit gentleness, telling her about patience, thanked her to answer me, (she also have two dogs), making humor. Send her a hug. And then she answered me with gentleness and telling me how nervous everyone is. She changed completely her tone. Incredible.

We can help people everywhere, now in Internet also. Specially now in Internet. People are nervous, aggressive, need to yell to others for their impotence. So I will continue my experiment sometimes. This is a very good experience I just had with this woman that was extremely nervous and aggressive, vulgar also, making a fool of herself, making maybe other people more nervous and aggresive, etc you know how this works, but just with little comprehension and patience from my part and humor also, became more human and stop for a while her fear and aggressiveness.
Let's get some questions to ask the Cs together for a session soon. Really THINK about your question and can it be answered by research before posing it.

That's a good idea, Laura. Since the situation is rapidly developing, it would be good to hold the session sooner rather than later.

Here is my question:

- The current global developments - for example, the lockdowns, curfews and extensive legislative changes in many countries - suggest that preparations are being made for something more serious. Something that will affect the whole planet. Is this, in fact, the case? Should we be getting ready for a more dramatic series of events later in the year? Or is this just an organised attempt to clamp down on the individual freedoms based on a hoax?
How much longer can this madness last?
After this is over there will be a moment of relief, to take a breath, (or gather strength and prepare for the next crisis,) or everything will get drastically worse,
If the coronavirus isn't a really serious threat. It may be positive in some ways, or even for certain people to get infected.
If anyone wants to take the trouble to rephrase or expand on these questions, since English is not my native language, it will be fine.
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