Laura said:
I'm just wondering how many people on the forum here have watched this movie and did it have an impact on you? Did you show it to friends or family? What were their reactions?

When I first watched it, it had quit an impact on me because most of such documentaries were poorly done in terms of production. I went to the screening premiere in Los Angeles at some independent film festival. The two screenings were completely sold out and hundreds of people outside the theater couldn't get in. Peter Joseph was there for Q&A, but he mostly focused on the Monetary System, which is also evident in his follow up film and collaboration with the "Venus Project".

They gave away free DVD's of the film at the screening which I gave to friends and family. It had an impact on my parents who are usually not that open to these topics. Since then they listen more if I bring up something related to these topics in conversation.

Back then I was quite excited about the film, because I though it would help to get the word out, which it did to an extent. I thought it was a good introduction of the "basics" so to speak and help people open up a bit.
However, after the hype, I also felt that the most important topic was missing: Psychopathy in Power and I thought he threw out the baby with the bath water in the part about Religion. That's also why I didn't like the 2nd Zeitgeist film and thought he presented solutions prematurely without using the momentum to go deeper with it all. Since then I don't recommend Zeitgeist anymore, because he's giving "false hopes", imo. Or if I do it, I do so with a disclaimer, saying that's a basic insight into some important topics, but the solutions are shot-sighted.

I still think it was very well done in terms of production and you can tell that P. Joseph is a film maker turned truth seeker. If he would make a film (or anyone with good film making skills) about Psychopathy/Ponerology and present it the same way as his other films, that would have quite an impact, imo.
Spiral Out said:
I still think it was very well done in terms of production and you can tell that P. Joseph is a film maker turned truth seeker. If he would make a film (or anyone with good film making skills) about Psychopathy/Ponerology and present it the same way as his other films, that would have quite an impact, imo.

Maybe somebody could find contact details and suggest it to him?
« Reply #64 on: September 04, 2010, 04:34:45 AM »
I'm just wondering how many people on the forum here have watched this movie and did it have an impact on you? Did you show it to friends or family? What were their reactions?

i watched the movie , the whole series, from start to finish,and did show it to my friends and family,and they all liked it...but said it is not possible in the kind of world we´re living in. and i agree...i mean what corporation ,or private bank would want to build such a city where they would no be needed. as the last movie of the series Zeitgeist.Moving.Forward.2011 states maybe on a different Earth free of all this ¨devils¨ .the arguments and the ideas presented in the movie are pretty logical.
Just curious: what is the primary reason this thread has been moved? The lack of attention paid to psychopathy? Or has new information come to light tying Peter Joseph et al to TPTB?
psychegram said:
Just curious: what is the primary reason this thread has been moved? The lack of attention paid to psychopathy? Or has new information come to light tying Peter Joseph et al to TPTB?

It was previously in the NewAge COINTELPRO section. It has been moved to the COINTELPRO and Disinformation section, so there really hasn't been a change in its status. One section is open to the pubic and another is available only to those with a certain number of posts, and it was decided that more people would benefit if this was moved to the section available to the public.
I had never heard of Ponerology, nor did I ever understand Psycopathy other than those who are violent and usually end up in prison serial killers. etc until I found this forum and Lauras work. I also read the responses, and it seems that the whole subject of psycopathy became big on this forum when you all realized you were continuously being taunted by groups. In other words, I am suggesting that it's possible this network you are pioneers in the understanding on psycopathy in a group level...is this possibly why Zeitgeist did not talk of it?

I also know that I have an extremely hard time getting people to open up to the idea that we are run by psycopaths. A natural human mechanism that makes it impossible for most to believe, including the author maybe?
Dingo said:
I had never heard of Ponerology, nor did I ever understand Psycopathy other than those who are violent and usually end up in prison serial killers. etc until I found this forum and Lauras work. I also read the responses, and it seems that the whole subject of psycopathy became big on this forum when you all realized you were continuously being taunted by groups. In other words, I am suggesting that it's possible this network you are pioneers in the understanding on psycopathy in a group level...is this possibly why Zeitgeist did not talk of it?

I also know that I have an extremely hard time getting people to open up to the idea that we are run by psycopaths. A natural human mechanism that makes it impossible for most to believe, including the author maybe?

To realize the 'paths run the show is diffcult enough, but to know that you have an internal psychopath because of it and that it/they need to be dealt with before you can do anything else, brings the difficulty-level up a notch... or two.
Dingo said:
I had never heard of Ponerology, nor did I ever understand Psycopathy other than those who are violent and usually end up in prison serial killers. etc until I found this forum and Lauras work. I also read the responses, and it seems that the whole subject of psycopathy became big on this forum when you all realized you were continuously being taunted by groups. In other words, I am suggesting that it's possible this network you are pioneers in the understanding on psycopathy in a group level...is this possibly why Zeitgeist did not talk of it?

I also know that I have an extremely hard time getting people to open up to the idea that we are run by psycopaths. A natural human mechanism that makes it impossible for most to believe, including the author maybe?

That's interesting because I find the opposite to be true, of all the concepts we deal with the fact that psychopaths run everything is the easiest for other people to accept. I think that's because I am in the US where thing are much more ponerized. It's pretty clear to people here that those on the top of the pyramid don't care about anyone but themselves.
Yeah, besides diet topics it is one of the thoughts people adopt or accept fast literally without questioning (and thinking). But I doubt most really understand the significance of it. It is just the huge amount of bad news about dishonest politicians, that most people agree with you when you talk about a hierachy with people on top who do not have any empathy for others.
Stranger said:
Yeah, besides diet topics it is one of the thoughts people adopt or accept fast literally without questioning (and thinking). But I doubt most really understand the significance of it. It is just the huge amount of bad news about dishonest politicians, that most people agree with you when you talk about a hierachy with people on top who do not have any empathy for others.

I think it's more than just politicians. People experience it with higher-ups where they work and women often get first hand experience with psychopaths in relationships.
That's probably true. I can't say much about it, because I am young and do not know many older people who talk about that.
Stranger said:
That's probably true. I can't say much about it, because I am young and do not know many older people who talk about that.

Yeah, it takes some hard lessons from experience for people to get it. And even then they don't usually talk about it. But if you bring it up, they get it.
It's also my lack of direct lessons and experience regarding psychopaths, that makes it hard for me to understand it more than theoretically. :/
Stranger said:
It's also my lack of direct lessons and experience regarding psychopaths, that makes it hard for me to understand it more than theoretically. :/

Even if theoretical knowledge only, you'll be way better prepared to recognize and deal with it than people who don't know anything about it.
I guess it comes down to experiences in life. Most I know just haven't had the experience to even question things in life. The most people are willing to say about politicians and corporate leaders here is that they are bloody liars....

I just ask them, where did you learn how to draw a line in the sand and be able to say with confidence that that is the worst they are capable of?

But to answer you Mr Premise I would say about 1 in 20 I come across at least sits and thinks, the rest just dismiss
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