
FOTCM Member

A reader sent us this with no comment, can someone do the needful and watch a bit of this and tell us what it is all about. No need to watch it all if it is a bunch of nonsense, just give us the gist

Merci buckets

ZEITGEIST, can someone take a look and report?

Well now I´we seen the whole movie and I think its a kind of "loose change" but it does not only take on the 9/11 even if that is a central theme in the movie, it also
handles the whole controlstructure and how we came to accept it by falseflag events and how we have been programed for a very long time.
Its very well made and really worth watching. There is a source-list on the site for the claims of the movie.
I love how it takes on all aspects of the worlds problem and shows how many times it has been done and that there definitely are men behind the curtain.
ZEITGEIST, can someone take a look and report?

Watched 15 mins or so. After saying religion was setup to mislead and control, like 911 and wars, it states knowledge will set you free and goes onto to explain ancient astrological symbolism, I found it pretty interesting, but i know very little about astrological symbolism, so it could be talking rubbish for all I know. I think i'll wait to see if others give it the thumbs up before I watch the rest.

ZEITGEIST, can someone take a look and report?

Hour into it. very compact, putting what is known into a very followable context. The Jesus and diety / astrological stuff at the begining is very clear and informative and would set the fear of whomever into any practicing believing Christian.

Theres a few sound bites of Alex jones, Mike ruppert makes an appearence, some good shots of the cut steel from the WTC and so on. Yes you could arrest these murderers based on this video the way its put together.

Im recording the sound from the movie and will edit it later on today and shrink the sound file to allow those with dial up etc to get a feel for it........if some one else does this before i get a chance to..please let it be known in this thread.

All in all a good movie so far.
ZEITGEIST, can someone take a look and report?

Alex Jones and Mike Ruppert make appearances?! - that certainly doesn't bode well at all - simply from a 'big picture' point of view - not saying there is not some truth in it, but considering who those guys are, red flags go up.
ZEITGEIST, can someone take a look and report?

The guy who made it has a homepage at hxxp://911blogger.com which has a slew of 911 links but none to the Pentagon Strike webpage and video.

I (rhetorically) wonder whay that would be?
ZEITGEIST, can someone take a look and report?

Well yeh. Ive watched it all the way through. lets not throw the baby out with the bathwater. The voice clip of Alex jones is in seconds and he doesnt get any credits in any part of the film. Ruppert also for a few seconds, he does get his name on the screen,though it was on a good day when he wasnt going on about peak oil and didnt go off topic.

All in all a moving in parts movie (not sentimental)

The part which covers the pentagon hit shows and talks of the fact that it couldnt have been a hit by the plane. Does not say anything other to lead to a false picture.

What i call the third part covers Money and war...how wars are not meant to be won as in Vietnam and Iraq but to be sustained so the same international bankers get all the lolly/money. How the stock crashes where mathematical equations and so on.

Some great excerpts from the movie NETWORK, one of my faves of all time and well worth a watch again. So fave id almost forgot it.

Oh news today that got me was that Carlyle group have put a bid in for Virgin Media , if aproved gives these dudes control over a lot of British TV cable channels...spooky.

Ends on a bill hicks moment...
going to compress now.
ZEITGEIST, can someone take a look and report?

I've watched the whole thing twice so far.
It's been getting around a lot latley. People post it on myspace, tribe and I even got e-mails about this ZEITGEIST film......seems to be quite popular.

Personally I liked it. While some things are certainly debatable and I'm sure the content in this film is nothing new for anyone on this board here and I'm also sure that many here will find faults and Disinfo in it (Ruppert, Jones, who play just a small role in this film anyway), I still think it could have a good impact on the "average Joe/Jane" (no offense Joe!!...:-) to make them open up to some deeper aspects of our reality and look at the Media more crtitcal. In other words, I wouldn't throw out the baby with the bath water.

As a matter of fact, I sent this film to a bunch of people over the past two weeks which triggered an "awakening process" in some of them as they were asking me for more good sources about the "rabbit hole of reality". I then sent them the links to the Signs of the Times site and the Cassiopean site, which some of my friends, family and other people are now starting to look into thanks to ZEITGEIST. No kidding.
I watched it with my dad when I was visiting him in Germany last week and he was quite shocked to see it, but he couldn't deny it completly either. Being seventy years old with a phd in math and physics, he had a hard time with the offical 9/11 story anyway and he even admitted how the media has conditioned his mind into believing lies, but he never spoke about it until he saw this film, so I'm happy about that on a personal note.

I also thought that movie is well produced, meaning the editing, the sound, the narrating, the images, the sequencing, it's all well done. There are many films out there about this kind of stuff and most of it is really badly done so that one looses interest fast, especially in a day and age where people have shorter attention spans. In case of the Zeitgeist movie, what I heard from people who saw it, is that they watched it all the way through without loosing interest becasue it was so well done. Sometimes it's all about the presentation as well.
The pentagon flash movie which was a SOTT production was also one of the few clips out there that people really liked because it's been done so well.

On each of the topics presented in this film, one could easliy make a 6h presentation. But I thought it is good to spread "seeds of awareness" in smaller doses and I even see the success of such an approach in my own cricle of friends (many who have called my nut/crazy/insane before to claim such things) and other people who saw ZEITGEIST and who are now starting to dig on their own. On and all it seems to have a postive effect in terms of what the intention of the film maker was:

Zeitgeist was created as a not for profit expression to inspire people to start looking at the world
from a more critical perspective and to understand that very often things are not what the
population at large think they are[...]
That being said, it is my hope that people will not take what is said
in the film as the truth, but find out for themselves, for truth is not told, it is realized.
The makers of this film seem also open for discussion and corrections:
ZEITGEIST, can someone take a look and report?

There are 7 soundfiles mp3s in all. None are much larger than 3mbs some in the 2mbs range
you will find them here for a few days


after the first one just replace the number after z with the following numbers 2 3 4 5 6 7

Its an external microphone so you may hear my lighter click now and again.Oh and i attempt to read something which appears on the screen, but the narrator eventually start to speak and it all knackered up, but ner mind. Sorry for that bit.

as its a low kbps compression you may want to listen with headphones.

Thought id put a link to an excerpt from the film Network with Peter Finch here also..really is a good film for those whove not seen it id highly recommend it.


right off to bed.
ZEITGEIST, can someone take a look and report?

OK, thanks y'all, it's worth a watch then

ZEITGEIST, can someone take a look and report?

They seemed to have made good use of hypnotic techniques as a way to counteract current hypnotic suggestions that have been deeply conditioned in all of us or so it seems to me....

[I think that they maybe should have put the beautiful part of the video in the beginning than instead of after all the explosions. It seems that people are already depressed as it is. If one sees explosions at the very beginning they may not even make it past this point in the video. I think the reverse of this sequence would be more of a shock and might have a chance of waking more people up. But these are just my thoughts....]
ZEITGEIST, can someone take a look and report?

Just seen it. There is nothing in it we already haven't heard of, still its cute and watchable movie -
my favorite would be the monologue from movie Network (1976) and the line:
" I am human being God damn it, My life has value!"
combined with the chilling images of people falling off the WTC tower

First part is slightly repetitive and while it brings up the real background of Judeo-Christianity (or many other religions) it doesn't really develop this subject properly . It rather leaves you with the question- so what's your point? It seemed to me that the only purpose for this part was to justify the fact that there wont be the last judgment/harvest/ end of time but in fact all these things refer to the end of ages, i.e. current age of Pisces which will be succeed by the age of Aquarius, this little detail was a big red flag for me and I almost given up after it,

but do persist as the Second part presents neatly packed record of all the lies and deceits of US Government . This part maybe useful as a wake up call for those still asleep. Although I somehow doubt those who are still sleeping will ever wake up.

The third part - Man behind the curtain was sort of an anticlimax - you think - cool now they going to wrap everything up and bring the real issue home but they end up with some kind of very confusing love&light message

also Carl Sagan appears briefly here which IMO is another read flag

O boy, this post shows I read New Age Chanel Watch too much, thank you very much Adpop - I will never be able to enjoy movies again :)
ZEITGEIST, can someone take a look and report?

I just want to make a comment about the effect of the video on people. It seems that people for whom I have been trying to get the message across that something was up and who seemed to not just "get it" are moved by this video. I posted the following message on my myspace buletin:
Subject line: Definitely an Interesting Video..It rings truth to my ear;


This has given me cause to think about what the heck is going on around here?!


and then I post this immediately following it (but only after there are other bulletins between it):

Subject: ????Why should you check out the video????


To live the question:

You don't know what You don't know and neither do I and I don't know what I don't know and neither do You.

You do neither? and know don't I? what know don't I? and I do neither? and know don't you? what know don't you.?

To make the choice:

Selfishness -
If I know and You do not then you must be blind and I may control you as I please.

Please I as you- Control may I? and blind be must you then not do you and know I if?

Selflessness -
If You know and I do not then in my blindness I may be covertly helped to see and together as 'We' you have helped me as I have helped thee.

Thee helped have I as me helped have you , 'We' as together and see to helped covertly be may I blindness in then not did I? and know You If?

Any questions?

[without putting the video address in the body on the purpose.....]

It seems to sort of work.....

However, it does make me think if this sort of covert means of waking people up is STS or STO? What do you think?
ZEITGEIST, can someone take a look and report?

SObjectivity said:
However, it does make me think if this sort of covert means of waking people up is STS or STO? What do you think?
Apologies, SeekingObjectivity, but the body of your post starting with ' You don't know what You don't know and neither do I...' made absolutely no sense to me and actually brought to mind NLP techniques. When you write that people were 'moved' by this video, exactly what do you mean?

As far as anything we do being 'STS or STO' - the fact of the matter is that everything we do while we are alive on this planet is STS - that is what we are, that is what this place is. We can be working toward being something other than that, but until we are no longer living as 3D entities on this planet, that is simply what we are.

I also think that the assumption that you are waking anyone up with this myspace post might be stretching things a bit - but - if people see the video and begin to ask questions in their own minds, that can really only be a good thing. fwiw.
ZEITGEIST, can someone take a look and report?


I understand what you're saying and yeah I agree that the whole "You don't know what you don't know and neither do I" thing does sound a little bit non-sensical. I also realize that we are STS and will always be STS unless we make choices that may help to align us differently. I also agree that it would be stretching it a bit (okay a pretty HUGE bit) to be thinking that I am doing anyting at all with regards of waking anyone up and if I thought so then of course I would only be deceiving and re-inforcing my own feelings of self-importance in that regard. I suppose what I meant was that it seems to direct one's attention towards thinking that not everything is as it seems. If a person starts to ACTUALLY begin to see how this could be true then for all intents and purposes watching this video cannot really be that bad of a thing. However, I suppose it could be a bad thing if, in fact, the one who watches it starts to actually believe anything it says without some sort of research and/or verification of the information presented. It seems to me that if a person decides to really believe what is said without thinking about what is said, that is, memorizing the facts then both the people producing the video and the person watching it are wasting their time. Of course this is only true if the intent of the video is to "shock" some people "awake." However, if the intent is to further deceive everyone then it seems to me they have just wasted their time if, in fact, it begins to ACTUALLY arouse in others the interest to do research. If it does not cause an interest within the viewer to further research the matter then of course those who have set out to deceive have, in fact, not wasted their time at all. However, since it seems to arouse interest in the viewer to do research then, to me, it really doesn't matter whether or not the intent behind the video is good and/or bad. As you have stated we live in an STS world so it seems there may only exist STS intentions, but to me STS intentions tend to have the ability to go either way depending on how such information is propagated. But these are just my thoughts on the matter....
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