Session 20 June 2009

The primary meaning of the word may have been ’that must be preserved whole or intact, that cannot be transgressed or violated’ which would support its relationship to Old English hal whole […]

In swedish the word for holy is "helig". Hel means "whole, complete, total"
Sorry for this dubble-post but I became intrigued by the comment that a more developed man would exhale a different mixture then by someone who's not developed.

I have been wondering for a quite long time what the other gases in air does to the human body, could this be related in any way ?


An adult at rest breathes 16 respiration per minute - approximately 5 m3/h (lungs volume 4 - 6 liter). With harder work the rate is 3 to 6 times more (15 - 30 m3/h).

The average composition of exhaled air is

* Oxygen 16.5%
* Carbon dioxide 4.0%
* Nitrogen and Argon 79.5%

_ 78.08%
_ 20.95%
_ 0.93%
_ 0.038%
_Ozon: 0,0001%

I might be wrong on this but I believe air contains traces of both Krypton and Xenon I could not find any definite and good source on it. According to wikipedia both are distilled from air.


Just a thought...
what about the isotopic distribution of the elements in the gases for example N14/N15 C12/C13/ ?etc. and water vapour? I mean, imagine that the water with O17 is absorbed more that water with O16? Also are missing countless amounts of trace gases such as nitrogen oxides, sulfur, volatile organic compounds, etc, etc. Also come to my mind the NO gas (nitric oxide) with have important biological functions but is not expelled, but is a "dissolved" gas in the body.
I wonder if NO (nitric oxide) have to do with respiration because it have a relaxion with muscle relaxation:

From wiki

NO, a highly reactive free radical, then diffuses into the smooth muscle cells of the blood vessel and interacts with soluble guanylate cyclase. Nitric oxide stimulates the soluble guanylate cyclase to generate the second messenger cyclic GMP (3’,5’ guanosine monophosphate) from guanosine triphosphate (GTP). The soluble cGMP activates cyclic nucleotide dependent protein kinase G (PKG or cGKI). PKG is a kinase that phosphorylates a number of proteins that regulate calcium concentrations, calcium sensitization, hyperpolarize cell through potassium channels, actin filament and myosin dynamic alterations that result in smooth muscle relaxation. (see smooth muscle article).[5]
(potassium is an ion or saline sustance)
Another thought. Perhaps the human body needs trace gases just as it needs trace minerals for proper functioning? I don't know what these trace gases would be however.

Also, maybe these breathing exercises are a way of converting atmospheric gases into a more beneficial form. I don't know much about chemistry so I'm merely speculating.

Maybe this can account for the comment that a more developed man exhales a different mixture of of gases than someone lesser developed??
chachachick said:
Maybe this can account for the comment that a more developed man exhales a different mixture of of gases than someone lesser developed??

It wasn't "gases" it was "substances". I suspect that it is stuff that can't be measured with our current scientific tools.
Each of these latest C's session threads get more and more informative, steadily increasing what we need to know to continue growing our awareness. Thank you Laura, Ark, and everyone else who makes all QFG activities possible!!!

The Prayer of the Soul is precious beyond words....
Thank you Laura for the prayer.

I've been meditating on this line: "Holy Awareness in All Creation/Carried in the heart..." because I always assumed that awareness is filtered through the mind.

In this line Awareness is holy. The holiness gives Awareness an essence which is different from that of "Knowledge" as in "Knowledge protects." Perhaps Awareness is a quality that is connected to the soul and transcendence while Knowledge is more three dimensional, more tied to the physical body. Certainly, for me, knowledge seems to have limitations that Awarenes does not. One can be knowledgeable and still not be Aware, but to be Aware one must have knowledge.

And the prayer locates this Awareness in the heart where it is carried Does the word carried imply conscious effort? Does it imply a choice? Since "Divine Conscious Mind" includes "All Creation" that must mean all the really bad things too like psychopaths, and hyperdimensional beings, and the PTB. Is the purpose of carrying them in the heart a means of neutralizing their effect on us them, of purifying us from their negativity?

In this prayer, it is the mind that is ruled, not the heart.

The heart is carried, but the mind must be ruled.

This is really a lot to think about.

The prayer begins its conclusion by first asking for clarity of the senses:

"Clear my eyes
That I may See
Clear my ears That I may hear.

And ends with the request to cleanse the heart:

"Cleanse my heart
That I may know and love
The Holiness of True Existence
Divine Cosmic Mind"

It seems that the purification of the senses and the physical mind must come first, but that without the purification of the heart the ability to "...know and love/The Holinessness of True Existence" is impossible.

Love resides in the heart, and it seem that it is impossible to approach the "The Holiness of True Existence/ Divine Cosmic Mind" without first passing through the gateway of the heart. This is a real challenge if it means keeping the gateway open while experiencing either directly or vicariously so much of the evil that is happening in the world, or confronting the evil in oneself.

But the thing is that when I read this prayer, I feel it. As much as I try to reduce everything to words, I can't put that feeling into words.
Life had taken my attention for several weeks and I finally caught up to the resent sessions with the C's over the past few days.

My deepest thanks to Laura and crew and to all that have posted on this thread. Especially to Laura for posting the prayer. You answered my prayers in sharing the prayer.

A short story for you all regarding the passing of info to others and the roles of teacher/student and vice-versa

A visitor came to the part of the forest I was accustomed to. While we shared bread and wine, this visitor expressed interest in a "forest walk" on his own. I thought about this for a moment. Do I tell this visitor about the quick sand, about the spots of most danger? Will I impose on his own life lessons and infringe upon his free will if I just blurt this info out? So I decided to ask. "Would you like to know of the areas to be most watchful?" "Or are you willing to go out into the woods and learn for yourself?" The visitor thought for a moment and then said "Yes I would like to know of the dangers, but allow me to find them on my own." So I explained to the visitor what to look for and be aware of, and then watched as the visitor went forth into the forest. I waited for the visitors return so I can listen to his stories of adventure and what he may have learned on the journey. The visitor came back elated and thankful for the warnings cause he almost found himself up to his neck in quicksand.

So I Thank you all for the lessons and the advice. I believe we all have somethings to teach others and somethings to learn from others. If we keep our eyes and ears clear.

Ok I am gonna say more :)

Another aspect from part of this thread earlier on preparedness about the coming changes. My husband was taught by a Seneca Elder (Native North American Indian from New York State area) in the late 1980's about "The Changes" He studied with many Native American Elders after this and all had similar statements back then. It was to gather seed and water and make preparations for a cataclysmic experience in the near future. So around The United States he traveled and began sharing this info with everyone he came across. He soon felt like he was "Chicken Little" of the childhood story "The Sky Is Falling" He got a lot of slack from people that this was all heresay and nothing is going to happen to our stable world. Well soon he stopped telling people. Around the late 1990's a yearly conference by the Indigenous people of the Americas convined somewhere in Central America. The prophecies were changing and it was stated by these Elders of many tribal backgrounds that it was no longer necessary to gather the material goods for survival, but gather internally. Make peace with oneself. Become centered with ones thoughts and to go forth and share this with people of the world. During the time of hearing these words my husband and I felt there was no truer thing then to gather oneself. I believe that to be what the C's and Laura and others here have stated. Detox, mind, body and soul.

I have searched the net to find if there is a web site that has this info on it from the Native American Elders Council and have found none. I know that this may be heresay, but the info is right on.

Thanks again
I was just reading the transcript from the first talk Laura gave to the MUFON group in 1995, included in Wave 1. Check it out:

The Cassiopaeans have talked about the fact that the DNA can be reconstructed or reconnected because it is still there, it is just broken up or “de-activated.” The important elements of this process include oxygenation, spinning or centrifuging, as well as certain activities such as meditation, and gaining knowledge.
Thank you all for your input into this thread, most especially Laura for her patient explanations and comments -- and inspiration. I went through depression and sadness while reading it, but now, because of knowing that there is a network, I feel a glimmer of hope... *flowers*
C's said:
A: The main thing people need right now is to be cleansed of emotional blockages and programs not to mention karmic burdens.
I may be spiritually dense, but how does one cleanse oneself from karmic burdens? Does it amount to making peace with people one has hurt in this life? If not, then what?
Smallwood said:
I may be spiritually dense, but how does one cleanse oneself from karmic burdens? Does it amount to making peace with people one has hurt in this life? If not, then what?

I'm sure I'm just as spiritually dense, but one thought is that karmic burdens would involve the hurt you've caused and suffered that you haven't learned the lessons from yet. I mean, it's one thing to see that you've hurt someone or have been hurt and "make peace," but have you really understood the dynamics that lead to the hurt? Have you really learned to see objectively?
Smallwood said:
C's said:
A: The main thing people need right now is to be cleansed of emotional blockages and programs not to mention karmic burdens.
I may be spiritually dense, but how does one cleanse oneself from karmic burdens? Does it amount to making peace with people one has hurt in this life? If not, then what?

When you have deep emotional release, it can often release emotions carried over from past lives. That's all that is meant.
Laura said:
Patience said:
Well... I am one big fat emotional blockage and have been personally feeling the deterioration mentioned in the transcripts, so I decided to try the Lord's prayer breathing method Laura mentioned in the session.

Notice that I said that I had "adjusted" it over time and finally came up with a prayer that I felt really expressed what I wanted as "seed". Here it is:

Oh Divine Cosmic Mind
Holy Awareness in All Creation
Carried in the heart
Ruler of the mind
Savior of the Soul
Live in me today
Be my Daily Bread
As I give bread to others
Help me grow in knowledge
Of All Creation
Clear my eyes
That I may See
Clear my ears
That I may hear
Cleanse my heart
That I may know and love
The Holiness of True Existence
Divine Cosmic Mind

I call it "The Prayer of the Soul".

I have had some amazing results with this prayer, when practiced as a recapitulation. I was not raised in a 'religious' household - no church on sundays, none of the usual brainwashing, which I feel very fortunate about - but it was a very spiritual/moral home. Truthfully, this is the first prayer I ever attempted, and I think the wait was worth it.

To begin, when I contemplated the first line of the prayer, getting into the 'meat' of the words, Divine ---what is divine??--- Cosmic ---universal???--- Mind ---,,,,at this point, my 'third eye' blasted open! Kind of a tingling rotating. It felt as though my brain was generating Mwatts of power, or something of the sort. As the meditation progressed in this general vein, that 'feeling' went through my body, then extended 'out'. By the end, it seemed I was aware of, if not my entire neighborhood, at least a chunk of it. Very interesting sensations it invoked. POWERFUL prayer.

Thank you again Laura for bringing this gem to everyone.

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