All About Fasting

Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

Mike: In this whole debate of soy versus cow's milk, we find misinformation in both camps.

Dr. Blaylock: I wouldn't recommend either one. If you're obsessed with milk, use goat's milk. It's closer to human milk, but I wouldn't recommend cow's milk or soy milk. I think people ought to avoid soy products as if they were poison.
To get an quantitative impression of the amount of Soy products supplied today, have a look at the dedicated gluten-free shelf of one of our local supermarkets. I've highlighted the Soy products. My oh my, what to say... At least it's not more than 50%, so there's hope!

Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet


This whole issue of gluten/soja/milk raises also the issue of a huge conspiration.

Until this thread encouraged me to dig further into the subject , it seemed to me that one good way to select nutrents was to check if they belonged to the traditionnal foods eaten by a given civilisation that had endured for a long time. I suspected that empirism on a long period of time could be more or less trusted: therefore cheese, tofu, whole wheat bread.... that have been used for so many centuries were safe and even healthy products to eat, contrary to soy milk or white bread that were never used before as every day food.

However following Laura end Henry comments on gluten I bought Dr Seignalet's book: "Alimentation, la troisième médecine".
He was a mainstream doctor but engaged in the 1980's in research in nutrition field and has until his death in 2003 relieved many sick people from the symptoms of over 91 uncurable diseases by implementing an ancestral diet deprived of the 3 major poisons that are according to him: Muted cereals (wheat but also corn...), , animal milks, and cooking over 110°C.

I have some doubts about his theory but I have tried for 4 weeks to implement the diet. I have bought a soft steam cooker (cooks at 95°c) and given up muted cereals and milk.
I notice already that my mobility has increased and that I can turn my head with angles that I thought would necessaraly bring pain. So whichever my doubts, facts did nothing to discard the theory, on the contrary...

It turns out that these nutrents really could be bad though they are part of major civilisation food habits.

So the question now is: Why have men some 5000 or 10000 years ago switched to that kind of food?

What was the neolithic revolution really about if men gave up an apparently a more free and healthier life and indulged in habits disastrous for their health?

I can't help but make a comparison with farming: Imagine I am a pig in an intensive farm. For so many generations my specy has been eating delicious flours and corn, so I think that it can't be bad. Of course some myths go around about boars (my ancestors?) that used to live in the forest and eat raw food and apparently lived longer and healthier...

So is the neolithic revolution merely the implementation of farming by beings that treat us like commodities?

This food issue is consistent with this hypothesis as are many other issues.

Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

Soy is the hardest thing for me to exclude from my diet that I'm aware of (soybean oil more than anything). I'm a little itty-bitty kid, perhaps the youngest one to mention so at this site, and I love to eat. That is: I like to physically put solid/liquid things into my mouth, enjoy (at some level) their tastes, and eventually anticipate swallowing them, feeling them go down my throat. Perhaps, in some sense (if temporarily), I LIVE to eat such things, and someone has mentioned about "eating to live" and not "living to eat," mentioning how it's likely that most people at this forum probably don't "live to eat". The reasons one like myself lives to eat yet eats some unhealthy products must be:

1. Quick food: I'm aware that a person needs to eat a very wide variety of things in order to keep healthy (while also aware of certain advantages people have because of heredity), and I'm very consciously aware of this. The taste of food is divine - food is simply a gift of God. Seeing how I'm able to stay alive (even if for a shorter period of time later on) and think and possibly change my habits easier when I move away, I easily succumb to eating certain foods I deem unhealthy.

2. Thinking I'm healthy while at the same time thinking I'm not: my heredity. My parents always stress me how I'll never get VERY obese and have certain other advantages, and so they continue to INSIST on buying things that I am convinced they don't have to (there are other choices: like black bread for example). They also like to remind that you can't eat 5 oranges a day (which I don't - it's an expression) and call yourself healthy - fruits have acid in them that is, and overeating one thing is truly the BIGGEST problem. By the way, does anyone know if acids can really be burned/heated away??

Damn, I had such a great third reason and forgot it. Anyway, I still have wheat bread constantly in my home (I don't eat it having given foods I know have gluten in them up). I recently looked at the ingredients list of one of the bread-packages, and was shocked to find the ingredient "Vital Wheat Gluten." I was instantly aware of how "vital" definitely meant "necessary", but was aware that, even though such a word would be used as "sneaky" advertising, I should look up any other definitions the word can have.

- affecting the validity, truth, etc. of someting
- full of life and vigor, energetic
and, - essential to the existance or continuance of something, indispensable [a VITAL function]; of crucial importance [a VITAL matter]

I think that last definition is the most-realized one. These definitions could be perceived as "harmful," if you will. Then again, I'm aware that they might not mean what I think they COULD mean -- It's sometimes not all that easy to explain a word and have someone who is unknowledgeable of that word understand your definition. It's just something to keep in mind: that some items say "Vital _ Gluten" in their ingredients labels! I do continue to try not consuming foods with gluten nonetheless.
Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

I switched to a gluten free diet several months ago now, and I've been doing all I can to keep the main sources of gluten out of my food. This week I had a few lunches that included bread and noticed some stomach pain afterwards. There's a possibility it might be related to other ingredients, so I'm going to continue observing when/if I have gluten again, but I'd not had this problem whilst I was eating gluten regularly. Seems the body has adjusted to life without any gluten and doesn't like going back.
Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

Darren said:
I switched to a gluten free diet several months ago now, and I've been doing all I can to keep the main sources of gluten out of my food. This week I had a few lunches that included bread and noticed some stomach pain afterwards. There's a possibility it might be related to other ingredients, so I'm going to continue observing when/if I have gluten again, but I'd not had this problem whilst I was eating gluten regularly. Seems the body has adjusted to life without any gluten and doesn't like going back.
Did you notice any general improvements - psychological, physiological, energy-wise, health-wise, etc by dropping gluten?
Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

i've been sugar free (all sugars), wheat free, dairy free, any fermented products, no intoxicants for a month now.. although my guts are still a little gassy. *i'm already been vegetarian for 20yrs.
the diet is your typical candida diet.
Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

ScioAgapeOmnis said:
Did you notice any general improvements - psychological, physiological, energy-wise, health-wise, etc by dropping gluten?
I gave it up around the time I began experimenting with the blood-type diet, so it's difficult to say for sure. Since I've adjusted my diet, energy levels seem to be up and eliminating certain foods, like dairy, has improved digestion.
Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

so after a month+ of candida diet i've decided to fast.. it seems like my stomach was having trouble balancing itself out. alternating between grapefruit seed extract and oil of oregano to aid in detox.. taking some supplements to balance intestinal flora.. some tea and lots of water. feels good.
Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

a good friend of mine said that when she was living in switzerland, where she was born, eating wheat didnt seem to be such a big deal on her digestive system and since moving to north america its become like poison to her system. she seems to think its because of the proliferation of modified crops here.
Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

An information source about MSG:

It has, among other things:

MSG and autism are connected

Late Breaking News:
Latest major Autism research study finds genes for autism affect GLUTAMATE as a neurotransmitter:


Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

Hidden Names for MSG, via _ (the format of the table can be appreciated in the link)

Foods always contain MSG when these words are on the label:
MSG Gelatin Calcium Caseinate
Monosodium glutamate Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (HVP) Textured Protein
Monopotassium glutamate Hydrolyzed Plant Protein (HPP) Yeast Extract
Glutamate Autolyzed Plant Protein Yeast food or nutrient
Glutamic Acid Sodium Caseinate Autolyzed Yeast

Foods made with the following products often contain MSG:
Malted Barley (flavor) Flavors, Flavoring Modified food starch
Barley malt Reaction Flavors Rice syrup or brown rice syrup
Malt Extract or Flavoring Natural Chicken, Beef, or Pork, Flavoring "Seasonings" (Most assume this means salt, pepper, or spices and herbs, which sometimes it is.) Lipolyzed butter fat
Maltodextrin Soy Sauce or Extract "Low" or "No Fat" items
Caramel Flavoring (coloring) Soy Protein Corn syrup and corn syrup solids (some companies use another process to make their product, saying it is MSG free)
Stock Soy Protein Isolate or Concentrate Citric Acid (when processed from corn)
Broth Cornstarch Milk Powder
Bouillon Flowing Agents Dry Milk Solids
Carrageenan Wheat, rice, or oat protein Protein Fortified Milk
Whey Protein or Whey Anything enriched or vitamin enriched Annatto
Whey Protein Isolate or Concentrate Protein fortified "anything" Spice
Pectin Enzyme modified "anythng" Gums
Protease Ultra-pasteurized "anything" Dough Conditioners
Protease enzymes Fermented "anything" Yeast Nutrients

European numbers for glutamate containing additives:
620 625
621 627
622 631
623 635
Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

More about MSG... A heads up for all people taking supplements with gelatin:

QUESTION: I’ve noticed that you recommend avoiding MSG, which is found in gelatin and other foods. However, many nutritional supplements contain gelatin as an "other ingredient." Would you please comment?

ANSWER: Most gelatin contains a tiny amount of MSG (monosodium glutamate), which is the sodium salt of glutamic acid (an amino acid). MSG is a flavor enhancer and is sometimes called an “excitogen.” Some people are exquisitely sensitive to MSG, and if they ingest even a small amount, they experience symptoms such as anxiety, arrhythmia, chest tightness, cramping, depression, diarrhea, dizziness, or migraine. MSG is often “hidden” in products under different names, such as autolyzed yeast, calcium caseinate, glutamate, hydrolyzed protein, yeast extract, and yeast food. It’s also an ingredient in bouillon, broth, malt extract, maltodextrin, smoke flavoring, soy protein, soy sauce extract, whey extract, and flavorings (including “natural flavoring”), and it is found in slow-cooked meats (stews, pot roast, etc). People who are highly sensitive to MSG should avoid those foods whenever possible.

Here's something else about gelatin. Some people are plagued by cold sores and canker sores. Cold sores are fluid-filled blisters that occur on the gums and the lips. They are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Whether the virus can act up or not depends on the RATIO of the amino acids lysine to arginine. Arginine triggers the virus into hyperactivity; thus, taking extra lysine changes this ratio and subdues them. It's obviously extremely important, then, to avoid foods that are high in arginine if you want to avoid an outbreak. The three main culprits (foods highest in arginine) are chocolate, nuts, and gelatin. (Yes, gelatin, so taking lysine in a gelatin capsule is a waste of money and effort! The production of such a conflict should not be allowed! Brussels sprouts, corn, oats, and to a lesser extent wheat also are higher in arginine than lysine, but aren't nearly as herpes-happy as the three foods listed above.

Some nutritional supplements that are manufactured in capsule form also contain gelatin (and some "film-coated" tablets often contain gelatin in the coating), but compounded (made-to-order) supplements and medications can be prepared in gelatin-free capsules. If you’re sensitive to MSG, ask your pharmacist if he or she can prepare your supplement or medication in a gelatin capsule that is MSG-free. At The Compounder we make every capsule dose in vegetarian capsules (sometimes referred to as VEGGIE CAPS), ones made from cellulose, not gelatin.
Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

Just a quick note about Gelatin capsules. I was trained years ago by a 7th Generation Indian Ayurvedic Master to Always TASTE your herbs, never to just swallow, or gulp them quickly down. And to learn to Enjoy Tastes that may be very unfamiliar to you, that may be woodsy, pungent, sharp, aromantic, or even Bitter and Sharp.

People these days don't want to taste anything that is Different or Foreign to what their palatte is used to. This fault makes them Easy prey for the food additive people, who know they will have a life long customer once they have them Hooked on a certain Taste. Most people eat foods because it tastes good, never mind if its good for you, that part is secondary.

The first and Very Important level of digestion begins in your mouth with your saliva which is rich in Digestive Enzymes.

Remember it's Not what you ingest...but what you DIGEST that counts!!!

For this reason I was also taught to Never just swallow caps, but to open them up and pour their contents either into a spoon or to simply open them up in my mouth and to again Mix them with my Saliva, Taste them and allow some of their nutrients to be absorbed directly through the mouth lining. Spend some time with your herbs and special suppliments. Don't just swig them down with a few gulps of water.

Another reason why not to just swallow things in caps is the fact that your stomach acids destroy up to 80% of the very ingrediants you are trying hard to give your body by way of special supplimentation. Which supplimentations I might add are often quite Costly. So it's important to get the most out of them.

So with this method you don't have to worry about whether your Gel caps are loaded with MSG or not, because you have elminated taking them into your body altogether.

One more tip is to also eat some fresh fruit or veggies when taking your herbs or vitamins either before, during, or just after, to help increase even more the digestive enzymes and absorbtion into the cells. But avoid dairy as this BLOCKS the uptake of many things.

WHOLE FOOD vitamins and herbs I feel are superior to isolates that have been separated from their mother or matrix for the same reason, they are simply more thoroughly usable to the body.
Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

Great post Nordic Healer.
Something that I like to consider when cooking my own meals is the way the herbs and spices will have different effects in the aiding of digestion and absorption. I stumbled across this idea while reading a Hindi cook book. The spices are blended in Indian cuisine with the purpose of aiding the body in digestion as well as other functions. After reading your post I was reminded of this.
Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet

So true [notanothermonday] not only do the REAL spices add to the flavor of the foods, but they are an integral part of the DI-GESTION process, which is a Mystery that is only beginning to be understood by scientists.

Unfortunately these days some things that say simply "Spices" on the label can mean MSG or synthetic lab produced flavors simulating the real thing.

My feeling is that IN-DIGESTION has been created and enhanced in the general population on purpose by all of these chemicals added to foods, foods which themselves have often been GMO'd. This sets things up so BILLIONS of dollars are made from the sale of over the counter and prescription drugs designed to offset GERD (Gastro Esophagus Reflux Disease) more commonly known as Acid Reflux.

There is also something known as Bile Reflux (which is less known and involves the Gall Bladder and Liver) which often gets labeled the former, and the two can occur simultaneously. And of course the Drugs people turn to are only temporary fixes, so you have to buy the product over and over again. A few people, desperate people, resort to surgery, and even this may not stop the BURNING discomfiture.

Anyone who has had a bad case of GERD or BR knows how Extremely Painful and Distressing this reflux can be. It used to hit people who were more elderly as their digestion processes became less efficient, now people in their teens and 20's are struck with it. I have friends in their early 20's who are afraid to go anywhere without their Prilosec in case they get a bad attack.

So the Strong point I am making is IN-DIGESTION is a Very Serious Problem with Americans and getting worse daily as the food quality deteriorates.

As a Nation we are starving to death because we are eating nutrient empty food loaded with chemicals that literally destroy digestion... yet we are as a people FAT overall.

The mounting Evidence is that it's all being Orchestrated to go this way. It's no accident folks!!
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