Who's the culprit and how to remove them: Virus, Amoebas, Fungus, Candida


Jedi Master
I would need some guidance regarding a health issue. I know some of you have been dealing with similar issues for a long time, and figured out over the years how to stabilize or heal through some protocols.
I've been debating if I should ask here for help or just figure it out myself, but frankly, I've been in pain since last Monday (30 oct), so this morning I booked an emergency appointment at the clinic for tomorrow, thus I won't have time to read the pile of homework I already have to do.
I welcome any leads to help figure out which test I should insist for at my visit and/or any protocol to get me started back on my feet so that I can move forward with the work.

I have to read 2 books on diet :
- Detox or Die / The Simple Diet

I have to read 4 Forum Threads :
- Anti-Candida, Inflammation, Heavy Metals Detox and Diet
- Candida- The Silent Epidemic
- Restoring Gut Bacteria

Quebec's free health care is very inefficient, so I would like to be ready with leads for the doctors. Otherwise, they'll tell me like they always do: "Your blood tests are all good, go home, take an Advil and rest." Paired with a variable bonus comment: "it's in your head / it's viral and will go away by itself / it must be stress / it's IBS."

Facts are: everyone caught it in the house, but everyone has a set of similar-but-different symptoms.
At first, I thought: "it's viral, seems like a gastro and it will go away in a few days." But it's not gastro. It's just those weird symptoms I've never had before, and now it's my daughter's turn to have them... We have those belly/stomach pain after eating food that makes us writhing in pain for hours. We cant eat any complex foods, otherwise the pain starts again because it seems we can't digest. At the worst part, we could only have 1 light meal a day. Now, we are able to get 2. When I've tried to have 3 meals, I'm having new flare up of nasty symptoms. This comes with a burning sensation, a painful stomach if palpated, and really bad breath coming from down that tube.

Now, after reading some of those threads I mentioned above, I'm wondering about Amoebas or fungus, since we might have eaten contaminated foods. I dread Amoebas cause I've been treated for them once in 2010. Caught them in Cuba, took 10 months to get properly diagnosed. I had belly aches after eating that grew in intensity over the months until I could only eat salad, lest I'd writher in pain.
As for the Candida, I'll be onto them soon enough because I suspect they might be the culprit of other symptoms I have on my own.

p.s. I find things are slightly weird since I found your forum. My main set of keys disappearing for a whole week and then reappearing where they should be, loads of weird dreams, weird stomach symptoms. I mean... I don't want to be paranoid, but after reading a lot of things here, I wouldn't be surprised that something serious is going on here... I'm sure "they" thought they had done a perfect job, starting when I was young, to render me useless, especially when I look back at the 15 years of negative emotion and suffering I produced almost nonstop until 2012, but now, thanks to Laura and everyone else here, I "woke up" and I stand up. "They" must not be too happy about it...

Thank you all for your time
I'll share the follow-up of my "emergency" appointment at the clinic today. I don't think it has any value other than entertainment at this point, or maybe a way to release my anger, cause it went exactly as I expected...

I spent some more time reading last night, wrote some notes, and came in prepared with questions for this appointment. I described the situation as best as possible while the "Resident Dr.", fresh out of University, wrote down notes. He asked a few questions, did a quick physical exam and said :

"I have a good idea of what you have. You have acid reflux. There are certain foods which exacerbate this condition, such as chocolate, Coffee, Alcool, etc."

That's the part where I got livid, but I kept it to myself, although I'm sure he noticed my cheeks flushed red. Please note that, I had just answered his questions that I can't drink coffee or eat chocolate more than once a week because it hurts me. And Alcohol, certainly less than once a month.
(Breath in, breath out, stay calm...)

I replied that Acid reflux is not the cause, it's the symptom. And I came here because I want to investigate and find out the cause of why we all got sick with this, but also why it was exacerbated in my case by some underlying condition that I've been trying to figure out for the past 10 years.

"Well, it's probably a viral gastritis."
That's possible, that's probable, but I would like to verify this with a test and see the results. Is there such a test we could do?
"PCR, but since your symptoms are going away, it might not work and it's not necessary."
I would like to test for SIBO and for Candida since of my "history". While I'm in a flare, it raises the chances to detect something.
"You don't have Candidiasis, otherwise you would have a white tongue and difficulty swallowing."

🤨 Really? Is that the limit of his knowledge regarding candida?
I'll spare you the lecture I gave him regarding Candidas from what I read on the forum. He did not seem too impressed. All I got was:
"I understand you are worried, but it is not an emergency. I will let your doctor decide if he wants to investigate this with you during your next appointment (scheduled in 3 weeks). Right now, I can prescribe you an antacid to relieve your symptoms."

Which I refused knowing it could make things worse. I insisted on asking him to prescribe the candida detection test because by doing them now, I could get the results on time for my family doctor's appointment in 3 weeks. Otherwise, this whole thing is going to drag on until after Christmas!
He refused repeating it's not an emergency, it's my doctor's task.

Right now, I feel like doing some Kickboxing and crying at the same time. Darn it.
In any case, I will keep updating this post as it unfolds with time. Meanwhile, I'll be doing the guinea pig with myself, trying the stuff some of you already tried, and posting the results. Maybe one day it will help someone.
Je suis bien désolée de vous savoir dans cet état mais vous faits bien de lire toutes les pages que vous avez notées, ce sont des mines d'or...
Lisez tous ces bons conseils et tenez nous au courant...
Quand je ne me sens pas bien je me contente d'un steak haché (boeuf d'herbe) le midi et c'est tout pendant quelques jour et en général tout rentre dans l'ordre...
Mais comme vous le savez chaque personne est différente et je prends pas mal de compléments alimentaires...

I am very sorry to see you in this state but you do well to read all the pages that you have noted, they are gold mines...Read all these good tips and keep us informed...When I'm not feeling well I just have a minced steak (grass-fed beef) for lunch and that's it for a few days and generally everything is back to normal...But as you know, everyone is different and I take a lot of food supplements...
I understand your frustration and anger, I was also disappointed by the doctors consulted. My health problems were either gastric reflux or worse in my head! I didn’t get the candida test when I had all the symptoms. Thanks to the wire on iodine, I started to take it but at least 2 to 3 times the recommended doses to atomize the bugs (starting gently at the beginning)! I was better quickly but I continue iodine for almost 3 years now with some relapses following excesses during meals with family or friends. I hope you find something that suits you.
I've also struggled with digestive issues which have mostly resolved (they appeared after having appendectomy). With respect to candida I read that there are two tests available, one (less expensive) only detects if you've ever had candida in your lifetime and the other (more expensive) is specific to a current overpopulation. Decided to forego the tests since the treatment cost less than the accurate test. Product available here: Amazon.com
It seems the orginal paper I read about undecylenic acid for treatment of candida/biofilms has disappeared behind a paywall...

In addition I continued with the strict keto/anti inflammatory diet (which I was already doing), began using betaine hcl, and started making my own sauerkraut (pre/probitoics). It took some time but the heartburn and stomach pain gradually subsided.
Hope this helps.
Have you been tested for celiac?
Nope! I doubt I have celiac... I'm a fan of bread, cereals, oats and pasta, and the quantities I eat are enough to kill a celiac person.
But I am 100% Lactose intolerant (been tested in 2013).
I do try to buy all Dairy and all Cereals organic. The 100$ question is: are they really organic?

In the perfect dream world, I would live in a French bakery if I could, and I would eat there 3 times a day 🤣
Here would be my favorite menu:
Breakfast: croissant BLT with a slice of cheese + a caramel Late
Lunch: Ham & Cheese Crêpe with bechamel sauce and a big chunk of strawberry cheesecake
Dinner: Cheese macaroni, shepherd's pie, or Lazagna
Dessert: Italian chocolate Hazelnut Gelato

Rule #1 : I can't eat any of this anymore, and each time I cheat, I end up with symptoms (the main culprit in this menu is the Dairy, which is clearly an obsession of mine).
Rule #2: Dessert after a meal is a big no-no. It has to be on an empty stomach.
Rule #3 : I can't mix starches with Meat/Fish. It won't digest. Just sits in my stomach and makes me sleep.
I don't know whether this is helpful at all, but perhaps watching a few videos produced by EONutrition could help you on your way to health. I hope more people will chime in. All the best to you, @meadow_wind!
Thanks a lot.
At this stage, I will take anything and everything as a lead, and I will move forward by elimination.
I'm compiling all the information received into Word files and Excel charts.

I've always been a bit lax with this situation, thinking that it would just pass or that I would get used to the discomfort if I moderated the intake of problematic food. The truth is, it gets worse over the years.
Thanks to the wire on iodine, I started to take it but at least 2 to 3 times the recommended doses to atomize the bugs (starting gently at the beginning)! I was better quickly but I continue iodine for almost 3 years now with some relapses following excesses during meals with family or friends.
Do you have by chance the links or notes regarding this iodine thing? I've never heard of that before. I'd like to investigate.
It seems the orginal paper I read about undecylenic acid for treatment of candida/biofilms has disappeared behind a paywall...
Maybe we could get a copy of it by using Internet wayback machine? If you give me the link I will try to look it up.
Nope! I doubt I have celiac... I'm a fan of bread, cereals, oats and pasta, and the quantities I eat are enough to kill a celiac person.
But I am 100% Lactose intolerant (been tested in 2013).
I do try to buy all Dairy and all Cereals organic. The 100$ question is: are they really organic?
It always make me chuckle when I see an "organic" label and a message next to it saying "wash before use."
Dairy and grains are very inflammatory foods. My mother was a fervent cheese and bread enthusiast. I managed to inspire her to try an elimination diet over a few months. Her bloating stopped as soon as she eliminated dairy and grains from her diet! It was a very difficult challenge, but after 5 weeks she stopped craving for them and never looked back. Six months later, she is close to her ideal weight, has a lot more energy, and eats a lot more meat!
Not sure if this will help but during a flair up try drinking fennel tea. Buy fennel seeds and put like 2 or 3 tea spoons in hot water and let it brew then drink the water.

You could also try drinking water with some acv like every night.

You could take some activated charcoal for a duration of like a week or so.

You could scale back your diet to simple foods and work up from there to see what food you seem to be reacting to.

Just some suggestions 🤷
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