Thinking about time

If Panpsychism is true and all matter is composed of conscious, indivisible units, we can refer to these as 'consciousness units'. This raises the question of which units have more or less consciousness and how this can be determined. A possible way to assess this is by looking at the range of behaviors. For instance, we can infer that insects, which typically possess more observable behaviors than rocks, contain more consciousness units. It is also reasonable to assume that one human has more consciousness units than thousands of insects combined. This suggests that the amount of matter is not necessarily indicative of the amount of consciousness units. To address this, we can hypothesize that there are different qualities of consciousness units, with some providing more "free will" than others. It is possible that these qualities are not all inherited through species, and some may be acquired throughout life. Humans, for example, may have the capacity to acquire more consciousness units throughout their lifetime.

Thank you.
That makes a lot of sense.
There is even a session, where you talk about certain subatomic particles, where consciousness is stored or lodged. And, that in increasing consciousness, it's not that it requires an increase in the amount of those particles, but it increases the amount of consciousness per particle.
This may even have to do with the sad desire for physical aggrandizement, which STS is so fond of. In other words, yet another illusion.

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As we know, there is no souch thing as time, so you know, without time distance is not a problem.
It only is what we perceive and this effects of entanglement break through this illusion, so we can see it as it is, as everything is, spontanous, all at the same timeless "time", in the NOW.
Thank you Claus.
I loved the way you put it, "and these entanglement effects break that illusion".
I fully agree. I had the same feeling, when I read the very timely link SolLogos posted. This reminds me of when Cs say "close", when in sessions good connections are made.

Possibly, the apparent disconnection of any issue, we perceive as "distance".
As we find relationships between things or issues, we are literally "getting closer or decreasing distance", until there will come a time when the "distance" will be gone, because we have "seen".

I hope we keep connecting, because this is getting good guys.:scooter:

Thank you.:flowers:
Happy New Year! 🎄

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Is time just causes and effects in a series? Can we observe cause and effect without anything in between? Maybe the "in-betweeness" is just what's needed for us to be aware (consciousness). It's possible that time and space are qualities of this "in-betweeness", and we try to categorize and quantify, so we can predict what will happen in the future. But, since our predictions are not always accurate, we try to find better ways to distinguish and group qualities together, so our predictions are better (enhance consciousness).
This in betweenness is part of the 3D school IMO it exists here for the beings to gain wisdom which doesn’t have a polarity this “delay” or gap allows one to mentate the inbetweeness is here so we gain the type of knowledge that last in perpetuity this is why it’s important to align knowledge and being thus changing the way one thinks so that one doesn’t think about a situations in 2002 the same way one thinks about a similar situation in 2022. The soul chose to be here now not to stagnate the inbetween is needed, time, delay is needed. I’m assuming souls pick a body with a working thought/memory Brain so that it can use the inbetween to gain levels of awareness , perspective and so on
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From what I have been able to reason so far, I understand it more or less like this:
What determines that an entity is Third Density, is not whether he is incarnated in a physical body or not, but his level of consciousness.
The vessel that the incarnated soul occupies does play a part in determining density a human body by its nature (to keep alive) is STS keep in mind STS only exists up to a certain level thus the human body Must be STS which I believe is 4th and lower (I think there is STS on 6th but it’s not a body) or maybe STS only goes tad high as 4th? The general concept of the body and densities is in what I mentioned above if you are human you are living in 4D or lower your soul also chose to occupy this vessel at this moment it knows why… Also a human body can’t be 1st density thus the body has impact regarding what density you are apart of. The body grows maintains then dies all within the 3D cycle the consciousness is capable of more than organic matter
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Great thread! Thank you all for your excellent contributions!:flowers:

In principle, I think we are multidimensional beings, and by this I mean that we are not "tied" only to a physical body. Our consciousness can be in several places at the same "time", but not so our material body. For example, when we are sitting absorbed in our thoughts and, without realizing it, we remember something and we are transported to the event we experienced, we are (literally) making a trip to the past, in this way our consciousness travels in "time".

Perhaps, we are slightly aware of our surroundings, but it is a kind of consciousness in the "background", so to speak. Let's say that consciousness can be in several "energetic" realities at the same time.

So, to be more graphic, I imagine being in a center where a kind of field vibrates all around, and by field I mean past, present and future. Everything is available and they are not fixed. It all depends on the choices we consciously make. So when for some reason we travel into the past and finally understand an experience that was not resolved or understood, it is not that we alter the physical events, but at an energetic level, so to speak, it changes our understanding in the Now and, therefore, our Future path is altered by the understandings in the present.
I don't know if I make myself clear.

Past, Present and Future would be fields of experience that fluctuate and are therefore alterable. The realms of consciousness are not physical.


In this sense, it occurs to me that thinking of the past as a number of chronologically accumulated experiences is not applicable to learning. Sometimes things happen that we will not resolve until we have accumulated a certain number of experiences and only then can we understand aspects of the past in our Now.

I understand that we apparently "experience events sequentially," but the lessons are outside that linear time frame. Clock time is a "rhythm" that is outside of us, it is external and forms a kind of structure marking out what rhythm our experience should take, thus locking it into the linear illusion. It limits, separates, shapes and confuses us. Experience and consciousness is what sets the pace and not the other way around!

The Cs talked about time many times, and they say: "Time is an illusion that works for you because of your altered state of DNA". And then there are other illusions: [...] "Monotheism, one-dimensionality, linear focus, the need for physical aggrandizement"....

According to Ra:

So, if I understand correctly, the "thinking" of a finite reality (spiritually disconnected) and, perceiving "time" as something that exists objectively outside of us, locks us into an enclosure of limiting beliefs. By believing in this reality, we are all in some way contributing to maintain the "illusion". The collective mind is very powerful and those in power know how to implant ideas to use that mental "energy" to establish a terrain where they can more easily operate according to their compulsive desire.

Ra-Book V-Session 1:

Immediately, after the first question, my thinking observed my thinking. An observing meta-thought emerged. Often my thoughts are tinged with emotions arising from some memories. What is important here for discussion is that, like the Cs, Ra emphasizes that we do not yet deeply understand the concept that we are not part of a finite existence. Returning to "time," it is time to share about the "Open Future."

The Cassiopeians' Hit List (ch.1) Harrison Koehli,, 2011 :

Here one can note the importance of Free Will and Consciousness for the choice of some future timeline. But the question is, how many of our thoughts or actions are a true act of Free Will and Conscience? I'm afraid the answer to this question will be that not many.... In general, the consciousness, the thoughts of people are based on the collective models of fear and separation.

Thus the Future is "predictable", because nothing new entered the system, as Harrison very well expressed. Let's say that the collective mind generates a kind of "field" of consciousness that sustains this reality. We all contribute, in greater or lesser intensity, and help to sustain this collective "field" of consciousness. This is what I reason.

Now, I want to share the following reflection. Based on a discussion we had with some friends on Telegram, from the June 24, 2022 session. Synchronically, we were talking about the "time machine" "time" ago (as we measure it). It's a session relevant to this thread.

Puma said:

Bernardo, I know you are looking for the session where synchronicity is discussed. Well, the ENTIRE session is awesome!!! It is as follows:

Session June 17, 1995

Finally, in the book: "Beelzebub's Tales to his grandson", chapter(16) called: "The relative understanding of time", Beelzebub tells us the perspective of the different beings that inhabit the universe, among other things. I understood that it is not about "how many years" they advance in their experience, but rather it is related to the different stages in the maturation of the being, childhood-adulthood-elderhood. For example, Beelzebub's grandson is thousands of years old, according to our time reference, but his stage of development is equivalent to a 12 year old child on earth. These are different stages of maturation in Soul experience. At least, that is what caught my attention the most. If you want, you can take a walk through the chapter. It is very substantive and has good humor!

NOW, it is MOMENT for me to say goodbye. :-D
Yes, knowledge and being need to grow within the vessel. Perspective, realization, wisdom, experience, …. Helps knowledge and being dance together this is why diet and health is important. If you are in pain it’s harder to think. If you are sleeping well one has more energy to write and read and better awareness within the macro and micro experiences. Time is very important, consciousness is very important, densities are very important but like Beelzabub says QUALITY and the ability to APPLY and InTEGRATE is what matters. One can have a million years if there’s no Will within one to work in thyself to write to read to learn to gain wisdom then the large amount of time doesn’t matter. It’s not so much about time as it is about awareness and quality of your being in the experience and then can you self remember to get knowledge from the experiences and keep going back and forth this way. Life puts you in situations you aren’t in control of the people that show up around you, the weather…and this Earth is very old hence archetypes and sayings/age old phrases as things repeat and replay. I doubt one’s soul wants to repeat the same archetypes and dynamics over and over again. So progressing up the density chain is up to you not your body not time not ur mom not your friend or family but your integration here and in the now after now or moment after moment.
If Panpsychism is true and all matter is composed of conscious, indivisible units, we can refer to these as 'consciousness units'. This raises the question of which units have more or less consciousness and how this can be determined.
Would it be safe to say there exist One All-knowing "Mind" that has allowed or provided a platform for various unknowingly consciousness units to exist? Would it then become a logical impossibility for any and all consciousness units to not know or understand the whole of that "Mind" who seemingly has allowed consciousness units to exist within itself?

Now, considering that a yes, then every plurality of distinct and separate psychic beings constitute a level of reality according to their DNA, gene codes, and bloodlines. Absolute and total unconditional love is the only intelligent reason I can come up with for something of this magnitude to exist.

The panpsychism theory suggest how the whole of consciousness units constitute any given reality, and to whatever dimensional entities that may exist within throughout the one mind. Then there's a question of could it be possible for various unknowingly consciousness units to exist outside of the one all knowing mind? I have doubts as to any truth to that, because it would bring up more questions when it comes to the suffering from every lower dimensional entities in existence, and the unnecessary suffering caused by the one above it, due to the mere desire and need for existence, unknowingly or not.

With that said, all consciousness units whether they have knowledge or not, are finding their selves slated against a unauthorized backdrop and eternal constant, who may or may not be experiencing their first taste of "life in the Universe"(or Mind), that's full of heavenly bodies and all types of species, physical, metaphysical, and or dimensional living entities mixed with new and older souls, that's literally full of distinct psychic beings who collectively constitute what we perceive as reality.
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Apologies for skipping alot the posts, but after scanning the pages, seem to have jump several topics from original title. I agree with many of the analysis that time is: a subjective experience, illusion of linear thinking, more a concept better understood as cyclical. I think it's best to analyzed our sacred cows and our programs of subjective time, as there would be no truly objective agreeable and 'calculable' unit "x" we can use to communicate with, as "time". How would you even begin to communicate with a Universe or Universal Mind that is all knowing? An ant? An atom? And yet they exist in our 'time' continuum, and probably have their own subjective concept of time, But we all still experience the totality of the moment as it IS. I do believe in GOD and the Hero's journey archetype throughout existence; with meaning, lessons, much intelligence, order, infinity, and the falsity of non-existence. Starting with that sort of baseline, I hope the example below of my pondering this subject, helps in a better concept of cyclical time.

I like the word continuum in this thought experiment, because it gives a sense that time is non linear and traversible/changeable from the viewers perspective. We are you from the future, and the battle happens 'through' you, saids a lot more than what is unsaid. Suppose we need both ends with receivership capabilities and awareness to hold similar frequencies, on both ends. A entanglement is made in the continuum, which holds two different points to an open feedback of timelines that have their similar frequencies and awareness. Would we not suppose that other diverging free-will-choice timelines, that of not similar frequencies and awareness, would not entangle; unless efforts were made that effectively maintains that we become ourselves of that future, and vice versa? There are definitely possibilities that those dead timelines - as I like to call them, have sts forces establish entanglement in a not sto way. Just food for though.
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i made this crossword puzzle to add to a directory. here it is. where do it go from here. what section to base place this in. hope its on topic
I'm going to say, after 3 months of being away that this doesn't exactly go in this section. Say, I met Professor in 2012 and I had a run in with Iza his daughter, so that's who I put in the triange. And I thought her fauther was a spiritual professor, so that guided to put the rest of words and shapes. But to get back to the point, I'm updating my intro post to explain how my Mizzrah is also in regard to my Mom and Iza and Iza who reminds me of my mom...
Greetings, Bernardo and all !:guru: I think this material may be interesting.:knitting:

@Arwenn (2016). Questions about linear time perception vs. cosmic processes

Thanks for posting that link ark. I'm not sure I understand much of the theory behind it, so I looked up Kozyrev mirrors for more info, and found the concept very interesting to say the least. I came across this article which broke it down to word bytes I could kind of grasp:

Scientific explanations of psychic phenomena, and timespace: Dr. N. A. Kozyrev’s Mirrors

IMAGINE STANDING UNDER A VAST, SCINTILLATING AURORA BOREALIS, and seeing it change colors as you changed your thoughts. This exact situation led Russian medical doctor Alexander V. Trofimov into his groundbreaking research on human consciousness, in collaboration with Vlail P. Kaznacheev, and following in the footsteps of the great 20th century physicist Nikolai Kozyrev.

Essentially, Kozyrev devised reproducible experiments that prove the existence of a “torsional energy field” beyond electromagnetism and gravity, which travels much faster than light. He called it the “flow of time.” Others, Einstein among them, have called it “ether.” Others call it “zero point energy.”

Within this “flow of time,” the past, present, and future all exist at the same time, and in every place. This discovery sets the stage for all psychic phenomena to be scientifically explainable
. Trofimov and Kaznacheev have, for the past thirty years, been experimentally developing the practical explanations, and have made some surprising discoveries.

When I visited Trofimov’s laboratories at the International Scientific Research Institute for Cosmic Anthropo-Ecology in Novosibirsk, where he is general director, he enthusiastically showed us his two main experimental apparati — two hollow, metal, person-sized tubes, equipped with mattresses and drinking water.

The first, dubbed “Kozyrev’s Mirrors,” (which exists within the “flow of time”) back to the thinker. This apparatus, invented by Kozyrev, gives access to intensified consciousness and altered states, including non-linear time — similar to a deep meditational state.

Trofimov’s work has consisted of “remote viewing” experiments across both distance and time. They discovered that results are more positive when the “sender” is in the far north, where the electromagnetic field is less powerful. So they invented a second apparatus that shields an experimental subject from the local electromagnetic field. Within this apparatus, their subjects can reliably access all place and time — past, present, and future — instantaneously. Construction specifications for these apparati are published in Russian scientific literature.

Among Trofimov and Kaznacheev’s conclusions are:

1) our planet’s electromagnetic field is actually the “veil” which filters time and place down to our everyday Newtonian reality — enabling us to have the human experience of linear time,

2) in the absence of an electromagnetic field, we have access to an energy field of “instantaneous locality” that underlies our reality,

3) that the limiting effect of the electromagnetic field on an individual is moderated by the amount of solar electromagnetic activity occurring while that person was in utero, and

4) that once a person has accessed these states, his or her consciousness remains so enhanced.

The implication is that the global electromagnetic soup of cell phones, radio, television and electric appliances actually impedes our innate communication abilities. The further implication is that expanded human consciousness is mechanically producible now, which raises the vast ethical question of how these apparati can be most beneficially used.
_Scientific explanations of psychic phenomena, and timespace: Dr. N. A. Kozyrevs Mirrors

@Keit analyzes Nikolai Kozyrev a bit here: I read the above, it reminded me the article posted on the Russian SOTT about Kozyrev mirrors.

When I read the above, it reminded me the article posted on the Russian SOTT about Kozyrev mirrors.

Nikolai Kozyrev believed that the "looking-glass world" really exists! Moreover, time within it changes its vector and goes in the opposite direction. He believed that time is a special kind of energy, and developed the theory of "causal mechanics", according to which time is expressed in causal relations. They are always separated from each other in space and do not depend on the system of coordinates.

According to this theory, the energy of time feeds the stars - and therefore nuclear fusion inside them never stops. In different corners of the Universe, time has different density (activity), and all physical processes in the Universe occur with the absorption or release of time.

Kozyrev believed that time is a substance through which information is transmitted instantly to all points of the Universe. Proof of this was the experiment with distant stars. The light that traveled from them to Earth for years or hundreds of years was recorded by a telescope and plunged scientists into the past - they saw what happened many years ago. But it turned out that if you point the telescope to a place where the star according to calculations should be in the present, the instruments recorded small deviations, that is, in fact, penetrate into the future!

That is why there are such concepts as intuition or foresight (in some cases, a person can look into the future and know it). And a special system of concave mirrors can help him in this.

Science or devilry?

The fact that the USSR conducted experiments with the transfer of human consciousness in time became known only at the end of the XX century. A group of scientists from Novosibirsk tried to repeat them in December 1990 in the far-flung polar settlement of Dixon. They assembled a system of Kozyrev mirrors and conducted a series of experiments on the transmission of mental images at a distance. And they found that the subject, placed in the same system of mirrors on the mainland, takes about a third of the images correctly. Another third of the images came to the mainland with a delay of five to seven hours, and a third was completely lost.

The scientists themselves said that when the mirror system was assembled, they could not go inside for twenty-four hours - the fear that all the test subjects had got in the way prevented them from doing so. It was only after 24 hours that the bravest of the experimenters managed to take a seat inside the system. Eyewitnesses reported that aurora borealis appeared in the sky above the laboratory during the experiments.

All of the subjects began to feel ill: they felt dizzy, nauseous, their blood pressure rose or fell, they could not cope with the horror, and they had headaches.

while others actually saw some fragmentary images, more often from the past: they observed themselves from outside, heard voices of people from their childhood.

Here is something from Ark's site: physics of densities and the problem of time.I will be expanding this post over the next few days.We communicate using words . Some of our words (though not all) have meanings .
We communicate our thoughts, ideas, emotions. There are different levels of communication. The meaning of the word can be found in a dictionary or thesaurus. But words together in sentences and sentences in blocks can have meaning that is not in a dictionary. The "whole" is more than the sum of its parts.

We know this from our experiences. But we also know from our experience that communication can deepen when we also listen to the pauses between words.

So listening adds an extra dimension to the reading experience. And when we see the body language, when we feel the physical presence of the person, it adds even more dimensions.
But what exactly are thoughts, and what exactly is "communication"?

In 2006 two physicists, Elisabeth Rausher and Russel Targ , published a paper in Proceedings of the American Institute of Physics conference under the title "Investigation of a complex space-time metric to describe precognition of the future" [1]. In the original 2001 version of the paper [1a] (still available here ), the title was expanded by adding "The speed of thoughts:" at the beginning, although the abstract of the paper was exactly the same.

Let me quote from the Introduction of this article:

"(...) Now, in the 21st century, the evidence has become overwhelming that our thoughts and bodies can be directly affected and influenced by another person's thoughts or by events and activities in a distant place blocked from ordinary perception. (...)"

It is somewhat surprising that the American Institute of Physics, a serious institution, would allow the publication of such a statement. And "Precognition of the Future?" Isn't it considered pseudoscience? Or, at best, as "fringe science"? Strange. I leave it to the reader to speculate on the possible causes of such a "faux pas".

But let us return to the subject of thoughts and thinking. What is this THINKING? When I am thinking about thinking a very useful phrase comes to mind: Thinking is processing information". Happy? I am not happy at all. For what is "information" and what is "processing"? Perhaps it should be the other way around. Perhaps thoughts are primary and information is a concept that has been abstracted by thinking from data and put into a linear order of mathematical abstraction by the organized thoughts of mathematicians?

We note that the paper by Rauscher and Targ has been published in a volume entitled "CP863, Frontiers of Time, Retrocausation-Experiment and Theory, edited by DP Sheehan". We see the term "Frontiers of Time". How does time relate to thought? And what is the algebra of thought and time? Because some mathematics is certainly necessary, sooner or later. But what mathematics? Logic? Topology? My answer is: algebra . Logic can be described in terms of algebra (Boolean algebra, matrices, commutative and non-commutative), and topology is a later concept, there would be no topology without algebra (homotopy groups, homology, Chern classes, etc.).

2.7 On cyclic time
We recognize that time, as we experience it linearly, is a result of the limits of our perception, and probably illusory.

While a complete understanding of Time is beyond our comprehension at this level, we recognize that at higher levels of consciousness, Time as we understand it is probably non-existent. There is no beginning, no end; no "Big Bang", no "Big Crunch"; only the "eye" of Consciousness observing itself to create itself into infinite cosmic structures.

The myths of Ether-nal, reflected in the cycles of the seasons and of death and rebirth, and the alchemical Ouroboros8, are symbolic representations of the Cyclic Regeneration of the Cosmos, eternally recurring between the states of Spirit and Matter, evolution and entropy, order and chaos, in a constant flux.

Session March 18, 1995:
(Cs): "Parallel reality, you see, when something crosses into another reality, it accesses something called, for lack of a better term, the "thought plane", and as long as that reality is not understood, the window remains open, so all perceptions of possibilities can manifest concretely though only temporarily, since the material of the thought plane is constantly fluid. [...] It is the thought patterns that produce reality, and when that window is opened, all thought can become physical reality, albeit only temporarily.
(Cs): "Remember that all the power necessary to alter reality and physicality is found within the mind center from which beliefs arise. This is something you will understand better when you reach fourth density reality where physicality is no longer a prison but rather, a home that you can alter as you wish. In your present state you believe that reality has limits and therein lies the difficulty you have with finite existence. We are surprised that you are not yet able to fully grasp this concept.
Cs: " The unconscious mind is also a channel of communication with one's higher self, with other beings, and with the universal mind."

"Mind fusion is possible for those who love".

Something of Ra:
"If the entity that you are allows its beingness to be in empathy with any other being, then it may choose to share with another the energies which may be wholesome for it. The mechanism for these energy transfers is thought, for all thought is a form or symbol, an object, in reference to time/space."
[...] "The totality of creation is part of the same original thought. [...] Let us consider thought for a moment: what then, my friends, is the act of thinking; have you thought today; what thoughts have you had today; what thoughts have been part of the original thought today; in how many of your thoughts was creation; did they contain love; has a service been freely offered?
You are not part of a material universe. Your body, mind, and spirit are moving along in somewhat eccentric patterns because you have not grasped the concept that you are a part of original thought.

I got the following article from Ark's site. Thanks for this!

I am amazed by the information contained in this article. If or if we have to touch the quantum subject. We have to keep stretching our thinking. The complexity is overwhelming to my poor mind!:lol: Truly, this is great material to consider.

Do We Have a Quantum Entangled Brain?
Do we have a quantum entangled brain?

(Source images: pixabay)
The scientific field of biochemistry — the study of chemical reactions and processes in biological organisms — backed up by physical chemistry — the application of standard physical concepts, such as motion, thermodynamics, and force, to chemical systems — is most of the time sufficient to gain a thorough understanding of the organizing mechanistic principles within living creatures.

However, some researchers think that quantum biology — the academic field where quantum physics (physics at subatomic scales) and biochemistry cross paths — might lend a hand with deepening our comprehension of the functioning of biological systems.

The system that we will dissect in this article is our brain.

The Open Question

In order to provide us with the necessary cerebral capability to engage in a conversation, to anticipate a dangerous situation, to learn a new language, to solve a math equation, to design and implement a business strategy, or to read a popular science book, many neurons in our brain team up to process input signals and to manifest a certain response.

What is as yet not entirely understood in the field of neuroscience — the scientific study of the structure and function of the nervous system — is how exactly neurons collaborate to give birth to this rich variety of cognitive brain functions.

For instance, when it comes to neural populations in the retina, Tatyana Sharpee et al. point out that “the organizing principles for how these neurons work together remain unclear.” Another case in point is a research study by Michel Hofman on the evolution of the brain in which he mentions that there is still a lack of knowledge around the nature of neural connectivity within the neocortex. A final example considers the brain in general: Christopher Lynn and Danielle Bassett argue that it continues to be a challenge to grasp “how the brain’s structural wiring supports cognitive functions.”

This article explores one possible answer to this unresolved question: Quantum-mechanical behaviour could help to explain the collective, cooperative behaviour of neurons that shapes the brain’s overall functioning.

A Deeper Look into the Brain

Our brain, which has an approximate storage capacity of a petabyte (i.e., 10¹⁵ bytes or the equivalent of 1.5 million CD-ROM discs), relies on roughly 100 billion neurons — with the assistance of glial cells — to fulfil its cognitive duties.

Although several types of neurons exist, a neuron generally consists of dendrites, the cell body (soma) and the axon (see Fig. 1). The dendrites consolidate the input signals from other neurons and carry them via the soma, where, among many other activities, energy is produced in the mitochondria and genetical material stored in the nucleus, to the axon.

The structure of a neuron (a) and a synapse (b). Apart from neurons, the brain also contains neuroglial cells (c).

Fig. 1. The structure of a neuron (a) and a synapse (b). Apart from neurons, the brain also contains neuroglial cells (c). (Source: Paper by Shahab Rezaei Mazinani).
The brain abounds with positively and negatively charged molecules called ions. Usually, a neuron is more negatively charged — the sum of the charges of all the negative ions outstrips that of the positive ones — than its environment; the difference in electrical charge is referred to as the membrane potential. For a neuron at rest, it measures around -65 millivolt (mV). That difference can either decrease (depolarization) or increase (hyperpolarization), which means that more positive or negative ions, respectively, momentarily dwell in the neuron with respect to the situation at rest.

When depolarization reaches the threshold of -55mV, voltage-gated sodium ion channels (pores) situated in the membrane of the initial segment of the axon (closest to the soma) open, allowing more positive ions to enter the neuron. That moment is when the neuron ‘fires’ and sets off a chain reaction of depolarization in the adjacent segments all the way towards the end of the axon (terminal).

The dynamics of the action potential.

Fig. 2. The dynamics of the action potential. (Source: Medbullets).
This flow of change in the membrane potential travelling along the axon is designated as the action potential (a.k.a. spike or impulse) and is mediated by numerous ion channels. Once arrived at the terminal, the nerve signal must somehow traverse a region of connection (the synapse) between the terminal of the first neuron (the presynaptic neuron) and the dendrites of the following neuron (the postsynaptic neuron).

There are two kinds of synapses: electrical and chemical synapses. The former provides a physical bridge facilitating the almost instantaneous passage of the action potential. Chemical synapses, in contrast, do not dispose of such physical connection. Instead, the action potential is converted at the presynaptic terminal into a chemical signal by the release of chemical molecules, i.e., neurotransmitters, which then cross a gap — called the synaptic cleft — to finally attach to receptors on the postsynaptic dendrites which triggers the opening of ion channels, prompting a subsequent change in the postsynaptic neuron’s membrane potential (in this way, the chemical signal is converted back into an electrical one).

The structure of (a) chemical and (b) electrical synapses.

Fig. 3. The structure of (a) chemical and (b) electrical synapses. (Source: Paper Alberto Pereda).
In a certain sense, neurotransmitters are the main instrument of communication between neurons (also, there are more chemical than electrical synapses), as they are accountable for passing along the electrical nerve impulses from one neuron to the next. Depending on the type of neurotransmitter released, presynaptic neurons can either continue to transmit the action potential unabatedly — these neurons are known as excitatory neurons — or slow down the signal — these neurons go by the term inhibitory neurons.

When looking more broadly at the structure of the brain, it has been established that dendrites, somata, shorter axons, and synapses are typically located in the grey matter of the brain, whilst the longer, insulated (myelinated) axons reside in the white matter. The latter axonal pathways ensure the propagation of action potentials across — and thus the communication between — various brain regions.

White versus grey matter in the brain.

Fig. 4. White versus grey matter in the brain. The myelinated axons are located in the white matter, whereas the dendrites and somata (cell bodies) in the grey matter. (Source: AboutKidsHealth).
In terms of the emergence of functional brain states, it is the organization of an interconnected structural network of dynamic interactions between many neurons that gives rise to the brain’s complex cognitive functions and mental processes, including computation, information distribution, communication, learning, and memory.

But one question remains: What exactly does this underlying organizing mechanism responsible for such emergence look like?

Before we move towards higher organizational levels, first let us go into the opposite direction, i.e., the microscopic levels of reality.

Quantum Physics under the Lens

Quantum physics is the set of laws that explain the behaviour of subatomic particles, such as the electron and the quarks. It appears that at such small scales, the rules of the game are quite different relative to those in the macroscopic world (classical mechanics).

To begin with, consider the general statement that systems can contain a certain number of fundamental characteristics called states. For instance, the language of a classical computer consists of bits which come in two states: 0 and 1. Another example is the electron’s feature of spin which can be described by two elementary states: spin up and spin down.

In a quantum-mechanical world, one of these new kinds of behaviour is quantum superposition, which expresses the unique phenomenon whereby a new fundamental state can be created out of a linear combination of the other fundamental states. That is, while a bit in a classical computer can only adopt the value of 0 or 1 one at a time, a bit in a quantum computer — called a qubit — can take up a third elementary state which is a mixture of both 0 and 1.

An equivalent way of looking at this is saying that a qubit finds itself simultaneously in both these states. Similarly, the laws of quantum physics allow the electron’s spin to assume a new fundamental state which reflects an amalgamation of spin down and spin up.

When a qubit or a superposed electron is measured, then the act of measuring itself will destroy the state of superposition and the system will collapse into one — and only one — of the two original basic states. Put differently, the system will have decohered from a quantum into a classical state.

More generally, any slightest interference or disturbance of the system by their direct environment (think of either physical contact or radiation, such as heat) provokes almost immediately the destruction of quantum superposition (decoherence).

Quantum entanglement is a special case of superposition and it involves an unparalleled form of correlation between two or more superposed systems. That is to say, quantum entanglement between various systems represents a new fundamental, superposed state which describes the entangled system as a whole.

Moreover, it connects the individual systems in such a fashion that the quantum state of one system is inextricably linked to the quantum state of the other, irrespective of the physical distance between them. Applying this to the example of two quantum entangled electrons, this basically means that measuring the spin (the quantum state) in one of them — say, it is spin up — has the consequence that we instantaneously know what the spin of the other electron will be — it will be in a spin down state — without measuring it.

Schematic overview of quantum entanglement.

Fig. 5. If the measurement of one subsystem in an entangled system gives spin down (for the electron’s spin) or value 0 (for a qubit) — which corresponds here with Alice — then you instantaneously know the value of what Bob will get. (Source: ScienceABC).
Bear in mind though, that, despite this non-local connection between the entangled electrons, no actual information is being interchanged or sent between them. This is what Albert Einstein intended with his phrase ‘spooky action at a distance’.

But how is quantum entanglement in any way relevant or useful? If we take quantum computing as an example, it turns out that entangled qubits exhibit a tremendous quantum advantage over ordinary, classical computers in terms of information processing capacity, for the reason that a quantum computer is able to carry out many calculations simultaneously as long as qubits can uphold their coherence and entanglement.

Here is where we arrive at the crux of this article: Some scientists claim that the brain has figured out how to harness quantum entanglement to perform its extraordinary cognitive computations.

The Quantum Case of Brain Interconnectivity

In a warm and lively biological environment in which a system, e.g., one particular molecule within a neuron, is constantly bombarded with inputs from its surroundings, it is predictably quite unlikely, according to several researchers, that any quantum effect has a noteworthy functional impact — any entangled or superposed system would almost immediately decohere — and would thus be considered irrelevant to our understanding of the functioning of the brain.

Be that as it may, quantum-mechanical effects have already been observed to fulfil a non-trivial role in living systems, including in the case of avian magnetoreception, energy transfer during photosynthesis, the detection phase of olfaction, and enzymatic reactions. Not only that, scientists, such as Susana Huelga and Martin Plenio, argue that interaction with the environment would even enhance or regenerate quantum correlations.

Turning to the brain, let us go over some of the scientific positions that give credit to quantum physics when it comes to illuminating the intricate workings of the brain.

Magnifying Reverberations

Even though Christof Koch and Klaus Hepp claim that the ensemble of molecular activities associated with the action potential and the exchange of neurotransmitters would annihilate any delicate coherent quantum state, Paul Glimcher argues that inter-neuronal communication follows the tenets of quantum mechanics because its underlying, predominant working mechanism — membrane voltage — is the result of quantum-mechanical interactions at the atomic level.

To facilitate a proverbial ladder between the quantum and classical realm in support of such arguments, Peter Jedlicka suggests that microscopic quantum fluctuations or events could be amplified throughout various functional hierarchy levels in the brain, i.e., atoms, molecules, neurons, neural circuits, and brain regions, and therefore leave their mark on the overall neuronal dynamics.

Although such quantum vibrations usually cancel out at the macroscopic level due to decoherence, the reason for the alleged possibility of this amplification process is the observation that nerve impulses travel across neural structural networks in a nonlinear fashion. Nonlinearity refers to the idea that the effect is not proportional to the cause in a one-to-one manner; small variations in the initial conditions of a system can grow exponentially over time.

Large scale emergent brain networks.

Fig. 6. Large scale emergent brain networks. These images are the results of computing linear correlations between the activity of a small region within the networks of interest and the rest of the brain (brightest colours indicate stronger correlations). (Source: Adapted from Paper Dante Chialvo).
In other words, though quantum effects operative at the smallest of scales are most likely not directly macroscopically observable in the brain, they may exert an indirect influence on higher-level brain machinery and functions through a kind of nonlinear, magnifying ripple effect.

While Haim Sompolinsky stresses the point that the major sources of macroscopic fluctuations in the brain are related to thermal or chaotic dynamics and much less so to quantum physics, he does not entirely dismiss — together with the otherwise sceptical Christof Koch — Jedlicka’s line of thinking. As a matter of fact, Sompolinsky says that “to a degree [this expansion process] will affect the timing of spikes in neurons.”

Quantum Channels

In spite of the precarious state of coherence in live biological systems, Alipasha Vaziri and Martin Plenio put forward the argument that quantum coherence has nevertheless a role to play in the ion selection and transportation process within ion channels in bio-molecular systems generally.

Focussing specifically on the brain, such results go head-to-head with Max Tegmark’s calculations, which reveal that the duration of coherence within the brain is significantly shorter (between 10 and 20 orders of magnitude) than the time it takes for a neuron to convey an electrical signal (in the range of milliseconds) — Scott Hagan et al. rebut Tegmark’s results, however, and put the decoherence time much closer to the timespan of spiking neurons.

Nonetheless, Gustav Bernroider and Sisir Roy posit that the quantum entanglement of so-called informational states of potassium ions at the ion channel filter may well be protected from decoherence even during the gating time of the channel.

A schematic view of a potassium ion channel.

Fig. 7. A schematic view of a potassium ion channel. (Source: Paper Abdallah Barjas Qaswal).
Johann Summhammer et al. furthermore report that quantum coherence may be indispensable to justify the observed transition rates of ions through their respective channels — as per Youngchan Kim et al., that rate is estimated at around 100 million ions per second — given that classical thermodynamics seems unable to account for them.

In fact, Vahid Salari et al. contend that even if decoherence occurs at very short timescales — their calculations deliver a timeframe of a trillionth of a second — the brief moment of coherence might still have some sway over the ion channel’s selectivity filter as well as the dynamics of action potentials.

Jim Al-Khalili and Johnjoe McFadden suggest that these findings might clarify the high speed of action potentials along the axon’s membrane, since this speed relies directly on the ion transportation rate. Formulated differently, both quantum entanglement and coherence support — and perhaps reinforce — the flow of nerve signals (and thus our cognitive computational capacities).

What is more, Al-Khalili and McFadden maintain that the information embedded in local neural firing patterns, which are underpinned by circulating electrical signals piloted by quantum coherent ion channels, is both mapped onto and synchronized by the brain’s pervading electromagnetic field — visible to us through various techniques, such as electroencephalography (EEG) — thereby effectively providing a link between quantum entanglement at the level of ion channels and our cognitive processes at higher functional levels, whose information is stored within that electromagnetic field.

Spinning Thoughts

Another position, introduced by Matthew Fisher, builds on the premise that quantum entangled phosphorus (P) nuclear spins present in the many neurons scattered across the brain form the basis of neural quantum processing in glutamatergic synapses.

The nuclear spin is an inherent property of atoms and alludes to the orientation of an intrinsic magnetic field within the atomic nucleus — the operation of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners, for instance, depends on hydrogen nuclear spins. Glutamatergic synapses are the main excitatory pathways in the brain and are populated by the neurotransmitter glutamate.

In this model, the nuclear spin is performing the function of a qubit in quantum computing and is accordingly referred to as the ‘neural qubit’. Also, quantum coherence could be preserved over long periods of time, as the nuclear spin is to some extent shielded from its environment.

Through enzyme-catalysed reactions, pyrophosphate splits, so the theory proposes, into two quantum entangled phosphate molecules — the entanglement exists because of the entangled nuclear spins of the two P atoms (there is one P atom for every phosphate molecule).

Interacting with calcium, the phosphate products each convert into larger compounds called Posner molecules (Ca₉(PO₄)₆), which sustain the entanglement. The P spins can retain their coherence for an even longer time now as a result of the additional shielding supplied by these molecules.

A schematic overview of quantum entangled Posner molecules within and between neurons.

Fig. 8. A schematic overview of quantum entangled Posner molecules within and between neurons. (Source: Newscientist).
Once incorporated within neurons, the binding of Posner molecules can give rise to calcium-mediated presynaptic glutamate release and subsequent postsynaptic firing. Moreover, if two Posner molecules in one neuron bind and each is separately quantum entangled with a Posner molecule in another neuron, then the probability of binding of the two Posner molecules in the second neuron will increase — this also means that the probability of firing of this second neuron goes up.

In this way, quantum entangled Posner molecules dispersed throughout the brain impact non-locally nerve signal communication and might assist in explaining how postsynaptic neurons spike in a coordinated, synchronous manner.

Schematic view of Fisher’s model.

Fig. 9. Pyrophosphate breaks up in two entangled phosphates, each nestling within a Posner molecule. Coupled Posner molecules enter glutamatergic neurons with the support of endocytosis and vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUTs). Glutamate release in presynaptic neurons can then lead to non-local quantum correlations in postsynaptic firing. (Source: adapted from Paper Carol Weingarten et al.).
In addition, there appears to exist some experimental groundwork, corroborating Fisher’s hypothesis that nuclear spin-driven quantum processing is at work in the brain. Research conducted on rats by Peter Stokes et al. demonstrates that lithium-6 stimulates their cognitive processes in contrast to lithium-7. On top of that, not only have these two isotopes — isotopes are stable variations of the original chemical element that only differ in their number of neutrons in the nucleus — different nuclear spins, but lithium-6 stays much longer in a coherent state (even up to 5 minutes) compared to lithium-7 (around 10 seconds).

Taken together, this means that these results indicate potential relationships between coherence time, the specific nuclear spin, and cognitive performance.

Such insights could find practical relevance, for instance, in the field of psychiatry. Regarding the treatment for the psychiatric condition of bipolar disorder, lithium is helpful although many questions remain unanswered as to how it succeeds in alleviating depression, minimizing episodes of mania, and stabilizing one’s general mood.

Interestingly, Fisher mentions that replacing calcium by lithium in the Posner molecules would lead to decoherence of the phosphorus nuclear spins, offering a possible explanation for the efficiency of the pharmaceutical lithium (which is for 92% composed of lithium-7) in tempering mania. Then again, Aaron Ettenberg et al. have recently shown that lithium-6 may be more effective in dealing with mania relative to the other isotope.

Notwithstanding the appealing theoretical framework, some researchers, such as Andy Stokely, call into question some of the assumptions laid out in Fisher’s proposal. Also, it still has to be clarified whether Posner molecules can actually be found in real body fluids. At the end of his paper, Fisher presents several experiments that could help to refute or bolster his hypothesis.

Switch On Your Inner Light

In this final theory that we will discuss in this article, Sourabh Kumar et al. investigate whether light produced inside our head could constitute an additional pathway for inter-neuronal communication and information sharing next to the well-known electrochemical nerve signal.

After all, light is utilized to exchange, store, and process information, including in the context of optically supported quantum communication networks.

Scientists have observed that the decay (relaxation) of excited molecules involved in oxidative metabolic processes in neurons is responsible for sending out small wave packets of light — called biophotons — between near-infrared and near-ultraviolet frequencies (this includes for the most part the visible spectrum of electromagnetic radiation).

Although research studies have duly documented that cells may make use of biophotons to interact with each other and that light could alter the brain’s functional connectivity, what is not yet clear is which physical medium the photons would exploit to establish a communication network throughout the entire brain.

To that extent, Kumar et al. suggest that light could be propagated by means of myelinated axons, serving as optical waveguides to carry around the biophotons across different brain regions. More specifically, it is the compact sheath (the myelin sheath) around the axon that would act as the waveguide.

A schematic view of the propagation of electromagnetic radiation through axons with the myelin sheath as waveguide.

Fig. 10. A schematic view of the propagation of electromagnetic radiation through axons with the myelin sheath as waveguide. (Source: Paper Guozhi Liu et al.(top) and Andrea Zangari et al. (bottom)).
Konnie Hebeda et al. contribute with some experimental backing for this model, pointing out that light prefers to travel along the myelinated axons residing in the brain’s white matter. Rendong Tang and Jiapei Dai as well as Yan Sun et al. display further evidence of biophotonic transmission through axons.

To consider the brain as a light-driven quantum information processing instrument, Kumar et al. expect the biophotons to interact with the nuclear spins lodged within ions, molecules, or light-sensitive proteins (similar to cryptochrome in avian magnetoreception), leaving them in a quantum entangled state. Crucially, Parisa Zarkeshian et al. disclose that the decoherence time of nuclear spins in the brain can amount up to tens of milliseconds.

The authors Kumar et al. furthermore highlight that axon-axon synaptic junctions are of particular interest, as they could make up a vital physical link through which the biophotons extend their entangled network within the brain. To experimentally probe and advance their theory, Kumar et al. propose several possible testing setups in their paper.

Unravelling the Question

In accordance with the principles of quantum physics, the most coherent answer to the initial question “Do we have a quantum entangled brain?” is probably a simultaneous yes and no.

Quips aside, in order to get a better grip on whether quantum effects may indeed be relevant to describe what goes on inside our brain, gathering more direct experimental evidence will certainly be instrumental. Moreover, to expand the exploration at such microscopic scales, continuous technological innovations will allow for ever more rigorous testing.

For now, it is time to put our spinning brain to rest.
Well, I hope it is useful.:-) I am still processing the material. I am really fascinated with this quantum world. There is so much to learn and, as you all know: Learning is fun! Regards:scooter:
Hello everyone!Hello everyone!:-)

March 29, 1997

Q: (Laura) Well, on the previous occasion, when {name redacted} brought this little device {the gauss meter} into the library and it was dancing all over the place, can you tell me why {the gauss meter is moving at this point .} it was moving so vigorously at that particular time and yet it is moving just a little bit now?

A: The Em wave can be refracted by the environment.

Q: (Laura) Okay, can you have this needle move, at this point, on command? To any extent?

A: No. The wave makes the needle move, not us.

Q: (Laura) OK, and what makes the wave? What is the source of the wave, the EM, if not you? {The location of the gauss meter was adjusted to touch the edge of the board}

A: The EM wave is a side effect of the channeling process.

Q: (Laura) Okay, let me ask you this question. Speaking of time, I would like to ask, in relation to time, what is memory?

A: More specific.

Q: (Laura) You want me to be more specific, well, let me put it this way. Some understanding of time refers to it as the 'now', the ever-present now. Well, many people remember many other 'nows', some people don't remember any 'now' at all, and it seems that memory is almost like an inverse function of anticipation. Anticipation is almost like a memory of the 'future' and memory is like a reverse anticipation of the past. So, what I would like to know is if time is simply a 'now', what is memory?

A: Conscious and subconscious recording of perceptions.

Q: (Laura) Okay. If memory is a subconscious or conscious record of perceptions, when one accumulates a sufficient amount of memory, does one then become 'timeless'?

A: One is always timeless.

Q: (Laura) Okay, but then one becomes aware of one's own timelessness?

A: In 4th density.

Q: (Laura) Okay. Does an electron have a memory?

A: The electron is a borrowed unit of 7th density.

Q: (Laura) Okay, in the crop circle image that you designated as 'Atomic Structure', there were the concentric circles and then these three things at the outer corners of the triangle, one zigzagging, one flat and round, and the other one kind of like a wheel, it had like little splits. Would the zigzagging one be the electron?

A: It is not correct the concept of atomic structure unifies the elementary atoms.

Q: (Laura) What is an elementary atom, as opposed to an ordinary atom?

A: Elemental defines a singular body of structure. In, as in: "element of". The electron is an element of atomic structure.

Q: (Laura) Is there anything in an atom that has memory?

A: Memory is subjective, the atom is not.

Q: (Laura) Well, some atoms seem to be somewhat subjective.

A: No, it's their interpretation.
March 1, 1997

Present: Laura, Frank, Arkadiusz, Terry, Jan and Alice.

Q: Hello.

A: Greetings.

Q: And what name will we use tonight?

A: Honaza.

Q: And where are you broadcasting from?

A: Cassiopeia.

Q: (T) You had a question about transmitting from Cassiopaea, Arkadiusz. What was the question? (A) I think the question was, why do you need a particular place in the universe to transmit from?

A: We transmit "through" the aperture presented in the locator you represent as Cassiopaea, because of the strong radio pulses lined up from Cassiopaea, due to the neutron star pulsar 300 light years behind it, as seen from your locator. {Planchette spirals briefly} This facilitates a clear channel transmission from 6th density to 3rd density.

Q: (A) I would like to know how long it takes for the transmission to get from Cassiopaea to Earth.

A: 'Zero' time.

Q: (A) 'Zero time...' They transmit, using what, electromagnetism, gravity or what?

A: Something. They are interconnected, or you could say 'unified'.

Q: (A) Zero time? because of what? because of... space/time... warp structure?

A: Space and time are selective and flexible.

Q: (A) What's behind that? What's... what's the medium behind which the transmission goes?

A: If there were a medium, your puzzlement would be justified, but there is not. You see, when one uses zero time, there is also zero space.

Q: (J) If there is zero space and zero time, why is it necessary to fix it in a specific place here in 3rd density?

A: It does not, for "transmission purposes". The need for a specific locator, as expressed above, as you perceive it, was due to the vibrational frequencies useful to your psychic consciousness profile. What causes pulsars, Arkadiusz?

Q: (A) What causes pulsars? A good question... (L) You know, (A) Some nuclear reactions....

A: neutron "stars".

Q: (A) A neutron star is a pulsar. The question is, what's so special about neutron stars, because there's something you don't understand?

A: Quantum physics...

Q: (T) Is the answer to the causes of neutron stars in quantum physics? Or is it in quantum physics? Is that what they're saying?

(A) Or is it known...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, then, if they're looking for pulsars, they'll tell you, I guess? (A) Well....

A: What was the key premise of your "Noah Syndrome"?

Q: (L) The key premise? Transformation...

A: By what means, what causal factor.

Q: (L) Well, the causal factor was the bodies of the solar system interacting and exchanging energies. The energies exchanged by the bodies of the solar system have a profound effect on life on any of those bodies, such as people on planet Earth. The emanations from the sun, if the sun were to increase its vibration or its surface, just a little bit, the Earth would be so charged with electricity, that..... I mean, one solar flare, and everything goes crazy. If the sun oscillates inside, they measure the oscillations in it; they have all different periods, what if it has a really major oscillation, like every 3,600 years or so? Because they've measured them in terms of minutes, days, months, years. You have the 11-year cycle, there's the 22-year cycle. There are many different cycles of oscillations in the sun, what if it has a really big one? What if, when it does that, it pulsates? And when it pulsates, it charges the solar system so much with electricity that all the bodies in the solar system go crazy! (T) Is that the basic premise of... (L) That's the basic premise of 'The Noah Syndrome'. (T) Well, folks, there you have it, the basic premise of 'The Noah Syndrome' is that the sun pulsates regularly.

A: A pulsar pulsates at an extremely rapid rate.

Q: (T) It creates a frequency... (L) Well, everything is frequency?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Well, this was a specific frequency that they were looking for. The rate of vibration is the rate of frequency. And does it create a frequency that they said would be beneficial? (L) No, this location is what's beneficial, right here, this house.

A: No.

Q: (A) But, I don't understand. The frequency...

A: Your planetary realm.

Q: (L) Well, your planetary realm is what they were referring to. (A) OK, there's something about pulsar, because it brings these pulses with a certain frequency. But, of course, it's not these pulses that are important for the transmission, because the pulses take hundreds of years to get here. (L) But, the pulsar is the window.... (A) It is a window... (L) The window between densities. (A) Yes, but what is the pulsar that is so specific that it makes a window? Is it this frequency? Or is it something else? What physical phenomenon is responsible for making this window? Can we specify something more exactly than saying it's just quantum physics?

A: What is the nature of neutron stars, supernovae, "black holes", etc.?

Q: (L) You go into a black hole and come out as a pulsar?

A: They are all the matter/antimatter junction... the boundary between realities as you know them.... material realms/etheric realms, density level junctures, realities. One can pass through these windows with ease; remember, stars and planets are also windows.

Q: (L) And stars and planets were described as giant atoms. Is an atom a window?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) Is a proton a window?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) Well, that's correct. And it's huge, so let me ask. Is the photon also a window?

A: (A) Yes.

Q: (L) Is gravity something from the center of the window to an opposite reflection in the ethereal realm, rather than attraction between objects in this material realm?

A: Gravity is the "binder" common to all imaginable existence. That's all you really need to know.

Q: (L) Okay, folder. does gravity bind in the same way that weak hydrogen bonds bind DNA strands?

A: no.

Q: Well, then, does gravity bind in the same way that the phosphate bond binds to the carbon atom?

A: These are material - the missing link for all of you is that gravity is both antimatter and matter!

Q: (A) I would like to ask, not now, but maybe later, is this the concept that our space/time is the boundary of a domain? Is that the correct picture?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) All right, then, with respect to this gravity and antimatter, is it a correct picture that there are two such domains? positive and negative, and gravity has something to do with the exchange between the positive and the negative?

A: Gravity is the "fuel" or the "life blood" of absolutely everything that exists!

Q: (A) What is the mathematical description, the correct mathematical description of that? (L) Do you want the formula? (A) Yes! I want the formula!!!! {general chuckle} No! I want the concept!

A: That's why they put you where they put you!

Q: (A) What does that mean? I'm placed here... For me or for us? (T) Could you be more specific about that? {general chuckle} What a time to get cryptic here! I mean, we're rolling, now!

A: Wouldn't you like to decipher this formula?

P: (L) Well, yes, we'd like to figure out this formula; it would be a lot of fun. (D) Sure! Sure! (L) We could even bring a bottle of wine! (T) But, if they wanted to spell it out, that would be cool too! [laughs] I think what they said is because what's going to happen is you're going to get the formula. Wasn't the question about the formula right before that? Is that why they put you where they put you?

A: Ark wanted the first step, or the guide to a possible formula. It's a shame, but others in your "density" have already figured it out, but it's a deadly secret!

Q: (A) Do I need to revise this unified field theory? (T) What is the deadly secret, that others have discovered this?

A: No.

Q: (T) Well, that's good!

A: The possible methods of using the technology arising from the formula.

Q: (T) May we ask what this technology is? (L) Is what we have recorded here correct?

A: Yes, of course!

Q: (A) Well, now, I don't understand something. Because at some point they wanted me to investigate this unified field theory and rediscover what Einstein or whoever did. So, they want us to discover the secret, yes?

A: We want you to discover it for your own.
Q: (T) Learning is in the discovery.

A: There is no need to telegraph "discovery".

Q: (L) Don't tell anyone about discovery.(A) Sure, yeah.(L) So, we're supposed to use it...time travel, anyone? I think you're getting close to that, anyway.(A) I want something more specific....

A: Yes.

Q: OK, now, there are several unified field theories. One, which is by Einstein. One, by Weyl, a unified field theory by Schrödinger, theory about time and space and the affine connections.... So, there are many. Any clues?

A: No idea.

Q: (T) 'No idea'. Although it's well written! (A) Right. Let's ask about these 'tongue twisters': do they have anything to do with this?

A: {Planchette spirals} Maybe.

Q: (I to A) Now, remember. Whenever I asked them about you, they always said they weren't going to tell me anything. They're not going to tell you.... (A) What! They're not? (L) No, they're not. You're already doing it. You're already doing it. You're doing it!

A: When you learn, you grow. When you grow, you progress. When you progress, you transform.

P: (L) GIVE ME THE FORMULA!!!!! {laughs} (A) No, no, no. Let me give it a try. Because, well... unified field theory is a classical theory. And now, there's this quantum business that's so important now. Is it true that this classical unified field theory will explain quantum theory? Is this true? Is this right, what Einstein had dreamed of, once?

A: What does your instinct tell you?

Q: (A) Well, my instinct tells me that I should sit at a desk and calculate, instead of sitting here. {laughs} (A) Yeah, yeah, that's clear. OK. Sure, do it yourself.

A: I'm sorry, but we want to see you find out.

March 15, 1997

Frank, VG, Alice, Ark, Laura

Q: Hello.


Q: And what name will we use tonight?

A: Tower.

Q: And where are you transmitting from?

A: Cassiopeia.

Q: (L) In the natural state, we know that a photon can have an interaction that causes it to split into a positron and an electron. In the natural state, do electrons come from photons?

A: No.

Q: Right. In the natural state, where do the electrons come from?

A: Aether boundary with material continuum.

Q: Where does the proton come from?

A: 7th density.

Q: So a proton comes from 7th density, but the electron does not.

A: Not mutually exclusive.

Q: In a substance that conducts electricity, let's say an electric wire, you have a circuit where, essentially, electrons pass from one atom to another along this path. And yet they're not used up, and they're not really used up, it's just the resistance that causes the heat that causes the incandescence?

A: The planet's center of gravity is also a "window" to all other densities levels and dimensional planes of existence, which is why electrically charged atoms "tenderize" to pass to other planes through the gravity binder.

Q: Going back to my question about the passage of electrons along a circuit: what force is it that initiates the passage from one electron to another atom that manifests as electricity?

A: Electrical energy is merely "taken", collected, trapped.

Q: If touched, from where is it touched?

A: Collecting electrons.

Q: What is a collecting electron?

A: It is not "a" collecting electron. It is collecting them.

Q: What is collecting the electrons?

A: The users. Electrons are "free" energy.

Q: Okay, but where.... I'm thinking that in an electrical circuit, the electrons that are there are the ones that were started, the ones that are transmitted, and the ones that are still there when the circuit closes, breaks, and stops the passage of electrons. Am I wrong?

A: Yes.

Q: Well... then...

A: There is no beginning and no end.

Q: So electricity is, in essence, a flow of electrons?

A: Yes.

Q: You say they are punctured. Where are they extracted from? What is the source of these free electrons?

A: All materials. Everything matters. All ether.

Q: The electrons of the conductor itself are passing, and this is the manifestation of the flow of electricity?

A: Maybe.

Q: In what sense am I not correct?

A: Limiting the concept to "conductor".

Q: Electrical energy will be present in everything. But in some particular substances, such as those things we call conductors, electrical energy is, as you said, collected, trapped and channeled, which is then a useful activity because it creates light and runs machines, etc.

A: Primitive.
Q: Okay, it's primitive we understand that. When electricity moves in what would be considered a superconductor, how is it different from an ordinary conductor, such as a copper wire?

A: It accelerates the flow, thus separating the electrons and thereby "exciting" the process.

Q: What qualities does the superconductor have that contribute to this flux acceleration?

A: Cyclic magnetic pulse.

Q: What creates a cyclic magnetic pulse?

A: Matter within the gravity vacuum.

Q: How is a gravity vacuum created?

A: In this case, it is created unintentionally as a byproduct of superconductivity.

Q: You said that a superconductor separates the electrons, thus exciting the flux. What do you mean by separating?

A: From each other.

Q: How is that different from a normal electric flux?

A: Not so widely separated.

Q: Is this separation of electrons a key to this process?

A: Yes.

Q: What additional conditions or qualities contribute to electron separation?

A: Now ask yourself, what conditions define a superconductor?

Q: (L) What defines a superconductor?

(A) Zero resistance.(V) Is that without gravity?(A) No heat.(L) How is zero resistance achieved?

A: Artificial construction.

Q: You mean it's an artificial idea, or the only thing that would have zero resistance would be something artificially constructed?

A: Somewhat.

Q: So isn't there a real possibility of a true superconductor with absolutely zero resistance? But that the resistance can be reduced to a very low level.

A: A close approach.

Q: Does cold necessarily have anything to do with superconductivity?

A: What conditions exist in outer space?

Q: Well, it's VERY cold.... (A) It's almost a vacuum.(L) No gravity.(A) No, there is gravity, but only that. What I think we have to ask ourselves is what is the relationship between superconductivity and gravity. Something was mentioned... what was that about the ether?

A: Non-material realm of existence.

Q: (L) In other words, consciousness. Well, you mentioned a cyclic magnetic pulse that was an unintended byproduct of superconductivity, and something about matter within a gravity vacuum? Could you define a cyclic magnetic pulse?

A: It is self-explanatory.

Q: You said it was derived from matter within a gravity vacuum. Does that mean that superconductivity creates a gravity vacuum?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) Where, inside the superconductor or outside?

A: Inside.

Q: (A) As far as we know, it also creates an electromagnetic vacuum. Is it correct that there is no magnetic field inside the superconductor?

A: We have said before that these two properties are intertwined.

Q: (L) Electromagnetism and gravity. So, if there is no gravity, there is no electromagnetism. But then, where is the magnetic pulse?

A: The pulse exists outside the vacuum due to gravity, but inside a superconductor. Imagine a tube structure.

Q: Is the superconducting state inside the gravity vacuum or inside the EM pulse?

A: All inclusive. The normal structure for channeling electron flow within a conductor is a solid "tube"; within a superconductor, it is a "hollow" tube structure, hence evidence of vacuum.

Q: Does this hollow tube structure have any relation to what you described as electron separation?

A: It is a manifestation of the same thing.

Q: So, to have a superconductor, one must have a temperature similar to the temperature in space, as well as possibly a chemical construction that is similar to the ambient properties of space, just highly condensed, would that be it?
An approach.

Q: (A) They mean zero gravity without a superconductor? They say a vacuum meaning what, no gravity?

A: Inside.

Q: (A) There is no gravity inside.

A: Not "no," just much less, and of a fragmented nature.

Q: (A) But, on the other hand, they say vacuum?

(L) But, honey, there is no such thing as a perfect vacuum! (A) Yes. You're right. Okay. (A) I want to understand this 7th density. Do protons come from 7th density? Either they are windows to the 7th density or.... (L) You said the protons come from 7th density. Exactly in what sense did you mean that?

A: In the ultimate sense.

Q: So a proton is a small manifestation of God consciousness?

A: No.

Q: Well, that would be what I would understand as the ultimate sense. Please correct me.

A: Too complex.

Q: (L) Okay. (F) Spider! (A) Certainly! A spider! {It seems that at this very moment, a spider descended from the ceiling on a strand of spider silk.} (L) Tiny little spider.... (A) It's a spy! (F) Yes, but second density. (A) But it has a lot of protons! (F) That's its connection to 7th density. (A) The spider is rescued and put in another place. (L) Now, let's get back to the questions. Could you give me a hint on this proton thing?

A: Question.

Q: Well, a proton is matched by an electron? (V) Does the seventh density delegate how many protons go down or are available at any given time? (L) I think that would be a question that would take us way beyond where we are now?

A: Yes, it would.

Q: (L) Just calm down V. I have a spider web in my hand. Well. protons (V) Aren't protons just smaller pieces of energy? (L) A proton is a fermion.(A) Yes. A proton is a fermion. Well, there's a question with this proton. Is it something eternal, or is it something that decays? If it's seventh density... How long does a proton live?

A: Density window of atomic explosion mixtures.

Q: (A) What do they mean mixture? Explode! Mix with what?

A: Where do protons fit into the atomic chain reaction equation?
Q: (L) What happens to protons in an atomic chain reaction? (A) Okay. I'll have to check. I'll have to have a look. But what's that got to do with it? (L) Well, if a proton is 7th density, obviously it's a window. (A) Yes, a window. A very small window. (V) I've got to go. (L) Well, we'll stop for now and come back to the atomic chain reaction after we know how to ask the questions.

December 12, 1995

Q: (L) Fantastic! And I understand that we are digging our way out of this particular illusion. And that's pretty deep to tell someone who's still stuck in the mud. I really want to figure it out, but it's hard. I have to think about that for a while. So, let me ask my daughter a few questions. A__ want to know what the core of Jupiter consists of?

A: Basal. In 3rd density it is known as iridium.

Q: (L) What is the diameter of the solid nucleus?

A: 3 microns.

Q: (L) Are you saying that Jupiter is gaseous and sludgy all the time?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So Sitchin and others may not be right in saying that Jupiter has a solid core the size of the Earth?

A: Yes that is what they are saying, but remember, Jupiter, Saturn and others resonate at higher vibrational levels than Earth. You are looking directly at density 4 when you see Jupiter, which is why the close-up photos look "surreal", more like drawings.

Q: (L) Do beings inhabit Jupiter?

A: 5th density and more.

Q: (L) Are there organic beings on Jupiter?

A: Organic is a third density concept.

Q: (L) So the probe will not detect any life?

A: No.

Q: (L) Does this probe that is going to dive into Jupiter disturb anything there in any way?

A: No.

Q: (L) What is the internal third density temperature of Jupiter?

A: 7000 degrees K.

Q: (L) What is the primary chemical composition?

A: Ammonia, hydrogen, and nitrous oxide.

Q: (L) Well, I don't know how to ask. (J) Go ahead. (L) What is the source of energy generated by the stars?

A: Transfer points cause friction and therefore produce energy.

Q: (L) Transfer points from what; from what to what?

A: Dimensions.

Q: (L) Now, this is going to be a strange question, but if you can help us, relate this to something, it would be very helpful. There are a lot of theories going around about the age of the universe. Some of the latest ones say it's between 8 and 25 billion years old. I know you've said that time is an illusion, but, in view of the fact that scientists are struggling with this one? {Much laughter} which of the figures you have pulled out of the air, as far as the illusion of time itself, is the most correct?

A: None.

Q: (F) Does that answer the question satisfactorily? That's like saying, "Oh, that's an interesting store, what's in there?" (L) Well, if none of the numbers that science has found are correct, what's the correct definition of the age of the universe?

A: Quasi-quantum possibilities.

Q: (L) What does that mean? {laughs} (J) Does anybody know! (L) Well, I think they're going to tell us something here.

A: Discover.

Q: (J) Thank you very much! (T) That's certainly new to me! (S) It's probably many billions of years old! (T) What does quasi mean? (L) Partly, halfway.... (F) And what does quantum mean? (L) Well, a quanta is a unit of measurement.... (T) All the possible units of measurement... (F) Is that what... (L) Come on and help us out here guys? (T) There time, which is not time, exists in all time and no time, in our time, that would be infinite. (L) Okay. (T) So, the age of the universe is infinite in our time limit, but the way you perceive it is that it doesn't... it exists until it doesn't... it exists and then it doesn't... (L) Okay, let's ask this another way... help me out here.... (J) Go ahead! (F) You got into the woods, keep looking for the crumbs to find the way out! (L) What do you mean by quasi-quantum possibilities?

A: Closed circle.

Q: (L) Well, if you select any point on the circle, hold that point, and then measure around the point again, where are we on that circle? Arbitrarily?

A: Not correct concept.

Q: (L) Okay, help me out here. If there is a closed circle, does that mean there is no point that you can designate arbitrarily? (J) Yes.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Should we abandon this line or continue with it?

A: Open.

Q: (L) Well, then let's leave it. (J) It is, was, always will be, a world without end, amen! (F) Well, if there is no time as we are told, and there is free will which is so important, how can this be? If there is no time and everything is connected, past, present and future, and everything is just a random collection of thoughts and experiences, and everything is supposed to be fluid, then there can never have been free will. If there is free will, and there is no past, present or future, and everything is the same point in space-time experience, the key is free will, but there is no answer. (L) Is planet earth, as so many have predicted, going to acquire an additional sun?

A: Perhaps.

Q: (T) An additional sun, as if Jupiter explodes? Is Jupiter an unborn sun?

A: Jupiter is already a star.

Q: (L) Why don't we perceive it as a star?

A: You are still learning. Earth is a star to be.

Q: (F) How the hell can that be? (L) If a planet?

A: Everything spins completely around.

Q: (L) If a star is a transition point from one dimension to another, when the earth goes to 4th density, will it appear as a star to 3rd density people?

A: "Gaseous planet."

Q: (L) Will it appear as a gas planet? (J) Just as Jupiter appears to us.

A: Jupiter has a density of level 4.

Q: (L) To whom does Jupiter appear as a flaming sun, at what level?
A: 5, 6 and 7.

Q: (T) What does it look like in the room?

A: Earth.

Q: (T) Does Jupiter look like Earth and does Earth look like Jupiter in 4th density?

A: No.

Q: (L) What does Earth look like in 4th density?

A: Invisible.

Q: (J) Huh? (L) What do you mean by invisible?

A: Only visible on demand. Variability of physicality.

Q: (L) Well, does this mean that to the Lizzie and Orion the earth is invisible?

A: When they are not thinking about it.

Q: (J) You mean when they're not thinking about it, it doesn't exist? They have to focus on it for it to become visible?
A: (J) A close-up.

Q: (T) But you told us once that everyone in 4th density could see us?

A: Yes.

Q: (J) Us, not the earth. (T) What do they see us in?

A: Able to see you when they so choose.

Q: (J) In other words, they focus on the frequency to see us. (L) I guess it's like animals in second density. You drive down the road and you don't really see what's around you unless you focus on it. (J) Unless you focus on looking for them? (T) Like standing still in a forest and after a while you can see what's there. (J) It's all according to perception.

A: Yes, but the 4th level is the first one with real variability.

Q: (L) Georges Gurdjieff proposed the idea that the earth is, in a sense, food for the moon. What he meant was that what he had learned from these ancient masters was that the earth was a source of food for some level of being, and that possibly these beings had camps or bases on the moon, but that the earth would eventually become a star and then the moon would become an inhabited planet as the earth was, and so forth.... Is this pretty much...?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Is the moon a second density planet?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And the Moon is used as a base by other beings?

A: In different densities.

Q: (L) Are there 2nd density beings that inhabit the moon full time?

A: No.

Q: (T) Are there 3rd density beings?

A: No.

Q: (T) Are there 4th density beings?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Are they gray?

A: They do not inhabit the moon, they just use it.

Q: (T) Are there 5th density beings there?

A: 5th uses all of them.

Q: (T) Are there 6th density beings there?

A: Ditto.

Q: (T) Is 7th density there?

A: That is union with the One.

Q: (T) Thank you, just checking. (L) The "Arcturians" talk about the path to the Great Central Sun. What is the Great Central Sun and what does that mean, "The path to the Great Central Sun"?

A: 7th level.

Q: (L) Is the star, Arcturus, also a residence, as on the planet, for certain beings?

A: The stars are points of transition and communication.


Q: (L) Could you describe the interior of our sun and how it works?

A: It is a window.

Q: (L) The interior of the sun is a window. Well, is the interior of the sun composed of what we would call solid matter?

A: No.

Q: (L) The general idea is that the interior of the sun is composed of large masses of hydrogen and this is being converted into helium and....

A: In the perception of third density.

Q: (L) You are saying that the sun is a window or transmission point between dimensions. If that's the case, then it's virtually unlimited in terms of longevity?

A close-up.

Q: (L) So the ideas that the sun runs out of gas and becomes a red giant and skips humanity are incorrect concepts?

A: No. 3rd level, Laura, 3rd level!

Q: (L) So, in the 3rd level it will be....

A: Open.

Q: (L) How long ago was North Africa green and fertile and what geological factors created the state we find it in today?

A: Climatic changes in 3rd density 10,000 years ago.

Q: (L) Scientists have been making a lot of conjectures about the matter in the Universe and what they have been saying is that 90-95% of the matter needed to stabilize the universe is not accounted for. They call this dark matter. Several theories have been proposed as to what this dark matter consists of. I would like to know what this dark matter is?

A: You are "chasing rainbows" and so are they.

Q: (L) What is the source of cosmic background radiation?

A: Third level cosmic light rays.

Q: (L) Is there anything else we can add to that?

A: Curiosities.

(L) I would say that the shifting of realms changes frequencies, which can change the frequencies of the earth that can trigger earthquakes AND earthquakes can emit electromagnetic signals that can create openings in the realms. So, you have all kinds of electromagnetic things coming from both directions.

A : Yes.

Q : (Ark) What is the key to quantum randomness?

A : Long answer.

Q : [ laughs ] (Perceval) We don't have the symbols and stuff. (Pierre) We need a special board for that!

A : Actually there is no such thing as "pure" randomness.

Q : (Ark) They are reading my book. [ laughter ]

(Pierre) I have a question. Proteins absorb and generate photons - biophotons. Are photons different depending on the conformation and/or composition of the protein?

A: No.

Q: (L) I guess a photon is a photon is a photon.

(Pierre) But photons have different wavelengths. UM is right

(Pierre) Yes, about photons. [laughs] Photons are all the same. Is the coherence pattern exhibited by those photons the same depending on the conformation of the protein?

A: Yes.

Q: (Andromeda) Coherence pattern?

(Pierre) They dance in an organized fashion. In an earlier session, the C's said that you don't need a space virus for Plague 2.0: recombination will do the job. i'm paraphrasing. In a later session, they said 'space virus'. So, it is not mutually exclusive.
(Pierre) Are photons the link between the information field and our antenna proteins?

A: Yes.
Pierre) I have a question related to Ark's question. Imagine you have two different proteins, okay? And two different emissions of biophotons, ok? My question is: For two emissions, do they behave differently or not?

A: Yes.

Q: (Pierre) Aha! But it's not the coherence that differs.

A: Right.

Q: (Pierre) Is it a fractal pattern?

A: Yes.

Q: (Pierre) THANK YOU! You have made my day.

Pierre said:
The smaller the fractal pattern, the higher the resonance frequency and the "deeper" the overall access to the information field.

Fractal patterns in biophoton emission have been demonstrated in biophoton emission, e.g., in this paper:

Short-term fractal analysis of biological autoluminescence.
Biological systems manifest a weak and continuous autoluminescence, which is present even in the absence of external stimuli. Since this autoluminescence arises from internal metabolic and physiological processes, several papers suggested that it could lead...

And so does this paper:

My reasoning was as follows: we know that a protein exhibiting two different geometries has different properties (the informational "content" received by the protein-antenna). If photons are the link between the information field and humans, then the photons emitted by these two geometrically different proteins should differ in some way.

Since all individual photons are the same, it is the collective behavior of the photons that should differ. But the coherence patterns are the same (as stated in the previous session), so I asked if the fractal patterns were the same.

Here is a quick video made by Mae Wang Ho and which inspired his main idea developed in his book "The Rainbow and the Worm". It shows how living things diffract light. Note that when the microscope lens is rotated, the colors of the daphnia change.

Bluegazer said:
Like a prism? There you have the visual spectrum and frequency of light.
Yes, living bodies act like liquid crystals and diffract light like crystal prisms.

If our bodies, our genetics and our proteins can change the way light diffracts, well, how it interacts in that sense, it could be one of the keys to understanding fourth density. The oft-mentioned variability of physical nature.

Through epigenetic factors (diet, emotions, thoughts, actions...) your DNA will express this or that protein/antenna. This change in proteins induces a change in the collective emissions of biophotons (fractal patterns) that modulate their connection with the information field.

Well, here I collected material ranging from the "macro" to the "micro". From planets to biophotons. The list of what to look for and study is getting longer and longer.

What is a neutron star? What is a pulsar? What is an electron, proton, neutron, photon, quarks, etc.? Biophotons and proteins? Fractals? Torsion field? Spin? Fermions? Bosons?....:huh: These questions led me to read about these topics.

Truly, I love to realize everything I don't know in order to keep learning! Life would be very boring and stagnant if there is no learning! :grad:

A: When you learn, you grow. When you grow, you progress. When you progress, you transform.
Well, here I collected material ranging from the "macro" to the "micro". From planets to biophotons. The list of what to look for and study is getting longer and longer.

What is a neutron star? What is a pulsar? What is an electron, proton, neutron, photon, quarks, etc.? Biophotons and proteins? Fractals? Torsion field? Spin? Fermions? Bosons?....:huh: These questions led me to read about these topics.

Truly, I love to realize everything I don't know in order to keep learning! Life would be very boring and stagnant if there is no learning! :grad:

A: When you learn, you grow. When you grow, you progress. When you progress, you transform.
Don't be discouraged if you feel overwhelmed by these topics. Many fundamental pieces of the puzzle are missing, namely the concept of "densities." It is a blessing to be aware that such a concept even exists!
Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and ideas.:flowers:
Thank you Stella Marys, so much material to study!!!!
It is fascinating to read and reason what scientists share of their work and efforts.
It is amazing, but sometimes we can have aha! moments when we read these things, even though we are not scientists.
Perhaps the fractal nature makes us, by association, feel some familiarity with what we have observed in everyday life, and sometimes we understand something, and it makes us jump for joy.
I am thinking some things about this material, and if I manage to sort them out a bit I will tell you later.

Thanks guys. :lkj:
Don't be discouraged if you feel overwhelmed by these topics. Many fundamental pieces of the puzzle are missing, namely the concept of "densities." It is a blessing to be aware that such a concept even exists!
Hello Natus Videre! Thanks for your words of encouragement!:hug2: Yes, the concept of Densities is important... and Dimensions too! For now, I just selected some information that can collaborate with that concept.

(Cs): Remember, Density refers only to one's conscious awareness. Once one is conscious, everything conforms to that consciousness."

Michael B-C said:
It might be worth trying to think of this matter in terms of the layout of a hotel PlatonicSkeptic.

As you may know, the C's have said there are only 7 densities and they are like the core, integrated fabric of the central purpose of the universal whole. These different vibrational arenas are like the floors on a hotel starting at the basement (a bit grim and sparse) moving up via lifts all the way to the 7th floor (where lets say there is a glorious, light filled, unimaginably beautiful penthouse). These 7 floors provide fundamentally different landscapes or environments for those who spend time in them and are populated by different levels of consciousness at different levels of awareness and being. All 7 are 'vibrationally' different from each other. In some utterly mysterious way it is rumored that Floor 7 contains the unified essence of all that exists in floors 1-6! But that's beyond me!

Floors 1-4 share certain key things in common but as you go up the hard and fast form of it gradually dilutes into a more 'airy', what we might call 'magical' or 'etherial' quality. All the inhabitants of these floors can go to Floor 5 every once in a while for a sauna and a scrub down but they must then return to whatever floor below suits where they are in terms of the purpose of their stay (their consciousness and awareness). Floor 6 is near invisible to these inhabitants until they are fully ready to see it because on their terms it maybe doesn't 'exist' - as they are as yet not ready to inhabit its totally 'ethereal' (pure thought-form) reality. As for level 7... well it is known to exist but no one has met anyone whose been there...

On each corridor of each floor, however, are doors that go through into different rooms and each room is decorated differently albeit on a theme that relates to the nature of the floor one is on. Two rooms can be right next to each other but when you enter they appear to be very different worlds or 'dimensions' and there is no apparent connection to the room right next door (though from time to time, mysteriously, an interlocking door might appear in the walls between them - and this can cause surprises for the guests on either side of this normal divide!) One room might be purple with soft gentle furnishings, another room next door all dark and disturbing with a bed on the ceiling! Yet they are all part of that particular floor and its 'strengths' and 'weaknesses' - its underlying totality of rules - come what may - and they can only in some way reflect and obey these rules of that particular density floor.

Do you see the difference? Yes the rooms appear to be a world unto themselves but they still reside on and abide by the governing limitations and scope of the floor of the hotel they are on. And their occupants know no more about the floors and rooms above than they may know about those below... or even next door (though lets just posit that you only get to move up a floor when you have at some level digested the 'lessons' of the entire floor though not necessarily needing to spend time in that many rooms - maybe no more than one - to do so).

When you have learned the lessons of that floor you are ready to move up to the next - and inhabit whatever room/dimension fits your purpose of being on that floor/density (good to remember that 3rd Density earth is perhaps also just one room or 'dimension' of many, many forms of possibility on the 3rd floor).

I share this overly simplistic analogy/thought picture with you to suggest it might be worth thinking on this for a while because you do appear determined to keep hold of your idea that dimensions and densities are interchangeable and I would suggest that such an approach may only lead you to a number of confusions that perhaps won't serve you in the long term. FWIW.
Session date: April 23, 2022.

Ark: What are densities?

Cs: States of consciousness interacting with information.

L: That means that the state of consciousness interacting with information somehow affects what is "real" to use an imprecise term.

Cs: More or less.

Ark: Consciousness of whom?

Cs: Consciousness that is capable.

Ark: I don't understand, what consciousness, whose consciousness, I don't understand.

Cs: Wave reading consciousness units.

Ark: Where is this wave-reading consciousness? Where is it?

Cs: You are one.

Ark: Does that mean that the densities are totally objective or subjective?

Cs: Both.

Ark: How is it objective, in what sense, how is it objective if it relates to the wave-reading consciousness unit? The wave-reading unit of consciousness is subjective, so how can densities be objective? Physics needs objectivity.

Cs: If the wave-reading unit of consciousness aligns with field consciousness, then perception is more objective than subjective.
Cs: Dimensions are a human construct that we have used since there are no better terms available.
(Cs): And remember: Your consciousness operates on four levels, not just one. Physical body, consciousness, genetic body, and spirit-etheric body.

(L): Are those the four components of human manifestation in third density?

(Cs): Third and fourth. One brings oneself, through physical actions as well as psychic actions, to develop these "problems" when one is preparing to "move up" in level.
Session March 11, 1995

(L): AB wanted us to ask what was the original number of chromosomes possessed by the human being.

(Cs): 135 pairs.

(T): And now we have 23 pairs. So, we lost quite a few chromosomes.

(L): A lot T! Are we going to get them all back?

(Cs): Wait and see.

Very few operational chromosomes indeed. What would a human being with all 135 active pairs look like? I'm sure the connection to the Information Field would be much deeper, obviously. But which part of the field would it resonate with - STO OR STS? or, is the activation of those chromosomes inherently STO by the effort of the work itself? I'm rolling a bit here! :huh:

Well, now I'll keep working because I found more relevant material to share!:wow:

Greetings friends!
Looking for material on Densities to respond to Natus Videre's comment, look what I found! Oh, what a synchronicity!:wow:

It talks about the relationship between the emission of cosmic rays from a supernova and the activation of human DNA strands. And, apparently, they have a preponderant role regarding the transition adjustment to the 4th Density. Well, the Cs said "Maybe." Impressive!

And well, the Cs told Laura to study supernovae and she, so she did. In the article she tells us what they are all about. So we have more to study. :grad:

November 29, 1999

A very interesting article was shared today by a member of our discussion group which may have some bearing on material delivered by the Cassiopaeans in several sessions of the past years. The article was by Marcus Chown From New Scientist, 27 November 1999, and said in part:

THE DOMINANCE of left-handed molecules among the building blocks of life might not be a trick of the light. […]
Researchers in Belgium have found that the structure of two of the amino acids that make up proteins cannot be explained by a rare form of ultraviolet light in the interstellar cloud where Earth was born, as some astronomers had thought. Amino acids come in two mirror-image forms, but life opts almost exclusively for the so-called left-handed form. […]
Last year, astronomers showed that the Orion Molecular Cloud–adjoining the Orion Nebula–contained circularly polarised light that preferentially destroyed right-handed amino acids (New Scientist, 8 August 1998, p11). […]
The electric field of circularly polarised light rotates one of two ways around its direction of motion. Each of the right and left- handed forms of the amino acid molecules absorbs one type of light better than the other. If only one type is present, that light can break down the mirror form that absorbs it more efficiently. Astronomers suggested that this might have happened in the interstellar cloud from which the Earth congealed, having found only one type of circularly polarised light in the Orion Nebula. […]
According to Stephen Mason of King’s College London, […] argues that although some wavelengths preferentially destroy right-handed amino acids, other wavelengths destroy left-handed ones. As the light from stars covers a wide range of wavelengths, Mason says that overall effect on the handedness of amino acids should be zero.
The reason I find this so interesting is because of something the Cassiopaeans said on November 26, 1994. And, the fact that it was said almost exactly 5 years ago to the day of the above quoted article is also, in my mind, interesting! The relevant portion of the transcript is as follows:

Q: (L) The other night we were talking about the “Mark of Cain” and I lost part of the tape. I would like to go back over that a little bit more at this time. What was the true event behind the story of the “Mark of Cain?”
A: Advent of jealousy.
Q: (L) What occurred to allow jealousy to enter into human interaction?
A: Lizard takeover.
Q: (L) Wasn’t the Lizard takeover an event that occurred at the time of the Fall of Eden?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was this story of Cain and Abel part of that takeover?
A: Symbolism of story.
Q: (L) This was symbolic of the Lizzie takeover, the advent of jealousy, and the attitude of brother against brother, is that correct?
A: Partly. The mark of Cain means the “jealousy factor” of change facilitated by Lizard takeover of earth’s vibrational frequency. Knot on spine is physical residue of DNA restriction deliberately added by Lizards. See?
Q: (L) Okay, Jan is going to move her hand up my back and you tell her when to stop at the “knot”.
A: Okay.
[Area indicated just at occipital ridge.]
Q: (L) You mean the spinal structures at the occipital ridge?
A : Yes.
Q: (L) What was the configuration of the spine and skull prior to this addition?
A: Spine had no ridge there. Jealousy emanates from there, you can even feel it.
Q: (L) Do any of these emotions that we have talked about that were generated by DNA breakdown, were any of these related to what Carl Sagan discusses when he talks about the “Reptilian Brain”?
A: In a roundabout way.
Q: (L) Okay, at the time this “Mark of Cain” came about, were there other humans on the planet that did not have this configuration?
A: It was added to all simultaneously.
Q: (L) How did they physically go about performing this act? What was the mechanism of this event, the nuts and bolts of it?
A: DNA core is as yet undiscovered enzyme relating to carbon. Light waves were used to cancel the first ten factors of DNA by burning them off. At that point, a number of physical changes took place including knot at top of spine. Each of these is equally reflected in the ethereal.
Q: (L) What would be the effect of cosmic rays emitted by a supernova that is in some proximity to the earth on the human body?
A: Genetic splice of strand.
Q: (L) How close would a supernova have to be to have this effect?
A: 2000 light years.
Q: (L) So that either of these stars in Orion that are potential supernova prospects could have this effect since they are approximately 1500 light years away?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Are we talking about effects that propagate with the speed of light, or effects that are superluminal and instantaneous?
A: Both, and slower as well.
Q: (L) What would be the effect that would be instantaneous?
A: Lesser.
Q: (A) Now this supernova that is supposed to explode soon, will it be soon in the sense of our SEEING it, that is the arrival of the light from this, or soon in the instantaneous sense?
A: Optically.
Q: (L) So, this supernova must have already occurred?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And where did this supernova take place?
A: No dice, baby!
A: The DNA core is an as yet undiscovered enzyme related to carbon. Light waves were used to cancel the first ten factors of DNA by burning them away. At that time, a series of physical changes occurred, including a knot at the top of the spine. Each of these is equally reflected in the ethereal.
On 11-03-95 the following comment was made:

Q: (L) A__ wanted us to ask what was the original number of chromosomes possessed by the human being?
A: 135 pairs.
Q: (T) And now we have 23 pairs. So, we lost quite a few chromosomes. Will we get them all back?
A: Wait and see.
And, on 11-30-96:
Q: (L) Is there any chance of recovering or restructuring this DNA?
A: It was there, it will be there again.

March 1, 1997
Present: Laura, Frank, Arkadiusz, Terry, Jan and Alice:
Q: (L) Well, we're always on the lookout for it. We don't want to, you know, assume it, but we look for it. Yes, I guess when things don't fit... I want to ask... OK, we've got a whole bunch of DNA, in these funny- looking double strands. And, according to the book, only 2% is actually used, and the other 98% of it is what these 'experts' are pleased to call 'junk.' They call it junk. Now, I would like to know, is there any way to activate this other DNA?

A: Won't it be activated on its own?

Q: (L) 'Won't it be activated on its own'? Will it? (J) I think that's what they've said... I think the question is what it does... what it codes... (J) Ask if there's a way to activate it?

A: 4th density.

Q: (L) On 4th density. OK. You asked one time for me to comment upon the connection of phosphorus to the body, so I discovered that phosphorus plays an important part or role in the DNA, and also the 3-5 code, so, I would like to know if the addition of phosphorus to the diet would enhance some of the DNA to the point where... (T) would activate...

A: Maybe it would "enhance" SHC.

Q: (L) What did it say? SHC? (T) What is SHC?

A: Spontaneous Human Combustion.

Q: (J) OK, well, maybe that's not such a good idea... (L) Well, that would make sense... phosphorus... (J) Yes, it would! {Laughter} (T) If you really want to make a show, take a little magnesium with it! Whoah! (J) Then you'd have a 'Highlander' quickening! (F) I just had this image of Laura deciding she's going to answer 'Not really! I'll have you know, my diet now includes 90% more phosphorus than it did any time previously!' And all of a sudden, flames start shooting out... {laughter} (T) Now that your finger can hold flame, it's a bad time to quit smoking, you know! No lighters anymore! {Laughter} And you'll never be lost in a cave! (F) Between that and Carlos Castanedas snapping back from... it could be dangerous. Experiment not when you don't know what you're doing! (L) OK, no phosphorous.
Oh, the part about the phosphorus is great!!:lol2:

Well, once again, we see the relationship of the cosmic in our innermost recesses. The subtle relationships that exist between "outer" space and "inner" space, are they not the same "space"? :whistle:

As it is very well expressed: "As above so below".
Stella Marys, why, in the post where you used "Cs" instead of "A" for when the Cs answer, did you change the some of the wording that were in the sessions?
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