STS hierarchy


After reading something [like 10 books on ufology], mainly K. Turner, J.Keel, D. Jacobs, B. Hopkins,
I am not sure if I can get 4th density STS hierarchy right, but I might give it a try:

1. Reptilians aka Lizzies (in command)
2. Insectoids (higher executives)
3. Tall whites aka ''doctors'' (executives)
4. regular grays (workers)
5. small grays (abduction-oriented probes / semirobots)

Would this fit a general idea?
Where do hybrids and STS Nordics/humanoids fit in here?
From what I've read (which is less than you), Nordics also have a STS branch as well, which is at least equal to the Lizzie's power, if not greater. OSIT. It's important to keep in mind that physicality is variable in higher realities and the appearance of lizards or insects or Nordics can be screens for other things. There's also the higher 5D STS spirits that feed of 4D energies consider. For what it's worth. :)
I've pondered this before as well. One thing I tried to do was to puzzle through it by looking at our own world...

That is, if we were to try to divide our own human realm into various hierarchical levels based on race, it gets very complicated very quickly.

At which level does one place Blacks, Whites and Asians? Who serves who? Consider a Chinese Canadian working as a bank executive versus a FoxCon slave assembling iPhones. Does a black US army officer outrank an Australian white private? We have accomplished doctors from all races. Is a middle-income cattle rancher more powerful than a silicon valley billionaire? -From the perspective of the cow?

I also remember the C's once told us that the Lizards are kept as pets by members of one of the races. Does that mean they are more sheep dogs than farmers?

In an alien civilization which numbers in the trillions, Earth might not be considered any more important than a Texan cattle ranch supplying next year's McBurgers. Just one of many in a vast empire, characterized by regional differences and worker/managerial staff positions filled based on whatever local race is most convenient.

I suspect that while there are certainly going to be hierarchies, STS being what it is, they are probably not so easy to categorize unless you pull the camera a fair distance out.

From our immediate experience, we're kind of like the cattle trying to keep tabs on which creatures do what to us. Dogs are different from the men with the cowboy hats, who are different from the horses they sometimes ride, and different from the men in the suits visiting from the FDA, who are different from the county veterinarian administering drugs to us, who are different from the truckers who haul us to the rendering plant...
Medulin said:
After reading something [like 10 books on ufology], mainly K. Turner, J.Keel, D. Jacobs, B. Hopkins,
I am not sure if I can get 4th density STS hierarchy right, but I might give it a try:

1. Reptilians aka Lizzies (in command)
2. Insectoids (higher executives)
3. Tall whites aka ''doctors'' (executives)
4. regular grays (workers)
5. small grays (abduction-oriented probes / semirobots)

Would this fit a general idea?
Where do hybrids and STS Nordics/humanoids fit in here?

Hi Medulin, I've read some works by Turner, Keel (my favourite) and Hopkins too. The STS hierarchy seems to me to be very complex and ever changing. I think of it as a massive, rogue corporation with a bunch of back stabbing managers trying to take each other out to get to the top. As Whitecoast mentioned, I too think they are all "screens" of a reality overlay of hyper dimensional STS.

Laura's 1st volume of "Secret History of The World" explores the human ramifications of this hierarchy in more depth than any other work I've found. It's a vast overview with many probable corollaries, but if you can, take the time to dig into it. It does a great job of bringing "home" our own cultures and beliefs from the more alien worlds out our existence may spring from.
Medulin said:
After reading something [like 10 books on ufology], mainly K. Turner, J.Keel, D. Jacobs, B. Hopkins,
I am not sure if I can get 4th density STS hierarchy right, but I might give it a try:

1. Reptilians aka Lizzies (in command)
2. Insectoids (higher executives)
3. Tall whites aka ''doctors'' (executives)
4. regular grays (workers)
5. small grays (abduction-oriented probes / semirobots)

Would this fit a general idea?
Where do hybrids and STS Nordics/humanoids fit in here?
Aren't the Orion STS above the Reptilians? Wouldn't those be the STS Nordics? (Time to reread The Wave)
Mr. Premise said:
Aren't the Orion STS above the Reptilians?

That's correct, at least according to the Cs transcripts:

9/29/95 said:
A: [...] The Reptilians also inhabit 6 planets in the Orion region in 4th density, and are owned by the Orion STS as slaves, and, in some cases, pets!!!
Shijing said:
Mr. Premise said:
Aren't the Orion STS above the Reptilians?

That's correct, at least according to the Cs transcripts:

9/29/95 said:
A: [...] The Reptilians also inhabit 6 planets in the Orion region in 4th density, and are owned by the Orion STS as slaves, and, in some cases, pets!!!

That's what I remembered too. I always took this as the Orion "Nordics" STS was at the apex of the triangle because of a possible longstanding war at the 4D level, which they "won." Dunno where I got that from but in my mind, I assume that the Reptilian group would be plotting against them to gain total dominance over everyone, & everything. Like the human-looking machines that short circuit (OP's - psychopaths) on the BBM in 3D, they'll work toward a common goal. If they step out of line an overlord or two might remove them, or whatever they do, or nature will throw their plans off somewhat. But they'll still screw each other over the first chance they get. And I'm sure each of these creatures wants to be "the one." Which might've slowed down their grand takeover plans, in which case said overlords swoop in for a "regime change" to accelerate the plans before their window of opportunity (cyclical changes) passes. Every time I think of politics (macrosocial evil) I think of 4-D & any kind of wheeling & dealing, backstabbing, conniving, lying & cheating, stealing & killing that could be going on. Which is tricky if an environment is as malleable (awareness of anyway) as that. To be a locked-in full-time long-term member of 4-D STS hierarchy must be the ultimate nightmare/hell. You're trying to "do in" everyone, whilst everyone else is trying to "do you in" at the same time... for aeons(?) :shock:
Shijing said:
Mr. Premise said:
Aren't the Orion STS above the Reptilians?

That's correct, at least according to the Cs transcripts:

9/29/95 said:
A: [...] The Reptilians also inhabit 6 planets in the Orion region in 4th density, and are owned by the Orion STS as slaves, and, in some cases, pets!!!

Thanks! That was the quote I was looking for.
Ascien said:
Shijing said:
Mr. Premise said:
Aren't the Orion STS above the Reptilians?

That's correct, at least according to the Cs transcripts:

9/29/95 said:
A: [...] The Reptilians also inhabit 6 planets in the Orion region in 4th density, and are owned by the Orion STS as slaves, and, in some cases, pets!!!

That's what I remembered too. I always took this as the Orion "Nordics" STS was at the apex of the triangle because of a possible longstanding war at the 4D level, which they "won." Dunno where I got that from but in my mind, I assume that the Reptilian group would be plotting against them to gain total dominance over everyone, & everything. Like the human-looking machines that short circuit (OP's - psychopaths) on the BBM in 3D, they'll work toward a common goal. If they step out of line an overlord or two might remove them, or whatever they do, or nature will throw their plans off somewhat. But they'll still screw each other over the first chance they get. And I'm sure each of these creatures wants to be "the one." Which might've slowed down their grand takeover plans, in which case said overlords swoop in for a "regime change" to accelerate the plans before their window of opportunity (cyclical changes) passes. Every time I think of politics (macrosocial evil) I think of 4-D & any kind of wheeling & dealing, backstabbing, conniving, lying & cheating, stealing & killing that could be going on. Which is tricky if an environment is as malleable (awareness of anyway) as that. To be a locked-in full-time long-term member of 4-D STS hierarchy must be the ultimate nightmare/hell. You're trying to "do in" everyone, whilst everyone else is trying to "do you in" at the same time... for aeons(?) :shock:
There's also the aspect of the Reptilians the Cs mentioned, that their goal is to continue to exist on 4D STS and for that they need massive influxes of energy. So their desire to dominate us in 3D relates to their need for energy to continue to exist in 4D.
C's said:
A: [...] The Reptilians also inhabit 6 planets in the Orion region in 4th density, and are owned by the Orion STS as slaves, and, in some cases, pets!!!

Which means we're not even food for the big bosses, we're just food for their pets...
Maybe remembering this would help with the Dunning-Kruger effect? :)
Mrs. Tigersoap said:
C's said:
A: [...] The Reptilians also inhabit 6 planets in the Orion region in 4th density, and are owned by the Orion STS as slaves, and, in some cases, pets!!!

Which means we're not even food for the big bosses, we're just food for their pets...
Maybe remembering this would help with the Dunning-Kruger effect? :)

Mrs. Tigersoap said:
C's said:
A: [...] The Reptilians also inhabit 6 planets in the Orion region in 4th density, and are owned by the Orion STS as slaves, and, in some cases, pets!!!

Which means we're not even food for the big bosses, we're just food for their pets...
Maybe remembering this would help with the Dunning-Kruger effect? :)

So we are more like chicken feed or sheep feed in the bigger scheme of things. The allegorical tale of the "evil magician" where men were likened to sheep was patronizing us and giving us an upgrade. A sobering thought for our vanity.
There's also the aspect of the Reptilians the Cs mentioned, that their goal is to continue to exist on 4D STS and for that they need massive influxes of energy. So their desire to dominate us in 3D relates to their need for energy to continue to exist in 4D

Cs said something about they plan to revitalize, increase their numbers, increase they power and expand through 4D and said they are dying which is normal when you consider about bit of history and how empires fall - they grow and by growing, that is conquering they get new resources and food that enables them to increase their power, that is armies and in that way their power. If one of their provinces that is supplier of food rebels that has consequences for whole empire and leads to chaos, starvation and death, and Cs said they are dying which could be from bad planning by increasing to much their numbers thanks to wishful thinking or some slave food planets taking their destiny in their hands. And when things go bad they go in pairs, it is a chain reaction in this interconnected universe so when Cs said things here will have big consequences maybe it means it will be tipping point for them so they try very hard here. Everything has it s end, it is nature, although they would like it to be eternal, power is addiction and being so long with a head in a box makes it difficult to get it out, better say near impossible for someone of their constitution. Those on the top of sts pyramid, Orions also lose their power by losing their minions so they have mutual interest to not let that happen, it is a house of cards.

I've pondered this before as well. One thing I tried to do was to puzzle through it by looking at our own world...

That is, if we were to try to divide our own human realm into various hierarchical levels based on race, it gets very complicated very quickly.

At which level does one place Blacks, Whites and Asians? Who serves who? Consider a Chinese Canadian working as a bank executive versus a FoxCon slave assembling iPhones. Does a black US army officer outrank an Australian white private? We have accomplished doctors from all races. Is a middle-income cattle rancher more powerful than a silicon valley billionaire? -From the perspective of the cow?

If Nazism is any example considering 4d sts antarean connection and that they choose them because of their similarities and genes, race has a big deal there, it has and here beyond the surface of some illusion of tolerance for the purpose of control, blacks and most of asians serve white elites looking in that terms, but there the differences are bigger because that 3 races mentioned here are human. Just imagine your repulsiveness to some race looking reptilian and imagine how some 4D orion sts looks at them, and there are no need for masks because all are full sts, that is separation is the key on every possible level and they live for it, it is a base of their existence . Don t you think psychopathic western elite establishment( and psychopaths are kids when it comes to 4d sts) would not like to have situation which was when blacks where total slaves if it could without turning masses against them. There is no such mixing as here in that terms, if not for the purpose of some experimentation, but everybody has it s place in hierarchy as is evident for some materials as in abduction materials where there is reptilian commanding greys or blonds doing that and not vice versa. Some things on this level you can not apply there but other things as it seems are universal laws, shadows of higher realms here. And here when you go up the ladder race separation becomes obvious. And the definition of a slave is wide, everybody is slave that is not at the top, in medieval Europe there were kings and there were vassals, vassals had some privileges and autonomy and were also slaves looking at it hierarchically but not at the same level as serfs.

Humans have a tendency to want to over-simplify complex realities for our own comfort and convenience. I know I do.

This is done for very good reasons. -If we can package big portions of reality into discrete units, it makes navigating life more efficient. When trying to cross the street safely, we don't think, "Blue 1998 Ford, Red Chevy Sedan, Green 2009 Prius and Yellow Honda". We think, "4 cars".

But if we are trying to understand the intricacies of the automotive industry, it's best to recognize that there is greater complexity at work. In fact, going into such a study with unyielding over-simplified structures fixed in mind pretty much makes true understanding impossible, especially when our egos get attached to our cleverly produced lists of "How Things Are".

So for me, I wanted an exercise which would try to challenge my own desire to create simple lists regarding who's on first.

-None of which necessarily means that we can't broadly lump certain observed types together, or that they may not indeed naturally fall into such groupings. But I do find it best to remind myself that groupings are still just conveniences and theories, not fixed laws.

Also, following the "As Above, So Below" maxim, because I see an endless sea of complexity down here 'Below', I think it would be appropriate to expect the same when considering how things work 'Above'.
I remember reading somewhere (could have been on Bringers of the Dawn or some excerpt from the Ra material) that, because of the fact that 4D STS are well, STS, there is all kinds of hierarchies and ranking. Everyone always wants to be on top of the pyramid, so I don't think it's as easy as saying the Nordics own the Lizzies or vice versa. And besides, in my opinion, the higher it gets the less we'll understand.

For some reason I think of it as them all being the same in different time frames, but still interacting with each other. Like a self-battle with your own ego. I guess I get this from the fact that the Lizzies not only use us for farming, but as vessels as well, and supposedly plan to use our(human race) hybridized bodies (which as far as I know are all the nordic type), for themselves once the wave comes.

whitecoast said:
(...)There's also the higher 5D STS spirits that feed of 4D energies consider. For what it's worth. :)
This is new to me. May I ask where I can read about this?
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