Session 6 February 2016

Bruce said:
Thank you for the session. FWIW, a thought came to me while reading about speaking to water. If you quietly spoke to water while using it to clean (shower/bath), could that enhance the cleansing/healing/energetic effect of water as well? Just curious.

I reckon it doesn't hurt to try. After Ark spoke about that experiment with water that was mentioned in the session, I started experimenting a bit with it, in the shower, bath, when washing dishes, when doing cold therapy, etc. I focused on all areas of my body where I know I have issues (nothing huge, but it's there). I repeat some sentences, and ask and thank the water for acting as a cleansing energy, for allowing life, health and strength to flow, etc. I thank the issue for being there as a reminder of blockages and things to work on, but I tell it that water is now going to help us develop new ways to live, or something along those lines. You can make your own "mantra", I suppose. Maybe the combination of intent and sound (saying it out loud) could be important? I don't know.

Well, it might have nothing to do with the water, but I can tell you that some issues have gotten better! I was told I had arthritis starting in the knees, and they had been painful for months. Now, no pain. My blood circulation is improving. Etc. Etc.

There is also an example of a woman who had cancer, mentioned by Dr. Siegel in his book Life, Medicine and Miracles, which I found to be excellent. That woman wanted so badly to live, that she started using this type of mantras in her everyday activities. When washing dishes, she would imagine her immune system washing away her cancerous cells, for example. And she got better. So, the mind and water together might have a very powerful combination. I think that it also allows for some positive reinforcements and new synapses and cleansing, while not denying reality. It's not just saying "peace and love"; it's having the water help manifest certain names of God, while still being aware of the others. Dr Siegel for example also talks about seeing disease as a challenge, something that has a purpose, as a reminder of the need for change. So, instead of denying it, one has to find the root of it while working on manifesting something different thanks to that knowledge.

It doesn't have any side effects, so why not try? :D Maybe in the end, it's about remembering to be more in the present, and to actively work toward improving ourselves as human beings. If water can help with that, all the better. Maybe being a conductor, it picks up on and amplifies the information we decide to focus on and be receptive to, like a better antenna or something like that.
Beau said:
Falling Water said:
A: We once mentioned worldwide simultaneous eruptions. Not just that, but also the cyclic heating within the Earth and release of gases that propel continental drift. When the present period of change terminates, much of your world will be unrecognizable.

Q: (L) YEEHAW! [laughter]

Boy that last sentence is pretty ominous especially when you look at all the volcano’s that have recently become active. I wonder how long the “present period of change” will be? I suppose it could be days, months, years, decades?
Unrecognizable” – Great just when I had a good handle on the geography of the world.

For me the operative word was "terminates", meaning when the present period of change is officially over, the world will be unrecognizable. That could be a reference to the physical nature of the world, or something a little less 3D. Perhaps the unrecognizable nature of the world will only be ominous to those who have become a "dream of the past", those who have not paid attention to reality. For those that have, the world that we live in could be unrecognizable, but perhaps in a good way?

Thank you for the session! :flowers:
I also thought that way, it will be at that time the change kingdoms.

Meeting of March 22, 2014

Q: (L) So it doesn't have to be from overhead explosions. (Perceval) Well, we were thinking it must have been gas. (Andromeda) And electrical activity. (Pierre) It's both. Active plasma due to cometary activity, and the earth opening up. (L) Yeah, how about that gas explosion in New York recently?

A: A prime example: We warned about such things and more to come. The planet on which you dwell is opening up!!!

Q: (Perceval) What about the "five years to go" thing?

A: What do you mean? You is there! Do you not SEE it?

Q: (Perceval) Well, sure, yeah. (Pierre) About Year Zero? (Perceval) So, you were talking it being the beginning of the end.

A: Just as earthquakes can begin with one that then begins an "unzipping" process, so does the changing of realms. In fact, the two have a lot in common.
Ellipse said:
Q: (Joe) Can we talk to the water in our bodies since they're 70% water?

A: It has already been propagandized!
I hope that the answer is an half joke. I can't believe they consciously program the water. :huh:

I think the idea was that the water in our bodies, as part of our bodies, already holds all of the biases and prejudices that we ourselves hold. So talking to it won't change that, but drinking water that has new information in it might!
RflctnOfU said:
Thanks for this session! As others have said, particularly the bit about water.

An experiment I once did with water had interesting results. I decided to cultivate a feeling of gratitude to the water that was nourishing me. I meditated with my bottle of water for about fifteen minutes, gradually creating and strengthening the feeling of gratitude, simultaneously directing this energy into the water. After this process was done I took a sip, and it had a slightly sweet taste to it. To verify this perception, I saved a bit to give to my roommate and asked for him to try it and tell me his impression. He said the same 'it is slightly sweet. What did you add to it?' So I can verify that 'talking' to water changes its properties.

Hmmm. Anyone interested in exploring this further? Perhaps with cultivating different feelings/intent and seeing if different flavors result? Something like 5 different 'positive' states (I would hesitate to drink water infused with disgust or hatred), and comparing results?


I think that's a very worthy experiment! And maybe the idea of spending a little more time with process, rather than just a few seconds of directed thought, is the way to go. Maybe you could start a new topic on this where results could be shared.
Christine said:
Meeting of March 22, 2014

Q: (L) So it doesn't have to be from overhead explosions. (Perceval) Well, we were thinking it must have been gas. (Andromeda) And electrical activity. (Pierre) It's both. Active plasma due to cometary activity, and the earth opening up. (L) Yeah, how about that gas explosion in New York recently?

A: A prime example: We warned about such things and more to come. The planet on which you dwell is opening up!!!

Q: (Perceval) What about the "five years to go" thing?

A: What do you mean? You is there! Do you not SEE it?

Q: (Perceval) Well, sure, yeah. (Pierre) About Year Zero? (Perceval) So, you were talking it being the beginning of the end.

A: Just as earthquakes can begin with one that then begins an "unzipping" process, so does the changing of realms. In fact, the two have a lot in common.

The "5 years to go thing" was said in a June (I think) 2009 session. That meant "year zero" was around that time in 2014. It is interesting that the big event then was the definitive 'break' between Russia and NATO over Ukraine. I think that event ushered in the beginning of a "realm" or reality change. And as the Cs said also, it is a process that occurs in stages, with one event precipitating another. We've certainly seen such a chain of events in the physical world, most notably with the continued fight between Russia and NATO.
'EM gravity'

Amazing.... the mathematical models are so different, almost incompatible so to speak. Does a yone know whether the EM wave equations have been generalised in Riemann Space?

Great session! Many thanks!
Chu said:
Bruce said:
Thank you for the session. FWIW, a thought came to me while reading about speaking to water. If you quietly spoke to water while using it to clean (shower/bath), could that enhance the cleansing/healing/energetic effect of water as well? Just curious.

I reckon it doesn't hurt to try. After Ark spoke about that experiment with water that was mentioned in the session, I started experimenting a bit with it, in the shower, bath, when washing dishes, when doing cold therapy, etc. I focused on all areas of my body where I know I have issues (nothing huge, but it's there). I repeat some sentences, and ask and thank the water for acting as a cleansing energy, for allowing life, health and strength to flow, etc. I thank the issue for being there as a reminder of blockages and things to work on, but I tell it that water is now going to help us develop new ways to live, or something along those lines. You can make your own "mantra", I suppose. Maybe the combination of intent and sound (saying it out loud) could be important? I don't know.

Well, it might have nothing to do with the water, but I can tell you that some issues have gotten better! I was told I had arthritis starting in the knees, and they had been painful for months. Now, no pain. My blood circulation is improving. Etc. Etc.

There is also an example of a woman who had cancer, mentioned by Dr. Siegel in his book Life, Medicine and Miracles, which I found to be excellent. That woman wanted so badly to live, that she started using this type of mantras in her everyday activities. When washing dishes, she would imagine her immune system washing away her cancerous cells, for example. And she got better. So, the mind and water together might have a very powerful combination. I think that it also allows for some positive reinforcements and new synapses and cleansing, while not denying reality. It's not just saying "peace and love"; it's having the water help manifest certain names of God, while still being aware of the others. Dr Siegel for example also talks about seeing disease as a challenge, something that has a purpose, as a reminder of the need for change. So, instead of denying it, one has to find the root of it while working on manifesting something different thanks to that knowledge.

It doesn't have any side effects, so why not try? :D Maybe in the end, it's about remembering to be more in the present, and to actively work toward improving ourselves as human beings. If water can help with that, all the better. Maybe being a conductor, it picks up on and amplifies the information we decide to focus on and be receptive to, like a better antenna or something like that.

Brilliant! Thanks for that!

Thank you for your words of welcome.

I will not even attempt to tell you what they mean to me.

Yes, I am following the Iodine thread. All my life struggled with bowels and starting Iodine and not flushing

on a daily basis causes me concern. Although it may not be optimal I am using MACROGOL , 1 sachet every night,

to see if I can become more regular before I start the IODINE.

Bowels and Guedrieff are my major stumbling blocks at the moment.

Sublime and Ridiculous in same sentence. The standard human dilemma.!!!!!!!

The forecasts for the future in terms of our physical bodies sounds mind numbing, from our souls perspective,

a wonderful cleansing.

A line from a native Irishman's poem. "A TERRIBLE BEAUTY IS BORN"
That was a fascinating session and loved the water and science discussed. Thank you.

(Arky) said:
You see? So the information is somewhere. It's not really important what words you use or what you say exactly. You communicate in some way with the information field that is everywhere.

Thoughts I had were:
  • Would the sound, frequency and resonance of one's voice make any difference on how information is conveyed? Thinking of Budhist chants or singing.
  • When travelling near different bodies of water are there are different places that contain different information or impact on the experience being good or bad
  • if there is a place one feels drawn to return to or visit, is it because of information in that body of water your body senses is important?
  • The origins of the expression, "there's something in the water" often used to describe a deficiency of a particular population.

Not expecting those questions to be answered, just presenting them as illustration of how the session inspired imagination.
Contemplatif_Iskander said:
I didn't understand about :Q: (Galatea) I have a question that'll sound crazy. Is water similar to space?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) I knew it! [laughter]

(Pierre) Similar in what sense?

(L) It's like etheric.

(Galatea) Space is water?

A: Yes

What did Cs means by space is water
Is it space is able to store informations like water or another capacity ?
Somebody have an explaination ?
Thanks a lot

I can't give any explanation. But trying imagine, floating/suspended in the ocean of water, not on the earth (without gravitation), is like be floating or suspended in the cosmic space.

I can imagine water as a condensed vacuum thanks to the gravitation of the earth, gravitation which is connected to the electricity and electromagnetism, by the way.

Distilled water is not a good conductor of electricity, such as vacuum.

But things are changing when we give, for example, a bit of salt to the water, the amount of ions is growing, making the water more conductive electricity.

Similarities exist in the universe. But in the universe we have vacuum instead water, and cosmic dust instead salt(in this case).

Interesting when supernova explode then billions of particles are throwing out to the vacuum/ether. The universe is expanding itself through this process, manifesting itself (who is information in his pure state) thanks to the vacuum which, metaphorically speaking, give cosmic mind to realize himself in physical world. Like C's said "ether is the interface between information and manifestation".

We can also be "creators" while "programming" water. Is it cool?
First, I would like to say that I very much appreciate the sessions and the continual energy put forth by all who share thoughts and experiences.
I just want to share something that happened to me more than 25 yrs ago in New York City. I accompanied a friend, who is Buddhist, to a gathering held by the Dalai Lama. I remember it all being quite fascinating but I didn't really understand all that went on with the ceremonies and such. However, throughout the 3 day process, a group of monks continually chanted over various items of food that people had brought in. In the end, each person was encouraged to take and eat a bit of the food that had been blessed. I chose an apple and some little candies. This part is still really clear in my mind...As I ate and swallowed the apple I could FEEL a very lovely and strong electrical vibration going all the way down my esophagus and into my stomach. The vibration stayed for awhile and was also very pleasant. However, the candy did not have the same effect at all! I have since thought that the apple absorbed the vibration because it was real food. After reading the recent session on water I am wondering if it held the vibration because an apple is almost 85% water! It is exciting to think of the potential healing capabilities of intent, sound and water.

I have for many years used the first Reiki symbol to clear and bless water and food. Could be my imagination, but it always tastes better and more full of life.
(L) Yeah, they may as well be taken and eaten by aliens as being used for organ harvesting and sexploitation.

A: There are similarities due to soul orientation or absence of same.

Q: (L) Absence of soul, you mean?

A: Yes

That`s mean than those poor children are having these experiences because sort of talk they have low vibrations and probably is their karma?? :O And many of them do not have soul? :(

(Joe) But even inside Turkey, they've been infiltrated by these NATO stay-behind networks for a long time. There are people inside the Turkish military and intelligence establishments that are kind of autonomous nodes there. They can basically do what they want out of the oversight of the official government. They would probably be working under the control of NATO and the American-Israeli interests.

(L) And I guess their controllers want just absolute chaos?

A: Yes

So,They are the direct responsible of Russian military airplane shot in Turkey.I am wondering if Putin did not expect such action.He saw Turkey Goverment as a friend.

Arky) So question is first, is it really the case that water is so smart that when you talk to it, you can change its properties?

A: Yes

Q: (Arky) Okay. Now, what is it in the water that makes it so sensitive to intentions that they make the water change its chemical and biological functions?

A: This goes beyond the material properties to the information field that is the fundament of water, a most basic substance in the cosmos with strong creative and receptive qualities.

Q: (Galatea) Water has memory. It's like a library. It has memory.

(L) That's the problem we're trying to get to.

(Galatea) Oh, you're trying to understand why?

(L) Exactly.

(Arky) Is water really VERY, VERY, VERY special in this respect?

A: Yes

That is a wonderful news that`s confirm my feelings about the BEAUTIFUL WATER.In this part of Mother Earth where i live there is a perfect dance between rivers,lakes,cascades and ocean.When i used to walk in any time of season next to shore of river or lake i listen music from then :violin: Some years ago a watched a documentary from Dr.Masaru Emoto,who explains what the Cc`s say.I share the link and let me know your opinions.

Thank you Fleianna from Casiopea,Laura,Andromeda,Galatea and all the Team for the Session :love:And special thanks to Ark for asking about water. :hug2:
Masaru Emotos has me convinced that it's the most important resource on Earth.

Water as an extension of yourself? Your intent through words becoming observable as profound geometric patterns!?

I was shocked for a time that these findings aren't being celebrated as an important technological step forward. Then, I began to suspect that water will play a part in the entropy agenda and it has, Flint MI being a proximate example to me.

Either way, it's nice to see Ark has an interest. This should be interesting!

Thanks for transcribing communications again! (:
Just a summary:

A: This goes beyond the material properties to the information field that is the fundament of water, a most basic substance in the cosmos with strong creative and receptive qualities.
A: Just so! Ether is the interface between information and manifestation.
(Arky) You see? So the information is somewhere. It's not really important what words you use or what you say exactly. You communicate in some way with the information field that is everywhere.

It's really interesting that our intentions/thoughts can alter the manifestation of water and it's properties.

Here are some pictures of water crystals taken after exposure to various influences:

How were these taken?

So the physical structure changed indeed.(Perhaps: Information -> Ether -> Manifestation)

JeanneT said:
I just want to share something that happened to me more than 25 yrs ago in New York City. I accompanied a friend, who is Buddhist, to a gathering held by the Dalai Lama. I remember it all being quite fascinating but I didn't really understand all that went on with the ceremonies and such. However, throughout the 3 day process, a group of monks continually chanted over various items of food that people had brought in. In the end, each person was encouraged to take and eat a bit of the food that had been blessed. I chose an apple and some little candies. This part is still really clear in my mind...As I ate and swallowed the apple I could FEEL a very lovely and strong electrical vibration going all the way down my esophagus and into my stomach. The vibration stayed for awhile and was also very pleasant. However, the candy did not have the same effect at all! I have since thought that the apple absorbed the vibration because it was real food. After reading the recent session on water I am wondering if it held the vibration because an apple is almost 85% water! It is exciting to think of the potential healing capabilities of intent, sound and water.

I have for many years used the first Reiki symbol to clear and bless water and food. Could be my imagination, but it always tastes better and more full of life.

Maybe water content of that apple was something like before chanting and modification intentions:

Then turned to after exposed to chanting:

This is a really interesting topic. Maybe a whole new thread dedicated to water?

Joe said:
RflctnOfU said:
Hmmm. Anyone interested in exploring this further? Perhaps with cultivating different feelings/intent and seeing if different flavors result? Something like 5 different 'positive' states (I would hesitate to drink water infused with disgust or hatred), and comparing results?


I think that's a very worthy experiment! And maybe the idea of spending a little more time with process, rather than just a few seconds of directed thought, is the way to go. Maybe you could start a new topic on this where results could be shared.
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