Session 28 November 2009

I'm still getting the hang of the quotes - so sorry, the above isn't ALL a quote - the bottom question is mine. :rolleyes:
Sonrisa said:
I'm still getting the hang of the quotes - so sorry, the above isn't ALL a quote - the bottom question is mine. :rolleyes:

I cleaned it up for you. :)
Ailén said:
This session was certainly inspiring, specially the part about non anticipation. It's a hard thing to remember and its extent far more difficult to grasp. To do what is in front of us without anticipating is a great challenge. We are used to and programmed to want expect results from what we do, to have the illusion that we are in control. But what if every little contribution to our goals had an effect?

I think a big problem for many people (me included) is to trust that the Universe knows what it's doing, and that we are not here to measure what a "great deed" or a "little deed" is. We do what we can, and we can all do something. What matters is what comes our of it, even if we don't quite perceive it. And this session was a very good motivator to stop and ask ourselves what each one of us can do, without asking for a specific outcome or something in return. OSIT.

Yeah, agree with this. What is needed from us is just to do what we can with all our heart, without definitely expecting something back, and have faith to the universe; to be confident to the universe perfection and justice which gives to each situation what it deserves, osit.

Edit: grammar/clarity.
anart said:
Sonrisa said:
I'm still getting the hang of the quotes - so sorry, the above isn't ALL a quote - the bottom question is mine. :rolleyes:

I cleaned it up for you. :)

We must have been doing it at the same time and I am guessing I was the slower one. :rolleyes:
:O ...

Hm... well, then: anticipation occurs when we feel attached to certain outcome. That attachment involves emotions that they have their origin in our wishful thinking (subjective) as RedFox described ("fearful or paranoid, taking it all personally") and it's not very different different when I said "Don't see the situation as part of you" (Wich is subjective) so you've to see the situation as "It is" (Which is objective) and nothing else, IMO.

Here is when anart's thoughts appears:

anart said:
Anticipation, observation - the mind 'interacts' with reality in a very powerful way, but the type of interaction is dependent on whether the mind is observing and acting objectively, or subjectively (wishful thinking) - and there is a world of difference.

And then this:

RedFox said:
...anticipation seems to involve a desire to control the outcome at some level.

STS nature wants to control. Whisful thinking is STS. In my opinion, when we start to see things subjectively, we're not seeing things as they are... or... we want to see things as we want to be. When we do that, we're actually cancelling out the outcome event. Here is when I lack knowledge to determine WHY does that pattern of thoughts affect reality since in 3º density wishful thinking doesn't affect reality, according to my understanding. Maybe the lesson is not to understand the whole process but understand that "it happens" and we should do something about it. Any thoughts?

Now, when we see all objectively (Or anticipate in that way)... Might it create the opposite result, increasing the likelyhood of happening...? I think that this is only applicable when we don't put emotional attachments, but is there a chance to anticipate without emotional attachments? But this could be a trap, because someone could think this way only for increase the chances of some outcome to occur and that would be their own desires involved, STS.

At this point, I think I'm writing my own thoughts... and I'm complicating this issue.


Marcus-Aurelius said:
Hi Mjolnir,
You can find the Knowledge and Being video transcript in this thread.
Being a non-native English speaker myself, I can rely on a better and/or quicker understanding when reading English than when listening an English native person speaking. :)

Edit: grammar.

Many thanks, yes, that would be a great help for me!!! ;)

Ailén said:
Hi Mjolnir,

Apart from the transcripts, we are making subtitles, both in English and in different languages. So hopefully your mother tongue will also be included. But I think your English is good!

Great!!! I'll be waiting for it! :) In the meantime, I'll be reading the original transcription so I could learn more about this language and try to grasp some ideas and thanks, I'm still learning. :lol:
Bluestar said:
Another question I have regarding heavy metal detoxing is, if one has silver mercury teeth filling in the mouth, can we start heavy metal detoxing or is it all for not until we rid the fillings?

It is preferable to get the mercury fillings removed first. Otherwise the chelation might cause mercury from the fillings to leak into your blood. If you cannot get your fillings removed soon and still want to detox you could have a closer look at MSM combined with some Vitamin C. MSM is a mild chelator and has many other benefits. It has little to no negative side effects.
Great session, thank you all. The part about anticipation was an eye opener.
thanks again.
Thank you for posting this inspiring session.

Mjolnir said:
Now, when we see all objectively (Or anticipate in that way)... Might it create the opposite result, increasing the likelyhood of happening...? I think that this is only applicable when we don't put emotional attachments, but is there a chance to anticipate without emotional attachments? But this could be a trap, because someone could think this way only for increase the chances of some outcome to occur and that would be their own desires involved, STS.

Maybe that positive anticipation is the 'fun' - as C's did mention couple of times - everything is lessons and its fun...
... just a thought
It was very exciting for me to see that the session dealt so much with anticipation, because the night of the 28th I had a (very surreal) dream that I think was about that. (After breathing-meditating).

In the dream, I was inside a house with a few other people. The rooms of the house were constantly being rearranged on their own - beams, windows, walls and fireplaces would shift places and fit in new ways, somehow like a theater scenery changing in between scenes. Outside, huge pink bubbles would appear and put pressure or cover the house. So I had to keep going out with a sword to pinch them, until they formed back again.

As soon as I was coming out of the dream, I understood that the house was myself, which was undergoing inner changes. The pink bubbles were wishful and anticipatory thoughts that would appear know and then, so I had to pop them up with the truth (a sword) - until they would automatically come back after a while. I felt that the message was that all would be well and easier in my life if only I would learn to stop those thoughts.
It is interesting that a few people have dreamed about house being renovated. Smaragde recounted her dream about the same theme here.
Sonrisa said:
November 28 said:
A: The wave is coming, you are teaching people to surf it instead of being dragged under and out to stormy seas.

Q: (L) You once said that the wave was something like "hyperkinetic sensate". And I've often wondered if that means that it's something that massively amplifies whatever is inside an individual? And if that were the case and they were full of a lot of unpleasant, painful, miserable feelings, repressed and suppressed thoughts and so forth, and something that was hyperkinetic sensate amplified all of that, what would it do to that individual? I mean, can you imagine any of us in our worst state of feeling yucky and then having that amplified a bazillion times? If it was bad stuff inside you, you would implode!

A: Soul smashing!

Does this mean that anyone who hasn't cleansed all, or most, of the "unpleasant, painful, miserable feelings, repressed and suppressed thoughts and so forth" from themselves by the time the Wave comes, is going to have their soul smashed? EVERYONE? So, even if someone is on the STO path, but hasn't cleansed enough of that stuff from them, they are going to have their soul smashed?

What I think it might mean is that it's important to be prepared to deal with our inner psychological world by becoming more conscious of those hidden forces and motives which reside in the subconscious. If we deal with this as the Wave approaches by doing the Work, the readings, doing the breathing program consistently and dealing with our psychological “stuff” as the images and feelings of past traumas get released from the body and surfaces into our conscious awareness (which also parallels the physical detox) then it won’t be so much of a surprise when (assuming this to be a very real possibility) the wave of hyperkinetic sensate amplifies these feelings. Since we have already dealt with some of our suppressed emotions/learning how to deal with them, then we’ll be in a much better “able state” to make proper choices to do the right thing and to not go with those entropic forces and emotions that can play us from within and without and take us down if we allow it and which can destroy our spirit.

I think that as a consequence of one single blind moment of passion or fear we can lose permanent contact with our essential selves and our potential individuality which includes the denial of the reality of the higher worlds (of Being) because of this loss of contact.

Carlos Castaneda in his book Tales Of Power talks about the tonal and nagual and possibly this soul smashing is the destruction of the tonal and it’s loss of contact with the nagual. So it may be that “cleaning the tonal” is a kind of psychological/physical detox so it can be in an able state to receive and be absorbed into the nagual. I guess if the tonal is living in lies and delusion then the potential soul can get “smashed” when the possibility of the tonal integrating with the nagual is no longer possible.

Excerpts from Tales Of Power by Carlos Castaneda on the tonal and nagual:

The tonal is everything we know ... and that includes not only us persons but everything in our world. The moment we breathe the first gasp of air we also breathe in the power of the tonal. So, it is proper to say the the tonal of a human being is intimately tied to his birth. ... The tonal begins at birth and ends at death'. '... the tonal makes up the rules by which it apprehends the world. So in a manner of speaking, it creates the world' although it 'doesn't create a thing'. The tonal is an island. There is a personal tonal for every one of us and there is the collective tonal of the times which unites us.

'The nagual is the part of us which we do not deal with at all. The nagual is the part of us for which there is no description - no words, no names, no feelings, no knowledge'. 'The mind, the soul, even god are all items of the tonal. The nagual on the other hand is at the service of the warrior. It can be witnessed but it cannot be talked about'. The nagual is there ... surrounding the island, there where power hovers' (Castaneda 1979 124).

[...]"'Indians are the losers of our time. Their downfall began with the Spaniards and now under the reign of the descendants of the Indians have lost everything. It is not an exaggeration to say Indians have lost their tonal." (Castaneda 1979 138)

'The tonal is very vulnerable. It cannot withstand mistreatment. The white man, from the day he set foot on this land has systematically destroyed not only the Indian tonal of the time, but also the personal tonal of every Indian. One can easily surmise that for the poor average Indian the reign of the while man has been sheer hell. And yet the irony is that for another kind of Indian it has been sheer bliss'.

'Who are you talking about, don Juan? What kind of Indian is that'?

'For the sorcerer the Conquest was the challenge of a lifetime. They were the only ones who were not destroyed by it, but adapted to it and used it to their ultimate advantage. After the tonal of the time and the personal tonal of every Indian was obliterated, the sorcerers found themselves holding on to the only thing left uncontested, the nagual. In other words their tonal took refuge in their nagual. The men of knowledge of today are a product of those conditions'. (Castaneda 1979 139)
On the subject of anticipation, I think it might help to make a schematic of some different concepts:

negative anticipation of positive event: e.g. wishful thinking, when a person anticipates something they want, but by focusing only on the subjective "want", ignore the steps needed to make this future a reality. They constrict their perception of reality and thus constrict reality

negative anticipation of negative event: this would be fear of an event, where that fear constricts perception of reality so that steps aren't taken to prevent a negative future. An example would be maternal impressions. These are where a pregnant woman will see something like a deformed baby and experience a strong fear that their baby will have this deformity, and the baby ends up being born with this very deformity. In this case, the fear seems to MAKE the event happen. The fear constricts the reality to the feared outcome.

positive anticipation of positive event: not really anticipation, but awareness of probabilities without attachment. Things are done for their own sake. Has to do with authenticity. E.g. A "christian" who gives to the poor because they are "supposed to" in order to "go to heaven", and not for any feeling of empathy and assessment of the law of three. The future unfolds naturally.

positive anticipation of negative event: This is detached awareness of negative probabilities. Awareness that they may happen prompts steps to prevent their outcome, if possible, and preparation for if they DO happen.
Thank you AI, for that very clear explanation.
Do I understand correctly that what the C's were warning about is negative anticipation of a positive event? In other words, just because you are on a path of attempting to do 'the work', don't assume you will get the outcome you wish for. Better to just keep doing the work with no expectations. Because it is the work which will determine the actual outcome, and having expectations could interfere with or even prevent the outcome you are working toward.
Thank you Approaching Infinity for the explanation.
I couldnt grasp this 'anticipation concept'.
It gives me a lot of thinking now.
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