Session 23 September 2023

I have mentioned Stonehenge in a couple of posts in this session thread. However, I thought I would add this additional post since I believe it will establish yet another 'hit' for the C's. In the session dated 9 November 1994 the C's mentioned how people have been "zapped" at Stonehenge:​

Q: (L) In many ancient ruins there are found certain symbols which interest me, specifically the coil or spiral which seems to be ubiquitous throughout the world. This is also very similar to one of the Reiki symbols. What is the origin and meaning of this symbol?

A: Energy collector translevel; Stonehenge was one. Stonehenge is a coil. The missing stones form a coil arrangement. People have been "zapped" at Stonehenge.

Used a verb "zapped" (past tense) can mean: (a) to get rid of, destroy, or kill especially with or as if with sudden force; (b) to hit with or as if with a sudden concentrated application of force or energy; (c) to irradiate especially with microwaves.

Definition taken from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The C's choose their words carefully and you will note that they put "zapped" in quotes. By accident I stumbled across a British police report of just such an incident that supposedly occurred at Stonehenge. If true, it show that the C's were entirely justified in using the word zapped in relation to the residual power still found at the ancient ruined monument. Here is a brief account of the report:

Stonehenge Mysterious Disappearance

At least one incident in recent history may support this seemingly crazy theory. In August 1971, a group of hippies apparently disappeared at Stonehenge while trying to tap into the “vibrations” of the site. At around 2 o’clock in the morning, without any warning, lightning bolts suddenly struck and a severe storm was unleashed onto the area. According to the story, a policeman, who happened to be on duty and in the area, recalls seeing a “blue light” coming from the stones – a local farmer also stated he saw this. Screams could be heard from the area. By the time the policeman had made his way to the site, all that remained was the odd tent peg from the reveller’s tents and the damp remains of a campfire.

However, there is an alternative meaning to "zapped" and that is: (a) to propel suddenly or speedily; (b) to transport instantaneously.

Thus, is it possible that the hippies were not instantaneously eviscerated but instead transported inter-dimensionally by the "blue light" that was seen emanating from the stones?
(Approaching Infinity) Who created the two videos allegedly of MH370 showing a plane being encircled by flying metallic orbs and hijacked?

(Joe) And disappeared off the video screen.

(L) Have you seen this video? And what did you think about it?

(Joe) Who knows. It's a kind of grainy, almost like radar, if you know what I mean. It was taken from some kind of not-a-home-camera type thing, so it's kind of black and white, more or less. Plane flying across the sky at a distance, small screen with a plane flying across. Some round orbs appear circling around it, like two or three, and then after 10 or 20 seconds of that happening, it just goes. A flash happens, and then the plane is gone.

(L) Didn't we ask about MH370 before?

(Joe) Not about this video. It's whether or not it's a video of it actually disappearing into where they say it disappeared to, which is into another dimension.

(L) The C's said it disappeared into another dimension.

(Joe) Yes.

(L) And so here's a video that shows that happened, and Approaching Infinity wants to know if that video was authentic.

(Andromeda) Where was it taken from?

(Joe) It just appeared. No one knows. No one knows anything about it.

(L) Was it taken from the ground or from the air?

(Joe) It's hard to tell because there's no foreground. It could be in the air.

(Niall) It was uploaded in 2014 in May by an unknown source.

(Joe) Like a month after.

(L) How come I never saw this?

(Joe) It's on the forum.

(L) Well, why don't people tell me about this stuff? I can't read every thread.

(Joe) I know, but there's so much stuff going around. It's hard to know what's important...

(L) Well I guess the important question there is, are any elements of the video footage genuine?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So does it actually show MH370 disappearing?

A: No

Q: (L) Does it show another plane disappearing the way MH370 was supposed to have?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Was it a commercial airliner? No...

A: Research.

Q: (Joe) Does that mean it's a research plane?

A: No

Q: (L) That means you need to do the research.

(Niall) Was part of the research that the plane was meant to disappear? Was it a Philadelphia type experiment thing in the air?

A: No

Q: (Niall) So how do they know to film the plane and that it would disappear?

A: Cameras are everywhere these days.

Q: (Joe) Can they tell us how many years ago this event happened?

A: The plane in the video disappeared over Lake Michigan.

Q: (Joe) Okay. We can research.

So in this video, UFO investigator Jorge Martin talks about a similar disappearance, but of 2 fighter jets right next to a large triangular shaped UFO somewhere over Sierra Bermeza mountains in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico that occurred on Dec 28, 1988 and was seen by 100+ eyewitnesses (starts at 2:55):

Seems like the large UFO kidnapped the 2 fighter jets? There was a third fighter jet which ended up getting chased by 3 red balls of light that came out of the larger UFO but its fate is unknown.

To me, the description of the 3 balls of light that chase this 3rd fighter jet is similar to that of 3 orbs revolving around the commercial aircraft and perhaps involved in its disappearance.

I couldn’t find any info about a commercial aircraft disappearing over Lake Michigan though.

As an aside, interestingly, the Cabo Rojo area in Puerto Rico is a hotbed of UFO and abduction activity and multiple eye witnesses have seen UFOs/USOs coming out of the Laguna Cartagena, possibly suggesting an underwater UFO base. Could there be a similar UFO base underwater somewhere in Lake Michigan?

So in this video, UFO investigator Jorge Martin talks about a similar disappearance, but of 2 fighter jets right next to a large triangular shaped UFO somewhere over Sierra Bermeza mountains in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico that occurred on Dec 28, 1988 and was seen by 100+ eyewitnesses (starts at 2:55):

Seems like the large UFO kidnapped the 2 fighter jets? There was a third fighter jet which ended up getting chased by 3 red balls of light that came out of the larger UFO but its fate is unknown.

To me, the description of the 3 balls of light that chase this 3rd fighter jet is similar to that of 3 orbs revolving around the commercial aircraft and perhaps involved in its disappearance.

I couldn’t find any info about a commercial aircraft disappearing over Lake Michigan though.

As an aside, interestingly, the Cabo Rojo area in Puerto Rico is a hotbed of UFO and abduction activity and multiple eye witnesses have seen UFOs/USOs coming out of the Laguna Cartagena, possibly suggesting an underwater UFO base. Could there be a similar UFO base underwater somewhere in Lake Michigan?

You are correct about Puerto Rico being a hotbed of UFO activity. Back in the day, I used to read the books of ufologist Timothy Good - see: Timothy Good - Wikipedia

From his 1987 book Above Top Secret: The Worldwide U.F.O. Cover-up, Good was involved in the initial publication of the purported Majestic 12 documents; later, according to skeptic Phil Klass, Good questioned the authenticity of at least some of the documents. In 2007, the CIA cited Above Top Secret as one of the sources contributing to "the idea that CIA has secretly concealed its research into UFOs".

According to the C's he was right to do so:

Session 7 October 1994:

Q: (L) Are the Majestic 12 documents...

A: Semi-factual.

Q: (L) Were they dummied up?

A: Near.

Q: (L) Who did this and why?

A: To leak information and disinformation. Many were involved. ONI [Office of Naval Intelligence] and CIA.

In May 2019, Tom DeLonge of Blink-182 credited Good's books with "opening his eyes" into UFOs, leading to DeLonge's development of To The Stars.

However, I mention Good because his books are chock full of UFO and abduction reports. Some of these reports related to Puerto Rico where the US Navy has important testing facilities. Unfortunately, I do not have the books to hand but I do recall from memory one story from I think the 1960's, which involved US Navy personnel being sighted walking along with what evidently were alien Greys. This link may explain the involvement of the ONI in the Majestic 12 documents (recalling here what has been said recently about the 1954 US treaty with aliens known as the Greada Treaty). In another story I recall, a US civilian who had been investigating UFO sightings on the island was given a warning that he was in grave danger by what seemed to be a 4th density STO Nordic.

Good's books are an absolute mine of information if you have not read them.​
Q: (Joe) So does it actually show MH370 disappearing?

A: No

Q: (L) Does it show another plane disappearing the way MH370 was supposed to have?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Was it a commercial airliner? No...

A: Research.

Q: (Joe) Does that mean it's a research plane?

A: No

Q: (L) That means you need to do the research.

(Niall) Was part of the research that the plane was meant to disappear? Was it a Philadelphia type experiment thing in the air?

A: No

Q: (Niall) So how do they know to film the plane and that it would disappear?

A: Cameras are everywhere these days.

Q: (Joe) Can they tell us how many years ago this event happened?

A: The plane in the video disappeared over Lake Michigan.
i tried to do a bit of research myself, and i couldn't find any recent disappearance of a commercial or a military plane over Lake Michigan.
The only thing i kept getting was Northwest Airlines Flight 2501, which is something much older and wasn't even a jet (btw, it disappeared during a lightning storm, and since the area is known as Lake Michigan Triangle, it might have been due to a spontaneous portal opening).
Guess we won't get anywhere from there.

So I tried looking for anything that went over the Great Lakes, and then found something that led me into places where perhaps i shouldn't go, because it's either so off the track that it's absolutely laughable, or so correct that it's terrifying.
That place is United Airlines Flight 93.
And for those that don't remember, it's the plane that hit the ground on 11th September 2001.

On the footage, the plane is seen turning around, and it's supposed to be over Lake Michigan. As it turns out, Flight 93 was also turning around in a similar manner close to the Great Lakes. Wikipedia shows it turning before reaching the lakes, but it's entirely possible Flight 93 went further and started turning over Lake Michigan. And that's where it "got disappeared".
Someone could say "but that plane crashed! we saw the wreckage! we were given video recordings of the passengers trying to fight the hijackers!". But did it actually happen? Was any of that real?
We were shown things, but given how much of 9 11 was made up, why not make that part up too?

There is one big problem with this theory, though... The plane that crashed was Boeing 757-222, which i think is too thin to be the same plane as the one on the footage. It doesn't fit at all.

And yet, everything else would fit perfectly. The satellite that was looking at the plane, it was checking if everything is going according to The Plan. The camera footage we have, it was a camera on one of the fighter jets sent to intercept the plane (we can even see one fighter jet flying in front of the camera, and i believe that's an F-16 because it looks like it has a singular tail fin).
Also the testimony inconsistencies mentioned by Wikipedia would suddenly start to sense:

Two F-16 fighter pilots from the 121st Fighter Squadron of the D.C. Air National Guard, Marc Sasseville and Heather "Lucky" Penney, were scrambled and ordered to intercept Flight 93. The pilots intended to ram it since they did not have time to arm the jets; this was in the days before armed jets stood ready to take off at a moment's notice to protect the capital's airspace.[152] They never reached Flight 93 and did not learn of its crash until hours afterwards.[153]

A fighter pilot based at Andrews Air Force Base, Billy Hutchison, claimed that while in the air he spotted Flight 93 on his scope and planned to first fire his training rounds into the engine and cockpit, and then ram the airplane with his own jet.[154][155] His account was published in Lynn Spencer's book Touching History. John Farmer, Senior Counsel to the 9/11 commission, pointed out that this would have been impossible, as Hutchison's squadron was not in the air until 10:38, thirty-five minutes after Flight 93 had crashed.[154] When the 9/11 Commission asked Hutchison why he gave this false claim he refused to give an answer and stormed out of the room.[154]

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) stated to the 9/11 Commission that fighters would have intercepted Flight 93 before it reached its target in Washington, D.C., but the commission disagreed, saying that "NORAD did not even know the plane was hijacked until after it had crashed" and concluding that had it not crashed it probably would have arrived in Washington by 10:23.[156][157] The 9/11 Commission Report stated that NEADS fighters pursued Delta Air Lines Flight 1989, a flight thought to be hijacked.[32] The commission found that NORAD and the FAA gave inaccurate testimony.[158]

So, is this plane actually Flight 93?
And IF yes, why did it vanish? Was it part of The Plan? Or were they just screwing around with The Plan simply because they wanted to show that they can?

As you can see, either terrifyingly accurate, or absolutely ridiculous and laughable. 😟
And yet, everything else would fit perfectly. The satellite that was looking at the plane, it was checking if everything is going according to The Plan. The camera footage we have, it was a camera on one of the fighter jets sent to intercept the plane (we can even see one fighter jet flying in front of the camera, and i believe that's an F-16 because it looks like it has a singular tail fin).
Interesting stuff, but one small correction: the object in the video is probably a Predator drone. MQ-1C Gray Eagle Predator
You are correct about Puerto Rico being a hotbed of UFO activity. Back in the day, I used to read the books of ufologist Timothy Good - see: Timothy Good - Wikipedia

From his 1987 book Above Top Secret: The Worldwide U.F.O. Cover-up, Good was involved in the initial publication of the purported Majestic 12 documents; later, according to skeptic Phil Klass, Good questioned the authenticity of at least some of the documents. In 2007, the CIA cited Above Top Secret as one of the sources contributing to "the idea that CIA has secretly concealed its research into UFOs".

According to the C's he was right to do so:

Session 7 October 1994:

Q: (L) Are the Majestic 12 documents...

A: Semi-factual.

Q: (L) Were they dummied up?

A: Near.

Q: (L) Who did this and why?

A: To leak information and disinformation. Many were involved. ONI [Office of Naval Intelligence] and CIA.

In May 2019, Tom DeLonge of Blink-182 credited Good's books with "opening his eyes" into UFOs, leading to DeLonge's development of To The Stars.

However, I mention Good because his books are chock full of UFO and abduction reports. Some of these reports related to Puerto Rico where the US Navy has important testing facilities. Unfortunately, I do not have the books to hand but I do recall from memory one story from I think the 1960's, which involved US Navy personnel being sighted walking along with what evidently were alien Greys. This link may explain the involvement of the ONI in the Majestic 12 documents (recalling here what has been said recently about the 1954 US treaty with aliens known as the Greada Treaty). In another story I recall, a US civilian who had been investigating UFO sightings on the island was given a warning that he was in grave danger by what seemed to be a 4th density STO Nordic.

Good's books are an absolute mine of information if you have not read them.​

Regarding Majestic 12 - Richard Dolan believes its true name is actually Zodiac. There's an intriguing series of 3 articles that were published in the UFO magazine back in May/June, September and December 1998 on a guy called “Sedge Masters” by a pseudonymous author "Greg Halifax" concerning UFO crash/retrieval and reverse engineering program by a group called Zodiac. Richard Dolan, Hal Puthoff and others believe these accounts are only slightly fictionalized versions of a source’s experiences writing up records for the archives at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. May be insightful to get a glimpse into the experiences and motives of the government groups involved that the Cs refer to.

You can read more about it here. The UFO magazine articles on Sedge Masters can be read here. Unfortunately, even though more articles were promised, they were never published.
Les réponses des Cassiopéens peuvent elles être mises en doute ?...
Peuvent elles être faussées ?
Ou sont elles toujours la vérité ?...

Can the answers of the Cassiopaeans be doubted?...
Can they be distorted?
Or are they still the truth?...
I am not sure anyone ever got back to you on your questions. Dealing with your question about distortion first, the simple answer is yes. We know that the participation of certain people during the sessions, particularly the earlier ones, could skew or affect the C's answers through their inbuilt prejudices and fixed beliefs. Frank is an obvious case in point here given his (at the time) hidden STS leanings.

As to whether the Cassiopaeans' answers can be doubted, whether we choose to accept them or not is entirely a matter of our free will, since they don't impose them on us. If you have ever had doubts, then you are in good company since Laura herself has admitted to harbouring doubts. I set out below an extract from the session dated 23 March 2019 to prove the point:
A: You are all on a good way to exploring with faith.

Q: (L) Well, I have to say that for 20 years I always held the C's suspect.

(Artemis) Poor C's!

(L) You think I didn't? I couldn't quite get over that gap where you question whether all we experience is matter-based and we are just a byproduct of the left half of the brain talking to the right half, or whether there truly is something beyond. I mean, I could have psychic experiences, but I could also explain them as something created by my mind. If I hear something or see something, did I not manifest that? Is that not some normal physical law of energy, action at a distance? But it could all be explained by physics...

(Joe) It's the old question of subjectivity vs. objectivity. IS there anything objective?

(Artemis) Well, it's good to be skeptical.

(L) The thing is, all of the research into genetics and cellular biology and all of that stuff...

A: How do you think we feel?!

Q: [laughter] (L) I'm SORRY! I'm sorry, but I'm just made that way.

A: It is actually good. Coming to knowledge that is sure by your own efforts locks it in at the belief center, and thus gives added power. All who seek to graduate to 4th density must seek knowledge. In 4D, eventually it will be your job to engineer lifeforms on new worlds.

Q: (L) Well, from what I've been reading about the engineering of the lifeforms on this world, that gives me the idea that 4th density intelligence and abilities are so...

A: Stupendous is the term.

Q: (Joe) To be fair to them, the Cs said years ago that all the power to change reality is contained in the belief center of the mind.

(L) Yeah. For 20 years, I couldn't BELIEVE in anything!

(Pierre) You wanted to know. It's not mutually exclusive what the Cs said. You can believe AND know. You can believe BECAUSE you know. That's a big step.

I myself don't take everything the C's say as gospel since I like to do my own research (as they have encouraged us to do) or consider other people's objective views before accepting the truth of what the C's have told us. Even today, I don't necessarily accept everything they have told us, since they have admitted that there can always be interference in channelled communications (I think they gave about a 70% accuracy for the Ra channellings for example).

Anyway, I hope this post is of help to you.
Seeing the pictures of these orbs, they were then NOT what I saw a huge swarm of in Cyprus. There were loads of silver, shining, glinting in the sun Discs, ufo shaped disks. They had no other lights we could see. Unless they turn into such colours in the dark?

Also I may be mistaken but I am sure recently there was discussion of the C's saying that Stonehenge was originally built as a spiral?
Seeing the pictures of these orbs, they were then NOT what I saw a huge swarm of in Cyprus. There were loads of silver, shining, glinting in the sun Discs, ufo shaped disks. They had no other lights we could see. Unless they turn into such colours in the dark?

Also I may be mistaken but I am sure recently there was discussion of the C's saying that Stonehenge was originally built as a spiral?
The C's actually said it was built as a coil but then a spiral is, afterall, in the form of a coil:

A: Energy collector translevel; Stonehenge was one. Stonehenge is a coil. The missing stones form a coil arrangement. People have been "zapped" at Stonehenge.
Session 7 October 1994:

Q: (L) Are the Majestic 12 documents...

A: Semi-factual.

Q: (L) Were they dummied up?

A: Near.

Q: (L) Who did this and why?

A: To leak information and disinformation. Many were involved. ONI [Office of Naval Intelligence] and CIA.
There’s a video that shows these supposed agencies (including ONI and CIA) linked to MJ-12.


Obvious caution against believing too much though, could be 100% disinfo. Apparently the aliens are from Zeta Reticuli, have a lifespan of 300-400 years, an IQ > 200 and they like Tibetan music, vegetables and strawberry ice cream! 🤣
Some of these reports related to Puerto Rico where the US Navy has important testing facilities.

Who knows what they have been testing over the years?

It could have been the 'TR-3B' (Astra). According to it went operational in the early 90s.
Since the Puerto Rico event occurred on Dec 28, 1988 it might have been a testing operation.

When triangular UFOs are recorded, it does not necessarily mean they are of extraterrestrial origin, and may also be ultra-sensitive flight apparatus, such as the TR-3B, writes
The C's actually said it was built as a coil but then a spiral is, afterall, in the form of a coil:

A: Energy collector translevel; Stonehenge was one. Stonehenge is a coil. The missing stones form a coil arrangement. People have been "zapped" at Stonehenge.
Yes, Sorry MJF I posted this when i was about 3 pages back. So had not seen your post of the transcript above at the time.
Who knows what they have been testing over the years?

It could have been the 'TR-3B' (Astra). According to it went operational in the early 90s.
Since the Puerto Rico event occurred on Dec 28, 1988 it might have been a testing operation.
The US Navy's presence on Puerto Rico started in 1941 and continued to 2003 when the Navy completely left the area in 2003 - see United States Navy in Vieques, Puerto Rico - Wikipedia. The former Vieques Naval Training Range (VNTR) was located on the eastern half and the former Naval Ammunition Support Detachment (NASD) was located on the western one-third of the island. The US Navy also maintained a naval airbase at the Roosevelt Roads Naval Station on mainland Puerto Rico.

You may be on to something with the TR-3B (Astra) but I have my doubts as to whether it was ever flown out of Puerto Rico. I imagine the TR-3B project came under the auspices of the USAF rather than the US Navy and the individual services tend to jealously guard their own turf. If it was flown out of anywhere, it is likely to have been Area 51 in Nevada. But then who knows.

I tend to think there may have been a secret underwater sea training facility on Puerto Rico, which is where the aliens may have come into the picture. The C's have hinted strongly that the aliens have underwater bases and the three Gypsy commentators of Jessup's book The Case for the UFO also confirmed that the L-Ms (Greys?) have underwater bases in the Atlantic.

One well known UFO researcher, Jorge Martín, certainly believes so. See: Puerto Rico: Biggest Hub For UFOs, Undersea Alien Bases, & Shocking NASA UFO Footage

Puerto Rico: Biggest Hub For UFOs, Undersea Alien Bases, & Shocking NASA UFO Footage​

Jorge Martín is one of the few investigative journalists who spent a whole life studying the UFO phenomenon. He has been investigating the UFO phenomenon and extraterrestrial activities in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean islands for more than 30 years. For years, different anomalies had been spotted in the skies of Puerto Rico including crafts emerging out of clouds. Martín is famous for the alleged UFO sightings in El Yunque Forest during the 1990s.

Back in the 1980s, the residents of Ponce City in Puerto Rico felt disturbance and vibration like someone drilling underground. They even heard loud noises and buzzing sounds for several nights. Being worried about it, they asked local and state authorities to investigate the matter. The locals had done peaceful protest for several nights but unfortunately, the media stopped covering the issue. Subsequently, the noises stopped and the case was forgotten.

This incident triggered Matin to pursue an investigation which later became an interesting case. According to him, the group of islands near Puerto Rico was the hot spot for UFOs and extra-terrestrial activities. He claimed to have discovered mysterious structures (artificially created) at the seafloor, in the south of the city of Ponce, extending to the east of Vieques island in Puerto Rico.


Interestingly, he found submerged tunnels that connect with the continental shelf in the south of the city of Ponce. He wondered if there was an underground facility. Officially, the US navy exited from Roosevelt Roads Naval Station in the town of Ceiba, Puerto Rico in 2000. Anyway, Martín was skeptical about the US military activities in the region. He argued that the mysterious structures he discovered using NOAA images were impossible for humans to build with the current technology. He was confused about who could have built such enormous structures underwater: were they built by ancient civilizations or the secret hiding place built by extra-terrestrials?

It is possible that Puerto Rico may once have part of the Atlantis archipelago and the enormous structures Martin claims to have found could originally have been Atlantean. That does not rule out the Greys repurposing them though. Puerto Rico is also located at one end of the infamous Bermuda Triangle where we know that a huge 5000 ft Atlantean crystal pyramid is buried in the sea bed.

The evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial activities in Puerto Rico was recorded in a camera by astronaut Story Musgrave from outer space during NASA’s mission STS-80 in 1996. The video clip shows a craft, emerging out from nowhere over Puerto Rico with a speed of 680 miles per second, that disappeared into deep space.

Jorge Martin

UFO journalist Jorge Martín from Puerto Rico​

Back in the 1980s, the residents of Ponce City in Puerto Rico felt disturbance and vibration like someone drilling underground. They even heard loud noises and buzzing sounds for several nights. Being worried about it, they asked local and state authorities to investigate the matter. The locals had done peaceful protest for several nights but unfortunately, the media stopped covering the issue. Subsequently, the noises stopped and the case was forgotten.

This incident triggered Matin to pursue an investigation which later became an interesting case. According to him, the group of islands near Puerto Rico was the hot spot for UFOs and extra-terrestrial activities. He claimed to have discovered mysterious structures (artificially created) at the seafloor, in the south of the city of Ponce, extending to the east of Vieques island in Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico map

Puerto Rico ufo sightings

Image from NOAA showing Puerto Rico and other islands of the Caribbean and the continental shelf of the region.​

Interestingly, he found submerged tunnels that connect with the continental shelf in the south of the city of Ponce. He wondered if there was an underground facility. Officially, the US navy exited from Roosevelt Roads Naval Station in the town of Ceiba, Puerto Rico in 2000. Anyway, Martín was sceptical about the US military activities in the region. He argued that the mysterious structures he discovered using NOAA images were impossible for humans to build with the current technology. He was confused about who could have built such enormous structures underwater: were they built by ancient civilizations or the secret hiding place built by extra-terrestrials?

The evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial activities in Puerto Rico was recorded in a camera by astronaut Story Musgrave from outer space during NASA’s mission STS-80 in 1996. The video clip shows a craft, emerging out from nowhere over Puerto Rico with a speed of 680 miles per second, that disappeared into deep space.

NASA ufo

Martín received shocking details from fishermen about the secret undersea canyon and UFO sightings on the island of Vieques. The fisherman named Carlos Ventura said that he believed there was an empty space underwater in a deep submarine canyon south of Vieques. Another fisherman named Alicio Ayala also confirmed the same and claimed to have seen UFOs in that area multiple times.
Many residents of Vieques had often seen the creatures like grey aliens, coming out of the sea and returning back.

I must say I am not convinced about the dead alien corpse part of his tale as it seems too much like the alien corpses supposedly found in Mexico, which were mentioned in this session:
Q: (A Jay) Are the alleged alien mummies that were shown at the recent Mexican Congressional hearing on UAPs actually the mummified corpses of alien beings?

A: No.

For more UFO reports relating to Puerto Rico see:

I think as long as you have any desire to be physical, you are partly STS. If you keep recycling back in to a physical experience, even variable physicality as 4D STO, the physicality part is an STS proportion of your experience. Once you can give up the desire of physicality entirely you no longer need to recycle into a level that has any physicality and you can move on to 6D STO with no physicality at all. Physicality in itself is perse STS. The physical part still has to expire. There is no true immortality in a physical existence.
I don't think that physicality per se is the matter at heart, nor that...
the physicality part is an STS proportion of your experience
Or that necessarily...
Physicality in itself is perse STS.
But rather that it is the relationship you have with it that makes the difference.

According to the C's, the group mind of souls originally chose to experience physicality as a mean to provide:
An increase in relative energy which speeds up the learning process of the soul and all of its one dimensional and two dimensional interactive partners. In other words, flora and fauna, minerals, etc. All experience growth and movement towards reunion at a faster rate on the cycle through this short wave cycle physical/ethereal transfer.
However, it's the 'craving' of it (STS) that binded us to devolution.
October 23, 1994

Q: (L) Did, at any time, the human race live for a long time in an Edenic state, where they were able to use bodies and still have a spiritual connection?
A: Yes. But not long. No addiction takes long to close the circle.
Q: (L) So, mankind was addicted to pleasuring the self?
A: Became quickly.

I find important to remember that Matter is not evil:
But Oz, the distant country, the realms of physical reality – they exist as part of the cyclical nature of the Cosmos and is represented in the many ancient depictions of God as a two-faced being. The word matter is related to mother, and the physical universe is the great womb of the cosmos, or Prime Creator. Into which the sperm or creative consciousness of the Prime Creator is disbursed, and from which can be born the sons of God. Matter is not evil, though from our perspective we may view our experiences here as evil.
Actually, with pun bringing to reflection, physicality may indeed be "the matter at heart", in a round about way.
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