Session 20 June 2009

There is something odd that stood out to me when I read this transcript of the last session. I am easily distracted by so many tendrils of information, so even though I had made a mental note of it ... I promptly forgot and went on to other things.

However, I am currently in the process of reading Jessup's, "The Case for the UFO" and came to Pg 111 where he begins to discuss the evidence related to "the devil's hoofmarks", and he shows a picture that looks somewhat similar to horse-shoes. My little ding-ding-dinger went off!

There are two places in this latest transcript where the C's said something which (so far, by my limited exposure) seems strange. And as if for emphasis, they said it TWICE.

Q: (L) Is there any particular reason you made the announcement about 5 years to go?

A: Just reminding you.

Q: (L) You normally have never been date-specific.

A: This is not "day" specific but close enough for horseshoes.

Q: (Joe) The word would be "eiri", that means rising, or desiring, or wanting. And knowledge is "eolas". (L) Okay, say it together. (Joe) Well, I suppose the short version would be just "eiri eolas".

A: That is close enough to the original name of this practice for horseshoes.

So I am wondering if anyone has given this any thought, or agrees that it may hold another layer of meaning. I notice there has lately been a fair amount of discussion about, "Operation Trojan Horse" also titled "Why UFOs" (I have not yet read) ... but I wonder if this is a related subject?

And if not, what are some other ideas about why they might mention horse-shoes ... both times in the context of describing something that is close enough that you could toss an object and hit it.

Am I reaching here?

Lauranimal said:
Am I reaching here?

Hmmm, well the C's have always had a propensity to use colloquial language. I'm not sure if their is more to the sessions that you quoted. Maybe their is, but it when I think about why the bring up horseshoes, it's just to be light-hearted and maybe nothing more.
Laura said:
A: 5 more years! 2 go! 0 new year!

Preparation for Nephilim arrival, DNA still evolving to 12 strands, and a lot of other things still need 'sorting out' and I am the weakest link here, i still need to 'catch up' in many ways. I consider it a 'blessing' that i have more 'time'.

What about 'Computers becoming Alive' and i cant remember some other things that are supposed to occur.

They did mention the future is never 'fixed' because everything has to be balanced, i think we can clearly 'judge' and 'predict' when the Realm border wave will actually arrive based on the state of the world and the state of ourselves obviously.
altamash said:
Laura said:
A: 5 more years! 2 go! 0 new year!

Preparation for Nephilim arrival, DNA still evolving to 12 strands, and a lot of other things still need 'sorting out' and I am the weakest link here, i still need to 'catch up' in many ways. I consider it a 'blessing' that i have more 'time'.

What about 'Computers becoming Alive' and i cant remember some other things that are supposed to occur.

They did mention the future is never 'fixed' because everything has to be balanced, i think we can clearly 'judge' and 'predict' when the Realm border wave will actually arrive based on the state of the world and the state of ourselves obviously.

Hi altamash,
you mentioned in two topics a time -theme- maybe these two topics are of interest and of help for you

An overwhelming feeling that there isn't enough time....
That feeling of having run out of time?

And as the C's said: "the future is an open book", that counts for you and myself too, in the time that is given to us (how much that ever is), many things can be done.
Try to take a breather when it is getting too much and are you familar with the Eiriu Eolas program?
Gawan said:
Hi altamash,
you mentioned in two topics a time -theme- maybe these two topics are of interest and of help for you

An overwhelming feeling that there isn't enough time....
That feeling of having run out of time?
Thanks i'll check those out.

Gawan said:
And as the C's said: "the future is an open book", that counts for you and myself too, in the time that is given to us (how much that ever is), many things can be done.
Try to take a breather when it is getting too much and are you familar with the Eiriu Eolas program?

yes thanks, im familiar with it, it increases my flu :lol: but i guess its part of the cleansing.
I think that the horseshoes remarks are just colloquial.
Interesting information shared on the session, Thanks.

How Close is '‘Close Enough' ?

it is has been said that close only counts in a game of horseshoes. The reason being that when playing horseshoes you get points for having the shoe closest to the stake even if it isn’t touching.

Session March 6 said:
Q: (L) So, in other words, her mother was trying to get a message to her in such a way as to not violate free will?
A: Close enough for horseshoes!

Session September 14 said:
Q: (L) That wasn't one of my answer selections! Does this mean that the abductions reported by the people that Budd Hopkins worked with, followed by Whitley Strieber, were staged?
A: Close enough for horseshoes.

Session January 9 said:
Discussion on when we thought Rigel went supernova, around 1229, actual distance in light years is disputed however
A: R U playing horseshoes?

Session June 20 said:
Q: (L) Is there any particular reason you made the announcement about 5 years to go?
A: Just reminding you.
Q: (L) You normally have never been date-specific.
A: This is not "day" specific but close enough for horseshoes.
Q: (Joe) A lot of the New Agers are gonna be disappointed in 2012.
Funny how the first time I read this session, when it was first posted, it seemed clear to me, but now it seems 'super-clear' to me, after using the system regularly, since then.

The simplicity of the technique is beautiful and so effective. I've been aware of breathing techniques, probably since I was about 18 (a long testing period). But, this cuts right through and quantizes what I'd picked up, over the years. It's simple, it's focused and it's been effective as a grounding agent, in the toughest of times...clears the fears and gets you in touch with your essence. I guess that there are 100s of statements like this in the Eiriu Eolas discussions. But rereading this session, where it all starts, is an inspiration (and I guess a good respiration, as well). :rolleyes:
Thanks again for all the information. simply amazing. I dont know how i am gonna cover soo many topics and threads here though. I'm kinda kicking myself for not jumping in sooner. i could have had like 4 years under my belt in this forum instead of just touching the surface with the few books of hers (laura) i've read and keeping up on the Sott page. ugh, but no need to stress i guess.
A: 5 more years! 2 go! 0 new year!
Yesterday night, already lying in bed, a sudden thought just emerged in my mind. I saw these three numbers in exactly this order and thought …
Could it be that it means in five years from 2009, that would be 2014, twenty (2 and 0) years have passed by since 1994 – the inception of the experiment? This session was also held on the 20th of June which is roughly a month distant to the 16th of July.
The Cs expression of "horseshoes" in this session keeps pinging my brain cells as well and I can't seem to turn it off. In my eager anticipation of "0 new year" and what that could actually mean, I googled "horseshoe shaped constellations" and came up with Sagittarius. Turns out that there is a Sagittarius galaxy that wraps around our milky way (I don't know these things) and it does look "horseshoes" in the artists rendering: obviously getting to me...stage fright :/
Laura said:
Q: (L) And how would it be modified for the ancient version to be revived?

A: The proper words should be spoken during the breathing. Joe, what is the Irish for life?

Q: (Joe) Eh... Beatha? {Pronounced something like "Bah Hah"}

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) That's it. B-E-A-T-H-A. That may not be the original spelling.

A: Ba in Ha out.

Q: (C) And it's pronounced "baha"? (laughter and discussion of Kriya with "ba-ha" instead of "so-hum")

A: Try it!

I found something that is interesting in relation to the above and 'Bah Hah'. 'Ha' in Hawaiian means 'breath of life'. Reminds me of the book 'The Key' by John Cohane and the hypothesis that a single language may have covered the globe in the distant past. Interesting that Beatha to me is close to breath.
Laura said:
Session Date: June 20Th 2009

Laura, Ark, Don D, Jason, A**, Joe, Allen B, C**, G**, Scottie

A: 5 more years! 2 go! 0 new year!

Q: (L) Is there any particular reason you made the announcement about 5 years to go?

A: Just reminding you.

Q: (L) You normally have never been date-specific.

A: This is not "day" specific but close enough for horseshoes.

Q: (Joe) A lot of the New Agers are gonna be disappointed in 2012.

A: 2012 is a distraction. We have repeatedly talked about the open nature of the future. It is always open until the probabilities begin to collapse, such as now. But macro-collapses take some "time".

Q: (L) So you're saying that there is a macro-collapse that has already begun?

A: Yes

Dear diary i read this from Urban Dictionary

Horseshoes: A person, generally unattractive, who hops from boy to boy in a party setting attempting to come as close as possible to your meat without actually touching it.

So as we already know 2012 was a distraction and the new agers and people who is looking for a "end of days/Apocalypse/revelation/ascension/graduation date".... all of them (myself included) are horseshoes because we are jumping from date to date. (Just see a conspiracy forum for the latest date ). :-[

So the c´s said [2014] "close enough for horseshoes/seekers of the end of the world". And the end is not going to be a BANG!!! but as they have said it is like a labour... a process. :scared:

Laura has written that the world ended as we know it in 2001... as we "measure time..." the labour process/macro-collapse.

So almost five years later of this session we are here, some ready for the birth some not.

What have i learned from this forum, Laura, sott, sessions, experience?

There's not supernatural, there's not magic.... what i don't do for myself nobody is going to do it. By now i should be:

Detoxing my body, soul, mind. :halo:
Practice Éiriú Eolas :rolleyes:
Keto diet :evil:
Networking, researching and learning.
Canning. :huh:

:lol: I'm not ready... but i don't care!!! it's been fun!! I've learned a lot!!! I've been trying to show others...some times i would like to form a guerrilla. :lol:

have to go dear diary

2014... 0 new year we go....
Puma1974 said:
are horseshoes because we are jumping from date to date. (Just see a conspiracy forum for the latest date ). :-[

So the c´s said [2014] "close enough for horseshoes/seekers of the end of the world".

Horseshoes is a game that was, and may still be in some places, played in the U.S. People throw horseshoes at a stake pounded into the groud. You can read about it here.

For scoring, if nobody actually gets a "ringer" (one of the horseshoes actually encircles the stake), then the person whose horseshoe comes the closest to the stake is the winner; hence, close enough for horseshoes (to be a winner).

So in saying:

A: This is not "day" specific but close enough for horseshoes.

To me, it means that the date is close enough to be fairly accurate. It's not date specific, but will be sometime around that date.
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