Session 14 October 2017

Thank you for sharing Mikey. The bit about the NC kitty and Cherie having "hit by a car"-like injuries and the car accident yesterday is eerie. I hope everyone and the critters are okay and will heal quickly from their injuries. I'm glad also you decided to leave early, Scottie. And those are interesting dreams, Wk. What strange events!

Not sure if this is in any way related to chaotic energies or just a strange dream, but on the night of Oct 20th I dreamt I was in an apartment or hotel room with Artemis and a few other people. We were all aware that shooters were about to enter. We were all armed. Artemis then lead me outside the apartment/hotel and we were outside and there were a few others in the streets (armed citizens). The streets were mostly empty and it was dark outside, we all looked at each other kind of shocked. We heard shots from inside of the apartments, all of the shooting took place inside. In my dream, it appeared that Artemis knew that the shootings would mostly take place inside and led me/us to safety outside.

It wasn't much of a nightmare, just a strange one. Could have been an after-effect dream of the Vegas shooting, or just a dream with that theme since I've been reading about the shooting in Las Vegas. So, just a mention.

Ant22 said:
For example, the platforms are usually very crowded around platform entrances and I normally walk relatively close to the platform edge to squeeze past that crowd. I stopped doing that and I suddenly started to look over my shoulder with a very creepy and uneasy feeling.

I also try to be vigilant regarding that, though to a lesser extent and for a longer time. In my case, I look at the boards to know at what time which train comes and only move forward when the 'nose' of the train has passed. In cases where I have to go forward, I always do a quick discrete scan around me to see if there are any loony-type people. Not sure if that helps, but I think just being vigilant about your surroundings can be helpful.

Stay safe all :flowers:
Yesterday a transformer exploded, setting a bridge on fire here in the lower mainland. This caused conjestion on the train. The Queensboro region was still without power last I checked. It actually brought people together last night as no one had the means to cook, so some communities joined up to get some meals cooked.
Oh, I forgot something...

Before I left with the pickup, I noticed the driver's side front tire was low on air. So I checked the tires, and the driver's side front one was 1 bar low, and the passenger side front tire pressure was 1 bar high.

As Pierre noted later, the tires were newish (and they are super-duper tough ones), so overinflation of the one isn't so bad since they're designed for heavily loaded vehicles and such. But underinflation of the other certainly isn't good, and the difference in pressure between the front tires was prolly not a very good thing.

So I fixed it and carried on, but even at that time I felt a bit uneasy and drove like a little old Granny (almost).

So then when it came time to dine or leave, the memory of my unease at the tire situation also resurfaced, and that helped make up my mind.

Just a few more exciting details!
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I had a vivid dream/nightmare last night. I'm trapped outside our house, which is all boarded up, and its surrounds are very overgrown. Everything is dark and foreboding. Getting inside is tricky because there are zombies everywhere! I have to distract them to keep them from noticing me. I eventually find a way of scaling down a wall from where I can access a door. Through that door is warm light, which I know is where the crew, and safety, are. But just as I reach it, a creepy voice says, "Can I help you with something?" I turn around and it's Laura, except it's not; it's an 'anti-Laura', someone with her powerful mind, but evil.

That's about all I remember.
Wow, that’s quite a list of challenging and scary events! :( So sorry you are all having to deal with this. Hope all the critters are recovering.

This may or may not be related, but I am curious whether the new information on Gurdjieff, Collingwood and Raine’s readings to better understand our cosmology and how best to put these ideas into practice will be a factor in giving a quantum leap in the group’s understanding - and is also pushing certain agents to work overtime to ‘derail’ these efforts.

BTW - I have been sleeping fitfully over the past week - don't remember any really scary dreams but I have awakened at least once with my heart racing and stayed awake for several hours after that.

Also - the electric switch to our disposal jammed - I managed to get it unstuck once, the disposal was working but the switch kept jamming and had to be replaced. Never had something like that happen before.

Everyone stay safe and aware!! :hug2:
Hi, Niall.

That person who wanted to help you, in what way did you know it was diabolical, did you feel something special to see that image? This is the most interesting thing to decipher since she offered you help.
Wow that's very scary, take care of each other and stay safe!! I had some similar experiences with my pets:

I think it was on September 18 and if it wasn't, it was close to this date, that my cat Loca went missing. She had learn how to climb up the roof a week or so before the day she went missing, but she didn't know how to get down so I had to help her every time, until one day she did it alone. I thought that maybe, for some reason, she couldn't get down so she kept walking until she finally found an easy way to climb down at some neighbor's house near mine. I was sure she was on my block because she is so little, and she couldn't go so far without being hit by a car or something, or that's what I thought. On September 29 one of my neighbors called me and told me that she found my cat 5 blocks away from my house. Maybe someone took her and my cat escaped, maybe she walked to that place, I don't know. I was feeling so sad because this cat was all the time with me, wherever I was she was with me, I felt like one part of me went missing too, but luckily she was found by my neighbor. She was very skinny and had a small injury.

On September 20, at the same time that my cat went missing, I found outside my house a dead cat on the street, almost at the door of my house. He looked exactly like my cat Byron, so I thought it was him but I wasn't sure because the fur of this cat was a bit darker. I kept analyzing the body to see if it was my cat, but it was very difficult to see any difference apart from the fur and I remembered that one particularity of my cat is a spot on his nose, and this cat had it. The only problem was the fur. The cat didn't have blood, or any visible damage that could determine the cause of his death, I thought that probably some dogs attacked him as there are quite a few in my neighborhood, and maybe the dogs dragged him or something, therefore the cat was dirty and that would explain the reason for the darker fur, but there wasn't blood... Anyway, there was a dead cat and I was 90% sure that it was Byron. On October 6 my mother sent me a picture of my cat eating at my house. I was like: why is she sending me pictures of my dead cat...? And told me she found him 1 block away from my house and took him there. So my cat was alive...

Those weeks for me were awful, first because I had lost two of my cats and second because I felt really guilty for that. When Loca went missing, I remember that the day before I looked at her and thought "what if this is the last time I see her?", I know is very depressing but the idea of her getting lost crossed my mind and I didn't do anything, instead I left her climb the roof again. And unfortunately that was the last memory I had from her, that was literally the last time I saw her until I found her again. And with byron it was a very similar situation, he was (as always) in the roof and I was trying to get him down of there, but he didn't want to and every time I was near him, he would move farther away. So I left him there, and the idea of him getting hit by a car and dying crossed my mind, but I didn't pay attention to it since I have always been afraid of that situation as he has always been a cat who likes to have walks through the neighborhood. And the next day when I went outside my house I found a dead cat almost similar to Byron with the difference that I've already mentioned.
I remembered the situation with Loca and now with Byron, and I thought it was all my fault for not having done anything.

The situation with my two cats was resolved, both of them were alive and with me again. But then another cat, Sabu, went missing, and for me this was the limit, it couldn't be possible that 2 of my cats were lost in almost the same period of time, I was so angry. And I should say that this never happens to me, I'm used to have Byron walking around in the neighborhood but he does come back so I never consider him "lost", but this time I thought he was dead. And with the other two cats, that IS something weird, I never lose a cat, they are in my house all the time. There are only a few who like to climb to the roof but they don't go further away.

I knew Sabu would come back because he's a cat that spends a lot of time up on the roof, so I wasn't too worried. And effectively he came back three days later.

And then one of my cats Miniki gave birth, she was about to be sterilized after this pregnancy. She had 3 beautiful kittens, and two days later I started to smell something inexplicably horrible. The source of the smell was her, what happened was that she didn't give birth to a kitten and was born dead two days later. As a consequence she had an infection, she took antibiotics, but she didn't want to eat, even though I fed her every three hours with water and milk, it wasn't sufficient because she needed real food. Milk, from my experience isn't a good thing for cats, it produce them diarrhea. I gave her her water to keep her hydrated and milk to give her some nutrients, since the only way for her to get them was through liquid. But as I supposed she got diarrhea and this contributed to the dehydration. I continued with the antibiotics, gave her less milk and more water, but she died two days later on October 12.

For me, regarding my pets since September 18 till October 12 it was a whole mess. Now things are quiet and I hope it keeps going like this because all was very draining. Regarding my pets I had never been through something similar to that period of time. So yes, all is being very weird, even people is going crazy, I had problems with a person who suddenly got agressive and started to threat everyone, and I have a friend who is going through the same with another person with a similar situation, we are both devastated because in both cases we are talking about someone we trusted and care for. I wish you all the best to everyone there, and that your situation gets better too!! Lots of hugs, and stay safe and aware!! :hug2:
Good lord guys! That's some pretty hairy events, and the poor critters! :(
I don't know if this would be helpful, but could they have protection crystals on their collars?

Niall - that dream is quite chilling! What it reminds me of is this session:
Laura said:
(Galatea) I've been having memories of things that never happened before, as if I was walking in another reality and then came into a new one. I could have sworn that something happened that didn't happen. I'm wondering if our reality is merging with different realities?

A: Oh indeed! You will achieve so much clarity once the bugs are gone!

Q: (Galatea) It's so weird! It's like I walk into a new reality, and I remember the old, but I'm trying to get used to the new one. But it didn't actually happen. It's creepy!

(Data) Can I ask about the recent crop circle that looked like a half moon with a star? Crescents and a 4-pointed star.

A: Eclipsing realities coming soon!

Q: (L) It just stopped! It's like it's got an awful lot of drag on it. It's like all of a sudden it became very electrical and draggy.

(Galatea) Let's do a circle for energy.

(L) It hardly will do it!

(Galatea) Let's help it... There we go.

(L) Okay.

(Pierre) The crop circle looked a bit like an eclipse.

(Andromeda) How do realities eclipse though?

(Perceval) Crossing over, maybe?

(L) Well, we have a whole session on the subject of eclipsing realities.

(Ark) Okay, I have a question.

(L) Yes?

(Ark) Did we really have as I think a reality split concerning differences in remembering of me seeing this girl who visited recently?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) So in one reality you did, but in one reality you didn't.

(Ark) So, the following question: Was this something unique, or we should expect more reality splits?

A: Expect more! Be aware and alert! Unify or some may be left behind!

Q: (Scottie) So maybe the splitting reality thing might also explain why I remembered the girl’s name as something completely different?

A: Yes

My sleep has been fitful on and off over the last month, and I even have a memory of a dream(?) similar to the eclipsing reality incident Laura describes in The Wave. Of being in bed and seeing spider like shadows (8ft tall) come into my room. I got mad they where there and they left again.

Niall said:
I turn around and it's Laura, except it's not; it's an 'anti-Laura', someone with her powerful mind, but evil.

Last night before bed I was thinking about the Jungian shadow after watching a video with Jordan Peterson in (fixed audio version here _ ). To summarize the main points: he talks about making choices and decisions - of acting against our nature and constructing narratives to cover those actions over. How it is much easier to believe the narrative than to admit you are weak and cowardly. Of how you come to believe the lies you tell yourself. That you become bitter at yourself and your actions. And that this part taken to the extreme becomes the one that is murderous and capable of horrific things.

I thought about this, along with what Laura said about eclipsing realities and those spider creatures:
A: For example, just one example for you to digest. What if the abduction scenario could take place where your soul projection, in what you perceive as the future, can come back and abduct your soul projection in what you perceive as the present?
Q: (L) Oh, dear! Does this happen?
A: This is a question for you to ask yourself and contemplate.

[..]It is my thought that, at this time of eclipsing of realities, a very interesting thing had occurred: the energies of awareness I had been acquiring for almost a year had brought me to a point where the nascent Thought Centers of STO and STS each had an equal possibility of becoming the dominant branch. If the Cassiopaeans were one Thought Center of a different reality, me in the future, so to speak, but a future that was not yet “firm,” it was only a budding branch on the tree, and the abducting critters originated from a different “me in the future,” of another branch. At this moment, the energies were equal, and something tremendous hinged upon my choice. And that choice had consequences relating to my marriage.

I began to understand that our reality is masked as a medium for growth. What we are growing is our Will which, when aligned with a given Thought Center, allows that Thought Center to manifest its Will in our reality to the extent we are in alignment and can be amplified! To be in alignment with the STO Thought Centers results in an increase of spiritual consciousness and a diminishment of the “sleeping” consciousness of matter. To align with the STS Thought Centers, as we are, results in an increase of the sleeping consciousness, or wishful thinking of matter, and a diminishment of spiritual consciousness.

Every situation or dynamic in which we find ourselves demands a response. To not respond is, of course, a choice to accede to the dynamic as it is. This means that the only true response we can give is to be more fully and strongly what we have chosen. Consciously. And only by doing this do we progress to the next level.

So what if the shadow parts of ourselves (the parts that may enjoy watching the world burn because of all the bitterness from being weak and cowardly - that we hide behind narratives) had access to all our cunning, resources and energy? They'd probably become those spider like critters in the future.

That was the working hypothesis I came up with last night before bed.
I figure that was worth mentioning given your dream and the timing of it Niall.
Mikey said:
This morning, we discussed the oddness of the two critters - a cat and a dog - having injuries said to be usually caused by being hit by a car, and then that this oddness was being discussed at almost the same moment that a car ran into the ditch and crashed into the culvert under our driveway. Ark was present for this discussion and then went upstairs. A few minutes later, he came back down and said that, while thinking about the meaning of this event with the metro trains, he was checking a website that updates a list of books written in Russian and then translated. The new "top item" was this book:


Metro trains = Trolleys. We don't know what it means, or if it means anything, but we should be on the lookout!

Interesting, I remember 'the trolley problem' study was briefly brought up on one of the more recent sott radio show's (forget which one it was, still trying to locate it). Pretty sure I was listening to this radio show within the past week.

The topic of trains also reminded me of this ghost story about a train crash I read within the last couple of weeks on sott:

I've had a few intruder type dreams this past week as well. This morning a Jehovah witness was in my dream :shock: Seems like they had a leadership role and were trying to tell me what to do. Pretty vague now.
Laura and the forum in general do you/we view this as a " insert word " point in your/our spiritual/esoteric quest where we can take control or direct or construct a way. We can construct the rest of the ladder to help people up. The C's said that G's psychology is good up to a point. Can we take that point and move forward in another direction with better more objective more 4d STO cosmic mind oriented material...

Personally when reading G's material a lot rang true in me and then there were certain things that didn't make sense. I never tried to force what didn't make sense I just left it alone and here we are finding out the truth kind of what we already knew that he didn't have the whole picture but in knowing what part of the picture is missing we can set a course set a direction paint the rest of the canvas to complete that picture. I view this as one of the best sessions and a special TIMELY session.

The C's could of told us this information in the 90's but wanted us to get to this point where we bring this information out of them and in this session marked October 14th 2017 we have the ultimate truth. What do we do from here what's the next move where do we look for information to move forward because this shows me its TIME for us to move forward its time for us to progress as a collective forum and as individuals the C's know we are ready and I believe a lot of us here are eager for new more objective information a new north star that will enable us to set sail in a more objective information.

For one I know where I am going to start. I am going to start with the Author of the book that pointed out the Barren system try to reconstruct how he came to this conclusion what tools and information did he use to come to this conclusion maybe along his path there is something(s) we can use what were given to us on our path and find a new way or slightly change direction... Cheers laura, C's and everyone an important TIME. I will do my part research the author and report anything that I think might be useful
Niall said:
I had a vivid dream/nightmare last night. I'm trapped outside our house, which is all boarded up, and its surrounds are very overgrown. Everything is dark and foreboding. Getting inside is tricky because there are zombies everywhere! I have to distract them to keep them from noticing me. I eventually find a way of scaling down a wall from where I can access a door. Through that door is warm light, which I know is where the crew, and safety, are. But just as I reach it, a creepy voice says, "Can I help you with something?" I turn around and it's Laura, except it's not; it's an 'anti-Laura', someone with her powerful mind, but evil.

That's about all I remember.

I also had a creepy 'demon dream' on the same night (I believe) where I found myself in a giant house using everything I had to ward off evil forces.

As far as the 'Trolley Problem' there is a thought experiment that goes by that name. From Wikipedia:

The trolley problem is a thought experiment in ethics. The general form of the problem is this:

There is a runaway trolley barreling down the railway tracks. Ahead, on the tracks, there are five people tied up and unable to move. The trolley is headed straight for them. You are standing some distance off in the train yard, next to a lever. If you pull this lever, the trolley will switch to a different set of tracks. However, you notice that there is one person tied up on the side track. You have two options:

Do nothing, and the trolley kills the five people on the main track.

Pull the lever, diverting the trolley onto the side track where it will kill one person.

Which is the most ethical choice?

The modern form of the problem was first introduced by Philippa Foot in 1967,[1] but also extensively analysed by Judith Thomson,[2][3] Frances Kamm,[4] and Peter Unger.[5] However an earlier version, in which the one person to be sacrificed on the track was the switchman's child, was part of a moral questionnaire given to undergraduates at the University of Wisconsin in 1905,[6][7] and the German legal scholar Hans Welzel discussed a similar problem in 1951.

Very creepy. Take care everyone and be extra cautious!
Niall said:
I had a vivid dream/nightmare last night. I'm trapped outside our house, which is all boarded up, and its surrounds are very overgrown. Everything is dark and foreboding. Getting inside is tricky because there are zombies everywhere! I have to distract them to keep them from noticing me. I eventually find a way of scaling down a wall from where I can access a door. Through that door is warm light, which I know is where the crew, and safety, are. But just as I reach it, a creepy voice says, "Can I help you with something?" I turn around and it's Laura, except it's not; it's an 'anti-Laura', someone with her powerful mind, but evil.

That's about all I remember.

I had a dream two and a half month ago which resemble me the one of Niall. Everything was black and only lights of lower power shone in the dark. I started to pass through what seems to be a market of esoteric objects, like an Indian/Morocco one, with incense, plants, aromatic elixirs and luck baths. Women offering oriental things, etc. Next Laura wanted to do/teach us some protection maneuvers, but it was in a ritualistic way, the way precisely is not right, I don't know why there was fire flames everywhere and rooms with fire within. That Laura remember me of malefica, dark dressed, heavy in weight, like a witch that emanates a concentration of the dark energies. You can perceive that this was not a traditional chatty witch, but THE GREAT WITCH, someone to be afraid of. While she do/teach us, the flames seemed to increase and a lot of smoke produced. It was heavy to breath and see through the smoke.
This is all I remember, but the feeling I have when I wake up is that a strong sorcery hovers over us.

On the other hand driving has become a frightening experience in my city and country. I am afraid of ride in a car. Almost every time I did, I get scared for something, pedestrian and drivers don't respect any rule. I avoid to get in a car, but sometimes is not possible,. the police steal blatantly, the streets are full of dangerous holes and men in motorcycle that appears from who know where. Total Chaos...

edit: typos
Menna said:
The C's said that G's psychology is good up to a point. Can we take that point and move forward in another direction with better more objective more 4d STO cosmic mind oriented material...

I think this is what we have been doing already over the last decade: Our Recommended Books list covers a lot of helpful material which Gurdjieff did not talk about because he didn't have access to it: psychology, cognitive and social science, neuroscience, social interaction, etc. Gurdjieff's insights are still valuable, but need to be put in context, applied in a smart way. Today, where all this information is easily available, everyone should take that learning opportunity.

Menna said:
The C's could of told us this information in the 90's but wanted us to get to this point where we bring this information out of them and in this session marked October 14th 2017 we have the ultimate truth.

Well, our method pretty much matches with the scientific method: One can never have the ultimate truth, because it is a continuous discovery process. It is the process that is most important. New data, methods, or insights can change everything, and will change everything.
Hesper said:
As far as the 'Trolley Problem' there is a thought experiment that goes by that name. From Wikipedia:

The trolley problem thought experiment was mentioned on one of the health and wellness shows some weeks ago, though I'm not sure they used that name, but it was exactly that problem. It was pointed out that in this moral dilemma, most people opt for pulling the lever, thus saving the 5 people but killing the one other person. Interestingly, however, if the question is reframed so that you need to push the one person on the tracks to save the 5 people, most will answer they wouldn't do it.

Hesper said:
I also had a creepy 'demon dream' on the same night (I believe) where I found myself in a giant house using everything I had to ward off evil forces.

Fwiw, I slept very badly the last couple of nights, too. Vivid dreams from the last 3 weeks or so include:

- me being shot dead on a stairway

- an evil troll/puppet (like Chucky the murder puppet) running around causing mayhem and killing, then disappears, until I suddenly realize he is after my wife who was not there and I start screaming her name before waking up

- a horrible night right before the Las Vegas shooting; unfortunately, I have forgotten (and didn't record) any dreams
Windmill knight said:
A little more than a week ago I got up one morning to discover that one toilet at the farm had no water. When investigating the issue, I checked the water line for that bathroom in the utility room, and to test it I turned it into 'close' position. At that moment the metal piece cracked and started flushing water in an explosive manner. I hadn't forced it; I just moved the knob with my fingers and it cracked around the solid metal piece (Pierre kept the souvenir). We changed it later that day and the toilet works now, so all is good.


Speaking of water issues, it was around the mid September when there was no water in the house at all. We went to check pump outside to see what the problem was and found the pump running full bore with bladder tank at no pressure. We shut off the pump and restarted it and everything went back to normal. What was really strange about it was where could all the water have gone during the time the pump was running? There is only one pipe coming out the pump into the bladder tank and from there it goes to the house and tees off to an outdoor sink and garden hoses. It was at least 5 or 10 minutes and who knows how long before we noticed there was no water at the faucet and the pump running. One theory we had was that the well might have dried up, but that doesn't explain why the water came back right away after restarting it. It would have needed time to replenish itself. It happened again the next day. Never had that issue before, and haven't had it since then. Very strange.
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