Session 10 December 2016

Pashalis said:
Meager1 said:
[...]It,s just that it is happening on such a massive scale, yet
I don,t think reality has shifted just yet, but it probably will once this polarization, whatever it is, is complete. [...]

Thats probably a good way to look at it. A poleshift might be a good analogy. Usually a pole shift doesn't happen iin one instand. There is a relatively short period in between, where the magnetic fields goes through a messy time, where everything is mixed up until the the poles are stable again.

I tend to really agree with this - and the last few posts - about all the abysmal behaviours we are witnessing. The last year has been a culmination of the worst scenarios across the planet that we could not have imagined. Heated up by the elections, then Obama's last ditch attempts to crazily derail everything, then the horrendous hoardes wishing the worst on Trump and continuing with such fear mongering from such as the Democrats and Soros etc and the despicable lies upon lies! Any 'virtue' out there well and truly trampled into silence.

I am not surprised about people having sleepless nights. Our minds and hearts are being bombarded from all directions now more than ever. All is happening (intentionally?) so fast - the vitriol, emotional attacks, fake news, assassinations, debauchery -you name it - the worst of 'humanity' is now being experienced like the long term stress that causes adrenal fatigue! All this ruminating and wondering what on earth will happen next!

By doing our best to keep abreast with all the madness and emotionally witnessing so much fearful crazy behaviours spiraling everything slowly into 'oblivion' - like the proverbial driver-less train wreck -it is no surprise our thinking has to work overtime - just to query our own sanity in the midst of all this. As peeps are doing here. I know without the rationality we have here - as mentioned above - I would have a nearly impossible task of making head or tails of truth/fake news happening in a country whose elections I have never followed before and being the other side of the world!

We see the contagion of the very pathological characteristics we have thankfully studied (and which I personally have also had up close and personal in my own life to deal with until recently - as I am sure many here have too). So we are fighting this very evil in our heads daily - multiplied by our chosen immersion in this mess in order to do our best to change the status quo is little ways and unravel the lies daily to spread the Truth. So we have been fighting with every cell in our bodies - against the 'evil' - for what appeared to be our very lives! That will take its toll!

We have had to stay awake and vigilant - be attacked daily on social media - and trying to make sense of the sense-less. With very little Truth and 'values' evident atm it is not surprising that we are feeling surrounded by ROTTWEILERS and organic portals irl and online - everywhere.

Keeping grounded and an inner calm/balance necessary in these 'collosseum' fast-paced frightening and mind-blowing, 'inhuman-seeming' events/times, is practically - if not more so, now we witness what we studied, - similar to the VISCERAL SHOCKING TRUTH OF OBJECTIVE REALITY we learned from Laura in the first place! OSIT. And we ARE trying to get out ALIVE - even subconsciously - as we wish to learn/'do' as much as we can - while we can.

Also what is truly scary - is observing the SHADOW - which naturally makes us question our own shadows - and sanity (are we REALLY witnessing this? It is soooo absurd, grotesque, baroque, contradictory, incredulous etc - (which thankfully many have voiced here already - and for the benefit of others).

If we didn't CARE, the continual nagging introjects, as to will he/wont he, assassinations, outcomes, will I have 'time' to be a 4th density 'candidate' (wishful thinking I know, but that 'anticipation' is a sneaky companion), loved ones, etc etc all take its TOLL due to the 'man behind the curtain'.

I have to admit that this whole charade has taken precedence in my life now - to the detriment of many other 'tasks' and 'work'. I hope it is my conscience that is causing this as I 'needed' to feel that 'I did everything I could do' and that this is a very important juncture/timeline, so maybe the Universe/humanity needs 'all hands on deck' now - more than ever? I don't know the bigger picture but the alternatives - I think for all of us - were unthinkable.

The few 'friends' I do socialize rarely with now, are far from what we would deem ideal. It is not for me to change them, however, I have certainly withdrawn more this year and I know this is not the Way either, so without accepting such invitations, I would become that eccentric recluse!! Hiding in my cave with my dog!

:lkj: :hug2:
Meager1 said:
What hurts, and what is most frightening is watching people I truly care care about, applauding police shootings,
Screaming that protesters should be shot, or run down in the streets .etc, watching them being sucked into a place where understanding, compassion, nothing can touch them, there is no getting through and it,s horrorfying to watch, as if some some unseen magnet is sucking them into the worst possible place and they don,t even know it. I don,t know, it,s just a scary thing to watch the world unravel before your eyes like this.

Thanks Meager1 for these words, I can relate... I've been thinking - one thing that seems to be lacking in many people, on the mainstream, liberal left, extreme right and with bone-headed black and white thinkers of all colors, is genuine LOVE for humanity and, related to this, BALANCE.

I mean, you can make fun of the snowflakes and libtards, you can go hard on the establishment, you can harshly express your opinions the way you see reality at the moment etc., you can even wish for comets to finally end this mess, but that's only one part of it. It must also be balanced with a genuine love for humanity - the recognition that there's a lot of good in people as well, that humanity itself is beautiful and full of surprises and expressions of care and love. This also means recognizing that things can go wrong, that people can be led astray, that there are good-hearted people on all sides, in other words: true understanding and empathy. A recognition of a positive way, of the potential in humans to learn and care, sometimes in dramatic and unexpected ways.

Otherwise, before you know it, you hate Trump, you hate blacks, you hate police officers, you hate demonstrators, you hate Muslims... You stop seeing and just follow along, blinded by your fears and hatred. From there, it's only a tiny step to applaud when police officers kill liberals, when Muslims are rounded up, when demonstrators beat up people in the name of 'equality' or when protestors start burning down the white house, as Madonna proposed. There must be balance. And love - for humanity, for reality. OSIT
luc said:
Meager1 said:
What hurts, and what is most frightening is watching people I truly care care about, applauding police shootings,
Screaming that protesters should be shot, or run down in the streets .etc, watching them being sucked into a place where understanding, compassion, nothing can touch them, there is no getting through and it,s horrorfying to watch, as if some some unseen magnet is sucking them into the worst possible place and they don,t even know it. I don,t know, it,s just a scary thing to watch the world unravel before your eyes like this.

Thanks Meager1 for these words, I can relate... I've been thinking - one thing that seems to be lacking in many people, on the mainstream, liberal left, extreme right and with bone-headed black and white thinkers of all colors, is genuine LOVE for humanity and, related to this, BALANCE.

I mean, you can make fun of the snowflakes and libtards, you can go hard on the establishment, you can harshly express your opinions the way you see reality at the moment etc., you can even wish for comets to finally end this mess, but that's only one part of it. It must also be balanced with a genuine love for humanity - the recognition that there's a lot of good in people as well, that humanity itself is beautiful and full of surprises and expressions of care and love. This also means recognizing that things can go wrong, that people can be led astray, that there are good-hearted people on all sides, in other words: true understanding and empathy. A recognition of a positive way, of the potential in humans to learn and care, sometimes in dramatic and unexpected ways.

Otherwise, before you know it, you hate Trump, you hate blacks, you hate police officers, you hate demonstrators, you hate Muslims... You stop seeing and just follow along, blinded by your fears and hatred. From there, it's only a tiny step to applaud when police officers kill liberals, when Muslims are rounded up, when demonstrators beat up people in the name of 'equality' or when protestors start burning down the white house, as Madonna proposed. There must be balance. And love - for humanity, for reality. OSIT

Yeah, it's all scary to see how bat sh*t crazy people can get when not thinking clearly and losing touch with their own humanity. But I think the media frenzy has a lot to do with all this too - especially currently. All the hysterical outbursts are being focused and manipulated in different ways. There's much less in the media spotlight about people acting in empathetic and reasonable ways - given, it could be much less of that kind of humane interactions, but right now it seems only the insanity is being highlighted. If it wasn't for this network and SOTT, it would be really hard to keep our heads straight, I think.
Pashalis said:
Meager1 said:
[...]It,s just that it is happening on such a massive scale, yet
I don,t think reality has shifted just yet, but it probably will once this polarization, whatever it is, is complete. [...]

Thats probably a good way to look at it. A poleshift might be a good analogy. Usually a pole shift doesn't happen iin one instand. There is a relatively short period in between, where the magnetic fields goes through a messy time, where everything is mixed up until the the poles are stable again.
i'm observing the same thing. and poles and turbulences (figuratively) could appear and disappear suddenly in any region.

i think the 'splitting' is what it appears to be locally, but its not something new and might go hand in hand with some 'merging' somewhere else. most people probably thought or still think that governments and presidents are some kind of top of control and decision level. the split behind these top figures is like an event horizont for them. the more people realize that there is no such definite top-level, the more this split might appear from within, in the population causing possible trouble, but the merging is necessary.
also i see a realtion between successful fighting the IS and these upcomming riots in america. also the 9/11 deja vu in iran is like time/space gets mixed up a bit.

all these global events and changes have a wave characteristic from my perspective, but it's probably only a little swash before the real changes.
luc said:
Meager1 said:
What hurts, and what is most frightening is watching people I truly care care about, applauding police shootings,
Screaming that protesters should be shot, or run down in the streets .etc, watching them being sucked into a place where understanding, compassion, nothing can touch them, there is no getting through and it,s horrorfying to watch, as if some some unseen magnet is sucking them into the worst possible place and they don,t even know it. I don,t know, it,s just a scary thing to watch the world unravel before your eyes like this.

Thanks Meager1 for these words, I can relate... I've been thinking - one thing that seems to be lacking in many people, on the mainstream, liberal left, extreme right and with bone-headed black and white thinkers of all colors, is genuine LOVE for humanity and, related to this, BALANCE.

I mean, you can make fun of the snowflakes and libtards, you can go hard on the establishment, you can harshly express your opinions the way you see reality at the moment etc., you can even wish for comets to finally end this mess, but that's only one part of it. It must also be balanced with a genuine love for humanity - the recognition that there's a lot of good in people as well, that humanity itself is beautiful and full of surprises and expressions of care and love. This also means recognizing that things can go wrong, that people can be led astray, that there are good-hearted people on all sides, in other words: true understanding and empathy. A recognition of a positive way, of the potential in humans to learn and care, sometimes in dramatic and unexpected ways.

Otherwise, before you know it, you hate Trump, you hate blacks, you hate police officers, you hate demonstrators, you hate Muslims... You stop seeing and just follow along, blinded by your fears and hatred. From there, it's only a tiny step to applaud when police officers kill liberals, when Muslims are rounded up, when demonstrators beat up people in the name of 'equality' or when protestors start burning down the white house, as Madonna proposed. There must be balance. And love - for humanity, for reality. OSIT

Luc, I'm so impressed by what you wrote here that I would like to copy and paste it to my Facebook page with no links obviously just as 'from a friend on a group I belong to.' I'm asking for permission but it's fine if you don't feel comfortable with that. I will respect your wishes. It may also be against the rules here (not sure) Thanks
genero81 said:
Luc, I'm so impressed by what you wrote here that I would like to copy and paste it to my Facebook page with no links obviously just as 'from a friend on a group I belong to.' I'm asking for permission but it's fine if you don't feel comfortable with that. I will respect your wishes. It may also be against the rules here (not sure) Thanks

Thanks genero81, of course you can share it!
I just created a mini-dialog of excerpts from some of these great posts and put on my FB wall. I've sorta used disguised names to keep the comments separated.
luc said:
genero81 said:
Luc, I'm so impressed by what you wrote here that I would like to copy and paste it to my Facebook page with no links obviously just as 'from a friend on a group I belong to.' I'm asking for permission but it's fine if you don't feel comfortable with that. I will respect your wishes. It may also be against the rules here (not sure) Thanks

Thanks genero81, of course you can share it!

I agree. You conveyed your thoughts very well, Luc. I shared it, too :D
Laura said:
I've been watching, thinking, taking onboard what others are noticing and yeah, I think we just had a "splitting reality" event again. I swear, I've had to review and re-think everything my liberal heart ever held dear after observing where the liberals have actually gone. Doesn't mean I subscribe to everything the conservatives represent either. I find myself agreeing with some things on one side and some things on the other. But MOSTLY, I see that the whole progressive/liberal movement has been totally co-opted and ponerized and I'm trying to see where the seeds of this lay. Was the corruptibility there at the beginning?

Meanwhile, watching and listening to other people: so many of them divide sharply to one ideology or the other with no nuanced thinking at all. It's like some of them are saying "I'm a progressive liberal and since our side has advanced to take the position that pedophilia is okay, it's okay with me, too!" It's like, what the heck? Have you lost your freaking mind? You agitated for years against child abuse of all kinds and now you are advocating it? And they just can't see how covertly everything was changed. The same rhetoric now conceals different contents.

Also, watching this "women's march" has been very revealing. I can hardly articulate my astonishment and revulsion for where liberalism has led these pathetic dupes.

But still, I have liberal values in many respects... original liberal values, not the ponerized version.

So, yeah, I feel like I'm in a totally different reality and I'm just astonished at the people who cannot see the bait and switch game that has been executed here.

A good forum thread and book that deals with some of the issues with 'liberalism' is Dugin's The Fourth Political Theory.

The Fourth Political Theory

All the political systems of the modern age have been the products of three distinct ideologies: the first, and oldest, is liberal democracy; the second is Marxism; and the third is fascism. The latter two have long since failed and passed out of the pages of history, and the first no longer operates as an ideology, but rather as something taken for granted.

The world today finds itself on the brink of a post-political reality - one in which the values of liberalism are so deeply embedded that the average person is not aware that there is an ideology at work around him. As a result, liberalism is threatening to monopolise political discourse and drown the world in a universal sameness, destroying everything that makes the various cultures and peoples unique. According to Alexander Dugin, what is needed to break through this morass is a fourth ideology - one that will sift through the debris of the first three to look for elements that might be useful, but that remains innovative and unique in itself. .
Pashalis said:
Meager1 said:
[...]It,s just that it is happening on such a massive scale, yet
I don,t think reality has shifted just yet, but it probably will once this polarization, whatever it is, is complete. [...]

Thats probably a good way to look at it. A poleshift might be a good analogy. Usually a pole shift doesn't happen iin one instand. There is a relatively short period in between, where the magnetic fields goes through a messy time, where everything is mixed up until the the poles are stable again.

Meager1, thank you for sharing that idea. I never thought to look at the pole shift in any terms other than the magnetic poles of the earth. Regarding what I bolded above, this fits into what I have been observing in friends and colleagues. In the emotional and thinking sense everything seems to be all mixed up and wonky. Mainly it appears to be an example of what G described as thinking with the emotions...a wrong use of centers.

In particular is a sort of cognitive dissonance. Some of them understand corruption in government, and the fact that the media presents the lies of those very corrupt politicians, but when it comes to Trump, they buy into the lies hook line and sinker! They are so agitated by the man's character (as presented by the same lying media), that the understanding of lying and corrupt officals seems to have been obliterated!! I have attempted to be a voice of reason a couple of times, but that just seemed to exacerbate things and cause more upset. I have since shut up and smiled when the topic (inevitably) has arisen...just letting them vent...Which, incidentally, is usually just a parroting of the talking points of the talking heads --- "racist, sexist, misogynist, xenophobe, etc.." Also, the fact that the entire corrupt establishment is against Trump, and the implications of that fact, are completely lost on them.

Laura - Reply #538 said:
I've been watching, thinking, taking onboard what others are noticing and yeah, I think we just had a "splitting reality" event again. I swear, I've had to review and re-think everything my liberal heart ever held dear after observing where the liberals have actually gone. Doesn't mean I subscribe to everything the conservatives represent either. I find myself agreeing with some things on one side and some things on the other. But MOSTLY, I see that the whole progressive/liberal movement has been totally co-opted and ponerized and I'm trying to see where the seeds of this lay. Was the corruptibility there at the beginning?

Meanwhile, watching and listening to other people: so many of them divide sharply to one ideology or the other with no nuanced thinking at all. It's like some of them are saying "I'm a progressive liberal and since our side has advanced to take the position that pedophilia is okay, it's okay with me, too!" It's like, what the heck? Have you lost your freaking mind? You agitated for years against child abuse of all kinds and now you are advocating it? And they just can't see how covertly everything was changed. The same rhetoric now conceals different contents.

Also, watching this "women's march" has been very revealing. I can hardly articulate my astonishment and revulsion for where liberalism has led these pathetic dupes.

But still, I have liberal values in many respects... original liberal values, not the ponerized version.

So, yeah, I feel like I'm in a totally different reality and I'm just astonished at the people who cannot see the bait and switch game that has been executed here.

Yes. I've been thinking along similar lines. Like you, and possibly many members of this Forum, I've considered myself Liberal Left and certainly Progressive. On certain issues, I even considered myself outright 'Radical Left'. Starting with those Jordan Peterson videos which you (Laura) posted, and then this amazing meltdown of the Left after Hillary lost and Trump won the 2016 election has been a shocking awakening for me. I, too, am examining the great possibility that I've been duped by this philosophy. Was it always this way? Did it change somewhere along the time line? Was I just unaware of the basic tenets of Leftist rhetoric? So many questions I am now asking myself. So, in that regard, this entire SJW (Social Justice Warrior) manifestation has been a loud alarm going off for me.

Like you, I think the Left has been ponerized to such an extent it doesn't even resemble what I thought it originally meant. But, according to Jordan Peterson's research, it's always been this way? Well, I have my own questions about Professor Peterson's points of view - which I think are just as biased and intransigent as most other thinkers and ideologues. I don't see that he's any more open minded about entertaining the possibility of there being any positive elements in other POV's. He strikes me as open for debating various POV's, but only because he believes his arguments are so solid they can't be reasonably trounced. Personally, I think he's as entrenched in his own POV's as the people he opposes. But, that's not pertinent to this particular thread.

And, like others here, I too have family members & friends who are dismayed over Trump's win. We've been exchanging more e-mails this past few weeks than in any one entire year. But I can see by their statements, that they are resolutely aligned with entrenching and doubling down in their views, so I am not arguing or debating or countering them so much as thanking them for being willing to discuss and exchange information with me in order to fill in the picture so I can more accurately assess the facts of this situation. I'm basically telling them that they are providing a very valuable service to me by helping me see more clearly what's what and that I very much appreciate them being willing to spend the time and energy to send me all this info. It's sort of interesting that these are all the same people who have previously said they do NOT want to pay any attention to the outer world and especially to politics. What I'm observing is that this election has electrified all of them into becoming more politically engaged than any previous occurrence in the past many many years.

I did send them Bernhard Guenther's post which someone here posted in the Trump thread. Here's what I wrote:

Aloha. Don’t know if you’re interested in reading this particular point of view I've included below, but just in case you are, here’s an article I found interesting based on a Jungian Psychological observation.

It’s by Bernhard Guenther who writes a Blog called Piercing the Veil of Reality. Anyway, I thought it was an interesting view about the political polarization occurring in America. It’s specifically addressed to Hillary supporters I think. Maybe, reading it could help us all re-assess our projections of our own shadow sides onto Trump & his supporters. The 'shadow' represents who we 'imagine' Trump and his supporters to be. I've been noticing that many people seem to be tossing Trump (& his supporters) into a very small box labeled misogynists, racists, sexists, etc. Maybe we need to look at our own projections? Maybe this could help us see ourselves more realistically and objectively? Has the Liberal Left taken the stance that we are the good & pure & enlightened and everyone who does not espouse our particular brand of politics must, by inference, be inferior troglodytes?

The following article has motivated me to more closely examine my own personal projections onto Hillary's supporters as well. Obviously, this projection and shadow stuff would apply to all sides of any polarized dichotomy. Bernhard is writing for a group of people with whom I think he mostly identifies himself. As have I too. To wit: leftist, liberal, & progressive. I probably still mostly align with those ideas. But I’m seeing that I need to also expand my narrow little world viewpoint to also include others who do not think as I do. Scary as it might be for me to admit, maybe I too have to include the great unwashed masses (LOLOL) and those I consider the Homer Simpsons and Archie Bunkers . . . the so-called ‘deplorables’. And I also need to look at my own assignment of Hillary’s supporters as the ‘contemptibles’ as well. Difficult for me to do I assure you. If I maintain my 'being-right-&-making-others-wrong' stance, I’ll just be opposing people only because I don’t see eye-to-eye or agree with their concerns or viewpoints or understand their mindsets.

Well, that’s my current assessment of myself at the moment.

Interested in your thoughts about this.

I also thanked everyone for being willing to engage in discussions & exchange information with me about news items I'm unaware of because I wish to avoid getting trapped in the confirmation bias syndrome and I want to learn about ALL that's happening, not just whatever might confirm my present points of view. That basically I'm taking a wait & see approach and attempting to factor in all the data in order to more accurately assess the situation.

Getting back to Laura's post, I'm making determined efforts to refrain from falling into one or another political camp & not get caught up in rooting for any particular team to the point of forgetting that neither of these teams is playing on the STO team.

What I'm wondering is this. When the C's refer to 'revealing-the-man-behind-the-curtain', could they be referring to the purveyors of Liberal Left Idealogy (I almost wrote Idiology!! :)?

I'm leaning towards the idea that The Man who is going to be revealed will be some sort of previously unknown, unsuspected Puppet Master.

Ordinarily, I've always thought of The Man as representing Right-Wing-Authoritarianism as described by Robert Altemyer. However, he also describes 'Right-Wing' as either left or right political views as right-wing authoritarianism - depending on which wing is established as the reigning power of any nation. So either right or left wing can be described as Right Wing Authoritarianism.

With the C's penchant for double entendres and clues within clues, what if they also mean The Man as Left-Wing Liberals?

I don't think that's exclusively what the C's might be referring to, but it does seem as if some of us have pulled aside the curtain and seen that the Wizard of Oz has been pronouncing his edicts in the guise of Liberal Left policies - which, as in the Emerald City of Oz - where everyone wears green-lensed glasses in order that all appears to be constructed of real emeralds - seem to be for the benefit of all residents - to be all-inclusive and include every diverse and even outrageous possible lifestyle under the Emerald Umbrella of Liberality?

The point being that the Emerald City is not made of eye-blinding emeralds at all. What makes the city seem to be built of emeralds are the green lenses that everyone is required to wear. I'm wondering if those 'green' lenses are a symbol for Liberal Left idealogy and that we've been required to wear those lenses in order to see that philosophy as beautiful, wonderful, & enlightening? Now that we've taken off the green lenses, we see that the Emerald City is just grey concrete. Ouch! Sort of the opposite of that movie, "They Live", where putting ON the glasses enabled the seer to SEE what had previously been obscured or invisible.

I was also thinking about how Fox News has used "Fair And Balanced" as their slogan. I always considered their news to be slanted towards the Conservative Right and not fair and balanced at all. Now that I'm seeing that most other mainstream news media are actually slanted towards the Left of the political spectrum, maybe what Fox meant by fair and balanced is that their own news views were taking the position of Conservative Right news in order to balance out all the other Liberal Left news media and not that Fox would present both Left & Right viewpoints in their own newscasts?

What's apparent to me is that neither left nor right is capable of taking a balanced view vis-a-vis Russia, Iran, China, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, etc., et al. They all seem to have the same viewpoints about who are the enemies of the USA. And on those points, as far as I'm concerned, they're all clappers.

Anyway, just some thoughts.
When I see this extremism on both sides today I am reminded of history.

Malcolm X was allowed to be an extremist, when he was associated with the black panthers, etc.
When he left that extremism and started saying it was "US" (people) vs "THEM" (oligarchy/etc) they assassinated him.

Martin Luther King was assassinated when he started to get involved in workers rights, white or black. He got killed as he was planning to support the sanitation workers.

I'm reminded of an economics professor, Richard Wolff, who does a great show Fridays 9am on WBAI 99.5 NYC FM radio called economic update.
I'm paraphrasing here:
What good is democracy, when we don't have democracy in the workplace and the economy.

I see that the extremists only have power when there is a bad economic and social disparity, which is a feedback loop from a stupid dog eat dog type of economy.
Because there is a shortage of decent paying jobs, people are always thinking about survival and how to be chosen over others. You would say this is survival of the fittest, but it is artificially induced, by the powerful bankers who don't actually create or DO anything.

Richard Wolff made an analogy on how this bad job market changes the mentality of people:
You have 100 dogs and 200 bones you bury on a big piece of land. The dogs go out and look for bones. Some dogs get more than 1 bone, some 1 bone, a few find no bones. Those who got no bones should get taught how to find bones better.

But nowadays, its 100 dogs and only 50 bones. A few dogs get more than 1 bone, some get 1 bone, and many get no bones. Our system says, those dogs need more training! But it's not solving the problem and will just make the dogs fight over bones, like we do over jobs- jealousy, infighting, etc.

And I see the same problem when it comes to social justice, investing, and other critical things that we as a society need to live. Keep the game difficulty up, give a lot of failure and you get frustration because of the guaranteed high level of "inhuman" competition for small pools of resources.

Frustration is very interesting and forments violence.
I saw a show "your brain on video games" a month ago.
They found that violent games don't make the gamers have violent/stressful readings in testing.
But one game did, a tetris game that was rigged to make you always get the wrong pieces at the halfway point, making it VERY HARD to finish the stage. This came as frustration, even when the players didn't realize the game was rigged.

So, make people lose, get frustrated, and then you have them running on fight or flight mode spurred by competition and they can and will come up with crazy libtard or tea party right winger narratives to blame a group for the unfairness of the game. We're the frog in the pot of water, not noticing that it's almost at a rolling boil. Those of us who see the game is rigged are labeled as complainers and lumped in with a left or right extreme, despite seeing that both sides had some valid points.

And two small examples: Speaking to an old friend how Trump is not hitler and vaccines may be problematic, he lumped me in with the right wingers. Another friend lumped me in with the left wingers when I mentioned the dangers of Trump attacking labor unions and promoting this deregulation.

Sheesh, why can't we just see the cigar for what it is, a cigar? Why do we need to categorize eachother? Is it to cover up that the water around us is boiling? Is this the slow boil of soul smashing???
Great examples Divide By Zero! Thanks for sharing...

DBZ said:
And two small examples: Speaking to an old friend how Trump is not hitler and vaccines may be problematic, he lumped me in with the right wingers. Another friend lumped me in with the left wingers when I mentioned the dangers of Trump attacking labor unions and promoting this deregulation.

Sheesh, why can't we just see the cigar for what it is, a cigar? Why do we need to categorize eachother? Is it to cover up that the water around us is boiling? Is this the slow boil of soul smashing???

Seriously! This election cycle and recent events have really illustrated for me how crystallized most people are around their political ideology/tribe. If they think you are in "their tribe" and you ask questions that challenge their beliefs they can get so angry!
...the stuff popping up on Facebook is crushing my soul atm. :'( Not necessarily the posts themselves but what they hint of/for the future.
Another possibility is that 4D STS is using some sort of mind control offensive on people. It seems to be pretty wide spread, this unhinged behavior. But it seems to be affecting only certain people. Others who are grounded in reality using knowledge and correct information don't seem to be affected.

I am thinking about the ones who are not affected. I suppose to 4D STS that could be equivalent to people getting out of control.
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