satanism: a brief analysis


Dagobah Resident
(sorry if this post is in the wrong category)

so i already searched the forum to see if it has any info about anton lavey (started church of satan in 1966) and it turned up a few things...very interesting how lavey is connected to illuminati, it is now pretty clear to me WHY anton lavey wrote the satanic bible...pure disinformation to make satanism more "acceptable." although i didn't read the satanic bible cover to cover, the nine satanic statements make it pretty clear that satanism is wholly STS.

<snipped quotes>

I suppose the main reason i am posting this is because, at one time, during my atheism days
(pretty short lived, believe me) i was reading the satanic bible, and found that at the time i was
agreeing with what alot of it said. looking back on that point in "time", it honestly freaks me out
to think about what kind of person i would be today if i never stumbled across laura and the C's!
stuff like that could've led me to doing some weird shiznaz, who knows, maybe i would've gotten
myself killed practicing rituals.

but also i am posting this as an exercise of my own discernment, to show you all i learned something
today! so feel free to make any comments, corrections, and what have you. (after doing all this
i feel slightly dissassociated with the word "satan") :)
Thanks for this topic. Got me to thinking and I'd like to comment. Forgive me for possibly going off course, but I think that satanic bible could be, or is?, a useful tool used to further STS goals. I have never read the satanic bible. Thanks for even bringing that up. Interesting to say the least... Methinks you've made an extremely important connection when you said:

A slave that believes he is free.

Yep, perhaps that is a important state needed within humankind to create a downward spiral, eventually reverting back to primal matter. Ending up just to get sucked into a black hole, the ultimate matter of nothingness, the extreme opposite reflection of progression and growth, inward not outward, so to say?

And back to good ole Satan... My current theory is mankind incarnate is Satan. Perhaps it's mostly about the individual physical sensate. To "feel" pleasure and/or pain, and emotions. perhaps in a way only found in a 3D environment. Also, I wonder about the so-called veil of forgetfullness. Is this veil indeed part of a "normal" 3D lesson plan, or is this again something the "bad" dudes & dudettes have done to humanity here on this big blue marble. Evidently here (3D), most cannot read others thoughts nor intentions. An individual is like a solitary island, alone to maximize the selfserving concept of me, I, my, mine, with intense self gratification, etc...

Your post also brought soul smashing to my mind. That smashing thing still blows me away. But thinking about soul smashing it actually made me say, "That Figures". If what we "talk" about here on this forum holds any truth, and those bade dudes who run this energy farm may well indeed be attempting to multiply their numbers by dragging as many of "us" down into a black hole as possible. I for one don't wanna go there, I think... hope??? That big "I" within me? Down which path does "it" really wanna take "me", I just dunno... And I'll KEEP ASKING...
:cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
I always thought that Satanism attracted more rock'n roll soul inclined people ;)

Lavey did a pretty good job to fill the gap where people who would not be lured into the hippie trap might aim toward "something else".
The time where the church of satan was created is also quite important osit.
The control matrix has every base covered.
At first, his books and ideas are very attractive at first to pariahs, rebel full of teenage angst and thrill seekers... osit.
More sinister and power hungry characters fit right away in this "anti-religion".
It is all about getting revenge and take back your power by force if necessary upon a society that would not let you be but what it offers under his seductive liberating rules, is in fact more enslavment to the STS hierarchy.

Still it's not that much different in the end from your usual new age group with their charismatic (or creepy) leader and tools to wishful think your life, , except that the satanist will gladly slap the cheek that the new agers offers.
Two side of the same STS coin that will play the devil's tune in a hellish jukebox.

My two cents.
What really baked my noodle was that it's more evidence that our 4D "friends" are some clever individuals, as they seem to have a way to deal with everyone and everything.
I think it's more proof that we ARE in a control system because if i try to picture in my mind all the different things happenning all over the world at the same time, it becomes

So the genre of disinfo/control seems like it is individually customized to suit their "needs", you can worship satan, meditate on rainbows, get saved by christ, i can just imagine if there were TV commercials for such a thing, what would that be like???

"Are YOU tired of paying tithes? are YOU tired of abstaining from drugs? Are YOU looking for something different? Well, then ya'll come on down to the church of satan! become a member for a one-time fee of 200 dollars!" (so, LOL, this next bit would be the next "commercial")

"This is a public service announcement from your local metaphysical orginization: please don't think about anything besides rainbows and sunshine, you are screwing up the planet with your negative thoughts, which don't exist, so don't have them."

i realize that the above is a bit of a weird way to describe it, but that's kind of how it is, if you think about it.
abstract said:
... I think it's more proof that we ARE in a control system because if i try to picture in my mind all the different things happenning all over the world at the same time, it becomes

My experience is with/after time continues, with more studies and observation, more experience gathered, seems what is going on here is a mere pittance of the overall "big" picture. My sense of amusement fails sometimes, but the sense of amazement never leaves.
:cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
There is something on my mind here that I am not sure how to word, don't even really know if there is anything too it, so just will chuck it out there.

Recently I went on a foray into the alternative and disinformation/countelpro arena to see for myself what they were doing.

It all started by watching Richard Dolan's presentation (which was great btw) at the camelot conference, , and from there I listened to a few other presentations and camelot interviews. Anyway without going into details and to keep to the point it became clear to me by how I felt, that I had touched something which had affected my clarity for want of a better word. I had started to feel lethargic, but at the same time felt compelled to keep on 'reviewing' the stuff in the interests of better 'understanding'.

It took me quite a while before I realised that it was affecting my frequency and the items presented were starting to make some sense. And then it dawned on me how insidious is the ponerisation process. :evil:
I would not have thought that I could be 'taken in' so smoothly after all this time. It was not that I wasn't aware if you see what I mean, it was that the frequency of that stuff was increasing my 'gravity' and I found myself in a strange and lifeless lethargy.

The point I am coming to is as Mr M says there are A and B influences, there are also it seems to me E :evil: influences, designed specifically to lower personal frequency. So in the end I came to the conclusion that to interact with these other frequencies we (I) need to be strong in order to not be affected by them.

I also started to get a better understanding of interactions with the minor petty tyrants, until I can be unaffected by these petty tyrants we are all surrounded by, then I should not venture into deeper water.
I believed (self importantly) that I would not be affected by such things but over time I was and it took me a week to get back to feeling more like myself.

Does this make sense, in the terms of reading Lavey.

The Lavey statements seem to me to be a declaration that the material is all there is, and any other approach to life is weakness.
But wait kids, theeeeeeres more!! Let's have a look at chapter two (apologies in advance for the length, but i want to show you if you've never read)

1. Behold the crucifix; what does it symbolize? Pallid incompetence hanging
on a tree.
2. I question all things. As I stand before the festering and varnished facades
of your haughtiest moral dogmas, I write thereon in letters of blazing
scorn: Lo and behold; all this is fraud!
3. Gather around me, Oh! ye death-defiant, and the earth itself shall be thine,
to have and to hold!
4. Too long the dead hand has been permitted to sterilize living thought!
5. Too long right and wrong, good and evil have been inverted by false
6. No creed must be accepted upon authority of a "divine" nature. Religions
must be put to the question. No moral dogma must be taken for granted -
no standard of measurement deified. There is nothing inherently sacred
about moral codes. Like the wooden idols of long ago, they are the work of
human hands, and what man has made, man can destroy!
7. He that is slow to believe anything and everything is of great
understanding, for belief in one false principle is the beginning of all
8. The chief duty of every new age is to upraise new men to determine its
liberties, to lead it towards material success - to rend the rusty padlocks
and chains of dead custom that always prevent healthy expansion.
Theories and ideas that may have meant life and hope and freedom for our
ancestors may now mean destruction, slavery, and dishonor to us!
9. As environments change, no human ideal standeth sure!
10.Whenever, therefore, a lie has built unto itself a throne, let it be assailed
without pity and without regret, for under the domination of an
inconvenient falsehood, no one can prosper.
11. Let established sophisms be dethroned, rooted out, burnt and destroyed,
for they are a standing menace to all true nobility of thought and action!
12.Whatever alleged "truth" is proven by results to be but an empty fiction, let
it be unceremoniously flung into the outer darkness, among the dead gods,
dead empires, dead philosophies, and other useless lumber and wreckage!
13. The most dangerous of all enthroned lies is the holy, the sanctified, the
privileged lie the lie everyone believes to be a model truth. It is the fruitful
mother of all other popular errors and delusions. It is a hydra-headed tree
of unreason with a thousand roots. It is a social cancer!
14. The lie that is known to be a lie is half eradicated, but the lie that even
intelligent persons accept as fact - the lie that has been inculcated in a little
child at its mother's knee - is more dangerous to contend against than a
creeping pestilence! statement one is pretty obvious, i think.
Statement 2 is contradictory because of what it implies and i think it might even be a lie of
ommission. I think it should say, "I question all things, aside from the material world, and
what i can percieve with my senses."
statement 6 is again, contradictory because lavey is asking others to believe soley in HIS
doctrine, HIS way of thinking.

Statement 7 almost makes me laugh, could it not be that satanism contains "false principles"???
shouldn't satanism itself come into question because of this principle of believing nothing
without material proof??

The whole book is a contorted mess of contradictions and half-truths...just as bad as
christianity and their bible, their version of absolute truth.

Statement 9 evokes a powerful "DUUUUUUUH!"

statement 10 again, making me laugh because satanism itself is "a lie built unto itself a throne."

statement 15, in my opinion, takes the flippin' cake. Lavey is actually giving some good
advice here..."popular lies have ever been the most potent enemies of personal liberty."
But then the third sentence in this statement says "exterminate" as in "kill", it brings
forth the "us versus them" concept in. STS all the way.

But surely, any of us who's gotten to the point of being able to discern to any degree
won't even really need to know what the rest of the book or "bible" says, it's the same
junk over and over again. I mean, sure, read it if you must, half the book is this
mumbo jumbo "we're so much better than everyone else", the other half is rituals
and hypnotic poetic sewage.

So there is something extra that i thought i'd add just for fun! corrections, comments,
compaints, are welcome as usual.
Thanks abstract, I enjoyed the read. Never read that before. I ended up thinking, Wow, Lavey could be persuasive to an ignorant person that could be a seeker. I can't blame the sick leaders for what they are and I can't blame the ignorantly lazy people who refuse to think for themselves.

My gramma told me the best lie contains a shard of truth.

:evil: :evil: :evil:
Al Today said:
My gramma told me the best lie contains a shard of truth.

And Fulcanelli said:
“Illusion often adorns itself with the diadem of truth.” - The Dwellings of the Philosophers
Without putting a lot of thought into this, I must admit there is truth in what Lavey stipulates above. The question that comes to mind is where does one go from here? What does one choose to do with knowledge?

I'm reminded of the Cs stating that there are enlightened beings who are STS.

The preeminence given to self:

Satan represents indulgence, instead of abstinence!

Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical,
mental, or emotional gratification!

I break away from all conventions that do not lead to my earthly success
and happiness.

along with defining humans merely as physical beings:

Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more
often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his "divine
spiritual and intellectual development", has become the most vicious
animal of all!

pretty much sums up his orientation.
Anton Levey's Church of Satan was the starting point. Michael Aquino and The Temple Of Set broke off from them and wanted to go beyond those concepts. I spent about a week reading all of Aquino's work which includes a full history of The Church Of Satan and The Temple of Set. The Temple of Set is actually a group much like this one only gearned differntly. The focus on Xepher- Becomming, as oppsoed to Being.

Aquino is every bit as verbose and well read as Laura and approaced things from a very intellectual standpoint. He viewed The Church Of Satan as the indulgence needed to go beyond the mandated by society belief structures initially ( Sinning For Salvation, is what they call it) but realized it would be detrimental to remain there.

The idea from what I can tell is a desire not to merge with a godhead or anything or anyone of any kind, but to focus enough energy to individuate and remain seperate and become your own God.

In an amazing way alot of the the ideas put forth throughout there are very similar to here but like I said the focus is different and they break off into differnt guilds.

It is excellent reading though for learnings sake.

I am not supporting their ideas or endorsing them, but there is much more to this than is outlined in this thread and I wanted to point it out to those interested.
It is a STS version of our group if you want to grok it.
I also want to add, if you want to view a scarier froup of Black Sorcerers, look here: _
They are another STS esoteric group

<snipped extensive quote of schizoidal rant>
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